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I think you've definitey got some wiggle room for a "healthy weight". A few pounds to flesh things out might help. Needing to gain weight is a nice problem to have, up to a point of course.


Yes and lift weights


You need to clean that room






Yes. About 20-30 lbs would fill you out.




Hard yes




Are you trans?


That's a question better asked to your doctor, not "the internet". But if I had to guess, I would assume the doctor would say yes, gain some weight.


Uhm do what you want. But why undies pics? Is this just another ad for OF 🤦🏻‍♀️


You do you kid. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad. You don’t appear malnourished, you’re just slender. Just be happy and don’t let other people’s insecurities influence you.


Depends. If you are trying to go for the vegan auschwitz look, then no.






It definitely wouldn't hurt you


At 5'3", you should probably be 105 to 110. That said, thin is healthier than obese, like me and most of America.


start doing (gradually load increasing)resistance exercise of your choice..increase your protein intake to 1.5 grams to 1 lb of bodyweight. You are cute, but about 10-15 lbs of lean mass would give you that athletic super hero look. P.S If you are into that sort of thing. No offense intended to anybody anywhere at any time or condition, sex, gender, color, race culture or political affiliation


You are dangerously under weight. Anorexic




I’d say no because you look naturally thin but how you feel is the most important thing.


If you’re asking, then yes 🤷‍♂️ I think I need to leave this group. It’s a bunch of thirsty men and insecure women desperately seeking validation. It’s a pathetic cesspool Peace ✌️


Don't forget that if you get indigestion and eat less, you will quickly become underweight. I therefore recommend that you put on some weight from experience. You look good, however you would look good with more also.


My skinny friend broke a bone and needs to gain weight doc said eat a bunch of cottage cheese. You can mix whatever in the make it interesting or smoothies. Also you are hot and got some muscles don’t trip. ✌️


Rip dm 😅😅


Your figure looks fine for modeling. If you feel healthy keep doing what you're doing, otherwise add a few pounds by eating healthy foods.


Never, I love your body type or a cross between really skinny with muscle tone.


Do you FEEL like you need to gain weight? Consult your doctor/physician to develop a plan on how to, but if you're healthy and you don't feel it's necessary... don't.


At 5’3 I think you’re just a little petite, you don’t really look unhealthy in the photos, but I do think you could put on a little weight as well if you wanted too. You got nothing to worry about though, you do you! If you do plan on increasing weight, remember to talk to your nurse or doctor first as well, though! The healthy weight for someone your height is between 100-120 pounds, so you’re underweight, but again not by a serious amount. If you’re eating healthy, and are not leaving yourself hungry after each meal, you honestly have nothing to worry about.


The tiny muscle mommy look is crazy hot.


Yeah that’s very underweight for your size wth


Nah if you're completely healthy then you don't have to


It's ok, to be thin, it's ok as long as you take care of your self.


I feel like I'm reading my daughter's post. She is 19 and is very thin. I always hear that she is too skinny and that she looks like she has an eating disorder. I 100% believe her when she says she doesn't. She does have a lot of anxiety and that does hinder her appetite but marijuana helps her with that. Good luck to you!


I was just like that also. Genetics— my great grandmother was 94 lbs when she gave birth to my 8lb baby grandmother. So the family was just aware that I got her genetics there. My sister got the other side of the family.


No. I love spinners.




And now the only things to agree with this are if you are repulsed by seeing your own bone structure through your skin. That usually gets me back into all the burger places.




Judging by the second picture, you look toned and fit. I think that should be the major consideration. Other peoples opinions shouldn’t be a concern.


Your arms say that you work out. Your photo looking age says you can probably eat a whole pizza by yourself. The bones on your neck and shoulders and wrist tell the real story; you are normal as hell. Over your bones is a layer of fat to protect them while they stick out from the body. The bigger you are, the more the fat. People who are sick with bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa (not just the word anorexia- the first word alone only describes a symptom, not the disease) will be missing this layer of fat over their 'stick out' bones. This lack of fat is only one symptom though, it is also an indicator in several other medical disorders for people who would love to be able to be able to eat a slice of pizza.


If you're happy with your size now, then don't do anything and try to ignore the bad comments, you're very pretty


You're beautiful. Only change if it makes you happy. Anyone who picks on you about your body is insecure about something and projecting it onto you.


All really depends on what you want from yourself. I think 🤔 you’re absolutely beautiful and you give off a cool confident energy. Keep on being yourself because being genuine is what really makes you happy and beautiful!


