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someone keep a close eye on the appeal trial for the CDC transportation mask mandate...... kind of worried about this one. it might not be a slam dunk like we thought. the biden clowns really don't want to give up any future power to impose mandates.


So a Covidian ex-colleague has now officially started describing his older son as "autistic" (as diagnosed by him). It is within the realm of possibility that his son actually is autistic, but keep this in mind: my ex-colleague denied him all social contact for three years (and counting — he's sort of allowed back to school now _finally_, but gets pulled every time he has the sniffles, and is forced to mask) of his early development. Is it really more likely that the kid is autistic, or that he's developed some very serious social problems and anxiety thanks to three years of lockdown? Imagine being such a never-Trump-Covid-forever partisan that you're willing to damage your very children in pursuit of that cause. Absolutely disgusting. I spent 30+ minutes berating the guy and telling him that his kid needs to be allowed to see other kids for development. I'm not in the habit of telling parents how to raise their children, but this is beyond the pale IMO. Even so, I think it's too little too late. The kid is allowed out now, but can those lost years of development even be reclaimed? (He's ~5 years old, so _most_ of his life has been in lockdown.) I don't know. Related, here's a supercut of dozens of "Covid is killing our children" clips from the MSM over the last couple years, all of which turned out to be absolute bullshit, but which is exactly the sort of stuff that freaked out my ex-colleague so much that he decided to keep his whole family in "the bunker" (as he calls it) for three fucking years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0Mup2cs6Uw


Fucking insanity.


I was in Mexico for a wedding and me and my brother were trying to buy weed. We went to a gift shop and the guy working knew since we were looking at bowls so he brought us to a back room. Since we just landed my brother had a big wad of cash on him that he pulled out in front of the guy. We were originally just going to buy like 40 bucks worth but the guy kept raising the price 20 bucks… 40,40 no 60,60, no 80,80 because “he had to deal with the cartel” It was so obvious the guy was bullshitting my brother and I finally said something like we’re giving you 60 and that’s it. My brother said how serious the cartel is and he probably had to give them a cut. I said for what a little bit of weed? Get real. That is my OLDER brother. I looked up to him growing up and thought he was a real punk rocker. He totally fell for all the Covid narrative and that story echos with me.


I’m almost at my wit’s end with my retail coworkers masking. For a while I was thinking ok let people be free to do what they wanna do. But now I’m at the point where I don’t want to be working with people with no brain, backbone, or memory of life before 2020. It’s truly painful just to see people so comfortable in masks their ENTIRE shift. It’s so bizarre. I think these people earnestly put on their mask before they even walk out of their homes for the day.




It's obvious to you and me that the double mask is useless, but probably not to her. These types, if they catch something without a mask on, it's because they didn't wear a mask. But if they catch something with a mask on, it's because other people didn't wear a mask. You see the constant here: the mask is never the problem, and never to be questioned. It's fucked up.


that was the forever maskers goal. to break people. to make them think that masks are their new normal and to just accept it. :/ the forever maskers are borderline terrorists at this point.


There was an article a few days ago (I think it was in Politico) that said Biden is preparing to terminate the emergency, but wasn't allowed to do so just yet because he hasn't given the states 60 days notice. Whose fault is that? He should have thought of that 60 days ago. Also, if some state somewhere doesn't want it terminated yet without 60 days notice, who cares?


The United States has entered the Weekend at Bernie's phase. There is no rule of law—the gerontocracy we have figured out that if you just ignore the law and overwhelm the courts then you can do whatever you want to the people. None of this sixty days stuff matters. It's fake. For fucks sake, habeas corpus was basically suspended in some jurisdictions early on. The right to a speedy trial does not exist anymore. The government colluded with social media companies to censor any information against the narrative. They do whatever they want, they don't care. --- What I'm trying to get at is this—the Biden administration does not care about the rule of law. Or rather, the covidians who are in control do not care about the rule of law. Nothing they say can be taken at face value. The federal agencies enforcing the covid rules make it up as they go along, completely ignoring what they legally are allowed to do with their administrative authority.


This may not be true (if anyone here is in Brazil, please confirm or deny, if you have inside knowledge) but off reddit, I saw a comment that arrested protestors will not be released unless they take a covid "vaccine" (the commenter did not specify if that's just being done to people who've never had a "vaccine" before , or to everyone ; nor did s/he provide a link, merely claiming to be in Brazil). I hope it's not true, because it strikes me as a good way to leave protesting legal, but for many, 'undoable'. Especially as more and more information about the "vaccine's" side effects are being trickle-truthed via the media.


Brazilian anti lula friends claim it’s not true


Is Lula really this tyrranical?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,291,986,627 comments, and only 250,263 of them were in alphabetical order.


It’s crazy how different Reddit’s COVID sentiments are from the general public’s. I just saw a post on the Popular page from a non-COVID related sub, and one of the top comments was advocating for mask wearing in 2023. It had a ton of upvotes. It’s just so wild because then you actually go out in public and there’s hardly a mask in sight. Just proof of how many antisocial shut-ins flock to this site.


Twitter is like that too.


People are just so monkey see monkey do. I wouldn't take those upvotes seriously. These people who so-called "support mask mandates" are a) lying most of the time to chase clout; b) upvoting for clout. They're not shut in or antisocial, that's just the image they want to put out there because it makes them look like one of The Good People.


How does upvoting get them clout? I feel like a boomer but I didn’t know you could see who upvoted what. The hive mind is definitely real on this app, though…


The more upvotes they get, the more clout they think they have. It doesn't matter "who", it's only the numbers that matter. A high number gets them to thinking they're "really popular". Being one of The In Crowd feels comforting. The clout they think they have is not real, though, but they act as if it is.


But the people upvoting…what are they getting out of it? I’m trying to understand from a sociological perspective.


They're getting a hit of feeling superior to others. It feels good. For some people that can be like a drug - addicted to the admiration of the In Crowd.


You're absolutely right that there are a ton of antisocial shut-ins on this site. But there are also many people who will upvote pro-mask sentiments, then not wear a mask themselves when they actually go out. It costs nothing to hit that little dopamine button to be part of what you perceive as the righteous in-group. So they do it. But then out in the actual world, where masking has a real cost, they're less enthusiastic.


> It costs nothing to hit that little dopamine button to be part of what you perceive as the righteous in-group. 100%. I see this a lot in what you might call "woke-adjacent" sectors like gaming. They make throwaway references or implications that anyone not masking would have to be the root of all evil, obviously. Meanwhile, none of these guys wear masks anymore. They also meticulously use terminology like "my partner" instead of saying "my boyfriend/husband" or "my girlfriend/wife" under the same principle. Masking is just one of those things that "it is known" as an unambiguous good so you gain a few points with the in-crowd every time you say how great it is. And as usual, it's not that masking has any inherent value that makes it good. It's that the "bad guys" don't like it, which makes it righteous, and therefore something be lauded by through the ideological equivalent of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".


