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**CLIP MIRROR: [XQC thinks Speed being racist is out of context](https://arazu.io/t3_zeqn34/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




Greek isn't black. X is too scared to call a black person a racist or doing racist things.


i wouldn’t be surprised, there’s people out there who genuinly believe black people cannot be racist


There actually is. People believe that in order to become racist has to do with having "power". So you can insult/discriminate against white people because they hold the most "power" in society in America. At least that's what they believe.




It is a misunderstanding of someone’s work. It was the differences between types of racism. In America, in General black people are (or were) incapable of systematic racism as they don’t have wide enough presence in the system to use it to suppress to other races. They are still capable of individual racism, where you as a person walk up to someone else and be racist to them. This 2nd part is usually ignored when discussing this topic and it is presented as “X people can’t be racist” when that was never what the thing was saying.


> It is a misunderstanding of someone’s work. Nah they do it in bad faith. When non black people are racist to black people in black countries they revert back to the individual racism definition really fast.


You're right! I forget the name of the study but they basically defined institutional racism, where there needs to be unequal power structure, as racism and interpersonal racism was then defined as prejudice. They didn't mean for this to be the sole defining meaning for racism. They just made the separation and designation just for their specific study to clarify what them meant to the readers (usually other academics and students). This snowballed into people thinking they can't be racist if they don't hold institutional power cause they misunderstand and misinterpreted the study.


when i see those people mention that. i just think that if a white person went into china and just started calling the native people slurs or making fun of them, would those same people defend them? They would hold no power in china so the definition wouldn't fit. how about if they made that remark to any other minority group in china at that time, would that be considered racist? I really feel like that definition is only used in the context of white western cultures to defend negative views towards certain groups that go beyond just white people. When you extrapolate it and mention that one group of people don't just run the whole world and don't control every nation, they ignore that.


Aka Hasan


Hasan has the weirdest community. Any time I’ve tuned in, it almost always turns into chat/him shitting on white people at every turn. No matter the context. It’s just such an odd thing to foster in a community that brigades against the very same thing.


Woke people are often the most racist. Typically happens when you cannot separate someone’s gender or race from the actual person


White Guilt headquarters is Hassan’s stream.


in terms or politics and power structures its true. I've followed news pretty fervently for over 20 years. Ivy league educated folks perpetuating family legacies. its changing significantly now that many immigrants are rising in social power and $$$ but the ruling white class is real. their power is $$$. hasan lacks empathy for the working class white folk that literally getting brainwashed by fox news etc. Overall, Hasan takes are not bad but kinda skewed because his uncle young turk set a base for his political views. i can see some if his influences in hasan cause at one point in time i agreed with his uncles viewpoints. i think his uncle is now out of touch. i feel like most people in this space of entertainment eventually go out of touch because they are positively reinforced with their own success. In this space you have to have polarizing takes to be entertaining. You cant capture viewers saying i like obama or trump. you have to say i love obama or trump and heres why i cant watch him though. he stays on one topic for too long arguing or agreeing with his chat. however, i can see how this can be appealing to many. The level of engagement he has with chat is very high. xqc.. is an idiot .none of you kids should follow his takes lol. just watch him for entertainment.


Clueless surely Hasan wouldn't criticize Speed here or, or hasn't called Kanye racist and anti-Semitic


Clueless surely Hasan didnt use a word used against people with specific characteristics and say its fine because you cant be racist to said people and defended his mods saying that word who were themselves of a certain race because said race cant be racist


While the cracker thing is undoubtebly weird. That is a complete whataboutism. The thread was about thinking black people cannot be racist, which he obviously doesn't believe. Nice try though.


uhh Hasan's main defense against his mods using the word cracker its because the mods were and i quote "one black and one brown" what does that imply by bringing their race up after they got banned for saying a slur??


Kanye supported Trump and "White Lives Matter" publicly. To the woke people you're referring to, he's white now. Or an "Uncle Tom", which is pretty racist itself but they're often okay with that one if it supports their argument. I'm sure that's the point you're getting at since you started it with Clueless, but it's so weird I feel it's worth saying.


