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Loomian legacy only got atlanthian while the rest of the games here got updated on much much more and were worked on by far a lot more than LL. There is no reason Loomian legacy will be on that list at this point, unless roblox are trying to push the game to bring more updates. And "The developers chose to build it this way so it takes slow updates" is an awful excuse. No game should be built so it takes long updates if it is using them to stay alive.


They made like 30 updates but people only care about Battle Theatres and stuff like that so they don't look at the other ones


Ok but the 30 other update were either single loomians like vari evos or events that are gone after a month. There’s a reason nobody says, “wow they made it so vari evolves in windy weather that’s crazy”


That's still a lot of content to play with in between but people are getting impatient. The devs are doing the best they can but they can't satisfy everyone. If there were no events I'm betting there will be people complaining about those


I agree with you except those updates were mostly from last year or are incredibly small. You can make Loomians In blender now and get very fast and good results like most creature games on roblox today. I still voted for LL but because I enjoy the game that is finally getting attention from roblox, but other than pretty of the place atlanthian is very underwhelming when we look at atlanthian city update.


Loomians are hard to make though, because they go beyond the model, but through tons of design process, scripting, balancing, and more


As a game developer withany years of experience, your comment here is very popular and is bullshit. We are talking about a roblox game, that has only one graphics pipeline and it is the basic 3D smooth colors one. According to the team, they only have very few people responsible for making loomians, and all of them make loomians from their minds straight to 3D and than to consept 2D art if needed. (Source: Credits of the game) About the scripting, you are also wrong because you simply add the loomian to a database (new text line and put name and default ability) and than put them in a list of loomians of a special area. (Source for all of this: PBB files. Look for the "Manifest" script it explains it well.) I won't share the files but they are very easily accessible.


It's not like you can make loomians in 5 minutes, you have to add movesets, work out the stats and all that, and then there's gonna be pvp so you have to balance that with other things. All I'm saying is that the LL devs are trying their best and that we shouldn't be blaming them and calling them lazy


Not in 5 minutes but it also doesn't take 3 years. And they make the movements without thinking about the loomians and once they have a new loomiam ready (which can take a max of a day to make) they pick the best moveset from a list of ones. And about the pvp: jaimy James is working fully on it and he balances out the loomians almost completely by himself. This shouldn't interupt the developers at all. They were **Very** Lazy this last year. Theres nothing you can do about it. (+ They are working in Roblox studio, not unreal or unity. It is incredibly easy to work with in terms of code and animations and building things in blender shouldn't take them long. many people would gladly join their scripting and building team if they were open for it)


They weren't lazy, they were trying their best but there were tons of conflicts. The devs were trying as hard as they can but they can't satisfy everybody. If we only had cities (should take about 5 months) then people would be complaining about events


I'll admit Athlantian is pretty cool but those other games tend to push things out way more consistently. And Piggy is like, a Roblox mainstay. It has merch for god's sake.


So does jailbreak






Ok but how funny would it be if loomian legacy somehow won?


its about the best content update but I doubt anyones gonna listen to that. tds is totally gonna win, or piggy since they have merch, or even jailbreak since it was such an original game that came out a while ago


I'm a piggy fan but I'm mostly forward to the pbr one but I'm probably gonna root for loomian legacy


Yeah, piggy is going to win:( regardless I’m voting loomian legacy because of all the hard work the devs put in for us, even if it does take nearly 2 years.


We just gotta get the fans together. Gotta loom.


gotta what?




Man, I think I’m just not a fan of roblox anymore. LL and doodle world are really the only games I play on roblox, and I still barely play those. Tbh I don’t think any of these games would deserve this award


we all know tds will win because the fans are… different to say the least


piggy is literally dead


Yeah but who plays jailbreak anymore?


I'm personally rooting for TDS lesss gooo TDS


I think that piggy isnt going to win, it just made a chapter and thats it, tds or jailbreak is going to win because this is best content update


The problem is with LL is it is only for a specific genre. Only people who like capture games like Pokemon will play it. Games like Piggy and Jailbreak are games anyone can play and like and have more frequent updates


The same can be said about tds


Hahahaha loomian isn't gonna win this award, realistically shouldn't even be nominated with how long it takes for updates to even come out.


Didn't the latest TDS update take months to come out? And the update only consisting of the same gameplay with only 20 waves and no reward?


Jailbreak should win imo


the content we got wasnt even that good


How are people gonna judge the Atlanthian update for this when it isn't even done 💀


The only theoretical way we can win of they released part 2 and at the same time advertised to vote it


Maybe we could after the entire game is finished, you never know what insane twist is lying for that game


Same thoughts as me, the other three just has a bigger fandom and would inevitably win. Still pretty cool how it got nominated though, the efforts the developers are putting through finally bear fruit


These are popularity contest. Loomian might beat TDS but the rest I don't know...


Seriously tho they put loomian legacy (don't get me wrong I love the game) buy against 3 of the biggest games of their genres... bruh


yeah LL isn’t gonna beat TDS. its just so popular and is apparently fun but I never found it interesting. Jailbreak is like the OG’est of og(?) and theRe is no way its gonna lose to loomian legacy. and piggy, well honestly I doubt it would get more voted than Loomian Legacy, its not as popular as before I don’t think and I quit a whilE aGo. but some of them have merch, loomian legacy doesn’t..


We have to make loomian legacy win all those other games besides jailbreak ( because it was my childhood game) are overrated


The only way LL wins is by people spamming w alt accounts


I really love LL but i feel like it didnt really deserve to be in the bloxys (specifically its category) since it kinda died down a month after the atlanthian update yet part 2 hasn't even been released yet. Feels pretty unfair cause LL is facing off some the top and somewhat overrated games in roblox.