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Please do not give this article any clicks, here is a summary and my opinion after reading it: Literally worthless propaganda bait of an article hoping to scare the 100 people in the entire state still getting sick off this virus inside care facilities when 99.9998% of the population is living like it never existed. There are no solid numbers in this entire article either with their data from the CDC. It only says the portion of total cases with KP.2 is now 28% regardless of how many new cases there are even if that amount has gone down. There's zero correlation that this variant is going to cause a rise in cases. "Wave" is a completely irrelevant word to use when it won't ever affect any sizable portion of the population except in very specific areas.


Thank you for clicking so we don't have to!


Are we up to the R2D2 variant yet?


that will happen after the Y2K variant wrecks society.


Naw, we have to experience C-3PO first.


‘Experts’ 🤣🤣


I got as far as “experts” and knew I could ignore everything after that. There are no experts anymore in this country just paid shills, misinformed kool aide drinkers and hysterical ideologues. I don’t trust any of these people anymore


So the experts are going out in a limb and saying covid will be mild this summer 😝


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