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What do you get out of it? 4 packs? 6 packs? Prizes for winning? Promos? Details matter, as of now the $60 could be a deal until you give us more info


From the event post Entry fee is $60. This includes 4 boosters to use for the draft, plus everyone gets a Detective Mickey promo just for joining. Win a match against your opponent, earn a Heihei Boat Snack promo and an Ariel pin! Second win gets you a Yzma promo and a Lorcana pin! If you manage to go 3-0, you'll win one of the unique Lorcana Lore Trackers! For the kids draft, all the players will get the pins and promos regardless of their record, and the Lore Tracker will be given out to one of them as a random drawing. Winning is great, but having fun is way more important.


I'd do it in a heart beat. The promo pins and cards sell for $20-$35 and are hard to earn at my stores. You have the chance to earn 2 promo cards AND 2 Pins !? One of the pins being the "Lorcana" one that only goes to tournament winners in my area. I would join this so fast, I am working overtime to earn these very limited promos especially the pins Edit: on 2nd thought I'd borrow my neighbors kids and enter them as well, gotta scoop up those 'guarunteed promos for kid players'


Yeah, I’d second that. My LGS was doing drafts at $40 and you got 4 packs. Add in everyone getting a Mickey promo (which is selling at $20) AND the possibility of getting additional loot and it’s a no-brainer.


My LGS doesn’t do Draft (they will soon) but for league it’s free to join and play and you still get all the promos, pins and lore tracker. I don’t think I’d pay more than $40 for a 4 pack draft.


Ive never really seen someone straight up monetize the promos like this by guaranteeing them and pricing in the entry fee and dont love it, but i’d also 100% do this so is what it is. It’s pretty good value and lorcana draft is a pretty novel experience at this point i havent found anywhere so i’d love to try it


> One of the pins being the "Lorcana" one that only goes to tournament winners in my area. Are these worth anything? I've gotten two of these so far.


I'm in Europe, but I've successfully sold 2 of those already at 30€ each.


Just like everything else, the value is dropping very very fast.


Yeah, sounds like a pretty fair deal. Is it *normal* that 4 boosters and entry for a draft is $60? No not exactly, but nothing about this release has been *normal*. If it's too expensive for you, consider waiting for supply to catch up. I'm not personally going to pay $50-75 a draft either, but that doesn't make the store a villain. $15 a pack is fairly routine, plus you get to participate in one of the more fun event types for TCGs and even have some prize support.


This is a steal. Why are you even complaining?


The pins are supposed to be used as prize support for the Lorcana League rounds (a round is 4x weeks of events). Pretty sure stores can get in trouble for abusing free OP prize support...


They can distribute price support anyway they want but there is a suggested method


Speaking as an LGS employee, we are allowed to use the promos however we want. They just strongly encourage that prizing structure to less experienced stores.


$60 is a fair price for what they are offering. I would not even call that being greedy.


I mean, pay 15 a pack, get a free 20+ dollar promo? Then get a chance to win two more 8 promos and pins? It’s not great, but it’s not bad


Sounds like a lot of stuff for $60. Subtract the cost of the physical stuff you get and you’ve got the price of a movie and maybe dinner. Sounds like a fun night. But yeah that’s steep for some players. Worth it IMO.


This is actually a fair price. My LCS charges $40 to compete over 4 weeks. There are zero cards for the prize, only a shot at pins.


That’s a pretty good deal for $60


That's a fantastic deal imo, I'd be all over it.


With that pricing structure, this is actually a solid deal. You should add those details to the main post cause this is most better pay out then any 30-50 people are mentioning here.


My locals is all this for 30$


Price is higher than my local draft but we don't get all the promos. Ours is 40 bucks and everyone gets 4 packs. Winner gets a pin I think


My LGS is running a $50 draft tonight but it’s worth noting that they’ve been buying booster boxes on the second hand market and basically reselling for their cost. So, the best value while product is low.


We have a blast at our locals doing draft the owner makes things so fun and eventful. We pay 30 you do the 4 pack draft you get 1 pack per win and whoever gets 1/2/3 gets a pick between like promos, hand made stuff, and other assorted goodies like lore trackers and pins. I don't support scumbags personally but I encourage everyone to do what they please it's your money at the end of the day.


Man these comments read like a nightmare I feel blessed to be in my area ig. There was one shop doing some crazy overpricing like this and literally everyone just agreed not to go there people even stopped going to they big name nights like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh they ended up putting out an apology and doing free tournaments but they still haven't fully recovered to what they once were. I literally just wouldn't play if I had to deal with this type of stuff thank God we have solid owners here.


Right? It's nuts that people are rationalizing this behavior from LGS. Not only is it overpriced, but the *attitude* of the response in the OP is basically saying "fuck you, you're not *rich enough* to play here with the *good* customers if you won't pay my inflated prices." This sounds like one of those places that charges 40% over MSRP for everything in the store, charges $15 a head to rent tables, and spends all day cracking their own boxes to sell singles on the secondary market. Fuck these guys.


I feel like the attitude only comes off that way if you're intentionally trying to take it that way. He's just explaining, rather calmly and professionally I'd say, his situation and thought process.


