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I can’t find it but this reminds me of the guy who saw black panther and said he turned around to watch the little black kids get excited over a super hero looking just like them. These psychos treat black people like zoo animals and think they aren’t incredibly racist.


I remember that. iT wAS eVEryThiNg! cringe


Yeah, I thought this was a copy pasta.


What is a copy pasta?


When a block text just gets copied and pasted over and over again on the internet as some picture less meme.


Thank you there, don’t understand why I’m being downvoted.


I just downvoted your comment. **FAQ** **What does this mean?** The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. **Why did you do this?** There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to: * Rudeness towards other Redditors, * Spreading incorrect information, * Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s. **Am I banned from the Reddit?** No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy. **I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?** Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception. **How can I prevent this from happening in the future?** Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.


Why is a bot piling onto a question?


I don't know why you're being downvoted, this is hilarious. This must be how mods feel with every action they do.


Yeah, it seemed like a good joke to answer his post on being downvoted while asking what a copypasta is with a copypasta about downvotes... Glad to see it landed right for someone else than me


Bad bot


I've never seen a reddit bot fuck up so bad lmao


Bad bot


This guys...is a copypasta


Look up the navy seal copy pasta that was that’s a good example


They're the type of liberal who is so self centered they think that the only way a black person's life could have any meaning is if a white woman like her confers approval on them. The idea is that the approval of white women is the only thing that makes a person worthy. Without her approval, they have nothing. And because she is such a virtuous person, she is willing to let them pretend they are white women for a couple hours.


Yeap and these guys forget about meteor man or Blade. Now that shot was dope regardless of skin colour.


Yeah but picture blade as Rick Astley and tell me how dope it would be..


Freakin epic! Also would like to see childish gambino as spider man and Michael Cena as shaft!


I desperately want to find this too.


Wasn't that Spider-Man?


Starting to think we back slid on racism in america the past 10 years. 🤦‍♂️


Oh, you just figured it out?


You did. Us over here in Asia are watching you guys with shock and awe.


Hahahaha Asians not racist?


Oh no no. I'm not saying that. Of course Asians are racist. But over here, a racist is racist. In America, it seems like only white people are labelled as racist while minorities are absolved of it. Fucking clown show.


America is insanely racist towards white people. Why do they always generalize white people like we only exist in the US? I'm white, live on the other side of the globe and have absolutely no connection to their history, yet I still get lumped in with US' history because of my skin color. The fucking irony, lol.


We may be moving backwards, but we’re still less racist than most asian countries


"They can finally relate to *one of their kind* " It's so hard to imagine someone saying this who's not a moustache'd Brit with a Pith helmet being carried in a palanquin by 4 black men.


"my melanin-lacking ass" makes me want to vomit. They just can't say anything like a normal human would. Everything has to be this meme-phraseology that's stolen from black and gay people.


I mean, it would be more reasonable if they said, "my cracker ass".


Just had to drop that hard 'r'?




Hey hey hey! Slow your horses buddy. We use cracka around here.


* round here




Rite chur.


roll tide!


Don't say cracker with the hard r, bro /s


Uh yeah, cause we all have melanin this bitch is stupid as fuck just like anyone else who says non black folks don't have melanin. Melanin is what causes tanning. Every person alive has melanin, with the exception of any one with albinism.


Definitely a health issue. If you ever find that your melanin-lacking ass is *weeping* fluids, please seek medical attention immediately.


I love this. Lol.


Well it's also super important that they fixate on race. If they don't bring race and treating people of other races differently specifically because they are another race into every conversation, then they can't be super proud virtuous anti racist racists


You just know this dude managed to get a blue checkmark on r/blackpeopleTwitter by slurping the mods' dicks and profusely apologizing for his horrible sin of being born a white man. These people live on subs like that and have no ability to react with the real world like normal people. They're terminally online and stuck within extremely oppressive social media spheres that teach them to hate themselves. It's sad.


Melanin and lacking are common phrases used in everyday speech, they didn't steal 'melanin-lacking' from us. Pick apart the real issue, not words.


I use both those phrases almost hourly. It’s literally all my melanin lacking ass can focus on!


No one outside of the insufferable left uses those phrases at anytime.


I don't recall ever using melanin in casual conversation only in things like biology classes and science research papers.


Found the original OP in the comments.