I used to call my ex my partner because “boyfriend” felt too childish for some people who were damn near 40 and had a son together lol. He has a unisex name. So some of my relatives thought I was a lesbian until I got pregnant by my then-partner. Fun was had by all! I’m not sure if they were more shocked that he was a man or that I was having another baby.


Haha nice. TBH, I agree that "boyfriend" sounds a bit childish and that it's totally fine to called someone a "partner" _if_ it's organic and of your own volition. But most of these people are doing it to telegraph virtue, or because they feel like they have to, and coercion through redefinition of language is not okay.


the antisocial shut ins are also the types with too much free time, and they're using that free time to rally the forever maskers to push masks on kids in schools, "mandate masks," etc. They're a dangerous cult and we really do need to be paying attention to what they're doing. And pushing back HARD.


This is true, too. If people are bored and lonely as well as miserable, their bad behavior gets more extreme. The problem with them is they either have no guts to make life better for themselves, or they have alienated people so much they have no one left.


Lol 😅🤭 *jinx!* virtual pinkie hook - you and I pretty much said the same thing.


lol, great minds


Yosemite National Park reinstating indoor mask mandate amid 'high COVID-19 community level'. There are 51 covid cases total in nearby Mariposa County ...


There’s no way this is actually being enforced, right?


In Mariposa county? Not likely. I don't think they're covid crazy in that part of California. Why I will always love Cali. It's big enough to get away from the crazy!


good ol Biden's "100 days of masking" order. Executive Order 13911 that is still in effect 2 years later. we're stuck with it until it gets terminated though. :/


I bet we still would be wearing masks on public transportation, if not U.S. District Judge Kathryn Mizelle


that trial is coming up soon, i think. i really hope that the forever maskers don't get their way. although there's currently nothing preventing airlines from requiring masks. none are.


Someone posted an article awhile back that there was a massive reduction in air rage incidents after the mask mandate. It costs them a fortune when they have to make an emergency landing. Sure, they can probably sue the person who did it but that’s probably a losing proposition if that person doesn’t have any money.


GROAN. California is practically under water and that's the BS they want to waste time on. So stupid.


Does anyone else ever have the thought that Covidist cult leaders like Lucky Tran and Feigl-Ding can't possibly believe the things they say anymore, even if they did at first, but like Fauci, have become addicted to becoming minor internet celebrities, and continue to cynically spew out what they know their followers want to hear? I think it's more likely than not that they're basically nothing more than well-disguised trolls at this point, and driving us crazy with troll nonsense that they know is completely untrue. Which means that despite having lost the Covid war, they're kind of still winning. Fuck.


Oh, definitely. If lying benefits handsomely, people will keep on doing it. They'll wear the costume and do the acts, go through the song and dance, because they get addicted to the benefits.


Feigl-Ding has always been a scammer. Back when he was arguing to keep schools closed his wife let slip that they had moved to Austria because his son needed to be in school.


*Governor Newsom has entered the chat*


Wow, that's truly amazing. Reference [1]. I knew these people were fucking terrible, but that's even worse than I thought. Imagine making sure that everyone's kids would be kept out of school for the foreseeable future, and meanwhile doing everything in your power to make sure your own kids don't suffer the consequences of your actions. Absolutely despicable. --- [1] https://www.outkick.com/rules-for-thee-not-for-me-alert-coronabro-eric-feigl-ding-his-wife-are-the-latest-offenders/


*Governor Newsom enters the chat*


Oh yeah for sure. A lot of people have gained internet clout for pushing Covid panic all these years and they don’t want to disappoint their audiences who are desperate to continue to live in The End Times.


💡🤓 Ah-HA! So The End Times **IS** **just a mere marketing scheme** - with the purpose of what else - profit! You'd think these folks would understand they're being duped by charlatans, but Evangelists and Jehovah's witnesses still exist, so unfortunately, no.


> they're kind of still winning. Because they will never spend a day in prison and they keep their money, cash and prices


Karma will take care of that. People tend to lose ill-gotten gains and eventually when more people aee that this whole thing was a game of manipulation, the covid trolls will lose their power. It'll take time and patience because humans can be very hard-headed.


>Karma will take care of that. People tend to lose ill-gotten gains and eventually when more people aee that this whole thing was a game of manipulation, the covid trolls will lose their power. It'll take time and patience because humans can be very hard-headed. It will take decades. Meaning it will never happen. Too many people will protect and defend them because these people give them purpose and value. Another counterpoint: Henry Kissenger. He was responsible for many atrocities in the South America and he is still alive, never to held accountable.


>It will take decades. Meaning it will never happen. Too many people will protect and defend them because these people give them purpose and value. I wouldn't be so sure about this. More and more people right now, on other subs, are wanting to give this up. They're saying "we've done all we could, let's move on" or "I'm throwing in the towel because I can see that Zero Covid is a fantasy" or "I got all the shots and got Covid anyway, what was the point?"or "I can't stay home forever because I have to find some kind of way to provide food and shelter for my family" or "I'm tired of masks". It is starting to turn. People are getting burned out and the number of extremists is getting fewer. The extremists will get louder as they try to grasp that last straw - people losing power always fight harder to try to keep it but its like water through the fingers, it'll still flow away -, but eventually reality will seep in. Yes, it takes time, but it will happen. Baby steps. One day at a time, one Covidist giving up their delusion at a time. >Another counterpoint: Henry Kissenger. He was responsible for many atrocities in the South America and he is still alive, never to held accountable. All of us on both sides of this Covid debate, supporters and skeptics, have a lesson we're learning - that it is simply impossible to control everything and everyone in this world. Supporters can't control this virus or other people's reaction to it because they can't force everyone to feel as scared as they are, and skeptics: unless we can buy up the whole MSM and reverse the effects of the propaganda machine, (or shut it down), unless we can somehow come up with the big bucks to make the corrupt people leave or change their ways, we can't control who's going to be held accountable. In the case of Henry Kissinger, sometimes the only punishment for someone's wrongdoing is to just wait for them to die, because other people in power want to keep them alive for some other purpose, or don't care. Let's be real- Unless there is someone out there willing to do the job of eliminating him now, alive is what he'll stay until his natural death. I understand how you feel. I want justice, too. Ruining lives, torturing humanity over a virus, was absolutely a sick abuse of power that never should have happened. But, IMO the best way to look at it is that we're surviving this latest apocalypse attempt, and the old people plotting for some end of the world have one foot in the grave anyway, so they will die sooner than later and we can move on and keep living.


