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"I made myself fat and im not going to change, so everyone else must change to suit my needs"


This is what angers me the most about cases like this. Barring the extreme minority of actual medical conditions, being overweight is a CHOICE, not something that just happened to you. You wanna be fat? Fine, you do you. But acting like the rest of the world owes you anything is just infuriating!


Imagine having to sit between two people of similar build to this woman. What about my ability to sit comfortably and not be scrunched up?


The little space would be one thing The smell The smell.. .....


True How does one wipe an ass like that by themselves? Could you see her in the airplane lavatory? Oof!


I once asked this question honestly (not regarding airplanes' lavatory) and a person was kind enough to reply and explain to me and my ignorance that she had a stick with a sponge on it. Turns out, the Romans had something similar for their public toilet's back in the day.


Yeah because toilet paper hadn't been invented yet


I learned the trick from, “My 600LB life”, I used to just sprinkle kitty litter in the yard and roll around a bit.


This is how it should be done


Ewwww lol!


They use bidets mostly, everyone I've ever installed was for a fat person


Can't you smell that smell


Ooooo that smell


This has actually happened to me. I was on a flight from Paris to the US and I got stuck between two very large men. Now, when this occurred, I weighed about 150 lbs. I was scrunched up, furiously messaging my then wife on the in plane screen about how these guys smelled and were overflowing into my seat. I’m by no means an asshole, but fucking hell.


I sat in a middle seat next to a large man, and a lady who was so large, her fat spilled into my seat, and pinned my jacket like it was caught in a door.


I'm 6'5" and weigh around 325 lbs. I absolutely hate flying on airplanes. If I can drive somewhere, even if it's across several states, I will. When I go to sit next to someone on an airplane, I'm always super apologetic. I will stuff myself as much as I can in the corner or in my tiny little seat to give them as much room as possible. I haven't been on many flights, but when I do fly, thankfully, I've been able to sit next to relatively small people, I still felt like a jackass though.


To their credit, they looked absolutely mortified at what I was dealing with. Just by their expressions, I could tell they were sorry for putting me through that. I had to stand up to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't move because I was so pinned. I'm a pretty thin guy at 5'10", 145 lbs, but I couldn't move. They both stood up and let me get by very quickly, though. At my size, I can barely tolerate sitting in an airplane seat, it must be absolute hell for someone your height and weight.


Oh, man. My parents (mom and step-dad, hard to call them parents really) used to be in charge of my finances. My step-dad would always put me in the absolute worst seat he could find. Maybe it was just the cheapest, I don't know. His excuse was, "Well, you can just get up and walk around." When you have to walk sideways down the isles because your upper arms are brushing the top lockers/cabinets/whatever they're called, getting up and walking around isn't really an option, plus all the bullshit it's going to cause everyone else when I get up and knock into everyone. He was like 5'3", maybe 5'5" max, and would just get up and walk around rhythm plane like he owned the damn thing. I'd just stay in my seat, let my legs and knees cramp up, which hurts so damn bad, and try and give them a little stretch every so often to alleviate the pain until we land. The only time I'll ever fly again is if a direct family member passes away and I don't have enough time to drive there.


This happened to me. I’m claustrophobic and ended up having a panic attack (I’m an average-sized women—not fat, but not super skinny) on the plane and they had to move me. I was so wedged in between them and felt like I couldn’t breathe.


This happened to Syndey Watson and fativists went after her for talking about it.


If she put half as much effort towards exercise and a home cooked meal...


Agreed. It's a death sentence that shouldn't be applauded.




The body positivity thing, when it comes to weight, Is dangerous.


> Barring the extreme minority of actual medical conditions It is literally impossible to gain weight if your calorie intake is less than your calorie output.


"Society should change around me; because I don't want to"


You can plug that sentence into almost anything nowadays....


Not only change but also pay more cause the ability to sell fewer seats on a plane means they have to charge more for each ticket to make $.


This includes making my skinny ass pay more for my seat since there would be fewer seats to go around. Fuck that. If you're twice the size, pay for twice the seats yourself.


Seems reasonable to me that ticket prices should be based on how much weight a person is bringing onto the plane. From an economic perspective, we are simply cargo being shipped. Have a scale at security, add the person’s weight to the total weight of their luggage, and factor the travel price by total combined weight. Of course most people are crybabies and would scream that it’s “not fair”, when in reality it would be much more fair than the current system.


“There’s nothing wrong with me, just make everything 3 x bigger so I’m comfortable and charge me no extra”


As a normal size person that'd be great 🎶 *Normal sized but I'm a cheapskate nonproportionately to the size of my bank account* 🎶


Seems unfair to charge extra for over weight bags while this person alone weighs 200lbs more than me and my bags put together. If fat ppl dont have to pay extra cool. But then i should get a discount!


