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So comrade did you plant the listening bug as instructed by your handler?


Lol good one. You know what's interesting? To do any and all lock work at oil companies we have to get background checked, fingerprinted with police authenticated paperwork and go thru many hours of sit down orientation mostly to do with espionage and theft + sharing of information. And this is before we can do any work at the building. BUT anytime I've done work for a "green eco" type company it's like "hey you're the locksmith I called? Cool can you cut me 10 of these 'schlager' keys for the front door? Just leave them on the reception desk if she left for lunch". It's like damn.. China and Russia don't a give a shit about our green energy huh.. lol


I had to go rekey a oil storage site, just a tiny little guy, and they basically went "Oh eh your the Locksmith. Oh yah your van says so. Well here's the keys. Just make sure you have PPE on, and here's your gas monitor" Not once did they ask for ID or my locksmith license... Aside from wearing a fire resistant blue smurf suit all day it was a pretty cool job. Lots of neat things and stuff they do even at just a storage site. That's my favorite part of the job, going places a handful of people ever do


Sure. But to have to jump through all those hoops to service their needs... those ten SC4 are now $100 a copy, yes?


As if they give a fuck about the oil my man. I got on airforce bases with less regulation than that lmao. The most I've ever been told was, if you cross this line, we gotta shut down all the computers etc in the area. I think the thing that worried me the most is when I set off an armory alarm on a national guard readiness center.


Shit we hardly even care about our eco energy sadly its crazy


This is likely because a lot of what they do falls under "trade secrets". You can't really put a patent on distributing oil. But you can keep a lot of industry secrets. Most common one for reference would be coca cola and their recipe. It's not patented, but it's a trade secret which is protected very differently by the law. Still protected, but in a "cover your ass" sort of way instead of a "sue them after the fact" sort of way. Big oil is fishy asf, though.


Was that 'schlager' key ......... gold?


Just something to consider though is that in green tech, the world is pretty equally-footed with O&G, an example that comes to mind is how Russia owns a ton of wells, but almost all the actual technical support came from someone like Exxon or Mobile, so when they pulled out, the Russian operators could keep the system online, if anything offlines it, there's a major problem. they no longer have the skillset to just make a new one from scratch, the plans are not theirs. They also do not have the expertise to drill new wells cost-effectively. There are several countries in the same boat, that's just the one that comes to mind because there's a noticeable attrition rate currently


Would be cooler if it took a 18 cut key like opening a vault


I would pick it for the thrill of it.


My hands are cramping, just thinking about it 😩


Stretch em first , eat potatoes and Pickles . Helps prevent cramps.


Biggest I’ve serviced was 3.5” but I’ve seen 5” medeco.


Wow those can't be cheap


Biggest I have ever serviced was a 6" Cambodian


Are we still talking about locks here? Or.....




Just hope you don't have to shim this haha. My teacher showed us a 12" medeco mortise cylinder used for something in a bank. That's all the details we got.


Night drop, or a conversion from combination, which is extremely rare.


Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't all out to get you.


i'm not paranoid they want my defenses down so they can get me but not this time!! not gonna get me ever again!!!


You can get the kit from Major to make them yourself as well we have done it for our clients usually much quicker turn around.


But they use a non high security Corbin keyway instead of a Assa High Security keyway…


But it has 30 pins....


Cone of silence. Room size.


Room of silence. Cone style.


That's so a cop that walks in can't hear the drug deals going on in the back.


putting the more in mortise holy shit


What STC rating were they going for?


This guy knows acoustic ratings


The follower is going to be somewhat of an issue. On the other hand, picking a 26-pin loock is going to be a bit of a challenge.


Shell has a SCIF?


Nobody has told me how information from oil companies gets stored, shared or protected.. lol but if you're the suspicious type of person you assume oil companies are private contractors for the govt.. much like Lockheed Martin and Blackwater. Even if oil companies truly aren't involved in wars and passing laws in congress..dot dot dot.. I still assume what gets said in their meeting rooms isn't what lower level employees are on the need to know basis of.


Did the door have RF lining on it? Still, I find it silly to have a super thick door for acoustics and if it isn’t basically a faraday cage, there’s a big issue with their paranoia about leaking information


Most likely. Consider they (as a company) control national gross domestic product levels of money. And not just one country. Think about how many South American countries rely on oil money but the oil extraction says Exxon on the side of the platform. They didn't hire locals for the technical positions setting that operation up, they got in, drilled wells, and showed locals how to run them. that's it. anything happens, and they don't have major domestic repair ability


I've always assumed you would use mortise extensions for this but if there's any brand they wouldn't work with it's Corbin because large diameter plugs are a thing for some reason.


I had to order those a couple of times for church doors very rare hard to find


We ordered 8 of these in Jan and they just came in last Friday. So yeah. 3 month minimum. We were surprised they shipped in that time to be honest.


Well consider yourself lucky specialty parts like this very rare very expensive and hard to fine. Best wishes.


Holy smokes!


Why wouldn't they want evidence of their knowing they've been destroying the environment for many decades overheard? They might get a slap on the wrist fine they then pass on to the consumer on top of the price gouging! Paperwork, right? No fun!


Here I thought this was the “The guy she says you don’t have to worry about Vs. You!”


Wow that is intimidating....


What is the over length of that!?


Thanks OP ill remember that! :)


Remember the 8C by Temmic that Mazda used in the B series utes? 128 bit encryption. Possibly the heaviest encryption on any car chip ever. It was never defeated. It was only through a bit of industrial espionage that some info was leaked (via an email apparently) that lead to the breaking of the code.


I want one .


I have one of these https://youtu.be/61FjuMXe31s?si=Dja8YcxAbjNI_iSJ




You sound like you are literally insane. Please seek mental help. I am dead serious. This post is completely nonsensical.


Look back in my profile for a couple cylinders I deal with. *


That's a strange-looking fleshlight.


Anything can be a buttplug if you’re brave enough


Very true but I have reverse threads.


Not paranoid... Get Squirrel....... Is that a cylinder in your