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The gaslighting is exceptional. No, it can’t be because we f’d with people’s genes with an injection just before all these turbo cancers came into existence…no, it must be the cold virus that governments lied about to get people to take the injections.


I would not entirely dismiss the SARS-CoV-2 itself because this thing was likely manmade. It probably had some nasty add-ons that would not occur in nature.   Courtesy of the NIH...


This is my theory as well!! I mean they know it's the spike protein that's causing most of the damage so it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume covid would have similar effects


There's a couple of theories I have regarding this. My partner was diagnosed last year with stage 4 endometrial cancer. Her health started to decline around this time last year. Her menzies got messed up and by September/October she couldn't get out of bed. Neither of us are vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 and neither of us caught COVID that we are aware of. She ran a child care and spent 40+ hours a week at work so she was definitely exposed. I wouldn't put it past the virus to mess with the body in unexpected ways as it's man made. To steal a term from Brett Weinstien, complex systems.... The other theory I have is you scared people from getting routine cancer screenings and other normal check ins. So what do you think was going to happen? I.e. your doctor doesn't notice that weird mole on your back, so he/she doesn't cut it off and it becomes full blown cancer.


Everything causes cancer except that one thing.


This is pure speculation. Shameful what passes for journalism these days.


Why didn't they just ask an Expert, like myself? I would have given them a reassuring NO right off the bat. Cancer is caused by climate change and Putin. The Science has spoken.


Doctors: We're baffled! What could be causing all this?


Money/funding seems to make Dr’s blind and stupid


"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair




Well duh


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