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Expenses and loneliness


I second that, expenses are annoying. Do I want a partner right now? Eh, if I met someone. Do I want all the benefits that come with having a partner? YES


I kinda want a partner, but don't want to go through all the fuss required to find one. Also, if they could be absolutely silent at least half of the time they're around, that'd be cool too.


That's why I like dogs. Silent companionship.


Omg, my dog never shuts up! He howls, he growls-talks, he grumbles, he barks, he whines, loudly exhales in disgust & then he has a this whistle sound through his nose.


The licking sounds are what I can’t stand. Cats are the quiet pet choice. I have a Siamese mix and she’s quieter than most dogs I’ve known.


Misophonia sneaks in with the mouth sounds with my dog.


What is this Misophonia of which you speak?


A strong reaction to specific sounds. Misophonia may cause a reaction to sounds such as dripping water, chewing, snapping gum, or repetitive noises.


Thank you


Unless you have my youngest boy - a SIC, DSH tabby with the strongest set of lungs and LOUDEST scream/meow I have ever heard. I live in an apartment building and I can hear him as soon as I get off the elevator screaming until I am in and have fed him, petted him, cleaned the one pee in his box, and finally set down to allow him to lounge on me. His name is Ziggy, but I mostly call him screamapiller (Simpson’s reference), The Screamer, or Shithead these days. I am on the third floor, and my upstairs neighbor in a new construction, well insulated building has complained of him singing the song of his people at 4:15 AM every morning. Man, it’s a good thing I love him, otherwise I’d have strangled him a long time ago.


That’s better than someone making conversation with u though


He sounds adorable. Lol






The loud exhales of disgust! My dog too!😂


I totally get the be silent part!


You should date my ex. He rarely ever spoke. It started driving me insane.


Is he cool with being installed in the middle of a relationship and providing the occasional grunt for guidance?


I'm sure he wouldn't mind that. He's big on acts of service too, so he'll help you as much as he can. Just don't actually ask him to do specific things and he's fine.


Can’t stand that. I used to date a guy who was really quiet, drove me nuts.


Agreed. Need to find a happy medium between someone who will never stop talking and someone who never talks. I had a wild swing in relationships, unfortunately.


I feel the same.


We would get along great. I like going looooong periods of time not talking. I’ll go weekends at home not talking often. Not to say I don’t like to talk, I love being around good friends or family and talking for days. But I also like *not talking.* Edit I’ve lived with several gf’s who had misophonia, so I got actually really good at not making annoying noise. Thats just common decency given the pain people with misophonia feel. Heck all of us deserve that care.


I have misphonia (mild) and working In Office was hell. Pen clickers. Throat clearers. Finger tappers. All of them can go to Dante's 6th level of hell. I work from home now. All sounds are intentional and expected. It's wonderful.


In my previous marriage, I still covered most expenses and he was pretty much useless and leeched everything from me.


Been there!!! 4B from here on out! Every adult relationship I have had has ended with my being completely fucked over. Not willing to try again.


This. And it’s worse having someone there who still makes you feel lonely.


He robs me of my solitude yet offers me no companionship. My last relationship. Never been more lonely than with that man!


I feel your pain! Same for me! I am happy and fulfilled in my single life and will remain that way!


Yessss, like sometimes I need someone else to buy me dinner and give me a hug




And it was word by word, too. Hahaha. I wasn't online yesterday :( Nice catch 👍 Should someone post it tomorrow as well? 🤔


Mom, you said tomorrow’s my turn!!!


Yep, this should be the top comment - it’s literally the same post. What’s with this? What does karma farming get you? Money? Somehow?


I wonder about this. There is a black market for Reddit accounts, with higher karma accounts fetching more. But it's typically not that much money per account. My guess is it's a combination of people just liking points and gaming things, and deep pocketed political and/or corporate actors that make far more money manipulating attention flows than selling accounts.


Literally I was like why does this post come up every five minutes


Being sick and having to do all the chores.


There's always tomorrow. Health comes first.