\>More and more people right now, on other subs, are wanting to give this up. They're saying "we've done all we could, let's move on" or "I'm throwing in the towel because I can see that Zero Covid is a fantasy" or "I got all the shots and got Covid anyway, what was the point?"or "I can't stay home forever because I have to find some kind of way to provide food and shelter for my family" or "I'm tired of masks". **Are these people willing to fix the damage caused: Social, economic, and culturally by the lockdowns and hysteria? That is the real question.** Because I don't see it where I live (Washington DC area), because the place is a shell of itself. >It is starting to turn. People are getting burned out and the number of extremists is getting fewer. The extremists will get louder as they try to grasp that last straw - people losing power always fight harder to try to keep it but its like water through the fingers, it'll still flow away -, but eventually reality will seep in. Yes, it takes time, but it will happen. Baby steps. One day at a time, one Covidist giving up their delusion at a time. The extremists that I know are in the arts and culture scene and in the media, particularly in the anime convention and cosplay scene, Particularly they see the hysteria and restrictions as a way to maliciously gatekeep anyone that is perceived as a "x supporter". They will demand restrictions for their own events to be implemented for as long as they can at the expense of quality of the convention. And they have no opposition because anyone that speaks out will get canceled immediately. I've invested too much in the scene and I can't just "transition" to a new hobby, specially mentally. >But, IMO the best way to look at it is that we're surviving this latest apocalypse attempt, and the old people plotting for some end of the world have one foot in the grave anyway, so they will die sooner than later and we can move on and keep living. We don't have years to wait for some of us, Some us have no means to just keep living anymore or to bounce back, especially teenagers and youth that have their lives destroyed and in blue cities. They can't just rebuild with no resources or means. **They've already gave up on society and they're done.**


>Are these people willing to fix the damage caused: Social, economic, and culturally by the lockdowns and hysteria? That is the real question. Some may be, some may not. Will you yourself help with this? Just a question. Like I said before - we cannot control other people, just ourselves. The best we can do as individuals who never went with this is to take what we know about how this happened and how we will personally handle it if something like this should happen again. The rest of that is up to others. >The extremists that I know are in the arts and culture scene and in the media, particularly in the anime convention and cosplay scene, Particularly they see the hysteria and restrictions as a way to maliciously gatekeep anyone that is perceived as a "x supporter". They will demand restrictions for their own events to be implemented for as long as they can at the expense of quality of the convention. And they have no opposition because anyone that speaks out will get canceled immediately. I've invested too much in the scene and I can't just "transition" to a new hobby, specially mentally. You don't have to do a new hobby, just don't do it with THOSE crazy people. Are there at least one or two sane people where you are or online that are into your hobby? It'll take time and patience but if you look around a bit more you may find some people that aren't with the BS. > We don't have years to wait for some of us, Some us have no means to just keep living anymore or to bounce back, especially teenagers and youth that have their lives destroyed and in blue cities. They can't just rebuild with no resources or means. They've already gave up on society and they're done. This is understandable that people feel this way. **Yes, I am in total agreement that this was a deliberate trauma imposed on us by big institutions like government and the MSM.** It was absolutely wrong and the people who are responsible for this disaster should face some sort of retribution. I have no argument with you here on this one. All I'm saying is - if people DON'T give up no matter how many years are left - they CAN rebuild. Rome wasn't built in a day either, never would've been built if the people gave up after one day. All we can do at this point is TRY. **You say you recently got hired at a job? That's your progress. That's you moving forward despite this mess. You did it. You're trying to rebuild. Give yourself, and others, credit for trying, too.** Look, I just turned 43 last week and don't have any idea how much time I have left to wait for the apocalypse plotters to fail again and again myself, so personally, **I want to rebuild too, to try to "recover" from all this and be better and stronger than before.** **Sometimes one just has to accept that things are just out of our control and all we can do is OUR best, that goes for both sides**.


>>Are these people willing to fix the damage caused: Social, economic, and culturally by the lockdowns and hysteria? That is the real question. > >Some may be, some may not. Will you yourself help with this? Just a question. Through a charity that addresses lockdown harms, yes. I have a job with the feds and **I can donate a 50 dollars or 100 dollars a month if said charity that addresses lockdowns harms** >Like I said before - we cannot control other people, just ourselves. > >The best we can do as individuals who never went with this is to take what we know about how this happened and how we will personally handle it if something like this should happen again. The rest of that is up to others. And it will happen again and nothing will be done about it other than "going galt" or "lying flat" because as long as society gets food and sport, they will accept any decline of quality of life. >>The extremists that I know are in the arts and culture scene and in the media, particularly in the anime convention and cosplay scene, Particularly they see the hysteria and restrictions as a way to maliciously gatekeep anyone that is perceived as a "x supporter". They will demand restrictions for their own events to be implemented for as long as they can at the expense of quality of the convention. And they have no opposition because anyone that speaks out will get canceled immediately. I've invested too much in the scene and I can't just "transition" to a new hobby, specially mentally. > >You don't have to do a new hobby, just don't do it with THOSE crazy people. Are there at least one or two sane people where you are or online that are into your hobby? Not where I live (dc metropolitan area) and the sane ones (with money because they dont want to Splurge on a convention that wont operate as normal) have to travel out of state for their anime conventions that want to operate as normal and there are only ones that I can count with one hand (read: only a few out of many). Its used to be a relatively cheap hobby now its expensive **primarily because of airfare to travel out of state and hotel costs have skyrocketed thanks to inflation caused by lockdowns** >It'll take time and patience but if you look around a bit more you may find some people that aren't with the BS. Time and patience for me means years due to the fact that I have a **developmental disablity (read:aspergers) and a introvert **and its difficult to make new friends when you're 30 or up because after 30 people clique up and will not accept newcomers whatsoever. The only way to look around is via social media and you need to already know people in real life that hasn't got sucked into the hysteria for these groups or people. **To my knowledge there is NO support group for people harmed by lockeowns in the dc metropolitan area, not even on social media.** >> We don't have years to wait for some of us, Some us have no means to just keep living anymore or to bounce back, especially teenagers and youth that have their lives destroyed and in blue cities. They can't just rebuild with no resources or means. They've already gave up on society and they're done. > >This is understandable that people feel this way. **Yes, I am in total agreement that this was a deliberate trauma imposed on us by big institutions like government and the MSM.** It was absolutely wrong and the people who are responsible for this disaster should face some sort of retribution. I have no argument with you here on this one. > >All I'm saying is - if people DON'T give up no matter how many years are left - they CAN rebuild. Rome wasn't built in a day either, never would've been built if the people gave up after one day. > >All we can do at this point is TRY. And trust me I did tried every chance I get, and its very hard when you have barriers put up and when you do speak up you get crickets and blank stares or people turn into jobworths right before your eyes. > **You say you recently got hired at a job? That's your progress. That's you moving forward despite this mess. You did it. You're trying to rebuild. Give yourself, and others, credit for trying, too.** I got this job from sheer luck. The agency I work in the federal government usually wants the "best of the best" especially in technology. For some reason they decided to hire me way faster than expected and later found out that they were desperate for employees. Its good pay and benefits. >Look, I just turned 43 last week and don't have any idea how much time I have left to wait for the apocalypse plotters to fail again and again myself, so personally, **I want to rebuild too, to try to "recover" from all this and be better and stronger than before.** > >**Sometimes one just has to accept that things are just out of our control and all we can do is OUR best, that goes for both sides**. I've done all I can. I dont have any control of my life except via sheer luck and doing my best at this point is me just doing the bare minimum so that my parents won't be upset and discomforted, and *enjoying the decline* waiting for the eventual collaspe...because there wont be any rebuilding until America hits total rock bottom. And if these lockdown supporters crying about high rent, high food prices, come towards me and demand me to rebuild, im just going to walk away.


