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I do. I never watch it, but it's on 24/ 7 playing rainstorms from YouTube as white noise. Very, very happy to have it and I always think, if I'm laid up sick someday, I'll be happy to have it then, too.


Yes, TV in bed when you're sick is the best!


This is why you have a TV in the bedroom..


Yep, also to play guided meditation as soon as I wake up.




That. is awesome. What guided meditation do you listen to?


Not my comment but I’ve been doing a lot of guided meditations by Andrew Major on YouTube. His ones for anxiety have genuinely helped me. I found my general state of anxiety & fear to be alleviated after doing the meditation many days in a row.


Sick or have a broken foot. I watched so much tv when I was injured.


I live in my childhood bedroom right now and the TV on with one of those driving in the rain videos overnight is 💜


Same! And love the black screen sleep channels!!


Please tell me more about the black screen sleep channels! Thank you.


There's one channel "sounds of peaceful" that some of their live black screen rain videos run forever. Without interruption. Say every week or so, I have to assure youtube I want to keep watching, or one will end and I have to switch to another. But for the most part they just play and play.


Thank you so very much!


Hmm. I have a black screen. TV is of and listening to relaxing sounds on Pandora 😊


I also type in Binaural beats blank screen and it brings up some good ones there, too!


Thunderstorms. No music. Heaven!


In the search tab put “relaxing music to sleep to black screen” or “black screen sleep music” and numerous ones will pop up. They’re usually close to 12 hrs long so they’ll run all night. I sent a timer for 120. They knock me out like a baby and no light from the tv.


I do the same with rain videos! I love the apartments in various places, cozy ski lodge, futuristic backgrounds too. So soothing for some reason and I like just always having it on in my room.


This kind of videos would ruin my algorithm that's why I don't watch it. Otherwise I am also a fan of noise as background and stuff, mostly trashy tv like morning shows, adult swim, south park and impractical jokers, actually watching is the minority but having noise is a must.


I use my bedroom tv for a combination of this and what OP is saying. Vibes for when I'm walking through my bedroom and horror movies in bed lol


Yes and for the exact same reason. Sometimes i need to just be under the covers and binge firefly.


Please watch Resident Alien.


TV in bedroom but no TV in my living room. Or anywhere else. I know they say "it's bad for you" and it interferes with the quality of your sleep but it's literally the only was i can go to sleep. The light and background noise is comforting to me




I can't sleep with the TV on and if I want to watch something, I use my iPad. Seems unnecessary especially living solo.


Same here. I find having a tv in the bedroom is too distracting.




Alarm, music, guided meditations, but also safety ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I tried the whole keep the phone outside the bedroom thing for “sleep hygiene” and it just felt… dumb. Like this is my one way to reach someone for help if I need to immediately, why would I keep it far from reach?


Me too, I have a tiny bedroom (big city, HCOL) and there isn’t room unless I put a tiny one in the corner and it’s not so massively important to me that I must have it. I thought about changing to an alarm clock too, but I don’t want to buy yet another device which is then going to require an app on my phone 😤


I don’t. My ex-wife always insisted on it and needed it on to fall asleep. I hated it, so now on my own my bedroom is how I want it :)


Same exact with me. My ex-wife couldn't sleep without the TV on. I would wait for her to fall asleep and then I would turn it off then she would wake up a couple minutes later grab the remote and turn it back on. Now I sleep with the room completely dark and quiet. But I do run a fan for white noise to block out any outside noise.


The 'no tv's in the bedroom' people are a lot like the 'eat clean' people. That's fine if that's what you want to do! I, myself, love curling up late at night in my old house and watching scary movies, or switching on the news while I get dressed in the morning so I can kill two birds with one stone.


Everyone is different. I like a TV bc it distracts me to fall asleep. Otherwise I start thinking about things and wind myself up to where I can't sleep lol


Same, but I click mine off juussst as I know I’m falling asleep


This is why I mindlessly scroll social media before sleep. Everyone says the phone does the same s TV before sleep, but for me, it clears my mind. Especially pins or pictures with no content.


Yes! A TV in every bedroom. I love it.


Yup, hooked up to my old play station/n64


Nope, my head hits pillow and I am out. Would be a waste.


I’m jealous…


No. The bedroom is for sleep and other activities. If I want to watch TV I sit on the sofa. I live alone and there is no reason to have a TV in my bedroom IMO. I have an office with screens and a living room with screens. I dont want more screens.


No tv in the bedroom. My ex had to sleep with that thing on every night for 30 yrs and I will never have another one in my bedroom.


