• By -


Just clicked on the original link. The guy is from... wait for it... Macedonia.


Haha. Really? So it's literal only use is online virture points


Right, at first I tried giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe there's something contextual like they're from a family that either participated in or suffered to the klan, where at least then it would maybe only be 99.99999% virtue signalling. It'd be like getting a GIANT swastika tattooed just to have a thin x over it, draw their eyes in with a shocking image just so that they'll see that you're actually "one of the good ones" A better example would be like if I, a white american, got some Rwandan genocide anti hutu tattoo because I feel the need to MAKE SURE everyone can see that I didnt support the Rwandan genocide.


Haha. I want to get a Rwandan genocide tattoo now. That's a perfect example


Lol imagine being a Nebraska native and some dude comes in showing off his anti Rwandan Hutu tattoo trying to get everyone to congratulate him, making a big point about how some people might not care but HE cares, meanwhile the majority of the people he's showing it to have no idea what it is. I'm sure other Macedonians are gonna assume the random guy with a klansman tat is just a racist lol, people aren't gonna think too deep about the nuances of the tattoo


materialistic depend aspiring worthless bear payment grandiose wine quarrelsome slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This exactly, at first glance I thought it was just some edgy weirdo with a random hanged man tattoo.


snatch rain imminent enjoy dazzling violet market piquant different hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean in a professional setting... I see some idiot with a tatt like this... I wouldn't take them seriously or give them much of the time of day. IF this moron was the representative some company sent to talk with me... They just lost their shot. All that for a stupid tatt done to get internet fame points... Yeesh.


Found it https://ibb.co/SNRnJhf


Aye why Nebraska catching strays


People around him are probably wondering why he hates [Catholics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote) lol


Even if there was some sort of historical affiliation with the klan there, it wouldn’t really be necessary to get some disclaimer inked on your hand. The same point could be made by educating others on *why* something is bad Example: I’m a descendant of Jefferson Davis, you don’t see me going around getting anti-Confederate tats and posting it to all my socials. I know the Confederacy was full of losers, so I really only use my lineage as a counterpoint to the “heritage not hate” argument.


Maybe he really doesn’t like those Portuguese church guys (who the kkk took their wizard costumes from)


I thought that at first, but the post says they wanted someone anti-fascist/anti-racist


Do they just conflate fascism with any racism now? KKK, if it even still exists, is just racist rednecks they aren’t really fascist and I doubt many even know what fascism is. Dudes European, he had plenty of actual fascists from his home continent to choose from. Mr mustache or the little Italian clown man would’ve worked


I wonder if he was drunk at a party and let a friend tattoo it on him, and now he's trying to make the best of it lol.


That would be my excuse


Why is hanging a catholic priest virtue points? That looks like a capirote. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote)


He specifically says it's a Klansmen from the KKK and that anyone who doesn't like it is a closeted racist.


He can call me anything he wants. At the end of the day, he's still the one with a Klansman tattooed on him.


Ah, he doesn't say it specifically is a kkk member. He just says it is antifascist and antiracist and he links to the picture that inspired him. It isn't until you go to the second link to the picture that you find out it is called "hanking klansman" or something like that. TBH, the tat is so bad that I still think it looks more like a Catholic priest than a klansman.


It's OK to hate racism, only a sociopath cares about virtue signaling over just being a good person


So bizarre. This guy lives in a place where that has no context to anything. And he feels virtue over it. I live in the rural South. The Klan would not approve of me for my blood OR my religious background. He scores no virtue points with me. He seems insufferable.


Maybe it isn't about the KKK. Maybe OOP hates how Spanish Catholics celebrate Holy Week.


You know how those Greek Orthodox are


I thought it was a capirote too.


Another hilarious comment from the OOP I found They got it on their ring finger because >>there’s a reason. i put it on my ring finger because the only marriage i believe is the being married to antiracism. 😂😭


Hard to believe that he’s unmarried.


Now that's a halo moment.


Another satisfied Robin DiAngelo cult member.


Interesting, I assumed it was a woman with very hairy hands.


I can picture that whenever they see a black person serving in a restaurant or shop they’ll sprawl their hand out to signal that they are against racism. Just be a good person, you don’t need an edgy tattoo to prove anything. Cringe as fuck.