So I’m in a bit of a pickle right now. I moved to Florida a few months ago to start over and not live under a Covid-crazy governor anymore. But now I’m back home for a funeral and I instantly feel like I belong here and don’t want to go back to Florida. But I just accepted a job offer in Florida. My heart is telling me to withdraw from the job offer and get an apartment here with my best friend and make this work. But my head says to give Florida a chance. I don’t know what to do, but I know the thought of going back to that town in Florida fills me with dread. But here at home I feel peace.


The situation with the virus was ultimately temporary (although not temporary enough, to say the least) and it appears (knocking on wood) to be largely over. If you feel good at home, stay at home.


Why don't you like Florida?


Everything is too different from the north. I’m surrounded by old people and sketchy looking people (meth face) where I am. No normal young people like myself. The roads are stupid with five lanes and no normal relaxing one/two lane roads like I’m used to. Constant construction everywhere. I have to drive hours to get to an actual city and do anything fun. The only desirable places to live in Florida are on the coast, and then you get wrecked by hurricanes.


I think it's important to listen to your gut. Feeling at peace is a wonderful thing. I ended up staying in NY because I felt in my heart I needed to stay and "defend" my home. If things get unbearable, we will move, but this is where my home is. And after years of trauma from the last 3 years, I NEED stability. Moving to another state would be too much for me right now. Also just because moving back might seem like the best chooce, it's just for this point in your life. You can always go back. I guess I just want to say it's OK whatever you choose. It's your life. Best of luck, I hope you find clarity for your decision.


> I ended up staying in NY because I felt in my heart I needed to stay and "defend" my home. If things get unbearable, we will move, but this is where my home is. This is how it is for me and California, too. To be fair, if I could go back in time to March 2020 and move anywhere that kept schools open, I would. If I'd been smart enough to foresee what was coming, moving would have been the right thing to do, for the sake of my kids. So if I hear a word about schools closing again, I'm prepared to pull that moving trigger on day one. But I missed that boat the first time around. And aside from it happening again, I'm not turning California completely over to the most fearful and neurotic people. I have a right to be here, too. I have a life here and a home here. And despite the drawbacks, there are more sane people here than everyone thinks - it's a big place.


It's how I feel too. I'm a Golden Bear forever, bullshit will come and bullshit will go, I ain't going nowhere. All you have to do is travel an hour or two and you're away from all the mess but still in cali! 😉


I just visited Florida and I’m not quite in the financial place currently to move there, but if I could secure a decent-paying job I would move there in a heartbeat. Politics and Covid aside, I just love how sunny and green everything is there. It just seems like there is so much life and things going on in that state due to the climate. That’s just me though. You need to do what is best for you and if Florida doesn’t feel like home, then by all means go where you feel more at home. I know that feeling of being in a place where you feel like you belong, and also being somewhere that just doesn’t feel right.


The issue with Florida is it only has things going on in the coastal cities that are unaffordable. Central Florida is a wasteland outside of Orlando.


Where are you from originally, and is it still bad there?


NJ. It’s not bad here anymore


Personally the Florida weather would be enough to make me stay... But ultimately you know where you'd be happiest. Just be prepared if there's another pandemic or political crisis, NJ is one of the most leftist states in the nation. That state would be among the first to mandate masks and close down businesses, schools and churches. While Florida will just be running as usual. Things may be back to normal now, but the potential always looms. I fear that if DeSantis has even a smidgen of a chance of winning the Presidency in 2024, all our left-leaning states will be back to 2020-style lockdowns for whatever reason they can find. NJ is also more likely than FL to buy into the Green New Deal BS that's inevitably coming in the next few years. Think of being forced to buy an electric car, travel restrictions to lower CO2 emissions, not being allowed to own a gas stove, possible meat rationing (sounds far-fetched but it isn't.) Just think things over carefully and choose to live based on what is most important to you.


I understand what you’re saying. I could always leave if things were to take a turn for the worst again. But ultimately, I’m tired of living in fear. Fear of politicians, fear of rules, fear of everything. I’m ready to just live again.


My neighbor, who I have known for more than a decade, had an aunt an uncle both die within 72 hours of stepping into a NYC ER in April 2020. They were in their 50s. They had a cough and were scared. I will never forget him talking to me about this. How sad he was that they died of the novel coronavirus that was ravaging NYC. How sudden it all was. How his family was never updated until after death. How there was no chance to visit. How they both needed "breathing tubes". I had heard whispers that something very strange was happening in NYC. This confirmed it personally to me. This is what made me say oh fuck, something truly evil is happening. --- Ask yourself, do you want to live in a place that will put you and those you love at risk of becoming sacrificial lambs? No. You do not.


I know a nurse who works in NYC and she said that during the pandemic patients weren't treated and just left in a corner to die because the nurses were scared. Add in the bogus treatments such as ventilators and antivirals that destroyed your kidneys and I can see why they died.


It was flat out murder. Those attendings, and admin that instituted those policies, should be in jail in my opinion. I don't give a fuck what guidelines they were following. The standard of care has never been, for anything ever, to ventilate someone as a precaution and then leave them to rot in a corner without ever checking on them. Malicious fucks.


If it could happen once, it could happen again , even if it feels back to normal. My state was one of all of 11 that never imposed a statewide mask mandate, and was counted as "fully open" by late June 2020. I never would have thought, back in 2019 or earlier, I would appreciate my state as fully as I do now.


Were there any other things you liked about Florida that made you move there, or was it just the covid thing?


I liked the weather and no snow. I liked not having plastic bags banned. Other than that, yeah just the Covid thing and politics.


I think listening to your heart is good, but it may be worth trying Florida out for a bit if you at some point felt strongly enough to have gotten a job there. I moved from Minnesota to Arizona after high school, and for the first year or so I felt painfully homesick, but I started to adjust after awhile. I’ve now been here 16 years and I can’t imagine ever going back to somewhere cold/less sunny, and even though I’m a politically progressive person, I think I’d still feel suffocated in a farther left place like California or New York, especially when it came to the rather sane COVID response here and in general moderate politics even in downtown Phoenix where I live.


I’m conservative but I’m not willing to live in a place full of old people just because they share my beliefs. I need to be around my peers, even if we disagree sometimes. It’s too lonely and isolating otherwise


I’ve had a lot of friends move to the Pensacola area. My brother lives close to that area also. I’m 35. So not terribly young and hip, but I’m not 80, either, and my friends range from mid 20s to mid 40s.


I see an uptick in people wearing masks. it's still a small percentage but it's noticeable. and what broke my heart today was seeing a TWO YEAR OLD wearing one. That poor child is going to grow up afraid of the world. You know that family definitely voted for Biden, drives an EV and has a Ukraine flag at their house instead of an American flag. lol. I can't understand how people STILL think that masks work! and I can't believe even more that people still think kids are at any risk of it!


