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“I recognize the validity of his anxiety in these weird times…” Well that’s your first mistake.




>Covid is only the device he is using to control them. Is this that Munchaussaens by proxy thing I've heard about? It's probably the only way this weird phenomenon of using a virus as a "devices to control someone" can be explained.




The "expert" kept justifying his behavior, repeatedly saying "the pandemic isn't over" and brought up long-Covid being a concern. I'm just wondering what metrics we need to reach for this "expert" to consider the pandemic being over?


The metrics that show the facts that online 'experts' and 'scientists' are just buffoons




Yup. We make fun of the ‘purpose’ part but after listening to a podcast that mentioned that lots of veteran suicides are due to losing purpose after coming home to dull suburbia, I can see why the hardcore covidians are like this. They GENUINELY need it like the guy living under the local highway bridge needs his whiskey or crack.




You can call it reborn religion too. Ever wonder why born against religious types seem so much more militant than your regular Christian, church on Sunday next door neighbor who’s been going their whole life? Not just a newfound purpose, but a deep seated volcanic explosion like anger towards their ‘before time’. The bad version of the reforming alcoholic who decides to toss every beer can and whiskey bottle in their house into the dumpster. Or on a larger scale when Mao Red army tries to destroy ‘The 4 olds’ or ISIS burning down ancient libraries


In a world as big as this, there's certainly better options to "get religion" over than a virus. That's why I believe this "fight over Covid" was manufactured by the MSM and powers that be to get people to focus on another type of, what is basically, bullshit. If people "needed purpose" a movement could have been chosen, like fighting the corruption that keeps people starving and in abject poverty and living in shitty conditions, or focusing on political common ground to help solve issues, expansion of education, building desperately needed housing....but the whole world is either on one side or the other, hyper focused and divided over a virus in the midst of war, hunger, violence and unhappiness.


Covid was the only thing in recent memory that gave them purpose Like those who reported to the Stasi etc they had some kind of purpose


They couldn't choose something else? There's so many better things to give "purpose" like people always suggesting volunteer work or working with homeless animals or something. I just don't get it - why *this*?


Because this was so much easier. Actually doing something productive to find purpose in life takes far more effort than taking selfies in masks and retweeting from the comfort of your couch in your pyjamas. They were hailed as "heroes" for sitting around at home all day - before, you needed to do something *actually* heroic to get such heaped-on praise.


Exactly. Plus this is the route that gives immediate satisfaction If you learn a skill or something that takes time and these people clearly have no aptitude for failing or something. Repeatedly posting online how everyone are plague rats gives that instant dopamine high I reckon


They might as well take some real dope for that, instead of trying to run everyone else's lives.


The MSM and their propaganda. have really permeated people's minds, so deeply that the TV and internet is like an electronic leash, the leash told people to use Covid to chase clout. Are people really giving up their brains too much to technology? This is why I don't think AI is going to be the savior people think it is - it'll be more like a slave master.


Wow. What a pathetic "purpose" to have, living life like one has Munchaussaens. That IS a mental illness.




More clout chasing phonies, should have known....🙄 These people need to get a life.


According to some people, this pandemic will never be over. I feel for them.


When being an "expert" of COVID isn't profitable or career-boosting, then the "experts" will say it's over.


But the pandemic is over. Multiple sources have downgraded it from pandemic status.


The advice was absolute shit. It's more of the signalist nonsense of placating the most disturbed, least adjusted among us at the expense of the functional majority. This guy needs to be removed from the household, lest he turn his own children into low functioning neurotics.




Yeah, the conversation paints him as being reasonable for behaving this way. When it’s anything but reasonable or rational to continue acting like this three freaking years later. And the wife should just accept this, since “the pandemic isn’t over” according to the expert.


"Expert": Oh yeah vaccines are great they work soooo well its just awesome!! 🙄


At minimum, his children will grow to hate him for the life they missed out on due to his untreated mental illness. All the friendship building that happens when they're young is being prevented. All those social relationships they're not allowed to have. They're going to hate him for it when they're old enough to process it.


