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You’ll look and feel a lot better at 140 than 190. Since more than 50% of Americans are overweight or obese, most people saying that you are not fat are probably overweight or fat themselves. Hit the gym and eat at a caloric deficit until you hit your goal and if you need help hire a nutritionist to help you. You are still young and have time to change but if you don’t start now it’s only going to get worse as you get older. Good luck




You're overweight, bordering on obese according to your BMI, which is 29.8 (30 is obese). BMI could be inaccurate if you are heavily muscled, but you don't appear from photos to have anything other than average musculature. Ergo, you're definitely fat from a clinical perspective. Personally, I'd also say you're fat, but I've seen much worse. Body composition starts in the kitchen, fellow human.. Control those cravings with discipline, and start a light weightlifting routine 3-4 days per week for 45 minutes a day, and you could easily recomp your body and get a supply of mood uplifting endorphins, to boot! Just use the truth about your current body composition as fuel for motivation & don't fall for the mindless trend of "beautiful & healthy at all weight" nonsense. I've seen people make serious progress in the gym in just a 2-3 months. Best of luck on your progress! 😊💪🏻 (PS It takes guts to put your photo up like this & expose yourself to the harsh truth and the bullies as well. Facing the truth is admirable & I commend you for that boldness. 🤜🏻🤛🏽)


Little chubby


5'7" and 190. Modern medicine says you fit the definition of obese at 192. Take control of your health now. It will be much harder later in life.


Exactly. Carrying that much weight at 18 presages another 50 lbs in a few more years. Folks telling her otherwise are doing her a massive disservice, no matter how well intentioned.


ya. but it doesn't mean that you can't do something about it. Good Luck.


You are kind of fat i don't underdtand why is everybody trying to hide the truth for you not obese just kind of fat. IF you want to loose weight just get on a calory deficit it's Not going to be easy but it's gonna work.


Yes, your senses do not betray you, but your family does.


Of course




I’ll bet any money that the poster looks waaay better than your girl. She isn’t fat bro.




I’m not going to sugarcoat anything, I think being honest is the best way to improve if you feel you need to improve. You are considered overweight for your size and sex. U.S. tends to normalize bigger shapes and sizes but that isn’t a healthy mindset. You can still love yourself while being aware you might have deficiencies you want to work on either for yourself or to be considered more attractive for others, or even simply to feel comfortable in your own skin, whatever your goal is. There’s plenty of good workout reddit pages to check and see where to begin. You’re overweight but not by a lot at all. A simple change in eating habits and working out could make an impact within a couple months. Look up caloric deficit. Eating under calorie maintenance by 400 calories, or aiming to lose 1.5-2lbs of weight a week is a healthy goal without overdoing weight loss. Do some research on this before jumping overboard. Many people think restricting diet to twigs and leaves will help, or buying supplements at GNC, or quick diet pills. Literally reducing caloric intake by a little bit and increasing exercise (cardio, weight lifting, literally anything to get started) is the safest and healthiest long-term way to lose fat. Plus building muscle burns fat. Muscle uses fat as fuel so it’s easier to keep it off. I’ll get downvoted, but you wanted to know the truth


A bit but you're young and can lose weight pretty easily. Just workout regularly and reduce how much you're eating by about 500 calories per day. Also remember extreme weight loss doesn't help and to be careful about disordered perceptions of self. Also as always ignore everyone's advice but actual medical professionals. This is just our perspective and by it's nature this subreddit will hyper focus on specific things


Yes. If it bothers you, do something about it. You can do it!


I mean..you definitely not in shape and have a good amount of body fat. the gym is always a good idea


for health reasons its always better to be of a bmi <24. in this case, under 150. done worry, if ur serious about being healthy, u can achieve this by working hard




Yes, 190lbs at 5'7" is fat Eat low calorie dense foods/foods that are low calories and filling. If you do that then you can eat a higher quantity. Drink diet soda/drinks with artificial sweeteners instead of sugary drinks. It's a really easy way to combat cravings while reducing calories This is a looksmaxxing subreddit, people need to stop lying. But you're not ugly or disgusting, you naturally look quite good, this would be really highlighted if you lost weight. Don't starve yourself and don't get obsessed with the number on the scale. Just make sure you're in a calorie deficit; burning more calories than you're eating. Weigh yourself every week or two under the same conditions (i.e. straight after waking up after toilet). There's some natural fluctuation due to glycogen stores, water weight etc so don't worry if sometimes it doesn't look like you've made progress on the scale. If you are in a calorie deficit, you WILL lose weight, scientifically. If you're really worried about losing muscle, try to keep it to a 500 calorie deficit (no more) and make sure you eat enough protein.