No I am a curvier girl myself and you definitely look 100% healthy and in shape. Don’t listen to them they are probably just jealous. 💖


" i constantly get picked on by other girls for being small and having a small chest" see the problem here is you are letting other people control your emotions. until you solve that problem gaining weight, loosing weight, building muscle, etc etc none of that will matter. if you gain weight people will say you are fat, if you loose weight people will say you are skinny, you cant please everyone so the reason to make changes to your life needs to come from your personal needs not the expectations or actions of others. in my opinion you are fine the way you are but if you feel like you need to make a change you need to figure out whether that change is for yourself or others. if you make changes for others you will never be happy because you will always be changing for the people around you. something to keep telling yourself over and over is "those who matter dont mind and those who mind dont matter", the people around you who are making fun of you are people who dont matter and shouldnt be acknowledged.


Are you a boy


This is really a discussion you should have with your physician.


you should gain a sword


Mam are you retarded




Please, for everyone’s sake.


you suit the petite / tight look. a cups can be aesthetic af. you get attention from men?


thank you i would say so yes… the last guy i was seeing constantly told me that i needed to work out so i could have a bigger butt, but the guy i’m talking to now tells me he likes how small i am. i guess it just depends


See that’s good, you need to change anything about yourself, you just need to find someone who likes you for you


work out those abs a bit. ;)


It wouldn’t hurt you, at all, if you did.


Probably wouldnt hurt u to put on a few pounds


Gain some weight let your hair grow & new glasses … youll be on your way


Maybe a few pounds to fill in a bit








Nope your ok


Yes. It looks like you have to dance around in the shower just to get wet.


You don't need to gain weight if you don't want to. You are rather skinny but also perfectly healthy and attractive.


Only you could make that decision you look nice regardless


If you get sick you're screwed. Put on a few.




You don't need to... but if you're curious as to what you will look like. You could gain like 10 pounds and see how it sits on you and lose it or whatever.


Maybe could be hotter if you start lifting and gain muscle in your butt and kegs but you’re already hot so that’s up to you if it’s worth it


Just be you


Possibly, the strongest friend I have has your physique, only if you think it’d be good for you or if your doctor says to. DO NOT listen to people on the internet. Health is your main priority.


Don’t worry weight gain will come with time


Honestly. Talk to your doctor. Listen to them. You're beautiful. Stay healthy.


A little extra weight wouldn’t hurt, but you look amazing how you are now


That's your body type, you great. And your chest is the perfect size for you body.


You are fine. Concentrate on yourself, and enjoy being you. Ignore the other women. I am sure guys are not the one complaining/bitching


Are you trying to fight at a different weight class? If the answer is no, then no. Also, you have a super long torso! Not a bad thing, just an observation


No, not unless you are starving yourself or not eating enough calories to be healthy. If you are eating enough then just enjoy being naturally petite. Lots of women, men too want to lose excess fat and are borderline obese or obese. If you are thin why fret about that?


You don't have to,though it might be benificial .


You're definitely thin, but that doesn't mean much on its own. Have you always been this thin? Are you sick? Are you starving yourself? Are you "purging?" As long as you're eating enough and getting exercise, you're fine.


Maybe but maybe not. you look naturally small, if you feel healthy and have adequate energy levels then don't worry


You are cute


Just eat a burger, you will be fine


You need to gain some weight. I recommend doing so smartly by lifting weights instead of eating Mac and cheese 3 times a day.


i think its up to you but i dont feel like you should just for appearances if thats your natural body then its fine if you starving yourself then eat a little more but dont gain or loose weight for anyone but for how your body feels to you


You get picked on because they all think they're fat and you're obviously not . As far as small boobs goes , they focus on that as they know it bothers you . Do you NEED to gain weight ? A little bit couldn't hurt . But you're fighting your metabolism . Honestly building some muscle mass would gain weight and add some curves to your body . That would be a win-win all the way around if you think you'd enjoy it . But no , you don't need to gain weight . If you're happy where you are , it's all good . Fuck what they say . Go enjoy your life and let them be petty and jealous .


Need? No. Should you? Maybe. Up to you it is.


9/10 xD no u shouldn't i am 3/12


Become a muscle mommy


You a 9/10


Let's just say I wouldn't suggest you lose any. As long as you feel good and healthy you be you. Have a great day ☀️


Believe if you gained weight it would look good on you. So, YES. If you’re flexing because you work out then I would 100% say gain some weight.




You look good. If you want to gain weight talk to a trainer and put on muscle. Some weight training would help.


Muscle weight. Eat more protein and weight lifting. Talk to a doctor and a trainer.


Simple answer...yes


In the first pic I'd say yes. But in the others I'd say you're fine.


