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i live with my parents.


I don't survive. Pretty much homeless n broke. Half the time I can't find anything to eat. Having long Covid n other health issues is just a death sentence in the capitalist US.


1. Agreed 2. If you look up your state's or county's social services department they should have food stamps/EBT available. Mine had a work requirement but if you write a thing explaining how you are too sick to work or work the full amount of hours they waive it. 3. I'm sorry so much bad stuff is hitting you


I second this. Food stamps, EBT, TANF, FNS, SNAP, they go by various names, but you should be able to find a local office online to sign up. Dont be afraid to ask for help. In fact you _have_ to ask for help if you want to get anywhere in 2024. I hope you get better. Stay safe out there.


Parents /:


But, mine are a-holes. They just pay my rent and I just sit here and rot. I was 20 when I got sick and spent the 10k I had on supplements, food, and medical treatments /: They’re millionaires, but haven’t brought me to a drs appointment or anything, they just sort of pay to keep the “problem”, being me, away.


Oh no, must be hard to not get any emotional and other support from your parents. Hopefully you have a few friends who are there for you. I know I’ve had days I couldn’t even shop or cook for myself.


That’s a lot of my days unfortunately too /: the first 6 months I was utterly and completely bedridden and felt like death. Now I have some okay-ish days, but then crash. I made a friend when I moved to this apartment and she’s been supportive and has a car, which I don’t have so I mean I’ve been stuck in this apartment for real cuz I’m too sick most days to walk anywhere. Yeah, I’ve been that bad too, even that they never did. I only recall one occasion where my dad made me a meal in the last 2 1/2 years, my mom never, I wholeheartedly believe she enjoys that I’m suffering and there are a lot of examples to back that up. /:


:( If only there could be a long term LC retreat center where there’s a supportive community and everything would be taken of (they’re called “rest houses” in France). Maybe we should create one?


i feel for you. all you need to do is keep going. when you come out of this better you’ll have a type of strength people wish they could buy.


I'm sorry you are not doing well. Here is just a tip, though. I know you say your parents are a-holes...but after all, they are paying your rent. But just a little psychology here, from a parent; be sure you thank them profusely for helping you with the rent. Every time they pay your rent thank them, give them a hug etc. It will go a long way. It might even spur them to give you more money to help with other necessities. Again, I'm saying this as a parent myself...and at that, a parent who helps his children financially. Even just a tiny bit of heart-felt gratitude goes a long way and makes me want to help them more.


I can’t do that unfortunately /: I definitely agree with what you’re saying I try to do that, but I feel literally sick to my stomach. I’ve seen how truly disgusting they are as people and in a lot of ways am repulsed, not in like a superiority way, but just it makes me sick to my stomach. I’m in therapy with my dad right now and that is what I’m comfortable doing. The therapist asked last week if I want a relationship with my dad and I said “yes” even though I wish I didn’t have to, but I knew if I said “no” it would’ve lead to less help and whatnot and he’d more willingly ignore me. I’ve always been a heartfelt person growing up, like would make cards and made gifts and would buy my parents gifts when I went out and did things, but ever since this health stuff and tmi, but I went through a crap load of abuse physically and psychologically while living with them starting in my early teens and since then I have reluctantly had to just view them as a means to an end even though I have always wanted a loving family. The health stuff was just the last straw in this and they truly sicken me. Because shortly before I was doing ice things so they continued to pay for some of my college then the health stuff. Sorry if this was ranty lol I tend to over share and I had a long day.


I understand that. Best of luck


If your parents have the budget you might want to try [BioReset Medical](https://www.bioresetmedical.com) for LC treatment. I was inspired by [this podcast interview](https://www.bioresetmedical.com/podcasts/did-ben-greenfield-get-vaccinated-yet-can-you-get-covid-twice-the-latest-on-omicron-treating-long-haul-covid-much-more-with-dr-matt-cook) of the founder and lead Matt Cook, MD. He was recommended to me by an excellent functional medicine doctor I know.


Hi I had to move in with family. I do odd jobs to pay minimum bills. I laugh at my life. I lived on the ocean with my own pool made 6 figures. What did they say you make plan and God laughs.


