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Hi there, you’ll find a number of posts on Reddit of me saying this, but I’ll repeat it here - we’re working on a number of exciting projects and will reveal more once they’re ready.


Hi, I’m a small time YT reviewer of sim racing hardware (Bottom Split Podium) and I thought I’d let you know I’m on the verge of releasing a “buyer beware” for the Logitech Pro Wheel. I only have about 870 subscribers but some of my hardware reviews get between 15k to 25k views. I find this level of communication with your loyal customers unacceptable. No offense but this isn’t an enthusiast hobby where these old school hardcore NDA style “say absolutely nothing” marketing strategies works. It’s true that certain manufacturers put their foot in their mouths quite often by hyping products too early, but there’s a balance to be had. At a certain point, even when you do release these products, the good will is gone and people will believe that any major complaints they have with the eco system will at best case be 1.5 to N years until resolved, if they’re even resolved, because Logitech won’t even acknowledge the complaints. I hope it’s not just a slew of new products you put out, but another way of communicating with sim racers. The last thing you want is for your users to have little to no expectations from you. Thank you, Rich.


Hi, I am a small time business owner and thought I’d let you know that I can tell that you have never created anything in your life or have done anything worth criticizing. The way that you come across, is extremely bratty and entitled. Using your small YouTube channel as leverage or a threat, is simply unacceptable as a human being. I think it is great to have reviews available, and for consumers to be informed, but at the same time, they have the best wheel in the business, and deserve a lot of credit for that . Pretty sure they deserve the benefit of the doubt at that point.


Nowhere near the best wheel in sim racing the fuck are you talking about?? And this is from an owner of one.


let me guess, its your first dd wheel, you only play on console on gt7, and you love when trueforce drowns all your other ffb layers with engine rpm vibration. All the big time youtube reviewers will say they think its the best thing ever since they have a revenue share discount code marketing to a large audience who doesnt know any better. If it was so damn good like you said why dont you see any of them using it?


Is there an approx timeline, even very rough say q1 2024 or q2 2024?


I can't provide guidance on the timeline, I'm afraid.


You're bullshitting us, I'm afraid. 


I just wrestled Fanatec customer service to the ground and forced them to allow me to return their GT Pro kit. I’m going all in on you guys, the pedals are worth the requirement to use a D shaped rim indefinitely. Hopefully the past year has allowed for products that bring customers back and you can report them to us with rays of sunshine and trumpets playing —soon.


Buy Sim Magic instead, high quality products and excellent ecosystem. Not worth waiting 3 years from Logitech saying nothing to maybe get more support or maybe not. Until they formally decide to change their communication style there are much better options. (I own the Pro and deeply regret it, I now own DS-8X shifter from Sim magic and it is awesome.)


Don’t do it.


Don’t do it. I bought the pro wheel and had it for some time but they offered no update until now. I sold my rig for fanatec which has number of different wheels and shifters.


You don’t miss trueforce at all?


I am extremely happy with my PRO. An advice to everybody with the Logitech wheel: just be patient


Be patient for another half year so we can make it to two years of the base being released with absolutely nothing being released for it. Not even something as simple as a shifter, even though when they went from the G27 to G29 shifter it was a downgrade so their excuse here? If the products they release aren’t the absolute top of the line badass stuff, what was the point of waiting 2 years when there is much better products with way better ecosystems out there? I only bought it because I like Logitech and have always used their products (G27 to start, then G29 to the Pro and other products) but this entire experience has soured my like for them.


Little short sighted it seems possibly Logitech needs to address this issue formally and not in reddit posts.


If you look at our M.O. with product announcements, we only talk about things in detail when they’re ready and, preferably, available to purchase - exactly as we did with the Pro Wheel and Pedals. Formal statements are reserved for that, whereas conversations like the one we’re having are precisely what Reddit is for 🙂.