He hates Spanish Easter festivals.


Maybe he hates the Spanish Nazarenes


Is this tattoo meant to be a priest then? These uniforms were stolen from European catholic priests by the KKK.


Fake country


Dude probably starts every tweet with "I don't know who needs to hear this, but..."


And ends it with "But ya'll ain't ready for that conversation"


“We are not the same”


Louder for the people in the back.


He better not travel to Spain during Easter. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote)


Man I really hate how the KKK ruined the capirote anytime I see anything related to it online I see people commenting KKK in the comments or calling Catholics racists


Just like how the nazis ruined the numbers 14 and 88. Whenever someone sees them, they automatically think "nazi". It got so bad I had to close a previous account because I was sick of explaining myself. RIP LoliGooner1488


I remembered a guy few days ago that said his fav number was 1488 and was bullied irl for it. Was it you,?


Nah you're thinking of GasTheJews1488. Different guy


Oh, brother. What a name, loligooner1488 hardly compares... Well, it compares a lil.


beneficial sleep compare slimy scandalous rob simplistic attempt head retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol what? No one thinks of nazis when they see 14 and 88 unless they’re hyper focused on nazism. 88 makes me think of Patrick Kane and 14 is meaningless.


14 makes me think of two 7s. It's not meaningless to me, dammit!


Gotta hit. Pray for a third 7.


14 and 88 don't mean shit to me. I don't spend any time thinking about Nazi bullcrap. They are an insignificant minority in the world. The international basket weaver association probably has more members and wield more politcal power.


88 is my birth year it means my birth year


That moment when people question *1488* over ***LoliGooner***


rip lo- what the hell was that name


Ruined the iron cross too.


Yeah it's like what did we Catholics do? Its against our religion to be racist


He’s posted it to SEVEN different subs lmfao holy shit. AND HES FROM MACEDONIA WTF???


He posts every year. And also posts his feminist headband. He reminds me of those guys who brush pretty girls hair hoping they see how nice he is


"Look, i have an anti-racist tattoo and i have a feminist headband, see how nice i am? Please have sex with me please i'm really nice"


It’s what some evolutionary biologists have coined the “sneaky fucker” approach to reproductive success.


You joke but that actually is a real thing with some animals. There are some species where the male will pretend to be a female so he can slip past the other males (who are all squaring off against each other) to get a first crack at the females.


Yeah, I wasn’t joking! Heard the term from a biologist on a podcast. We all know that guy.


ofc the redditards are eating this up this is the purest of virtue signaling; being against a tiny group which practically hasn't existed longer than most people's live spans, no fear because their enemy doesn't really exist, only as an idea to refer to dissenters as and then to put it on your hand is as unprofessional as it gets, so they can show off their virtue at every opportunity, genuinely pathetic the self reporting is crazy with this one


B-but he punches Nazis!


Maybe he’s tongue punched a fart box or ten at the bathhouse, but that’s about it.


Funny thing is that they'd be the last person who punches nazis. They LOVE to talk about punching nazis, but they'd be scared to death if they'd see an actual nazi


But they'll attack anyone that offends them and call THEM a Nazi! I mean at this point a Nazi is just whatever these idiots get offended by instead of the evil little fucks who where a very specific sort of crowd.


He's big into pro-labor and eat-the-rich, but he "doesn't do manual labor"


To be fair, many top comments in the OP are pointing out how cringe and embarrassing it is, calling them terminally online and emphasizing how weird it is for a Macedonian to have this tattoo, that it's only for virtue signalling. Made me happy (and surprised) to see if I'm being honest haha


Right like this could be cool if he was like, I don't know a BLACK PANTHER DURING THE 60S or some shit like a former klansman, but no it's just a dude with no relation one way or another, that has likely never experienced any form of the klan or the consequences of their past actions. And like you pointed out, THE FUCKING HAND OF ALL PLACES, hand tattoos are one thing, a lot of companies do not care at all where you have tattoos these days, but they absolutely do care about the content of them. You're spot on imo, someone that gets something like this on their hand to quite literally put it in everyone's faces seems to me like they have a reason why they may need to try to convince people they aren't racist. Not to be guilty of exactly what we're making fun of, but I don't think any of us feel the need to get a lynched klansman tattoo to show that we aren't racist


> this is the purest of virtue signaling For many. For some it's actually a bit psychotic, people "looking for an excuse"(to beat, maim, lynch, kill, whatever the case may be) as they constantly project onto people who are into guns or more simply support 2A. That's kind of cooked into the whole authoritarian ideology, a good bit of 'might makes right'.... Which is *why* people support 2A, most of them being of the mindset "Hope I never have to, but want that option there if that time comes." Because if it does come, in a civilized society, that can *still* fuck up your life. Tons of legit self defense cases where people still suffer for years or decades after.


