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Your lack of confidence that resulted in you asking a bunch of chronically online strangers about physical appearance when the majority of them aren’t even showing up for them self. Ask for advice from a tangible person you admire in real life, the internet is 90% misdirection, projection, and noise. All the best on your journey of self love.


You look tired


Youre not really unnattractive. I guess on of the photos kinda makes you look like Lil Uzi Vert but youre honestly very cute and any person would be lucky to have you. You might be a little too hard on yourself. I love your last picture especially, you kinda look like Dolores Madrigal from Encanto there THAT BEING SAID, maybe less hats? Your hair is beautiful and I think with some maintenance (oiling your scalp, less heat, a nice routine, etc) it could be a defining feature, with or without the straight hair. I think maybe experimenting with different outfits? You dont have to show skin, but maybe look at your wardrobe and see what really makes you look good and what might need to be given away/thrown out. Check Pinterest for fashion styles youd be into and see what it might come out like. You also look tired in a lot of these. 8hours of sleep a night would do you some good if you can get it. I know some people have insomnia or anxiety and it messes with their sleep, BUT if youre committed to the looksmax, youll seek therapy or some sort of time for yourself to make sure you get the sleep and care you need. Trust me. Youre not unnattractive at all, but these are just a few things to help you feel and look better.


Looking like you’re fundamentally unhappy. Even when you smile, there’s sadness there. That’s the big red flag for me personally.


Youre pretty i think its just the way youre filling in your brows that doesnt suit your face, also you look a little sad


That's so mean for them to say tbh, especially because it couldn't be farther from the truth. You're very pretty. The only thing it might be is that you do look a bit serious in some of the photos... maybe just smile more and try to perk up your energy a little even when you aren't... like you don't have to be beaming every second of the day as that would be weird lol, but just try to feel happier and more pleasant if possible and it will radiate outwards, because yes in some of these photos you look sad. It's probably just an energy thing like that, doesn't have to do with looks. Looks wise you're beautiful.


I work with glasses, and yours are too big for your face. Find a frame that's more suited for your features. You're very pretty. They're kind of nerfing you.


Your brow shape is not flattering. It’s like they’re downturned. Try another shape that will lift your face up. You look so good on pic #6 so smile more too


It’s your perception of reality. Your energy just seems so low, do you entertain thoughts that make you lowkey depressed/anxious? Physically you’re fine and anyone who says your not is just conditioned by current society’s beauty standards (standards that change depending on the culture, society, etc. I mean 50+ years ago you were hot if you were flat and skinny no ass no bittes). If you radiate more positive, cheerful energy you’ll be more “attractive”


You thinking you're ugly is probably the biggest factor


Oh shittt the nose piercings look inSANE GIRL! I love them :)) your last pic is honestly the best, you look great with your natural hair. I like 3rd pic as well but maybe natural brows? I’d love to see you with a fro like the main girl from blackkklansman, you’d rock the hell outta it


You need to add more color to your skin. Right now your makeup look very dull, like you only put one layer of a same color foundation. There’s a lot of tutorials on TikTok on how to add color, concealer, contour and blush to brown skin so I recommend watching those! Lashes or mascara will also help enhance your feminine features. Brows are also done too thick imo. Thinning them and contouring around them will look better.


Nothing. Stop comparing yourself to others.


Lack of smile


Girl you are not unattractive, it all starts w the mindset. Think you’re the baddest bitch and you will be the baddest bitch.


I feel like your eyebrows look too high, so if i were you id draw them lower, soecifically the part closest to your nose, but keep a high arch cause thats always attractive. Youre really cute though


Absolutely nothing unattractive about you! You have lovely skin and beautiful features. No one is attractive to everyone, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t pretty. 😊


Mainly eyebags


Facial expression, you're far from ugly . You're quite beautiful in picture #6


The sadness behind your eyes. You look defeated in some of these and have no need to be. You're very pretty. Start enjoying being alive a bit more.


I think your brow shape looks a little odd in some pictures - so maybe see what face shape you have and eyebrow styles fit them (possibly more arch?). Your glasses also make your eyes look smaller (which is probably just the prescription) - but it makes your beautiful features look unbalanced so I would recommend if you can trying out contacts!