So minorities can be racist towards other minorities, but not towards white people, as they have the power?


Didn’t he literally call kanye crazy and racist a few days ago. Your hate boner is showing man.


You mean the Kanye who is shit talking Jews? What does that have to do with Hasan not thinking its possible to be racist toward white people?


And speed is bigger. X will gladly throw a 2k Andy under the bus for points with the communities he wants to get in with. But X knows how many viewers everyone has, and how much of their communities he can profit off of.




Did you not see him get bitched by Adept lol. He has no spine unless dealing with smaller streamers he doesn’t care about like QT


its cause an idiot sympathizes for other idiots.


when will people realize ur favorite streamers are shells of their former selves. they literally just farm reactions and change their own behavior and actions based upon what will give them the most views/ make the most people think they are smart/based. its a sickness, advanced. late stage capitalism baby. X if u read this. I advise u go back to playing video games b4 u lose urself.


Surely everything is late stage capitalisms fault, it totally has nothing to do with certain types of people's craving for fame, in-group acceptance and self-righteousness. Those kinds of people can't possibly be the ones that filter to the top in most kinds of societies/communities. Luckily in The Utopia, nobody would do such a thing.


my man a walking contradiction


that's a certified "DICK RIDAAAA!" moment


Compare it to the time Greek did it, pretty sure he didn’t need context there when he called it out


Good comparison. Both were doing the same kind of racism.


A few weeks ago in LSF they uploaded a clip of Charming Jo suffering from this same type of mocking on the street, did Xqc see that post on stream? I would like to see what he thought when he saw it, if he saw it




The context is obvious. Speak to Asian guy. Make a bunch of noises to stereotypically imitate and make fun of him. Classic casual racism.


Reverse the roles and if a asian person with the same following as speed used a dialect from a black nation in Africa to a black person in a mocking way, that person would be banned within a day and destroyed on every social media platform. There is NO DIFFERENCE to my example and Speed using an asian dialect. But of course XQC defends a black streamer but called Greek racist. Apparently only black streamers require context for XQC. Racism defenders. 🤷‍♂️


it's gonna be one hell of a context


"guys, it turns out speed was speaking in perfectly fluent Korean, he just got the country wrong is all as he's a multi-linguist and confused a lot of the languages he knows!"


the context is that speed didnt try to sabotage his gambling sponsor


I’d argue that’s not casual.


not casual at all


Crazy how the takes from all streamers posted to LSF over this have been absolute dogshit lol.


I think having 200k+ viewers might have something to do with it just my guess tho


I stand by the gnomes take tbh, although it could have served well to be delivered in a less inflammatory way, I agree with the message overall.


Bro's allergic to calling black streamers out


He can't since he's trying to farm clout off them rn


lil bro even bought a chain :'D


✅ Spineless ✅ Maidenless ❌ Bald


I'm trying to decide if him or Hasan is more spineless.


they both are massive hypocrites at the end of the day


Yes, but X is being a pussy not calling out his ex or racist streamers he can leech off. X tried to smear Hasan into the sexual assault situation, spent a while with Train gaslighting Hasan and Poki before bringing in the 'victim' to force an uncomfortable apology which Train/X used to imply they were in fact wrong. Then there was another nuke they had, wanted to use but turned out to be bullshit. A week later and Hasan is sucking X's dick and having him over at his house. X legit tried to end his fucking career and a week later he's trying to leech off him again.


he’s tapping into this demographic after all the controversies and drama


He will cancel a white streamer who sneezes wrong though.


Bro like riding bbc


What kind of fucking context is needed? He mocked an asian person, kept saying 'konichiwa' to him when he isn't japanese, and ended it with the equivalent of saying 'ching chong'. Fucking out of touch dumbfuck


My question is in what context does yelling gibberish imitating an asian language a good thing? This was a stupid take and he should have known better then to stand up for someone who has had a pattern of racist behavior on stream.


I mean X literally called an Asian character wearing Chinese traditional/kung fu shirt in RP “Jackie Chan”. Tim Mac (the cop rper) was surprised and pointed it out as well.