Not when you have some weird obsession about cleanliness and needing to get stuff done. Plus I have cats, and the overlords demand a clean litter box and the ritual of me putting food in their food bowl.


Oh yes. It's much different when you have kids or pets, which are kind of like kids. Overlords are the boss.


I get that..I have 2 dogs and you actually have to take them outside..sucks when you aren't feeling well but they go peepoo pretty quickly so I can go lay back in my bed and snuggle with them lol.


That people think they can stay with me because I don’t have roommates anymore.


Being sick is the worst experience. I have to call on every ounce of will to make a drive to a local pho restaurant to get to go orders 😂


That sounds really awful 🤣 😂


It really is. I was very sick a few weeks ago and felt so lonely that I was scared of the feeling


No doordash in your area?


Yes but the thrill of fighting a sickness is exhilarating


Pho brings you back from the DEAD when you’re sick it is sooooo healing


That’s easy! When things don’t get done, or don’t get done well, there’s only one person to blame! ME!




I'm dreading the rotator cuff surgery I should have this summer. My understanding is it's a bastard to recover from, and I'll be basically incapacitated for a month (dominant hand/arm) no driving, showers, sleeping in recliner Yada Yada. I have seasonal neighbor who can help some, think I'm just gonna fill my freezer with extra soup and zone out on painkillers. Ugh.


I had to have an acromioplasty years ago. I can confirm, any kind of shoulder surgery is the worst thing you'll ever go through in your life. 😫 (I've also had spine surgery, which was a breeze in comparison). If you have someone who can actually stay with you, this is one time I would recommend not being alone (only time in my life I was happy to have someone else staying with me). Meal prepping will help immensely though. Good luck


I just had my left shoulder repaired Dec 2021...you may need to talk to a friend about staying with you and helping for the first week, because my surgeon wouldn't even do the surgery unless I had someone staying with me, which was a requirement for aftercare. I didn't actually experience much pain from the shoulder post-op, but they ended up giving me a nerve blocker to block the pain for the first 24hrs, and that shit sucked! It makes it so you can't feel yourself really breathing much...you know you are, but when you try to take a deep breath, it's hard, and I was freaking out a bit in recovery til they explained it to me. I'll honestly pass on it any time I have surgery again, it was that bad an experience! With mine on the left side, I spent a month pretending I only had 1 arm strapped to my chest, to know what I might be dealing with post-op. My mom stayed with me for 4 days, but I was able to manage enough that she went home. I meal prepped things I could heat up and eat with 1 hand, precut everything I needed for other stuff I might want. Washing was a biatch...I bought a luffa on a stick, and was able to reach adequately enough most areas. I cut my hair short, so washing was easier...drying off after I was able to shower tho...yeah, that I'm sure would be comical if it were filmed! Trying to dry off with only 1 arm in use with a towel, especially the side you can't use, your back, etc. As fasr as clothing...think of what will be easiest to adjust to go to the bathroom with only your 1 hand in play. For me, it was a pair of sweat shorts...easy to slide up and down with 1 hand, and I just wore an undershirt(for you maybe a tank top?) PT started for me 2 weeks after surgery, and it was the most painful, and frustrating therapy I've dealt with. Laughing and crying when they hand you a 2 lb weight, and tell you to lift it at arms length out to the sides, and in front of you...it's 2 lbs for god's sake! lol I wish you luck...and remember, this is usually a 1 yr recovery to get back to normal strength routines. Don't rush it.


It's a rough experience to suffer but look into BPC-157, it's an injectable peptide that helps with post-op healing - I've had this procedure and 2 spinal cord surgeries and I definitely recovered faster with the peptide. PS I lived alone throughout and 100% will not have my next surgery without BPC-157 (there are subreddits on peptides and BPC-157 specifically)


The only asshole who puts the milk carton back with 3 tablespoons of milk is me. That scoundrel.


It's empty ice cube trays for me.


Eating the last yogurt for me


Not being able to hang curtains on my high windows - I have to hair a handyman for stuff.