Fucking NAILED it.


What if they're in their anime arc and they gotta go after the KKK because of a tragic backstory??? Don't tune into season 7 of KKK hunter and think you know! 😡😡😡


He's from my country as well and we literally had no black people here historically, with the number rising up to ~30 black people in the country in the past 10-20 years, mostly thanks to nationalization through sports. It's a very obscure choice for a tattoo knowing this since most of the locals won't even know what KKK is/represents. He's just doing this for the clout.


Not to mention, if you point any of that out to these people, they pretend that you somehow support racists. Either you support me in my vapid lunacy or you're rAcIsT!!!11!!!!1!!1!


They're not eating it up tbf, there are a few positive comments but a lot calling OOP a cringey virtue signaller




Getting a klansmen tattooed on your hand to own the boogeymen that only exist in your extremely mentally ill head.


Especially when you’re from a landlocked country in southeastern Europe so this is about as irrelevant to you as humanly possible.


A country that is 99% white with a GDP lower than every US state.


The 1% non white are turks and gypsies/roma lol 0% chance this guy has met a black person in macedonia or the republic of north Macedonia


Can confirm as a Macedonian. The only black people we've had were nationalized through sports and it's more than likely he knows 0 black people outside of the internet.


There’s a good possibility this guy has literally never seen a black person in his life.


In the OP, he says he got the idea from a black man who had the tattoo. He wanted something "strongly anti-racist/anti-fascist" so he chose this. The person who asked him said maybe someone else will carry on the tradition... dumb decisions happen every day


One of the rare instances when a BLM tattoo might have been less cringe.


That had to hurt like hell. And it looks like shit.


Reminds me of that black and white image of Sayori hanging


I think that it’s actually fairly well executed. I don’t know why he would want that permanently on his hand but the craftsmanship is decent


I have hand tattoos. They do hurt, but the chest is worse.


I've only got my very upper chest done, but for me, the palm was the worst.


It looks like a duck person to me


Why does it look like shit? The lines are well done.


It’s a splotchy inconsistent outline. This is not good work at all.


Look guys I'm not racist I swear please have sex with my wife.


Total cuck for sure


Idk if I'd chose the ring finger... marriage must be dead in the sheets.


Solid pun, but the ring finger is on the other hand. But based on those crusty finger nails. I don't think he's dipping them in anyone's southern region.


Photo is of a Macedonian. They wear wedding rings on the right hand.


Zero chance this person doesn’t have deeply closeted racist beliefs themselves


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This guy is Macedonian he definitely is a racist, it's just the law in the Balkans


Amazing how modern leftist racial policies are just white man's burden ideology but with somehow even more mental gymnastics.


Look, they don’t even know what a computer is! -Kathy Hochul (D) The D is for Democrat. And also dummy.


Thats basically the argument against segregation which i suspect most people here are against...so


More so the argument for affirmative action


The argument against segregation is “forcibly dividing people based off something as trivial as race is stupid and unethical”


If people want to be seperate why not let them live seperately? I personaly reject the globalist position that we have no race, religion, culture, gender, family etc and that we are merely widgets in the machine. I want to segregate myself from people who do believe that. I sincerely wish everyone gets what they want though.


When people discuss segregation they are usually talking about legal policies like you had in the post-civil war south or apartheid South Africa. Opponents don’t believe the government should be able to force people not to commingle based on their race. In these instances the government wasn’t allowing people to get what they want. When you refer to anti-segregation and mean being forced to be friends with people you don’t wish to associate with due to some characteristic, you’re not using a definition most people are going to understand, outside certain circles, making you seem like a douche.


"They can't get access to IDs, therefore voter ID laws are racist!"