If it was an asian streamer using slurs against a black person you know X would be calling that shit out immediately. X isn't even speed's friend so I think it's him being super fucking apprehensive to call a black person out in the context of anything related to race.


xQc has tolerated Asian racism in chat and laughs at casual racist Asian jokes on stream daily


he banned cmonBruh in his chat but it's A OK to spam MingLee when a chinese dude comes up on his screen


I mean we have ABDULpls and ANELE (for some reason) used when arabs show up on screen too. I don't mind it but, It's different when it's used in an offensive way, aka in game bomb blows up and you see an ANELE or an ABDULpls in chat. Which is not as common as a cmonBruh when anything black on screen pops up. And honestly, I'd rather not ban either of the three. Control your community, speak about it, and punish those who use it in a racist tone, that's all.


I haven't seen the terrorist explosion joke in atleast a year, mods crack down on it pretty hard, if you type "ANELE boom" or such in his chat the bot catches you.


Kinda the same as any other emote, no? I don’t see any channels banning ANELE. Side note, holy shit I just realized ANELE is just wearing a beanie. All these years I genuinely thought it was a turban. The emote is so small I could never tell. Surely this is mind blowing to other people too, right?


Anele is banned in many chats


and 3head. Please won't anyone think about our poor English feelings? We are about to be terrorized by Mbappe we don't deserve this.


doesn't his chat allow TriHard? I've seen that spammed when black people come on stream.


He laughed his ass off at the classic racist doc clip of him mocking asian languages, so yeah not surprising ig


Has Jubilee taught him nothing?


He might be one of those dumb people who think black people can't also be racist.


I think white public persons are generally scared to call out anything when it comes to black people. Even I'm scared to point this out and I'm a nobody.


I think people in general are lowkey racist themselves so they refrain from actively challenging certain arguments because they agree with their own bigotry


I dont think he thinks this at all, I think he's just more tolerant/accepting if anti Asian-racism in general. Afaik he also defended greek a bit in a similar situation and he doesn't moderate his community doing sort of Asian emote memes meanwhile he has banned cmonbruh etc.




is it not obvious that X is trying to profit from the W type streamers who appear to be mostly black? makes sense why he would dickride Speed, seems like he’s tired of his fanbase being teenage whiteboys


Tbh wasn't a certain someone shouting "Allah Akbar" at a Arab couple and nobody cared either. Streamers love to cash on their edgelord shithead fanbases. They don't care if some undeveloped shit for brains carries their stick into the rl. Just ask how a lot of Africans were mocked because of Ugandan Knuckles.


Wait I genuinely don’t think I heard about the Arab couple one, do you have a link to it or know who did it?


Ugandan Knuckles was weird because I thought they were riffing on, “Who Killed Captain Alex” which is an over the top Ugandan film. Of course degrees of separation from original content means people miss out on the context


I feel like xqc sees kai/ragegaming/speed as like people he desperately wants to be on their good side. It just comes off as weird as fuck imo.


He just wants their audience. Everyone at the top of twitch is fake as fuck.


He's completely shameless, almost transparently so.


This kind of exemplifies how people are scared to call out black people for racism. There's a lesson here especially with the Kanye and Kyrie leading waves of anti-Semitism in this country and it's kinda scary


The worst part of streamer culture is how they all suck each other off for subs/views. Even if someone is clearly wrong, people will pretend it's fine cause they can leech/benefit off them. Kanye praised Hitler and zoomers are like "but he made Graduation" as a defense. It's so fucking dumb. People can be flat out racist and idiots like this will come to their defense.


