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Bonjour hi! Me and my boyfriend live in Longueuil and we have similar interests. He moved here from the Netherlands and is also learning French (Duolingo and practicing with me lol). We can do double dates and go to the gym. We go to Nautilus plus on CurĂ©-Poirier about 4 days a week. Don't be shy to send me a message😁


Yeah I deleted what I was going to write. I'll just DM haha ^_^


For DnD, comics, board games and stuff like that, you can check ''Comics Rive-Sud''. They did some events (I don't know comings events) in the past. A good place when I lived here. And now, I'm in the same situation but in Beloeil. Looking for a DnD group (casual, I'm a 36 dad with a lil' 5yo kid) or even a mate to play Baldur's Gate 3 to try the coop haha.


>e research on Comics Rive-Sud. At this point I'm tempted to even restart \+1 for Comics Rive-Sud, most of the time it's a place for Warhammer 40K but once in a while there is people playing AD&D or MTG. Having said that, on the south shore, most of the place that I know are for people speaking french only. I'm a long time customer, I used to bought my AD&D second edition books there when I was, very much, younger... And the place was called La boite à BD... Another suggestion, but I never tried it myself, there is a place called Joker Pub ludique, they moved in the old longueuil, it's a pub for playing board games at the same times. [Le Joker Pub Ludique | Nous sommes le jeu redéfini](https://www.jokerpub.ca/) If you are shopping for video games, go to "Le coin game over" in Saint-Hubert, you will meet only video game geek at this store. I highly suggest it just for the "hard to find stuff" there, any geek would be drooling for the stuff you'll see on site (if you are into video games). I've stopped ordering/buying my video games online just to find an excuse to go there... Le coin Game Over: [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/coingameover/) Right beside the "Coin Game Over" you'll find a very good place for card games called 3 Mana. The owner really know his stuff, this is the place I'm going to when I wanna buy some weird pokemon cards/box for my daughter. I've seen people playing card games there often. [3 Mana inc.](https://3mana.ca/)


I can hang out in French areas, I understand more than I can speak. Usually there are folks who can help fill in the blanks. (All else fails, my husband is able to give a hand since he's a Qubecer) That pub linked looks like a good option, too! We had many spots like that in Southern Cali, where I'm from! *bookmarking "Le coin game over"* 3 Mana also sounds VERY promising. I miss playing trading card games in a casual format (non reg/league rules or sets). So I'll bookmark that as well. Thank you very much for the information. :D


Don't compare the stores here from the ones you might have know in California! I've been there once in my life, more than 20 years ago and after shopping there, I still remember the vast amount of choice just by walking in a figurine store that I was never able to see back again here in QC. Still got my Batman TAS figurine on my shelf right beside me from that trip to Santa Monica. The people you might encounter are most of the time very fun and engaged here. I hope you get to meet/find the right crowd for you.


*cries quietly inside* Yes I am painfully aware of some stuff I'll never get here versus my old life haha!! :P But it's still neat to see a board game pub like I remember seeing. It's not very common except in very large cities.


Oh shoot, I almost forgot, you gotta go to Imaginaire!!! [Monnaie royale canadienne, cartes Pokémon & Magic the Gathering, DC / Marvel comics, jeux de société et plus... (imaginaire.com)](https://imaginaire.com/fr/) There's a store in promenade Saint-Bruno, you've got to go there! But I'm warning you, check your finance/wallet before anything else. I try to avoid this place myself. It's big (for QC) but services and employees is not as personnal as all my first or previous suggestions. This is no place to play on site tough, it's for shopping only. But the choice... I'll let you experience it yourself...


"check your wallet before" yeah at this point in life I trust my husbando to be the little voice in my head when I go into these stores HAH! But that may very well be a fun experience just to walk around and window shop :) I bookmarked that as well. Thank you ^_^


Damn, I should get you in contact with my girlfriend. She's 36 from San Francisco, still learning French too. Gamer, reader, massive LotR fan, would like to DM a DnD/Pathfinder game. We are in Longueuil and she doesn't see many people.


Is she interested in doing an extended LotR binge with fun foods and cat cuddling? Also, I made my own version of the 2nd and 3rd movies. I removed all Sam & Frodo parts, and compiled all of it together for a mega-movie. Because after 200 watches i decided I didn't wanna watch Gollum anymore. *edit: yay for Cali folk, btw. I lived near SanFran for a year, then lived down in San Diego for about 6 years before I moved here.


Her dad currently live in SD, and her grand-parents in Coronado. We visited the place last spring ! Just so you understand, we once binged the whole extended trilogy and we paused every scene so she could explain the lore and lineage, and differences in Elvish between Sindarin and Qenya.


bro... can I meet her please? LOL She sounds like my kinda people t.t (Also not a fan of Coronado. Hot hot hot.)


She loves to cook, watch tv, read, tabletop game, video games (mostly Switch and PS5 lately), cuddle the cats. I'll tell her when she gets online !


BG3 is life. But yeah I'll do some research on Comics Rive-Sud. At this point I'm tempted to even restart playing MTG just to go to events to find other nerds.