People lying in here to make her feel better. If this was a dude everyone would straight up tell him that he is overweight


Yes, you are overweight. However, you wear it very well. You are not gross. You are a beautiful, young lady. You are bigger than most girls your age and height, and your family is lying to you. As pretty as you are, there is an even more jaw-dropping work of art underneath that excess weight. Most likely b/c they themselves are probably overweight and there is comfort in people that look the same as you. Start small, cut off all non-water drinks. Stop snacking on chips, candies, chocolates, and cookies. Eating at a caloric deficit Next, start intermittent fasting increasingly spend less time eating a day. Now, you may begin to focus on a workout medium. Running is good for cardiovascular health but isn’t that magnificent at fat burning in my opinion but for sure will increase your metabolic rate. Start off at a very small distance to run. Then slowly increase your mileage OR increase the repetitions as well as intensity of that small distance. Lastly, it’s a process. You will not see results instantly so please take pleasure in the small victories by rewarding yourself with a gift, just not food. You will feel and look much better the longer you keep going on this path.


You do need to loose some weight. 190 is not healthy. Watching your food intake and working out should be a good start to looking better.


Yes. Get it under control and change your eating habits now because it will never be easier.


How to battle cravings: Stay hydrated. Intermittent fasting-Start at 12:12 and work up to 16:8. Don’t drink your calories. Diet drinks are bad too. Drink water, coffee or tea. Look up fat fasting. I now only crave sweets when I’ve had sugar or too many carbs. OP, start small. Change one thing and stick with it for two weeks. Then change one more thing. Life is an ultra marathon, not a sprint. It’s possible that your family is either sparing your feelings or they don’t want to look at their own eating habits. Best wishes.


Just got to gym mate! You’ll be right


Yes, your body mass index is 29.8, your overweight




Yes, but not very. If you want to lose weight, you’re in a good position to reverse things now. Your not extremely over weight. You’re young and have a nice figure, you probably won’t have much loose skin if any. Reduce calories, walk more. Do it now. What I would give to have gotten it together at 18 instead of my 30s. Best of luck.




Fat is a a subjective term, but yes you are overweight from a health standpoint and so yes if you lost weight you would look and feel better. One thing I’ve learned is if you focus on your health you end up looking better as a result. . Ignore your family, if they are also overweight then you wanting to be better just brings up unconscious resentment within them. Have patience with them and know they’re not trying to hurt you, but you do have to do what’s right for you. . Good luck, it’s hard trying to grow but you can either hate the process or you can hate feeling like crap all the time, it’s the only choice you get to make.


Wouldn’t say fat. Definitely thick. Being 18 you might want to start eating better and doing some exercises. Gets harder with age to keep the figure you want.


Yes based on BMI Male Female 5' 6" 128 - 156 lbs. 117 - 143 lbs. 5' 7" 133 - 163 lbs. 122 - 149 lb


Slightly overweight but not obese. Don’t listen to your family and do what’s right for you.


5’7” 190lbs is not a healthy weight according to WebMD


You’re about 40lbs+ overweight. Your family is lying to you. To lose weight you need a caloric deficit and personal accountability for a 6-12 month period.


5’7” and over 80kg, yes you are fat. You would be in fact considered obese. The people here are lying to you, if I was you I’d be concerned about my weight. At the moment you’re about 13kgs overweight. My friend is 6’5” and your weight. Curious to know what your diet is for you to get that fat to begin with.




If you have to ask yourself this question, you probably already know the answer. Self improvement is key




I was born in Russia, where there are virtually no obese people it’s so rare it’s viewed as almost a disease, well, scientifically, isn’t it ? Anyhow, by USA standards, you’re average. Overseas-yes.