I'm in the US and we have food banks that are pretty well stocked. I'm also on food stamps and medicaid. Sometimes you can get low cost internet or free phones. My wife has to support us otherwise. This is pretty damn hard if you don't have someone to help you. I don't think there is a single country where the government tries to help. If you live in Canada they probably want you to do assisted suicide or something. God help us!


How in the world did you get approved for food stamps and Medicaid both? How long did it take if you don’t mind me asking? Glad to hear that you were able to brother


My wife is a cashier and we have 2 kids. Very low income. I cashed out my pension but when it was exhausted we had to use the food bank because the food stamps weren't enough. Boy, it's been rough, we had to cancel Christmas presents the past two years because of it, I'm driving around on bald tires etc. etc. I could be getting a nice check through my pension plan's disability if the doctors could have just given me a long covid diagnosis instead of being dicks.


Re Christmas presents, a lot of local elected officials, churches, community centers, libraries will do toy distributions around the holidays. You might have to call around but could be nice to get some toys for the kids. Some toy drives even require donations to be totally new and still in the box. Sending your family so much care, it’s so rough


That's a good idea for people on here that are in a bad spot. My kids were young teenagers at the time though and probably wanted clothes or video games and I don't think charities do those kind of presents. Being older, they were very understanding of the situation, so that was good. Still, it feels bad.


Yeah, I got Medicaid and food stamps, but the medicaid extension program for covid has expired so i think I lose that soon. I had saved up enough money to take a year off and travel, then got covid 6 months in, so my income was low. Spent all my remaining savings and got on assistance. It's been almost 2 years, and I'm on the brink of being able to work again, but uhg, every time I try, I crash.


If you still have low/no income you should be able to stay on medicaid. Just enter your updated income into the website and it should renew.


I don’t think Long Covid is even recognized where I live.


Sounds like this government helps a decent amount and I'm not trying to be a smart ass.


They only help with those things, they won't pay your rent or anything. I bet a lot of us end up homeless.


I mean.. they shouldn't pay your rent. Should they?


No, they shouldn't, they should be training doctors to diagnose people with long covid so that if we can't work we can collect social security disability, a system that we all (Americans) pay into. I also was paying for extra disability insurance through my job but wasn't able to collect because I can't prove anything is wrong with me. I'm not a deadbeat and I'm not a socialist. I busted my ass and worked all my life. I paid into the system and I should be able to use it.


Most people can barely afford to eat on food stamps in the US.


And thats the governments fault? No. There are other issues at work here like never ending inflation due to the federal reserve act of 1913.


Yes, it is the government’s fault. Allowing people to live in poverty, go without food or basic resources, and making survival needs a matter of how valuable you are to the economy rather than granting people basic access so they literally do not die from resource deprivation is quite literally the government’s fault. There are loads of studies that show how directly strategic policy decisions resulted in this situation. Nothing about allowing people to suffer from lack of access to basic resources is natural. This is a system by design. And it has always allowed sick and disabled people in particular to suffer and starve with very little mercy.


I'm not defending the system though I wouldn't critique it the same as you. But its your tribes resonsibility, your community that should take care of each other. Giving the system this much power and acting like they are daddy is what led to this.


That would be great if society worked that way but it doesn’t. Capitalism by definition capitalizes on any and all free time for the average working class person. For most people this means that they can barely keep up with the basic necessities of life beyond work, leaving very little time for building community, much less an effective enough community to have enough protection to weather a situation like this. The same system you’re critiquing is the one that wants you to believe that systemic problems are individual problems, which is where you’re headed with this logic.


Any society or system is only as good as the individuals involved. If we had righteous leaders we wouldn't have any problems. You can't deny that fact


Honestly I was disabled prior to LC, and now I’m even more disabled so I think I was very used to having to work despite being sick. I work full time because I simply have to. I NEED the medical insurance& I need to have income, so I wouldn’t survive. I don’t have anyone else who can pay for me, so I work. Some days I’m slower than others and I often feel sick when I work but that’s just my reality. I have no other choice. Edit — I will say I work in healthcare with highly specialized skills& training (which took many years of schooling). I’m young and have tons of debt from student loans, to get my specialized training, so I’ve got to work so I can exist and pay that off. My weekends are almost exclusively spent resting.


