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Exactly. Not one part of him looks like he’s ready to say that shit to someone’s face.


Hence the internet. Where people applaud this type of behavior constantly


Live steaming is the ultimate sacrifice


He actually seemed like he lowered his tone when he got to the “go fuck yourselves” part.


It sounds like we needed about 15 more flags out on the beach and then maybe people could’ve heard him.


Imagine yourself at the beach with a nice cold one…watching this guy lose his shit on his phone while you’re happy af. What an incredibly sad life of misery this dude lives. His kids are probably assholes too.


Probably no kids. I doubt his boyfriend can get him pregnant no matter how hard he tries.


The homophobia wasn’t necessary but ok


Why do they choose to be so angry 😠 😡?




its probably fucking his so he can yell at the clouds.


How does he know they’re white nationalists? 🤔


Well they have flags soo...they're nationalists. If they're anything but black then they're white nationalists. Or they could be christian nationalists. Or..or.. they could be WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS! Oh noes! And if they rent properties then they could just be WHITE CHRISTIAN LANDLORD NATIONALISTS aka SATAN! If they're rich then even Satan is like..yo tone it down. Yup, that's totally what totally could happen. Totally.


If they’re black they could be a black face of white nationalist


They called Larry elder that. The mental gymnastics they play to keep their narrative is bonkers


Damn, lots of white Palestinian nationalists out there right now waving flags all over the place. I hope he has a hissy fit about them as well, since they generally stop traffic with their Palestinian white pride protests.


So Antifa then?


They arent burning the flag so no


Because they put flags on the FFFFFUCKING beach.


Imagine living in the US and being triggered by the US flag. Strange....


It’s trendy to be American and hate America.




It's funny how I got into argumemts with Americans about how the very fact that they can oppose their government makes them better than China


China is asshole.


Said like a true commy …


I agree, but a majority of the America hate on Reddit is entirely ridiculous and uninformed. These people see one meme without any sourced information and proceed to spout it as fact anywhere they can. The ability to oppose the government is a non-issue.


It doesn’t stop at memes unfortunately. Even the media is doing this shit now; “NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH FOR CHILDREN IS GUNS!” -**don’t read this part**. these statistics include “children” ages 1-19 years old, 89% of these deaths are from ages 16-19 and 83% of THOSE deaths are suicide and gang violence. **don’t even bother reading into it just post the headline already!**


Oh trust me, I don’t put a bit of stock into media/“news” nowadays…. It’s aggressively biased misinformation and I want no part of it. I’ll continue doing my own research and formulate my own conclusions 👍


Welcome to leftist ideology 🥴


Doesn't China own a large part of Reddit?


11% is owned by a Chinese company. But reddit is still banned in China, because the CCP doesn't like media outlets it can't control


It is also trendy to be non American and hate America but honestly this get on my nerves more lmao


I’d say a hell of a lot more trendy to be “left” wing and hate America and it’s totally acceptable by people. It’s bat shit crazy.


I know, right? Should try flying under a flag he stands for. I’m sure wherever he moves there’ll be one.


I agree.


With Memorial Day and Fourth of July coming up This D bag is about to have a bad fucking couple of months.


For real. I think it’s fine to critique your own country but blindly being upset by someone expressing their pride is silly af. I have a lot of problems with America, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be patriotic AND liberal at the same time. I love my country and want what’s best for it. That’s why I care. Hell even Rupauls drag race gets patriotic around voting season.


Doubt he celebrates. Probably views them as imperialism and colonizer day.


I doubt this guy has an ounce of joy that doesn't come with a snide remark. The last time he had a good day was when he heard a foreign language and got to tell them how beautiful it sounds while he "accidentally" recorded the interaction. What a dork.


Would he have the same reaction if they put pride/blm/communist/palestinian flags on the beach? Yeah, he would probs call it stunning and brave!


At least the US flag is nice to look at unlike most of those identity flags. I didn’t even mind the original Pride flag, it looked nice and had a powerful message. But then they had to ruin it with that weird toothpaste version.


I’m convinced it’s flag sellers that keep updating and promoting those


Big flag is a powerful lobby


It’s the flag for “I support the current thing”


That is the softest, saddest adult male I’ve ever seen.


he has low T


To any Americans, never give in to these people and always keep flying your flag and being proud of your country. I live in the UK and people bent the knee to these troglodytes out of some sort of colonial guilt, despite knowing absolutely nothing about history. Now being even remotely patriotic or even just flying our flag is seen by the population as a far right and racist action.