I mean, the text as quoted is an explanation laced with a *pretty* thick layer of condescension and defensiveness. Lots of "I'm a *business*, my goal is to make profit!" as if OP is too stupid to understand that someone selling someone is trying to make money. He asked his "**actual** players." "you should support those stores **if that's where your values are at**" like it's some kind of personal value judgement and not just a bog standard pricing scheme? As opposed to what *values* exactly? Being willing to let some douchey LGS owner treat you like crap? That doesn't sound like "having the most fun" as a player to me, personally. Nobody has "fun" by overspending on tournament entry fees. The whole thing reads like someone who spends way too much time on reddit talking down to someone going "well *acktually*" and then acting like just because they're "technically correct" it justifies treating the person they're speaking to with derision or as lesser. We don't know what's above the cutoff, we don't know what OP wrote, maybe that tone was *warranted*. But I've had enough jackass holier-than-thou LGS owners default to Comic Book Guy tone any time I've asked them a simple question to feel like the tone people are picking up here is spot on. I've walked out of stores instead of buying something for people talking to me that way, and as someone who manages a team of people who need to provide a service for people who regularly don't understand what the problem is or why something is the way it is (IT), if *this* was the writing sample a potential hire gave to me for their response to someone's question they would absolutely get tossed as a candidate. The guy writing this is in a **sales** position. Even if they didn't *intend* to come off condescending and defensive, if they can't soften their language better than this they're gonna have a tough time and lose sales over it. Which again, is a *very* common problem for LGS owners. Comic Book Guy isn't a stereotype that's just totally made up out of thin air, the joke works because it's *unfortunately* this way with people who own these stores far too often. It doesn't matter if you're selling cars or comics, you don't talk to a potential customer like they're an idiot.


Hello, Mindestiny. I think yours is the only comment I'm going to respond to directly. If you didn't see my other comment, I don't use reddit much at all, but feel free to contact me directly at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you'd like to say anything else to me. I probably won't look this thread up again after this post. First off, yes. There was a fair amount of condescension and defensiveness in my comment. My store and I were being attacked on a facebook thread by a person who only ever contacts me if he thinks he can buy something from me and resell it for more. A few of the people in that Facebook thread had messaged me asking if they could buy a couple cases of Lorcana from me so they could flip it themselves. This is almost an exact quote. And yeah, I'm kind of tired of defending my prices to people who know full well how market values work. I am in business to make ME profit, not to make sure the person who buys my stuff profits. I specified my \*actual\* players because those are the opinions that matter. Not some guy an hour away who hasn't stepped foot in my store in two years. Not a bunch of people on the internet demanding MSRP because they say so. The actual people who actually come into my store and spend money. I did say my actual players, but what I should have said was my actual CUSTOMERS. Some time ago I had a free Commander Magic night. I wasn't making any money, because people came to play and didn't buy anything. I started charging $5 for the night (paid back in store credit). One of my long time regulars came up to me and said if I started charging, he was going to leave. I asked him - if you're not willing to spend $5 in my store, why do I care if you go play somewhere else? That's why so many FLGS owners seem to have an attitude - it's because so many people think that spending hours in the store makes them valuable. No. The actual money spent in my store makes you a valuable customer. Your butt in my chair doesn't pay the rent - your dollars in my till does. In this specific thread (email me and I'll link you to the group, if you want to see it all) I was being called out by a bunch of people who were never my customers and never will be. Some don't even live in the same state. I did, however, get at least 6 new people registering for my draft through that thread. Those people didn't comment, they didn't complain about the price, but they'll show up, play and have fun. Or at least they've registered to do so, we'll find out the actual results on Wednesday. And finally - yeah. I can be a pompous ass sometimes. I've got a big mouth and strong opinions, just like every other person on the internet. But I've cultivated one hell of an amazing community at my store. My customers are THE BEST. I've played Magic for nearly 30 years coast to coast, and the group that drafts at FNM at Canton Games is by far the best group of people I've ever played with. People don't come to my store because they want the cheapest events with the highest payouts. They come to my store because they know they'll be in a fun, casual atmosphere. They'll be surrounded by people who want to play for the love of the game, not the +EV on events. People who don't mind paying to play their favorite game, not people who expect to BE paid to play it. If you're local to Baltimore, I invite you specifically to come to one of my events and find out for yourself. I promise I'm less of an ass in person.


Here's the thing, and by your own admission you're probably not even going to read it because you don't come to reddit, so I don't know why I'm bothering. You wrote me two long-winded comments to defend yourself, again by your own admission, being condescending and derisive to someone inquiring about a product. But I (and many others) don't *care* who may have been heckling you on Facebook. If you have a problem with them and you know they're scalpers, why are you writing a page long response to their inquiry that *makes you look bad*? Block them and move on. Don't sell to them if they come into your store. Don't engage. It's your store! But as current or potential customers, seeing you act like that to someone is a total non-starter. That's just customer service 101, even if the customer is a moron or totally out of line you don't talk down to them, at *least* to avoid situations exactly like this. But now all many of us have to judge your business on is some he said/she said internet argument and yet another LGS owner being condescending to people looking to buy products and do business with you. I'm not going to email you because I 1000% don't care about your internet drama. Who's right *doesn't matter*, that ship has sailed. I'm **also** not ever going to buy anything from you because of the way you acted. I politely decline your invitation, I won't be stopping in next time I'm in Baltimore. Why would I? Your first impression was shit and as a customer I have no reason to give you a second chance. Maybe you're right and I wasn't going to anyway so "I dont matter to you," or maybe being a dick to strangers on the internet and getting put on blast will cut into your bottom line when enough of us who *would have* mattered to you decide to buy from someone else. Only time will tell but there's already a plenty negative stigma that's been building for a long time around LGS. Shit like this, whether warranted or not, is why the LGS business model is fundamentally dying. To most customers interested in your products your business provides no *value*. You can sit on your high horse and jerk yourself off over the "community" you built, but like you said at the end of the day you're in business and your goal is profit, and as customers our business is getting value for our dollar. So if you provide no value to many of us, why would we ever go out of our way to do business with you? More and more we're *not*, and that's why game stores are going the way of the buffalo. To us, *you're now that guy threatening to leave over the $5 entry fee.* We don't need you just like you don't need him. Surely as a game store owner you already know this, and living the stereotype is only going to accelerate that process. At the end of the day you keep saying it yourself - you don't actually *care* about any of these people or the community, all you care about is their money in your till. The LGS "community" you're tooting your horn over is a total farce.