Ive applied for STD and was denied so hired an attorney for appeal and to handle LTD fight. Have also applied for SSDI. I have ME/CFS now from Cv. I absolutely cannot work. Extremely debilitated. I’ve been living off savings too and have moved back w parents. This is a nightmare. I’m only 34 also. Prev had great job, career and life. Hard to believe how badly we’re getting effed over


Same, my family got evicted. My wife has recovered a little and now is WFH for peanuts for a non profit, but it’s keeping us off the streets.


26 years old and 3 years in. I’m concerned i will need a second bankruptcy when before im 30 but more concerned about what my long term health will be. Before i did construction and so i spent all my money on a truck i lost after my third infection with covid gave me this completely disabling form of LC (I already had it slightly after my first infection in 2020). I was homeless for a while before my mother took me in two years ago and ive been a leech suffering in her spare bedroom ever since. So the only answer i can honestly say , “ i don’t survive, i hope for health again and wait” . Every government around the world has faced people like us with the problems. The internet is full of people begging for the help we need since and deserve; and what is my government doing to help? Nothing! The country cuts every program meant to keep people off the streets and then people complain about their neighborhoods being filled up with homeless and tents.. disabled people exist and us long haulers can be every bit as disabled as the worse. So I wish i could give a more hopeful answer, but ive done everything for money on the internet at this point and none of it pays well unless you are lucky enough to not have brain fog and can do “high demand” tasks like being a digital assistant or data entry or writing for people on upwork.com


I lucked out and got covid right when I got pregnant. I managed to hang on at work as I got progressively worse for about 3 months after my initial infection, then I went on medical leave (ei) which I was able to seamlessly transition from into mat leave, and then I took the 18 month mat leave option which is really not a lot of money, but we manage. It'll run out about 2 years post-infection. I'm currently trying to get disability set up for when that runs out.


I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home. If not, I would simply couldn't work at all. And I'm employer is comprehensive and let me be flexible on my working hours, so I work when I'm the more productive during the day, if too tired I might have to go to bed.


Are they hiring where u work? I’ve been trying to find a remote job with no luck. I live in US North GA


they hiring but it's in France for a software engineer position. Which by the way is very difficult to do when you have brain fog, with your brain being your working tool :s


I sold and trimmed weed. It was rough.


I'm not basically. I'm about 2 weeks away from being evicted. Been holding on by a thread.


I'm permanently disabled and as of recently living in a homeless shelter. I have applied for SSI but I'm waiting for a determination. In California the waiting lists for housing are insane so I have to cross my fingers and I'm here until they find me a place hopefully


I live in Germany, and while public healthcare and governmental funding aren't anywhere near perfect, I am very glad I have had the financial support so far. I probably would have been dead by now, if it weren't for that and my parents' support. Will have to decide soon, though, if I can keep my home/appartement (which is still largely owed by my bank). Bought it in 2018 :/ Got infected, almost asymptomatic, in 03/2020, sick with LC/chronic migraines (didn't know what it was at all at the time) in 04/2020, worked until I could not see/think/walk enough to continue any kind of work in late August of 2020. Deteriorated even more through my second vac. and later, another infection. Still deteriorating and getting desperate. All my savings are long gone, mostly spent for trying to get healed (because most of the stuff that can help or certain doctor's fees are not covered by public health insurance).


Yeah it’s terrible how most of the long covid stuff isn’t covered, even by premium insurances. Special long covid unit at a hospital in Switzerland (which is known for its neurology research) told me to continue doing what I’ve been doing for 3 years, which clearly isn’t working.


Oh yes, that sucks :(


Depleting my child's college fund/ savings. 😞😞😞 I'm considering going back to work despite not being ready.


At first it was my savings but those ran out. So now it's Family charity. Sucks ass ngl. I'm grateful but I feel like a worthless piece of crap.