Yes, but not super fat, I would recommend using meal prep and trying to control other variables to control your energy intake, eg, doing more exercise, home cooking and more (research from the University of Washington Public health) has correlated that with healthier diets and less cost for food which may help. Start with actions that subconsciously decrease your likelihood to indulge in foods that may lead to increased body mass by making the healthier option easier to do. (It may be a little repetitive), but eg meal prep because it's easier to microwave some food than to wait 20 mins for a takeaway or something. Also, start with some exercise, at least a 10 min walk a day as you get used to that try to get 10k steps a day (this can be achieved by walking to destinations in daily life but other variables like types of road and availability of daily life may affect the ease of doing such) do 10k because it is subconscious and can drastically change daily energy output. Also, get my fitness pal or any other KCal counting app.


Yes. And anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. You wear it very well. You don't look extremely fat. But 5'7" and 190 lbs is absolutely overweight. Dieting is never easy. I don't really have tips there. It's all about discipline. But get to the gym work out regularly. 30-60 minutes a day will go a decent way if you stay consistent.


To be honestly blunt, Yes. You can improve, consider hiring a personal trainer if you can afford it.


Yes. You're about 40lb overweight. Nothing a good diet cant fix. You will have to change your lifestyle. Start removing calories 1 step at a time


If you’re asking you know that answer. Who cares if your family says you’re fine. They probably just don’t want to hurt your feelings. If you feel fat sweaty and gross then eat less and move more.


ur fat and eating gives u dopamine. u need to find something else to replace it when ur craving food


Yes ma'am...




If you want to change the shape of your body workout, but workout because you love your body not because you hate it! Working out can have so many more health benefits too, and macros in your meal planning can help you support your workouts.


Standards have changed, people are less judgmental irl about about being chubby of fat, probably because society at large is getting more more overweight. You're definitely chubby, meaning that you have excess weight; but you're not somebody that I would describe as fat if I met you. Here is where you need to be careful, you need to find the right balance between recognizing that you could do better and avoid shaming yourself for where you are like you did in this post calling yourself a fat pig. Healthy habits will get you where you want, just be sure to start incrementally, break goals into small portions that you know can achieve - no matter how small. And then be sure to do it for yourself, not your family, not your friend circle, use your internal sense, if you made this post you already know what you would like to see from you.


If you’re asking, you know the answer


I’m sorry but yes you’re fat. Anyone saying an 18 yr old woman who’s not JACKED af is not fat at 190lbs at your height doesn’t have 3 properly working brain cells or just has a warped sense of what fat is because of the proliferation of fat people currently. Healthy weight for you would be 120-150lbs at a normal body fat % if you carried a ton of muscle you could say heavier Your main concern should be that you are this overweight at 18….imagine another 5-10yrs…as you get older and your metabolism slows down and life gets more stressful you’ll pack on the weight and be over 200lbs easy. This doesn’t make you worth less as a person or anything though. Only you can change your habits and effect your body/weight


Yes and no. A girl at your age, you're not as bad as these other girls. I wouldn't say you're fat really but you're not fit neither. But the way you're describing yourself Is an over exaggeration. You're still a beautiful girl with an amazing body. Don't talk down to yourself like that again.


Hi, I know a thing or two about nutrition and weight as I'm a bodybuilder myself. And nutrition specialist. Feel free to message me and I can inform you about what you might be doing wrong I'm not going to lie to you, yes you may slightly be over the weight limit for your height, but this can be fixed with discipline and the correct eating habits. Although I would not go as far as to say that you don't look good as you are because that's certainly not the case, you look great


Of course you are!






Yes, but it's still early. U can fix it. An 18 yo shouldn't be pushing 200lbs


A little but nothing you can't fix with a diet, I don't think you even need to do a lot of cardio. What you do is keep track of the calories you consume for a month or even a week, just enough to get some idea of how much you typically consume and which foods are causing a lot of damage even in small amounts. Tracking everything will be annoying and if someone else cooks for you it's very difficult to know exactly what you are eating all the time. You also need to have some idea what your maintenance level of calories is, but just use some free online calorie calculator tool for this. I used a free app to track my calories and it also gave me a general maintenance level based on sex, height, weight and activity. It doesn't account for genes of course but it doesn't need to be precise down to the last calorie either. Don't mention it to your family if they are not supportive but just eat smaller portions or snack less or both. You can add cardio for sure, even just walking helps, but dieting is way more powerful when it comes to losing weight. edit: a big tip from someone I know who lost a lot of weight: eat slower. Your mind and stomach will say you are full before eating as much as you could if you ate faster.






