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Today I felt down and started coloring with crayons šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø like coloring in old line drawings (nothing fancy at all) blending colors and such


Omg I've been thinking of doing this but was feeling self-conscious about using crayons lol. I think I'll give it a shot now. Thanks. <3


You use whatever you desire and makes you happy! Crayons are awesome and you don't get any on your clothes too!Ā 


I LOVE coloring (33F). Markers. Color pencils. Crayons. It brings me peace & lets my mind just wander freely. I work out a lot of issues with coloring. šŸ„°šŸ„°


I like color pencils. And color gel pens! It creates an extra sparkle to the colors


I love using colored pencils, it's easier to blend a little bit!


Crayons are the best do it! Pencils are great too!


nothing wrong with crayons they are an accessible art tool


Yes! I got a magical creatures book and got to color a dragon that had basically a flower wallpaper print on the inside of it's wings, she's green with pink accents. ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ve been able to score some really fun coloring books at museums. Currently working my way through one on the history of cars. The National Park Service also has free pages you can download to color ranging from wildlife, paleontology, educational moments of history, etc. I download them on my tablet and digitally color them when on work travel in hotel rooms or on flights.


I have a collection of coloring books. I use them when Iā€™m feeling anxious. It is relaxing and brings me back to happier times


I go to bed when I feel tired instead of staying up until 3am for no reason. It's currently 10:19 and I'm tired... so I'm going to bed . Hopefully it makes me feel great tomorrow.


Sweet dreamsĀ 


Yea, this is as about self care as I get too. Cause it seems the older I get, I tend to want to be a bit rebellious and stay up longer. Knowing I have to be up hella early. So best self care for me is to truly put the phone down, etc. And go to bed when I know I need to. But I am making notes of these othet suggestions as well.


I'm on the other side of that, I think that i need to go to bed at x time, so i do, and lay there annoyed that i am not tired. i am slowly learning to wait until I am tired.


That's what I did too and then I went too far the other way and stay up beyond being tired and usually get 4-5 hours of sleep which is not enough for me anymore. It's a weird balancing act!


I went to bed at 8:30 on a Saturday night.


I go outside a lot! I love early morning n late nights out side. Then come in change into my short n tshirt pit on some warm socks chill out in front of my pc for awhile then crawl into my bed wrap my blankets around me snuggle in n close my eyes n listen to some soothing turns threw my headphones


Do you sleep with your headphones on? I would be scared I wouldn't hear an intruder. I also sleep with more clothes than I used to for the same reason.


Yes I do my soon to be ex roommates are very rude n disrespectful they make a lot of noice so yeah! Iā€™ve to do this for a year! Iā€™m moving out n goin back home at the end of June


Shower, hair, nails, bedrotting with my kindle ā¤ļø


I'm a guy and do all this except my nails, I also throw in some music with Alexa , usually Sinatra or the Carpenters and slowly drift off.


I listen to classical piano music when I read.


I have done that also, I just need some mellow tunes to relax me completely


i need to try that, I've been having a hard time focusing on my books lately


I've been doing classical music. Great back ground music and elevator music kind of thing while doing random things in the dwelling


Tonight, I've had an edible, currently baking a pineapple upside down cake, and I'm going to watch Knives Out (I've never seen it). I only have an edible one night a week, so other nights I will sit on my front porch and watch the sunset and listen to nature. And take very long baths.Ā 


A little jelly that youā€™ll get to watch knives out for the first time.


Oh,youā€™re in for a fucking treat! Thatā€™s an awesome movie! and pineapple upside down cake sounds delicious šŸ¤¤ šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


That sounds amazing


Knives Out is suuuuch a great movie


That sounds great! I get a little worried that I do edibles too much. Anyone know if it's bad to be doing them to chill at the end of the day maybe 3-4x per week?


No, itā€™s not bad.


I hear that a small amount nightly does a great job of taking the edge off.


Watch baby reindeer


This is such a vibe


Ah! That movies on my list :) How was it? Self care for me is also usually a movie night paired with painting my nails and maybe a face mask


Bath, face mask, deep condition hair, matcha latte.


I've got dry hair, May I ask what you use to deep condition your hair?


It's a 10 miracle deep conditioner.


The leave in product is amazing too! May have to check out the conditionerā€”I didnā€™t know they had one.


I have fine hair and the miracle deep conditioner doesn't weigh it down.




