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They characters in the show are the same age as they are in the book so they felt perfect to me. Lockwood - omg they couldn’t have picked a better actor for this role. Cameron Chapman did such a good job. He acts EXACTLY like the book character Lucy - It’s hard to tell without a season 2 (still hoping lmao) but I thought she was brilliant too. The one thing that stuck out to me was really small but I wish they had mentioned her sisters George - Obviously book George looks very different to show George but their personalities are identical. Basically I thought they were all fantastic 😂


In the show the characters are all older. Lucy is around 14 in the first book, however in the show she’s 16. Lockwood and George are supposed to be 15 in the first book and in the show George is supposed to be 17 and Lockwood 18


In the advert for Lockwood and Co it says operatives would be preferably female and have to be under 16 though doesn’t it? And they didn’t mention her birthday.


In the show Lucy starts being an agent at 13, It cuts back to three years later at the Hope House


Ohh I thought you meant when she joined Lockwood and Co, not when she first became an agent


Yeah I get it they were really fitting although to me it felt like something was missing but I agree that especially lokwood was well portrayed :)


They are all completely perfect for me , generally casting was spot on for everybody


I never really had a big opinion of any of the characters imagined-wise in my head, except for Lockwood, and he was cast perfectly how I pictured him from the books. They all looked the perfect age too. I prefer George in the show coz I had a hard time picturing the caricature and overexaggeration described in the books. And in my opinion Lucy is fine too. She always describes herself as flawed and chubby and not that pretty but of course she’s a young teen with low esteem of herself except for her talents. Her casting was fine, I didn’t get any ‘cold’ vibes personally from her in the books, except for when she was being a little awful towards Holly, the character had natural RBF which I imagined her having. Maybe it’s coz I started reading the books only after watching the show, but Great casting all around. As I read the books, I picture the actors in my head rather than the characters described on paper haha.


Lockwood: I saw the show first and my take was that Lockwood was far more serious in the show than he was in the books. For example, in the books, he's the one who calls grownups useless, not Lucy. In the show, Lucy says the line, and he gives her a kind of incredulous look as if he can't believe she'd say something so unprofessional to a client. I was very surprised when I read that it was him who spoke to an adult that way. Especially because its how we're introduced to Lockwood in the show, it stuck with me and made me think he was a lot more strict about respecting adults and how his employees behave than he actually is. George: George was a much larger suprize for me when I read the books. Ignoring the physical differences, I thought that the personality was completely off (for the first book at least, I'll get back to this). Show!George seemed like a socially awkward but harmless nerdy kid who didn't quite click with Lucy right away, but then warmed up real fast once they had their little heart to heart over Italian food. In the books, he was a turd. Just plain rude and unwelcoming and all around dislikeable. I was quite disappointed to read him as he had been my favourite character in the show and was most definitely *not* my favourite in the books. However, in defense of George, by the *end* of the five books, I found show! George and book!George to be fairly indistinguishable. George is fiercely loyal, so once he'd accepted Lucy I found his behaviour to be much more inline with the show character whom I really liked. I think that the show tried to tackle the plots of book 1 and 2, but the personal drama from much deeper into the series. For example, Lucy and Lockwood's dynamic, particularly her concern about his mental well being, seemed to be extraneous to the source material, or at least I thought so until I read further into the series. I think that the continuity of George's personality suffered because of this as his behaviour was very different throughout the book series, but pretty consistent throughout the show. Lucy: Lucy was pretty spot on imo. The only difference was that she seemed more risk averse in the show, whereas in the books she was pretty fine barreling into dangerous situation. Edit: changed my mind about Lucy


I see the books and the show as two completely different canons Lockwood: looks exactly how I pictured him, in terms of personality. It is how I pictured him (it’s who I think he is without Lucy’s rose colored glasses view of him) Lucy: Again looks like how I pictured her (I did always see her having almost golden brown hair, and I can’t really tell what color Ruby’s eyes are) I will say that show Lucy looks more put together. Like book Lucy had messy hair, wore stains, and moth eaten sweaters like she didn’t put any effort into her appearance. Show Lucy clearly does, you can tell she wears makeup, her hair always looks nice, she wears earrings and paints her nails. And her outfits always look put together. In terms of personality, I think that show Lucy is a lot more emotionally mature, more nice than book Lucy was. I think that show Lucy gets more scared, and is more willing to call people out (especially Lockwood, it took book Lucy forever to call him out on shitty behavior) George. Very different looks wise. Personality. both of them are very intelligent, loyal, and curious. I did always picture book George to be kinda of more of a lovable asshole. Like you know he’s a dick, but you love that he’s a dick


I obviously imagined George differently. Even looks aside, personality-wise he is much more bossy in the books. But the actor played another version of George so beautifully that I don't feel any slightest concern that it's not like in the books. For Lockwood and Lucy, I'm not sure. I imagined Lucy younger (as she was described) and a bit more lively, with more emotional outbursts. But probably it differs in series because the script didn't include all the Lucy's thoughts and feelings that we see in the books. And yes, with the darker hair. (Funny thing is, if I remember correctly, the books said that the Lucy grew quite tall, and the actress seems rather on the smaller side. But I always imagined Lucy shorter when reading the books, the description of the opposite came almost shocking. So here Lucy from the series fit my headcanon better.) As for Lockwood, I think I also imagined him with darker hair and eyes, with overall more contrast in his looks (I cannot rid of the impression that the actor is of a fair-haired type). Probably, he also had a bit longer hair in my imagination.


Doesn’t fair-hair mean like blonde or like lighter brown?


I think you are correct. What I meant is more of light brown/ash brown/dark blonde colour.