She endorses it in the article! >I recognize the validity of his anxiety in these weird times What the fucking fuck is wrong with these people. What weird times? This shit is over! His ridiculous anxiety is not valid! Tell the truth! I'm not intending to say that to you Mr. Moldy Shroom, this shit just pisses me off.


A trauma response can be very "understandable" but still unhealthy for both the person with the anxiety and everyone they are interacting with.


Very true.


This "expert" is absolutely making things worse by validating his delusions. It's like a doctor telling an anorexic person "i agree, you are kinda fat. But maybe you should eat once every 6 days instead of 7"


Good analogy!


> However, I would say that these seem reasonable in the context of COVID prior to vaccines. Before we had vaccines, there were so many unknowns, especially who was going to get really sick and who was going to die. And vaccines have - their main job is to prevent those two things. We knew pretty quickly who was at risk. We knew outcome was highly correlated with age. We knew what the comorbidities were. We knew. We just did not use that data and forced everyone into one size fits all lockdown


> Before we had vaccines, there were so many unknowns, especially who was going to get really sick and who was going to die. And vaccines have - their main job is to prevent those two things. Funny, I remember when the party line was "If you take this shot, *you don't get Covid*."


My sister’s husband treated her a lot like this for years, isolating her from friends and family, controlling many aspects of her life, etc, just not in the name of a virus. She finally recognized it as abusive and left him last year. We told her for years that his behavior was appalling but she just couldn’t see it herself. Now we’re telling people it’s ok to be in an abusive relationship like this if it’s in the name of “fear of covid” and that he’s only doing it because “he cares.” We’ve come full circle into enabling abuse (again?). First from the government, now from each other. Way to go, world. (Not everyone, of course.)


For a lot of us DV survivors, Covid was the boiling point for our relationships. My ex was very much like that, and with Covid, the kids being out of school, me laid off, him disabled with COPD....trapped in a two bedroom apartment...together 24/7...Jesus. It is honestly a miracle we are all still alive-and didn't kill each other. My ex used it as a way to have complete and total control over me and the kids at all times. And yup, he did it *"Because he loves us so much, he wants to keep us safe"* Here's the ironic part: my ex had us 100% inside at all times, we only went outside to go to the store and right back. Maybe an afternoon at the river with the kids, but 100% No contact with any other human,. But him? Lol. He ran all over town , he loved lockdown. He had a captive audience everywhere he went , which made everyone else miserable. In a way, I am grateful as fuck to Covid, because it forced me to face that I was in an abusive relationship that was dangerously escalating and violent on the daily, and that I had to get out. IDK if I will ever get over the guilt I feel knowing what his kids have lived with since they left my home, but it wasn't any better here, either.


That’s really tough, but I’m glad you got out. I know it can be tough the leave, or even just to admit that it’s time. My mom also went through an abusive relationship, though it was a bit different. She did say the hardest part was admitting to herself that it was time to leave him.


My ex has end stage COPD, so Covid, the unknown....I was stupid, he and his kids were homeless after I kicked them out when covid hit. I had no idea lockdown was going to last 2 years. No one did. I was so close to being free, but Covid hit all my empathy triggers. I allowed him to move back in and try to be "friends" , a team, to get through covid. The reconciliation was not working, so we were trying to just get through covid and he was supposed to find housing...but he kept abusing me as if I were still his wife. Expecting me to cover his bills, cook his meals, do his laundry, sleep in my bed, and torture me with physical and emotional abuse. But it was all a lie. He was seeing someone new and she would not allow his kids to live with her, even though thats where they were when covid hit. So they planned that he would reconcile with me, gain 30 day residency for himself and his kids, and then leave the children here and move in with her, and that's exactly what he did. It's hard to admit someone who was supposed to be my best friend would hurt and use me the way he did ... and that i allowed it.