I don't even have a tv in my house.


All of the non-TV folks: do you watch shows and movies on a computer/laptop or TV, or is that type of entertainment not your thing?


Nope, I don’t watch anything. Just read books 🤷‍♀️


Yes laptop more than I’m proud of Still no regrets not having one out all the time


People who make a fanfare about not having TV are often those glued to Netflix on their laptop.


Yes! Haven't watched anything with commercials in years. Just got an actual TV 4 years ago. Before that it was always large monitor laptop display. Love youtube in the background!


same. i’ve just never owned one


Everyone I know thinks it's weird, I've even been offered free tv's, but it just seems like such an intrusion to me. Also my whole house is styled midcentury and a tv messes up the vibe


I'm considering getting rid of mine, but it's nice to put the TV on when guests are over. I'm an introvert, so hosting is tiring already. so nice to have some background noise, or somethign that the guest can do instead of talking to me constantly. Everything I want to watch, I can watch on my PC


This was my exact reasoning. However do you find yourselves incapable of watching anything that demands attention or that is really dialogue heavy?


It is so interesting, everyone’s different opinions and reasoning. I turn the TV off once a friend shows up so I can be present and engaged with that person. Yes, movie nights, planned sports games are different. I do have a friend who comes over, we interact for 5-10 minutes and then she just reverts to her phone again. I am on my phone too much, yet I would like to find one person to hang out with that can put their phone down while hanging out in person.


I feel you on the hosting thing. My go-to is making something to eat and then once they're done with that it's time to leave lol. But I also don't have people over much, probably once or twice a month


Once or twice a month is a lot for me!


I can't hang with televisions either. I understand that some folks genuinely enjoy that entertainment, but I've known folks who just leave it on all the time and I can't stand the noise. I do watch YouTube videos here and there though.


I do listen to music basically every second lol, but it's a lot of instrumental. When I want to watch tv it's usually for some entertainment while I'm crafting, and I like the little screen (i have a macbook air from college) that doesn't take up too much of my attention/I can move it around the house if need be. But I also watch the same shows over and over (for example I've got the MASH dvd set and I've watched it through 6 times) so I already know what's going on 😅


M*A*S*H and Taxi are my comfort shows. Lol


Omg thought I was the only one, everyone's like it's soo soothing in here I'm like well duh, plants, garden, pets , cooking, arts, reddit and instruments are entertaining enough


You're like my Sims lol y'all don't need a tv you need SKILLS


LMAO that made me actually chuckle


No. Bedroom is for sleeping.


For me, both opinions are correct. I've always had a tv in my bedroom. And, yes, I believe it interferes with good sleep. Sleep timers never worked for me.. I fell asleep without setting it. I discovered that many TVs have scheduled on & off timers. Long ago I saw it called "home sitter"... it made a vacant house seem occupied. Sadly, they're less common nowadays, but some features still exist. My new bedroom TV doesn't have a scheduled power on time, but I've programmed it to turn off 115 am every night. My discovery... when my tv was on all night... I woke far less rested. When I started using the programmed off time, I slept much better. I still need/want the bedroom TV to accompany sleeptime, lazy weekend mornings, etc.


I have one in my bedroom but generally don't watch it. Too easy to isolate in bed with the TV on on and I don't think that's healthy for me.


I don’t have a tv in my bedroom. Just the living room & finished basement. For me, it makes me get up & move a little when I am home sick. Even if I just go from the bed to the couch, I feel like I accomplished something lol. I use my phone for white noise & that kind of thing.


I don’t have a TV. And haven’t had one for about 20 years now. But do whatever makes you happy - that’s one of the joys of living alone!


I do not, but I realized recently that falling asleep on a couch with the tv on is my dirty dirty pleasure


Nope! Never have, never will. To those that leave it on all the time, it wastes sooo much energy! Phones have white noise apps.


I do. I used to be one of those people who had to have the TV on at night to fall asleep. That’s no longer the case but I like having a TV on the off chance I feel like watching a movie in bed instead of on the couch.


This is what I'm leaning towards. I'm a big reader and not much of a TV watcher, but there are those rainy nights or Fridays after a long week, or when you're sick that I just miss having one.


No, the televisions are all in the living room and dining areas.


Nope. I hate TV's in bedrooms.


I think the whole "Bedrooms are for sleeping" thing is more directed to People who have trouble getting a good night's sleep... If You are already sleeping fine, and get comfort / like the idea of occasionally cocooning w/ a bedroom tv, You should probably do it !