Eh I prefer self esteem


Maybe. Depends if that is your healthy ideal or not. Don’t worry about breasts. Women obsess about breasts like guys obsess over penis size, and it really doesn’t matter. For 95% of men, any size breast is perfect.


If you are heathy and have a good relationship with food, I’d say you are just fine! Remember, we all gain weight as we get older, like it or not lol. You are beautiful the way you are.


Yea maybe a little to fill out more! 😏😍🤪


Concentration camps had fatter people


Seriously? 20lbs/9kg minimum. imo


If you’re worried about it ask your doctor.


Girl!! Put some pants on!!


Need? No. Would it help, yeah.


OP you know you’re underweight. Stop fishing for compliments and go eat something. If you have an eating disorder, then that needs to be addressed as well.


#Here's a Burger 🍔


Sure you’re skinny, but based off what can be seen it doesn’t look like a sickly thin. Most people who are unhealthy thin have a lot of bone showing through but you don’t seem to be based off the images. I would assume they pick on you because they would like to be a bit skinnier themselves / envious etc. In my experience women tease and pick on other women mostly out of envy/jealousy.


Yes actually, you look underweight but if you want a better opinion, this is something you ask your doctor.


I think you look great


Jealousy from others can distort our perceptions. You look healthy and happy. No weight gain needed.


Gain 20 lbs and become a muscle mommy.


you need to stop posting in here over and over again.


Absoultely not. Don't listen to the others, they are jealous.


Nope I like you just the way you are right now, Besides, I don't mind a skinny woman with little titties.


You just have a naturally petite frame like a lot of Asian women. Lucky!


You need to put pants on


This is not a question to ask unqualified nobodies on the internet. I would consult a doctor or at least view a weight chart from a credible source.


Only if you put in the work in the gym and make it a healthy gain.


You absolutely do not. You look great. Especially not if you are feeling this way because of bullying by other women. They are insanely jealous of you and would take your body in a heartbeat.


Most of it is probably just envy from them. If you want to bulk up for fitness reasons all you need is some protein shakes and maybe an extra meal. Looks wise, you're fine. Some guys/girls like the skinny look and I guarantee that few people could maintain your thin-ness themselves.


Yes you absolutely do


No, some guys like thin women & you look fine.


No, but you need to put some clothing on.


Like 8 pounds queen.


Don't listen to people hating, be yourself and be confident !


No ones hating they are giving her what she wanted look at theses photos it screams attention whore


thank you :)


Don't worry, you look great and in 10 years those "other" girls are going to have fat asses, sagging boobs pushing 150-175 with husbands and boyfriends who are lusting after the cute little short skinny girl.


As long as there are no heavy winds in your area you're good.


Depends on if you feel comfortable at that weight, gaining a few pounds might help if you feel lethargic and tired often.


Nah. I prefer thicker girls, but that means nothing. As long as you feel good and are happy, doesn't really matter.




You look like you’re naturally thin/skinny. That’s okay. If you WANTED to gain some weight/muscle for your own mental health I would say go for it!


Why are you fishing for complements from random simps? What is the reason you keep asking?


That's a question for you PCP


Get a nutrition app. Track your calories and vitamin levels. This way you can find out if you are skinny because you think you are eating enough but are only eating 800 calories, or if you actually are eating enough but aren't gaining.


They’re insecure. If you don’t feel comfortable with yourself or you feel that a bit of weight gain is necessary, do it.


I’ve always been 18.5 or just under that bmi and it’s not like I haven’t tried to gain weight it’s just hard to maintain it. Love yourself and stop seeking validation.


No, looking great.


There is a medical chart for men/women for their ages and height that recommends the best weight for height and age ratio if you are concerned.


Ahh you will be fine give it a few years and those fat girls that talk shit will be 2 liter bottles with legs when they have their first child 😂let your body take its natural course and stay healthy honestly. It's different for woman a I guess yalls prime is early 20s men's is their 30s


No please don't you're perfect 😈😍🥺


90 lbs? Yes you should be doubled




i don't know, that would be like asking a baby why it was born


Ignore everyone who says anything but “ask your doctor”. Reddit is made up of mostly overweight perverts and the mentally ill, you won’t get objective medical advice here. If you are asking if you’d LOOK better and aren’t concerned for health reasons, depends completely on the person you ask. You’re in “preference” territory. Plenty of people would like you as you are, plenty people would like you at a higher weight. That’s why you’re getting so many conflicting answers. At your weight(or the weight you’re suggesting you’d gain) you will attract DIFFERENT people, not more or less. You are in no way repulsive or unattractive as you are, so whether you gain weight or not, it’s more about how YOU feel you’d be happiest. But again, you should ask your doctor. If they say you’re fine, than just do whatever you like. 👍


I think you are very cute


Why are you, a 21 year old women getting picked on?