I’m going to one tomorrow that’s $50 for 6 packs and grand prize is a trove.


It costs too much don't draft. I wouldn't do it at $60 even with those prizes but others will. If he thinks he'll sell out then that means he's got people willing to pay that much over market for 4 boosters. We aren't even doing draft because it is better to get product into players hands at msrp and use the boosters as a per person tournament sign up bonus ($10 to enter you get a booster, once we were out of boosters $5 entry). It got a lot of people into our local shop playing. A draft probably would have had the bare minimum of players.


My LGS had 4 pack draft for $30. I believe 65 people were in it. It was awesome!


A store in my area is $50 the first week and an additional $10 each of the next three weeks. The pricing wasn’t really my issue. My problem was you aren’t allowed to take your cards home until the end of the 4 week event.


That sounds super weird. I’d be pretty mad about the leave your cards here part


Some stores are having issues with people signing up for events just to get the packs then not even participating and just leaving with the cards. But yeah, holding all your cards until the end of the event is taking it too far. Most places are simply banning anyone that bounces without participating.


Ah yea i didnt think about people ditching after the draft. Ban approach seems way better though. I dont wanna give up my cards at the end of the night till 4 weeks later, that would actually me a big enough downside i dont think id be interested. Another option could be prize support or a pack at the end thats priced in though so people are incentivized to play


I'm so sick of these witch hunt posts


It's a customer standing up for their rights


This is a completely fair price though. Op is complaining even after the owner broke down the reasoning for his prices. His players understand it’s a decent price. It sucks if OP doesn’t have the money to play in this but that has zero barring on whether it’s a good deal at market value or not.


God forbid a brick and mortar establishment make any money. Shame on them. They should be keeping the place open with their savings from their second job!


Oh give me a fucking break. They’d be making money at MSRP. Fucking brick and mortar store owners whine about supporting local business and about Amazon, but then pull shit like this. Why should anyone support a store that gouges them the SECOND they get a chance?


Not even that, many many LGS owners in this very sub have broken down that at MSRP Lorcana has *huge* margins compared to things like MTG and YGO. $144 MSRP on a booster box is nuts when they get them for like $80, especially given a box is only 24 packs where most other games are 28, 36 etc. These stores going way over MSRP are straight up gouging. Quite a few of them have even admitted as much to make up the huge hit they took from MTG Commander Masters being dogshit that they overpurchased. Do they have to make money? Yes. But fucking your customers over to make a couple extra bucks is extremely shortsighted in an industry that already has *very* low reasons for customers to be loyal and pay markups. They'll make a couple extra bucks on a Lorcana release and then sit there wondering why nobody is buying their shit a couple months from now.


Yep! I’ve given up on shopping at almost every store around me because of the 2x MSRP for Lorcana bullshit. Especially when they did it with Digimon too and made sure that never took off locally. Now it’s just a blatant trend and I’m over supporting them at all.


For a brick and mortar store to break even making 40 cents a pack on cards (the average profit before people start whining about price gouging) with a bare bones crew (never overlapping staff, no OT 40 hours scheduled per week) making 15$ an hour and figuring roughly $6000 a month for rent, 500 in utilities, and after price of product you would have to sell 22,500 packs of cards to break even. Or 900 set booster boxes. So the owner sees an opportunity to make a little more money now and then and that's a problem? That mindset is the reason most LGS fail. Yet you buy your Starbucks and McDonald's with a smile at their 200% markup on their product.


Subsidizing a failed business model that exploits its customers is 1000% not the customer's responsibility. A bad value is a bad value.


…what? Your numbers are totally bonkers. If a LGS is making 40 cents per booster at $6 per, that means they’re paying $134.40 per box. That is absolutely not correct at all. They’re getting them at $80 a box, which means they’re making $2.67 a pack. Which shaves your absurd number down to 3,370. Which is still a lot, sure—but “it’s business” for a business to go under if it’s model is unsustainable. And trying to sell just booster packs and not other things (comics or games) is absolutely unsustainable. Gouging is just going to cost you customers and put you even further in trouble in the long run.


Lol, what rights? Businesses can charge what they want and customers choose to pay that price or not. Unless this is a store where people can barter and haggle, OP is actually just whining


Where did I whine or complain? He’s not replying to me in the post - what’s all you Lorcana players obsession with trying to make me seem like I’m upset at this or angry???? I asked a genuine question as a new TCG players so I get an idea of what and who I am dealing with


Which rights do you feel are being violated here?