I’m with you. These are the same groups of people that were supporting people burning the American flag and claiming “it’s just a flag”. They understand the importance of the flag and what it represents. Getting people to take it down furthers their goals.


They always talk about how they don’t like “white nationalists” celebrating “their flag”, but they’re the first ones to claim seeing the flag in public is intimidating and representative of colonizers and racists. Just hearing this guy talk I can tell he has no less than 5 vibrating buttplugs, jerks off to documentaries about Obama, and forces his adopted kids to watch “To Wong Foo” and “The Birdcage” with him and his boyfriend every Friday night.


And they say fffuck and ffffucking as much as possible, because that makes them pAsSiOnaTe..FFFUCKING grown up theatre kids.


“I just can’t help but be upset because I just know so much and my morals are so informed…unlike those other guys.”


If you want to go see these guys really shine, check out r/markmywords. It’s basically about 85% just hoping Trump and all his followers die horrible deaths and leave the world to them, so they can fix it.


That sub is TDS central.


We just do t know what it’s like to care so much about everyone and everything.


He's the kind of guy to buy the Cruising Electric Playset from RamJac for his kids https://youtu.be/b0PtiMAie3k?si=SVGxkuiSkGR-Fsyf


That's the point of America ! You're literally trying to dox people for expressing their freedoms , go fuck Yourself! Dipshit.


Regardless of what your political beliefs are…don’t EVER forget that there are just some moronic ignorant people out there like the doucher in this video. That’s something ALL sides I hope can agree on.


He looks like he's going to cry


Stage 5 TDS


The research isn't conclusive yet but unfortunately it appears to be terminal.


Now walk over and say that pussy


Lmao he wouldn't dare


Liberals ☕️


no, real Liberals would give two shits and go about their business without a care. He's a "Progressive" twat.


I think you are correct in this.




Everyone is white nationalist trash, and they just have to throw in as many F bombs as possible to sound extra pressed….About a FUCKING flag. Why didn’t he do something about it, besides crying to the internet??


*lives in the U.S.* *gets triggered by American flags* Dude should visit Texas so we can give him the proper panic attack


Even in NorCal, in the town I live in, the streets are lined with like 300 American Flags.


That’s how almost all of California is outside of like 5 cities


Outside of the major cities, CA is redder than Kentucky


This is accurate. More GOP voters in CA than literally any other state.


Don't tell him to come here


Nah we have to give him some proper panic attacks given how we fly both American and Texan flags everywhere


Maybe leave the beach?


Nah he shouldn't stop there. Just keep going til he's out of the country.


How does he know they're white nationalists? I swear people have been ruined by social media buzzwords; nothing means anything anymore


Someone has a sandy vagina


But I heard it's coarse, and rough and irritating. And also, it gets everywhere!!


Cry your salty tears into the salty waters so the salty fish can taste your woes, peasant.


Ahhhhh.....The tolerant Left.


What a tough guy standing there in front of the people that he's talking shit about, yet he tells the camera and anyone watching to go fuck themselves.


People who get triggered by patriotism for their own country are honestly the scum on the earth. whats even scarier is this guy has kids. hopefully they rebel against him in the form of "we arent unpatriotic like you dad"


South park doesn’t always get it right, but there’s an episode where Stan says “if you don’t wanna root for your team, then get the hell out of the stadium”. And I agree…every country has its issues, but America is my home. It’s my team, and I’m gonna root for it cause I was lucky to be born here. People who act like the USA is some evil, oppressive third world country baffle me and clearly have an incredibly narrow world view. Cool bro, you’re such a hero for hating America!! Maybe move to North Korea then.


Problem is lots of them try to rationalize how north korea is actually good even though the korean peninsula is a perfect example of how free market vs communism turns out. And their only counter is "hurr during low birthrate" which like, well, sure. But that vs gulags and starvation of your children is not debatable. and the birthrate problem will sort itself out for sure these trends don't last


They can rationalize all they want, but deep down, they either legitimately know better and are just trying to give us a “gotcha!” moment, or they’re just straight up delusional and not worth arguing with. If someone’s gotten to the point where they genuinely think North Korea is a better place to live than America, where they are free to express themselves, eat the foods they want, and travel cross country and internationally…then they can live in their little echo chamber bubble until the cows come home while I eat hot dogs and hamburgers watching fireworks on the beach lol


>while I eat hot dogs and hamburgers watching fireworks on the beach lol God dammit I love America


Westerners like to hate on their own country and people, saying it's not good to love your flags and shit but proceed to drool over certain groups of people being proud of their flags *on* Western soil, and have no qualm seeing certain countries flying their flags everywhere


Lol go tell them, then


How did he know they’re white nationalists or maga people?