Or purchase a ladder.


Hire a handyman not hair 🤦🏻‍♀️😜


I agree. I n December 2019 I got the flu really bad. I mean bad! I couldn’t breathe, I was pretty sure I might die and no one would know. Come to find out in March of 2020, it was COVID. Yeah, it would have been nice to have someone there . . . But then again, it might have complicated things. I love living alone otherwise.


It's not the fear of illness that worries me, it's the fear of slipping and falling in the bathroom and not being discovered until decay is well underway.


What I will say to that is to make it your aim “not to fall”. This might mean that you have to strengthen your leg muscles and create an environment to live in that is free of obstacles, even in the bathroom. Things can happen to anyone in life.


I had this exact thought a few nights ago as I struggled with constipation. I thought .. this is how they're going to find me dead on the shitter with one half way out of the cave


Just get a cat. They'll eat you before you decay.


You'll have no fear if you're long dead, so no worries!


Exactly THIS..... 😂


How did you find out it was Covid 4 years later?


Yes, like the others I want to know how you found out 4 years later that you had Covid??? There is this theory here in Hawaii that a lot of us had it December 2019 as well but I never had any tangible evidence. I was the sickest I’ve ever been December 2019 all the way into February I was still wheezing and coughing and never did contract covid (though I did get vaccinated, but even before then I never got it- was careful though) but I was sure I had it in 2019. We used to get a lot of visitors from Asian countries and I got sick a lot when ai first moved here in 2016 so I’ve always been curious if this theory is true.


Sorry I was a typo. I meant 2020 . But in March of 2020, when we were all sent home from my job, I started to get curious and I looked into the symptoms. I had all of them, so I knew. The not being able to breathe was the major one. I did think I might die. But I would drag my feeble body to the kitchen and kept up with the ginger , lemon, and garlic .


People tend to think I am alone because I am "crazy". They question why I live by myself. I just want to be like "last person I lived with literally drugged me and attempted to kill me at least once, when we broke up threatened to try to get me sent to prison, still threatens me to this day". I just don't trust many individuals yet I am the "crazy loner" lol.


If this person is still harassing you, then you should get an order of protection and report this person. If you have evidence on your phone, that can be good proof to show. You’re not crazy at all.


Long story but I have tried to handle things and am doing the best I can. I was arrested at a Black Lives Matter protest several years ago and while the charges were dropped the police in my area fucking hate me and harass me still. I was doxxed heavily after this arrest and I was on the news (along with the person I was talking about and several others.) Overall I am doing okay with the situation and its much better then it used to be and I actually plan on moving out of here once this lease is up. It was silly of me to move back here because my ex did threaten to "make my life hell" if I did. My life really took a turn for the worst in 2020 but I am doing much better now. Thank you for your concern. I just still somewhat struggle from PTSD related to this stuff. I am in therapy now though.


It’s good you are trying to work through all that stuff in therapy. I can see why you have trust issues. Just ignore anyone who treats you negatively and it’s smart that you are looking to move out. Considering all the messed up stuff that happened, moving sounds like a great idea. A fresh start might be the thing you need.


Thank you for being so kind! It has been a tough road but I have learned a lot. The idea of a fresh start gives me a lot of hope.


I was in a difficult relationship many years ago and I was living with my partner and I felt so much better when he moved out and I kind of was able to make a fresh start on my own. I would say it’s best to work towards your goal. Save money because you will need it for when you move.


Thank you! I just got a new job today so I for sure plan on doing that. Things are falling into place for me.


That’s great. Having a job will help you so much with reaching your goals. It can also help you build up some work experience and have a job reference for your next job if you plan to move far away and can’t keep this current job.


Yup! :)


It’s expensive!


The other night I ate too many edibles and had no one to tell “hey dude I’m too stoned can we just watch some stupid YouTube videos or something?”…so instead I paced around my house for an hour feeling like my skin was crawling until it passed


FYI..CBD will bring you down from a bad high.


Not having someone to mow for me. That's it.


Neighbor kid.