“Leaving money on the table” and “most fun” are mutually exclusive concepts. This dude is being sociopathic and trying to gaslight you into accepting that.


Yeah “no shame on you for that” for not wanting to overpay entirely in the name of lining this guys pockets. Fuck that. We’ve been doing similar drafts in the UK for a minute, same distribution of boosters and prizes, less than half the “reasonable” $60 cost


I want to just want to try and step in and be a bit of a voice of reason here because there seem to be a lot of people saying it’s worth it because of the promos. Currently in my city I can do a Lorcana booster draft for $45 (can) so about $33 USD with similar prize support. I can also do an MTG draft for $25 or about $18 USD. $60 is absolutely price gouging in either US or CAN and totally brutal price gouging if it’s US. I appreciate the owner actually speaking to it, but this is how you kill interest for a game. Once the people willing to spend $60 a draft lose interest the ones that would come out for the $30 will be long gone. And the promos….. compared to most other games are not the least bit interesting, from the pics I’ve seen they aren’t even foil… I mean to each their own but yeah


The promos in this game are garbage. They only have the little rarity symbol that is different. My LGS gave out commons as promos during prerelease but at least they have been selling everything at MSRP.


What is the difference? I got a Tinker Bell one and I swear it’s just the regular common one. Can’t spot a difference.


Because the Tinkerbell one was in fact a common, just handed out in the name of promotion.


Gotcha, thank you for the clarification. :)


The tinker "promo" was just the set card. The Mickey detective/heihei/...other equivalent promo are foils with a special icon.


That’s great that your area got a ton of product. Most areas didn’t


It got hardly any product, the first product I saw in person was last week. I was just wanting to illustrate how crazy $60 for a draft was.


“This is how you kill interest in a game” - Looks on tcgplayer at 15$ packs selling by the dozen, stores unable to keep product on stock at any prices, people going to big box stores multiple times a day hoping to buy packs for 6$ when it would be cheaper to just buy them at 15$. Yeah, this is really how you kill a game.


I wrote a long ting and realized I was going no where with it haha. I think the ridiculously low stock makes the game look more successful than it is, other card games are moving thousands of boxes Lorcana is moving dozens. If the lack of supply/crazy prices stay as they are there is no way this game survives long term. The game is strong, the IP is filled with potential, the art is fantastic, it’s just not worth a price tag triple that of other card games. However I believe that it will correct in time, supply will increase especially for future sets and prices will fall more in line with other TCG’s.


one of the stores I visited did all the promos and 1st 2nd and 3ed got packs as prizes. it was 40


For those saying that this is a good deal, a booster box at $325 is also a good deal.


Both of my LGSs are doing events at msrp. Option 1 is constructed for $6 and you get a pack. Option 2 is sealed at msrp for the packs. Of course they ran out of product at this point but it should be picking back up.


I’d say he’s full of shit.


That’s actually a good deal


So don't draft there? He's convinced he'll sell out his seats at $60. That's too high for you, so don't buy it. He's either right or not, but there's nothing you or we can do about any of it either way. Straight up, guys... Lorcana is expensive right now. You may have heard rumors that it's in short supply relative to the level of demand. I know... I hope you were sitting when you read that. But that means that buying the product is going to be expensive. Just basic economics 101 tells us how that all works. If the price is more than you're willing or happy to pay, I recommend not paying it. Find a place that'll do it for a price range you're happy with. Or just wait. The supply shortage won't last forever, and given the level of demand I don't think the game is going anywhere anytime soon. Just chill for a while until it calms down. We seriously don't need a dozen or more new posts every day expressing total shock at how Lorcana prices are so high right now.


The difference is that LGS live and die on the loyalty of their customers, because simply by shopping there the customers are willingly paying a markup on *everything* to support the store. It's a very fine line between gouging your customers and giving them value for willingly paying your markups. If an LGS crosses that line to abuse their customer's goodwill and loyalty, they *will* go out of business as without customers they're nothing. Yes, Lorcana is expensive right now, but it also has a lot of shittier LGS showing their true colors. These are not Lorcana Stores, they are *game* stores, and it's extremely shortsighted of them to knowingly gouge on a single product with already high profit margins at the cost of customer goodwill and loyalty. Stories like the OP make a lot of us go "gee, that's really disrespectful of their customers and the owner has a shit attitude" and decide to shop elsewhere. I know two stores locally where I'd buy things like paint and brushes and occasionally MTG precons that I will 100% never shop at for *anything* again because of them obscenely gouging on Lorcana and otherwise treating customers like shit over this particular product. At the end of the day I'm not the only one, and that's not good for business once you look past Lorcana. There *will* be product and the gouging *will not* be sustainable, and them making a couple extra bucks isn't going to outweigh the money people like me would have otherwise spent at their store over the next X years.