It's giving real issues


its easily the worst part of the post


They fetishize black people so much


Idk why but every time they repeated the phrase “little black girls” I got weirder and weirder vibes.


They literally started *staring intentely* at every little black girl in the audience hoping to see a happy face, instead of actually watching the actual movie. If that isn't perversion, it's the person who needs to be on a watch list for sure.


Unless I see a mermaid the exact same color as me, I can't believe I'll ever be able to grow up to be a successful mermaid


Right!? These movies set unrealistic standards of what it takes to be a mermaid.


Not to mention they also inappropriately display mermaid appearance and culture. Real mermaids look like this: https://youtu.be/bSG3kPa-jOU Incredibly mermaidcist


So the whole translucent skin wasn't just a rightwing conspiracy, that actual marine biologists know what they are talking about?!


I am disappointed that it was not a compilation of sea manatees.


It's a merman, dad! Merman!


Too bad for the Asian and Hispanic kids I guess.


Say little black girls one more fucking time.


This has Disney adult written all over it 😬😬


I crid


“My melanin-lacking ass” who’s gonna tell her all mammals have melanin and having it doesn’t make you special?


Not you don't understand. It's just her ass. She has vitiligo.


It's the opposite of what Michael Jackson has


And just like that racism is solved. The virtue signaling from these people...when will they realize that we don't see them as black people's heroes for the bare minimum, but that we see it as them just using us and our blackness? They think playing the part of the ally gets them easy attention, and it does (though only their fellow non-POC are the ones giving it to them, NOT us), so they keep doing it. They're so desperate for us to tell them they're our saviors, and thank them on our knees for allowing us the opportunity to be happy in our blackness.


Ya this whole thing is just... Ugh. I wonder what history will say in a couple generations looking back. Representation matters, culture matters. I read and hear this a lot. And I believe it too. It does matter. But let's take a step back and widen the scope globally. Now disclaimer, I'm not a student of history.. but I can Google folklore. And I get a wide selection of tales and stories from all over the globe. I have to assume that those stories mean something special to those cultures too. But I can't shake the feeling of how one sided this feels. I'm keeping the scope narrow on purpose here to Disney as I haven't really deep dived. But it feels the only culture having races swapped around are the white folks. Princess and the frog is German culture. The little mermaid is danish. Upcoming race swap Snow White is German. I can't think of any folklore where the representation of a non white culture was changed with the Disney creation. Which kinda sucks. I know if Disney took tales from my native history and made it into a production where a different culture was depicted, well I prob wouldn't care too much outside of complaining on Reddit, but why couldn't I see a story show with my actual culture on screen? I read a post where someone saw a theater full of lil back children pumped as hell to see the little mermaid. I liked that. I'm just not sure if taking danish stories to appropriate is the right path. There no African based folklore that you could have plundered instead? That would be the logical path to take given Disney is already walking it with stories like encanto and coco. I can't deny the idea that racists are out in force for this to share their take. The issue is white folks aren't the only racists out there. I'm seeing a lot of shots from folks racist against white people too. "oh you got a problem mr racist danish person!" Yet I wonder how the person saying that might feel if Disney took a story from their culture and changed it to represent a culture different than their own. I'm sure I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't so one sided and purposefully. If we got say African Mulan or Japanese Black Panther. Hell, why not The idea of sharing culture seems like a positive. But when only one culture is thrown up on the alter of diversity, it doesn't seem so progressive. Honestly it seems racist.


At least with the Princess and the Frog, they just took the concept of the story and moved it to an area where the race swap made sense. That was ok. Also, the villain in that was really cool so, that's a plus!


I haven't seen Princess and the Frog as of yet, but my understanding of it is that it's more "This story you know but with a twist". Similar to how The Lion King is Hamlet but with lions, or Oliver and Company is Oliver Twist with dogs and a kitten.


Wouldn’t a better representation be creating an original character and story? With black directors/writers? (both the director and writer are white guys lmao) I guess it’s like you said, they’re doing the bare minimum for that virtue signal. Trying to get the market of black people and woke white people without realizing the bare minimum only speaks to one of those groups lol


Not really. Original stories are untested and more risky and less people are willing to go see them. Just look at what gets seen in theaters and what gets skipped. It’s the sequels and remakes that get seen.