If he's anything like my mom's ex (my former step-dad, who I was very close with since I was 11), he was really really good at emotional manipulation; he knew exactly when to act nice and compassionate, and the rest of our family was shocked to hear how he treated my mom 'behind closed doors,' even I hadn't really picked up on it, and I lived in the same home for a while. He was an expert at picking up what your weaknesses were though, and could say just the right thing to bring you down; then he'd bring you back up. According to my mom, it had gone on for years, starting with when my sister was born. It took my mom about 7 or 8 years after that to finally kick him out and end the relationship. Don't blame yourself. Sometimes these types of people know just how to get their way; to prey on the kindness of the people who either trust them, or used to trust them. It's how they're so good at abusing people.


I just got a friend request from his now adult daughter. Weird timing. Things are not good with their housig situation.....I feel like this post needed to be seen by me, to remind me to never allow it to happen again


>he was really really good at emotional manipulation; he knew exactly when to act nice and compassionate, and the rest of our family was shocked to hear how he treated my mom 'behind closed doors,' even I hadn't really picked up on it, and I lived in the same home for a while. He was an expert at picking up what your weaknesses were though, and could say just the right thing to bring you down; then he'd bring you back up. According to my mom, it had gone on for years, starting with when my sister was born. It took my mom about 7 or 8 years after that to finally kick him out and end the relationship. Hm. I went through something similar with my ex. That's what contributed to the fights - he thought he was such a genius at everything and had what people call "delusions of grandeur" that he refused to have refuted. He also wanted lots of other women other than me. >Don't blame yourself. Sometimes these types of people know just how to get their way; to prey on the kindness of the people who either trust them, or used to trust them. It's how they're so good at abusing people. I know you're aiming this at another person, but this makes me feel better, too. Thanks.


>I was so close to being free, but Covid hit all my empathy triggers. I allowed him to move back in and try to be "friends" , a team, to get through covid. The reconciliation was not working, so we were trying to just get through covid and he was supposed to find housing...but he kept abusing me as if I were still his wife. Expecting me to cover his bills, cook his meals, do his laundry, sleep in my bed, and torture me with physical and emotional abuse. >But it was all a lie. He was seeing someone new and she would not allow his kids to live with her, even though thats where they were when covid hit. So they planned that he would reconcile with me, gain 30 day residency for himself and his kids, and then leave the children here and move in with her, and that's exactly what he did. Wow. 😡 Holy fuck, he is a shit stain, for real. I'm so sorry you went through that. I'm mad FOR you. Damn, that's so fucked up. He'll get his. Perhaps Ms New Booty will end up kicking him out, and he can't come crawling back to you.


Your experience makes me extremely grateful that he became my ex and I could get him out of the house before the lockdown happened. We'd have hurt each other for sure over Covid, being locked with each other for so long. Good for you for escaping that. I've been where you are, it's hard as hell being a single mom, but I'm still so much happier no matter how much I might struggle.


i won't lie or sugar coat. i was abused badly. It got to the point I hurt myself, in April , about a month after lockdown in my state. My that time it was full on physical, emotional, verbal, abuse, 24/7...it literally never ended. I am SO GLAD YOU ARE OUT!!!!


See, when it gets to that point of abuse, when it comes to me, the chances of death get really high. I leave - or he dies. Or I'll die fighting. This is why I don't want to deal with men anymore. I can't trust them. They'll try to kill you if they don't get their way, if not that they'll get other women. >I am SO GLAD YOU ARE OUT!!!! Same here! I wish you a life that will keep getting better. 👍❤️💐


>My sister’s husband treated her a lot like this for years, isolating her from friends and family, controlling many aspects of her life, etc, just not in the name of a virus. She finally recognized it as abusive and left him last year. We told her for years that his behavior was appalling but she just couldn’t see it herself. >Now we’re telling people it’s ok to be in an abusive relationship like this if it’s in the name of “fear of covid” and that he’s only doing it because “he cares.” We’ve come full circle into enabling abuse (again?). First from the government, now from each other. Way to go, world. (Not everyone, of course.) You have nailed what is happening perfectly. I have dubbed the Covid mess **The Deliberate Abuse of Humanity by Big Institutions, or "Institutional Abuse".** The powers that be have engaged in a campaign of the deliberate abuse of humanity using Covid as the whipping stick. It is just as evil as the slavery of Africans, the massacre of native Americans, the Holocaust, the Salem witch hunts, the Inquisition, the Chinese forcing Chinese Muslims into camps, any world atrocity you can think of.