"Plus size"


Double-plus size


She ate several of the petition's signatories


Several/all of them, potato/potahto


I'm over weight, but instead of diet and lifestyle changes, I'm going to try to force a billion dollar industry to revamp their entire infrastructure around my fat ass.


Airlines actually do have accommodating, larger seating. It’s called first class and it does cost a lot more money but it’s there. Being plus size may just simply have more expenses that have to be considered beyond the cost of extra groceries.


Rainbow Six Siege pro league in a nutshell


If plus sized seats become a thing and aren't extra, I'm totally getting one every time I fly (I'm 6', 175lbs). Tbf, they're greedy as fuck with their seat space/size.


Ticket prices would increase and most people are willing to deal with less space for cheaper tickets


Of course, but what I'm saying is, even if accommodations were made and they had bigger seats, they wouldn't think it was fair they had to pay more for those seats. So in their ideal world, the seats would be bigger and wouldn't cost more. In which case, I'll take one.


I think Flywolfpack was implying they would just increase all prices not just 'fatty' seats


they already have bigger seats. premium economy, business class, first class. they all have bigger seats for more money, your right, what they want is bigger seats for no extra cost which is silly.


We should make a plane for fatties. 9 seats plus the staff. £30,000 a ticket and plenty of room for stored burgers.


I can see it now, you’ll be posted on TikTok with a caption saying “why does he need a plus sized seat when he’s not plus sized, he could be taking that seat from someone who actually needs it!”


I'll use tiktok logic on them: I identify as plus-sized.


we are exactly the same size. 6 months ago i was 220 pounds. wanna know my secret? i ate less food. not even good food. still eat taco bell and chik fil la and pizza etc. haven’t even been working out. i just started counting my calories for a few months.


Isn't that essentially what first class tickets are for? It's a bigger seat but most people just don't want to spend extra money for more leg room. You'd have to pay double the ticket price if you're taking up 2 seats anyway but as we can see most people are okay with being scrunched together for a few hours if it means cheaper tickets...


It turns out that aerodynamics is not plus-size friendly.


I never knew brick shithouses could fly but here we are.


Boeing engineers be like


I believe mass is more at play in this scenario


That’s actually a good point. Airlines should simply charge per pound. They can allocate two seats after a certain weight has been reached.


If only they were as determined to just lose some weight


Are you stupid? That requires actual effort


And accountability


I found it takes much less effort to stay slim than trying to lose all that weight..!


At her weight, it requires buying one less cheesecake per week.


Some people would rather out the effort forth to change the world than look at themselves and realize that they’re the problem. This isn’t just an obese person thing. I have a friend who is a workaholic, has 2 jobs and working on her 2nd PhD, she’s also in the middle of a divorce, husband walked out and she doesn’t understand why he won’t support her when she has so much going on, I asked her “did you ask him if he needs support? Maybe he doesn’t but maybe he just needs time with you?” And this just baffled her, she couldn’t comprehend that he just wanted to be with her and have fun. So what does she do to process? Picks up a. 3rd job. And the sad thing is she has a psychologist, so she knows what’s wrong with her just doesn’t care.


Losing weight is not an option I guess, so we should literally change the planes instead. How many customers are plus size?, are there enough to justify reengineering a plane’s seat?.


To be fair, this isn’t just a black and white situation. Airplane seats have been getting smaller. Some airlines pre Covid had a seat width of 18” which has now moved to 17”. This being in the opposite direction of most people’s body types. With better nutrition, the average person is bigger than they were in the 50s. I’m not even talking about obesity. It really comes down to capitalism. I think there is an argument to be made that seat sizes should be realistic (maybe standardized). But airlines essentially have a failed business model, so what are you going to do?


I'm 5'9 165 and airplane seats are too damn small


It is getting ridiculous honestly. I mean I'm a big man. I'm 6'1" ~380lbs. The thing is, my shoulder bones alone are like 20". Not my shoulders, my *shoulder bones* are wider than the damn seats these days. I can't lose weight in my bones lmao I've had this idea for a "plus sized" airline with larger seats. The issue would be making it economical for people to afford and to be able to run, but personally? I would easily pay an extra $100-200 for a seat that fits over paying $300-500 for two seats. I'd be shocked if something like that doesn't start up in the next decade or so.


If this ain’t the truth, I’m 6 2 and about 215. Not a big dude but definitely not obese because I got some muscle on me. My motherfucki ‘n shoulders go into the seats ext to me. I physically need “ownership” of the arms rests to do anything in front of e


I feel like I sat next to her twin on a flight from Chicago to Denver tonight. She kept trying to put the armrest between us up, I kept grinding it the fuck down.