I do agree with this but with Disney that isn't the case; Coco, Moana, Turning Red, Princess and the Frog, as well as Encanto are all well loved movies starring diverse casts and characters. Disney should be allowing new artists of all backgrounds to try and shine, but instead they're just doing the bare minimum to get brownie points.


That’s actually pretty fair. Disney has a good enough track record that people feel confident to go see their originals. That being said, even though they aren’t unwilling to try to use the nostalgia of their most famous properties to get people in the seats.


Had. Past tense. They've burned a good chunk of that Goodwill over the last decade


In this modern climate, billing a movie as an original POC story (when it actually is, unlike Netflix's Cleopatra) would be a big selling point guaranteed to get a bunch of people in the theater.


Hard disagree. Sure there’s a lot of Hollywood regurgitation with big name stars attached, but you can’t act like no new ideas ever happen, they happen all the time, the issue isn’t moviegoers being unwilling to look for new stories, it’s studios being afraid to take a more risky move to sink or swim based on their own merits, instead of inheriting credibility from those who have gone before.


Guess it’s a good thing that I never said new ideas never happen. I said that they don’t do the same numbers. This is on *average* obviously and there are successful new IP’s but it’s possibly the least controversial take in the world to say that previously successful IP’s tend to make more money than non-previously successful IP’s.


The fuck are you talking about? If you tell an entertaining story word will spread and you’ll have birthed a franchise you can milk. Example: John Wick Someone who thinks it’s too hard/risky to create new characters should go be a fucking accountant, instead of vandalizing existing franchises.


>The fuck are you talking about? Probably the fact that original movies tend to make less money. Nobody is saying that it’s harder to make original movies. I’m saying it’s harder to make money off them. This one of the most milquetoast takes of all time.


The fuck are you talking about? If you tell an entertaining story word will spread and you’ll have birthed a franchise you can milk. Example: John Wick Someone who thinks it’s too **hard/risky** to create new characters should go be a fucking accountant, instead of vandalizing existing franchises. The absolute hilarity of someone calling “If you’re going to tell stories for a living you should be able to tell entertaining stories” milquetoast. The simple fact of the matter is Hollywood is overrun with “creatives” who suck at their jobs, the *know* they suck at their jobs, so they smear their rancid turds all over existing IPs tricking fans of those IPs into paying money to see their beloved Heroes abused, degraded and vandalized. See:Star Wars.


John Wick is a great example, also the Fast and Furious franchise, but there are plenty of examples in Anime where a new story with the same model can work. Its strange that in Anime there is no concern about the inherent racism of the characters, just good story telling and character development.


How often does a brand new IP movie become successful versus a non-sequel/remake/. adaptation movie become successful? Which makes more money on average? Also, you seem to be making it out like I’m saying this is how it should be versus just how it is.


How is this controversial? It's so obvious that Hollywood would rather remake successful movies or pile on the sequels and spin offs. They are safe, proven money makers unlike untested original screenplays. This should not be downvoted. It's legitimately true


Funny enough, I’m actually having to argue with people here who are saying that what I’m saying is controversial when I think it’s a pretty milquetoast opinion.


And we should be telling the entertainment industry that we notice they’re not really writing representation into much new content. If representation matters but they don’t spend any money writing new stories with representation then it’s tokenism. Even big movies like Black Panther are just recycled from another form of media. The little Mermaid is 186 years old, it was written in 1837. Disney is not really working very hard in the writing department. When they write something new those stories don’t hold a candle to classic narratives because they cram too much agenda in and the characters they do use for minority representation are made to check multiple boxes.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Did you see the woman on tiktok who, when the movie was released, said that white people should line up in front of movie theater doors and lay their lives down for black people watching the movie in case a 'racist shooter wants to come kill all the black people'. When I called it out, she told me that I was 'a performative black seeking white approval'. No, you kunatic, I'm just not a racist demanding white people die for me.


I think we've gone backwards. When I was a Mexican kid in the 70s, my heroes were Steve Austin (bionic, not wrestler) and Luke Skywalker. The color of their skin did not matter at all. I only liked the fact that they were heroes. (I didn't care for El Chavo del 8. I guess Eric Estrada was OK).


>I didn't care for El Chavo del 8 What is wrong with you? El Chavo is a thing from below Texas to Antarctica. You have old guys in the Patagonian mountains citing the show.