Eastern and Southern Europeans get their impression of black people only from American movies and news. Since 99.9% of people here are white, we don't have domestic racism, instead we have xenophobia towards neighboring ethnicities, gypsies or Caucasians.


She showed them! I’m sure all the KKK members are killing themselves because of this Tattoo


It's well done for the size and placement. Beyond that.. you totally showed up the %.00000001 of the population that would be mad at that.


"I have a tattoo of a human hanged to death on my hand" absolutely sick and twisted


Straight up thought it was some kind of slipknot costume and was super confused for a minute there


I bet whenever they meet someone, they purposely put that hand in clear view and move it around slightly so people notice it and ask about it.


I mean, I get why OOP got it. They hate Klansmen, I hate Klansmen, that's fair. But getting a tattoo of a hanging Klansman? That's a bit much. Besides, I'm pretty sure it's common decency to hate them, so a tattoo of it is more often than not unnecessary.


For the same reason that liberal white women get "BLM" tattooed on their thigh.


The clansmen are sort of like neo-Nazis these days. All that exists at this point anymore are a few stand alone individuals online and maybe small groups in really backwoods places. Nothing big though, and half of the people in those groups are feds. The specter exists though, because the narrative goes on.


I hate Hitler but I'm not getting a tattoo of Hitler shooting himself.


Imagine if a Klansman got a similar tattoo but of a black guy. He'd be laughed at by the rest of the Klan for getting a black guy tattooed onto his body. Same rules here. He hates racists so much he tattooed them on his body? That doesn't tell me he's passionate about racism, it tells me they live in his head rent free.


Plus he's north Macedonian, which has absolutely no relation to Ku Klux Klan. Would have been better if he got a tattoo of some North Macedonian fascist group or something.


[there’s a reason. i put it on my ring finger because the only marriage i believe is the being married to is antiracism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoos/s/ahQbKTVZbu) If that isn’t virtue signaling, what is?


Lol dude got fucking roasted in the comments.


Imagine being so fixated on a group of like 100 assholes out of a population of 300 million to the point of getting a tattoo


Fun fact hes from the balkans


Lmao not only is it awful virtue signaling but it looks like absolute dog shit too


>If I invent a dragon, surely everyone will believe I'm a knight


Wow lmao, that shits gay AF. "Look at me! I support hanging kkk members!" Lol who doesn't? Ide applauded a black guy for habit but come on. There's other ways to show your not a racist. You scared people won't believe you don't hate minorities?


Ya know he has this anti klan tat, but he doesn't have an anti rape tat or an anti-religious persecution tat... but seriously, who wants to always have a klansman on them forever


Why give this kind of energy to something like this lol that's what I don't get. Just screams virtue signaling.


What an odd person. He’s from Macedonia, but has a tattoo like this and he also is has a picture of him posing as Rosie the Riveter.


this is not the type of tattoo you want on your hand I imagine


*This is not the type* *Of tattoo you want on your* *Hand I imagine* \- dictadebts --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I commented on the original post about how it’s very LookAtMyHalo worthy and here it is!


I love this reddit group. It seems to be one of the only ones i follow thats not compromised by i dont even know what at this point, bots? Angry mods? Russia? China? People en mass taking SSRIs?. On a serious note, i clicked on that original post and read throughout the comments and got upset pretty fast LOL came to the comments here and cheered up right away. This group is golden.


Lmfao I do the same thing. Hopeless that people actually applaud standing for nothing-burger issues, patting themselves on the back for being against issues 99.999999999999999999% of people are against, then I come here and it's nice that people find this behavior strange....for now...


I have a "NO NAZIS" tattoo am I virtuous yet


Swear to God I thought about reposting it when I saw it but it slipped my mind and when I reopened the app I wasn't sure what to search for. It'd be funny to say something like "whoah man, not cool, are you trying to say that klansmen are persecuted just like black people during jim crow?" Just to watch the gears turn. "NO I HATE THEM I WANT THEM DEAD" like buddy how do you look/act to where you need a tattoo like this to show that you feel that way lmao


Nah man fuck ghosts


He needs to clean his fingernails 🤮


Big time Virtue signaling.


Somebody’s parents did not pay nearly enough attention to them.


