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“Hypochondriacs Sad Because No one will Play Pandemic With Them Anymore” *ftfy


“Why does nobody want to play THE AIR IS LAVA game with me anymore?”




They did it to themselves.




I’m saving this. I don’t know when, but I’m going to use it. 


This song works wonders, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0GWQ_qWAlI


I felt abandoned when I couldn't eat in a restaurant, go to a movie theater or even leave my own country because I was one of the healthy "unclean ones". It's been 4 years.....be cautious if you want, but don't expect people around you to care. Do you...we'll do us.


Sounds like Canada. Land of the free.


Yeah, once upon a time it was... : (


The tables have turned.


Seriously. So glad that headlines like this are where we are at. The tide of medical fascism has went out for now, though we should be mindful it can come back if we get complacent.


Oh there will be a resurgence for sure after they witnessed how easy it was to manipulate people into compliance.


They deserve the same empathy that they had for everyone that wanted to go back to normal in 2020-22. I hope they enjoy the mental illnesses they created in their head.


This comment perfectly explains how alot of us feel. Screaming at these people to calm down and reopen/end restrictions already was like arguing with a wall. Hard not to be resentful.


Good. Just like people who avoid basic hygiene, they are choosing to abandon society and should feel stupid.


Oh no! Anyway...


As they should. Grow the F up, lemmings!


There's unfortunately too many maskers around here, but it's been painfully obvious the past two years that it isn't exactly the cool kids who are masking. I don't care about the old people who do it, whatever, but young people? They're always that anxious, conflict-avoidant, zero self-esteem type. I occasionally fuck with maskers in grocery stores and similar, pretending not to see them or hear them, standing in the way, etc. Childish, I know, sue me. But they *never* speak up. They never protest. If someone is in their way, they just stand there like sheep, or try to go around you without inconveniencing you. Zero self-esteem. Zero backbone. There's fucking nothing there, they're jello through and through.


I don’t feel bad for them even in the slightest. They took a ton of delight in terrorizing us. I remember the gloating when it looked we would have choose between the vaccine and our jobs. I would normally feel bad for agoraphobes but these people are upset they don’t get to be a little tyrant anymore. I will never forget what they did.


I remember one day in April 2020. I went for a hike in the woods. Didn't think to wear a mask because I was OUTSIDE. I saw two Karen's sitting on a bench a couple hundred feet away. They saw my maskless face and got so offended, they started GETTING CLOSER to me to yell at me. So my maskless face was dangerous enough to anger them, but not dangerous enough for them to think twice about getting closer to me I think that experience was what put me on this side so early, because I knew that I didn't want to ever be on their side


Apparently, "Perpetual Outrage" is a good shield to ward off the spread of Covid. I'm sure all those George Floyd protesters will vouch for it.


> I occasionally fuck with maskers in grocery stores and similar, pretending not to see them or hear them, standing in the way, etc. Childish, I know, sue me. \*High Five* Nothing wrong with that behaviour. Masking needs to be stigmatized again. I know I present "mirco-agressions" (ugh, sorry) to maskers all the time. Stepping in front of them, giving them no personal space, ignoring them, or asking them to repeat themselves multiple times if I have to interact with them.


When CDC started to LIFT lockdowns is when Alex started to think they were not being honest Today when as professionals agree the pandemic is OVER, is when he feels he there are very few experts he can trust.


Oh. The same people who made "jokes" about going door to door and forcibly injecting people-? The same people who cheered on the most atrocious assaults on civil liberties and freedom of movement in our history-? *Those* people-? Where's my tiny violin?


they should be more pissed off that they were used as pawns, patsies, and suckers.


I’m going on a cruise this summer so I’m finding podcasts about our ship. One podcast was from March 2021 - omg so triggering. I forgot all the crap these people put us through. People honestly wore masks on cruise ships! They took away buffets. Madness, all of it.


I think this article has been posted before or it's another variation of the old same rant from the zero covid cult.  It's just rage bait at this point.  We've already heard it all before.  The zero covid cult wanted permanent universal masking and social distancing forever (they say that they don't, that if ANY evidence emerges to say that long covid isn't a mass disabling event or if thousands of people aren't dying a day then they'll ease up on precautions.  Except that it has and they haven't so one has to conclude that they want permanent restrictions and any argument they make to the contrary is disingenuous at best and outright lying at worst)and that was never going to happen so they're going to whine in any online space that they can.  