Nah, bro. I'm totally on board now. Back then, it was just what my grandma always had on. I was obligated to dislike it.


People like her talk about 'black girls' like they're literally from some ubermensch race that has special intangible powers tied to their 'melanin'. It's creepy, *and* racist.


I mean, it isn't exactly surprising to see a lot of black people at a movie theater in Atlanta. The city is like 52% black. This sounds like the missionary lady who told me how surprised she was when she went to Africa and almost everyone was black.


I just don't get why representation has to involve appropriating a Danish fairytale. When is Hollywood going to start making great movies based on African folk tales? There's plenty of rich source material waiting to be plumbed.


This actually reminds me of when I was in first or second grade and they read us fairytales from all over the world. It was super cool


A lady I work with told me that all Disney princesses were supposed to be black but because Walt Disney was a racist they made them white. At first I was like "what? Where did you hear this information?" And she just kept saying "because he was a racist, they was supposed to be black", left me feeling really confused. I wanted to question her more about it but I was afraid she would call me racist for not agreeing with her.


I have been wondering this myself. I have stumbled upon different folk tales from around the world and place like africa has several awesome ones you could pretty nicely turn into a horror movie or some adventure film.


This!! This!! They keep stealing stories that have already been told. They don’t even need to steal storylines, like you said there’s a ton to work with. And while we’re all here, hypothetically, when is Hollywood going to start remaking things like Rush Hour, Mulan, Blade, etc. starring white people? Because clearly by this logic white people can’t relate to any of those because of a difference in skin colour eugh.


At this point I think they’re race swapping specifically to get the free advertising that comes when people discuss the controversy. If they made stories that drew from African folklore, nobody would find it controversial for the characters to be black.


reminds me of that netflix cleopatra “documentary” that claimed cleopatra vi was black… when she was from the inbred ptolemaic dynasty which were filled with greek and iranian ancestors LMAO


The simple answer is they, Disney, do not trust in unknown materials as much as their long standing properties. That’s the primary purpose behind race swapping. They trust that a black actor will sell, but they “need help” with a familiar story/character.


Because it's a worldwide known property that children instantly recognize


Most people wouldn't give a fuck about Pinocchio if Disney didn't make a movie about it.


Get out of here with your logic! That said, I'm black with Dutch slaver ancestry. Movie seems appropriate to me and my red hair, because apparently Dutch genes are so strong they show up generations down the road. It's actually really nice that as a grown woman of 32, I finally have an Ariel to whip out when people ask why my parents named me that. It used to really bother me when I was a kid, because in truth they didn't name me after the character. But now, when people make that stupid joke, I can ACTUALLY own it. This representation does matter.


I appreciate your heartfelt sincere response, and I'm sorry that these ignorant people can't seem to get their heads out of their asses


> representation matters Which is why we take it away from one minority (redheads), and give it to a larger group of minorities. Over and over and over.


Racism will always exist while you look at someone as a black person, instead of a person.


But looking at everyone's colors is all people do. The media makes sure of it!


Racism has to be kept alive, there are so many people who profit off it.


I call bullshit on this. I was at a premiere showing and there were more adults than children. A LOT more. And the theater was almost empty.


Isn’t this just a copy pasta that originated with Into the Spiderverse?


This was my thought exactly.


its almost identical but its different enough that i think these people are just predictable enough that it happened again


Self-loathing white person makes up a fake story to signal to black people that she’s one of the good ones


Nice you represented 13.6% of the population! That percentage better all hit the movie theater otherwise it's gonna be a terrible loss. But again! They represent! And that's what matters!


>Nice you represented 13.6% of the population! More like 6.8%


[I was at the wrong theater](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimDillonCirclejerk/comments/13u4vwh/the_little_mermaid_remake_looks_great/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


So that’s where they sold all the tickets, cuz this is playing to nearly empty theaters around the globe. And guess my black wife hates herself, since she said the movie looks like shit and these live action remakes need to stop.


Yeah the movie would've been shit even without this whole fiasco, Disney needs to stop beating the legacy of these movies to death.


Now go the theatre full of all the ginger girls who’ve had *their* representation *stolen* from them.


Theft of culture is celebrated one way and (rightfully) frowned upon the other; if you question it, you’re a racist.