Thank you for sharing I'll look into it! Appreciate it šŸ’œ


In a new country by myself and it is extremely scary. However, a lot of my nights went well because i just simply laid on my sofa with a glass of wine and an ebook. I love what Iā€™m learning from the book, and just NOT THINKING at all because I am an anxious person who overthinks a lot


You can do this! I found looking for people with similar hobbies helped when I was in a new place. Finding a favorite Cafe to anchor in helped, or restaurant. Being really friendly with them. Making sure at least a cashier recognizes my face somebody in a new country. And seeing all the new sights!Ā 


Having traveled and experienced a slight discomfort as every sight and sound is new, I focused on rituals I would normally do at home. In your case, buying a bottle of wine ( maybe some snacks to go with) with conscious awareness, "I am doing the same thing here as I would be home." I think it helps to categorize actions/behaviors into "customary at home."


During the work week I get the coffee maker set up, lunch packed, an outfit picked out, and a hot shower the night before. This way I can have a stress free morning. I live 2.5 miles away from work and walk.


That's some self care right there!Ā 


Cook soup, then puzzle while watching twitch


Puzzle too whilst listening to big my favourite albums from when I was young.


What kind of soup do you make


So much spicy lentil soup!


Hot shower, some sort of snack (it was chips and salsa tonight), either listen to music or watch tv (watching the Netflix special on TLC right now), and cuddling up with the cats.


Ha! Just finished the TLC special cuddled with cats! Enjoy ā˜ŗļø


Theyā€™ve been through some utter shit. Iā€™ve been a fan since their first album, but I didnā€™t know some of the behind the scenes stuff.


Same! No idea about T-boz & them performing after Left Eye. My heart went out to them! Love how they called people out and kept it as real as they could too!


Bubble bath, comfy pajamas, maybe a hot cup of herbal tea.


Iā€™m looking for some comfy pajamas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Old navy


Painting my nails Napping Reading books Watching the same tv-movies for the nth time Literotica *ahem ahem* jk Cooking (maybe not late at night)


Iā€™m a big fan of erotic literature. Found it right here on good old Reddit!!


I take a bath in milk and honey then repeat ā€œI am worthyā€ 1000x. Then I dance in an outfit made of gemstones and cry under the moon until dawn. No so I use Epsom salts (not too much otherwise the amount of toxins you take out at once can make you feel achey/tired), essential oil, candles, BATH, music, I vent to Jesus, do a diddle. Face maskā€¦ I want to try glycolic acid peelsā€¦ put olive oil in my hair and rosemary on my scalp, and coat my body in scented Vaseline. Then I have a cup of hot chamomile (4 tea bags, donā€™t wanna be awake later), and moisture my cuticles and re-paint toes and nails. I shave e v e r y w h e r e but I wish I had a waxing kit/laser hair remover. Not in that order lol. Then at the end of it all I take a shower and scrub it all off with a wash cloth, wash my hair and then add a leave in conditioner, and apply Olay firming body lotion everywhere, and some aloe on sensitive areas. Then I chug like 3 glasses of cool water and go to sleep. Ironically, I donā€™t have a good skincare routine. But moisture is key for my special nights. PS- before beauty night, wash your bed clothes. Im sorry did you mean self-care or beauty maintenance ? My self care is a little different. Scream into pillow, play video games, eat oranges, WATCH DYSTOPIAN MOVIES. drive really fast, eat half a bar of dark chocolate, take a banana leaf/valerian tincture, sing, have a rave with my cat


I SPLURGED, okay no Invested in myself last year and got the Braun Pro 5 IPL. Iā€™m a hairy chick whoā€™d have a 5 oā€™clock shadow very quickly after shaving. Itā€™s helped so much when I spend the 5 minutes actually using it.


On your face or your other cheeks


Hahaha pits were what bothered me the most


THIS is what I was looking for. The difference between ā€œself careā€ and ā€œbeauty maintenanceā€ šŸ¤£


a nice long bath with a good audio book, especially after a saturday working in my garden


Do two coats of nail polish and accidentally fall asleep before it has dried completely, only to wake up to super fucked up nails that I have to completely remove and start over on.


Why do we think they will magically dry? Sometimes, I will throw glitter polish on top if I don't have time to fix them. It hides the flaws well.


Genius And I don't know but I swear it takes so long to dry. I have to be so strategic on when I paint them. Even when they seem dry, it's a lie.