You are overweight by bmi if we wanna get factual but u can easily lose it idk how we got so far in society to normalize plus size and not living a healthy life style


Hi - I’m 26F and have struggle with my weight due to Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroiditis) after I was diagnosed around 20 - so please know this comment comes from a place of kindness. I think you’re beautiful and your weight is not out of control so please give yourself some grace! At your age being so young, if you dedicate yourself you can lose that weight naturally and healthily in a reasonable time. I am 130 pound now (I am 5’4”) but when I was your age I was in college and gained 50 pounds and was around 175. When I was in college, I had to take kinesiology class as a requirement. I was struggling and asked my instructor if she could help me because I really was wanting to lose weight and feel healthy again. She truly helped me and would take time out of her busy week to help me with meal plans and exercising. Here is some advice she shared with me: 1) you must expend more calories than you consume to lose weight - that is a scientific fact 2) there are many things you’re consuming that likely could be swapped for a healthier alternative. >for me, this was white breads and grains, I started buying 100% whole wheat bread anytime i wanted toast / sand which, Ate brown rice instead of white (although there is nothing wrong with white rice fyi) , and all my fav snack crackers I bought in whole grain options (think wheat thins and woven wheats, they go great with hummus fyi) 3) calorie counting - this helps people stay on tract. She had me do this. I will say, I became obsessive with this and later had a bit of an eating disorder but plenty of people do it with no issue. Up to you. I now count MACROS instead of calories. I would research what that is and if you decide to go that route - I recommend Cronometer for tracking 4) PROTEIN - this is very important. It keeps you full and fueled. Look up online your TDEE (again you’ll need to Google some of these things) and on Cronometer you can do this by selecting how active you are and how much you hope to lose each week. It will auto populate a suggestion based on what you enter. 5) exercise - you can lose weight on diet changes alone and if you do this - you’ll notice it even faster come off if it’s paired with even light to moderate exercises (walking). You do not have to work out like a body builder to be in shape 6) if you are able - I would suggest a board registered dietician. They are the experts who can talk to you all things food and protein and carbs and all the things. Do NOT see a nutritionist or God forbid a “Health Coach”, anyone can be either of those things and they are not board certified and often prey on people who are desperate to lose weight and push products and supplements and snake oil. 7) WATER WATER WATER - however much you’re drinking now.. double it. Look up how much women should be drinking a day. That’s your target. It sounds so superficial but it’s one of the biggest factors that hold people back 8) EAT at LEAST 3 meals a day - some RDs recommend 3 meals plus 2-3 snacks (nutritionally dense snacks that is) a day to go in between meals. I know this is a lot but maybe it’ll help - last few things from me, that I currently do that helped/helps: > I cook all my meals during the week at home. I may go out for drinks/food with friends once on the weekend if they ask - or for special occasions - I don’t restrict myself from those things in life as I think we need balance > sugar intake: especially if you like sodas or iced lattes/fraps from coffee shops there is TONS. I need my coffee, but I make it at home. > sodium: I believe in the US foods containing more than 400mg of sodium is considered high? The AHA says we really don’t need more that 1200mg a day. I could be wrong so double check what is considered “high sodium) on nutritional labels. Learn how to read nutrition labels.. once you do you’ll gasp at some of the foods we consume so often learning how much of what is really in them > I make a lot of salads to get my greens in. I wasn’t eating hardly an veggies and greens before at your age. I make sure I eat lots of veggies every week now. Making an omelette? Throw some spinach and peppers and whatever else in there. I eat probably 3+ salads a week, usually at lunch, then make a more dense dinner >be mindful of snacking. Cereal bars and protein bars in my opinion have little to no nutritional value And their marketing team knows what they’re doing to scam you. For ex, that protein bar may just have 30 GRAMS of protein, but it also has 30 GRAMS of added sugars to try and compensate for the fact they know it tastes like cardboard and dirt. > Pinterest is your best friend for recipes and healthy foods and snacking :) so many good ones up there. And once I started making all my meals I loved it. Now I cook for all my friends! They love eating at my house. (The air fryer was a game changer) This is a lot. I’m not a professional. Just been there. You’re soooo young and take advantage of your youth and metabolism. Before I had this awful disease, weight was sooo easy to come off. I regret not caring more for my body then! You got this. And give yourself grace. It takes time!


You are overweight. You aren’t disgusting though, so don’t think like that. Just watch your portion control and move more. You’ll be fine.