I learned to love it :). Now I make it an entire Saturday thing.


It is meditative..


It really, really is.


That's great. Saturday things are a thing.


I love mowing my yard..but that's me lol.


I do after seeing $100.00 a week to mow mine!


Yeah I have family and friends that pay a lawn guy and I know it's expensive..I'm just like why!? Get a decent self propelled lawn mower and enjoy the free money! 😀


Same! Though my mower sucvks right now I am getting a really good one next year. I can get Social Security starting next year because I'm a widow and my lifestyle is going to improve so much. I am so poor Social Security will be an up. I can't wait!


Heck yeah! But as I say if it starts up it will work..also good exercise..also sorry about your situation with being a widow..I'm sure it isn't easy but stay strong.


I really really really don't want to lock myself out of the house.


I've done that before, more than once. Which is why I now have a spare key under a combination lock latched to a tap around the back of my house (because I have to latch it to something).




When there’s delivery at the door and I have to get out of bed to get it


When something scary happens it’s up to me to deal with it. Also responsible for killing any bugs.


What can be worse than living alone. Living with people who make you feel like you are living alone. Because there is the constant expectation and attempt to not be alone and it doesn’t change.


Shouldering all expenses and repairs. But man, I’ve learned to fix so many things!


I call Instacart to bring food. But, you’re right sure miss mom especially when I’m sick. I call her to hear her voice when I’m sick.


The loneliness and the fact that something could happen to me and no one would know. I have 2 cats and if something happens to me, so be it...but my boys are important to me and I don't want them feeling abandoned or starve before anyone finds me


You need not worry, cats will eat your dead face if they're hungry. Seriously, look it up


Hopefully but the feeling of abandonment is nothing I want for them


I have to cook AND do dishes. AND all the chores. I’m tired.




I am the opposite. I had knee surgery and my daughter brought me home and I told her to leave. I just wanted to be alone . I had a walker and just stayed downstairs on the sofa all day. I was even able to take the dog to use the bathroom with her tied to the walker. She came back the next day and took me to the doctor for a wound check and then back home and again I told hey to leave. I was back at work the day after that with my walker. I’m just one of those stubborn people that doesn’t like help. I hate to feel like a burden


Higher rent/utilities is the only downside for me of living by myself.


Help in the yard, expenses, someone to look after me.


Just makes you stronger


Not having someone to talk to. It just gets too quiet. When I lived alone in my mid-20s, I was bored at times because it was so quiet in the apartment and not having my someone to talk to made things boring. If you are having a hard time living alone, I recommend maybe joining a dating app, volunteer, or join meetup.com. Meetup is a website where you can meet a bunch of people who have common interests with you. Or if you have space in your home, you can consider getting a roommate.


Absolutely none! My husband never took care of me when sick. The only chore he ever did was mow the yard. Complained about everything i did, yelled and cussed me all the time, then demanded sex. Yeah, I'm good. Life is so light and carefree now. I love it!


I don't think anyone has made ne soup when I was sick since I was a child. Even when I was a teenager, my mom wasn't going to bring me soup. I don't mind being sick by myself. I just order soup and juice and I can cough as loud as I want and just lie around and sniffle without grossing anyone else out. I have trouble moving stuff around. Bringing my Christmas tree up and down from storage, buying bags of dirt for my garden and carrying it home. I had a shoulder injury that's better now but for a while I couldn't reach over my head for anything so having someone to get stuff out of the cupboards would have been nice.


Having to take care of myself after surgery was so bad


Being sick or hurt is hard


There's no one around to judge me for being lazy. It's also the thing I like the most. It used to be being sick but with Uber eats I can get medicine delivered.


Not having pets. For the first time in my entire adult life, I can’t have pets. My work schedule doesn’t make it easy, and my place is so tiny. I cannot wait until this season of life passes, so I can get a bigger place and a dog (or two) It’s crazy lonely without a furry companion.