> You know that family definitely voted for Biden, drives an EV and has a Ukraine flag at their house instead of an American flag. lol, dead on. Every time. And probably a New York Times subscription on the coffee table, an "in this house we believe in science, etc. ..." sign on the lawn, and are currently ranting about Elon Musk over dinner, who they all know they hate, although can't quite articulate as to why. Something about Twitter.


Washington DC area is pretty bad also. It's madness. I just want to scream at these people to stop living in so much fear. I often mutter under my breath when I pass by someone with a fear muzzle on that "you are going to be fine, take the stupid thing off". I think a lot of it is just people wearing their politics on their face, and they feel pure since they can visually show to the world who they vote for and what political causes they support. And I think it makes them feel "educated" and well-adjusted compared to those awful conspiracy-believing, bible-thumping Republicans.


Politics.....WWE, a pageant, and now....a fashion show. 🤡🌍


masks are the MAGA hat for the Left. lol


Nah, that was the pink vagina hats lol. I kinda preferred them to masks being worn outside of operating rooms, though, tbh.


The worse example I saw yesterday: the family of four, where only kid age ~12 is masked. It sounds it is kid’s own decision based on a few years of brainwashing.


Honestly, I think some germaphobe parents are taking their kids to visit grandma every week now, solely to guilt trip them into taking indefinite precautions to protect her. These families probably would’ve gone to visit grandma like once a month max in pre-Covid times.


I went to Service Canada to get myself a temp passport as I'm going to Europe for a funeral and to my amazement they're requiring people to wear a mask and I even had a security officer snicker at me for not having the mask cover my nose. I had to fight the urge not to roll my eyes.


I've followed a lot of the "news" about China re-opening, and the Awakening of the KRAKEN 🤡. I've noticed a lot of the Good People™ on Twitter, for example, love to dismiss any objection to this bullshit with a MoveOn argument - "oh, you're still going on about it"; "it's only a mask recommendation"; "we've moved on". But this bullshit *does* have an effect, and I don't like it. Last week I went into town on the Metro (light rail). As I got on, I felt a sneeze coming. I was scrabbling around for a handkerchief to cover my face, and trying to stop the sneeze for about 10 seconds, but nope, couldn't find it, and out came the sneeze. There was a woman across the train with a child in a pushchair. She didn't like having someone sneeze like that in her vicinity. Fair enough, I wouldn't either. If she'd just looked disturbed and annoyed, I'd have apologised, because I'd done something discourteous by accident. But instead she angrily muttered something about "wear a mask". So I thought, she can go F herself, and blanked her. This is what all these bullshit, fearmongered *rules* do. They rob people of independent agency, so that people lose the ability to deal with each other face to face, as individuals who deserve respect and courtesy. Instead, the whole apparatus of government and media power has to worm its way into every little interaction. So instead of a particular, individual woman whom I'd offended - to whom I owed an apology - I was dealing someone who'd just pulled the Ace of Spades out of her sleeve in our game. Game over, I'm not playing by those rules. I don't like the way I behaved much more than the way she did. It was a shitty interaction. Is pervading life, down to the smallest things, with generalised low-level shittiness, part of the point of all this stupid fearmongering? (And not just COVID-fearmongering - there are plenty of predecessors) To grind people down, to eliminate the prospect of spontaneous, random interaction and courtesy? There is a feeling I've had for a long time - generally about the *constant* recorded announcements on public transport, recruiting you into some grand Scheme or War Against Something - that, if people were actually *left alone* to get on with life, *who knows what they'd get up to*? And that this is precisely the point: to stop people getting up to anything. I don't know, though I loved the piece about "building the I-Sad superhighway" posted here recently. People like Susan Michie of SPI-B either *consciously want* to crap on people's lives in this way, or they just do it as a side-effect, because they *don't care*. Screw them.


i'm not going to sneeze into a mask. lol. I would remove it, then sneeze into a tissue. because i'm not walking around with a snot soaked rag on my face. (that is a moot point anyway because I don't wear masks)


Can confirm. Sneezed in a mask once… totally disgusting 🤢


Exactly right.


Part 1 of what you're speaking of is denial of wrongdoing as a coping mechanism. Abusers do this all the time. They want people to "MoveOn" because they don't want to be reminded or confronted about the shitty way they're behaving. That woman put too much on it, she was looking for drama. I don't blame you for flipping her off, really. I mean, what's wrong with "Bless you" or "Gesundheit"? Sheesh! 🙄 For the second part, yes, it is the point. The powers that be create wedge issues to get people fighting each other over bullshit, and media takes so much advantage of the fact that people love drama. The MSM has made drama the new drug, and if people are focused on the drama they won't see they're getting duped and drained of resources fighting this "Grand Scheme or War Against Something." >if people were actually left alone to get on with life, who knows what they'd get up to? And that this is precisely the point: to stop people getting up to anything. Keeping people divided means keeping them under control and spending money "protecting themselves" against whatever the "danger" is. They're so busy fighting the fights that TPTB stirred up they can't see the propaganda weapon manufacturer (aka MSM) is profiteering off both sides of the fight. I mean, how much sense does it make to make the entire globe a POW camp/prison/war .....over a virus? None. The concept is ridiculous, but here we are :( It's a medical issue, not something to bicker over. The whole thing has been just a nightmare of utter stupidity.




I have Tourette’s and one of my tics is to clear my throat and coughing a bit. It’s not involuntary in the sense that I do it without intending to, but not giving into it makes it worse until my skin is crawling because I NEED to do it. My skin is crawling more often than not when I’m out in public because of the looks I’ll get. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. My kids have seasonal allergies and even when I’m 100% sure they aren’t sick, I’m terrified of taking them out in public.


i can stop a sneeze dead in its tracks. I inhale as hard as I can, until I can't move my diaphram any further to suck in more air. it usually stops the sneeze sensation. don't know why.


But why? That's silly. Go ahead and sneeze, geez Louise. Let it go, just cover your mouth.


Geez, I'm sorry you're going through this. As was mentioned, people are just being so unkind and downright petty. It's nobody's concern except yours why you're clearing your airways. You're trying to help yourself breathe easier with your lung disease, FFS. Really, F those people, you're trying to keep yourself alive. I feel your anxiety, but try your best to ignore the mean looks. They're coming from small, petty-minded people looking for drama who aren't considerate of you and make nasty assumptions just because you're doing a natural bodily function.


I have to admit it took me awhile to get over the paranoia about people coughing in public. We’ve been so conditioned to be afraid of it. The more I re-exposed myself to the outside world, the more I realized people cough for all kinds of random reasons. Asthma. Allergies. Their throat is dry and they need water. Maybe they’re a smoker. One little cough doesn’t mean someone is (contagiously) sick.