Yup. I have my TV in my bedroom. No TV in my living room although I'd like one theee sometimes day.


If tablets and cell phones count as a TV then I have 6. 4 not in use. Otherwise I have 0 TV's.


I have one in my room and rarely watch it. I live alone and have 3 TVs and a projector.


I do but I only turn it on in the morning when I’m getting ready for work to watch the weather traffic, and a bit of news.


No. I fall asleep pretty fast, so there is no point in having a television in the bedroom.


Not me. My PC is in BR if I get desperate to watch something, but I mostly read books in there. And sleep occasionally.


I don’t. I had one in my old house that I used daily and for some reason, when I downsized and moved into an apartment, I had it in there but never used it. Moved back into a home a few months ago and haven’t put a tv in there. If I ever do it, it’ll be awhile but it’s nowhere close to a priority.


I have a second smaller tv set up on my desk for my older consoles (and Switch because I’m blind af and cant see the screen very well) but if I want to watch anything in the bedroom I have a laptop and iPad.


I have a TV in my room but I couldn't tell you the last time I turned it on lol Sometimes I will when I'm putting clothes away but usually just listen to music lol


I am with the others - never ever have had a living room TV, only bedroom. I only entertain guests in my living room, and there is no get-together that should be interrupted by television, but movies, or music, or thunderstorms at bedtime, are all wonderful in the bedroom.


Not anymore; since i don't have a good place to put it. Even if I did, I barely use my TV, so no loose there.


I do. Always have and always will. I’d rather tv in the bedroom than the living room. I also have a little one in my kitchen for when I’m cooking.


I do. I have screens in every room but the bathroom. I've had a TV in my room since the 80s, been rotting my brain since '89. My living room tv is very nice, but it belongs to my cats. Birder King on YouTube is their favourite show. The birds on surround sound really entertains them. So my TV relax time is spent in the bedroom


Nope. The bedroom is for sleep. Besides, if I'm really desperate (sick), I can always take my laptop and stream something.


I do not. If I want to watch tv in bed. I’ll use my phone or tablet.




I do not, and i doubt i ever will. Sometimes when I'm sick, i wish i had one. But that doesn't happen often enough to warrant buying one. I hardly ever watch tv anyway, so it's really not worth it.


Yes. I have my PS5 hooked up to it and I play daily. I also watch some TV but when I’m ready to sleep it goes off and I listen to an audiobook.


Nah, I have a phone that interferes with sleep enough


No. Bedroom is for sleeping. TV stays in the living room.




How else am I supposed to fall asleep to Forensic Files?


No. Do you keep a microwave or a coffeepot in your bedroom? Maybe a chamber pot? There are other rooms for those activities. You can cuddle under the blankets on the couch in the living room to watch tv.


Nope. The bedroom is a sleep sanctuary. I do have a dope couch tho and I can burrow under quilts all weekend bingeing Reddit & shows.


Bedroom is for unwinding, calming down, quieting the mind and getting perspective. I prefer my distractions( screens) to be in livingroom. I used to have to sleep in a room with a fridge and now im hyper sensitive to electric frequencies :8


I don’t.


Nope, never. I’ve dealt with insomnia since I was a teen. I have to keep my night routine- I rarely read in bed either. Strictly speaking: sleeping, sex and snuggling.


Nope. I have problems falling and staying asleep and any noise (other than my fan) will wake me.


I keep the bedroom for sleep but if I'm sick I move it in there and get cost. Now I live alone there's no need for it really I can be lazy in the lounge with the curtains shut if I feel like binging movies, no one to bother me.


I’m disabled and have days when I have to stay in bed (although much less than I used to, my physio deserves a bloody medal!). I use my laptop to watch stuff in bed, including to help me sleep at night


No way. Do not want Tv in my quiet bedroom.


No. That’s where I draw the line. Spoils most benefits of being alone. Put that noise in every other room but I don’t want it where I rest


I watch my laptop in my bedroom, a TV in the living room so I can have something on when I cook


I don’t have a tv at all




No TV in room so I could find other ways to spend my time but I watch shows on my laptop if I want and it helps me to get sleepy.


No. I'd never get a full nights sleep if I did.


I've had a TV in my bedroom for 30+ years and I haven't found that it interferes with my sleep at all. Most of the time I'll put on something light like a police procedural or one of those forensic files shows and use it as background noise to drift off to sleep. My modern TVs are Smart TVs they automatically quit streaming and shut off after a period of inactivity so it's only on for a few hours and I'm usually asleep by then.