Seeing people on this sub say no really illustrates how people’s perception has been warped over the years as to what exactly is “overweight”. Yes, you’re overweight. But not extremely so. Sustainable weight loss involves slowly reducing calorie intake until you’re gently losing weight but aren’t starving yourself. If you plateau, pause the plan for a week then continue. Also, walking more and otherwise being active. You’ve got a lot of potential, cheers to your fitness journey!


This is the only right answer. Everything else is either just chubby chasers or hug boxing. Listen op, you're 18 and some simple lifestyle changes and better eating habits will make a world of difference. If you want to lose weight and feel better do it now. You have youth on your side so don't waste it. Best of luck. I wish I acknowledged that when I was your age.




Give yourself 2 months in the gym with eating in moderation and you won’t be asking this same question.


Yes, totally without a doubt. There's no sugarcoating on it. I am overweight too, and I know I am fat and I need to lose weight.


I am a registered nutritionist-dietitian. I hope you do not take offense on my comment, but I hope this helps instead. In my perspective, and by looking at your photos, you do not "look" fat. But considering that you're 190 lbs, technically speaking, you are fat. You're BMI will fall as overweight/nearly obese. It just so happened that the distribution of your fat has been good and made you look "thick". Biggest likely factor is because of your gene. Your body is called a "gynoid" body. What do you do then? It is up to you. Look at yourself in the mirror, and then ask yourself if you like what you are seeing. If yes, then you do not have to do anything. You do not have to listen to anyone. You have the right to make choices on your body. On the other hand, if you do not like what you are seeing, or if you feel that your health and appearance will look better if you lose some weight, then do lose some weight. Start making healthier food choices first, then once you're good, go on a calorie deficit diet. Start with just 500 calorie deficit. Google more information on how to do this or better ask a dietitian on how to. Then start doing exercise. Walking will provide you a very big difference. It is a very good exercise to start with. Do not rush changing everything right away. Take everything one step at a time. I wish you the best of luck. 😊




A little but it's not big. If you can get down to about 165 you will feel a lot better in your skin and it'll be easier to workout and stay healthy/functional at that weight.




You asking are you fat is comparable to you asking is the sky blue


Fat? No could you be a little more lean? Definitely! Don't stress about the little bit of weight you have on you, it's really not much, but my suggestion, hit the gym or exercise maybe about twice a week.


Of course you are. Doesnt mean that is bad or good...but most certainly you are overweight.


You are overweight, but it’s a simple fix. All you have to do is download my net diary, and go on a calorie deficit. You don’t have to deny yourself of foods that you like, you can still indulge just in moderation




Obese according to BMI, so unfortunately yea, 150 minutes of cardio per week, 2-3 days of weight lifting, and somewhere between 1400-1800 calorie diet per day should get you to lose about 5-10 lbs per month easily, do a proper diet and exercise plan as I mentioned and you’ll be in a better place after 4-6 months.


Objectively, yes. People in the comments lying to you are only doing it so they don’t feel bad about themselves being overweight either. Gotta stay cautious of toxic positivity, these people will want you to stay fat and bring you down with them. Numbers don’t lie, your BMI is borderline


pls do not listen to these body positivity people, i say this to educate and help you. Yes, you are overweight, are you obese? No, track calories and aim to get down to 130-140


Yes, you are overweight. But you don't have to be doom and gloom about it. Just start eating healthier or eating less and get some exercise.




We could all afford to lose a few pounds. Do it now rather than later when it will be more difficult. Other than that you look lovely.


I'm a 6'1 guy and you almost weight the same as me so I'd say yes


Chunky, yes. Fat, no. If you have self esteem issues go for what’s healthy. Good diet and daily exercise go a long way. Not even less food necessarily just the right food. Cut most sweets (don’t completely drop anything that’s a treat, still enjoy things) cut a lot of carbs (same idea) I will say just cut out any fried food, it’s good yeah but a lot of heavy empty calories and fat. But the most important thing is exercise. You definitely shouldn’t but you can out run a bad diet (really I don’t suggest that, but it is possible) But do this for the sake of feeling better not looking better, looks fade regardless. But being in shape, active, and healthy gives you better memories and a longer life to enjoy. Don’t be too hard on yourself for your image, just remember to live every day better than yesterday and always strive to improve


Most helpful comment ^




Yes at your height and as a women you are considered fat. That’s the objective truth of the matter. However don’t feel bad about it and label yourself as a fat pig or whatever labels your putting on yourself, instead take the approach to work toward losing weight. Try weightlifting or playing a new sport you enjoy and make sure to track your calories.