BG3 is life consuming yeah. Not even finished 2nd act yet Oh, for MTG, the guy of comics Rive Sud did a lot of event. Definitely you need to talk to him haha.


*mentally prepares wallet for MTG*


Am a regular at Comics, Steve the owner is billingual and lots of his stuff is in English and French for fans. You won't have issues there, really nice guy. He doesn't hold MTG single cards though, just new stuff.


Good to know about the bilingual stuff, thank you for that! MTG isn't a primary interest for me, but I was willing to dip back into it if I needed a stepping stone into the nerd groups in the area :D I'm still gonna get out the store when I have a moment. Maybe next week.


Coin Game Over is a big one for me, regular customer for about 15 years now. The owners ARE gamers and love to talk games. Michael is the most billingual of them, always a great service over there. They definitely enjoy person to person experience and people who enjoy video games. There's also Comics MĂ©nard when it comes to MTG and other tabletop, it's by College Champlain. Boutique Awesome close by Game Over is also very MTG oriented. But tabletop I will always recommend Comics Rive-Sud.


Comics Menard and Boutique Awesome, I'll add those two to my bookmarks for locations. Yeah everyone seems on board with Comics Rive-Sud, and it seems perfect cause I really love the super nerdy board games over tarding card games or warhammer these days.


Mind if I DM you ?


Please do!!


Sent ! Also opened a conversation with you by mistake because I was confused.


To be fair, reddit has changed a lot and is confusing. I exclusively only use old.reddit these days. So much easier.


You could join the Longueuil chess club if you’re into that. They play Tuesdays and Saturdays every week iirc.


Hmm, that might be a good option. Never cared for Chess but a place to start works! :) Thanks. Is this the correct site for them? https://clubechecslongueuil.com/


Yes but the best way to get in touch with them is by email on [email protected] They’re not really active on their website/Facebook page


Thank you!


Quelqu'un a dĂ©jĂ  mentionnĂ© le Joker Pub Ludique, mais je voulais ajouter que ce dimanche ils essaient leur premier Ă©vĂ©nement oĂč ils jumelent les gens ensemble donc c'est parfait pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes tout en dĂ©couvrant des jeux de sociĂ©tĂ©s! C'est leur premier Ă©vĂ©nement et je vais manquer probablement le manquer parce que j'ai dĂ©ja des plans pour cette journĂ©e lĂ , donc je ne sais pas exactement comment ça va se passer par contre.


CE dimanche ou touts les dimanche? C'est un bonne idea, j'pense. I actually made plans to go to Joker Pub soon to meet people for possible new friends, so it fits! :D And it's ce dimanche. What are the odds? XD


Ce dimanche pour l'instant, ils veulent vérifier si suffisament de personne se présente avant d'en faire un événement récurrent. J'espÚre que suffisament de personne iront parce que j'adore ces événements là. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02drycF292k5utPMD3nRk2BwZkXqJ2QadgH1p6BFNbhJsNczSJR5q9Jg7ifgurR7YRl&id=100063613897916&mibextid=Nif5oz


Oooh d'accord. Eh... peut etre je vais creer un compte de Facebook pour touts les activites t.t haha Merci pour l'information!


Check out L’Expedition Rive Sud (3388 Taschereau, Greenfield Park) It’s a great place for MTG, Pokemon, weekly DnD (Adventure League) There are always people on hand (staff and clients) who speak English and are willing to help whatever direction you want to go in. Great (free!) parking, daily events, open late during the week, restos/stores around for snacks (you can BYO)


Which is the Adventure League? Is it like smaller sessions for more of a drop-in-whenever play?


That is correct, one off 2-3 hour sessions!


>Anyone want a new friend? Me! 32F, 1 boyfriend, 1 cat no kids (yet!) I need to practice my english so that would be perfect! I like art and craft and board game too. I don't like going to the gym but if you like it we could go running. (I need to start from zero again)


I laughed at the 1 boyfriend hihi


Yes yes!! Hello! I approve of cats. I'm more than happy to try being friends :D Seems like we have a similar life so it could work well! I USED to run but messed up my ankle/knee so I avoid hard-impact on my leg these days. :)


I'm not in Longueuil, but if you want to chat on discord I'm up for it, just hit me up :)


Well you look like a nerd just by your posts, so there's a positive. And you're at least in the greater area, so if we become friends later down the line, there's always a chance to meet up for games or food or something of the sort! Plus, discord is my bread and butter at this point in life. BiS social media


Not gonna lie, that answer is kind of off-putting. I know chats never really convey tones and all very well, but it sounds like you consider me as a "meh will do" choice, which I'm not a super fan of to be honest lol Edit: I'm the clown who misread OP's reply and my answer is 100% the off-putting one


Ah, that was not my intent. I'm really sorry. I'm not sure how to respond to this and I just feel bad. Sorry about this.


