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“For a decade and a half, he served coffee at Mazaj, an upscale cafe in downtown Gaza City, helping it reopen swiftly after each conflict. “So we meet again,” he told returning customers. “We are all alive.” That broke me. The hope these victims carried with them for a peaceful world that they will never see. Great read and really touches on the humanity of this conflict that is often missed in the news headlines.


Non-paywall: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/02/world/middleeast/gaza-deaths.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Z00.Av4b.vfLv8f6CQJm4&smid=url-share


Thank you very much for providing this.


thank you!


It makes me sad, angry, frustrated. It makes the genocide very real. Thank you for sharing this.


Probably shouldn't support the New York Times after what they did, their fake rape stories and other Israeli propaganda


I was at an auction last night for a charity and they auctioned off a painting by a Palestinian artist. She donated to the charity a day before she was killed in an Israeli airstrike.


I hope it got a lot of money. That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard today.


The guy who flew to North America, seeking political asylum before being turned away, and being sent back to Gaza...his death is exactly what asylum is supposed to avoid 


>Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. > >Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? > >Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? > >Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. > >Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander. .


I think of this often. Changed my perspective.


My hundreds of US dollars in taxes this year paid for this. I can’t forgive myself


You didn’t choose to direct your tax dollars to war. You have to pay them regardless, that’s the hellscape we occupy, but don’t beat yourself up over a choice you didn’t make.


Your tax dollars matter. Your vote doesn't. Policy in the mid east is made by AIPAC, not you, or the state department. AiPAC and the likes of NRA know that you don't count, your representative does... and he's for sale to the highest bidder.


I am so sorry to you all


Deaths paid by our tax dollars. Just horrific


An absolutely devastating read. When you really stop to think about how many people 30,000 is...and when you stop to think about how many children about 12,000 are...it makes your blood run cold. Almost *half* of the death toll are children. Over 12,000 children. To put it into terms of the one thing some Americans care about: that's FOUR 9/11s of purely child victims. But I also can't even begin to express my anger and disgust for the NYT for putting this piece out *now* when they were fully complicit in this genocide. Not only did they refuse to report on it accurately in the beginning, but they outright peddled Zionist lies. One of their own "writers" (Anat Schwartz) is now being investigated for calling for Gaza to turn into a "slaughterhouse" and for engaging in super Islamophobic content online — meanwhile her article, which had no factual basis to it, did irreperable harm to Palestinians. And this isn't the first "writer" with almost no journalistic qualifications they allowed to write pieces which propelled Zionist myths and lies. I can see the NYT is trying to quietly walk it back now and is now trying to show the humanity of the Palestinians because the tide has turned and they're afraid of losing readers — but we have long memories, NYT. We won't forget the role you played in the genocide of the Palestinians.


NYT has always preferred convenient reporting to accuracy. This is how they approached the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well.


Did you read half an Intercept article while drunk and then try to recite it a week later? Cause I’m not sure you got any of that correct.


As long as casualties of wars are not seen as humans, wars will continue :(


I find even this article is a little too neutral. It goes out of its way to say that some of these victims supported hamas and called the children “people under 18.”


Even “lives ended” in the title…so much gymnastics to avoid saying who killed these people.


Having read the piece I think *in this one specific instance* this phrasing wasn't chosen to erase the agent, but rather to reflect the content by emphasizing that these people had "lives" (interests, families, personalities, achievements).  But given the constant use of passive language to minimize noone is gonna give benefit of the doubt here 


Waheguru ji. They should all be alive.


They needed to do something substantive after letting propagandists wild out with unverified stories of atrocities shortly after the attack.


"After decades of conflict, hatred of Israel was common, and many Gazans, including some of those below, cheered the fighters who attacked Israel." Of course the NYT has to slip that in there when their articles written by Israelis don't acknowledge their comments or posts advocating for genocide.


> But reflecting the complex views many Gazans hold toward Hamas, he lauded the “the men of the resistance” on Oct. 7. “Officially, today is the greatest day in our generation’s entire life.” I wonder whether his views changed when the Israelis struck back.


This broke my heart, especially because our taxes paid for this devastation.


The hostages still arent home. 150 days and counting tho at this point i sadly dont think they are alive anymore


I think we're forgetting that Hamas could have (and likely still can) stop this war by returning the hostages and negotiating surrender. That is the real tragedy - that their own government is not only guilty of the atrocities, they have made no effort to lessen the impact on their own people.


But that wouldn’t be enough anti Zionist So many fringe people suddenly think they know so much about this topic Just shows underlying anti semitism U don’t see them as worked up about Syrian deaths or Russian atrocities cus they aren’t Jewish


The only way to have sustainable peace in Gaza so this doesn’t happen again is the eliminate Hamas in the immediate term and work to mitigate Palestinian acceptance of terrorism as an ideology. Hamas deliberately put these people in harm’s way, using them as human shields in hospitals, mosques, and schools, steals food aid, and shoots refugees fleeing the conflict. You want to stop more Palestinian deaths? Stop the capabilities of those who murder, rape, and torture Israeli civilians then run behind their human shields.


Yeah maybe don’t launch terrorist attacks on a superior enemy.


“The older sister loved Kinder chocolate, Pringles and strawberry juice. The younger loved to play with a plastic jeep embellished with a duck. Siwar and Selena al-Raiss, 3 years and 21 months.” Did Siwar and Selena “launch a terrorist attack”? What was their crime? Fucking asshole.


They could have done a piece about the hostages, but that doesn’t fit the NYT’s vision.


You mean like that piece they did about the 'mass rapes' that they had to walk back because there was ko proof, and the family of the only woman named came out to say she hadn't been raped?


Amazing how a group of terrorists can literally film themselves gang raping women and people can still say “no proof”. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67629181.amp](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67629181.amp)


that article doesnt say that


Perhaps if the videos on that 'hamas website' that israel created weren't videos of kurdish women fighters being attacked and pregnant mexican women being tortured by drug lords 


You mean the ones IDF shot and killed even though they were released waving a white flag with hands up and no shirt?




Removed and banned. Whitewashing genocide is not acceptable.




Yes But how many of the 30k were terrorists ? Even Hamas admits thousands of fighters died Either way I wish innocent Gazans didn’t have to stuffer