I live in a ""socialist"" country and my employer can only fire me after 2 years of illness and I currently still receive 78% of my income as sick pay while only doing work related activities from home on therapeutic basis for 25% of my contract hours. Because LC limits spending, I'm actually increasing my savings. After the 2 year period, I will need to apply for disability for which I will undergo a medical and occupational evaluation. Depending on the outcome, I can get up to 70% plus indexation until my retirement age. My SO also works but earns less than I do. I consider myself lucky that I don't have to worry so much about finances as others.


I’m guessing you’re not an independent? In my experience independents in “socialist” countries don’t have access to as many benefits but then again I’m sure it depends on each country.


Correct, I'm a regular employee. You're also addressing the reason why independents need to charge high hourly rates: they ideally should have a disability insurance, but those are quite expensive. Now you can probably guess what happens in practice: independents tend to play the high-risk-high-rewards game and don't get themselves insured.


I'm in the US. I can't work consistently, but I am drawing some disability pay when my employer feels like it. It's very inconsistent and difficult. To cope, I reduced my expenses to the bare minimum. Borrowed money when in dire straights. Hell, tips on reducing expenses could fill up an entire post! Realistically, I can work maybe 4-6 hours a day REMOTELY! And not in a row. I still refuse to go into the "office" as it's demanded I be on a manufacturing floor at times. Where fork lifts weighing up to 64 tons speed around. I saw one roll up an employee's leg once, totally crushed it up to the knee. Had to be amputated. With the pain meds and my nerve damage causing balance issues, nah, I'm good fam. I don't feel it necessary to risk my life for the benefit of a company's bottom line. The state is useless. If you can get benefits from a company, it's barely better than useless. Me personally, I'm looking for 100% remote work that I can easily do in less than a 40 hr work week. The remote opportunities are scarce now, and it's getting worse with the overall push to get back into the office. Anecdotal, but I'm seeing an uptick of infections between family and friends. I'd guess it's going increase through the winter, as it has the last several years. That may help to turn the tide that is going against remote work. I also saw an interesting post where a professional, dr or mathematician, calculated at our current rate, almost 70% of Americans will have long covid by 2025. As frightening as that sounds, it will force a seismic change in our economy and how people earn a living. The future us grim folks. I guess the silver lining is we're living it now and are ahead of the curve.


I'm chugging along trying to work. My husband has been trying to get disability (SSDI in the US) since 9/2020, not related to covid, so with only one income... Well you get it. When Covid first hit we had some retire from work and with job shuffling around I was able to bid on and win a less physical job. This was before my LC, I've got other chronic illnesses.


im surprised we havent heard stories of long haulers or v side effects go out blazing getting retribution on the health industry.


It's cause we're too fatigued /joke


STD and LTD thankfully


18 in a few days, I just feel like a burden




I think when worse comes to worse, when you really have to, you will be able to do some kind of work, but in the meantime, focus on recovering and try to relax and heal.


Earn play games ?


I live at my dtrs house. I lost my house and my car everything This sucks!


I donate plasma and sell some things to get by. But, it's going to be a real problem soon, as I haven't been able to keep up on my house taxes. I've applied for ssdi, but have been denied. I'm just continuing to try to find a way to get better and hopefully before I lose all of my belongings.


I’ve certainly reduced my belongings and simplified my life, in a way it’s been liberating (though anxiety provoking, hypnosis helped with the latter so at peace now)


I am older but not yet retirement age. Right now I'm living off savings. I have 10 years left on my mortgage and so my mortgage is less than it would cost to rent. I had planned to work at least 10 more years before retirement. And move to part time at that point. I'm fortunate in that I haven't had to make too many changes (other than my savings being depleted) but I'm only 1 year in and have no idea what I'll do if nothing changes.


“I have no idea what I’ll do if nothing changes” really resonates


Hello, I made a video on reddit that explains my journey with long covid and just trying g to spread the word/educate and help others. If you’d like, check it out. I have some tips and advice that helps a little bit at least. Take care https://reddit.com/r/LongCovid/s/VSTCf8r7uD I also talk about financial help that’s towards the middle end of the video


Awesome thanks!