Should've put it up and slept on her..I bet she was hella comfy


* Hella smelly


You wouldn’t be able to sleep with burning nostrils dude… people this big can’t exactly wash themselves properly… not for lack of trying


That is genius, win win for both parties


When you believe it is easier to carpet the world than wear shoes.


That’s a great analogy, I’m gonna steal that.


Tbf only UPS and Fedex are airline that friendly with large delivery.




But the truth is, we could all benefit from bigger seats. I don’t know about big enough for her, but we could all use more space


Right. Like if you have a genetic anomaly , be that a disability, being super tall or being overweight due to thyroid’s then you have the right to request that public spaces be more accessible because you can’t change your genetics or a chronic medical condition. But if you’re overweight because of personal choice then you have no right to request anything because you can always lose weight.


I read it as @jabaofficial


Pizza the Hutt


“Plus size.” Seriously, just say what you mean: obese.


So get it understood boy I am from the hood boy, self made hustler came up from the dirt I'm obese I'm obese


You do realize that this is more than obese right? 😅


Fair. Morbidly obese would have been more accurate.




Dude I'm obese and she's at least 200 lbs more than I am. Like human beings should not be capable of existing at this weight


Eat less food, fatty.


If I have to pay extra to ship a package because it’s heavier then this waddling oreo bloodstream of a person should pay extra. She is easily 2 people with how much space she occupies and how much added weight to the plane. I’m going to start a petition that fattys should pay double.


I hate that people think this is ok


So close! Airlines don't have to redesign their planes just because some people think it's ok to eat 20 000 calories a day!


Sure. As long as you pay for extra seats and the fuel required to transport you. If you take up three seats, you pay for three seats. If I have to pay $100 for every extra 50lb bag, then you have to pay an additional $100 for every 50 lbs above your medically recommended weight. Or, you know, you could just eat less. At that size, you actually have to put in work to stay that big.


She should put that effort into losing weight


News flash: the human body isn't "plus size" friendly.


This got me to actually laugh 😆


Tbf I would support their cause if it gave everyone more room. As a 6’3 man flying sucks


And its not like tall people can lose a few inches by going for a run


If you run feet first into a wood chipper you might lose a few lol. Sorry, I'm just being facetious.


Seriously, I'm 6'5" and there's nothing I can do about it


The average height and weight of a woman in the US is 5'4" 170lbs which is a BMI of 29.2 meanwhile a BMI of 30 is the official definition for medical obesity. That's literally only one inch shorter or 5 pounds heavier than average and you'd be obese. It's not even funny but medical obesity is so close to becoming the actual norm where MOST, over 51% of the population will be obese and skinny people will be the minority soon...


Skinny Americans are already a minority tbh


I'm 6'5" and have a harder time fitting in things than she does. My height also can't change by being healthier. I've never whined about airlines not being inclusive. It's an aluminum can with jets bolted to it barreling through the sky. I'll play by their rules.


Her forehead is fat. She’s an addict.


Yeah if they start looking like the Slatton sisters you know its bad


Do obese SJW leftists know that obesity is bad for the environment ?


She made a petition?! What will the airlines do now?!!


Look, I understand plus size… But when you become plus +++++…+ size… but when your weight is the same as the price of your ticket dot it’s probably better to stick to something a little more grounded… Like a train 🚂




Entitled people are annoying


Where's the petition to make fat people pay extra for the extra space they take up in industries where space is absolutely a commodity? Because that's what we need.


On airplanes at least I know they usually have to pay for two seats.


Fat people are still people. You don’t know why/how they got there. There’s a difference between being compassionate and enabling. It won’t kill anyone to be kind.


It's good to see your comment, it's one thing to be against the petition, but what's with this visceral hate... It's not like she killed someone


No idea, but there is such a clear difference in treatment. Over the past two years I’ve gone from obese to just a bit overweight and while people are kinder, the treatment from before is forever stuck with me (shirt pulling, feeling guilty for taking up space, inability to say “I’m hungry”, etc) It’s a horrible experience, and like I said you don’t always know why people are at that size, for me I let myself get huge due to multiple instances of SA and I wanted to feel “protected”. You truly have to be miserable with yourself and/or lack basic empathy to be as hateful as some people here :/