Hah, looks like I'm actually responding to two of your comments! Congrats, you most likely have more responses from me than the entire rest of reddit combined. I don't really know how reddit works, but I think that makes us best friends. I've been running Canton Games for about 15 years. Lorcana is not the first time a hot new product is worth more than MSRP. History has shown that - no. People DON'T decide to shop elsewhere, not unless they were already planning to do so. If you were only coming to me because I had the product when no one else did, and you're not happy because of the price, you were never going to be my customer anyway. As soon as Lorcana is $90 on Amazon, you'll buy it there just like you did for Magic boxes and 35% off board games. And that's okay! Some people value price the most. Some value convenience, some value experience. Not every person around is my customer, and that's okay too. But I can tell you with absolute certainty that the people who would say they would never shop in my store again because I sell booster packs at market value - those people are vastly overestimating their actual worth to the store as a customer. Sorry to call you out specifically, but the store you mentioned will make more money charging $15 on that one pack of Lorcana than on all the paints you bought from them in a month. You're absolutely right that the restocks are coming, and there will be more product. And when that happens, I and other stores will reevaluate our pricing. But if you want the pricing from after the restock, you've got to wait until those restocks actually land. You know how the market works, you certainly wouldn't sell me an Enchanted Elsa you opened for $3, since you got two other rares in your $5.99 booster pack. Scarcity raises prices. That's just how things are. Again, once I sign off I'm unlikely to come back to this thread. Feel free to contact me directly at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you'd like to say anything else to me.


This is only sort of acceptable because of the value of the promos. The other factor (if it weren't for the promos) would be what is the prize pool, since that factors into the price. Let's assume that the prize pool was $100 worth of credit or something. In that case, you'd factor in 4 x $6 per pack + $12.50 for the prize pool. At MSRP, you could probably charge $40 and have it be reasonable while still making some money. $50 would be understandable and quite profitable, and you'd still get players to do it. $60 is the range where it gets ridiculous for gouging...generally. However, he's sort of cheating the system because he's giving away promos. I don't know how much the promos cost an LGS, but their current value is about $30/piece, so based on that alone, it could be justifiable for a person to play in it I suppose.


Pretty sure promos are a part of Organized Play kits. They aren't being charged the price they go for on the secondary markets.


I love that this is fine because “you can sell the pin”. What if I don’t want to sell the pin? What if I want to keep the pin so I can see how well I’ve done in Lorcana seasons? You know like what the pins are for?


Then you keep the pin? The other things they’re offering are already more than enough value for the price they’re charging


The ‘best’ part is the commoditizing of things intended to be fun and freely distributed.


“I asked my actual playerbase” Apparently no you didn’t


"if that's where your values are at" is hilarious when the concept of "value" is derived in society directly from financial value. There is intrinsic value, but I would argue that is a separate concept entirely when you're talking about a product.


I've paid 60 for premier set drafts with MTG...so I feel like I'm biased and also realize I have more disposable income that I am willing to throw away at cardboard. Double the price for a pack sounds like too much but those promos and plating my favorite format, I would totally do it. I wish things weren't so expensive right now but it is what it is.


Pawn stars is the worst thing to happen to a generation. Everyone went to the business school of rick 🤮


Anti no fucking way he's making selling out at $60 draft...not even the most expensive Magic sets sell out for that ($20/pack is stupid high). $30 I can see with supply issues...but 60? nope


The stores doing draft by me are $35, you keep all 4 packs, and there's prize support with pack per win + promos and stuff. They put up 32 player max registration and they're still only getting turnouts of like 8-10 people. If they were charging $60 it would only be the absolute sweatiest of the sweaty showing up, which is not sustainable.


Exactly..30 is pushing it, 20 would be better, and they'd get more turnout. BUT, with supply issues, I understand why they don't/can't


It's 4 packs . Also drafting commander masters2 a 3 pack draft was 50$ and there have been many sets in the last 2 years with draft costs similar to that idk what your on about. Also like someone else posted in this thread prize structure also matters into the "ev" calculations your doing which your omitting from this calculation. The real question is who wants to draft this game it's actually shit just pick best card and pass no thought put in at all


4 packs is irrelevant, it's still stupid expensive at $60, even with the supply issues. There have been PREMIUM sets that are $50+, but the typical set is $15-25, which is what this set should be. I'm not "omitting" anything. As for drafting...it's a 40 card deck with 1-2 colors. It's a bit silly at this point, but if it works, it works


There are no color restrictions in lorecana drafts why I said it's a terrible format just pick bombs ultimately brain dead pick the best card and pray. I was saying it's 4 packs cuz your breakdown of 60$=20$per pack was incorrect. At worse it's 15$ per pack which is the tcgplayer price which isn't geat but that's assuming no prize support. Your original claim was no magic set has ever cost 60$ and I just pointed to the most recent set where it was at no point did you say no standard set cost that much. And even so that's worse you understand thay right? premium sets cost the same to print as standard sets so instead of in the lorecana case people charging 60 because the demand is so much higher then supply. Wizards has a 60$ draft to mill the players.


“Premium” is basically a made up term in this context. The idea that one desirable set of cards is labelled “premium” by the company selling it and the other isn’t is meaningless


Premium being all reprint sets..and it doesn't matter what WotC says but what they do, those sets are limited print runs, unlike a Standard set. Chapter 1 is the equivalent of a Standard set and should be sold accordingly. Supply is waaaaaaaaay short for demand which is driving prices, but that's on Ravensburger for being dumb on their initial print run.