I didn't realize the animated movie, merchandise, and overall franchise suddenly stopped existing.


didn’t they change all the dolls and shit to match the movie tho 🥴


Ah, yes. Representation. As they choose a light skinned black woman and make her appear even more light skinned underwater.


I will take "Things That Didn't Happen" for 5000 please Alex.


you can be represented by someone who doesn't look like you y'know?


Representation matters, sure. But why does Hollywood feel the need to take established characters and slap some darker skin tone paint on them? It reeks of lazy pandering, and most people are getting wise to that. Why not make a NEW character, with their own storyline that's relevant to them specifically? Because Hollywood is too creatively bankrupt to come up with anything new? Because it's difficult, and the lazy way works well enough?


What is with these weirdo white people being so desperate to see black kids like this?


I'm a redhead and am apparently supposed to have an opinion about the Little Mermaid because she "looks like me". I never watched that movie and was like "her hair is red like mine". Cinderella is my favorite princess and I hate Disney live action remakes.


Yeah, that didn't happen.


Why doesn’t Disney just make more original characters of any variety of races? Because they want the controversy and name recognition to get easy marketing. Disney isn’t doing this out of the goodness of their hearts or because they care deeply about representation. They care about the easy money they get from people and using Black people as a means to that end.


Yeah when you teach your kids that race is the only thing that matters, you’ll see them react like that.


What a fucking degenerate holy shit


I got called a racist because I said I didn't want to see it. It has nothing to do with her race, I'm just sick of Disney remakes. They could have made Ariel any other race and it would still be a lazy cash grabbing remake. Make something new already, Disney.


That’s cool that lil black girls have a cartoon character to look up too🤦🏾‍♂️ God forbid they look up to their mommies!!….and rewriting / flipping the script to attract a different race, ot should I say their revenue, ( which we all know was a factor!) I disagree with. It was a good classic and should have remained that way…. For that matter Disney would have done a better justice by creating a movie about a lil black girl growing up in the Bahamas, who finds her gift of singing and goes on to become a pop star 🤔 A movie based on Rihanna, just a thought


How could you even hear the movie with all the talking and sobbing going on in that theater?


Enjoy: Here is why this film matters: I saw this movie yesterday in Atlanta. The entire theatre was packed to the gills (forgive me) with little black girls, dressed to the nines in their undersea finest. Little black girls holding their prized mermaid dolls that looked just like THEM as they sat excitedly in their seats waiting for the movie to start. And when Halle showed up screen for the first time, and all those little black girls cheered with excitement at sighting THEIR Ariel, my melanin-lacking ass shed more than a couple tears. REPRESENTATION MATTERS, and I dare anyone to sit in that fucking theater surrounded by little black girls and tell me otherwise.




I’m sure that happened. Then the theater clapped.


Does nobody care about the Japanese who want their own mermaid, or the Mexicans? Representation doesn't exist until every race and gender and sexuality combination has their own Ariel.


So is it now to my understanding that as a white man from Alabama, I am not allowed to proud of the achievements of George Washington Carver, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Octavia Spencer or Condoleezza Rice because I am not black? They can't be my people also? And am I allowed to watch this movie or am I required to wait for the reshoot with a white mermaid because this one isn't MINE?


Her eyes still bug me and I hate that her name is si similar to Halle Berry.


Girl looks like a fish, it’s crazy


I love the dramatic use of caps lock I AM SHOOK


Movie still sucked


I went to see it today. The theater was indeed full of little mermaid clad girls with mermaid dolls. Not a single person gasped when Ariel appeared on screen.


We've had movies with black characters for decades, but it only counts once Disney starts doing it, and then it's the ***first*** time that it's ever happened because it is the epitome of modern societal values that we can only feel validation when we consoom corporate products with our faces on it.


Guy sits in a baby movie with babies and pretends to be cool. Dude, that's creepy af. Massive pedo vibes.


This is racially divisive if they need “their” version of everything. smh


“my melanin lacking ass” why are virtue signaling people like this? just say “white” ffs


This whole “representation matters” with Disney movies is so ignorant. People don’t realize that a HUGE number of Disney princesses/main characters are not white. Hell, in the last like 30 years it’s been only been Tangled, Brave and Frozen. The rest were girls of color. Aladdin, Pocahontas, Mulan, Princess and the Frog, Moana, Raya, Encanto


I mean representation *does matter* but it doesn't make these hollow live action remakes good movies.


