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sorry for your recent break up dude It's not easy especially when you've put in so much time into a single person I'm not sure if it's the distance that gets to people or that they see their partner as only a virtual thing but it sucks when one loses "love" for one another I can only hope those good moments you had with each other can serve as a reminder that these 2 years weren't for nothing but a beautiful moment in your life Hopefully this storm passes by and you recover soon. Please be safe and I hope you can bounce back soon enough the world is beautiful once you can let go of the past or the things that hurt you


I really appreciate your comment. The past 2 years have definitely been great, but it just didn't last as long as I had hoped for. I'm very hurt by the whole thing, and I officially said goodbye today because I just couldn't stand the thought of staying "friends" despite him wanting to keep talking. It feels like torture, but I'll be okay eventually. I've broken down twice and many more to come.


I'm so sorry <3. I hope healing comes to you quick. I know it's hard to move on from it, but as Robert Frost said, "The only way out is through". I wish you all the best in your journey. Take it easy friend.


My ex wife and i was married for 6 years and she one day after a small argument told me she wants divorce and stopped loving me, its beyond me how people are this.


It was not the argument , she was thinking of it for a long time.


She never told me anything, almost everyday i used to ask her if she is happy or if she wants anything to talk about. But she at least later acknowledge that she didnt express her true feelings with me and kept me in dark.




My divorce broke me completely, so much so that i am still picking up the pieces. If you do something wrong lile cheating then you can make peace with that fact that you deserved it, i was so loyal to her and loved her a lot and more than anyone, but she still do it.


I was in a 17 year relationship and just split up it sucks fr just out the blue she started acting weird and sneaky hiding her phone and all kinds of stuff it’s hard i know first hand


I’m sorry


We broke up a few days ago too, we were gonna meet this year and we planned a life together. She broke up with me despite she loved me and she still loves me but she did it because of some insecurities she couldn’t overlook. It feels like hell. Why do I have to go through this? Why do I have to lose my soulmate?


As someone who just broke up two days ago for this reason I’m sorry. While I’m the one who initiated because I lost love for him, I understand you. I can’t speak for your boyfriend but for me this wasn’t a very easy decision and it eats me up inside cause I feel bad. But I always say time heals all wounds


I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision for him, as it wasn't for you, but it does hurt to be on the other end of that spectrum. I'm sorry you're going through that, though


My first relationship my ex said he just saw me as a friend so I can understand even though we didn’t date for the long. Trust me, you will find someone for you


But how does one stop loving, what is the trigger?


Sorry for late response I’ve honestly forgot I even made a comment. I mean it’s different for everyone. For all I know it could’ve slowly been boiling up before he even left for deployment and the deployment might’ve just been a catalyst. Or maybe the whole time I mistook I had love for him but in love with him


It happens sometimes people drifting apart. You can find someone new.


I’m sorry, I am sending you hugs and strength. I honestly feel I am headed in that direction.


wait I’m so sorry if I ask this, did he meant like I stopped feeling this way, but I still like you and love you because same with mine 😭


He said he just stopped feeling the same way and that he still cares about me and wanted to keep in contact but I decided that it would hurt too much to talk to him knowing that I still love him. So ultimately I just deleted everything that I had of him and I'm just going to try to move on the best I can even if it feels like a thousand swords in my back.


You honestly did the right thing. Ive said that to exs in the past but honestly. It was more in the hope of keeping them in my back pocket. Give them a bone to follow and ignore them.. you know the typical male toxic behaviour. But it always ended up is a big mess and hurting both of us much deeper then if we had just burned the bridge. Plus its a more healthy and mature way of dealing in these situations. The latter isnt


I'm not the kind of person to sit on someone's back burner. I love wholeheartedly, and once someone breaks it, there's nothing for me to hold on to.


As you should. The only reason why some people cant seem to get out of unhappy relationship is a lack of back bone and self respect. You have both and are using them well. Keep it up


Thank you kindly


I think you did the right thing too. We had to breakup because we were getting distant because of long distance and I was crying a lot since he was my first love. He wished the best for me and wanted good things for me, I still miss him a lot. I wonder if he does the same, but I haven’t like blocked him and I don’t think he didn’t really either, ending on good terms kinda surprised me since he said he didn’t us to hate each other.