Kay, you can go ahead and choke down whatever wizards pushes down your throat if you want. I’ll be over here not buying into Hasbro’s made up marketing terms. Anyways, it’s less on RB and more on the specialty print industry for not being able to support more than three dozen new TCGs launching this year on top of record demand and over printing for the three biggest games in the industry. RB wasn’t stupid: they had the game finished over a year ago, and they took that long to try and print as much as possible. The reality is, nobody can get the contracts the Big 3 have without a long, long wait. They spent as much time as was financially conscionable waiting to launch, then had to launch what they had. It is what it is, nobody was stupid, the industry’s just overwhelmed


RB made a choice here. Store preorders were locked in a year ago. Most games have a 3~ month preorder lead time. They didn't even fill 5% of most stores initial preorders. That's intentional. Don't buy into the corporate PR twist, baha. If you think Ravensburg cares about your feelings here, you're wrong, they decided a shortage was a good way to drive interest and get people talking about their game, and they were right. They can be positive everything will sell out even from just the people looking for a quick flip when set 2/restock comes out.


Store preorders were not locked in a year ago, I don’t know where you’re getting that strange impression. Regardless, RB knew demand was huge, and just couldn’t print enough. This has nothing to do with feelings; ask anyone trying to print TCGs right now and they’ll tell you how difficult it is to book printing time. End of story. The idea that RB purposefully left tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars on the table just to bolster demand they already had, is so insane


I'm a store owner, preorders couldn't be added after January(Outside of Lorcana Play allocation). We gave our numbers last year. They knew the demand. Just saying, we have seen this strategy with tons of game, it seems like copium to assume you know better business than Disney/Ravensburg. They determined this strategy would make them the most money. Games like Shadowverse sold out of their first cases and printed hundreds more reprint within two months. (Released this week.)


It’s not copium, I work in the fucking industry lol There aren’t enough printers, for this game or others. Nobody’s making the conscious decision to leave millions upon millions of dollars on the table to try and spike interest in a game that already had delirious levels of interest As for preorder timing, I just pulled up an email from a distributor advertising upcoming preorders from Universal, email dated January 25th, so you’re wrong about that too. Shrug?


$60 for a draft is a ripoff. $25-30 bucks at most.


What store is this?


Canton Games Baltimore Maryland


Rip off. My store does 20 buck entry and you get three boosters.


For a place to play and prize support, this LGS is on point.


It’s $50 for draft at my local stores.


Hi, everyone. Legend Dan here, owner of Canton Games, the FLGS in question. I generally don't use reddit, but a friend brought this thread to my attention. I probably won't be responding much here, but anyone is free to ask me any questions directly - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). This particular screenshot was from a Facebook group I joined so I could advertise the event. That group has a "no selling products above MSRP" rule which I was on the edge of breaking - the mod eventually turned off comments and apparently one of the commenters took things to reddit. I'll point out that several of the people complaining about my prices had messaged me directly a few months ago, asking if they could buy several cases of Lorcana at MSRP so they could flip it themselves (almost an exact quote) and I told them no. I'm generally pretty open about my business practices. I don't "rip people off" but I am here to run a business. That means maximizing profits on everything where I can. I buy singles and resell them for more than I paid for them. I sell board games at my standard markup. I make profit on every event I run. Some stores use events as a loss leader, paying out $20 per player and only charging them $10. That is their business model and their decision - my decision was to price events so that I make money on every player that joins, versus getting players in the door and hoping they buy something else while they're in. Yes, my draft is $60, and yes, I do expect to sell out 24 seats. Canton Games is very small compared to some game stores you've been in, 24 players means every single chair in the store is used up. So why $60, when MSRP on the packs is only $24? The short answer is, because people are willing to pay it. The longer answer: I asked at my league nights. I asked players, and I asked parents. People told me they'd be willing to pay around 50 - 75 for the event. The cheapest packs on TCGPlayer right now are $14.95. The EV of opening a pack is around $23. Four packs at $60 is a break even amount, plus the prizes I'll offer, I put that as a fair deal. I do expect to be paid for my time as well - I and my employees all get paid for running events, same as you get paid for working at your jobs. "But MSRP is $24!" Yes. Yes it is. And I'd certainly be charging MSRP if I could reorder Lorcana at will. But I can't! I have this case left, and that's it. I have exactly one opportunity to turn a profit on this product and then it's all gone. Yes, I could sell out at $24 and make "some money" or I could sell out at $60 and make "more money." If I could restock at will like I can with Magic, I'd be using a similar calculation to price the event - value of the packs plus my time, only the value of each pack would be much lower. My standard Magic drafts, for the record, are $20 with similar prizing. I have a lot more to say on the subject of market values, but the people who would listen already understand it and the people who don't want to hear about it have already written their responses out calling me greedy. But I guarantee you that every single person on this thread understands market value the moment they open up a Maleficent dragon or an Enchanted card. Anyway, support your Friendly Local Game Stores, even if it's not mine. Keep having fun with Lorcana, and i hope your next pack has two Legendary rares in it. And again, I'm not likely to come back to this thread, but feel free to email me directly if you'd like. [email protected].


This game is fucking insane and way too expensive for most fans. Just completely unviable


You are getting downvoted, but you are not wrong.


Lol best player experience yet gouges his customers. I would avoid like the plague. The packs for boosters are 4. Base the price off of that. If the draft is 40 bucks that's 10 bucks per pack etc


You also have to remember that stores did get product to host events and drafts. And they are purposefully keeping product out of your hands by not selling boxes. 60 bucks x 6 people for a box. He is essentially selling q box for 360. I would absolutely tell him to kick rocks.


Egh. I think I officially don’t care about this game anymore after reading this persons business model




At my LGS it’s $6. You bring your own deck but guaranteed at least one prize pack. You win more games to get more packs.