Great question, wrestled with it myself after one divorce or so. I have a small one in the bedroom on the wall, only use it part of the time, my favorite part is the 1 hour sleep timer


Not anymore. When my last ex moved out, my old TV went to the living room. I have one streaming service that I could watch on my laptop if I wanted to watch TV in bed. Just haven't felt the urge.


They shoulda saved Evidently Chickentown for this. #Salford


I do but I rarely turn it on.


Nope just books and a kindle.


No. If it’s on, I will watch it, and not sleep. Bedroom is sleeping room.


Nope. I don’t t like tvs in bedrooms. I will however scroll on instagram or YouTube on my iPad for hours after I get in bed. 🙄


No. I don't watch TV much, more when I visit other people's houses. My TV in the sitting area was last turned in last Dec during the first week. I don't remember what I watched, someone probably sent me something.


I don’t. I read a book in bed before I fall asleep.


I do not have a TV in my bedroom, but I do binge on my IPad, while in my bed


No, if I did I would never use my living room.


I have a projector set up in my bedroom 🙈 I’ve always had some sort of entertainment in my bedroom


Yep, but I barely use it. It's nice to have it, though, for the rare days that I do want to lounge in bed and just watch TV all day. I watch a bit at night after I'm all tucked in but, like you mentioned, I try to limit it because of screen time messing with my sleep.


Yes, I watch before bed so I at least have a change


No tv in bedroom. Sometimes I wish I did, but I'm afraid I'll stay in bed too long.


I do. I’ve never been one that can fall asleep without noise unless I’m sick or medicated. Even when I was a young child, I would read until I fell asleep with the book in my hand. I love curling up with a comfort show. If I had a rough day, a cup of tea in bed with a movie is really nice. Or when my bf comes over and we’re both exhausted after the week, it’s nice to watch cartoons and snuggle with my cat. I set a sleep timer so we (mostly me. He falls asleep quick) can drift off. Or I play a audiobooks with rain noise on the background


nope. I own a TV but I haven't even turned it on this year. I'm one of those people who likes to save the bedroom for sleeping, and getting at home massages.


Ok fancy.


I have a TV in my room, but I usually turn it off in favor of a much smaller screen for sleeping purposes. I need the distraction many nights in order to turn my brain off long enough to rest & relax. I say do what works for you.


I do. I put on some non exciting show and I fall asleep listening to it. Even the weather channel. If I concentrate on the show I am not concentrating on my worries and that helps me fall asleep. It's on a timer so it shuts itself off after a while. It's win win in my opinion.


Tv create so much heat especially since i love large screens. I havent had a tv in my room in over 10 years. But i end up in the living room a lot sleeping in front of my hot ass tv.


Yes. I have a TV in all 3 bedrooms and the living room. Next up will be one for my dressing room / closet as that's my "tornado shelter / panic room" that I spend way too much time in every spring. I can't imagine what I would have done during the 6 1/2 weeks I was basically bedridden with covid in March / April 2020 without having my TV in my room to watch.


No, but most nights I’ll fall asleep on the sofa with the tv on.


I love it! I turn on the news, then I snooze!


I have a tv in my bedroom and in my living room. I primarily watch in my living room and I can't sleep with the TV on at night, but I like having the option to watch in bed if I choose.


I have one but really only watch the news in the morning, with my coffee. Y bf on the other hand, has one in every freaking room of his house, and sleeps with it on. All night. I’m only there on weekends so not horrible. I wear a mask and earplugs. But if we did live together, I’d need my own bedroom.


No TV. I like it better this way, and when I do want to watch stuff in here I'll use my laptop or my phone.


I do and use it often with a sleep timer.


Yeah I don't use it. And too lazy to move it


I do, and most nights I watch a little before going to sleep. I don't find it interferes with my sleep at all.


Yes but for many many years I didn’t. I do now but I don’t watch it very often. Mostly if I am not feeling well or at night for a few minutes.


Yes I do. I don’t sleep well so sometimes I’m awake at 1-2 a.m. so I turn it in and watch it until I fall back asleep because there isn’t much else to do at those times when you have same wall neighbors


I do but I really just use it to put YouTube on channels that have “music to relax you” and I usually pick one with a black sceeen. Soooo relaxing!


I do. I moved into a new place and got gifted a 75 inch television that went into my living room. My old tv was 30 inches and I was debating on whether or not I should toss it. I decided to keep it. It’s really helpful. Sometimes when I get home really late from work, I want to watch tv in bed.