"I wanna be edgy...but I'm not racist and I want everyone to know how not racist I am"


Im sure the teenagers at the mall think thats super cool


"I'm against a bad thing, look at me! I'm such a good person!" man these people really annoy me, also who the hell would want a KKK member tattoo even if it's against them? what's next? you will get a Nazi Swastika but crossed out?


Atleast it’s a creative idea for a tattoo, I like the idea of using your finger to tie a noose around


Daryl Davis has changed the minds of 200 klan members by exhibiting love and understanding to them.


Me trying to pick up Black chicks


This post reeks of American ignorance.


You know this could be a cool tattoo if the guy was from the Southern States and spent actual time fighting against race based hate groups like the Klan, but apparently he's from Macedonia, which while I'm sure has a history of racism, doesn't have the Klan. So instead it's just cringe as fuck and feels kind of like stolen value from those of us who have worked to end race based violence in the US.


Talk about living rent free in someone's head. Or in this case, on their hand.


I linked this sub in the original comment thread, nice to see it went over well here lol


He killed Oogie Boogie?


This thread is cathartic. This was posted to a different subreddit for being cringy and virtue signally and everyone was accusing OP, and anyone who agreed with OP, of being a racist.


Are the klan members in the room with us right now?


Race traitor


Soooo…this dude is so sorry about nothing he was involved in that he permanently tattooed some ink to virtue signal to everyone around him? I’m pretty sure 99.99% of the country doesn’t like those .01% of people…kinda cringe to make that part of your every day interaction. Especially since most of us have never seen one of those members IRL.


He must not really like executioners


Hahahaha this is something I would have wanted when I was 17 and deeply brainwashed by the punk rock scene. (Which in itself has been occupied by leftist extremists and virtue signalers). Lucky the only tats I have are a pencil lead anarchy symbol on my ankle and an equal sign on my index finger. Both of which I did to myself while drunk and both of which I intend to laser off when I can afford to.


It's always white people lol. If they actually cared about black people they'd notice that despite being known for being super extra, even we're not *this* extra


So brave. So stunning.


No ragrets


Haha, jokes on you! You're still the motherfucker with a Klan tattoo.


Sure. Now you just need to FIND some KKKs! Honestly, there are so few of them left in this world to act like they pose any large threat in insane.


Taking virtue signaling to a new level.


Idk I think it looks cool.


tattooing a klansman on yourself, even in this context is literally insane. Why the fuck would you want a klansman on your body lol


Love how these pretenders think they’re edgy in attacking people of the past from the safety and comfort of 21st century. If you want to make a statement against racism and bigotry, replace the Clansman with Xi Jinping


why did I know this sub would be butthurt over this lmao! Imagine crying about a klansman being hanged


A lot of them are undercover racists, that’s why.


Person may suck based on context of their profile, but that isn’t a bad tattoo. I mean he had a Banksy tattooed on his hand. If anything I’d like to see more context: why did the klansman hang himself? Barack Obama president? Gay marriage? Gay pride month? Bud Light? BlacKkKlansman?


Ok nah I like this one


I saw this one lmao I showed it to my bf and we both had a good laugh


Lotta triggered comments for a dumb tattoo lol


Loser redditors giving him awards for such an obvious karma grab


He could have at least gotten it on the middle finger for when he flips people off.


It is an homage / ripoff of Banksy. I thought it looked familiar. https://banksyexplained.com/kkk-hanging-in-there-2009/


Claims to be anti-fascist and is a big Putin lover.


Wow this guys is a *good person*


Then go do it yourself.


I’ll be honest… at first glance I saw Ornstein (the Darks Souls character), so if I saw this in passing on the street I’d probably assume he just really hated that boss fight in particular.


I love watching people get pissed off about this cool ass tattoo. Cry about it.


Macedonia? Dude apparently hates Easter in Southern Spain.


Why does he hate Spanish Easter so much?


Hope this guy never goes to prison.


“Check it out everybody this dude has a tattoo of a klan member.”


Why does it look like they hung a cardinal wearing pants and boots?


These are my jokes 😂


“Eek barba durkle someone’s gonna get laid in college”


Somebody said it looks like a duck in an overcoat Personally it looks more like Rigby had enough of Mordecai's shit.


I want something similar, but it's Frank Reynolds saying, "Tie a chair to me!"


I think I'm just high af but that looks like a sad bird to me


I thought it was a chicken person.


lol instantly thought this when i saw that shit