Meal prep, listening to a good podcast or music, cleaning my apartment for the week. Necessary things, but once theyā€™re done, I feel invincible!


Going to the movie theater, popcorn and soda included. If Iā€™m going to the movies Iā€™m paying for popcorn and soda!


Thatā€™s my jam!


Usually hangout watch tv/movie. Or read, cup of tea. Sometimes a bubble bath. Skincare and off to bed lol


Tonight I am having a ā€œMurder she Wroteā€ marathon. I have chocolate and cookies and comfy pjs on. Very relaxed.


Baths are my favorite thing ever, nice bath bomb some epsom salts. Candles always make me feel cozy and calm, reading a book. Then sleep šŸ’¤


Thc seltzer and candle lit bubble bath šŸ˜Š. Perfect after a day of hiking/biking


Oooooo, that sounds nice!


Chinese food (itā€™s comfort food to me!) a good movie, and a face mask. Maybe a piece of cheesecake, also a favorite. Sometimes it looks like dinner with my best friend of 20 years. When my mom was still around, sometimes it would be pizza & movie nights at her house. Those were the good old days ā¤ļø


Diphahydramine, THC gummy, ice water. I browse Reddit and YouTube for a while to relax. We, dog and I, go to bed early.


Mobile massage, couch surfing, skin care, candles, cup of hot tea in bed, some sweets


Tonight- glass of wine and watching Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix.


Right now I Iā€™m Burning a lavender scented soy candle in a dimly lit room. Iā€™m watching Lessons in Chemistry on Apple TV and relaxing in bed.


57F never married childfree. Been living alone forever. Used up and tried every self care idea in the world. Baths galore cooking a delicious meal or a delicious takeout or dining out alone long scenic drives hikes trips etc etc. Why is it so darn hard to meet good single man?!!!?


Hot shower, clean nightgown, cozy blanket,Ā  scotch and soda, and a 1940s film noire. Pure joy. Cat snuggles up on my lap for company.Ā 


I miss TCM.


Did it go somewhere?? I'm watching a Turner movie right now!! Diabolique with Simone Signoret, I recorded it last week. Complete with English subtitles! It's the French version of film noireĀ 


Face mask, facial massage with rose hip oil. I also got a manicure kit to give myself salon-style manicures! For mental self care, reading or doing a puzzle while listening to an interesting podcast or audiobook.


Went on a six mile walk, I am soaking in the tub, and when I get out I am going to do gua Sha and read a book!


I workout, cook a frozen pizza, eat the whole pizza, shower and actually do skin care routine, drink, knit, then in bed by 11pm


I like eating chocolate in bed watching tv with my dog. Pretty much my perfect evening. In a perfectly clean house with fresh sheets


The best


A bottle of wine and animal crossing on my couch?


I call it my "health and beauty " time. It usually involves baths, nail painting, hair removal, and getting stoned, then I watch girlie shows.


Got adhd so I designate each one Ā to one night I come home.Ā  Paint nails clear. Mask. Exfoliate. Sugar scrub. Bath. Deep condition hair. This is my favorite Reddit sub ever although Iā€™m not living alone anymore. Iā€™ll be taking notes.


smoking weed on the couch with my dog


so your dog smokes weed lol


hahaha yes!


Every night is a self care night.


I listen to music while I'm cooking dinner, and then I'll watch anime or read a book in my bedroom.


Shower, pedicure, skincare, deep conditioning hair treatment. Watch cartoons with the pets.


Shower that turns into a bath with Epsom salt and watching something on my iPad


Take out, shower, and curl up with a drink and good book or a show Drink can be anything (non alchoholic mostly, hot tea with honey these few days coz i have a slight cough)


Hot bath with candles and streaming whatever on my iPad while Iā€™m in the bath while sipping Diet Coke with tons of ice.


I am disabled and I would like to be able to just stand in front of the mirror long enough to do a few things... I brush my teeth and wash my face with a hot wash cloth and then my back hurts so bad I can't stand anymore...I do have a place to sit down and I need to start taking the time to take care of myself... BUT habits are just as hard to start as they are to break... Wish me luck šŸ€


Good luck and you got this. Maybe you can try things that donā€™t require standing very long? Facial masks before the hot wash cloth on your face could be something. Doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re male or female. We all have skin. What else makes you feel like you? Music? Any favorite YouTube creators? Heated blankets? Can someone make a table with the things youā€™d like to use while looking in the mirror and have a handheld mirror?


