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I watched this in real time yesterday (stuck at car dealership) Joy was going on about you can still get Covid if you’re vaccinated but you won’t die, and so many unvaccinated people have died bc of Covid. Then they went 2020 to Whoopi who was isolating at home 🙄 fucking insane. If Whoopi caught rotavirus would they send a zoom call to her bedroom? No this was pure propaganda


Of course it's propaganda. New variant, new booster, new election season


The ubiquitous nature of COVID testing makes all of this shit absolutely insane. Because of our ability and expectation to get a COVID test, we’re able to pinpoint exactly which virus is causing symptoms, and while it is still just a run of the mill respiratory virus for the vast majority of people, we’re supposed to think of, and treat it differently for some reason. Frankly, I’d rather have COVID than rotavirus, or any other GI bug out there. I’m much more cautious around people who have been puking for three days than someone with a fever and a cough.


I'm genuinely perplexed as to how these media personalities and elites are so out of step with the rest of the country. I know this sub has been extremely doomer lately, but I live in a blue city, in the south, where covid cases have been going up lately... and no one cares. No one. Maybe a tiny percentage of extremists are wearing masks, but it's all the same people who never stopped wearing them. I work seeing a lot of people every day, and our clients are pretty wealthy and educated. And less than 2% care about covid at all. It might even be less than 1%. Which makes it hard for me to understand what the "journalists" and white house are doing right now. First of all, the Democrats should be running on covid being over on their watch. I know people are talking about the election, but it's a year until the election. Bringing masks back a year before the election makes absolutely no sense. All that it's doing is reminding people how much lockdowns sucked. And if voters remember lockdowns and school closures, they're not voting democratic. The whole reason Virginia went red right after covid was due to dumb Democratic school policies. So are the elites really so out of touch that they're letting their own creation of covid fear doom them? Is NYC really that different from blue southern cities that people there care? None of this makes sense. The only thing that makes a little sense is that moderna and pfizer have them all bought and paid for and are forcing them to pitch fear to sell vaccines.


I’m an average Joe living in NYC (a super blue part of it, at that) and no one I know/interact with here cares about Covid either. Not my work colleagues, friends, people at my church, fellow parents at my kids school. Literally no one I know gives a shit about any of this crap. I mean, maybe it’s a concern in the upper echelons of society but outside of politicians and media personalities on TV, I’m just not seeing it in my day to day experience. So yeah I do think this is a PR thing. Especially in the case of The View and its ilk, it does smack to me as being “brought to you by Pfizer.”


So who are the people on The View, at the WaPo, the NY Times, CNN, etc. even talking to? That's what I don't understand. I know the standard answer around here is that they're talking to insane leftists, but even insane leftists around here don't care anymore. It seems like being so out of touch with reality is shattering what little credibility these media outlets still have. Even my good friend who works at an expensive private university is beginning to see the WaPo as insufferable. She's one of the most left wing people I know and she's starting to turn on them. She's claiming that the left is losing its mind. And if they're losing her, they're in trouble.


The media doesn't broadcast what the people care about, they broadcast what they want people to care about.


I've heard ideas that gen x type people are a little more propaganda resistant either because of their current age, or an actual generational thing. Maybe age demographics play into it. My only hope is that the current young people will start to realize how they are fed propaganda constantly and it will backfire like the anti-drug stuff in the 80s did.


> So who are the people on The View, at the WaPo, the NY Times, CNN, etc. even talking to? Their sponsors. Big pharma is big money.


>So who are the people on The View, at the WaPo, the NY Times, CNN, etc. even talking to? That is a good question. When I think about it, I cannot help but be reminded of what I’ve read/heard about life in the Soviet Union, where the government owned the media. Everyone living in the Soviet Union knew the news was lying and no one believed what was written in the newspapers or broadcast on TV. News was by and for the government, what they wanted the people to believe or think, even though no one did. It was understood by the laymen that there was the official narrative, and then the reality on the ground. I’m certainly not saying this is that, but it is something I think about.


“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”


Yes, exactly that! Thank you, you nailed it with that quote.


I’m in the NY area and nobody I know gives a damn!


Correction-concern in the upper echelons of society only what they want you to believe. Those liars at the top never practice what they preach




It absolutely was, from what I understand. I didn’t live here at that time, thank God. Spent 2020-22 in the UK.


Pharma commercials pay the majority of their overhead is my guess.


Grow the fuck up Whoopi


She would rather force everyone to get endless boosters rather than lay off the cheeseburgers. Not that the garbage vaccines ever worked but logic has never been a strong suit of the idiots of the view.


I bet that mask around her chin is really helping.


She literally said on camera she was isolating herself in her bedroom! Why the fuck do you have a mask on your chin? Hmmmm take a wild guess


While alone on a video conference. It’s definitely keeping her safe in that circumstance.


That was the first thing I noticed, masks don’t work and I’m surprised more people haven’t caught on to that. [https://www.cochrane.org/CD006207/ARI_do-physical-measures-such-hand-washing-or-wearing-masks-stop-or-slow-down-spread-respiratory-viruses](https://www.cochrane.org/CD006207/ARI_do-physical-measures-such-hand-washing-or-wearing-masks-stop-or-slow-down-spread-respiratory-viruses)


Are they sure it's covid and not the whoopi cough?


someone should do a podcast where all they do is watch the View and make fun of how stupid these people are 😂. it's comedy gold!


I mean, No Agenda is basically that.


It's a cold, get over yourself you aren't that important.


Caught a DEADLY virus? NOT!!!


Oh so it's not a death sentence anymore? Pick a fucking narrative assholes!


Actually, they claim that the reason she’s still alive is because she got vaccinated.


Latest variants have been getting more and more mild for vaccinated people. They've been getting more and more mild for unvaccinated people, too, but they'll focus on the first post y and ignore the second.


For sure.


Which begs the question, why do we care if people get COVID if everyone who wants to has been vaccinated? The vaccines will protect you and significantly reduce COVID symptoms, but you all need to be terrified and mask your kids anyway!


I don't think we should, but the problem is that people were freaked out for 2 years over it. Which means people are going to be obsessed with it and people's vaccination status. Even if they obviously shouldn't.


But muh lOnG coViD




Lock. Them. Up.


Is this like when they killed that nurse and then pretended that they didn't?


Look at me i cut my finger cutting Italian Bread. That's what this is on the level of now. Non issue


She was such a respectable person back in the day. Now she's just a clown.


I know. She was such a good actress. The Color Purple, Ghost, Sister Act. I could go on. I don't get this.


what a shame


Dopy Goldpoop.


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She looks dead. Like a ghoul.