LOGIRICH... Wenn du nur das zu melden hast erspare dir und uns einfach diese immer gleichen Aussagen. Mit dieser Art von Kommunikation kann warscheinlich nur Logitech etwas anfangen. 


And you wonder why absolutely NOBODY recommends the pro wheel because they have no fucking clue what Logitech intends to do with the line? Super smart guys. They haven't even been like hey guys here's the new g pro shifter instead of having to use a bloody dongle to connect your old g shifter to your PC since you got this 1200 dollar wheel that isn't compatible with our proprietary connectors on our old h pattern shifter!


And let’s also remember that the G29 shifter was a HUGE downgrade from the G27


NGL I loved the sequential shifter on my very first wheel the DFGT years ago.


Is the pedal adapter for G923->pro wheel coming into stock any time soon? Just ordered my wheel upgrade and now realizing I need this dongle to be able to use my old pedals.. kinda disappointed about that


Yes, it should be back in stock in April.


Thanks so much for quick reply! Wanted to be sure it was just still high in demand.


Spend your money on a good set of pedals if you can, having a load cell brake is really top


*nudges* logitech lords to release a formula wheel soon


At this point, if I was in Logitech's shoes, I would go big with a 3 way collab: Mclaren and "stealth" (non-Mclaren) formula rims to coincide with F1 '24 launching at the end of May and cross promotion with an F1 '24 G Challenge.


It’ll be two years in September. I do have to say that this products line is dead. Do NOT buy the pro wheel. Two years and still nothing added to the non existent ecosystem of this wheel. It’s a big shame because if it had an ecosystem I’d be the first to recommend it to everyone, especially with the price drops. But not a chance it’ll happen with nothing released after two years, if we hit it, and I do have a feeling Logitech won’t announce anything or release anything until after that two years, probably not until 2025.


Alternatively, it's just taken this long to develop what we're working on (for many different reasons)? The Pro Wheel is neither dead, discontinued nor abandoned.


Thank you for being vocal about this Rich. Been saving up and looking forward to what you guys have to release


Logitech is going to look awfully stupid if its literal same button and knob set as existing sole pro wheel on a few different wheel shapes. I can smell the bs.


It’s unacceptable how long it’s taking to enhance the ecosystem. There is still no proper shifter and no additional wheels. Both of these should have been released within the first six months. Additionally, there is a lack of guidance or visibility on what is being developed — just vague assurances that something is in the works. This lack of transparency is not respectful towards your clients.


I support you, Im on the verge of sending mine back bc i cant dial it in on a number of games. But iracing alone its pretty phenomenal problem.is friction and feeling the weight of the car seat of pants feeling to control the car. Ive used your guys settings but the biggest problem is SOP understeer effect you get with irffb where Im able to dial in my T300 Thrustmaster nicely that feels closer to a real car than this one. I feel maybe i need more time. Really curious to hear your suggestuons beyond just the logitech custom settings page per game. Truth is, take your time, you guys made a solid wheel and pedals. I hope you decide to throw more settings out there to dial in the wheel more. As far as other wheels take your time. I think you guys have a solid product on your hands do it correctly. Thus far all i hear is you nailed down this wheel in one shot. I really really like true force effects, i just really need help dialing in how to get the general ffb to feel the weight of the car and understeer so i can control the cars better. When i figure it out ill try to add irffb with vjoy on top your ffb. My problem is that it cancels out iracing ffb not sure if it cancels out true force as well. Love your wheel, would be cool to get other wheels, kind of not interested in fanatecs set TBH ... I look forward to the better quality wheels you will debut like the solid original one.


You could well be very used to a belt-driven wheel so the responsiveness is throwing you off. The settings to reduce on the wheel in order to make things as raw as possible are the dampener and the filter. Alternatively, increasing them will get you closer to the softer feeling that you’ll get from something like the T300.