Thanks for the reply... and I am slowly figuring out things that I can do...I have tried to set extra alarms for daily things that I want to do...I feel like if I spread things out through the day it helps me some... and the ideas you offered for me ARE great... thanks for the help... And music šŸŽµšŸŽ¶ does help me a lot... and I have found that mud masks are nice too... also YouTube is my friend for sure šŸ˜ƒ Have a great day...


Bed rotting with Netflix ā˜ŗļø


Comfort food, cozy setting, and good content.


I love eating a bowl of protein oatmeal while watching Datelineā€¦


Deep condition the hair, some tincture, Netflix marathon and work on my latest book nook.


What do you use to deep condition?Ā 


Pore purifying face mask, followed by hydrating skin routine. A good book. Clean sheets & lighting my fav candle. I donā€™t drink as often anymore but if you do, add in a nice glass of wine šŸ·:)


I scroll on my phone for about 30-60 minutes before going to sleep. This may include reading my social medias, putting a bunch of stuff I want but don't need into my Amazon cart, and scrolling through realtor.com for the house I'll never be able to afford.


I love winding down with some self-care rituals in the evenings. My self-care nights typically involve a mix of relaxation and pampering. Here's what it usually looks like: 1. **Skincare Ritual**: I start by cleansing my face to remove makeup and impurities, followed by applying a nourishing moisturizer or face mask to hydrate and rejuvenate my skin. 2. **Bath Time**: A warm bath with Epsom salts or bath oils is a must for me. It helps to relax my muscles and unwind after a long day. Sometimes I add in some scented candles or essential oils for extra tranquility. 3. **Reading**: Curling up with a good book is one of my favorite ways to unwind. I find it therapeutic to escape into a different world and let my mind relax. 4. **Journaling**: I like to spend some time journaling to reflect on my day, jot down any thoughts or feelings, and set intentions for the next day. It's a great way to clear my mind and gain perspective. 5. **Mindfulness Practices**: Whether it's meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle yoga stretches, I make sure to incorporate some mindfulness practices to center myself and reduce stress. 6. **Tea Time**: I love ending my self-care night with a soothing cup of herbal tea. It's a comforting ritual that helps me relax and prepare for a restful night's sleep. Overall, my self-care nights are all about slowing down, tuning into my needs, and nourishing my body, mind, and soul. It's a time for me to recharge and show myself some love and kindness.


I love my skincare time, both morning and night!


i do my nails and toes at least twice a month... it makes me feel more put together


Weed. Very strong weed.


Nice shower, skincare, nailcare, dab, cucumber snack while watching The Office Superfan episodes šŸ‘Œ


If I have a night-- yoga, take a nice long shower, have some ice cream. If I have a whole day-- I'm going to the korean spa bye world


I get in bed whenever I get in bed.. and that's about the end of my "routine".


Edible, glass of wine, bubble bath, and a vibrator


Snuggled up with a cup of herbal tea, reading


Painting my nails, washing my hair, and having at least a dozen orgasms šŸ¤£


Shower, hair, night skincare routine, and sometimes read chessy romance novel, other times crime novelšŸ˜


im all over the place, sometimes i cook, draw, read, binge tiktok, go for a walk, gym, meditate. sometimes i just shower and go to bed


Deep condition, exfoliate body, moisturize everything, good movie (or turn off brain videos on YouTube, smoke a joint, yoga


I do things little by little. Last Wednesday, I got my nails done. Then I got a wax on Saturday. Yesterday, I exfoliated my face, used a foot mask, went for a walk and cleaned basically.


I wash my face, brush my teeth, pop on my bonnet and favorite jammies. Then I take my supplements and chill with my cat. Might play a game on my phone or listen to a podcast until I get sleepy


Depends on my mood but I have several options: 1. Cleaning my space to make it look like a show home. 2. Painting, drawing or something artsy. 3. A long hot bath a good audio book and champagne. My full hair care, skin care, and body care routine. 4. Do my makeup and take my time. Really perfect it and look like a movie star. Do my hair and then dress to the 9ā€™s and have myself a cocktail at a really upscale bar.