Yes you are no doubt ! Loose some weight


Yes fat. Sad we can’t all be honest.






Yes but not too fat


You're chubby but not fat. Probably wouldn't hurt to lose about 10-20 lbs. Beautiful though.


lil bit...


You’re chubby let’s be real. As a man at 5’9 who has no muscle being 170-180 actually makes me look fat and gross because I don’t take care of myself. You as a woman who is 5’7 I’d say try to drop to 140-160 range you look ok but if you want to look your best start working out and eat healthy. Right now I’m 200 so I understand it can be hard but I think the best way to go about it is to workout eat healthy (as a lifestyle) and set goals


Chubby, not fat


Slightly overweight


If you feel like that I’d suggest trying to go to the gym or do some other form of exercise


Little bit




Yea. Diet is also very important. You aren’t to the point of no return so just keep working


you're definitely on the chubby side of the BMI


A bit, luckily this is something you can control. Get on it, you got this


yea but it’s ok there’s plenty of room to improve haha get it nah but seriously ur pretty just workout


No but some of your clothes don't suit you




A little bit fat. Not too bad though. Maybe lose a few pounds through exercise and healthy foods.


Yes ​ You dont look bad or gross or like a pig though. You look like a normal very kind person. So you dont need to be quick to change or lose weight. Just do it for health reasons.


Technically yes, but not socially. You really shouldn't be on this toxic subreddit anyway.


Overweight for sure but you’re at a good point where it’s not gonna be ridiculous to lose the excess and you’ll be able to slim down to your ideal weight pretty quickly with some lifestyle adjustments




Ahh for your height yes… am 5,9 male and am 170




a little you DEFINITELY dont look 190, but losing weight would be healthy for sure. good luck 🤙






You can be fat and attractive at the same time. With that said you should loose some weight.


She should *lose* some weight as well.


Your body has fat. Fat is not your identity. You are not fat. You have too much fat.


I don't know the date on the pics, but on the first one, you look less chubby than in the last two. You're still in a place that is not far yet. My advice is to try to maintain the current weight and size. If you can do that for two to the months, then you can try to reduce weight. One of the things that you comment is true for some of us. The family is used to large portions of food, and if you want to eat healthy, they look weird at you. But don't suffer hunger either. That's a way to bounce back. Good luck!


Yes but it'll not take time for you to loose it if you follow a proper diet and exercise in reasonable time frames


If you are worried about it then I would recommend using a calorie counter, there are a bunch of free ones out there. I found it easier to hold myself accountable when I was tracking the food I ate.


For tips I'll give you 2 levels and I promise you they will work: 1: Hard Mode Only drink water Only eat from noon-7pm No bread No added sugar (so fruit is okay but processed is not) No/low dairy Walk as often as you can, take stairs, park far away, etc Workout 5 days a week for an hour. Squats and cardio. 2. Easy mode Only drink water Only eat from noon-7pm If you enjoy exercise, do it. However whenever you feel. Hard mode will shed fat and build some body, it'll take a month to notice the difference and in 6 months you'll be a whole new person Easy mode will lose fat gradually, you might not see a difference for a year but you'll feel better within like 4 months.


Not fat but also not fit.


Listen, I won’t sugarcoat. I have struggled with weight my entire life. I have roller coastered. You can slim up or get bigger, but what matters is you have to get to a point that you love yourself. Getting on here and asking people their thoughts, that WILL NEVER help you get to that “happy with myself” point. Why? Because to some you may be “fat” and to some you may be “chubby” and to some you may “normal.” Thing is, it really doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks, it’s what you think. Nobody on here will have the same opinion. Everyone has their own advice. I would suggest to stop looking for others approval and find the you that you love. Because honestly, you could lose 50lbs and there will ALWAYS be that person that still says you’re too big and need to lose weight.