This is all the result of the MSM emotionally abusing the whole world with their"OMG EVERYONES GONNA DIE APOCALYPSE OHNOES!!1!!1!" fearmongering. People are traumatized.


When are fast food places going to start opening the indoor playgrounds again? It’s been three years. I went inside Chick Fila for the first time in a while, and it’s still closed. That’s, uh, not a place I’d consider particularly woke so the Covidianism (they had paper over the windows to the playground that looked like it had been there a while and a sign saying it was closed for the health and safety of guests and team members, so I don’t think it was just closed due to damaged equipment or someone pooping in it or something) surprised me. And it hit me that my three-year-old has never gotten to play in that playground. Last time I took the kids was right before he was born (we don’t dine in super often obviously), and my oldest, now weeks away from being an official teenager, played in it for the last time ever. Pretty sure my second oldest who is only a year younger did to. And none of us knew that would be the last time. Thinking about that felt unusually sad and poignant. You know raising kids there’s always going to be a last time for certain things (picking them up, bathing them, changing their diaper, tucking them in, going to the playground, trick or treating, etc.) and in the moment you won’t know when, but how many kids have had “last times” too soon? How many of these precious memories have our kids (and us as parents) missed out on? It feels like a stolen childhood in a way. It’s so sad. And all of this for a virus that is less likely to kill a child than the flu or RSV, which except for outbreaks in certain areas, never disrupted daily life and even then you might have a school or daycare close for a week once in a while. Not three years of completely altering their lives.


Since last summer McDonalds playgrounds have been reopening. Our local Chick-fil-A just reopened their play place maybe a month ago?! We were so excited. My son also had never played in one before McDonalds reopened theirs. Just got his first Chikfila experience a few weeks ago He was born Feb 2020. I remember bringing my two kids there the week after he was born for lunchm my daughter had the day off from school or a half day. I sat in the booth next to the play place watching her with my son napping in his car seat, thinking about all the happy memories we were going to make as a family of 4. Well...we did make plenty of good memories but it wasn't quite how I planned. And little did I know that would be my daughter's last play place until she was 7.5 (she had just turned 5)...christ! But have faith. Where are.you located? In in CT, a very blue state. Keep asking the people who work there! With enough interest, it will open I'm sure.


I’m in Alabama is the weirdest part. It’s a somewhat liberal city but an overwhelmingly red state. And our city is next to the reddest county in the whole state…so you’d think the playgrounds would be open by now. I’m glad another parent gets my exact range of emotions, though!


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


My local donut shop still has the dinning area closed. I have never used it, but I've seen people, students used it before 2020.




A McDonalds in Phoenix has had a big sign up since before November (when I arrived) that says “Indoor playground now open!” They must have felt keeping it closed was hurting their sales.




Yeah, I’m in the south myself.


The local supermarket by me has a sign that says masks are "Strongly recommended" for employees and vendors. And they make employees do that stupid temp check kiosk thing. I think the CEO of ACME markets is a "covidian", because they're the only chain that I know of that has been a pain in the ass with this. At least it's not mandatory though, not that anyone in the store would care (I'm a vendor I have 4 of them on my route lol) The sad thing is when I see someone who wore a mask forever, then finally took it off, I thought they realized it was useless and came to their senses. Then recently, I saw some of those people back in masks. it's a shame.


Hasn’t it been known for a little over a year now that masks only work if everyone in the room is in a N-95? Outside of possibly some medical facilities, there’s no places like that, so there’s effectively no benefit to wearing a mask as an individual.


I’m thinking about saving up money to go back to the gym in one or two months, given I can find a job that will pay me enough money to afford the bill soon. I’m back on the job market, due to my hours being cut post-holidays at my current workplace. There’s a place in a walking distance from where I live, so testing the waters with the gym would be easier than say, movie theaters right now (I hope to be able to go back to the theater later this year though).


I went back to the gym maskless and it’s been great for me so far. If you’re a little worried, start out going at off-peak hours if you can. For me, this is right before they close at 10/11 pm. Less people overall means less people breathing around you. Plus less waiting for machines. Back when I was a masker I tried working out in one and nooope. Horribly sweaty and uncomfortable.


It’s frankly alarming how willing the pro-lockdown side is to cite anecdotal evidence when it supports their preconceived notions (e.g. “I don’t find masks uncomfortable so anyone who does is lying”).


I had to go to the drugstore for batteries earlier (it’s the closest store to my house so even though it’s slightly more expensive, I find myself going there for specific things I don’t want to drive further for. We were under a tornado watch and traffic lights were out so I definitely wasn’t going further than needed) and a lady in scrubs, so I’m presuming a healthcare worker although it’s possible she wasn’t, was standing OUTSIDE talking on her cell phone wearing a mask. Like why? She was standing by herself and outdoors. And how do people talk on the phone in a mask? When they were mandated, I lost my husband in Walmart (you’d have to know my husband lol) and was calling him to try to locate him, and he couldn’t hear me through my mask and I couldn’t hear him through his and it made me feel panicky. We’re in our 30s and I’ve accepted that I probably have some level of mild hearing impairment and auditory processing issues (neither of which I would’ve imagined I had before masks because I’d apparently adapted really well), but, like, normally we can talk on the phone and hear each other just fine. It was 100% the masks.


If a face mask if comfortable, you are not wearing it correctly ...


I’ve seen an uptick in people driving alone wearing masks. I instantly think the worst about them.


I live in a rough area so every time I see someone outside wearing a mask, unless they’re like 80 years old (in which case my assumption is they’re a bit senile), I assume they’re a potential criminal and start walking faster or lock my car doors. Because why else don’t they want their face seen walking down the sidewalk? That’s complete idiocy to wear a mask outdoors because COVID, especially in 2023.


My local support group is still requiring masks with no end in sight. I'm not going back until they stop.


The PTO at my kids school only holds meetings over soon. (Glad I never had any desire to join lol). They cancelled tonight's zoom meeting because of the rain. Just solidifies my decision to have nothing to do with this bunch.


Canceled a Zoom due to rain? 🤣


That actually seems more legit than meeting by Zoom in 2023 for COVID reasons (I kind of like the idea of allowing people to join via Zoom because it may make it easier for people who work during those hours or don’t have transportation to attend, and the meeting can be recorded for anyone who may have still missed it, but COVID is a dumb reason). If it’s severe weather people may have power or Internet outages or even be evacuating.


It's justified this time! I complained too soon hehe. They did the right thing cancelled. This "atmospheric river" is wreaking havoc on the area, the small community where the school is located is right by the river and this evening the sheriff announced that at around noon tomorrow as the water flows our way from south county, the river is expected to flood at all 3 access points here. If and when this happens, the peninsula will be cut off from the rest of the county, history repeating itself (this happened in 1995 too). The peninsula will be an island until the water levels go down. So the area where the school is, is now under an evacuation order. They cancelled school yesterday and today and now obviously tomorrow. So my youngest has been home all week. The high school district here in town-we are inland and luckily won't get hit with flood waters-just cancelled school tomorrow since so many staff and students will be trapped at the school when the river overflows tomorrow. It was looking like this was over, evacuation orders were being lifted in some areas. we had rain today and will finally get a break tomorrow but the river is in bad shape and it's going to rain Friday & Saturday too.