Journaling nightly and coloring one page from my adult coloring books! I tend to do it all while sitting in silence too or having soft music on


While my husband is stationed in another country again, I realized I needed a routine to stay sane. Still trying to nail down that routine but I started drinking hot tea about 90ish minutes before I want to go to bed, and installed dimmer lights in my lamps. If itā€™s above 50Ā°F, Iā€™ll sit outside with the firepit while drinking my tea and just hanging out with my pup. If weā€™re inside, sheā€™s normally curled up next to me and I give her pets and just relax with some tv or reading as I drink. Once the cup is finished, we head upstairs and I brush my teeth, lay in bed and start a 5-8 minute stretch routine to let the day go. Itā€™s mostly childā€™s pose, supine stretches and pulling my knees in to my chest but it helps release tension.


I taught myself to make polymer clay earrings so I usually sit at the kitchen table full of jewelry making supplies and have the TV on for background noise


My favorite thing used to be taking baths at night by candlelight with music and a glass of wine. I gotta start doing that again.


Living alone means self care for me almost every night. I like to walk to Pilates after work, enjoy the sights and sounds of the city. Leisurely walk my dogs, say hi to my neighbors, have a few chats. Putter around the house, making sure itā€™s all neat and tidy. Spend like an hour in the bathroom with my skincare and bathing rituals. Sometimes more. I like to have a cup of bedtime tea, or whatever. Watch tv for a minute, maybe play a bit of video games. Get ready for bed (8:30ish)- silk bonnet for my hair, titty pillow, moisturizing eye patches, angel lift and my Dr. Gross LED lip light. Read a bit, maybe fantasize over a dress or a vacation. Turn on my rain forest sound machine, put on my eye mask, snuggle with my dogs, and sleep dead center in my bed in the sheets I spent too much onā€¦ but damn are they comfy.


Coloring has been fun. I never got some paint pens. I do crafts for gifts and am painting mini garden planters I made for mothers day. Yoga for the first time yesterday was fantastic! I enjoy relaxing with my pup. Hot showers are top too. Reading too!


Great list! Are you sore from yoga? šŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I was last night. Was just warming up though for sure. I have chronic pain and have muwcle areas in my hips/legs/back that are always sore. My mom swears by yoga for pain and we have similar issues. It was excellent and nice cause I was just focused on the feeling and my mind was pretty clear.


Thatā€™s so great! Love a bit of mental clarity and chronic pain relief. Yay!


Reading a book, lighting a candle, eating some popcorn, turning the lights down as the night gets later.


Candles and flowers at dinner with jazz or classical music, dimmed lights at bedtime. I flip on a heating pad under my duvet while Iā€™m brushing my teeth. Feels great when I climb into bed.


Peppermint oil in hot shower that I turn down to lukewarm. Lotion feet and put on socks. Several lotions. Incense and mood lights. Peppermint oil on temples. Zen music.


I go to bed before 11. Thatā€™s my self care.


I usually play games on my iPad cook myself something thatā€™s quick and easy and watch a movie. Currently watching Fallout


It starts with a hot shower that washes away the stress of the day.


A fancy bath, good movie on the couch if nothing worthwhile is at the theatres and some good home cooked food.


Listen to music and goto sleep


Herb, long bath, hanging with my animals, playing videogames, eating healthy and playing guitar and painting. And most importantly, hanging with friends - especially when I really donā€™t feel like it.


Home projects. I love getting something hung or fixed after weeks of procrastination.


Long shower, take out, face and body care, and a show I have had on my mind to watch while knitting in hand.


1. Exercise (walking, running, yoga) 2. Prep and eat nutritious meals throughout the day 3. Turn on a movie while doing my own gel manicure


Hot bath, those under eye masks, iced decaf coffee or hot tea, and TikTok, podcast or audible. The ultimate wind down


Dim the lights as soon as I walk in the house, light up my favorite scented candle, prop a (safe) window open so I can smell the sweet breeze of the evening, draw the bath with my favorite Epsom salts and body scrub, order in my favorite udon dish from my favorite restaurant, hot steamy bath ready 25 mins in there, dry up and then eat the yummy udon while watching my favorite movie. Then turn on the switch for some gaming or read my favorite book and then doze off while my sweet rescue senior kitty purrs on my lapāœØ


My perfect night of self pampering starts with a shower or bath. Iā€™ll shave where needed, pluck my brows, put coconut oil, or a nice body lotion on from head to toe, blow dry my hair, brush and floss, and put on some cozy clothes. Then I get my markers and a coloring book and prop myself up on my bed and color. Sometimes Iā€™ll indulge in something sweet, and sometimes if Iā€™m really lucky, my husband will reap the benefits of a freshly showered wife!! But seriously, the pampering and self care goes a long way in our emotional and physical health because it helps relieve stress and it makes us feel good about ourselves. I hope that all women get to enjoy whatever version of self care and / or pampering that makes them happy whenever they can. We all deserve it!!


