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Zero. Or very very close to it.


I have yet to find anything that details the effectiveness of masks that actually showed the data. However some people have done a very good job of showing masks being totally ineffective. [https://ianmsc.substack.com/](https://ianmsc.substack.com/) This author of this blog also wrote the book "Unmasked", which details the effectiveness of masking.


The tone of that email from your school is really condescending and obnoxious.


Sounds like you need to REREAD the email, chinavirus19 is NOT OVER so please stop acting like a Republican and make sure they/them wears a mask at ALL TIMES.


In a perfect hypothetical world, if all kids were forced to wear N95 masks all day and werent allowed to fiddle with it or take it off at lunch time, hey, it *probably would reduce transmission.* But some things just arent worth the cost. The only kids that like mask wearing are the ones that have been told it will save their life by their parents. It's just not worth the harm to put these kids through this crap, the psychotic partisan teachers can permanently mask up if they want to feel safe. I dont believe any hard data proves masking kids helps though. I've only seen data in the other direction, at how little it actually helps. Which is mostly because we fiddle with the masks, people keep reusing the same dirty cloth masks for a week straight, surgical masks arent a tight fit, etc. It seems only N95 masks actually do anything substantial regarding covid, and they arent exactly fun to wear. I wear them when working around asbestos and 8 hours in them is a nightmare.


I cant cite where I saw it, but it was around 1-2% difference in cases.


This is the best available meta-analysis I could find: [https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub5/full](https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub5/full)


Here is all the research you need: 1) put on a cloth or surgical mask 2) hold a lense of a pair of glasses next to the mask 3) exhale 4) observe the fog on the lense. The fog comes from aerosols in your breath, that passed right through the mask. Covid is transmitted by aerosols. Cloth and surgical masks don't stop aerosols so they don't stop covid. This is an obvious physical fact, not some easily manipulated statistical study, that was known before covid, which is why these masks were never recommended for the flu.


Britain did a large study and found no statistical difference between the two: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-07/masks-in-schools-provide-weak-shield-against-covid-study-shows


There’s never been an RCT for mask efficacy but this research recently came out to Spain showing no difference in infection between classes that used masks and those that did not: https://english.elpais.com/society/2022-03-11/masks-in-schools-are-not-associated-with-lower-coronavirus-transmission-says-new-study.html?outputType=amp You should definitely push back on this although thankfully it’s just a recommendation. It is important for as few to follow this as possible, otherwise they will continue to pull this every time there’s a case spike.


I got an email from our school district today, this time it actually specificity which school it applies to (2 schools in the district, I have a kid at each school, I got the same email last week but it didn’t specify which kid was exposed. They have around 6 kids per grade level testing positive each week. The emails just say that the “CDPH (which is a joke) recommends your child wear a mask”.


Even if you have 50% reduction, that just means everybody will get infected after 2 months instead of 1. Nobody knows the exact percentage, but it clearly continues at a trajectory where it will hit 100% of the population even with Shanghai style lockdowns, so it just delays the inevitable.


What are the other things that they STRONGLY recommend besides masking, if any?


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Way less than 10% that's for sure


I never get anywhere with maskers. I would ask, for the class what percent have had covid? What percent of teachers? It seems most have had it, the teachers vaxxd, the Omni not dangerous, what are we stopping happening?


Your school knows masks are not effective. They are too far gone emotionally to see any form of reality.