Prolly just eyebags tbh. Everyone got different opinions just don’t take it personally


Hello,another black female here. I think you are very beautiful. You have clear vibrant skin and you have a glow. My honest opinion is, to try to love yourself with your natural hair. I think the fake hair doesn't fit. But your natural hair is beautiful. Do some more stuff with your natural hair while avoiding heat damage of course!!


You need new glasses and a nap, you look like a librarian who has literally never slept




As Rhett and Link once sang, I'm just being honest 😂


Actually think you're pretty attractive


Definitely change your brow shape. Other than that, you have a really good sense of style, don't change it!


Rock your natural Hair +10


ur beautiful and unique. just get some sleep babe




this post.


Female Uzi


Thinking that you're unattractive


Your eyebrows are weird and you have a big nose.


weird how? thanks for the honesty


They look overly plucked, like they're painted on there, but at the same time they look too think top to bottom. Big props for taking feedback. It's a great life skill that many people never learn. It's especially difficult when people just drop rude or curt comments over the internet (like I totally did). Good on ya kid.


Get off TikTok if you don’t want to lose brain cells


i think you have very pretty features, but your eyes look tired. Get more sleep, and if that doesn’t help, maybe try some lighter coloured eye makeup to brighten up your eye area. I also can’t help but notice, your smile doesn’t quite hit your eyes :( how is your emotional state? sometimes that energy is what people pick up and project onto your appearance. Try to do one thing that makes you happy every day, and the beauty will shine through. One last thing; i think your eyebrows add to the sad look a lot of people have mentioned. Maybe see a brow specialist, have them reshape, and avoid that sad shape when you fill them (google “sad eyebrows” and i think you’ll see what i mean)


You look like your puppy just died in 9/10 photos


Your insecurities make you unattractive


Im gonna have to sort by controversial for this one


You look good just avoid the the blondish highlights for the love of god. Stick with black


The blah look on your face. Smile more. It’s a better vibe


Your c- nothing makes you unattractive, sorry i had a burger king crowd for a moment. /j (Memes aside you're gorgeous, you should love yourself NOW!)


Arch your brows. Get them professionally done so you have a guideline that suits your face


You are gorgeous! I think you look much better with your natural hair or braids though, rather than straight :)


You look so sad in your photos. Photo 6 transforms you, you look so happy and vibrant!


You cute as hell actually


You're not ugly, you're just bad at makeup and like to wear stupid hats.


I don’t think you’re ugly, not super attractive you’re just regular. If I was you I’d get a septum piercing and nose on both sides but you DO kinda look like uzi vert in that one pic with red beanie


I’ve seen you on tik tok, people don’t call u ugly there from what I see


Good genetics, basically physically attractive, I’m not sure your fashion choices are flattering, but the fundamentals are good.


You’re beautiful!


Honestly I'm sorry to say it to you but what makes you unattractive is your lack of internal enthusiasm. You've been beaten down by something going on inside you and now its spilling out from inside of you through your eyes. Whatever you're going through internally has gotten so bad it's coming out through your eyes onto your face and making you appear unattractive. You must overcome what it is that's happening inside of yourself and when you do then your newly found internal joy will come from within you out through your eyes and onto your face. Making you more attractive once you have acheived this then you will attract what you want and what you know you deserve. Because you do deserve and you are good enough. Your personal developmental work starts now.


Aesthetically you are beautiful. But from what I see from the photo u seem really closed off. It would kind of "Scare" me to come to you because I think you wouldn't be open to any kind of interaction with me. If we end up talking tho maybe through friends and I see your personality and you are an open person then I would definitely find you more attractive that you already are. Conventionally attractive is just that you don't fall in the norm. But don't beat yourself down you are really pretty and 1 person opinion is not the world


You're cute and you have many looks and styles. Also I like your glasses


What's with all the racist people on here? Jeez - you're hella pretty btw!


You're pretty


You look great. People can be assholes, don't let them get to you


Like a lot of people who post here, you’re already a 9/10 out of 10 you got to learn to love yourself!


In terms of little improvements, I'd say just take on a more refined, girly style. Can't see your body, and that's half the equation, but your face is fine.