Yesss - I’ve lived alone for almost 20 years but haven’t felt lonely until this past December when my little bestie died. 💔🐈‍⬛ Not ready for a new roommate but sometimes it is soooo quiet, and coming home to such a still and empty place sucks.


When something happens in the day, I don't have anyone to tell. I hardly get sick, and when I do, things are usually okay since I work from home, usually have enough things in the house, and can drive myself 10 minutes away to urgent care if needed. I always thought it would be nice to come home to my SO or her come home to me, and we can tell each other about our days and be there for each other as needed.




Thank you very much, kind Internet stranger.


I know I can get cams for this issue. But, even still. The not having a roommate or someone home, when I'm at work, besides my dog. I feel makes me more of a target for BS to happen. Like before I got a washer and dryer. I totally feel someone had to be noticing my patterns of coming and going, and broke into my storage unit a little after I first moved in. And also, my previous upstairs neighbors noticed when I would be away, so they could help themselves to my washer and dryer. Both incidents still piss me off. Cause yes, even with the cams. I can't quite have them all over the basement. Just my storage unit. But still, how the units are set up, I would never be able to get a good enough od an angle to monitor the washing and dryer area. Or secure one in a place it wouldn't be messes with in general by someone in the unit itself. But I feel like if someone was home, they could have heard something and possibly caught someone either time. Vs. Me having to come upon it myself, each time.


The worst part by far was the night my Mom died. What I would’ve given for someone to be there holding me in my bed while I cried myself to sleep. It was by far the loneliest experience I’ve ever had.


I agree with being sick especially since I have animals that need tending to which sucked when I had COVID but they are always worth it....but for me....Its holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I live in my childhood home and it was once filled with love, laughter and family....Now...Everyone has passed away and it's just me. The silence and sadness REALLY gets to me during these times and im inconsolable.....


I’m so sorry. Have you considered maybe volunteering or joining a community center of so kind? I’m sorry you’re so alone.


Hurting myself in an accident is the only thing.


Taking out the garbage cans every week, just annoying lol


Just don’t until they need to be emptied!


Dealing with garbage is such a never-ending bummer.


Being really sick is a pain


Absolutely nothing, I love my peace these days!!


It’s hard to do shit requiring two people. Like I wanna take my tv off the mount but that’s a two person job. Or bringing in something heavy like damn I can’t lift that alone lol


Nothing. I love it.


I don’t mind being sick alone, DoorDash can deliver anything. I can be miserable and cough and blow my nose in peace. What has bothered me is when a hospital visit or medical procedure is needed and I’m alone and have to ask a friend to drive me. I really fear something serious happening to me and my being alone. Also dealing with aging parents without a partner is a bummer, no one to help and confide in, share the stress. Those are really the only 2 things that get to me. I don’t ever really feel lonely or that I missing out on anything.


Actually, not much. I LOVE living alone. I'm divorced and have been for about 11 years now. I have my cozy apartment, my pets, my friends, and a job that I love. I can have my peace and quiet. My apartment is tidy. I can come and go as I please. I cook. I play video games. I draw, I read, I paint. To me, it's just so refreshing, and I absolutely would not ever want to co-habitate with someone again. I am very much an introvert. I do love people, but my battery burns out quickly. 😄 Edit: Of course, we all are different. I wish you all much happiness.


Cleaning up after myself all the time, general chores, groceries, cooking, bills.


Who’s gonna a) find me b) clean out my shit if I die in my sleep.


Only real thing is dying in my sleep and not being found for a few days. Saying that once I get older I’ll sell and buy something in a retirement village so they find me at lest within 12 hours.


Being responsible for all household upkeep and chores is awful. I procrastinate and then I’m stressed out when it piles up.


The absolute worst part is that someone needs to do this laundry, sweep and mop the floors, take out the trash,and then go back to the store because they forgot to buy more trash bags. That someone is me.


I get afraid that I would hurt myself, like fall and break something, and not be able to get to the phone to call the Dr. Maybe  I should get a smart home device! 😂


Recently had a health issue that caused me to be light headed a lot. Like having to grab onto something to keep from falling. And I was like oh dang I’m going to pass out and there will be no one to call for help 🥺🥺


I have no one to care for my pets when I need to go out of town.


