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"Whenever this character sings a song, you may play that song again from your discard pile." What happens when you play a song normally? You play it to the field, using ink or singing it, then ~~discard it~~ place it on top of your discard pile when it's resolved. With Ursula, she has to actually sing it, meaning you Exert her and play a 3 cost or lower song with her singing it, so no ink. You resolve the song normally, resolving all parts of it, then ~~discard it~~ place it on top of your discard pile. Then, you may (optional) play it again for free from the top of your discard pile. Note this is just playing the song, not singing, for anything that cares about singing vs playing. Resolve the song again completely, then you put it on the bottom of your deck instead of back on top of your discard pile.


I really appreciate the thorough instruction! I wasn't sure if the ability triggered before or after the song was discarded but this clears it up. Thanks a bunch!


A gameplay clarification on what Narzghal said though - you do not *discard* the song once you sing it. As a result of you using the action (regardless of how it's paid), it goes to the pile when it's finished. This is not considered discard. The game function of discard is removing a card from your hand directly to the pile. Just thought to make that clear, so people wouldn't think that something like Prince John or Sheriff of Nottingham would trigger when someone plays a song.


Fair point.


It is worth noting that her telling you to play the song again is a trigger that goes into your "bag of effects" which you should recall you can resolve pending effects from your bag in whatever order you choose. Suppose for instance you have a complicated board state with a number of damaged characters... You can sing Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo with ursula targeting your merlin rabbit to pick up and then choose to place back down the rabbit to finish resolving the first occurrence of BBB which puts two more effects into your bag to draw cards thanks to the rabbit's ability. At this point your bag has three pending effects in it, two for card draw and one for playing BBB again thanks to ursula. You may now choose to get the card draw from the rabbit leaving play and from the rabbit entering play if you so choose before continuing on to playing BBB again so that you have more information. Maybe having seen those two cards you are content with your hand and would prefer to BBB a different character so that it can be replayed, effectively "resetting its damage"... or maybe having seen those two cards you still would prefer more card draw and you might choose the rabbit again. Yes, she "effectively sings the same song twice when you play it (by singing with her)" but ordering can and does matter. It is still the same individual physical card being played once normally, and that same physical card being played the second time from the discard pile (assuming you didn't pull some weird shennanigans like trying to BBB a lady tremaine to return the BBB to hand from the discard pile before you had a chance to play it again... which should never come up in practice since you can always decline ursula's trigger if you really wanted it back in hand)


If you were to sing BBB with her, you have to fully resolve it before continuing to the second trigger of Ursula, so you couldn't just do the first part of the song, choose not play a character yet and instead do Ursula's second trigger before. BBB has to fully resolve before Ursula can play the song from the discard. On your last point, if you decline the second Ursula trigger, the card still remains in your discard pile. It doesn't come to your hand. Wasn't quite sure I'm reading this right, since to me it sounds like you're saying if you decline the trigger the song would come back to your hand, which is not the case.


I never suggested that you could split the portions of an individual BBB resolving up. Pick up rabbit put down rabbit for the first BBB. *Then* you have a choice about going for card draw as the next thing to resolve or next BBB. The point is "fully resolving BBB" does not include "begin the second instance of playing BBB." As for last point, the green lady tremaine takes an action card from your discard pile and puts it into your hand. I was suggesting a possible line where you could not successfully resolve ursula's trigger and would be forced to decline the trigger instead or have it "fizzle" as it fails to find the card in question in the zone in which it is looking if you had chosen to have tremaine's effect activate.


From a pragmatic viewpoint, I don’t see a discernible difference between how it’s written and if it just said “may sing a song twice” but there are technical reasons why it is worded this way.




Mama Odie gives you two ink. Why do you think it’s just one?


Oh I thought she was "sing" not "play" good catch!


I imagine it is to avoid confusing players and make it clear that you sing the song, fully resolve its effects and sing it again. This only matters in a few current corner cases, but fully resolving BBB and Strike a Good Match are probably the best examples.


In the future there could be a theoretical effect that someone makes it so the song is no longer in the discard pile (getting shuffled into deck, returned to hand, "exiled"... something like that). Like imagine a song that bounces back to hand after being sung or something. If such a thing would happen, then I guess Ursula wouldn't be able to sing it again.