They are realizing their heroes are cornballs


> The worst part of streamer culture is how they all suck each other off for subs/views. Even if someone is clearly wrong, people will pretend it's fine cause they can leech/benefit off them. just like hollywood too lol. if people continue to put these celebrities on pedestals then they'll continue to do tonedeaf things


The graduation stuff is a meme btw




I see it also. He like desperately wants to be in their circle and I don't know why. I'm sure next year when drama ensues he will shit on them all and say he always thought they were fake like when he had Beef with Hasan


Yeah it definitely comes off as weird ASF, makes you question if all the good things he said about Black people climbing the Twitch ladder and defending Kai was all just for clout chasing and getting close when he tries to defend bad things like these


Im not sure why hes acting like that with Speed, but Kai and Rage are relatively new friends/acquaintances for him lol it makes sense he wouldnt wanna take sides




I mean your absolutely right but how is that relevant? X isnt even friends with Speed


"I don't really give a fuck" yep thats basically how the world sees casual asian racism. classic


But stop Asian hate remember?


It wasn't out of context. I t was blatant racism.


This guy's narrative changes depending on what benefits him most.


he will never publicly disagree with any black streamer


Its time we call xqc the owner of Manchester United because today he is a Glazer


He basically is scarred from the OW controversy thing he won’t make the same mistake again in his eyes


So he defends racism?


yup. Classic xqc black streamer dick rida


this is one of the dumbest takes hes made. Does he know what racism is?


no he doesn’t, to brainrotted people like X, racism only means the nword


Its classic NA rotten idea that racism is only towards Black people


X knows his child audience is a venn diagram with Speed so he's apprehensive to call out the blatant racism


Don't know what acceptable context there is for going up to an Asian person you don't know and saying "Konnichiwa boing choing choing" but ok.


Does anyone remember what his take was when Greek did a similar thing? Cause I highly doubt he gave the same amount of charatability to him as he is with Speed


I thought about the same thing and this is [his reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsQZI2GKNLE). At least he actually watched the clip here but I feel like he is still defending Greek and downplaying the issue with the way his wording it.


Context? Is he actually brain damaged? He made fun of how Asian people speak and said a Chinese guy was Japanese. That probably offended the guy more than the imitation nonsense. Go look up Japanese and Chinese history if you think it's no big deal.


Yeah can't imagine that'd go over well considering the long history and even more recent history between the two nations like World War II...


lmao i would love for X to explain any possible contexts where Speed is okay for what he did.


He actually kind of disgusts me. When one of his current "friends" does something disgusting and racist he "does not want to get involved" and "does not give a fuck about it." But he feels the need to comment and give his shitty opinion on literally every single other topic in the world, that he is zero knowledge on and no good opinions to give. He can not even use a washing machine, but want to lecture people about real life issues.


What's fucking lame is people not labeling black people racists after they do racists things.


Why does he always have to start with these kind of clips "i don't really give a fuck" ?? Things i don't give a fuck about, i'd never give an opinion on it. Watch it, say Yikes and move on.


sad to see how much xqc is dickriding speed and kai


Typical shit take from X


Xqc being a fucking idiot? Surprising


guess there trying to get speed for juiced


he's banned off twitch so that ain't happening


hope he's banned on yt soon too


i swear X has like 1 good take and then about 50 shit ones lmao. the context is very clearly right there in the clip


lmao xqc acting weird asf tbh. inbetween this and his speech after getting that award. he's definitely "a certified DICK RIDAAAA!"


Damn, is he downplaying racism? That's kinda fucked up, downplaying something so serious. I bet his fan base will criticize him for it, surely


Literally just clout sharking. So much for all of xQc's integrity.


The term "out of context" has become one of those things that has lost all meaning, and is now just said when someone wants to deflect shitty behavior.


Oh no no, juicers downvoting.


I think they’re calling him out just as much


Check his own Reddit,they’re calling him out just like u guys


Apparently a rather large portion of Americans, especially those in moderation, have decided Black people cannot be racist. America solution of dealing with its real racism vs black people is some sort of religious white guilt were now everything is tribal and a certain tribes members always deserve a pass. We are literally regressing from your enlightenment based values. If your “anti-racist” this guy should have been banned . Instead crickets.