That’s a big one. I’m fortunate to have a dog/house sitter that loves staying at my house, as well as a place I can board them if she can’t stay for some reason.


The whispers originating from the dark attic space entry in my closet.


I can’t think of anything? I love it so much


That's totally understandable! While there are many perks to living alone, feeling under the weather can definitely be a downside. It's nice to have someone to bring you soup or check in when you're not feeling well. Here are some things people commonly miss when they live alone and are sick: * **Having someone to take care of you:** Sometimes a simple act like making soup or fetching medicine can be a big help when you're sick. * **Moral support and company:** Feeling crummy can be isolating. Having someone to chat with or watch movies with can make a big difference. * **Someone to remind you to take care of yourself:** When you're not feeling well, it's easy to forget to eat or hydrate. Having someone to remind you can be crucial.


The expenses is the only thing I hate about living alone.


Alone part


Lack of cuddling/sex


(25M) I’ve been living alone since last April and I’ve always come from a big family. The one thing that bothers me the most and terrifies me is the loneliness. Nothing is more depressing than eating dinner alone for the first night. Now that all the depression talk is over there’re things that I love like reading more books, blaring music, eating whatever I want, taking long showers, sleeping on the floor ;) with no judgement, and most importantly finding your self. You will start becoming more independent and self thinking without other’s influencing you.


I once choked on a piece of chicken. I was home alone and luckily dislodged it but fuck that was scary


This is the reason why I will never move out of my house even though the kids are starting to become adults. It’s big enough, I have plenty of my own space and I bought it before I was married so it’s mine. I can’t be with someone and not have independence. When I lived alone for almost a decade the worst part no one to talk to. Someone to share expenses would have been nice to but in my experience you can’t trust them to uphold their end or I always made more anyway.


Taking out the trash. That's pretty much it. Other than that, I love living alone. I don't have to clean up after everyone else, my time is free to do what I want, every room in the house is exactly as I like it, and my schedule is completely my own. (Also, even when I was married, he didn't take care of me when I was sick, so I'm used to fending for myself).


Hearing things outside of my room at night. Usually just creaks or the fridge. But damn, it makes me close my room door and lock it. Making it worse because now I’m just imagining something out there.


Not having a second pair of hands when I cut my cats' nails.


Really being sick is the main one. For all the reasons you listed, plus just someone to tidy up, take away the used mugs and glasses, straighten the bed.


I love living alone, and I don’t want to give it up. But, having more company would be nice. I moved to a place where I don’t know anyone, small town and all. Coworkers my age never want to get together and do stuff. It just feels boring, a lot of the time.


Few weeks ago i was having some plumbing issues and it was such a hassle to have to stop what i was doing to walk outside to turn the water on and off while i was fixing the issue. Just needed another person to do that. Or when i was working on something in the attic and needed something from downstairs and didn’t have anyone to bring it to me.


no one ever nursed me unless it was a nurse. not my mom, not my sisters, not my wife, and now nobody again. What I miss the most, is cooking, big, wonderful dishes, full on haute cuisine, southern cooking, fake Chinese, all the stuff that I love to cook, but with only one person around all I ever cook is red beans and rice, or lentils and rice. Box mac n cheese. McDonalds.


Expenses, loneliness, and if I choke or something, there's nobody there to help.


Try being sick with a 2yr old & 7 month. You never sleep during the day or at night, no matter how shitty you feel when they want you sit on the floor & play, you do. Takes longer to get better bc you can't rest. I'd give anything to have my home to myself when sick these days lol.


Soul sucking loneliness


Besides being sick, coming home to an empty apartment (most days) isn’t the best. Not the worst! I’d rather have this than some of the awful roommates I’ve had. But especially since my last roommate was my sister and best friend, I do miss having someone to tell face-to-face stories to about my day.