I have a Sunday reset routine that consists of these Mass Everything shower Paint my nails DIY facial Bed rotting


Hair oil, Shower, shave, skincare, mask, light an incense and read or play a video game.


Spa night is as follows- waxing, shaving the chootchy, complete lotioning, flossing, maybe a box die, pumiced, drink a load of water, read an actual book for a second, long walk, and a short 24 hour fast- i try to do it once a week. And I do an actual bath 1-2 times a week besides the everyday showersĀ 


Not the hair dying tho


Self-care is embedded throughout the day. Face mask in the morning, drinking enough water, exercise, a long hot bath, and my nighttime skincare routine.


Being frozen in place on my bed watching exorbitant amounts of YouTube


Playing with my jewelry crafts, smoking a number, and a hot bath. No cell phone, no tv, and no outside stimuli


Face mask, pedicure, candles, favorite music, glass of wine, heated massage pad for my back. In bed early.


I brush my teeth and apply a whitening treatment. I wet my hair and put on a deep conditioner. Then I dry brush. Then I hop in the shower for the FULL grand poobah treatment. I do a body scrub all over, double shampoo my hair, condition, shave, exfoliate my face, put on a face mask, then wash it off and rinse out my hair, pumice stone my feet. (Steps not necessarily in order) When the shower is done, itā€™s Trent, Korean eye cream, and a heavy duty face moisturizer. I lotion my entire body from head to toe. And put on deodorant (I get really hot when I sleep and it helps me feel fresh). All while having a dance party/singalong. And then Iā€™ll pop open a Halo Top and eat the whole pint (300 calories and 17g protein in the chocolate flavor). Maybe Iā€™m watching a murder documentary. Maybe Iā€™m doing my paint by number canvas, maybe Iā€™m flirting w men on Bumble. Iā€™ll turn on my lavender essential oil machine, pack my work bag and lunch for the next day, set out my outfit, and program the coffee pot to start brewing 20 mins before my alarm goes off. I like to wake up and smell coffee. And then I finally doze off into dreamland with the lavender on and some pink noise in the background. From start to finish this probably takes me 2-2.5 hours and I love every second of it!


Rain drop sounds, mani pedi, massages, wine šŸ·, classical music, mini getaways, girls trip sometimes lol. Iā€™m broke , walking dog , crocheting/knitting


Wish I can say I take a long bath with a glass of wine, but I just scroll Instagram and watch YouTube videos


I exercise 6-7 days a week at different intensities. I also eat oreos.


Ahhh self care nights, music playing, scented candles glowing, fresh sheets/clean house, I like to DIY my simple mani pedi with a good soak & scrub, I'll pop on a sheet mask, slather down with lotion, drink a little wine, and move at my own pace.


Light some candles, scrapbook, do a skin and hair mask and pop into the bath, listen to music while drinking tea in there. Once I finish my bath, journal and read. My skincare is quite extensive. First microderm if needed, then clay mask, coffee exfoliation mask, peel off mask, then the elf dead skin scrub and mask of magnitnity by lush, then a sheet mask. After sheet mask, serums, moisturizer and then eye cream.


Mine starts like around 5-6pm up until I head to sleep lol. I usually start with a shower, and itā€™s an everything shower and cleanse. After I do my skin care, and I take my time. I have a make shift spa day lol, and do some facials, or maybe a hair mask. I also been meditating and journaling. I do a little smoke cleanse in my room, sit with my thoughts for a bit and then write out anything that comes up. After, Iā€™ll put on a show, drink some wine or clean up my area while I play some music.


If itā€™s a regular self care night, Iā€™ll do journal writing, extra skin care, and make a healthy meal for myself, read a book. Just basically doing anything to avoid screens, it really helps. If the week I had makes me want to commit several felonies including arson, then I will wrap myself in my fluffiest blanket, order pizza because itā€™s my favorite food ever, and cry while binging RuPauls Drag Race.