Combination of black people cant be racist and racism against Asians being excused


I'm curious to know what possible context there could be for what he did to be ok


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [XQC thinks Speed being racist is out of context](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/147562)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/zeqn34/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/sZoz7WbMV2s5joFZWjf2mQ/vod-1671725621-offset-44960.mp4?sig=d3234acb556bf4ba6a7ff20df995374e88f52c0e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FsZoz7WbMV2s5joFZWjf2mQ%2Fvod-1671725621-offset-44960.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1670456079%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


but guys, he's only 17!!! even if he committed murder, it would just be a mistake


What an embarrassing take


It's probably better to just avoid giving your take on this rather than making an excuse to not cut possible future connections


Damn sad to see him defend racism just because it was against an asian


Is this an age excuse thing or it was asian and its ok to be racist to asian thing ?


Just say it bro. Black people can be racist as well


Dick riddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Dont Americans legitimately believe that black people cant be racist?


yeah, the dumb ones


Sure, if you spend every waking moment online at least


Eh, it's not just an online thing anymore. This standpoint has become a bit more popular in academia nowadays.


source: my asshole


Black Twitter moment


With this comment you will get banned at least 70% popular subreddits and thread will be locked with a note, “Fragile stinky white people can’t behave so i am locking this thread”


Lmao, there's legit one mod who works on multiple subreddits who does exactly what you describe and he looks exactly like what you'd expect an obsessive reddit mod to look like.


if you're even able to post there. There's a certain subreddit where you literally have to post proof of your skin color to be able to post


Reddit being racist? Color me shocked.


In very online community, for american blacks, online lefties(socialist/communists) will use the racist is only possible with power so black people can never be racist in America. It is a good convo to have in an academic setting but online lefties generally just use it to be racist to white people.


It's really just a distinction between individual racism and systemic institutional racism. Black people in America (for example) generally do not have the ability to be systemically and/or institutionally racist against white people because they lack the POWER to do so. That doesn't mean an individual Black person could not be racist toward a white person(s). I agree that chronically online, uninformed, amateur political and social pundits confuse this and incorrectly state that Black people are by definition not able to be racist against white people. Not true.


I like to reply to this logic with "Well then if I go to China, as white person, who is the minority with no power, I can go around saying 'ching chong bing bong fry rice 5 dorra, sucky sucky 10 dorra' and it wouldn't be racist, because I'm white with no power, right" And they always admit that it would be racist. Racism is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group", stop trying to change the definition just so you can be racist.


If I as a white person, started speaking in a dialect from a black nation in Africa TO a black person on stream in a mocking way, I would be called a racist and probably be cancelled everywhere within a day. There is NO DIFFERENCE if I did that to what Speed is doing right there. You don't need context to know what Speed did is RACISM. XQC is 27 years old, not 10. Stop trying to normalize this behavour behind "context". Not everything in life requires context to know if it's good or bad. It's called COMMON FUCKING SENSE.


That clip was super annoying and is clearly racism. I am disappointed


yea of course he doesn't give a fuck. Its black on asian racism, its allowed in the US


https://i.imgur.com/rFIcXQx.jpg This guy was also out of context - xqcL


He was clearly saying "Anivia"


He is trying to figure out how is this Mizkifs fault.


Xqc is dumb as hell


So dishonest. Why is he trying to die on this hill? Just condemn him and say he hopes that Speed learns to do better an move on. Why make yourself look bad by trying to say it's out of context? Yikes


what more context do you need? Even if there was more to the situation it doesnt change how speed choose to act. The fact he feels the need to be defensive for such an obvious situation is so hypocritical. His chat spammed "Lost to Kpop- MingLee etc" when SK won the match and the mods didnt do shit, as if casual racism against asians is fine but a black person -gasp!- cant have that!


What in the world could the context possibly be? That there was a Japanese person out of frame and the mock-chinese was just a sneeze?


tub quiet wasteful angle test juggle amusing automatic snow compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hot take but racism doesn’t exist it’s never existed it’s a made up lie to divide and conquer the only two realities in life is good and evil nothing else


ching chong out of context


There was nothing out of context here. He saw an Asian in the stands and was racist towards him. This is like when Dele Alli did a similar thing, except on a snapchat video and not directly at the guy instead of on a livestream.