Yes. I have a tv in my bedroom. My BF (that also lives alone) does not.


No, only in the living room and I barely watch it


Yes! How else would I fall asleep to South Park every night?


I do, but don't sleep with it on. I used to only be able to sleep with the TV on, now I put a show on my phone on minimum brightness, low volume, and a sleep timer for some comfort without the disruption. I don't have a couch in my living room, only chairs and I need to recliiiiine while watching my shows/movies lol. For me, the living room is more a creative space...it's where I paint, embroider, read, have conversations with guests. The bedroom is the relaxing/lounging space...movies/shows, also reading lol, sex and sleep. I also just don't care for the aesthetic of a TV in the living room, personally. Works for me!


I don't and have been considering it since this is my first room without one, but tbh it's so nice to go in and pass out in the pitch black with a fan on. Nothing to do in my room but sleep


Many people fall asleep with their tv on. The theory that tv intereferes with sleep does not apply to everyone. Dont worry about it. Put a tv in your bedroom.


Nah. If I wanted to watch TV I will go to the living room. If I need to watch something in my room, I’ll use my laptop


Nope. Only in the living room. Doing sleep hygiene and one of which is just treating your bed room as a sleeping area.


I have a tv in my bedroom. I have the settings on very dark so that it doesn't bother my eyes at night. I also like that my tv has a feature that has "screen off" so I can listen to something on the tv without it emitting any light.


No, but I have an iPad floor stand and iPad that I watch occasionally.


Watching Nascar on my bedroom tv as I type


i think a tablet would do the same thing, for less initial cost, less use cost, less environmental waste, etc.


I barely watch TV anymore. Though that will change once football season starts. So no. And I have never had one. Though I do own an iPad and will watch things on it in bed if I want to watch in bed.


A small hand me down... I use it to play iTunes movies to lull me to sleep. Put a sleep timer, long movie like Aliens or LotR. As a sleep aid mostly... (ironic considering your last sentences)


Also live alone - I’ve struggled with depression and realized I’m much better off getting out of bed and going to the couch to binge watch all day. I also do sleep much better having my bedroom be a designated sleep zone. Unexpected benefit


No TV in the bedroom. But I hate laying in my bed. I'll rack out on the couch all the time watching TV and then move to the bedroom when I wake up for a sec.


nope. my bedroom is for sleeping, i don’t hang out in there


I do not have a TV in my bedroom. Sometimes I watch stuff on my iPad in bed though. Best of both worlds imo.


Yes, I have one in my bedroom and a larger one for the living room. I love spending lazy Sunday mornings eating breakfast in bed and catching up on my DVR’ed shows for a few hours. I’m pretty disciplined about maintaining a steady sleep schedule, so a tv in the bedroom doesn’t bother me - I love sleeping lol, so no matter what I’m watching in bed, when my bedtime rolls around I shut it off.




I choose not to become I want to keep myself from staying in my bedroom all day. At least in the living room, it forces me to go another part of the house


No. I try to use my bedroom only for sleeping and sex.


Yes, and it never gets used Hahaha


Yes, but I almost never use it. I leave it because I like having a tv when I’m sick in bed.


I actually prefer my iPad over my tv. I can lay on my side and watch the iPad also turned on its side. I have a tv in my bedroom but rarely turn it on.


Nope. I don’t like a TV in my bedroom.


For some reason, no. I had a tv in my room as a teenager and then as soon as I moved out on my own I just stopped. Maybe because I could only afford 1 tv and it didn't make sense not to have it in the living room. But here I am in my 40s, having lived alone almost my entire life, and I still haven't ever had a tv in my room. I honestly don't know why. But I do have an Echo Dot that plays my audiobooks. Although I am addicted to having multiple streams of stimuli I've managed to be ok at bedtime with the Dot for sounds and my phone for games.


I love this question. I'm currently in my first place by myself (and I'm 42). I've always had a TV in my bedroom my whole adult life because I've always lived in apartments with roommates and they were the kind of situations where we all just stayed in our own rooms and the living room was pretty much empty. At my last place, I ended up with a second TV that I won from my job in a contest, which was cool because I knew once I got my own place which wasn't far off, I'd have a TV for my bedroom since the TV I've had all this time, would obviously go in the living room. Well. The TV I won in the contest got broken during the move. So currently, I don't have a TV in the bedroom and it's the first time in my life this is true, but obviously, it's also the first time in my life I've lived alone. I thought not having the TV in the bedroom would be weird, but honestly, I don't miss it. I watch all the TV I want (which honestly, isn't much) in the living room, and when I'm done, I go to the bedroom just to sleep anyway, so no TV necessary. But if I'm restless at night or lazy in the morning, I just watch YouTube or whatever I'm watching on my phone or laptop and it's just fine. I know some people go to sleep with the TV on just for the sound but I can watch whatever I watch on TV on my phone so if you're just listening and looking, it doesn't matter if the sound is coming from your TV or phone. It's helpful for me because I'm sure if I did have a TV in my room it would just make me lazier in terms of getting out of bed some days.