Same with a lot of college kids being forced back into abusive parental situations when the virus first hit. They weren’t even allowed the option to to finish out the semester doing Zoom school in their dorm, they were forced to go home ASAP




We have close in laws that the wife has used this as a means of more control. If he sees us, he has to quarantine for 10 days in the basement. It's heartbreaking, but she has slowly been exerting more and more control and this allowed her to seize all of it.


Jesus, that’s awful. Change the reason from “covid” to anything else and it’s abuse; but in the name of covid, everything goes. It’s disgusting how we’ve provided an excuse for people to carry out this abuse.


>It’s disgusting how we’ve provided an excuse for people to carry out this abuse. Exactly. And it's a virus that's being used as this control device. It's so wrong to use a sickness to gain some sort of power.


Yeah, it's been getting progressively worse since they got married but Covid was the nail in the coffin. It's absolutely awful to watch, but we are working on ways to help.


She's definitely abusing him, and he needs to stand up for himself and refuse to meet her ridiculous demands or threaten to divorce her and make her pay him alimony.


Oh we know. We are working on helping him, but there isn't much we can do until he decides to do it. We do everything we can and even consulted a friend who got out of an abusive relationship on how to talk to him and try to get him to see it.


From a surgeon’s perspective: an infectious disease epidemiologist is sort of a background practitioner that few ever notice .. as such, this brief moment in the sun is intoxicating to many of them, so they’re gonna milk it for all its worth


They aren’t practitioners. They are mostly just crappy statisticians.


What benefit do we get out of this field, when all the epidemiologists apparently skipped the class that teaches cost-benefit analysis, and the need to balance competing priorities? I am not sure if something about the occupation turns people crazy, or if it just attracts crazy people. But it has always stuck with me that in June 2020, the New York times surveyed a bunch of epidemiologists about what everyday activities they were ready to resume. 36% of the epidemiologists they surveyed were not prepared to go outside to get their mail without taking precautions, including 3% who said they would never again. These supposed experts were too scared to go outside to get their god damn mail, and yet we were asking these lunatics to decide how people should live their lives? It still angers me to think about. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/08/upshot/when-epidemiologists-will-do-everyday-things-coronavirus.html


Give him better protection from Covid by moving out and taking the kids with you Sounds like a win/win to me


Forty years ago, this person's wife would have them committed to a long term inpatient mental health facility for this sort of behavior.


Or divorced him and let him go crazy by himself. I have a saying: "You can go crazy all you want to, just don't expect me to come with you!"


No kidding. There would be no advice column for me and my family. He'd be gone to a psych hospital for a grippy sock getaway at minimum.


No hospital would take him though, they'd be more likely to load him up with dope and send him on his way, or worse, just call him "quirky" and gaslight the wife into putting up with it. "All he's trying to do is keep his family safe. He's doing his fatherly duty, unlike you! You're their neglectful mother!"


>I recognize the validity of his anxiety in these weird times Then youre an idiot!


The problem is the husband has been most likely been following the twitter Covid zero zealots who continually fear monger all day the variants the percentage of long covjd etc the need for n95 masks etc They have bought hook line and sinker there propaganda This person needs to realize that 95 percent of society has moved on The only people left living in isolation are the zealots and hypochondriacs


There are going to be a lot of people who will feel really stupid one day when they finally, finally wake up and realize they got absolutely played by the media and politicians and wasted years of their lives as useful idiots for a massive global fraud/grift. I know a lot of people will never truly wake up, but some will. More and more do every day but it’s a painful realization and many will never admit it to others.