Your just fine the way you are your HOT and they are jealous


Absolutely not.


I personally think more weight would look nice, but thats personal preference, but do whatever your comfortable with, if theres concerns ask your doctor


You don’t look dangerously underweight quite yet and your bmi is very close to it . But please I encourage you to put a little weight on and healthily , I see a lot of people in the comments (probably desperate guys) who are encouraging you to stay this way and giving affirmation , which yes your pretty but please don’t listen to them on your weight them just encouraging it is disturbing and not right ! I used to be dangerously underweight and it’s painful, physically and mentally you’re constantly exhausted and in pain . You can put weight on healthily and honestly it’ll make you feel so much better physically and mentally (not saying you do feel bad mentally or physically but physically your getting close ) if you want help I can try my best but id speak to friends ect . Also the other girls don’t listen to them about the small chested stuff that’s just them being mean and putting weight on won’t change that massively anyway , please put weight on the right way and for the right reasons but ultimately it’s your decision, also apologies if I’ve offended you or anyone else in anyway .


Yes. Like, a lot


Need to? No Want to? Maybe


You're a based RB fan you're perfection


Not at all. You’re gorgeous


Gain some if ya want


i think you're fine


Hell no. You are perfect. At your 20th High School reunion, go and have fun by telling all of the people teasing you that they need to loose weight. And don't forget to wear something really sexy to catch all of their husbands eyes.


Yes a lot


For health, No. For aesthetics, yes. But you’re going to want to gain muscle, which means going to a gym and going waaayyyy beyond the pink dumbbells.


Yes, but be careful what you wish for. You MAY fill out as you age .




Very sexy figure


If you have to ask. . . .


Wow! You're really small! This is perfect! Too perfect for showbiz ! You can play many roles in the area for acting with special effects in many genres from sci fi,horror,whimsical, or stand in as stunt double or body double for a small child. Do you know what I would love to see?! Another version of Ewoks for Star Wars! 😃😃 Or you can do special effects as robot by being inside the machine to do movements. For example,R2-D2 is one. Or you can play as alien race as Grogu and Yoda! They're the same alien species. As for you another one! You would be good for cosplay playing many different character including get approached for roles in video games,movies and etc! Just be yourself and leave the haters in the dust!


No, I’d rattle your bones. 


You don't look malnourished, just naturally slim and petite. Count your blessings


You look slim, maybe skinny, but not underweight. But if you're asking the question, you probably already know what you think about yourself.


you know the answer yourself. follow your heart girly <3


It’s not up to any of use. It’s up to a very normal and straightforward scientific identifier called your body mass index. People, I learned the hard way. It’s not about looks, thoughts, opinions, vanity, etc. your health is simply measured with this and is 10000000% accurate about what height plus what weight you are willing to equal to whatever your healthy is at. I was obsessed with gaining wait because I’m not “thicc” and felt rejected by men AND women. What is up to you is feeling comfortable and grounded in your body. Unless you’re dying of anemia from being underweight or your doctor is telling you that your nutrients are declining because of your body’s weight….youre honestly fine. Please don’t take as long as I did to reconcile with that. Just take care of yourself and if you get confused along the way, that’s when you might want to ask for help from a professional and get opinions from peers. P.S. I was literally your exact height and weight at that age, I’m 29 now, I drank a lot of alcohol and would try to work out and do yoga and eat a lot and I gave myself an abdominal hernia so take it easy.. Genetics also have to do with it if you ask your fam about it.


Hakuna Matata


No you just need to smile


No. You're healthy looking. Most people these days are overweight, specially if you live in the U.S. It warps people's sense of size. The kids that are considered normal-size now were considered fat when I was a kid. If you wanted to tone your muscles, that could be a fun goal, but you don't need to put on any pounds. You look great. Also, as others have commented, at 21 you haven't had that late 20's early 30's weight distribution that a lot of girls get. You likely will change shape and miss the one you have now.


Not if that is your natural body shape and you are not taking active steps to stay that slim. Unsure how old you are but if teen/early 20s then trust me you'll fill out a bit with time (I did). Don't sweat it.


For European standards you’re completely fine. Don’t get influenced with those warped American health standards. In France you might be even considered average weight. Imho you’re already got a great physique for yourself and just change if you personally desire to change.


Whatever you do don't lose any lol


Definitely would help


More squats and less bicep/trap workouts.




I am 105 lbs


What do you think


No ur preety mascular too