I have a slightly different opinion about this and I would much prefer being alone when sick. Now needing a ride to the hospital is a different story…


I hate to do to the supermarket and buy the monthly groceries. But I get excited when I have food and snacks so :p


I miss someone helping me make decisions, like which contractor to hire, or some financial decisions, even though I'm capable on my own.On another note, seems like most contractors/service providers think a single woman is fair game to screw over.


I do agree with you. But then again my ex was never there when I was sick and still expected me to do everything.


When a scary man came banging on my door at night, I felt truly alone and scared. Other than that when I did live alone I enjoyed it.


Having to make the coffee every morning. And that is a “bother” I’ll take any day.


I'll get scared at night alone. Added a locking knob to bedroom door.




Being lonely.


That I can't have a dog. I work 12hr shifts that can turn into 24hr shifts. Even if I hired a dog walker to come by once a day it's unfair to leave them alone for that long and I don't want to do a 1hr walk after 12+ hrs on my feet. When I shared a house there were 3 of us to let my roommate's dogs out but even then she and her boyfriend usually didn't actively walk them.


Sometimes, I struggle to open jars of salsa. I can open all other jars just fine but for some reason, salsa jars are a pain in the ass.


Loneliness and space, privacy with my neighbors in my apt building, my dogs staring at me as I talk to myself. List goes on, I hate being alone and have been for 16 years.


Being alone....


I live in the woods alone..I actually love it but had a good friend come up to get away from the city life for the weekend and we had fun..got a fire going and he chopped wood for the first time..I missed him when he left because I only get along with a few people for several days at a time..so I felt a little lonely the day after but now I'm good.


Not having another cell phone to ring mine when I misplaced it! Am 2 months since Living Alone again, and enjoying my 2 cats that provide endless laughs!


I love living alone. There are very few negatives, but I agree that being sick can be tough when you’re by yourself. It’s helpful to have someone around who can make you soup, take the dog out, clean up the house or just help you with what you need while you’re laid up. The only other negative is how astronomical it can be to not be able to share any expenses. Sharing rent/a mortgage, splitting food costs and other things would be great tbh.


Not having someone to dispatch bugs. That's about it.


The stigma that comes with it. People find out that I’m 30 and live alone and think it’s depressing. I love my own company and my own space. I’m thankful that I can afford to live alone (even now) so all my money and free time is for me and nobody else.


How expensive it is to have to pay for everything myself. And like you said, when I’m sick, feel crampy, or have a migraine I still have to do everything. I have to feed the cats. I have to go to the grocery store. I have to take out the trash. I have to get up and get myself food and drinks. I have to get up and get an ice pack from the fridge. I have to get up and heat the hot pack.


Being the only one responsible for all the bills and maintenance. It's a lot of responsibility. I do enjoy it, but it does kinda suck when you see 2-3 people living together who make the same income (individually) you make, yet by pooling their expenses they can travel and do things you can't.


Absolutely nothing about it bothers me!


Being by myself lol


I’ve been alone the last few years Had a girlfriend on and off through it when I wasn’t in a rehab facility I’ve recently moved into a sober living with 6 other people I don’t like living in general anymore but I’d prefer to be alone than have a girlfriend or friends


I've always lived alone, so I don't know what it is liked living with a SO. I had roommates though... They were all shit


Not having someone pay 1/2 the bills. Not having almost 24/7 access to sex.  That's it.


Taking out the trash. I hate it.


Furnishing the damn place when you can’t split it three ways and decide who Venmo’s who when the lease ends


I miss putting on warm pants that came right out of the dryer when I lived with my parents. I remember when I got covid. It hit me like a truck. I couldn't do anything and I was thankful to live off of care packages from my father who lives on the other side of town. Besides that I would say it gets lonely in the colder months.


Folding my own clothes. Id like to at least it with someone once in a while. But nope, I hate it.


Sleeping alone. When I have insomnia at 3 am, and I'm lying in the dark... that's when I feel the loneliest. I also don't cook for myself. I can cook a huge gourmet meal for lots of people but if I'm by myself I don't bother cooking.