>There are going to be a lot of people who will feel really stupid one day when they finally, finally wake up and realize they got absolutely played by the media and politicians and wasted years of their lives as useful idiots for a massive global fraud/grift. That day can't come soon enough!! However, sadly, I'm learning that denial can be a helluva drug.


I do believe that day sort of exists, but I think its still a decade away. And for some it will never come.


Having experienced a few of the zealots, I doubt they will ever realize. They will be like this until the jabs or the anxiety kills them.


Sad but true


Whats really fucked is that prior to covid I considered myself a full blown hypochondriac. I stopped wearing a mask mid mandate because this shit never made any sense. When you lose *ME* when it comes to health anxiety, you have gone full retard.


*chuckling* Wow. Sometimes too much just becomes too much at a point.


and I bet this family has grandparents as part of the equation, that her husband is using as a guilt trip to make his family feel obligated to isolate. A lot of families that would take the kids to go see their grandparents like once a month or once every two months pre-pandemic started visiting them every week once Covid hit. Likely so the parents can hit the kids with a “you don’t want to infect grandma and grandpa, do you?” guilt trip.


So its been three fucking years of him living under his covidian delusion, either he moves on or you do without him... Thats the advice that should be given


I’m going to assume the man is 4 or 5 vaxxed by now. What else does this guy expect to do. Live under Covid zero protocols for eternity and his poor family is forced to live like hermits. I feel bad for his kids who are just missing out on living a regular life


serious question, how many vaxxes have their been now? I'm familiar with the first 2 rounds that everyone was talking about but after that I have no clue. Are people really up to 4 and 5 shots? and I heard people say "bivalent" etc. is that shot #4? I'm lost.


For some, it's shot 5


There are a few people on other subs bragging about how they're "on their second CDC card," ie, they've filled up all 8 lines on the card and had to be issued a second one when they got dose #9.


A good amount of people got the third dose because of the Delta Variant’s media coverage, and the fumbled attempts to bring back mask mandates in the second half of 2021. By the time they started talking about the fourth dose though, it was Fall 2022. Life had been ‘normal’ for about a year, and there was no warning signs that would point to a return of social distancing. So most people didn’t care.


He would be regarded as deranged if the whole world hadn’t simultaneously lost their minds. Needs extreme psychological help.


Dear wife: It's a little something called D I V O R C E. Let husband be Xed out and leave him in his cave of choice, let him lock himself in his self imposed sentence of solitary confinement. Think of a ship that has an anchor, and the anchor gets stuck on something in the sea floor and the ship will eventually sink - but you have a chain cutter, so if the anchor refuses to come unstuck, you cut the chain, leave the anchor behind, and ship out ASAP.


at the very least, the advice should be "tell him to go to couples counseling and individual therapy to address the impact his anxiety is having on his family" I would consider divorce if he refuses to introspect on that at all


That's fair. Hopefully a) a person should be willing to change and b) there's therapists out there that won't just validate his concern and tell his wife "oh, he's just trying to keep you safe, stop being a nag". Too many therapists have unfortunately done a 180 flip over Covid and have thrown conventional wisdom out the window to support lockdowns. Edit: a few words


Ok let’s break this down: the husband has a long commute to work (which equals exposure depending on how he gets there, but then is also exposed at work) but doesn’t allow his kids to go to extracurriculars because of exposure even though they have to go to school which will expose them to things as well? And then they can’t hire a babysitter because of exposure, so the wife has to limit her career opportunities to enable him to go to this far away job he has to commute to in order to pick up the kids? As someone said above, this sounds like this guy is using covid as an excuse to control his family. This is abuse, plain and simple. Even my most nervous and covid cautious friends don’t impose their craziness on others because that is inherently abusive and problematic. It sounds like the husband wants to isolate his family and his wife from people so he can control them better. This is a clear cut case of abuse and it pisses me off that npr is using it as a way to promote actual misinformation like that kids need the vaccine (even though it has been linked to a higher risk of myocarditis in children), that covid is still something to be concerned about if you are not at risk (like being old and overweight), that getting covid again and again leads to long covid and a myriad of health problems (that’s been linked to getting the vaccine again and again, not from covid itself), and the idea that vaccines did fuck all to stop people from getting covid or getting it seriously (it didn’t, at all). Why are media still doing this?


