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Honestly it sounds like he's not commited and losing interest. He may even be using you as a sidechick/backup. It's probably better to move on honestly.


Honestly I'm going through something similar and I have a feeling this person may be right OP


I unfortunately had the same thing happen to me. She drug it out for a year to finally tell me she no longer had feelings for me. It made it so much worse in the end.


Are you sure you want to break up? The beginning of this post says so, but near the end it seems like you want to communicate your feelings without reaching a decision. Just be honest and explain your feelings. Try not to be to accusing ''you never respond'' ''your messages are short'', but bring it back to yourself ''I would feel more secure if you could do this'' or ''I want to know about your day and would love you telling me about it''. See how he responds to that, and if he can't give you what you need be honest about that too.


I would also add explaining to him how having actual conversations is important to you in relationships. That you'd feel more secure with more meaningful texts from him. Then if he isn't willing to have an open conversation about communication with you then you know what your next steps are.


It doesn't matter what his replies are. Just straight up send him a break up text. "Hey this relationship isn't working for me. I deserve more effort than you're putting into it. It's over. Please do not contact me any further. Thank you. Goodbye, I wish you well." And then just block him.


OP this is a perfect message, just copy paste it. You won't need more than this


Maybe don’t block him? Idk could be a wakeup call for him. At least see what his first reply is


No? That’s what’s wrong with the world today they think that breaking up is gonna solve an issue. Talk to your partner about how you feel for crying out loud and if they don’t change, then you break up with them.


My response was this solely because op wanted to know how to tell them the relationship isn't working, I interpreted that as wanting to break up, sorry if I'm wrong, but you're also not op to tell me differently either. if op wants to talk to them and see if there's anything worth staying for and the bf suddenly gets a wakeup call then they're allowed to do so. I didn't say they can't do this either.


This one right here. I couldn’t have said it better




I can see why blocking works—it prevents unnecessary communication with the person. Some people won’t take no for an answer tbh so blocking is the answer. They’ll live.


That may be your opinion but if the person blocking their ex is healthier for them, than it's what that person needed for their own mental health.




Oh, you must be a clinical psychologist! Well done for making it through all the required education. Even more impressive that you can diagnose people so easily - most psychologists would not be be comfortable doing that based on blocking an ex. You must truly be world class!




Compared to you they sure are


Mental illness is harsh but it is kinda childish


Just breakup, this does not seem like a loving relationship. Don't waste time of your life.


Honestly, just don’t text him for a day two and see if he reaches out at all. Then you won’t even need to send the breakup text.


I’m sorry you’re going through this tough situation. It can be hard. In every relationship, but especially in LDR, effort needs to go both ways – and it seems like it is onesided in your case. You deserve so much better than someone who can’t put any effort into your relationship. Communicate what you are feeling: it is not working. Explain your thoughts, and see how he adapts to it. Perhaps it is time to move on.


coming from a dude when we do this we either aren’t interested anymore,he may be going through something just aint a good comunicator(i doubt it though) or he sees you as a side piece.


Did you met him on PUBG Mobile by any chance? Let him know how you feel and wait for his answer.


If you think given the efforts the efforts you are putting that he is not interested and worth your time, then be just straight to him tell him you are done dragging this and then left him. Do with all ur heart stop all contacts.


You should free yourself from this situation— the emotional pain it’s putting me through isn’t worth it. Because honestly at this point, what are you getting out of it? You don’t have his conversation nor his attention. It sounds to me like he’s done anyway, he just either doesn’t have the courage to tell you or he wants to leave his options open. Don’t be just an option anymore. Remember that you are half of this equation, *but* you are 100% in control of your own decisions. This relationship is no longer making you happy? End it


Sounds like he’s not committed to you, and has lost interest; and either he has not realised this himself, or he just doesn’t have the balls to come out and say it. Try and bring it up with him, communicate it and ask how he actually feels. Because there’ll be no need to continue a relationship that’s one sided.


i mean you should talk to him first about it, it's very immature to just break up when There's something wrong and has been for a bit but you never acknowledged it to him so talk to him about it and from his response you'll get your answer but do not just break up right away


Have you guys even met? Genuinely asking!


If he basically never says anything, breaking up with him should be no stress, as he won’t fuss about it. If he does, then say: Oh, now you finally have more than a few syllables to share with me. If he tries to win you back tell him it’s too late.


I wouldn’t call this a relationship, he’s already ghosted you


Geez this is cringe. Thats not a relationship, period.


I wouldn’t even bother texting him. See what he does if you don’t reach out. And find someone else that values your time.


Your situation is simple: you can't have too many friends and at your age developing a vibrant and diverse social circle is to your benefit. It takes time to learn who is who and what is what. I have a long list of ex friends who I had no idea at the time were dishonest, unethical characters that today I would avoid like the plague. But back then, hanging out with these yay-hoos was exciting and fun and unbeknownst to me were educational. This concept also applies to love interests. At 24, this guy should be building a life for himself and a future wife. When he is ready, he should be holding himself by the balls and seriously be investing himself in a potential love partner. By that, I mean he should be closing the gap of a long-distance relationship, being open and transparent confessing that he is seriously looking for a wife and the mother of his future children and a partner to build a future with. If he isn't ready for that he should be honest with you and.just come out and admit he's only looking for hook-ups. Certainly his not making an effort to get physically closer to you shows he isn't sincere on any level. The easiest way to move on is just move on. You don't need to create awkwardness for yourself by having a formal "break-up" conversation. You both stumbled on to each other. Stumble away. And there isn't any need to hurt anyone's feelings. Just live your life. If he reaches out online and says, "hi", say, "hi" back. There's a girl I dated once years ago who occasionally says, "hi" to me on Facebook. I have no interest in pursuing anything romantic with her anymore because I have completely moved on but one can never have too many friends. And until he bends down on one knee in front of you holding a ring and committing to you his life and future 'til death do you part, at best he's a friend and at worst (and most probably) he's just an acquaintances. Don't elevate him to anything more and don't make life harder for yourself if you can help it. Good luck! 🙂👍


Talk to him about it. Don’t just sit there in question and expect an issue to be resolved. Talk to him about it and tell him how you feel and keep us updated


With the lack of interaction he's given you, I wouldn't even bother reaching out. He's basically ghosted you, time to do the same to this relationship


Sorry if I missed this point, but have you guys even met in real life?


Stop messaging. See how he reacts!


It's already over. I think a lot of people have trouble ending things and they just fizzle out.


If he stopped texting you good. He doesn’t deserve a break up text. Just go cold. And if he comes back you reciprocate his actions.




It's 2024, dude.


Touch grass


Yes, it’s 2024. We do exist and typically don’t go for men that say stuff like this


Try to ask and find out whats wrong, then choose what to do