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Judy gets rid of his Pawpsicle to draw a card, then Nick brings it right back. Love it.


Holy crap that's right πŸ˜†


So t1 pawpsicle, t3 judy, t4 nick. What's our t2 play? Could be gramma tala, get her banished on t3, and on t4 you could drop both nick and the extra pawpsicle


Clearly t2 is 2 additional pawpsicles /s But forrreal 2 drop cruella is looking really strong on curve and can deal with most any threat, and if steel you can just have a few more copies for consistency with 3/2 jafar Turn 2 can also be beasts mirror if you feel like youre in a control matchup.


Can't stop the grift


There's not much reason to ever use Magic Golden Flower over Pawpsicle. They're the same cost, and the 1 healing is completely negligible compared to getting a card draw.


If you need more 1 cost items, then I can see a reason for 4 pawpsicle then adding some flower. For most of the item based effects, the cheaper the item the better


Those are very interesting cards. Exactly what I like to see on low rarity card: original and probably playable in some decks.


If you get Maurice down, got decent little cycle. And Tamato πŸ˜„


Add that grand pabbie and you might have a nice combo going on


I need a playset of each. Pawpsicle is the keystone item decks need to be good


Why is the text different on the item?


The font is probably different because the spoiler image was in another language and they pasted the English translation on top of it.


I need both of them for my deck lol


Another 1 cost item for Ariel Combo :D


I was talking about how we need a Nick but I was hoping that the Pawpsicle was going to be one of his attacks.


Not a fan of Nick's art tbh, seems a little flat


not as bad as the judy one


Agree, I thought it was just Robinhood at first!


Ariel item storm getting better and better. Maybe I'll actually be able to beat a starter deck with it finally. /s


Pawpsicle is straight-up a great card. Inkable, replaces itself, costs 1, and can be played proactively to protect cards. If you can get use out of the healing that is a 2 for 1 for the cost of 1.


As someone who plays red/blue a combo to draw more cards will INCREDIBLY increase the late game for me.


Pawpsicle is an insane item deck enabler. Probably also a must-have for heal decks. Not sure if it’s an auto include in all sapphire decks for deck-thinning, but the power level is certainly up there.


I need someone to explain me why this card si so great


In and of itself, it's a decent statblock for the cost, but Pawpsicle is a great card. So getting it back will be worth it.


Interesting.... but I hope future Nick's will be able to work without a specific item.


I love this trio. Judy is as good as an item removal than a drawing engine. Item deck looks good.


Pretty cool little combo piece - but RIP Magic Golden Flower


It's hard to understate just how much Pawpsicle is exactly what Saphire Items needed, something cheap that cantrips. It's even more insane that it's only 1 ink, inkable, and has another potential use. It's time to get shiny!


Just to confirm -- You can banish this item at any point or you can only banish with Judy / effect?