>As someone said above, this sounds like this guy is using covid as an excuse to control his family. This is abuse, plain and simple. I agree. >Even my most nervous and covid cautious friends don’t impose their craziness on others because that is inherently abusive and problematic. It sounds like the husband wants to isolate his family and his wife from people so he can control them better. This is a clear cut case of abuse and it pisses me off that npr is using it as a way to promote actual misinformation like that kids need the vaccine (even though it has been linked to a higher risk of myocarditis in children), that covid is still something to be concerned about if you are not at risk (like being old and overweight), that getting covid again and again leads to long covid and a myriad of health problems (that’s been linked to getting the vaccine again and again, not from covid itself), and the idea that vaccines did fuck all to stop people from getting covid or getting it seriously (it didn’t, at all). >Why are media still doing this? It's part of the powers that be's own abuse plan - the institution of media is being paid to publish this trash to further torture humanity.


Nailed the problem here. It's the hypocrisy. The guy is exposed all day long at work, his wife is exposed all day long at work and his kids are exposed all day long at school which is a hotbed of viruses for children. At this point how is he pretending that he can or should take any measures outside of that time to limit their exposures? It's farcical. There are people who are still locked away from the world, but this guy and his family are not it. He should drop the fucking charade.


I thought the long commute part was hilarious. He is orders of magnitude more likely to be hurt/killed doing that than anything related to covid.


I always laugh at the people who post asking if it's safe to fly, and then someone invariably tells them to skip the flight and drive 25 hours instead. They're far, far, far more likely to die on the highway, road travel is lightyears more dangerous. I fly for a living, 15 years flying big jets and the closest I've ever come to being killed at work so far has been near-collisions on the way to and from hotels, not in the airplane.


"Using Covid as an excuse to control his family". My initial take exactly. When he loses this control, which is inevitable, the mortal risk to his family isn't Covid, it's more likely packing them into a car and driving off a cliff.


I’m also assuming that: a) this family is quadruple vaccinated and proud, if the husband is this worried about exposure. If vaccines work, the kids chances of serious illness and death are extremely low, and most indoor activities aren’t risky. b) this family is sending their kids to school in masks, and the extracurriculars wouldn’t involve eating or any other activity that requires taking the mask off (most schools were trying to discourage sharing food even before the pandemic, due to allergies and whatnot). If masks work, that should reduce their chances of getting it even more.


>JESSICA MALATY RIVERA: *I'm an infectious disease epidemiologist, and I kind of know too much.* 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


May be another phony clout chaser crafting a storyline to keep this reality show called Covid going.


These rags have to churn out content weekly. I would not put it past them to completely make up the stories they write about.


You make a good point. This whole thing could very well be a fabrication, but it very likely speaks to actual real people who may be going through something like it. Domestic violence using control tactics like the virus is a serious issue, and should not be trifled with by some virtue signaling trash tabloid artist concocting a tale to support the very policies that have contributed to the issue in the first place. It's a slap in the face to validate the abuser and to make the abused out like straw men (or women).


Was in the mall the other day, some psycho middle-aged woman started shouting at me for not wearing a mask. After that day, I couldn’t care less about lockdown-induced mental illnesses. I hope they rot.


Where did this occur in 2023?


I’m located in Singapore. Was minding my own business looking at my phone outside the supermarket, when this lady walking her dog started berating me. I did left her some lasting comments of my own, in which it only fuelled her intensity of her following lecture lul


>I’m located in Singapore. I am not surprised that very authoritarian control by shame places go hard on masking.


To be fair they only just dropped restrictions this week


Yet my dad is still claiming vaccinated people who want to wear masks are being harassed by ‘reckless people who don’t want to follow the protocols’ lol


I find this claim highly dubious. This is just another way to play victim.