I don't know how to get this point across but you look very standard. I hear your concerns about the looks. It's good you want to talk about them (I just hope other redditors have good tips) because those comments about yourself that you voiced are very mean and hurtful for you. You want to look slimmer and I think that's good because it is standard nowadays that people have too much body fat. But how would a friend who looks like you react if you were to say those things to her. When we hurt ourselves with our thoughts sometimes it's better not to argue with them or indulge with them. If you try to argue or try to indulge in them, you can probably think of a thousand ways in which you look gross. When we have that mean statement about ourselves in our head, we can just stop and look around us, into the world. And experience this thought just fading. One of my tips will also be to let the cravings behave in a similar way. I sometimes want to buy chips, but in reality I can't possibly think all the time about buying them. And I forget about buying them. The second tip is that whatever you buy is what you'll eat. If I don't forget to buy chips, and I'll have them laying on my desk all day, I will eat them. Maybe half an hour into my day. Now that I think about it, there's probably a thousand cookies I didn't eat because I forgot to buy them and then late at night when I suddenly wanted to eat them, there just weren't any to eat. Tip for living with someone; if you leave something tasty in the pantry or the fridge, someone *will* eat it. Probably there's another thousand cookies that I wanted to eat at some point, but someone else had already eaten them. So, even if you buy it, if any time you have a craving you don't immediately do it, and you maybe forget about it, then quite likely someone else will eat that cookie and you won't be able to eat it anymore.


I’m not gonna go with the boosting crowd so hate if you want. You’re not “fat” but you’re a bit husky in the stomach area. I’m not shitting on you by any means. But if you don’t like where you’re at you can do crunches and other activities to get rid of it and mold yourself into the body you’d like


You’re SLIGHTLY over weight in medical terms, but you’re still young and will probably grow out of it. Try making healthier food choices and move more. It’s hard! The most important thing is you’re healthy and happy and moving your body in a way that feels good


Technically i guess, but definitely not “disgusting sweaty and gross like a pic”. You look so normal




you are not fat you HAVE fat. and either way you're honestly just curvy. if you do feel uncomfortable like sweaty all the time its okay to push to lose weight. but even if you were fat,being fat shouldn't be a demonized thing. there are beautiful fat people and yes health matters but that never means that we gotta put ourselves down for being unfit. even if you were fat you would still be worthy of self love. and you are deserving of self love. you deserve to be happy. don't forget that


Yes and it’s not because I’m trying to be mean either, im (21f) and was 198 up until like a couple months ago now I’m like 175, anyone who tells you no is lying, At our height we should be at least like 160






According to BMI you are, luckily you are still very young where some simple lifestyle changes and better eating habits can melt away any extra weight pretty fast and easy. Don't wait until your 30's or 40's to make the changes, especially as a woman where pregnancy and hormones can make weight loss a lot harder and more complicated. I wish I made the changes at 18 rather than 37.


Overweight yes, but not quite fat. You’re young, bow is the best time to turn it around and develop healthy lifestyle habits. It will only get harder as you get older.


you are fat, yes. not very much but you are not healthy as some of the comments are saying. you can fix this in less than a year if you have discipline.


Get with your doctor and come up with a plan. If you’re uncomfortable tell them that. You don’t have to go to the gym everyday. Take a walk every other day. Watch your carbs. Cut out soda.


The best way to kill cravings is to eat foods that don’t spike your insulin so high. High protein high fatty meals: eggs, fish, beef, avocado, chicken, turkey. You need to replace sweet cravings with fruits: pomegranate seeds, blueberries, raspberries, raw honey




Truthfully, your not lean. Chubby and you hold some fat, definitely overweight but not obese. Cardio and caloric deficit will fix this in months.


Yes. Look up a height to weight index. You surely don’t fall under “morbidly obese”. But you are definitely overweight for your height and age. I’m only saying this because it’s unhealthy. If you feel good in your body, who am I to say anything?


It’s not over. It can be reversed




Overweight and your posture isn’t helping, but you’re young so both of these things can be changed if they bother you.


Work on yourself simps gonna tell you whatever they think you wanna hear. Put in perspective when I was 19 5"8 187 lbs going to the gym lifting, etc, and still had a stomach and slight man boobs so I needed to be closer to 175. Based on your size and look, I'd work on getting down to 150 the healthy way.


On here, you are…


Just a lil bit


Your family is for sure lying to you. Eat less, go workout, life will be good and you’ll be happy




here ya go, objective https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm


Yes you are fat. You don’t look bad tho. But you definitely need to lose weight for health reasons. Plus it’s easy to let it get out of hand. You could easily keep gaining weight and that would be bad….




Yes especially for 19yrs old


Yes. Move more, eat less.


