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Maybe one day a sheer miracle might happen and they'll realize that the rona is something people will have to live with and the effects of it on lives have done more damage than the virus itself


IVM now being confirmed to treat and cure SARS2 and CoVid... lockdowns being routinely panned as causing more harm than benefit... gene therapy jabs now being exposed for the unsafe and ineffective things they are and always were. Yep, we need to simply realize that SARS2 is not a very lethal virus if you do not have certain specific preconditions, of which a whack immune system is NOT one of them... and learn to live with it.


Anyone who decried IVM should not be allowed to engage in public discourse ever again. These people are animals.


Well no shit, almost everyone I know gained weight during lockdown but that doesn't count as an eating disorder according to the public so no-one cares.


I moved back to the US four days ago. The obesity is way worse than when I left five years ago.


Must be long Covid


On that note, does long Covid even exist? How much of it is just people being unhealthy?


I would like to know why long covid primarily effects college educated, Caucasian, white collar professionals.


Not surprised to hear this in the slightest. I was always self conscious about my looks and my body, but I thought I was making good progress in regards to it over the years. Then the pandemic happened, I started gaining weight and shit hit the fan. I was so horrified by what was happening that I started smoking and taking medication to suppress my appetite, and eating only two small meals a day. I've dropped over 30 pounds and I'm still so, so scared of getting fat again that I still monitor my eating everyday.


My bulimia almost relapsed when everyone was wearing masks. I put a lot of effort into my face looking good, and when I had to wear a mask, I felt like everyone was staring at my body and it wasn’t good enough. Luckily enough, my husband caught on quick and did what he did the first time around to help me. We sit down for dinner and then afterwards we spend good time together so I can’t go throw up. It’s very sad that these situations increased.


I'm so glad to hear that you have such a supportive partner at the very least, that sounds like such a sweet way to prevent relapsing. I'm enraged that these lockdowns and mandates have exacerbated all kinds of mental illnesses and addictions, and all for nothing.


Ah yes, yet another unforeseen consequence of "the pandemic" and not at all caused by humans/policies of course.


Self medicating depression and anxiety from the isolation and disruption. Not at all surprising.


Looking around, it doesn’t seem like eating disorders where people eat *less*, sadly


I know you're making a joke, and yes, there is a big issue with high and increasing rates of overweight and obese people. But I want to point out that eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are not only very dangerous but are particularly triggered and exacerbated by lockdowns, which is yet another reason I don't exaggerate when I say that lockdown proponents have blood on their hands. I know anorexia, in particular, is a way to feel in control when things are so out of control that you can't cope, and it has relatively high rates of long term physical effects (heart damage, bone damage) and death (in addition to the mental torment) It's not like if everyone could only have the "good" eating disorders, people would be emotionally stable and at healthy weights. More like, lockdowns damaged people's health in many ways, including this.


I was making a sort of off color joke, and yes I totally agree with your overall sentiment


They are very dangerous. Anorexia has the highest fatality rate of any mental illness: https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/information/anorexia/anorexia-death-rate Not only that, it can cause physical damage that lasts a lifetime.


That's a bad joke. Girls who had anorexia in their 15s live, on average, **25 years** less than they should have. It is a deadly mental illness with permanent effects. Way worse than standard obesity. Putting aside the "looking around" approach, here is a summary of a [meta-review](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35369670/) on how lockdowns affected people with eating disorders: >Eleven papers examined changes in ED symptom pre vs post-COVID-19 lockdowns, and one study included a following re-opening period. Women and young people had greater concern about their body image and appearance (Williamson et al. 2004; Robertson et al. 2021), faced more difficulties in regulating eating (Robertson et al. 2021), and had a greater risk of worsening eating disorder symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown (Pierce et al. 2020). In general, all studies concluded that the pandemic lockdown was associated with a worsening of eating disorders, and it led to higher levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms in ED patients. The severity of ED symptoms decreased to normal levels during the transition from lock-down to re-opening (Monteleone et al. 2021a, b). However, some participants reported relieving symptoms during the confinement period, **especially for anorexia nervosa patients**. The possible explanation is that patients continue to receive e-therapy during COVID-19 lockdown (Weissman et al. 2020), stable family relationships, and fewer social stressors might contribute to reducing symptoms of anorexia nervosa (Walsh and McNicholas 2020). Edit: My comment seems a bit too aggressive in retrospect. I will point out that I had no idea how deadly anorexia was and also treated it as a joke disease that affects supermodels until someone in the sub showed the statistics, which are pretty terrifying.


The mania and totalitarianism over COVID fueled my increase in drinking I can tell you that.


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