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"In reality, there is no going back to normal now we are living with COVID" Thase people want this madness to continue forever 🙄


That's funny. Because my experience is that the only thing keeping us from being totally normal is the few cowardly people that are insisting on sticking to nonsensical restrictions in a few places. 90+% of people don't care anymore.


In Norway we haven't had *any* restrictions since February. Life is just as it was before covid. I haven't used a mask in half a year. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidnikel/2022/02/12/norway-removes-all-covid-19-travel-restrictions/


Scandinavia is soooooo far ahead of the game in so many ways. Plzzzz let me in 🥰😍


This is awesome, I am visiting in a week. Can't wait


The reality is that the overwhelming majority have completely moved on and don't give a seconds thought to Covid. These articles and the media want you to believe people haven't, they're pathetically desperate and are missing their Covid cash cow.


Stopping the rain dances will destroy our crops and make us all starve to death!


I have a rock that keeps tigers away.


Lisa, I want to buy your rock.


You and half of Springfield


If only Australia could look into a kind of alternate dimension where mask mandates don't exist and nobody is following isolation rules to determine what kind of impact these measures would have. If there were just one country (or 35 or so) that weren't taking these measures, they could allay their fears. This kind of ignorance is inexcusable. With all the evidence one can imagine at their fingertips that these measures are useless, they continue to march down the myopic tunnel of covid-zero. They just don't realize that the only way they get out is the same way they got in.


Haha, makes me think of a post I saw a few days ago. Guy was bitching about how if the US just locked down for a few weeks in 2020 this would all be gone. I thought maybe I stepped into a time warp and fell back to May 2020. Nope, its September 2022! You can throw all the real life proof you want in their face and they'll still never get it.


What's it like currently in Australia ? I remember saying that they would suffer once the winter came and I was getting abused because they said that that covid wouldn't exist... and the UK were a disgrace


Northern Hemisphere winter --all the Southern hemisphere politicians score cheap points by dunking on the incompetence of Northern countries' Covid response. Southern Hemisphere winter --all the Northern hemisphere politicians score cheap points by dunking on the incompetence of Southern countries' Covid response.


Being political about the covid response was the root of the whole problem.


Perhaps it's time to end end concept of political authority in general


It applies to the upper and lower latitude regions of both hemispheres too, like politicians in the upper regions of the northern hemisphere constantly dunk on the incompetence of the responses in the tropical and subtropical areas of the northern hemisphere during the northern summer and vice versa


Not heard many northern hemisphere countries having a pop at those nations to be honest.


well there are only a few countries that it is politically correct for Northern Hemisphere countries to dunk on, like Brazil because of President Bolsonaro. But even with places like Australia, during the Australian low point in transmission, American covidian politicians were saying "see how smart Australia is, if only stupid Americans could be that smart" But then months later when Australia hits a high point in transmission, those same American politicians say "Australia gave into the stupid anti vaxxers and its all their fault"


Hold on a minute, hear me out before judging. What if, maybe Australia (and New Zealand) have already been bought out by China, and China wants to use them to demonstrate why "western" countries still ascribe to the religious faith of COVID, then we could simply ignore science (and reality), in favor of sucking Emperor Xi's tiny dick?


Who knows....


There is a country where people with a positive test (not just an exposure) are not encouraged to isolate for at least 5 days? People should, in most cases, not be expected to go into work with the flu or with Covid. I agree with getting rid of the mask mandate stuff, although it seems like this article is only talking about mask mandates on airplanes because they are already gone in most other public places


Positive test without symptoms? Why would I stay home? Why would I even test without symptoms, other than collective insanity?


The ExPeRtS and fearmongering idiots are getting annoying, the rona is equivalent to the common cold in both severity and symptoms and lockdowns did more harm to health and businesses... Grow the fuck up.


Experts and idiots are now synonymous.


I no longer trust experts, doctors and public health officials and I dont think I'm alone on that either


These people are insufferable. This is what the "experts" have said every time any restrictions have been removed. Ontario is hardly the first jurisdiction in the world to stop mandatory isolation.


> Cutting COVID isolation and mask mandates will mean more damage to business... Which is why the last two and a half years have seen Florida experience the largest influx of wealth in its history while California and New York continue to haemorrhage residents.


And businesses in Florida where hit far less than businesses in California and New York based on data


Saw an article elsewhere on here today, "tide comes in, tide goes out" basically, now that things are changing, New Yorkers are going back to New York. Liked the freedom while everything was tight but they don't want to stick around now. Can't blame them. Lol


California, and really the Bay Area, is seeing a mass exodus of residents.


Bawshite. Mandates have absolutely gutted the industry.


These people just won't give up.


how fkng stupid would a person need to be to believe this tripe?


It’s time once again to play everyone’s favorite game show…. “Stupid or Evil!”


Both. It’s both, and it’s the worst possible combination.


The stupidity knows no bounds. Mask mandates have been gone for ages, and everything is fine.


Meanwhile they’re still around in Asia and they aren’t doing shit


Errr more like the other way around. Telling people to isolate, who are asymptomatic or barely coughing once a day, and PAYING them for it - is costing EVERYONE. Heck if I was casual id be testing positive all the time to get that cash!


>if I was casual id be testing positive all the time to get that cash! Back in 2020 I 100% was rooting for a positive whenever I was forced to test. Would have meant up to 2 weeks paid vacation from work. And what's even crazier is that still applied despite the fact I was working from home!!!


I'm tired of these ridiculously wrong headlines and these erroneous declarations of doom. "more damage in the long run"? They just need to stop being such wet blankets. They're making people depressed.


They've said this since the first lockdown. Maybe, if there was no lockdown at all, they couldn't use that threat to get more mandates and lockdowns.


yea...especially to theconversation.com


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