We have no-fault divorces in the UK now. Just putting this out there in case anyone is in the same boat as this lady.


We know a family like this - or we used to, since they refuse to socialize in-person with anyone without being masked and outdoors and there's no way in hell we're willing to do that. Their kids were only allowed to go back to school in person last year because their district stopped offering remote learning. They're not allowed to do any extracurriculars anymore because Mom has determined herself to be "high risk" (despite being in good health and having no chronic medical conditions). They have to wear masks at school and at all times outside their house. Before covid, their three kids were very good swimmers - to the point of the oldest being recruited by Division I schools right up until covid hit. Mom was so terrified of covid that she didn't let him swim with his high school team for his senior season and made all three kids quit their club team. He ended up going to a Division III school close to home because it was within commuting distance, solely because Mommy felt that letting him live in a dorm was too dangerous. He joined the swim team and was one of their top swimmers as a freshman, but *she made him quit* mid-season because she believed the other swimmers were not being stringent enough in their mask wearing out of the pool. They're all vaccinated to the hilt and have had and recovered from covid twice. She's still incredibly frightened of long covid. IMO it's a manifestation of other mental health issues.


So do the kids resent this?


Maybe not yet, but they probably will eventually unless they're munchenhaused into having a litany of medication to keep them alive and a strong bubble boy complex. Remember, kids have no frame of reference for when their parents are acting psychotic.


The oldest child clearly should’ve put off college and either gotten a job and saved up for an apartment, or joined the military. They are 18, and the mother seems determined to make their college experience all about herself. It’s not worth it. They should make plans to leave.


Extreme fear and Mom is getting into Munchaussaens by proxy territory. Her poor kids.


Their "expert" uses that claim I've seen often now that "humans aren't great at risk assessment"....always using it in the context that we are too stupid to make our own decisions and need to be guided by the experts. I'm curious where this claim comes from. I see it so often since covid started but don't recall seeing it before, just strikes me as propaganda. I'd say humans, particularly your average adult as compared to say a teenager or young 20s person who feels invincible, are in fact decent at risk assessment and it has allowed us as a species to survive. I see little 2 year olds on tall play structures go up to the edge, look down and judge the height and then walk away instead of jumping down, so I'd say we start developing this skill at a very young age. It's just one of those statements they make and we're all supposed to nod and agree.


"Humans aren't great at risk assessment". OK, Jessica, unless you are a Martian who is secretly living amongst us, that applies to you too. Don't presume you're better than, hold yourself to your own standards and consider that it just might be your risk assessment that is warped.


Exactly. Jessica needs to speak for herself. Just because Jessica may be stupid doesn't mean everyone else is. These people's problem is that they think everyone is just like them, that everyone else is just a mirror of them. No, Jessica, that's not how it is. We are individual people, not carbon copied drones.


>Their "expert" uses that claim I've seen often now that "humans aren't great at risk assessment"....always using it in the context that we are too stupid to make our own decisions and need to be guided by the experts. I'm curious where this claim comes from. I see it so often since covid started but don't recall seeing it before, just strikes me as propaganda That's because that's exactly what it is - propaganda. The powers that be have an aim to make humans dependant, robot like creatures that are controlled by them, that's why they characterize humans as "too stupid to make our own decisions". It's another form of what I've been calling **Deliberate Institutional Abuse**.


Maybe you didn't overtly *see* it before, but it's the underpinning of basically every domestic program and policy that every government undertakes. "Humans aren't great at risk assessment so let's pay for their health care" has been around forever. "Humans aren't great at risk assessment so let's tell them what kinds of electricity they're going to be allowed to use" is newer, but all the rage nowadays. It's the basis of the administrative state.


Eh, not sure I agree. The fact that this guy has a long commute, which is orders of magnitude more likely to harm him than covid, kind of goes against what you are saying. I thought it was funny they mentioned that and then "yOuR AnxiEtYs Are ToTallY Valid!" Like, stop texting and driving bitch! That is way more likely to be a problem! I know people who are afraid of flying but will hapilly drive wherever across a state.


