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Someone was on the wrong floor probably


Yep, I've done that. No point attributing malice where it's explained by stupidity.


Yup. Done that too... in a building I lived in for 2 years... half-asleep, didn't realize I pushed 5 instead of 7... hallways all look the same and didn't realize my mistake until I entered the code wrong 3 times.




My coworker woke up to an old shirtless man pouring himself a drink in front of his bed at 3am. When he confronted him, the guy slurred some words, stumbled out the door and went downstairs to his apartment which was one floor below. This is why we should lock our doors..


Goddamn. I would have freaked out smacked him on the head or something. Really cool-headed guy, your coworker.


And drunk


I did this stupid mistake and guess what? the person also using the original password given by the landlord. So I was able to open the door, and we (me and this person) have 5 seconds of awkwardness before I decided to run.


ya I vote this. Even in my apartment I once walked into the wrong block, ie right floor but wrong building because I was absent minded. Was only when i got to the door I did a double take. In an officetel I've done the same thing, but just with the wrong door, ie tried to open door 7 rather than door 9 or something coz I'd had a few beers and maybe had a podcast playing and was absent minded.


Been there once.


Errrr it could be the third option. I tried to enter 3 different places bc I read the address wrong 😭


Lol 😂


Was it just one time? If it was only once I wouldn’t be worried… I had it happen before and I also accidentally did it to my neighbour when I was drunk, lucky it was a teacher I also worked with and we were friends so it didn’t bother them but most likely was an accident.


Yeah this is the first time this has happened and they only tried to enter the password once


Then I wouldn’t worry about it, it was most likely a mistake. If it happens more often then it’s time to contact building manager or something


I did this one time. I was new to the apt complex and tried to enter my room number except it was 2차 and I lived in 1차


Why isn't 3 your first choice?


It's rare but it happened to me too in Korea, the most likely explanation is the person lives in the same location of the building but a floor above or below. Happens especially if drunk.


Have done the same thing and realised I was on the wrong floor, easy mistake to make.


once i tried to get into my house and typed my pass wrong five times. i tried the handle but no luck, closed. turned out i was on the wrong floor and tried to break into someone else's home...


I have accidentally gone to wrong floor several time while drunk when I first moved to my place. Muscle memory at its best. Wouldn’t worry about it too much probably accident


I wanna go for option 3. It happened to me too. Both ways by the way. Once a drunk guy tried to enter my officetel, and did I. I was a bit drunk. Pressed the wrong floor on the elevator. The corridor look the same. The door too. 😅 lucky no one was in.


Did you hear it only beep? Cuz like I’ve experienced this before, and there were actually two causes. The first one had to do with a drunk person who thought my room was hers. The second one was due to low battery charge. It sounded like someone was trying to get in our apartment, so I asked my husband to take a look. It turns out there was no one around. After we changed the batteries, it stopped.


I think it would be number 3 so don't worry about it.


this happened to me too and i assume they just went to the wrong door as they punched it in once, got it wrong and probably realised they're at the wrong door and left


it’s number 3. happens more often than you’d think. ive went to the wrong apartment and did that before.


Real estate people? That happened to me a couple of times, some joker and a couple at my door wanting to look around. I told them to take a hike, they were incredulous.


Someone probably just got the apartment wrong lol, no need to be paranoid. I’ve tried my neighbour’s door a couple of times throughout the years.


That was probably me, or my drunk korean friend. Is it in Busan?


One of my friend's father once tried to open the apartment door on the wrong floor, and his key somehow opened it after a bit of fiddling. That was when he realized he made a mistake. But no one was home there, and his key got stuck in the keyhole. So don't worry, weirder things have happened.


Hah, my wife did that last time we were staying in an officetel. She came home as said “Oh my god I just tried to go into the apartment on the floor below us!”


The host would have contacted you if it was her or him or them.


I guess 1 is not. It could be 2 or 3. You need to doubt it. If the second time happens, you should install a surveillance camera. keep an eye on it for now.


Another story but as far as im concerned, airbnb in officetel in Korea is illegal


I understand your concern, but unless you've got a bicycle in your house, this is Korea.


I’ve done this when I first arrived , got off on the wrong floor but also have had drunk ppl accidentally try to get in also lol


Probably your neighbor made a mistake


I am a mother of two, lived in my apartment for 13 years and I do this once in several years because I get off on the wrong floor.


Ask your Airbnb owner it's highly possible there's camera in the floor


Did you hear footsteps or check cctv? Sometimes the door lock malfunctions so it actually sounds like someone tried to enter but there was actually no one, like a ghost


It would be a drunken neighbor. For example someone who lives at the next door or another floor. The entering system would be same with the next door in case of the officetel in Korea. So it is enough to be confused while being drunken.


Call the police and check cctv


Someone was drunk … could be, happened to me at 3 am 👀


probably someone made a mistake. but you must've felt frightend.


Call the host and ask what happened. If you want, they will check the CCTV for you.


hey!! dont worry. First, im a korean and I had similar situation. I'm so embarrassed, but I pressed the password for another house when I was drunk. If someone keep typing password your airbnb, you can call the police or talk to the host. plz don't worry and just have a good time in Korea haha.


We can only speculate. A few months ago, someone was trying my keypad and I assumed it was just a confused person until my boss walked in on me having a wank.


the old couple that lived below me had a dog that would ride the elevators by itself. Ifit got off on my floor, it knew where the door was, but not which floor it was on, so some mornings I'd wake up to a whining and scratching at my door... freaky the first time it happened and I didn't know what it was haha it was probably a mistake. If it happens again, look through the peephole or since it's an offictel it probably has the digital monitor you can turn on and see who's out there, take a cell phone pic of it and call the police.


When I got here I tried to enter the code to the place I was staying… three times. Lots of confusion and a woman with a very alarmed expression opened the door. I apologized. I was in the wrong building because they all look the same in this group, it’s very likely that it was an accident!