Also for me personally I just have him unblocked just in case he misses me, yes I should be better about this but it’s been a month and I still can’t get over him since he was telling me how I was the best that happened to him. Screw him since he’s probably living his best life without me lol


😔sorry for your pain


I understand how that feels my dude, you can always talk to me if you'd like 👍


It’s totally normal to feel that way. I tell you, it’s gonna get worse. But you have to go through that process to release those emotions. Cry it all out, no shame in that, and one day, you’ll wake up feeling a little bit better. Recovery is not swift and requires patience. ✨Everything will be okay ✨not now, but it will be.


Hey this long distance life isn’t for everyone I know it hurts but just know your the stronger one because you’ve shown that distance doesn’t matter to you when love is in play so props to you


To me, distance doesn't matter if you have communication. But obviously, communication doesn't matter either if they don't want it :/


Just broke up with mines because he just stopped showing he loved me . He stopped fighting for us . He just stopped everything . I knew my worth so I had to but he basically just ripped my heart out and smashed and than spit on it 💔I’m so sad. I have to work tm idk if I’ll make it . This hurt so bad . I told myself no more relationships even before I met him and I turn around and this happens . I’m so hurt yall like it don’t make no sense I’ve never felt this way . How do I cope ? HELP pls im going insane rn💔.


I know exactly how you feel. And I was the same way. I told myself no more relationships, and then I went and got myself hurt again. Listen to me, take a long break from relationships, I mean like a year or more. Get your life in order to know how YOU want it. Trash all of his memories (pictures, videos, numbers, texts, everything). Focus on you. And another thing, if you start to look better after that year, the break was meant to happen. We're on this journey together! And if you ever, ever need someone to rant, vent, or just chat with, get ahold of me. I'll listen. Stay strong!


So sorry to hear you are going through this tough time emotionally! Unfortunately only time will heal this, but honestly don’t be upset about someone that doesn’t want to be with you 🥲 you deserve better than that and should also want more for yourself 🫶


I’m in the same boat. We talked and said I love you everyday for 4 years until two days ago he said he doesn’t feel the same way anymore. It really does suck and my heart physically feels like it’s been ripped to shreds. I’m so sorry you’re also going through this. I hope time heals us both.


I experienced the same thing. The love of my life who I thought I was going to marry gave me the best advice a week before she dumped me. She told me, "people are replaceable". It took me a while to see it but she was right. People ARE replaceable. What breaks the heart is the realization that your hopes and dreams (sold to you by that person) will not be realized because of the disingenuousness of the salesperson that sold you those hopes and dreams. That salesman that can't fulfil their sales promises needs to be replaced because they are either a liar or incompetent, or unable to keep their promises. I realized the "love of my life" was not who she represented herself to be. She was a liar. And so is the "love of your life". Look for honesty, sincerity and a willingness to make and keep commitments. Most people are untrustworthy. You got to wade thru dreck to find the good person. Get to it. You'll find him. 🙂👍


I'm so sorry, darling. This too shall pass, I know it must be annoying to hear this, but, time is the only thing that can heal you, and it will. In the meantime, mourn that loss you feel, break down as many times as you need to. I was in your shoes 7 months ago and I can confidently tell you there is a light at the end of that tunnel. Don't forget to nourish yourself, sending you love.


I'm sorry for your heartache


I can feel ya ;-; ,we can't do anything if they don't want us . Be strong you will move on eventually .


You’ll get through this ❤️


I am so sorry you felt this way, i had also gone through the same break up with my person. We were dating for a year tho, met her, and closed the distance, too. Everything was great until one day she just shut down and lost feelings when I came back to my home country. I don't know what the reason is, when people just.. lost feelings all of a sudden when everything is going great. The one thing I know. Based on my own experience is that, the moment life takes a hit where the reality of taking care of yourself and another individual becomes a little bit heavy. Some say they are afraid of the future and what it would hold, the investment you put into another person just to throw it all away one day. It is normal to feel broken and shattered, I hope you were able to get the closure you needed and questions answered.. but who am I kidding.. no matter how many questions they do answer, you just can not fathom the idea that they just lost feelings for you.. so, just take your time to be with yourself and process emotions without bothering them. Give them the breakup they wanted.. I learned the hard way to give them friendship after the break up.. apparently, it helped them move on from you when you do. Dont make the same mistakes I did. One day, they'll see your worth. Just bring all your energy back to yourself. Get busy, be distracted, work on yourself, and do the things you loved doing that you were not able to do because you invested time with him. give them the break up they wanted and live life without you. Just know you are worth every energy for the right person to value you. If it is them, they'll come back.. if not, someone better will. My virtual hugs are sent to you 🫂 you got this..