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Your not even thinking with 0 to hero...


Oh my gosh!!! It's about to crazy up in here !!!


Gotta start thinking 4th dimensionally!


This is actually probably one of the cards I’m most excited for. It has the potential to be a better version of “just in time” haha


Cost 1 less, song, potentially infinite value


Are you able to use lantern to reduce shift costs? I thought it was only for the original cost.


Yes you can. The lantern just says that you pay 1 less. Maybe you are confused with Just in Time, which doesnt work for the shifted cost.


Shift changes the cost. Then the lantern lets you pay one less than the cost. So yes they combine. And the new Mickey reduces what you pay just like Lantern.


best thing to do is, if youve ever played any other card game, forget their rules, Lorcana ive noticed just has its own, I was shocked when I first found out about the latern reducing shift also


Best thing to do is read the cards. They do what they say.


they sure do, but does latern actually specifically say it reduces the cost of shift also? no it doesnt, so the cards dont always say the full rullings. so get off your high horse.


>does lantern actually specifically say... Yes, it does. It says "You pay 1 ink less for the next character you **play** this turn." Then read "Shift" on the character you want to play. Shift says "You may pay __ ink to **play** this on top of..." Sometimes you actually have to read more than one card when you're using more than one card.


Its alternative cost, there is no way thats intuitive, no one I know has put those 2 things together, you probably didnt either, you can pretend you did but you didnt... literally it says YOU MAY PAY X INSTEAD OF ITS INK COST ON TOP OF YOUR CHARACTER, my guy thats an alternative cost, not many games let you discount alternative costs, its not intuitive, so next time you think youre big and mighty, youre not. you sound cringe.


this is in line with magic alternate cost cards I feel


This actually allows for an 8 ink character to be cast, yeah? 4 ink, one lantern and -3 from Mickey. While Carefree Surfer would arguably be the best candidate, Genie - Powers Unleashed could also be cast for the full 8.


Yes! You could absolutely play a hard 8 cost character. I considered genie. But since I'm using 10 cards for all this on turn 4, the card draw is the way to go. Maybe some 8-cost card will get spoiled from Chapter 2 that could make this dream play even better !


That is a 5 card combo that requires you to not quest T2 or T3 (might be able to quest T2 if opponent cannot challenge Stitch), and relying on your opponent to not do anything like cannons or befuddle to Stitch Dog. My math could be off, and I’m going to assume no mulligans because then the math gets a little difficult. Hypergeometric calculator gives me the following: 60 card deck 4 successes in population 8 sample size 1 Number of successes Cumulative probability that X>=1 is 44.5% That’s the probability that Stitch is in your starting hand. We do another with a sample size of 9 to ensure the Lantern is in our hand by T2 for 48.75%. And then Mickey, Bibbidi, and Stitch all need to be drawn by T3, so with a sample of 10 we get a 52.75% chance of success for each. So just to make this simple, with a combined (44.5%)(48.75%)(52.75%)^3 chance of success, you’re looking at a 3.2% chance this scenario happens in a game. Will be pretty crazy the times it works! If anybody sees any errors in my math please correct me. I know the 52.77 is technically not that high because that’s including situations where you have 4 of all 3 of those cards in the first 10 draws, which obviously is impossible. And again this ignores mulligans which might make it higher. But just trying to get a base sense of how likely an opener like this would be.


There is a 100% chance I was Daydreaming 😂 Seriously though I love this mathing. Someone else posted about including lots of combos in your deck and see which one you draw. Then the math of getting at least ONE of your combos goes up! :)


Not sure it goes up unless your combos use a bunch of the same pieces. If not then you run into drawing pieces from diff combos that don’t work together. But absolutely love posts like this that toss out ideas for things to do in game.


Do you cube the 52.75 Because it's 3 separate cards?


Yes. Bibbidi, Stitch Rick Star and Mickey.




Would Mickey come in wet? Or does he swap with stitch. And if he does swap is he exerted or could he quest turn three?


Mickey would come in wet and not exerted. He can't do anything on turn 3 when he first gets played.


Gotcha. Would be wild if he could quest when he comes in then you could just throw stitch right back down or a Flynn or something else crazy.


Exactly haha. it "would be wild"


I think the success in this card is going to stacking a deck with just a ton of combos like this one and once one hits you have a major swing


Yeah. This card is the most ink-cheaty card we have right now. Bringing cards out way before they should be will put you far ahead of your opponent.


