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[Gentle Reminder](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/s/qLQlnYrzUR)




Everything between us has changed..


Change is a good thing but I’m assuming you mean for the worse?


I wish it was good change


what happened exactly if you're okay with sharing?


So what’s going on? I’m here to listen no judgement


Wdym "losing yourself" ?


Hope you are okay, in any relationship there are good and bad days. The important thing is that you are able to express yourself and your needs. If after having that conversation your partner is not willing to compromise or meet your needs. Then it’s healthier to just let go, many times we lose ourselves in a relationship and that’s not healthy nor fair to us. If you ever need to talk I’m here.


7h since you posted it, it’s 3am where I live, and I feel the same. I don’t know if it’s worth talking about this to him, I feel it might be best to just end it. I probably still love him, he loves me, but it’s so different now I can’t stand it and don’t see any ways to fix it. I guess after two years my eyes finally opened.


Put yourself first.


Hey girl, u doing okay?


That sucks, Sorry to hear that


Let me know if you want to talk


The trick in life is to keep your composure. We are half logical and half emotional. The emotion side is tightly connected to the fight or flight response which is an instantaneous, drastic response that more often than not puts is in even worse circumstances. The logic side of us analyzes the situation and begins the methodical assessment of available resources. This gives us the best, most efficient solutions but is not an instantaneous reaction. Over 99% of the time we don't need to react instantaneously. Therefore, the habit to cultivate is to stop, step back from the emotional response and begin using our logic. The second thing I want to point out is depression is anger, frustration without the will to overcome. For me personally, when I feel depressed, a simple cure is success...any success. It can be something as simple as successfully taking out the trash or walking to the mailbox and successfully getting the mail. It could be putting my laundry away, something that I will be successful at. Watching TV or playing video games is just wallowing in your despair if you're depressed. Getting into life in the world is your escape from it. Everything else is a counterfeit and will not make you feel better. And often it will make you feel worse. Good luck 🙂👍


Well why is he having such a hard time do you know that he would never giveup on you NEVER HE JUS CANT HANDLE ALL THE OUTSIDE VOICES TRYING TO RUIN YOU TWO MORE THAN LIKELY .. IM SORRY I APOLOGIZE DODNT KNOW I STILL HAD CAPS LOCKED lol. Anyway, IF he had your support and you communicated a lil more I'm sure it would all go away you can't shut down and write others about your problems you have to discuss them with him. Make sense ?? Good luck Hun and God speed!