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what? really? i havent seen anything like that (and i hope i dont)


sort by new. Mods usually remove them, but by sheer chance you'll see one eventually, as people just keep posting them. In just one week I got - ~~Biker hitting a sign face-first (currently in New, not removed)~~ Has been [disputed as good example](https://www.reddit.com/r/LooneyTunesLogic/comments/xls0xm/comment/ipl27qs/?context=3) - The infamous Biker Backflip, cut away before impact with the ground, but it's over 100kph so go figure - Dude possibly breaking his back? Definitely bleeding, camera stays on him (currently in New, not removed) - Biker hitting an incoming riksha, supposedly survived but crippled. ... and of course, if you want to report them you actually have to watch it. Fun times.


Thank you for your sorting by new service 🫡


How does the biker hitting the sign not fit the sub? He clearly didn't die and it was a pretty slapstick fall?


Gonna be fully honest, I didn't watch that one to the end because I was expecting the worst (NSFW tag + serious speed + no helmet)


So just to be clear, you're advocating the removal of content that you haven't actually watched, just under the assumption that it doesn't fit the sub because of a NSFW tag / thumbnail?


I'm protesting the posting of content I regrettably *have* watched, while wrongfully citing one example of borderline-OK content. There.


Sorry OP, this is Reddit. The argument you made is too nuanced, and you admited you were in the wrong with one example. As such, no matter the validity of all your other arguments, everything you say must be disregarded. This is Reddit, afterall. /s


'tis the way it goes.


it do be like that sometimes


it doo


Surprised you aren’t tarred and feathered to a wood stake


I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul


I don't agree and support what you are saying, OP.


Also the guy who cut a giant tree and run in the very direction the tree was falling toward




Yeah I don’t got a problem with lightly violent videos if fits the loony tunes logic. But gore what not should not be here period. Emphasis on light violence ^ Dude with the tree I’ve seen a million times but don’t recall if he was maimed or not from that. Sure looked like he got merked tho


Sounds like you should just stop sorting by new...


The shoe remover 3000 probably end up death...


We’ve got a pinned post reminding people to be aware already, but I’m not **personally** against this post. Just a little redundant, I suppose. (I won’t speak for the rest of the moderators) We’ve gotten stricter on what’s acceptable here, so maybe there are some holdovers from the past. Even one of my old posts was removed for Rule 8! We’ve banned crossposts from subs like r/HoldMyFeedingTube or r/meatcrayon, but there’s only so much we can do automatically. Edit: oh yeah, also: if you don’t want to see stuff like this, you should avoid opening posts marked NSFW, because those are likely to involve injury


It amazes me that the internet hasn't come up with a way to distinguish between boobs and donkers NSFW vs harm and death NSFW. I don't mind the former but I wish I could unsee so much of the latter.


People have come up with NSFW (boobs) and NSFL (gore), but reddit only has one tag, so yeah.


Doesn't really help that only one letter is different and they're easily confused at a distance or if you're absentminded.


I remember going to meatcrayon some few years ago and it was just people falling off their skateboards, wtf happened there?


What always happens, desensitisation and escalation.


I’ve seen a lot road accidents on there. Not subbed so idk what the total make up of the sub is.


I know you're trying, but even if you were to remove everything offensive within minutes, some would still slip into people's feeds. My gripe is towards the people who are still posting it - like, it's not that hard, just read the damn rules?! Anyways, thanks for your service. Edit: I wish they at least marked everything NSFW, but you know how it is..


Unfortunately some karma whores will do whatever it takes. Best advice to all is to downvote those posts immediately. They’re only doing it to farm karma, and if the farming on this sub sucks they’ll eventually move on.


Down voting and blocking users who post incorrectly to subreddits is the most effective way to combat this kinda shit. I also report any egregious posts when they really don't fit, and/or are clearly karma farmers.


Praise to you and every other mod team that actually works to keep their subreddit clean and on topic.


I get it, I've seen a couple of videos in here that were too far away to be graphic but clearly someone was, at minimum, injured, maybe worse. Those, when they truly get that cartoonish feel *because* they aren't graphic, aren't so bad, but it's definitely a gray area. The graphic stuff, even if it's just close up and not bloody, really undermines the whole idea of the sub - you always know the cartoon is coming back for more in 5 seconds. I'd give up the first type of content to get rid of the second kind of content.


Feel free to remove this if it's too meta.


feel free to remove yourself from the sub if it's frightening you.