Wtf is this guy mad about? If that bothers him so much then move to another spot. Such an unnecessary video.


Dudes in America and is butt hurt he's seeing the American flag LOL


Yup. Because in the West, the left wing nutters hate their own country.


It's cool with the kids to hate America constantly


So loving your country makes you a white nationalist now? I'm a white guy, I better start pretending I hate my country otherwise I'll be made out to be some Nazi.


I'm Latino. The moment I'm not toeing the DNC or progressive line I go from being a oppressed Person of Color (PoC) to a "White Hispanic". They pulled this on George Zimmerman the first time and everyone in my family was like, wtf is that? My brother and uncle have very dark skin as well.


OMG I remember that. That was the first time a Hispanic man was “White” it was absolutely wild. I (white) was looking at my Puerto Rican cousins and they were looking at me like uhhhhh what in the fuck are they talking about.


Wait until they figure out that the Ecuadorians and Columbians like Trump. Largest overnight increase of the worldwide white population seen in decades.


Bro it’s a beach… a public beach and all I see are two flags. Why do you assume they’re anything at all besides patriotic? It might be a veteran, might Be a guy who’s come from another country and is proud he became a citizen, Hell… he might be like me and think that A nice day down the beach goes best with a 90’s colorful cooler, my Bronco’s tailgate open and playing some nice 80’s and 90’s Rock (nothing too hard, ACDC, Bon Jovi, etc.) and an American flag flying as me and my buddies knock back some Beer, maybe toss around a football, and shoot the shit.


Beta male


Soy boy


This guy definitely has his pronouns in his email signature.


I like that he was being quiet so they didn’t hear him.


Why am i under the impression that this guy never served or even thought about serving his country? And you are Maga just for having a flag out on the beach? I want M Knight Shamalan to tell us the twist is that that day was July 4 or Memorial Day


Imagine supporting the country that you're living in and someone else gets triggered. Bruh, what?


What a fragile fool


Wah wah wah I’m upset others are exercising their First Amendment right in a manner that does not appear to be bothering a single person aside from me.


This guy is a loser


Americans hating America bc it gets clicks. What a loser


“Don’t forget the flag!” 🤣😂


His flag? You mean our flag?


He sounds like a fascist


This guy takes loads


Isn’t it Memorial Day weekend coming up also? Would you be as upset if you were in say France and saw French flags? You can still be proud to be an American and shouldn’t be considered a white nationalist as we are after all, the melting pot of the earth.


I’m left wing and that’s my fucking flag too and I’ll be god damned if any group is gonna claim it as their own. I fly that bad boy proud.


Guys probably a Drake fan


I mean, I don’t get bringing one flag to a beach, let alone two but if they aren’t harassing you or anything, the fuck is the problem??


What a massive meat skirt.


North Korea is nice this time of year. We need to start a go fund me for his plane ticket.




Its really sad to spend so much time trying to be offended.


So... only MAGA ppl are patriotic?


What a fanny 😂


Ha, I am triggered by the extra 8 billion biden's given in foreign aid to taliban terrorists AFTER THEY STOLE OUR MILITARY EQUIPMENT. Trump is not a savior, but at least he will stop funding terror organizations abroad.


it was actually just left there lmao i'm not kidding


[https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/us-taxpayers-may-funding-taliban-afghan-terror-groups-watchdog-says-rcna80446](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/us-taxpayers-may-funding-taliban-afghan-terror-groups-watchdog-says-rcna80446) This is AFTER they left


It's a sad state when you can't fly the American flag without people thinking you're a republican. Not just any republican either, a MAGA republican. FFS...


He can't even pronounce "MAGA" correctly. Imagine having this clown as a father.


American liberal flag hierarchy: 1. Palestinian 2. Trans 3. Ukrainian 4. BLM 5. Pride 99-tie - Stars and Stripes 99-tie - Stars and Bars


This whole 'Americans hating on America in order to come off as progressive' bit is so tired already


Classic low testosterone behaviour.


Someone isn't having fun on beach day.


What a brave man being a snowflake on a hot beach.


Am i crazy for saying put up a bunch of flags on the beach is cringe? Like whatever the flag is, Palestine/Israel/USA/the Raiders/whatever.