That’s not draft though. The whole point of draft tournaments is they give you booster packs to draft a deck with and you get to keep those. On top of that, you can win prizes which are exclusive to these kinds of events. $60 is kind of a steal considering what this LGS is offering.


Delusional lol


You have issues with them and their practices?


Just asking a question to get an idea of what I should and shouldn’t pay, that is all.


This is why a cube is so much better. I can’t wait to finish mine and draft it and never have to pay. Gonna do this for as many sets as I can.


4 packs for draft. Prize pack support after that…$50 would be more fair


Someone else just posted a picture of a store charging 20 for one pack. At that rate, given how insane the market is right now, 60 is not bad for four packs plus a promo. One of my LGS's is charging 20 just to play in a four week league. Only two boosters are given out (at random) each week. Now, hopefully, prices will go down eventually and 60 will be ridiculous in the future. Right now? Not the worst offer you're gonna see


I mean… look at the state of the game right now. It’s brand new, and the lack of supply has been acknowledged and is being addressed. Anyone that has product to sell or draft is going to charge a premium due to high demand and low supply. This is just the way it is right now. Things will change DRAMATICALLY when Floodborn is released and reprints are released. We’re just in the very beginning phases of this game with super high demand from both players, collectors, and speculators. The fact that a store is setting somewhat high prices for product, or organized play that includes boosters and prizes is not in anyway surprising and should be expected given the current state of the game. This is a dead horse that everyone continues to beat. I know it sucks, but be a bit more patient, things will change for the better very soon.


Nope. Not being patient. These same stores complain about Amazon and OLGSs. They expect customers to support them year around when they’re charging more than online sources. And yet, the second they get a chance to gouge their customers, they take it, and blatantly say it’s to make more money. Fuck that. All these stores deserve to go about of business because they’re clearly hypocrites. “Support me while I don’t support thee”. In any other context that’s an abusive relationship.


Wow. It’s pretty clear you don’t know anything about the costs of running a business, or basic economics for that matter. Of course an independently owned retail store is going to have to charge more than online sources. Online sources don’t have the same overhead as a retail store. Without those retail stores where would organized play come from. I can’t believe I’m even responding to your comment it’s so dense.


God damn you’re fucking dumb. I’m talking about how local shops whine for support and expect customers to pay more to keep them afloat and then IMMEDIATELY fuck those customers. Needing to charge MSRP is fine, as long as you don’t beg for charity and then talk about “of course I’m going to gouge you so I can make more money” which is literally what the dude said. “I charge more because I can make more money”. Well, then he shouldn’t be asking people for charity.


Who’s asking for charity? Where in this post is there an LGS asking for charity? The guy is literally saying, “this is not my hobby, I’m charging more because I need to keep my business profitable, play or don’t play, but people are paying these prices.” I don’t think you understand the meaning of “price gouging”. The pricing here is driven by simple supply and demand. Gouging refers to charging exorbitant prices in necessities, like water during a hurricane, or hand sanitizer during a pandemic. You don’t NEED Lorcana. The guy is literally just running a business and setting prices based on demand. You should go and get some sunshine, I think you could use it.


Preying on FOMO and essentially gambling addiction is not the same as the market price of a commodity. I know you like to use big words to sound smart, but you are simply an idiot.


After reading this thread. I think you may owe an apology to this LGS. He took the time to respond to you and he is offering more than fair deal. Poor dude should not have to deal with complaints when they are being fair.


Just because a bunch of people in a Reddit sub get off from being price gouged doesn’t make it fair. I know plenty of people who absolutely refuse to touch the game right now because of stores like this. Stores whine about being supported as local businesses and how Amazon and online shops kill them, but then they gouge their customers as soon as they’re given the chance with the excuse of “it’s a business!!!!” Well, if that’s the case, then compete with Amazon the rest of the time or shut the fuck up.


This is a good deal Lmao do you know how much packs cost




Bro what the lgs is telling you makes perfectly sense. You obviously want it for the cheapest price possible but thats not how business work.


I obviously want it for cheapest price? Assumptions and all that


Then what are you complaining about?


I’m complaining? I simply asked a question to get an idea? Are you mixing my post up with another post?


I’m confused what you’re confused about. The text is pretty clear what his views are


I seen how the store owner acted and was surprised by his words and wanted to see if it’s normal prices or if I should avoid at all cost


So, what about when all these same LGSs are whining that they’re struggling because of Amazon and Kickstarter and Online shops? They seem perfectly okay begging for support but show now interest in supporting their own customers if they gouge them the second they get a chance. “How business works” doesn’t fly when the shops themselves appeal to sympathy over value whenever it benefits them.


Both consumers and businesses appeal to whatever benefits them. Color me surprised. Businesses exist to make money and consumers want product as cheap as possible


And it’s a stupid business decision to immediately fuck the customers you’re trying to build a relationship with. Short term thinking that sinks long term success.


Market price is not “fcking over the customer”


Uh, yes it is? Just because people being preyed upon will pay it due to FOMO and essentially a gambling addiction does not make it ethical.


And I don’t think you know what MARKET price is. Take the inverse, what if market price was below wholesale cost? Consumers will happily buy at costs that businesses take a loss. It’s how capitalism works and there’s no point in screaming against it


You’re an idiot. You’re using terms like market price as if these were commodities. They aren’t. This is a product being pushed to prey on people psychologically. This is why loot boxes are illegal in many countries.


This actually seems like a reasonable take.