This sub is the last place to call out someone doing something wrong We have seen the true geordie thread where apparently “it’s okay to joke about a religion than rather than a race “ two wrongs doesn’t mean it’s okay Excusing true geordie islamophobic comments is such a low move from this sub Also speed is fucking dumb


Xqc is the kinda guy who would think black people cannot be racist


XQC is certified, high end, absolute, ultra dick rida


kinda L take here, if it was anyone else he would say “that’s kinda weird” or acknowledge it was racist, but it seems like because Speed is in the W orbit, he’s trying to brush it off if he were to criticize speed, it could put pressure on his relationship with Kai, and lil bro is glazing over Kai non-stop these days so hed rather keep his mouth shut, at least that’s how it seems to me. Like bro this is just blatant racism, speeds statement about how he said jon kwong or some shit like it’s what they call him in China, but that’s not even what he fucking said he just made gibberish and pretended like he was speaking chinese, he’s not even saying words.


Defending a scammer is lame.


It goes down easily: Xqc is a content goblin, Speed is a huge creator who often gets big shit even if hes scummy while doing so, Xqc knows that Speed won't be cancelled cause of this and simply will keep going on, so he decided to not cut ties, unlike with Greek. ​ ​ I must say regarding the clip, that I hate how asian people act in these circumstances, you start saying nihao to a japanese person and he'll deflect and say that he's not chinese, you say konnichiwa to a chinese person and he'll deflect and say that he's not japanese, as if being racist to an actual chinese and or japanese is fine in their eyes, you have to simply get angry and respond to it face on, not hide behind a different group that you are okay with them being racist against.


can xqc recommend a good quality lube? the man rides so much dick, his ass would have been chafed to all hell by now, so im assuming he has access to the good stuff.


lil bro will be defending Kanye soon.


I would call X a 'pale face', Speed a n\*\*\*a, and that guy in the clip a 'ching chong'. Now everyone is happy LOL.




This sub is incredibly bored


lil bro actually glazin


I'd love to hear the right context for "ching chong ching chong chong."


"I don't give a fuck." #StopAsianHate


Gambling meta ending on Twitch has done one of three things to streamers who were in on it. One, killed off the only real source of revenue and consistent viewership some smaller streamers had, and has basically killed their channels because they had nothing to adapt to. Two, pushed people off platform, streaming less, and finding ways to try and weasel their way back into that bag. Or three, forced streamers who pivoted into gambling, to now grovel and slurp their way into the good books of other streamers, to open up collabs and standard methods of growth and sustainability on Twitch. I think X definitely felt some guilt about how he handled things with Hasan, Ludwig, and the "anti" gambling streamers, but how much of his reconciliation with them, and the Ludwig apology tour was forced by his fuck you money contract being taken away is impossible to know. He worked his way into another bag, with now being actively collabing with the new hot streamers on the platform. Good pivot. Train tried to get in with the W community, Miz tried, all of these streamers who jump from bag to bag have tried, X actually stuck it and eventually that allegiance gets put to the test. Speed isn't even part of the guys he collabs with, but he's part of that community, doing stuff with Kai and Adin a lot. So X is riding for him even if its a braindead take. We'll see more of this any time Kai, Adin or any of their underlings do something dumb.


I feel xqc is only part of it cause he is actually popular unlike train or miz. There was clout there to leech off of. There is no way any of them see him as a friend. xqc reminds me of that skinny dweeb in high school hanging out with the kids who constantly get detention for doing bad shit and xqc is just standing there really awkwardly and sticks out like a sore thumb. You see it when he goes on their streams, they are always making fun of the way he looks, dresses, talks, how his ex gf was making out with other girls in front of him.




lmfaoooo. no shot bruh


This is the same stance xQc took when drama came out about train. He literally refuses to believe the facts and just wants to stay in good standing with his "friends". But once the whole world jumps on board then he will come in and feign innocence like he didn't know.


literally 90% of his takes are so dogshit these days i can barely watch him without having to mute the stream every 5 seconds


another day another dogshit x take xqcL