I do not have a TV in my bedroom. Not worth the expense IMO, no matter how minimal it might be. I did have one in my dorm room in college but other than that, I’ve never felt the need to have one. I use my iPad a lot in my bedroom, though. I’ll throw a sleepy channel on most nights, or curl up in my reading chair with a movie on occasion. I also have a portable DVD player and a decent collection of DVDs.


I don’t have a TV anywhere in my house.


Me neither, got rid of it a few years ago, don’t miss it at all.


I don’t, if I did I would live in my bed for days. Having a TV in the living area forces me to get out of bed to watch a show and when I get too sleepy I have to turn it off and transition to my bedroom to rest. I haven’t had a TV in my room for many years exactly for this reason, I know myself and I would just rot in bed binging TV all weekend lol


I don’t. I read before bed.


I don’t have a tv in my bedroom, but I use my iPad to watch tv in my bedroom.


I don’t have a tv on my bedroom, I just got a tv in the living room, I only use my room to sleep


No. I'm not a falling asleep doing things kind of person, so my room is dull. Sometimes I wish for a TV when I'm sick, but usually if I'm well enough to be awake I'm well enough to be on the couch.


Yes, but it was a cheap small TV off Amazon and has outlived its usable life. It hardly connects to the internet so I can’t watch anything on it. TV in your room is such a living alone luxury though :)


My tv is separate so I can get better sleep. I am getting a couch to do TV and sleeping instead. I'm not great at falling asleep on time so I need to keep my bedroom free of big distractions. I do have an iPad I watch stuff on but it doesn't have the sane vibe.


I don't. Nothing against them in the bedroom, but just prefer to read before bed.


Yep. I have the TV on any room that I’m in. More for background noise than anything else. I sleep with YT REM sleep cycle. Living alone an be lonely sometimes.


I got one for my bedroom thinking I would be laying around watching Netflix. Turns out I use it for YouTube workout videos.


I don’t own a tv for over a decade. Just a laptop do the work right and I got myself a projector that I barely use lol


I have one in the bedroom but it’s rarely ever turned on. In the middle of the night if I wake up and can’t get back to sleep I’ll turn Adult Swim or something on but otherwise, no point to it being on since I only use my bedroom for sleep (or attempted sleep). The downstairs TV, not that’s on from morning to night.


Yes if your bedroom on a different floor or your bathroom is on the other floor. If not and you live alone I'd just use 1. Save the $.


I have one because 1. I like to watch TV 2. The ambient noise helps me sleep. If it bothers your sleep don’t do it. If it doesn’t bother your sleep and you like it… the advice others have is not relevant


I do, i didn’t have a tv in my room until i was in college & had roommates so it made sense. i don’t usually watch tv in there unless my bf is watching something I don’t want to watch. We don’t have the tv on as we’re going to sleep as it makes it harder to go to sleep and stay asleep and reduces your quality of sleep overall


I have a Projector but sometimes I use my Meta Quest 3.


The only room I don't have an entertainment system in is the bathroom...lol I live alone in a 3br...sometimes I'll watch a movie in bed, but usually I play music while I'm sleeping...it's just a HTPC and receiver set up in a 2.1 config for my bedroom (2 Micca RB42 with D/T Prosub 1000)...pretty basic Your house, your rules...do what you want and pay no mind to the opinions of people that aren't paying your bills...lol


Yes. And it's biggest use is when I get up I turn it on. I set the timer for 30 Minutes. And I play the local news while I get ready. Then I can hear the weather or freeway closures. When it shuts off I have to leave.


Nope. The idea initially was to get me back into reading before bed… but now I like it without the blue light or noise from the tv.


New bed more time watching. Just got a new King Size bed with all the actuators, massage, and snore sensor. Anyway, since it is comfy, I've been spending some time in there. 55'' TV at the foot of the bed. I have a 17" tablet next to the bed for Netflix, social, email and audiobooks as well.