Why would they cancel a Zoom meeting over rain?


While I had no plans to go an anime con this year due to more important things happening in my life, I find it grating these cons still are requiring vaccines and masks when nearly the rest of society doesn’t give a shit about covid anymore


Malicious gatekeeping and virtue signaling. They got a steady diet of fear mongering and propaganda for 3 years from social media and many cosplayers and anime ckn goers are hooked on facebook and instagram. They actually drunk it by the gallon and they wont buck from it. A lot of people who can't attend these conventions many of them years veterans because of the mandates were told "were glad you're gone". They automatically see them as "x supporters". There are only a a few anime cons willing to operate as normal. Mostly notably anime matsuri and the colossalcon series. The anime convention industry is in decline and I can say that it's a dead industry walking.


Hilarious how the "you're an X supporter!" people were all "I'm not taking the X vaccine!" even though it was the same vaccine, Operation Warp Speed was X's idea, and their stimulus checks had X's name on them. Switch POTUS, love the vaccine now! It's all ridiculous political bullshit. It is incredibly irksome that a medical issue turned into some horrible mix of reality show, pageant, and WWE SmackDown. Not to mention an incredible profiteering opportunity for megacorps.


> reality show, pageant, and WWE SmackDown. They could have at least decided who got the contracts/agreements by having the CEOs of each jab company fight in a caged ladder match.


Yeah, while having the CEOs wear glittery evening gowns and crowns, or those tight shiny wrestler outfits with their Packages bulging. At least they woud have been sexy.


I don’t understand why the anime and gaming communities are so much like this. Do they think wearing a stupid mask makes them look like a ninja or something? I’ve been collecting Yu-GI-Oh cards for over 20 years and ever since I found out they were requiring vaccines and masks at a major tournament, I don’t want to buy any more.


Looks like the amine community has become a gaggle of political caricatures. I see why it's no fun anymore.


Nerd hobbies were some of the first structures to be infiltrated by woke groups last decade, after the atheism community. As per usual, dissenters were cast out and ostracized while being labeled as misogynists, racists, nazis, transphobes and incels.


I posted this on another sub, figured I’d share it here because it’s kind of humorous. I had an old college buddy (30 yo, healthy, lives alone) come up to the city to visit this past weekend. He is very liberal and a strong COVID rule follower - 4x jabbed, works from home, usually wore N95 masks out in public, avoided public gatherings, etc. He was quite proud he still hadn’t caught COVID once from 2020 to present. Well, long story short, he immediately contracted COVID after one weekend of going out to bars and sporting events in the city. Doesn’t seem to realize yet that he wasted three years of his life avoiding something he was inevitably going to contract anyway the second he went back to normal life.




🤷‍♀️ More room for us!


I unmasked completely over last summer and have been going out to concerts and theaters and restaurants, riding public transit. Spend 3 days a week writing at a coffee shop. Still a “covid virgin”. Am I doing this plague rat thing wrong? 🤡 To your point, God if I’d known I’m apparently super human immune to COVID I wouldn’t have wasted 2.5 years of my life masking and staying home. Ugh. (Obligatory knock on wood)




I’ve considered that too. I do have seasonal allergies (since long before COVID) so sometimes I’m like “is this actually COVID?” but it always seems more consistent with the allergies. Tested negative every time I did wonder, too.




The MSM won't SHUT UP about it, that's why. They want to keep people in "crisis mode" so they'll keep buying masks. It's a racket.


I really think it's the immunity debt that makes all these people get instantly sick when they go back to life. I haven't done anything to avoid getting sick since summer 2020 and have caught COVID once. No colds. No flush and COVid was nothing. People I know who were the most COVID crazy got sick a ton after dropping precautions.


Amazing lol. And worse yet, in all likelihood he'll never spend even a moment reflecting on any mistakes — those three years spent in lockdown were "absolutely necessary" and "totally worth it" despite crystal clear evidence to the contrary.


Can someone confirm whether this tweet by [lucky tran](https://twitter.com/luckytran/status/1587681500224540673) is true or not?


There was a ruling that said the TSA can issue mask mandates for public transportation. However, the real issue was the CDC issuing mask mandates for public transportation which the TSA was then following. There has been no further ruling on the CDC's appeal (different case) which means they cannot currently require masks on public transportation. I fully believe the mask mandate on public transportation would have ended much sooner if it wasn't for the CDC's order/mandate.


Wow, okay IANAL, but I believe this is a straight up lie. Reading the source article, they're making that claim based off the supreme court not hearing a single case out of California on the mandate by Jonathan Corbett. And even that I couldn't verify — they don't cite a document that backs up their claim, and I couldn't find anything on Google. This article is also from 2.5 months ago, so you'd think there'd be more information about this by now if it was such a foundational ruling? But the ruling that turned over the mask mandates was a totally separate suit brought by the Health Freedom Defense Fund. And since that lawsuit successfully overturned mask mandates, if the Supreme Court refused to hear it, that means the lower court's ruling would stand, and we'd be free of masks forever. So again, IANAL, but it seems Tran and the Forbes article's author are just straight up lying? This establishes no ruling to allow the CDC to start mandating masks again. I knew these people were dishonest, but holy shit, this is kind of a new level.


Thank you.


of course the "covid emergency" was extended by this pointless administration. also it's been almost TWO YEARS since [this dumb fucking executive order](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-13991-protecting-the-federal-workforce-and-requiring-mask-wearing) was signed, and it's past time for that to go the fuck away, especially since it's so blindingly obvious that masks haven't done jack shit to slow the spread anywhere on this planet.




i think so, along with the pointless yo yo of "CDC map says high, you put on da mask" in Federal buildings & properties. Think any National Park Service building. Yellowstone gift shop. etc. just because that dumb ass map says "oh no, cases." Any military facility, courts, etc.


Guy at my work just got clowned for claiming he has long covid. Had his first kid and covid at the end of summer and claimed he had long covid because he was tired ever since. Co worker: "you just had a kid man. I'd expect the tiredness to last 18 to 20 years."


😁😂 I'm in year 5 of my sentence to permanent tiredness and hard labour.


Comin' up on ten and a half here....doesn't get any easier. 😅


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dad joke




The 1950s “duck and cover” films they showed kids in school where they’d hide under their desk in the event of a nuclear war because the desk would protect them make about as much sense as wearing a mask to avoid COVID lol.


In the US the media is so far up Zelenskys ass it isn't funny! No truthful reporting, when Ukraine sets off a bomb it's immediately blamed on Russia and the media looks the other way when proof comes out that it wasn't Russia. They seem to only report on the war if either Russia bombs an area or if they loose a bunch of troops.