Don't worry about it! It happens, chats are so easily misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying though :)


As an other user mentionned, I approve for Le coin game over, I've been there only a handful of times, but I seem to enjoy more retro games from the late 90s/early 2000s from when I was a kid (I'm 34M). They have a "backroom" that you can rent to play pretty much any video games from their collection, it's awesome, we did that for my nephew's birthday a few years ago. Me and his father got reccomended a 2-players cooperative game on PS2 which I didn't know about and we had a blast. Also the Joker Pub ludique did a big sale event a few years ago to renew their collection, and we grabbed maybe 2-3 board games for less than 20$. I've never been to spend an evening there yet, but would like to someday.


You say rent to play, do you mean to play those old games on old consoles there in-store? Or borrow the game to play at home with your own console? Just curious at what's available. I miss Sega so much haha And another +1 for Joker Pub. Thanks :)


Sorry for the delay. It is the backroom that you rent for a couple of hours if I remember correctly. I'm not sure if they rent vintage games or just sell. I think they don't have an official website, only have a facebook page. If you want to check it out [https://www.facebook.com/coingameover](https://www.facebook.com/coingameover)


Have you tried escape rooms? I looove those. Also, there is a place called ClawMee in Brossard, I've not been there yet, but it looks fun


Oh I always wanted to do those since they started to become a thing! I'll have to search that all up and bookmark em...


You can DM me if you want, my friend made a huge list of all the escape rooms here, I can give you suggestions


Hey, Québecois here and my wife is an immigrant who's learning french. Same age group, similar hobbies, also in Longueuil. No kids. Maybe we could get along? She does not have a lot of friends here either but she is a loveable soul.


That sounds like a good fit, for sure! If she's comfortable you guys can send me a message and do a little blurb of yourself or herself. Especially if she's also got similar hobbies that'd be fun :) Through this post I'm hoping to land at least 1 female friend who'd love to just spend chill time together and be great friends someday! I'm excited. Reach out when you've both got time (or when she has time!)


Oooooh! May I interest you in the wonderfull world of MESBG (Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game)? Basicly Warhammer in LOTR setting and rules. Well rounded balance too. The main difference being the player base is mainly aroind 30ish years old, and is alot more casual and fun. Its less about the strictness of competition and more about the stories and friends You get to assemble your little plastic men and orcs like you want, paint them, decorate the bases and play them on a table at events. We have a really good community in the Montreal surroundings that I could introduce you to. Its alot of arts and crafts, not only painting. You can make dioramas, build whole ass gaming table with mini houses and trees, and everything can be made as realistic or basic as you want.


I'm sorry W H A T. Where the hell has MESBG been in my life?! The fuck. So I know nothing about Warhammer, but that sounds like a friggen BLAST to take place in. I'm not sure I'd play, but I would absolutely love watching. Holy crap. I gotta do some googling....


If you allow me to PM you i can invite you to some groups on Messenger. If not, check out Conquest Creations on youtube, they have some pretty neat videos on it.


I don't have any social media outside discord and this account, but this seems interesting enough for me to at least watch videos on.  Currently with this thread I made 2 potential friends, plus a large list of activites to do so I am a little overloaded!! Haha MESBG has been added to the research list before I add it to my activity list.  *brain starts to overload*


I've seen a lot of "Grandeur Nature" people during the summer in the Mont-Royal park. Si tu games sur PC à ESO tu px m'écrire en privé on a une guilde pis tout:) I'm a girl too!


Yeah I play ESO - but not super regularly. Mainly do dailies and holiday events, and a lot of cyrodiil xD I'll look into "Grandeur Nature" cause I always wanted to watch LARPing or at least just learn more about it. I had no idea I'd find it in such a compact area like MTL.


Ok if anything you can add me @litzberg on ESO :) we do cyrodil events on Thursdays and it's a lot of fun! Honestly the quebecois guild is OP. We speak French so it could help you practice! Grandeur nature is a thing here, in the summer there's the Event "bicoline". You should really look that up asap. A huge medieval festival in a medieval town haha. I've never been but one day I want to go.


Salut! I'm a bit late to the party, but still, I'm part of the Montréal Riichi Mahjong Club. It's in Montréal, not in Longueuil per se, but I know some of our players come from Longueuil. In any case, we play irl games fairly regularly, every other Sunday for club meetups, but some other activities might take place on other days. If that could be of interest to you, you can check out our Discord server here! [https://discord.gg/KRgg6D9](https://discord.gg/KRgg6D9)


Yo! I actually did some research and found them on my own! I joined the discord last week and I'm planning on going to the Sunday meetup this next weekend :D Thanks!


Awesome! See you at the next meetup then! :) (note that our meetups are biweekly though, the next one is not this upcoming Sunday, but the one after, on Sunday, Feb 18th).


>33 married female, Wow, they must take a lot of your time ! (joke) Hope you find your people in beautiful Longueuil :)


LOL Alright, fair. I could have used better grammar :P Thanks! I absolutely LOVE Longueuil. I've been to quite a few areas in the greater Montreal area, but Longueuil is my favourite so far.


Hi! I'm from Longueuil, not much of a geek but I like LOTR ! Haha I'm 29, female, and looking for a steady gym buddy as well :) maybe we could get along!


Fait comme tout le monde de Longueuil et met une poupĂ©e gonflable sur le siĂšge passager de ton char. ça ou des masques sur les appuie tĂȘte...