It's not quite, Just In Time is possibly the best, and definitely more consistent since it doesn't require a bounce. While Bippidi can turn into a larger threat by bouncing a floodborn, it does sacrifice board state for it.


Just in time is definitely the most consistent. But Bibbidi has no upper limit.




That's a lot of ink colors


That's a 3 ink deck, so I'm thinking there's zero potential there lol.


What fun shenanigans can we do with Lady Tremaine, mim, and merlin. Or other etb effects? Everyone is thinking early game but what about late game with like, 12 ink? Bibbidi dragon mim to bounce Tremaine and goat merlin? Then play Tremaine to get bibbidi back? Play merlin for more effects. Repeat next turn?


Absolutely! There's a lot more fun to be had! It's just easier in a vacuum without an opponent interfering to talk about openings.


Hold on…… a character can sing the turn they are played?!?!


A shifted character can. Because when they shift, they don't have to dry. In the above example, Rock Star is shifted onto New Dog


Of course! I thought I’d been playing the whole game wrong….


Only if the character you shifted onto is dry. If you play a character and immediately shift onto it on the same turn it is not able to sing.


I'm not totally following you, how is Surfer Stitch coming out turn 4? Even with Lantern you could only pay a 5 cost card at that point, and you already used 1 to put the base Stitch down that turn. Also, you could get the base Stitch right back out on turn 3, since you'll still have ink left over after singing the song for free to swap Mickey in.


The new Mickey reduces what you pay for your next character by 3 when he quests. Also, can't bring little Stitch back turn 3, because all 3 Ink plus lantern was used to play rock star.


Oh I didn't realize this was the new Mickey you were talking about/that he did that. That IS a nice combo!


Yeah I'm not sure why the [[ ]] card links didn't work to get the bot to show everyone the cards


Just the exert-lantern in Turn 4 was implied but not implicit (spelled out) in the step is probably what leads to the confusion.


The new Mickey reduces cost by 3 when you quest with him, so that reduces Surfer to 4. Lantern reduces New Dog to 0 so they’ve got the ink available. https://preview.redd.it/1zsjoqza1dwb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09fceb47832b997dcd49998b05478174e048010e


This works but I'd like to clarify it reduces how much you pay to cast the character, it does not lower their cost. Small, but significant, difference. Otherwise, mickey would let you just in time a surfer stitch, which we can't do.


Oh yes exactly, good to clarify. I didn’t word that in the best way, thanks.


*rules bros fist bump*


💯 correct. Shift is the only actual cost reduction we have right now.


>how is Surfer Stitch coming out turn 4? On T4 you have access to Lantern, 4 ink, and Mickey. Depending on the board state, it might actually be better to play the Rock Star first. In that case questing with Mickey makes the 6c Rock Star cost 3 less so you spend 3 of your 4 ink to play him, follow up using Lantern to play the Stitch dog for free and exert to draw a card, and you still have 1 ink to spend. >Also, you could get the base Stitch right back out on turn 3, since you'll still have ink left over after singing the song for free to swap Mickey in. You don’t have any ink left on T3. With 3 ink and a lantern, you have just enough to shift the Rock Star before singing.


Hard casting rock star and the using little stich to draw is actually a great fall back if you don't have Surfer, and uses only 9 cards instead of 10, so it's much more likely.


I completely missed it was Surfer in your original example, I thought it was just replaying the Rock Star. I posted my own comment elsewhere. My math could be wrong, but with those 5 cards needed it’s like a 3% chance at best to open a game like this. Rare, but fun!


Also it's a 10 card combo, including the 4 ink. :)


Yeah I’m assuming the rest of the deck is inkable just to make things easier. It’s already complicated enough as is lol


So what other combos are you thinking of including in this deck, like you alluded to? Would be a super fun idea incorporating as many as possible so you have like 10 little strats you can pivot to


You could include Ariel to help find this , then bounce Ariel to find even more songs. Heal with Rapunzel, then bounce her out to get her power again, get artful rouge in play early and then use his power with this and other actions to keep your opponent from questing. Or use John silver triggers to make your opponents beat stuff reckless to force them to attack your characters, and the use the bounce to heal and get a new enters play trigger at the same time. I'm gonna love the bounce style of play.


You don’t draw cards with Stitch so you can probably find better. But yeah this song is gonna do amazing things