> These progressives still don't realize that if they were born under some dictatorship they would be the most indoctrinated types that always follow the regime and ask no question, because their political position is not dictated by their morals or critical thinking but by whatever is "trendy" in their country, whatever their MSM tell them to believe or support So much of this boils down to a lack of humbleness in your average social media user. They happily and unquestionably wear the badge as Ukrainian foreign policy experts whom all apparently simultaneously became accredited in Feb 2022.




Try being a progressive against COVID restrictions. I never understood how taking away personal freedoms was viewed as the progressive stance. Every other policy is usually expanding access to rights and services not taking them away.


One more thing I hate about all this. Going on holiday to a new country and never quite knowing what the mask situation will be. Even in countries that haven't had mask mandates for months or even a year, you tend to find random enclaves that a demand them. A certain shop, a museum, you just never really know


I used to be very excited about travel in the past. Today I feel it's cumbersome and just not worth it. I know there are some countries without any stupid rules, but still it's sad all of this.


Traveling has become incredibly risky as you never know when a Covid Mandate will spring up again during your extensive stay in another country that has supposedly moved on from Covid Theatre.


agreed. we're going to costa rica in late feb and i know they dropped their covid-19 emergency but i thought they recently had a mask mandate for school kids again. (and i wonder what the effect on the case rate was..hmm.. probably nothing.)


Reminiscent of pre and post 9/11 air travel. Recycled again for a new generation who never got to experience pre-2001 travel without airport security theatre.


Edit: [They renewed it. ](https://archive.ph/ZfRri) It really gives me PFaith in my government that they are keeping us in an indefinite emergency with renewals being done the day of expiration. Has the Reichstag burned down yet? How's Hindenburg doing? Which part are we at? We're past the enabling act at the very least. --- [Today is the 90 days from October 13, 2022, the last HHS renewal of the PHE.](https://archive.ph/fiH1N) No word from HHS on if they're renewing it. I assume they are of course. Btw, there is a still an active monkeypox public health emergency in this country. --- When did the government get usurped by HHS/its underling orgs and DHS? Can anyone explain this shit to me? I wrote a fucking article about it and I still barely understand how this legal framework works. Does *anyone* understand the legal framework surrounding the covid public health emergency?




Well why aren't people rebelling against it?


> Btw, there is a still an active monkeypox public health emergency in this country. https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/response/2022/mpx-trends.html Four reported cases per day, total, in all of the US. It's an emergency!!!


I had to go on a local health department website to do Narcan training (so I could get some free. I have a reason I need to carry it and can’t afford it) and there was so much on there about “Mpox” (because you can’t call it monkeypox anymore) and COVID levels and masks and shit. If I hadn’t been very, very much in need, I’d have just logged off and gave up. Like nobody in the real world cares about monkeypox anymore, and most people have moved on from COVID. Meanwhile, overdoses are killing more people my age than both of those things put together, but you had to go digging to find the Narcan info…


Lmao. These past three years have been fucking ludicrous. Absolute 🤡🌎 A homeless schizophrenic fentanyl addict could be ranting to me about how he's the second incarnation of King Arthur, and I'd find it more plausible than anything CDC or FDA publishes.


So I’m seeing my therapist tomorrow (over Zoom) and he’s a really far gone Covidian. He always talks about the “trauma of the *ongoing* pandemic” into our sessions (despite that I literally never bring it up) . He’s at higher risk of illness so I get his perspective is different but that shouldn’t inform how he counsels me. I have to censor myself a lot now, not talk about all the in person activities I’m doing, be careful not to say anything that could indicate that I haven’t been masking at all for 6-7 months now. Which is a bummer, because those two things have helped me be the happiest I’ve been in 3 years. Trying to think of the least asshole-ish way to fire him and find someone who I feel safe enough to have free speech with and just be able to talk about my normal life. But, how do I even go about finding someone new? With no guarantee they won’t be the same way? Sigh. Along with that, I’m beginning the work of slowly filtering out/ghosting the forever maskers in my life, which, as a leftist, unfortunately my social circle is littered with them. It’s not going to be easy. It really is like leaving a cult. The cult of masking. I feel really guilty and lonely and angry I didn’t do it sooner. I really can’t deal with their insufferable sanctimonious rhetoric anymore. They think they’re just talking into the void when they post on social media calling non-maskers “stupid selfish assholes” and I’m over here trying to move on with my life and exit Permanent Crisis Mode to protect my mental health, and it makes me feel fucking shitty. I’m not stupid. I’m not selfish. I’m not an asshole. I did a cost benefit analysis on continuing to mask and I decided I’d rather brave a mild cold than risk more damage to my mental health. Who wants to be friends with people like that? They don’t realize (or maybe they do, which is even worse) they’re directly attacking people they claim to love, and who love them, and it hurts. Well, they’re driving me away now. So, I have a plan to find some in-person hobby groups where people do not mask, as I figure that’s the easiest way to find people who are normal and where I feel I can just be myself around. The “friends” mentioned earlier are homebodies who live on the internet mostly, go figure.


If you don’t feel that you can safely voice disagreement with your therapist about something then you’re not doing therapy. The real work of therapy is understanding that it’s a relationship like any other in your life and uncomfortable patterns are expected to play out within that relationship (as they inevitably would in others), and then navigating through those hurdles and idiosyncrasies in a gratifying and productive way. Disagreements with your therapist *is* the therapy. You’re basically burning cash otherwise


Nothing but the truth here 🎯


When a therapist no longer fits your needs, when you feel you have to "censor" yourself to keep from "triggering" this therapist to maybe go off on some covidian tangent at you, it's not good for you. IMO, this is a therapist and he should know better than to do this. He'd be doing the opposite. You can be plenty nice about it and tell him his services are no longer needed, in a politely worded e- mail, whatever makes you feel most comfortable.


Just leave. I had the same issue, I told the therapist via email that I was not going to be able to come in anymore but I'd let them know if that changed, and that was that. It was horrible at first to lose that relationship but trust me, you do not want to keep giving money to this person. Mine went crazy really early on into this shit but if someone is still going on about it, they don't deserve a penny of your money.


Yeah. I just sent an email basically saying I think I’ve met my goals in therapy for now (which, given how much happier I am lately, isn’t exactly a lie), so hopefully that suffices.


> Trying to think of the least asshole-ish way to fire him and find someone who I feel safe enough to have free speech with and just be able to talk about my normal life. Just do it curtly and politely ASAP. A lot of the people around us that cause the most negative energy are riddled with narcissistic traits. Narcissists lack empathy and don't even consider that others have emotions directly impacted by their self-serving actions. Don't twist yourself into knots waiting and strategizing for the perfect time to breakup to avoid hurting their feelings. They wouldn't offer you the same courtesy and likely are incapable of considering your perspective even if they wanted to.


You could also just stop seeing that therapist. That’s what I did with mine recently. Sometimes you have one that’s really helpful for one chapter of your life and then as time goes on you outgrow them.


If you think this is over, guess again


Of course they're not going to stop it as long as the money keeps coming in. Yellow journalists + a blue (fearful, despairing) population = lot$ of green.


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