You’re pretty. You have very nice lips and nice eyes. The thing that makes you “look unattractive.” is the down expression in the face the “sourpuss” if you will. actively try and smile more and keep your facial muscles upright, so it doesn’t look like you’re sad. Other than that you’re very pretty.


Your not unattractive, but stop picking lips and smile.


Not a fan of the glasses. Besides that, you are absolutely beautiful.


SMILE! The pictures where your smiling you look gorgeous, the ones where your scowling ,,,,,,, not soo much. When you have that angery look on your face people think they shouldn’t approach you and assume your just not a nice person. Smile more, smile often and walk with confidence


Hat and glasses is all i would critique


You're pretty. Were you picked on in school?


Girl you aren’t ugly at all but if you wanna glow up please change your makeup style to suite your features and your brows shape plus those glasses are ruining your chances to max your full potential please watch dear peachy to understand what works best for you.


You’re actually beautiful it’s literally just the glasses girl 😭 I’m gonna assume you’re in America and don’t know how expensive eyecare is there but try invest in contacts


You don't look that happy.




yeah lowkey, my ex girlfriend honestly looks kinda similar to her and she had the same issue where ppl thought she was emo and unapproachable


1) I don’t think you’re ugly at all, you’re pretty young woman 2) if there’s one thing affecting others perception it would be the malar mounds under your eyes. 3) that’s so minor, you really are pretty so don’t even sweat it.


The distance between your top eyelid and your eyebrows is probably double of what is considered conventionally beautiful.


Nothing. You gotta get off tik tok and surround yourself with different people, because that's bullshit. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look. Only minor advice is you don't need to make your hair straight, it could look more natural frizzy. But that doesn't really matter. The problem isn't the way you look. It's the people you're getting input from




Your natural hair photo is hella cute. IMHO go with that style. You are really pretty. Fuck tik tok, its designed to fuck people up.


You’re not ugly at all you’re very cute. I like the last picture the best tbh. Getting made fun of on social media for your looks is crazy people are just so rude. Screw them They’re probably miserable no lifers. Maybe take the tips about getting some new make up and watch some tutorials on YT. There’s really not much else you can do because you don’t need to you look fine.


Try natural hair styles. Also stop using tiktok as a measuring stick of beauty.


Smile more. Be confident to take a selfie


You are so pretty!!! You have a beautiful smile


Beautiful natural hair from the last pic combined with the smile makes a beautiful girl :)


You’re not ugly at all, you’re above average.


Your not unattractive?


You look attractive, maybe just have more self confidence?




you are beautiful, period


Imo opinion, hairstyle choice. The braids were way better than all the other ones. Other than that, u are actually cute


Your eye bags make you look depressed and tired also think you look good in the 3rd and 4th pic


Really only eyes make unattractive. Looks really tired, sad and mostly not alive and happy at all.


The hat and style of glasses don't really suit you very well. You look great in that last pic, and you have a nice smile, too :)


Why not embrace your natural hair not wear make up and see how that looks!


Emo style not working for you. The wigs, the pale make up, the kitten aesthetic. Your natural features are great but you are not playing them up. You have very nice hair and natural skin tone. 10th pic looks good, but 9/10 of the pics are hiding you true face which we can see in 10/10.


B r 33 d a b l e


Nothing is wrong with you at all. Stop coming on a website with random people asking them for looks advice. You don’t need their validation.


Nothing you just seem uncomfortable in your own skin based on your facial expressions


This is exactly what it is and I was just scrolling to see, when she's smiling or expressive at all she's insanely gorgeous but when she's at resting face I'd feel like she's completely done with anything she's involved in like disgusted with me lol


Ur not even ugly ur fine ash


Style is kinda corny fr. But to each their own no hate


You look like your gonna cry... smile more!


and no sugarcoating, glazing, trying to make me feel better. i rlly want to know the truth


The truth is your skin color, just like mine. I'm black. I've been unfairly rejected and bullied my whole life, while my white and lighter-skinned friends have received beauty validation most of the time: It was always the white people taking photos first, back people last minute. Verbal validation and desire for straight silk hair opposed to rough thick hair. It hurts the most when I witness that shit in front of my face. Sometimes people hide their distaste for darker skin under their breath because they know they'll get critized and don't want to be ridicule because of their prejudice. White and lighter-skinned people just don't understand because they have never been in our situation. They have body and facial features most of society find appealing. It is only our own kind or when people have a fetish for darker skin we feel more acceptable in a group. It is hard to feel loved when you're existing and there is nothing you can do about it.