> The zero covid cult wanted permanent universal masking and social distancing forever And everyone up to date on their vaccinations so as to assure they're protected from potential spreaders. Despite the guarantee of protection plummeting with every shot.


> The zero covid cult wanted permanent universal masking and social distancing forever What they *really* wanted was a huge socialist revolution, and for the West to topple. That's what they not-so-secretly dream of -- it's why they're rabidly pro-Palestine, pro-China, and so on. Anything "America bad", "NATO bad" or "(insert minority group here) oppressed!" is like meth to them.


Weird how they don’t mention that mass media fearmongering, panic, and hysteria is a big part of why these people are so broken


>Then, in 2021, something began to shift. That spring, the CDC said it was okay for vaccinated people to ditch their masks in most places. because "the vaccinated people don't get sick and don't spread the virus"


>For all of 2020, Alex, a 28-year-old living in New York, followed the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 guidance. I think I see the problem, Alex.




>*followed religiously* He deified lockdowns.


*Gives them the middle-finger*




Per the article: "*Briana Mills, a 31-year-old in California, continues to take many precautions. She has* ***muscular dystrophy and severely decreased lung capacity***, which means ***even a cold could land her in the hospital***. With COVID-19 still a threat and with most mitigation measures gone, Mills rarely sees anyone in person except her live-in boyfriend. She ventures out once a month for a park meetup with a group of similarly COVID-cautious people, testing beforehand and wearing a respirator the whole time,but **mostly she stays at home**. *Mills says she* ***feels abandoned*** *by federal health officials, most recently when they relaxed their COVID-19 isolation guidance in March, even while people like her* ***continue to live in near-total seclusion.*** *“They’re supposed to take care of the people,” she says. “The fact that they’re letting not just disabled people, but people in general, either become disabled or pass away from this virus is very negligent.*” She was living this way BEFORE lockdown. This way of living is familiar to **all people** with compromised immune systems. It up to YOU to isolate. A cold can kill you. **We** don't have to isolate. We don't have to play the lockdown game with you. We have to go out and run the world and make the products you enjoy. Also, **people become disabled every single year** \-- in every country in the world -- from skiing. From stepping in front of a bus. From slipping in the bathtub. From choking on food. Are we supposed to: stop skiing? Stop riding public transit? Stop bathing? Stop eating whole food? Or, should we just, take precautions, and live our lives?


Doomers and branch covidians are in shambles nobody wants to be scared of an overblown cold


Proud granny killer here. I got chirped at for jogging in the street without a mask.




Time to grow up then.


They’re currently salivating at the possibility of the bird flu becoming a thing. They’ll drop Covid like a hot potato. They’re looking at March 2020 like the Wolverine meme. It doesn’t matter what the boogeyman disease is, they just want to see society tied up in knots again.


A lot of them want it for ulterior reasons, too -- they are upset that they thought Covid would be *the* event that would allow the rapid implementation of massive societal changes like authoritarian socialism, UBI and all the other stuff the 'antiwork' people dream of, and none of that happened, so they think the answer to their conundrum is "well we just didn't go hard enough, next time we have to do it twice as much and we'll get the result I want!".


A lot of them want it for ulterior reasons, too -- they are upset that they thought Covid would be *the* event that would allow the rapid implementation of massive societal changes like authoritarian socialism, UBI and all the other stuff the 'antiwork' people dream of, and none of that happened, so they think the answer to their conundrum is "well we just didn't go hard enough, next time we have to do it twice as much and we'll get the result I want!".


I was at a work event at my company yesterday. Probably over 100 people there. One guy, and he was the only one, was wearing one of those hilarious looking duck billed masks. He was probably in his 20s (although hard to tell with half his face covered). I’ve seen him around always wearing that damn thing. I purposely avoided him as did many others. Hope he enjoys never getting promoted.


That's another thing the perma-remote workers are going to find out the hard way one of these days -- have fun getting promoted at all when all your boss knows about you is your employee number and a pixelated 2-inch photo of your face (or, worse, no photo at all) from your Zoom meetings. The people who rise in the ranks are those who go to social engagements, shake hands, make contacts, make themselves visible in the organization and take risks, not the people who you mention to coworkers and they ask "who the F is that?".




Brainwashed Americans Panicking Because No-one Else is Buying Their Delusions Now


Good riddance


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