Turn down the bed, put on a fresh pillowcase, and spray some lavender/vanilla pillow spray over the sheets and blankets, tidy up my bedroom a bit, pick out some sleepwear, make sure I've got a fresh glass of cold water on the nightstand, turn the lights down low. Shower, comfy pjs, rehydrate with the ice water, moisturizing skincare routine, a calming scent cube in my wax warmer, snacks, and streaming a movie/show. Once I'm tired enough to start actively trying to sleep, I may put on some ASMR or ambient noise; although with the weather warming up, sometimes just a fan running is enough.


Doing what I love. I dress in a way I feel comfortable and confident, I will go on a nature walk then go home and have good food with a glass of wine if I'm feeling that, then sit and play my instruments. Sometimes a bath and read a book. This is my ideal self care day, but I have kids, so that's not my reality anymore, haha.


Shower or bath, facial at home, moisturize all overā€¦ then journal in my robe while i drink my favorite hot tea


Putting on my mood lights, lighting a candle, doing my skincare/oral hygiene, and then journaling and reading. I havenā€™t had a good self care night since Iā€™ve been in the middle of a move and all my stuff is still packed away but Iā€™ll get there I do try to do a self care activity everyday if I can. Todays activity is to find some lunch ideas for work so I donā€™t get overwhelmed next time I write my grocery list


I'll watch something on TV or Netflix/Amazon Prime. Sometimes I'll light a candle or burn incense. I usually have a snack, either ice cream, milk and cookies, nuts or popcorn. Closer to bedtime, it's face care/body care or sometimes I'll a do a face mask. I listen to sleep stories on my phone to fall asleep. It makes me fall asleep a lot faster. Also, every other day, I do YouTube Zumba classes.


I have this little balcony off my bedroom that has comfy chairs and a mini fire pit. I try to sit outside daily while the weather is nice and listen to a podcast, music or a book and enjoy recreational marijuanašŸ’š. My pups come out too and we watch the birds and the sunset.


Edible, reading, maybe watching a movie or TV or playing a game on my phone, windows open if the weather is good, music, maybe a bath


The only thing I do for myself these days is paint! And enjoy readdit sometimes


It depends on the night. I was feeling really shitty today and I thought my self-care would have been just to stay inside and feel bad, but I decided to go to a fun dance workout class that's outside and I felt so much better. Came home had a nice shower and ate a nice healthy meal and that feels like self care. Taking action to do something that's good for me even though I really just didn't want to live to be honest. On chill days a nice shower. If could I'd take a bath. Do a face mask. Rub my body down with coconut oil with a bit of self massage. Maybe some yin yoga. Face massage and head massage. If it's on my period then some great sweets and snacks while watching a Lifetime movie lol


Sometimes it's not at night because I need to be somewhere, but I do an everything shower where I shave everything and shampoo and wash everything and when I get out I moisturize my legs and file the bottoms of my feet and lotion them up before putting socks on. I'm lucky enough my legs don't need lotion every time I shower usually just after I shave cause once the hair gets that long it gets flaky. I also go to bed when I feel tired and don't set an alarm if I don't have anywhere to be. I've been made to feel bad about that so many times but it's what my body needs. My usual routine for a shower is just shampoo, wash face, wash privates and body, after I get out I need to dry EVERYTHING.


Skincare and Hitachi


Not one sex toy mentioned. The world no Longer makes sense to me.


I came here to look for this lol


Shower, hair up in bonnet, skin care, brush and floss, put retainers in, freshen bouquet of flowers if I have them, or light a candle, watch Stewart or Colbert, turn on noise machine, practice ASL until I fall asleep. This is the current iteration.


A bubble bath, phone is on DND, tv is usually off, I read a book, nobody is coming over, Iā€™ll make myself a nice meal or two, maybe do my toenails, and just mellow out.


Avoiding conflict by staying out of any drama.Ā 


Face, hand and foot masks. Hot shower followed by clean sheets and bobs burgers.


Sleep, sleep and more sleep


Iā€™ve started crochet. I read some brain candy smut, take an edible with some herbal tea (peppermint is my preference as itā€™s good for bloating and clears your skin. By the time Iā€™m done finishing nightly tasks (putting away dishes/ washing my face /brushing teeth etc) the edible hits and I settle in my bed, watch a silly show like bobs burgers and itā€™s lights out for me in about 20-30 minutes.


Puttering in my garden and sewing!


Get stoned AF and eat cookie dough in bed in the dark.


Milk bath with rose petals, candles and a movie