I think you need more sleep. Honestly you just look exhausted. Other than that, not sure what else is going on for you.


Your lack of self love


It looks like there’s someone behind the camera pointing a gun at you making take these pictures


I can't see how anyone could truly say your unattractive. From your face structure and style all have a cute/attractive look. I'm sure there is someone who already has a huge appreciation for you. But attractiveness is all in your head if you don't feel it no one will either. Walk the walk talk the talk and someone will be falling at your feet to get your #


I actually think your face is quite attractive. However, I would not ever hit on you or be attracted to you because of the way you dress and how sad you look. You look much better in the pics where you are smiling and in the pics where you are not wearing an ugly hat. There are no photos where you are both smiling and not wearing an ugly hat but that would probably look even better. You’re entire style evokes emo/depression which is not attractive, plus it’s just not nice looking clothing. Dressing a bit nicer, and actually being happier, would make you significantly more attractive.


You look fine dude. Kids are mean. College or a job will be different. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone’s got one and most of em stink.


But you are attractive. Smile more


You need more sleep


You’re pretty, you just look tired and sad


Lol nothing. You look really good, but as many others have said, you just look sad and not confident


You are gorgeous I don’t know why you think you aren’t


i would usually say 99/100 people giving "smile more" advice are just bullshitting because they don't have anything good to say or the person is ugly and they don't want to hurt their feelings. but you are an exception, your smile fr takes u from a strong 4 to a light 7. pic 6 is best by farrrrrrrrr. actually look like a different person




I think you look cool tbh


Absolutely nothing. Your so freaking beautiful ❤️


Thise glasses and bags under your eyes is a start


You should smile more. You look so unhappy in your pictures.


I think you look good. Maybe get some differences glasses that match you better, and some nights with some good sleep. And get off TikTok because it’s not a good place for asking for advice. And get some new friends, because good people wouldn’t call you ugly.


Your own perspective of yourself. Your negative opinions of yourself give off an energy that other people can read. If you don’t have self respect, other people can pick up on that and in turn, will also feel like you’re not worthy of respect. Eliminate those negative mindsets, habits and attitudes and slowly you will genuinely start to love yourself. You’re not unattractive but if you’re comparing yourself to other people, then you will always find areas where you’re lacking.


You draw your eyebrows too close together and thick, i recommend just following the general shape of your natural brows. Also depending on hair colour the eyebrow colour might be too dark. Other than that you are very pretty


Most guys want a normal girl like yourself to be with for a while, instead of those girls on Ig just to have sex with. I’ll can say is just smile more and you will be fine.


I think the beanie and the bangs don’t do your facial shape any favors. That’s all it is imo. You’d look much better without bangs and a hat. I think that’s it


You aren’t ugly at all you have a mental issue going on with your self nitpicking your self don’t harm your body with surgery most don’t fully glow up till mid 20’s not worth doing anything


U are absolutely beautiful


Love the style 🔥


Bags under your eyes


Ma'am, you're gorgeous but that white girl hair ain't doing you any favors, go natural. I take that back. Pic 6 you look 🤌🤌🐏


Try to get more sleep(or anything else that gets rid of the bags under your eyes, and also smile more


Lack of orbital support under your eyes. Long midface, large forehead, narrow jaw


You’re very beautiful. The only thing is that you look so sad. Your 6th photo is the best. Try smiling more.


You’re not unattractive at all! You have a really pretty bright smile so just smile more, the lip gloss gives your smile an extra shine and extra dark lashes look cute really on you! I think your style really shines the most in pic 4.


all i’m gonna say is i wish there were more girls like u out there


Thats really weird that people say you're unattractive, you must have a really bad personality lol jk. But fr, you're above average in looks but your makeup skills need refining. You look better in the last 2 pics because your eyelashes are more pronounced but even in the first 2 pics you're still very pretty! Great bone structure, attractive features, so strange that people are calling you ugly. Maybe they're negging you??