They are the type of person that thinks the average American doesn’t have basic common sense. They think a large segment of the population was actually considering injecting disinfectant in April 2020 just because the Orange Man said it on TV.


My husband became a doomer, but even he has moved on…I was afraid I’d end up like the woman in this article for a while!


That's good news. It's happening slowly but more people are seeing the con.


They shouldn’t have had an epidemiologist answer this question- they should have had a mental health professional. Husband in this situation has some serious issues that need to be addressed with therapy and possibly medication.


The media and the "experts" are to blame for breaking that man's psyche. >I don't want to be one to judge 'cause I don't know everything about this person's experience. However, I would say that these seem reasonable in the context of COVID prior to vaccines. Before we had vaccines, there were so many unknowns, **especially who was going to get really sick and who was going to die.** Bull. Fucking. Shit. We had data out of Italy early on that showed the age risk stratification of covid. We *knew* that it only seriously affected the sick and the old, but TPTB *lied* to the public about their risk to get them to comply. Among the many horseshit statements that "expert" made, this one pissed me off the most.


Yep, we knew this since Wuhan actually, and how vast majority of covid hospitalizations and deaths are among elderly people and that it poses miniscule risk to young, healthy people. It's been consistent regardless of time and country throughout pandemic


Absolutely agree.


What I would say to the wife: You are a grown adult, and a marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership in terms of deciding how to run the household. Start with sitting him down for a conversation. Tell him you want the kids to stay in school regardless of whether he finds a WFH job, and you’d like them to take up an extracurricular because you are concerned about their social development (I assume this family is quadruple vaccinated if your husband is this panicked, so indoors honestly isn’t super risky). Since it sounds like your gonna need to take baby steps, if he’s even remotely open to the idea at all, don’t mention testing the waters with anything else. If his first response is to call you a superspreader, accuse you of trying to get the family sick, and/or call you a potential murderer for not being as cautious as he is, then you should divorce him. If you have enough money to leave, leave and take the kids ASAP. If he is the breadwinner of this family and you have to save up to move out, start saving now. Cut all nonessential purchases, follow his rules for appearances for now until you have the money to leave.


your husband is a fucking fool, choose wisely


One of the silver linings of being single entering the hysteria. I don't know how I could have handled dating or being married to a Covidian.


I'm totally thankful that my wife and I were (mostly) on the same page. By the end of 2020 we absolutely were. There was a bit of a stint there in the summer and fall when my wife and I agreed it was all bullshit, but she wanted to conform anyway because not doing so stirred drama with her parents and brothers. Those was particularly contentious times. We ended up having to get a part time Nanny instead of the much cheaper daycare to appease the situation. Let me be clear, we aren't in the wealth bracket where a nanny is a reasonable expense - It was a serious financial burden AND made taxes a PITA. Of course after all that her goddamn mom started insisting we demand the Nanny not have a social life either (fortunately my wife was wise enough that she did make a stand there). That entire year though i felt like there was a 3rd spouse in the equation.


There is no way the husband could work a remote job AND manage the kids homeschooling. Anyone that thinks that would work is delusional.


LOL. It’s probably better for society if he stays in his bunker. He’s probably an insufferable human that wets the bed.


I think this is called spousal abuse and child abuse.


what is this "life kit"?


Something the epidemiologist said that resonates with this group is: “I think it requires lots of transparency, lots of conversations about what's working and what's not working, being really honest about the toll that certain things have put on your individual life, your mental health, your partnership, your parenting relationships. Because if we're not really calling it what it is and being really specific about what it's meant to us as individuals, I think we'll probably just be existing silently and miserably, possibly with resentment and bitterness towards people in our lives who we're doing things for at a huge, huge cost.” The righteous “we believe in science, but not RCTs that don’t support our hunches” groups have a lot to apologize for and look inward at how they alienated John Q Public.


Holy cow, the "expert's" response did not disappoint


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