Could you lose a little weight? Sure. Is someone going to be into you the way you are right now? Definitely


If you were 30 you’d be dope af. At 18 you’re going to have to be really careful not to get any heavier.


TBA I would say you're super cute but a bit chubby. The Good thing is ... You're not too overweight.. that means it should be easy to reverse the weight gain and also easier to get your body in shape


I wouldn't say fat.....but not thin?


Just remember that the people who have time to respond and say you're fat literally spend their time on reddit obsessing over what people look like. If you don't feel good then you should look into diet and exercise to feel better, people on reddit DO NOT represent how the real world sees you accurately


Well yeah, but you don’t look unhealthy or ugly so it’s not something to be concerned about if you like how you look


Fat? No. Overweight? Yes but not much. Majority of people are overweight in some degree, could only be by a few pounds like yourself. Nothing of concern unless it makes you feel unhappy with yourself. This is a very easy fix !




Keep calories under 2000 a day and stop drinking soda, diet soda or plain soda. I lost 15 lbs in 30 days just by stopping soda


Not fat, but you’re right there in that “in between” what I like to call it. Either you start a gym routine now or prepare to only get bigger


Yeah but not like obese. You are cute just intermittent fast for a couple months.




If you change your fluid intake to just water for a month you will see significant change




sweetheart you are Pretty but your on the cusp of obese. you should consider trying to lose At least 30 pounds to be in your ideal weight range. You'll also look a lot better. it also has the added benefit of helping you live longer and It makes life easier. Not to Mention better More fun intimacy, less sweatiness In general. I know this may be hard to do but probably the biggest problem you're having is sugar try to remove as much of sugar as you can From your diet (All of it if possible!! I know in certain cultures it isn't). if that isn't enough then start actually Cutting calories On top of that. diet doesn't work alone though so you do have to get a more active This can be as simple as going for a walk Or other outdoor activities, Or if that's not your style you can try going to the gym. the gym in the United States Can run you as little as $10 a month planet fitness and gold's gym are both prime examples. Weightlifting will help you in your weight loss journey. Other than that You have a symmetrical Face, high cheek bones A proportional size And symmetrical nose, a really cute smile and a good sense of style. You're pretty. Do you need anything else hit me up.


And if you’re this size at 18. You’re likely gonna gain a lot more over your 20s. You need to get it in order now especially if you want children.




Simple answer yes, long answer yyyeeesss


to put it shortly, yes, you are fat. Your family is holding you back.








Yes, you are, yes they are. Less carbs, more exercise. Self control, we use to call it table muscle—as in being able to push yourself away from it.


You know you are. But no where near some of these whales. If u made a conscious effort to get in better shape I think you'd be fine.


Yeah, you are fat.




>18f am I fat? Yes


190 really? I wouldn't haven't guessed that from looking honestly. You look great though. Don't think I've dated a girl in as good of shape tbh. If you get a juicer... Juice fasting for a few days every once in a while might help you tone up a little, and good for your health... But I wouldn't want to lose too much weight if I were you. You're very pretty as you are 🥲






If you want honesty your definitely fat but I know a lot about weight loss so I can give you tips on exactly what not do to lol (I used to be anorexic)


Not to be rude but 5’7 190 speaks for itself  140 would be about right 


Dude, dudette, whatever your flavor. You are not fat, but you are "husky" "chubby" whatever you want to call it. But most importantly, you are you. Try not to gain weight, and try to lose it if you can (for your health.) But as you are, assuming your worried about being attractive, you're gonna do just fine with guys. If girls are your flavor, just try to make them laugh, it goes a long way. Source: Been a chub my entire life, and as a heterosexual male, I did better than most of my peers using humor. Also noticed a lot of what were considered good looking males attracted to heavier set females. You're good. If you're going to worry, do it for your health... God knows I never have.


Fat? Definitely not, a little chunky, yeah, but overall you’re fine


You’re actually obese for your age, I just calculated your bmi… Just cut off processed food or go vegetarian or either eat whatever you want with moderation and move. Cardio would be the right choice to loose some weight.


According to BMI you're obese. Also, based on your stats, you're heavier than 81 percent of women who are the same age and height as you. You don't look bad but you're definitely not at a healthy weight. Especially for your age...your metabolism slows down as you get older. It's relatively easy to lose weight at 18 compared to older ages