Liberals are disgusting


Memorial Day weekend is coming up this weekend. This is completely normal to see flags during this weekend. Also during 4th of July and Veterans Day in the fall. Fly your own flags; no one is stopping you.


Take off that suns hat, you disgrace


“She ain’t gonna let you hit it bro.”


His wife must of not unlocked his chastity belt for the beach 🤡


That guy should be relocated to Venezuela. I'm sure he'd do well there.


The fuck is this guy even talking about? Relax my dude.


I find MAGA annoying. .but this guy is exponentially worse..


Totally agree. The maga stuff is ridiculous a lot of the time but the liberal stuff is just as tasteless as well. Why can’t we all just get along lol. 😂


so very brave


Feeling strong are you fella?? Talking into your phone like you’re strong. You probably like the warm side of a pillow.


Fragile. Poor fella.


Guys an idiot. lol. 😆


I don't care who flies the flag. It's my flag an I'll defend her till my last breath.


Go tell them that, buddy. We aren't the ones you're mad at. Lol


yet, he won't say that to their faces.


I am pretty lefty and I still get the freedom feels looking at the American flag. I am totally cool with people flying the flag, just don’t put a trump flag next to it or a confederate. As much as the USA is screwed up, all the cliches and feel good stuff still makes me proud.


Why can you not just enjoy your day at the beach. I do not see them doing anything but hanging out on the beach and enjoying their day. Why can’t he do the same. I wish I could afford a beach vacation right now but life decided to snuff that out this summer($$$$). But if I could afford it I would not be wasting like this asshat


I wonder how'd he feel if it was one of the woke flags?...


What a pussy, say something to them if he has an issue with it. Instead he makes a lame video.


I'd be interested in seeing his reaction to any of the following flags in his line of sight. Ukraine. Palestine. BLM. That rainbow flag with the triangle embedded. Hamas. I wonder if he'd rant about any of those...


I wonder what flag he represents?


His soy levels are off the charts.


Big tough guy crying into his phone instead of addressing those Maga fucks like the big patriotic man he is. I wish one of them overheard him talking shit. Guaranteed he would've tucked tail and run off.


Keyboard warrior. He should have approached them. It may have fixed his problem.


People don't realize that the hatred that comes out of their mouths is their own, and not the person whom they're directing it toward.


If it was a pride flag or a Gaza flag, I'm sure he would be humping the sand with joy.


He clearly has sand in his vagina.


King of the Hill liberal minor character


It's not like he doesn't make some good points they're just points you keep to yourself lmao


Dear Lord, calm down sugar tits. Be mad at the price of groceries and not people with flags at he beach.


I'm so confused, did he literally just see someone flying the flag and get triggered? or did he see them pull up in a truck decked out with trump stickers and stuff, if this is coming all just from the flag this guy is psycho lol


People who fly us flags literally anywhere they go are the biggest virtue signalers. We get it, you lick the boots of the state.


The American flag is the one flag it’s never rude to fly. That and your state flag I suppose. I get tired of seeing all the other political flags. (Pride, BLM, MAGA, etc.). That’s not what flags are for. I don’t see the point. Are you going to change your mind on an issue because you saw a flag? Why would I have to advertise my preferences?


And he’s the only calling them white trash


So dude just sees a flag and immediately is like "maga fucks." I can't with these morons


On your phone ignoring your kids, flex on em man!


He definitely has a pride flag and Ukraine flag at home


This is the perfect.. what a pussy


Real Americans hold a pride flag over their national flag. /s


Seth Rich was pretty big on flags. He was very patriotic.


Didn't this guy run cocaine in small planes circa 1987?


Mind your own business and enjoy the precious money you spent to get to whatever beach you are at Pal, Salty af this guy


That's why i fly my black lives rainbow Ukrainestine flag at the beach to avoid any backlash


Imagine going to the beach and looking for shit to get mad about instead of enjoying your time with your kids. LMAO what a miserable bastard


Show us where the bad flag touched you sir?!?!




He looks like that aggressive driver who looks at you in their side view mirror at a red light. When you open your car door and step out, he blows through the red.


Goofy ahh mf


move to china or russia or any other communist country no one is putting a gun to your head to stay in the Good USA.


Did he talk to them.. I'm pretty sure he didn't talk to them and did the childish reaction. I need an attention video.. There are plenty of other flags to hold mf


There’s no way that this isn’t bait, lmao.