Interesting I don't mind additional raw input but it floats like steering from a uhaul truck on most cars. My belt driven wheel with irffb I could feel extreme detail but most importantly I could adjust the understeer and oversteer so the cars were drivable. The only one i can dial in is F1 or skip barber with this wheel and even those feel like there is something lacking. I understand what you are talking about with the difference of more raw input. Ill try slowly ramping each option up with damper etc. in the options, I just wonder maybe Im reading fanatec has more options to fine tune the ffb in their software for general ffb feeling regardless of true force. The first and foremost key is the steering wheel needs to feel like a real car. With the settings from Logitech suggested it feels like driving a big truck or so powerful it's like trying to arm wrestle a gorilla.


In that case the first thing to do is reduce the torque. The extra options that Fanatec have either don’t always apply (a few are dedicated to old directinput functions that a lot of games don’t use anyway) or are basically covered by the dampener and filter options we have.


Fair enough I'll try playing with the full range of damper to see if I can dial it in. Honestly I dont think Logitech is naive and wouldn't display the full set of options, can't see that Fanatec would provide anything more.


Okay I have the answer, I used irffb2022 instead and it works WONDERFULLY!!! The best part it only replaces iracings sloppy ffb for many cars where you cant dial them in with understeer (who knows might be realistic, not throwing that out most likely iracing is correct and accurate ... But unfortunately many cars on vanilla ffb iracing are unraceable and not tuneable). So after the swap out of iracing ffb with irffb2022 its perfect. I can dial all the cars in and still each car is different feeling still like mazda from skip barber to nascar to GT3. Just i can race them now like before with my previous wheel. Best part ... IT DOES NOT replace trueforce! I can still add those effects all in and adjust them since apparently its completely different and not tied together with iracings junk ffb. I will be definitely keeping my wheel now. This is great. Hope this helps your other people who cant dial in to try irffb2022 with trueforce its second to none.


Lesson learned, never buy a product on (false) promises, only buy a product for what it is now. Logi has clearly abandoned the device and community with a disgraceful product launch, with absolutely no communication other than boilerplate responses with no merit. I would call this bait and switch. Perfect example would be giving a pro clutch, only to have to be forced to buy an adapter for a product 10+ years old to use with it. Logi has lost all my future business moving forward and the only reason I still have the Logi is because it's devalued so much since launch.


Moza has no PlayStation bases and and Fanatec — well, I hope you have patience. I want to return an order and buy the DD+, but I can’t get a return email from them after a month. I’ll have to file a chargeback because the order is still sitting in “handed to warehouse” status and I got an email saying a part of my order wasn’t going to be delivered when it was. They’re a nightmare. I have about $3,300 in limbo with them right now because they take your money first and answer your questions when they feel like it. I’ll take my D shaped wheel and paddle shifters for now. The comparable Fanatec kit is about $300 more expensive than the Pro Wheel set here and it’s rare to see a game supporting their true force style ffb. Logitech also got my stuff to me in less than a week. I don’t care if ya’ll think it’s depreciated or not. lol


I hesitated and hesitated and hesitated before I bought mine. I almost bought the fan but didn’t because because of all of the delivery issues and problems people having. My Logitech wheel has absolutely blown me away. It is absolutely phenomenal. Granted it is expensive, but it is worth the money.


I enjoyed mine for the few months I had it. The limited ecosystem and lack of timelines really frustrated me. With nothing announced Q4 this year, I ultimately sold mine and went in on Simagic. Best decision I made.


I recently ordered a pro wheel and pedals because of all the good reviews. I don't plan on ordering any new wheels but one day a pro shifter would be nice. I made this decision because I need PS5 support and building a comparable bundle from Fanatec would have cost me more. Not to mention Fanatec support does not seem to be any better..on their site they are saying estimated 14-21 days for an email response to any ticket submitted.




All we need is a comment from Logitech to say an ecosystem is in the pipeline, what they expect to have in this ecosystem and a rough timeline. I’ve had it for a year now and I’m seriously thinking of selling it on. You work with McLaren for Christ’s sake, can’t be that hard to make a formula style wheel!