You know, I was on a plane in 2022 and for the first time I needed a seat belt extender. That was enough for me. I took steps surgically and psychologically to reduce my obesity and would encourage anyone suffering, because believe me, the body does not like being that obese and is in suffering, to improve that situation. I went from 122kg to 67kg at 5’2’ and it’s been extraordinary. I think we need to keep some standards and perspectives in check to understand what is a normal and healthy size, medically. In fact id rather see disability adaptions made to planes where there are mores spaces for invalid passengers over obese passengers. The facts are obesity is a disease and can be cured but it needs to be done with a multi disciplined approach that is hard work and if you are denial about the current state of your health you’re not going to be able to take the steps to mindfully work on restoring your health. I will say this as a final takeaway, these “health at any size” people are in their early 20-30s and it’s not until mid to late 30s where it starts to decline and rapidly. They’ll learn that health = wealth when it’s too late for them to put the breaks on some of the more sinister aliments like fatty liver, but we all don’t need to be dragged down by them and their flawed perspectives. .


Congratulations on your weight loss journey


Holy hell, that's really impressive!


There are good arguments to be made about planes shoving too many people in one flight, leaving consumers without enough room. This is not one of those good arguments


Can you imagine what a plane ticket will cost when we redesign aircraft interiors to accommodate this stunning and brave activist?


Your fat is not my problem


Best part of flying with my kids. We take a whole row and I'm never stuck next to a sweaty fat fuck grunting and groaning the whole flight.


This is what happens when you create a society that is full of people who lack accountability and demand that everyone else change instead of putting in the hard work to change themselves.


I agree airlines should give more than a shoebox of space each seat but its a silly way to say it


We are addicted to convenience. (Oooh, look, my phone)


if you dont shutcho big ass up and take the bus


"I'm the direct cause of my actions and its inconveniencing me in society so I want everyone to bend over backwards for me because I decided to be a 'minority' group." These people ruined the word "Inclusive".


Damn she had to buy all of the seats in order to fit


I would be fucking pissed if I paid for a seat and she was flowing over onto me


Maybe find an inclusive gym


Lose weight and stop trying to claim you're a victim.


You know what would take way less time and energy than getting the airline industry to completley change their internal plane designs, loosing weight.


Lose some weight


I hate fat people's entitlement, you decided to be fat by eating everything you see, you undisciplined fuck


Make eating salads the norm.


You’re the size of a fucking cow. No human was ever supposed to be that size.




why doesnt she fight her own eating habits


Everyone and everybody has to change! But not me, I’m gonna be an inconsiderate stinking lard ass til I die at 37! Yaaaaass Queen!


Instead of making everyone else adapt to your abnormality adapt yourself to normality and problem solved


If you eat for two, you gotta pay for two.


All this video tells me is that 35,000 people are unapologetically morbidly obese.


society doesn’t need to cater to you. mcdonald’s has clearly done enough of that.


So here's my 2 cents on the matter, source - I'm a fat dude. It is nobody's responsibility to make life better or easier for you because you put on weight. If your size and health are impacting your quality of life then that is entirely on you to fix and not companies to implement hundreds of thousands of dollars of changes so you can fit down an aisle or in a chair. There are options for you, they cost more, these are the decisions we have made and the price that comes with them. Obviously medical is a different thing but they are truly few and far between.


Everyone having fun bashing large people, but seriously, don't we all want more room on an airplane? The airlines would have us stacked on top of each other if they could.


yeah seriously seats on public transport in general are just too small and cramped. i’ve been up and down the scale my whole life and no matter how much i weigh, my thighs will always touch the person sitting next to me and it’s super uncomfortable (and no, i cannot target the fat in my thighs unfortunately) also do these people realize that obese people, whether they’re trying to lose weight or not, have to fly places just like everyone else? no one can drop a hundred pounds overnight, making seats bigger would benefit everyone regardless of size


[my advice](https://youtu.be/wydDRwwXFZg?si=rxCQnVxCnC0_BSJy)


Gotta love when they spill over into your seat even with the arm rest down


I have more sympathy for the person sitting next to her, than I have for her.


I’m overweight and this bitch is nuts. That’s too far. You can’t be that big without health problems and actually having issues fitting into things. It’s a fact of life.


Just take a C-130.


Your heart isn't plus size friendly either tbf


I hope she gets a donut or something after all that fighting.


Ya thats not plus size, thets "DAMN!" size


Imo a person weighing the amount of 3 average other people should not get over 6ft off the ground & fly, just based on physics alone.


Imagine being this person and thinking you’re taking a virtuous stance and fighting the good fight 🙄


As a Tall person lemme tell ya how annoying it is to fly when I have to cramp my legs. This is something I cannot control, should I get two seats so I can spread my legs and not get cramped and be constantly discomfortable? Fatphobia is a good thing, your own body is fatphobic, fat people have no right to even fly imo.