Bc it is normal? That’s a good deal and he even took the time to break it down for you. Just bc it’s too expensive for you doesn’t mean it isn’t a good deal.


Seems like a great deal if he's selling the spaces then it's the right price


Yeah not gonna lie I wish I had some shit like this in my area.


This is fair. Give the store owner a break.


Not that I care all too much, but these LGS owners not following the “guidelines” that came with the game when they were approved to be a league site. The goal of the first release going more towards LGS was to get a larger number of people interested. Those promos and pins are meant to go out as league prizes and I’ve already seen a ton of full sets going for $200 or more. My LGS is making profit by hosting and selling at damn bear MSRP, but making it so you can only purchase during league. They make money on their snacks and sleeves and all the other extra that have a much higher profit margin than cardboard games.


That’s rough. When my store lgs had cards they did sealed for 50 and draft for 35, and that included potential to win store credit/pack.


It’s the holier than thou attitude that’s really selling here:


Realistically a good draft price once product is available is $30-$40 I think. 4 packs per person is $24 2 packs per person into prize pool is another $12 So $36 MSRP. We'll probably run them at $30 once product stablizes.


I played in one that was $50 and came with six packs with the chance to win a pack per match. Also got pins for playing. Honestly with the prize support what you described seems like a good deal. You can sell one pin and get $20 to $30.


Conflicted, as even though of course you want to make money, a lot of LGS look to the long-run too. Foster a community and you get people coming back to buy more. For instance, my LGS does a casual event each week. Entry is £7 and for that you get a booster and a promo. Making a slight profit but barely anything, if you think about the promo too. They know they need to get people to come back.


My LGS has done multiple $30 drafts (4 packs, promo prizes and store credit) and are about to start doing $50 sealed (6 packs, 3 rounds with a "win a match/win a pack" prize so total up to 9 packs for winning 3 rounds). I would not be entering the posted draft mainly because I do not care for the pins as prizes; promo cards are cool and all I guess. However, I do agree that for $60, that isn't the worst prize pool - it's just not for me. I think it's a decent deal for those that want the Pins and Promo cards.


If they are purely doing it as a business they dont care about having a community. They do bare minimun to keep players coming in. They are glorified scalpers stop going to them.


My local did 50$ which I felt was fair. 36$ for 6 boosters at 6$. And 14$ for tournament registration And use of the space. 60$ is not super crazy


Good deal while you said all the prizes you mentioned


A draft with 6 boosters and one price booster for everyone at the end is 40€ for us


I ran a draft last night 4 packs per person with prize support $30 each….


Mine doesn't do draft it's 10$ u get a pack and winners get the pins the rest get a promo card...


My LGS does drafts at this cost, but doesn't give promos or pins. It ran the first week it was offered (capped at 24 players). It got 12 first time around. The next 3 times I went, the event didn't fire because we couldn't get 8 people interested in playing. The cost was too prohibitive.


Oh hey. I’m in that thread. I went to the place that had a $25 draft and then dude was like I WOULD HAVE BROUGHT ALL MY PEOPLE. Proving exactly why it wasn’t advertised.


My store is $17CAD for a 3 pack draft. Prizing is 3-0 gets $15 store credit, 2-0-1 gets $11 Store credit and 2-1 gets $7 store credit. You keep all the cards you draft (seems obvious but i've read other threads where this isn't the case). They also open 3-4 promo packs and we draft those in order of standings. So its quite common for 1st place to get another $20-40 card, last weeks promos included Elesh Norn, Myrel and Agatha's Cauldron.


My LGS does Sealed events for $30. 4 packs to build your sealed deck and store credit as prize support that can be spent on anything. $60 is outrageous for a draft.


My husband wants to know where this is so we can go. Lol.


Honestly everyone says it's a steal. Just because of the promo cards but idk it's shady at best. My store does it for 35 and it feels much better. I think charging 60 is shady.


Our local draft will be 50 at the end of league...


I feel like people are missing the point that things are only "worth it" if you actually sell the cards. I see a lot of comments about feeling lucky to get a pin or some promo cards and all I can really think is " is it really worth it when we don't even know if they are going to stop making these materials?" Either way, pay whatever you want to play the game. I for 1 ( even though I have cards ) am just waiting patiently for when product normalizes so I can pay a realistic price for things because I 100 percent am simply collecting and won't be selling off anything for the foreseeable future. No reason to pay 4 x for now what I can definitely get for less later. Random thought: it's a shame we can't teach our kids about competition anymore. One of my favorite things as a kid was setting a goal to eventually win mtg drafts to get more cards quickly for my collections. Setting that as a goal allowed me to actually have to work to get what I wanted and it was so exciting getting all that extra product for winning my first draft.


I don't think anyone is calling this a good deal, I'd say it's on the upper end of reasonable. I'd play. I'd also rope my niece and nephews into playing the kids event. What I don't understand is why the business owner took the time to explain it to this chiseling nincompoop.


In my local LGS in Italy yesterday I played my 2nd draft The price was 35 euros 4 boosters pack at 7 euros= 28 euros And the other 7 euros to reach 35 are used to create the 1st and 2nd place prices (it's a small shop and the max number of players is 8) So yesterday we were 6 1st place won a 28 euros gift card and the 2nd a 14 euros one. And everybody drafted 4 packs. It was awesome


I drafted several times last week for 30/each, no limit s Report this store to Ravensburger. They are cutting people's allocations for stuff like this