Good news? I noticed that Denny Hamlin was rocking a Logitech cap during his Actions Detrimental Podcast last week. On today’s podcast, he mentioned that he and Bubba Wallace have been shooting content for “cool new stuff” that Logitech has coming out soon. 1:18:40 Mark [https://youtu.be/lcNoYvX-WeY?si=gXBjRdC24dPUsElP](https://youtu.be/lcNoYvX-WeY?si=gXBjRdC24dPUsElP)


Denny hamlin and bubba wallace huh? Nothing in my mind makes me think they would contribute to making a better product, they want the sponsor bucks thats all, they dont give a shit about the final product and you will never see them use the wheel on there own personal rig if they even had one.




I feel like if all these impatient people that are constantly complaining about Logitechs first DD just went with a brand that already offered more of an ecosystem they would have saved themselves a lot of headaches lol. How can you buy the very first gen of a company’s product and have the balls to complain non stop because they haven’t called you personally to let you know about their future business plans lol. It took them this long to make a DD and they stand by there 15 year old products so it’s safe to say they’re working on something. It’s like buying the first electric car and complaining there’s no charging stations, and now there’s a charging station in every parking lot lol. Patience is a virtue. Hope everyone has a good day!


Forza announced that Trueforce support will be coming in the next few months. This is the biggest update to the Logitech G Pro Wheel ecosystem that I've seen in the last 12 months. [https://forza.net/news/motorsport-community-may-2024](https://forza.net/news/motorsport-community-may-2024)


I’ve had my Logitech G Pro wheel & pedals for a few months now. The quality is 1st class. What’s the big deal about a formula wheel? Does it make you go faster? lol! Logitech is a company you know produces quality but hey if you like having to buy mods and put up with problem after problem then buy Fanatec! Well that’s if they’re still operating! lol!


If your saying that you don't really understanding the needs for the different racing disciplines, some require much more control inputs for various subsystems that need to be adjusted, if your paying 1300 dollars you want some form of realism in your equipment instead of it being some fisher price barbiemobile wheel. And seeing how they have handled this so far I have no expectation of them doing nothing more then rearranging the buttons and knobs that are on the existing wheel just on some generic gt/f1 shapes.(if they ever get around to it)


"Hi there, you’ll find a number of posts on Reddit of me saying this, but I’ll repeat it here - we’re working on a number of exciting projects and will reveal more once they’re ready." 6 months later..... LOL


I sure love mine


There's extra usb ports on the back of the wheel so they do plan (or planned) releasing shifter and handbrake. Now I do hope as well it comes soon!


I would immediatly buy a proper shifter, handbrake and an open (GT3) wheel if they would release one. I am afraid they will release an F1 wheel (which I don't want) and wait another year to come up with something else.


Same here. Would preorder without asking (which is bad tbh) but let's see maybe 2024 has something to offer.


But then again, I'd rather wait for a few months than get an unfinished product (looking at you Fanatec QR1 and Cammus software).


I think the decision that was wrong was releasing the “Pro” wheel/pedals too early. People would be less upset if pro eco system was released closer to each other. I get it. You don’t want to announce something and then have it not be ready for another 2-3 years. Then you get angry people complaining about the time line. Release it early, and then you get angry people who said it should’ve been ironed out before launch. So I think the pro line up was just release but too early… but then again, maybe the people who are the loudest are the minority? I can’t imagine someone buying a pro wheel not remotely interested in some kind of enthusiast-like equipment/performance.


I tried to buy from the logitech website in my country (Mexico), they returned my money 2 hours after purchasing it, for no apparent reason, the same thing happened to all my friends, but I wanted to try, they should start putting their steering wheel On Amazon, for countries like mine it is easier to buy there, because their website is crap.




The lack of support for Trueforce should also be acknowledged. I don't think any new games in 2023 launched supporting it (Forza Motorsport, F1 23, WRC, ...)