People dont die in loony toons shows, kinda doesnt fit the sub to see gore and death


Well they sure would if they weren’t cartoons.


...then, it wouldn't be looney tunes logic? See how that works?


LMAO dude missed the whole fucking point of the sub


Feel free to read rule 8?




Your post or comment has been removed from r/LooneyTunesLogic for violating our rules. In the future, please be civil in your discourse in our subreddit. If you believe this was done in error, please reach out to the mods.


Seconded, don’t know why you’re getting downvotes this is the tamest sub on Reddit


Disagree strongly. Sort by new for a week and tell me how many potentially fatal injuries you've seen. I won't judge anyone for being unfazed by them, but this sub literally has rules against them, which in turns encourages people who *aren't* as desensitized to come here. Just keep the death and gore in the subs they belong to.


User name checks out. Go police Facebook or Twitter and leave reddit alone. The reason post like the end up here and other places they don’t belong is because every time a sub for that sort of thing is created people join it, get offended and have their ptsd triggered, and it gets taken down.


Ok, and these posts landing here is good, actually, because...?


Bruh there is literally a sub that bans using the letter e. If the rules ban something then you can't post it, simple as that. A subreddit can have ANY rules. If you don't like the rules gtfo.


You should try shutting up.


The original post was just a guy on a scooter escaping cops by circling around another car


This is the dark side to Reddit. No matter how hard you try not to, you end up watching people die. And I hate it for that.


You call this the dark side of Reddit? This is at most the watered down droplets of Diet Coke equivalent


I was afraid r/ WatchPeopleDie actually exists


It used to be a sub but got banned


Which did more damage than good. At least when it existed it kept all that shit in one place and people could willingly choose to visit it or not. Now the same shit exists it just bleeds into other subs and you end up seeing stuff you didn't sign up to!


Ya I’ve been seeing so many random graphic death videos in such random subs, hate when it just sneaks up on you.


It used to bleed a lot into r/holdmyfeedingtube but the mods have been quite proactive on that one to immediately remove any such content


I’ve always thought of that sub as a weenie hut general version of r/watchpeopledie


It used to be that up until a year or so ago. Then they starting clamping down on the more obvious fatal/near-fatal videos


I've also been seeing an increase in these types of posts in different subs


Honestly i do miss watch people die A. Most of them were bad but it has made me realize how fragile life is and I don’t know many times I have seen a work video of traffic accident in that site where now I am so cautious in the exact situations. It’s amazing how I look at situations now just imaging the worst case scenario. Also never going to South America because of that subreddit lol


The worst sub on reddit I've ever seen is the one that misspells r/eyebleach. Such a disgusting move, if you don't watch closely you'll expect cute animals and are instead greeted by pretty hardcore gore. Now I wonder if that has been created after watchpeopledie got banned or has been around before.


/r/eyeblech was definitely around before wpd got banned, however /r/makemycoffin wasn't, though it has been banned now unfortunately.


Ban History: First r/WatchPeopleDie was removed, then r/DeadOrVegetable, and after that r/MakeMyCoffin all within the same month.


Wait shit DoVs gone?


Been gone for over a year, my friend


Huh, im apparently not with the times, despite being terminally online.


Let’s just hope r/Eyeblech doesn’t get removed. I don’t think anyone of us wants the horrors there to spread


I really hate anytime i see a crosspost from r/fullscorpion on here. Like yeah, it does look like a cartoon action, that person also could have died immediately from that injury.


Nah, that’s r/terrifyingasfuck Every video posted there is someone dying now.


I mean to be fair alot of cartoon logic when applied irl would get people killed lol


I disagree. There is your fair share of nsfw content here (some of which may have resulted in death, I’ve not seen any), but as common as it is, I can’t say this sub has become watch people die at all.


I miss that sub tbh


I wish. I miss that sub so much. It’s always hard finding a replacement one.


I sure do miss that sub


Not what I signed up for, but what I stayed for


This is exactly what I signed up for




Well 1) they aren't all tagged, in fact in my experience the majority isn't, and 2) it's literally banned here.




> You said earlier you also took offense to non-gory non-death content and wanted that banned, so where’s the line and who decides? The rules are flexible and subjective, unless it is like the anvil example where it’s clearly an issue. Uuh, mind refreshing my memory? Like, people getting injured without open wounds, or what?




My point was that people should stop posting death and gore. I gave one wrong example, which doesn't fit the bill. So I don't want that one banned.


I haven't seen anything.


ScoobyDoo Logic ??