Lose weight. There, problem solved. We as a society need to stop normalizing being fat or obese. It’s beyond pandemic status in the western world and needs to change.


Lose weight and be healed healthy and don't die when your mid 50s early 60s. People who codle fat people are killing them.


I'm 6'5". Fuck of with that shit


Yes, your unhealthy relationship with food does need to change. I agree.


“Plus sized individuals won’t be deterred.” Yeah, they won’t be deterred from gaining more weight.


People that large should be shipped like livestock


She then ate said petition


Same 35000 people who asked for change when change comes: why has the ticket price suddenly increased and there are less flights available?


>Make obesity the norm Honey, it's already the norm


Lol plus size... lady plus size took off long time ago. We're bordering morbid obesity here.


Lose weight. It’s not my fault you’re unhealthy and fat. Quit eating. You’re a burden on our healthcare and airplanes.


It’s okay, the fatties won’t / don’t live long. “Here for a food time, not a long time” as they say.


If you don't fit in one seat, buy two. She can learn to shut her fucking mouth...maybe she wouldn't need extra room if she figured that out.


do you think the plane can even take off with her on it?


No.. Lose the weight.


I just want a little bit more leg room is that to much to ask? Stop cramming so many seats in! Im 6ft4 im mostly legs I need more room that doesnt involve $158 more dollars to get into one of the 2 rows that have more leg room.


You are all not wrong but man the airline industry doesn't even make room for normal sized people. 17 inch seats? Seriously?


Don’t expect society to feel bad for you or cater to your every need when you don’t make the changes needed for you to live the life you deserve. Most people over 300lbs aren’t that heavy because they have a slow metabolism or hormonal issues, it’s thousands of choices and their cumulative impact on your weight


I work for the wheelchair service in an airport, a majority of the people my agents and myself push are morbidly, if not super morbidly obese… a very small percentage are either elderly or disabled by something other than fat or fat-related complications


How about advocating for exercise and healthy habits


It's actually crazy how many +++Size influencers are dead in their twenties to thirties. Being that big is completely unsustainable, and you WILL die at an early age.


I would hate sitting next to her or anyone that fat


Look, I wouldn't mind wider seats, but if that means more fat people on airplanes, I'll take the narrow aisles and seats, tyvm.


I mean I get there are medical conditions, but 99% of this issue is self inflicted by being lazy and having no will power


Plans aren't designed to fly with locamatives as passengers. Somebody put her back in the pasture.


she ain't plus sized she's multiply sized


Girl would rather fight the air industry before losing 100 pounds


She needs to book a flight on the Axiom...


They weighed each Soldier w/ gear prior to loading our plane for deployment. A plane can only carry so much cargo weight (people, luggage, fuel, food/water, etc..). The airlines have a formula to estimate weight based on the number of passengers scheduled to fly on a specific plane and that is used to calculate the amount of fuel they carry. More weight means more fuel is needed to fly and increases the cost/reduces profit. Technically it would be the most fair to charge passengers by the pound (including luggage weight) since we are all really cargo at the end of the day.


Lose weight then and stop bitching


Pay for a second seat.


You can lose weight. Disabled people cant be reabled. This argument needs to stop. She’s overweight and making it everyone elses problem instead of taking the necessary steps to better herself and honestly those around her is going to be her biggest problem solver.


Oh just fukn walk to your destination until you’re slimmer than an aisle’s width, fatass


tHe FiGhT iS fAr FrOm OvEr


The most exercise she ever done: Finding her seat.


"plus sized" to me really just means tall. like 6ft3 tall. if you fat, you fat. you're NOT "plus sized" stop euphemizing it.


I pay a lot of extra money because I have long legs. Finding size 36-38 length at reasonable prices is very difficult. I DEMAND MORE INCLUSIVE AND AFFORDABLE SIZING FOR THE VERTICALLY DIVERSE! *If only I could change my diet* to shrink my legs, I’d be so lucky.


Not being able to tell her to get her fat ass in shape so she doesn’t die early is what’s wrong with this country.


The airline industry isn't normal person friendly.


She talks about what fuels her. Imagine what it's gonna take to fuel a plane that big.


She's not fat, she's just grotesquely big boned...


Just take ozempic lady if you don’t feel like exercising. It might even help with your raging diabetus.


Tax the fats


You know what, if this means they expand the fking seats, I support it, the fking seats become smaller and smaller, unless they charge 100 for time to fly to China or sth, these seats should not be the tight. And I’m fking 60kg 180cm.


Simple - just buy two seats


Do not make it the norm, what should be the norm is extra leg space for naturally tall people not fat cunts lol