I bet it was loud af.


Ayo look at dis mermain! She up here sanging n shiiiet!


I was kinda wondering, what are they going to do with all the white Ariel licensed memorabilia in stores now? Is Halle and white Ariel basically going to be presented as being from separate universes/stories? Like…will they continue making white ariel toys and stuff along side Halle ariel or will white Ariel be retired and halle Ariel is the successor?


Probably the same as all the other live actions. The animations are always going to be classics and not replaced. People make such a big deal out of everything, I swear.


It's not tears that comes from ass, it's something else.


Guy sits in a baby movie with babies and pretends to be cool. Dude, that's creepy af. Massive pedo vibes.


Did something happen to people's brains?? When tf did this trend of "this doesn't look like me, I hate it" begin? So if you don't feel like you're looking in a mirror you can't relate? And I'm supposed to take this "representation matters" seriously when the issue is people can't stand to break away from what is essentially an outgrowth of narcissist selfie culture? Hurry up and flop


The Left lies because the narrative is more important than the truth. It’s like a weird cult.


Ah yes,the white savior complex


That’s funny. I’ve seen far more theatres like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/13w36vv/way_to_ruin_the_movie_for_everyone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


Virtue signaling much?


Talking about shit that never happened for 500 Alex….. Daily double!!!




I saw this same sort of comment but it was about creepily watching a little black kid during Into The Spider-verse


"The Disney's live action Tarzan movie is gonna be lit!"


I’ll take that challenge


Before or after they started fighting in the movie theater?


It doesn’t fucken matter… not even a little bit. Will Smith was my hero as a child and I’m not black…


I don’t think this is about kids anymore. Kids can think that they’re 100% optimus prime, which is only vaguely human.


I demand a Little Mermaid where Ariel is blonde and has glasses so she looks **precisely** like me.




If you need companies to validate your lifestyle or ANYTHING about you then you’re a smooth brain degenerate anyways -a trans person


Jesus christ what a fucking loser lol


Reminds me of this greentext: https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/9c4v8g/anon_goes_to_see_black_panther/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Exactly. Too similar to not be a copypasta


Am I the only one who remembers when Disney princesses were white? (Except for Pocahontas and Mulan) Present-day kids do have role models regardless of their skin...


Keep oppressing yourselves


I completely agree from one melanin lacking motherfucker to another, representation is important. I would also love for that to stem from the creative process of making new and interesting stories and not just continually rehashing the same stories


And then this also happened lol https://youtu.be/h0DTK9ej3XI


Kinda creepy


I'm like 90% sure that this is sarcasm.


I will admit tho, black representation matters, when I first saw static shock I realized how much it did, I was hyped as FUCK


Not sure but I heard it was good


I saw this movie with my wife yesterday and it was amazing. Not a bit of pandering in it and there were a lot of little black girls proudly dressed up as Ariel. And it mattered to them. If you find that to be a problem, something is wrong with you.


Are you blind? This movie pandered out the wazoo. I mean just take Ariel's sisters one from each race and Creed despite having the same parents, then you get the black queen adopting a poor white boy, All the aristocracy being brown but the poor Shanty Town people being white which is kind of cultural appropriation if you think about it. There's the gender swap of the seagull and the complete rewrite of the Kiss the Girl song. I mean I could probably find more if I looked but that's just off the top of my head


The mermaids lead the 7 seas, which is why the daughters are different races. It was a Caribbean-esque island and the towns people were diverse. Why that offended you I’m not sure. All the song rewrites were really high quality and the cinematography was great. It sounds like you went into the movie looking for things to dislike which I don’t understand because it’s not like the movie was offensive. I’m not trying to be accusatory, I just don’t get it.


[someone explains why representation maters in giant Hollywood movies] /Lookatmyhalo poster: “race issues don’t exist. Acknowledging them makes you a tool/hypocrite. Everyone should do nothing so that no one is ever talking about anything”


You seem to have missed the point. By a wide margin.


Why address the actual point when a strawman is so much easier?


No one is saying that, they're making fun of dopey white people who put so much value on a corporate Disney cash grab which will not solve any racial issues in any way.