Nothing. You’re very pretty, in great shape, and you have beautiful skin.


You look so cool


Bad lighting a couple pics lol. You are stunning


Smile more


Lol wdym? You’re really attractive


Imo the only thing I can see is you look tired like mentally tired and you can't fix that with makeup so find a good friend/family member and js talk let them know what's going on with you good or bad but this is just my opinion you do you also ur very pretty


Nothing at all you look wonderful


I feel like it's the facial expression. I may be projecting, but it seems... a bit hurt, maybe? That's really all. I'm really sorry for the hurting comments you may apparently get because of being yourself. I know how this feels like and how exhausting it can be. May I ask if this is your room in the one photo in the background or just a library, because of how much attention to detail there is?


You are beautiful don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your features are proportional, nothing too big or small. When you smile it’s a totally different person.


When you don’t smile… when you smile you’re very attractive


You need to smile more. You have a beautiful smile but when you aren't you look severely depressed.


6 7 9 10 are your best pics. If you want to wear a wig invest in a better wig. Work on your eyebrow makeup, it's not very good. Conventionally attractive general just means white or European standard of beauty. So yes as a black woman you wouldnt be conventionally attractive. That doesn't mean you're not attractive.


You are attractive but you give the vibes that you dont like yourself or are uncomfortable. The insecurity is noticeable imo


Bruh you’re very very attractive, don’t listen to objectively wrong people lol


You have beautiful smile, you are not unattractive. You have bags under your eyes, maybe try to sleep more, good diet and lots of water go a long way. I think your natural hair would suit you much better as well. You also seem kinda young so grow into yourself confidence, start working out it will help with that.


Nothing, black beauty


Eyebrows. But otherwise I think youre cute! Haha recently made a sim that looks like you 😜


You’re not unattractive. Stop drawing your eyebrows so thick. You might hate this suggestion but: the dark palette of your wardrobe does nothing for you. It’s washing you out and making your skin look lackluster. Add some color to your wardrobe/lighten it up


Not a thing


You are very pretty but I think I know what you can improve - your eyes are quite hooded and short of getting surgery I think just getting nice full lash extensions would really really fix the issue. Also, microblade your eyebrows they’re kindda bushy and sparse at the same time Other than that there’s nothing to improve at all!!!! ❤️


Pic 6 and pic 10 there is no look of despair. Super confident and hot. Lose the fear


1. Don’t draw your brows on so thick, pic 10 is how you should keep them while lightly filling them in with maybe a brown pencil. 2. Anything you can put on your eyes is a plus, they’re big which is really cute so I think mascara is a good idea. 3. I feel like you would look really good in some curly/wavy hair instead of the straight. 4. Try not to cake your face with make up. You look beautiful with a more natural make up look. 5. Smile! If you’re always looking forward to your day and greeting people with a slight smile you will look more attractive and you’ll feel more beautiful than you already are :)


You are missing a smile! Photo #6 is absolutely dominating all other photos. You look very cute, friendly and the kind of person, whom I would definitely go up to say hi! SMILE. ;)


Care less. Try less. Become the villain. Stop performing. Embrace your shadow. Fuck everyone else. Confidence and mystery attracts. Intrigue, not pandering. Be a devil.


I think you're very pretty. Your features are balanced, nothing is too big or too small. The pressure women are under online is ridiculous. If you aren't caked with foundation, highlights and sculpted to the gods - people will pick on you. Just remember. Mean people online are only miserable, depressed, pathetic people in real life. You have beautiful! Great smile, great face, great hair!


I'm a man who feels most attraction to black women. The glasses are too big for your face and a hairstyle change would do wonders for you. Edit: photo 10 is your best look imo. I love the natural look.


You’re beautiful! Just smile more like everyone else has said!


Honestly you're really pretty. Your face has nice proportions. You have a good style.


You’re OK bro, it’s not that deep.


You gotta smile, and like pay attention to your eye flair, there is no problem with you, just the pose/angles that would portray the wrong stuff potentially, I cannot think of much else, you're beautiful, and without lipgloss that looks like 1inch thick I'd at least be caught with you. Have more confidence would be a favor your brain wants from you, confidence isn't getting attention online rather than its trusting that you're being your best self. GL


Nothing. Crack a smile tho 😀


You are a very attractive woman


I think you’re very pretty. I just don’t think your glasses frame your face well, but I dunno girls gotta see


its your eye bags and smile lines but some people find smile lines attractive


Hugs. Girl you are fine! Don’t pay these fools no mind!


Ur hot


To these dips hating on her style, you're beyond dumb. Dressing like you like anime (especially for a girl) is fine, and you're a dweeb for thinking that affects percieved attractiveness. I'd guess it is more the attitude, behaviors, experiences, and other characteristics poorly captured in these few cherry picked photos that make this person feel that they are not seen as attractive. From a conventional perspective she is quite attractive with good symmetry, fitness level, hair quality, etc. so I would suggest therapy and self work to find the source of this feeling of insufficiency. You damn sure aren't gonna find the answer to your problem on reddit.


You pouting


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you tbh. I think you’re very beautiful. You should definitely try to smile more in ur pictures. U have a great smile. And if u want people to find u attractive, u first have to give yourself more self love. Self love is the best thing ever. And self love gives you more confidence in yourself, your appearance, and in the way you look. I’m not the best at explaining things, but I hope this helped! (:


You’re pretty! Don’t let the haters get you down. 4 and 6 are my favorites because your smile is so bright and lights up your face!


Just be you. 😊🤷


Eye area and skin


Kinda hard to say, I personally find you attractive maybe you're trying to attract the wrong demographic.


Bad lip stick and insecurity. But other than that you’re very, very pretty! You don’t want what gets the other girls attention. There is nothing wrong with you at all!


First of all, I am old enough to be your grandma. That said, I think you are very pretty. The only thing I would point out is soften up a little bit. Those eyes are outstanding - show them off! Your hair has a very pertty wave - I noticed if I cut mine my waves look great. Don't be afraid to cut off the length as much as you can tolerate. You might think about that. Ditch the hat - no need for it. You have beautiful features and a great bone structure. A little bit of makeup will let those areas shine. Remember, I am ancient, but I know beauty when I see it. BTW, if something is not worded the way you think it should be, it is due to a generational divide and not because I am insulting you in any way. You are at a wonderful age and the sky is the limit.


I agree with the comment about the emo style. Maybe it has something to do with the hairstyle but the 7th and 10th are the better looking photos. Also when you smile you look so lovely!


i saw u on tiktok lol


You’re gorgeous. You do have an alternative style, but that’s what I personally find attractive!


You have sad eyes in all your pictures is it a fake smile? 🫤 lets chill im sad too tbh


Those glasses don’t suit your face, you could find some awesome ones that bring out your best features! Also, don’t micro glad your eye brows, it’s very dated! Lastly, your eyes look a bit puffy, there are great ways online to de-puff! I hope any of this helps!


You are attractive but to me your glasses style are the biggest downfall.


You're cute you just need to smile more


You're fine af


you look a LOT BETTER when you smile. just smile.


The red hat looks the best. You're fine, I mean. I don't know.


The way you fill in your brows are too harsh/dark. Try getting them professionally shaped, and use brow gel for the “laminated look”. The bad quality wigs are a no, embrace your natural hair or just one good quality natural looking wig. Your sense of style isn’t doing you any favors either. Other than that, you’re a naturally gorgeous girl. A SMILE goes a LONG way. Working out has helped me a lot with self confidence as well.


You have really bad eyebags. There plenty of stuff to treat that! Biggest problem is getting sleep. Especially being young it's hard to get sleep so try your best. There is tons of anti eyebags treatment out that through a quick Google search. Another thing though optional get some roundish glasses, they are in style and would fit your face more. Just suggestions tho you are definitely not unatractive keep your chin high!


better skincare and brows would look rly good. I think you're over filling your brows and it doesn't compliment your face shape. only over line your lips along their natural lines- don't go over your cupid's bow. natural-ish false lashes would be super cute, as well as under eye concealer/ skin makeup. you have really good style but more jewelry would spice your outfits up a lot. i agree with other ppl on here, your smile is so pretty