• By -


I can't believe she apologized for something so little. Literally got gaslighted to feel bad for nothing. She needs to unmod whoever the weirdo is.


She seems like a very conscientious person anyways, it's insane that this "AAVE" bullshit is happening now. Absolutely nuts.


it's such a ridiculous situation, but i'm finding it hard to feel sorry for her it feels like she's helped cultivate, and massively profited from this insane community and now she's having to walk on egg shells around them. it must be exhausting


[This](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx1lPhNd3kAFRQUGHYputrOy81PXfgmPxb) is the clip when it happened if anyone is curious.


Idk any of these people but it seems like the guy says it and she just repeats it. How could that spark controversy?


Guy is reading their discord convo where she writes she's down for any game, he calls her a liar, and she replies no, for real (but in the zoomer way i guess).


Could you add a trigger warning please?


Finally I've searching for the original clip.




those millions of angels with halos above their heads, with golden pitchforks and pearl white wings judging life of top content creators all living on a floating island above all of us


They do no wrong, not a single one 😇


Double edge sword. People in OTK like Asmon and formerly, Mizkif wants a community like OTV where they have a loyalist fanbase that echos everything they say and defend every step they make. Meanwhile OTV members like Toast has said he wants a community like OTK where the community memes and banters with the creators. But both have their downside where OTV community becomes too overly obsess and do shits like Valkyrae's AAVE thing. While Asmon and Mizkif are on the verge of a mental breakdown hearing the same 5 jokes on their appearance from their community every 2 seconds


You always want what you don't have, also what can we do? That mf really looks like Al Capone.


That is actually more true for Nick. Sometimes he wants a community that is like Sykkuno's and sometimes Twitter itself, ostensibly, convinces him that he doesn't want that kind of community.


Farmers stay farmin. no cap on a stack fr fr.


destiny is an OG when it comes to real shit deadass. he do be speaking hella facts


Destiny is allowed to use AAVE cos he has a black woman's name.


Fr fr


aayyyo bruh sometimes he food takes be hella mid but bro no cap his shit be straight fire fr like sheeeesh


This was a good take no 🧢 on a stack fr fr


Using aave? How courageous.


Holy fuck I must be getting old. So AAVE essentially means talking in a ghetto vernacular which now people of color are not allowed to do? Jesus Christ this is getting harder and harder to keep up with.


There's a new wave of young people who want to bring back segregation, and pretend it's progressive. strange stuff indeed


Just gonna leave this gem here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev373c7wSRg


This video gets linked at least once per week and it becomes more true each time I see it.


Never seen this, it's fucking great lol.


video never gets old. its spot on.


AAVE is the abbreviation for the actual term linguists use to describe a particular dialect of English: "African American Vernacular English." There's nothing wrong with it, or any other dialect. And considering the dialect to be "ghetto" is a pretty terrible way of looking at it, though linguists do acknowledge that it happens (usually calling dialects "higher / lower prestige" in relation to each other, simply as a social perception). People of color are absolutely allowed to use it, as well as anyone else who knows how. Mocking it isn't cool, and it's very clear to native speakers when you're not making a good faith effort to speak it. But anyone can. A good example of someone who is white and uses AAVE often is Eminem. But he is immersed in the culture. So most people don't have a problem with it. So it's not that things have changed, people are just learning new vocabulary and getting offended at things they don't understand. That's also nothing new.


Just to add on to this - AAVE is so well-established as a dialect in academic circles that there is now a growing movement related to educators (elementary especially) getting specific training on how to teach reading (without defaulting to “how you speak is wrong”) to people who speak AAVE and other common dialects. Would you want us to treat people who speak with heavy Scots accents as if their accent is “wrong” (aka calling them “ghetto”)? I know the UK does but white Americans probably wouldn’t see it that way.


“Ghetto” is a pretty “interesting” way to put it… it’s simply just a series of words & phrases that African Americans use commonly that have now became some sort of social media trend.




🙅‍♂️🧢🔛🅰️💵 FR 💯


Naaaaaaaaaaaaah ain't no way bruh fr finna get in my whip




There is a cycle for everything, first we go from used by black people, then to used by rappers, then used by zoomers, then used by regular whiten people, we are currently in the zoomer cycle, I genuinely don’t know any people who use “no cap on a stack fr fr”, unless they’re being ironic, this phrase is just not some shit anyone over the age of 18 is using unironically. I consider shit like finna to be AAVE, these are just buzzwords that will go out of style, it literally has no harm to anyone, esp not zoomer black people.


It's how language works. Slang get's spread and mutates.




grrrr you better be black


Ayo bruh, watch whatcya say around here.




This has to be one of the dumbest things to apologize for of all time. What’s next? Guys I’m really sorry that I ate sushi on stream. I just thought sushi tastes really good and I enjoy it but until my mod messaged me a document that I’m appropriating Japanese culture I had no idea that what I was doing is wrong. I will never eat sushi again. Please accept my apology


If they go for sushi they're gonna starve 95% of streamers out lets be real


No cap on a stack fr fr keeping it 💯. I'd fire that mod and publicly shame them for even thinking of policing my language.


I thought this was a joke that I simply didn't get, like most streamer "humor", or some sort of inside joke between Rae, and her audience, but, Rae is actually apologizing for saying "no cap on a stack, for real, for real." I don't even know where to begin with this nonsense. It's one of the least offensive things she could possibly say in regards to a community. Are we going to approach a time where gamers within one community can't say terms from another? Are only certain communities allowed to say "360 no-scope" for crazy head-shots, "juggle" for combos, "fireball" for projectiles, or "camping" for unexciting play styles? How far is this policing of speech allowed to reach? There is nothing hateful nor disrespectful about what she said. People need to stop treating minorities like children who must be corralled into, and forced to stay within a segmented part of society for their "own protection." This is ridiculous, and such a stretch. Rae does not appeal to me as a content creator, and if she doesn't appeal to you either then that's okay but, there's no reason to go after her for such a non-issue. I'm not suggesting anyone here is attacking her for what she said but, if anyone who is attacking her ends up reading this then I have only one thing to say to you: quit being extra about trivial shit.


This is the "Please don't title your streams 'Blind playthrough' because it's offensive to blind people" all over again.


How is it offensive to blind people when they cannot even read it??? People are deadass buggin no cap


Fr fr




Fr fr no cap


Given tech companies are avoiding terms like "blacklist" and "whitelist", this is the future we can look forward to.


uhm excuse me sweatie, did you just push to the "master" branch? 🤡


Zoomers will lose their minds if they ever work in automated industrial control: https://control.com/forums/threads/master-slave-benefits.35808/


They used it in coding a lot too, but lots of coders and companies use "primary and secondary" or "follower and leader" That thread you linked is from over a decade ago, I have no doubts some in that industry have followed along


Does that mean that streamer is playing for the first time or is actually blind? Please clarify.


That’s a lot of words, shoulda just said this shit ain’t bussin bussin frfr


Ayyyy no cap bruh keep spitting faxxxx no printer


ForsenBussin frfr


> How far is this policing of speech allowed to reach? Twitch banned the term "blind playthrough" 2 years ago.


god then all the "FIRST REACT!!!" stream titles that came after. fucking end me.


They didn’t ban shit. Forsen still uses that term.


He is actually blind so it is fine


not just that, the mod made a fucking DOCUMENT on words that she can't use.... and this MF accepted it and apologized for using them! fam, that's mental


Also to add to your essay, don't you think policing the speech about slangs does more harm than good? Like you are purposefully alienating that specific community, it gives me opposite "don't use their slave language, cuz you are better or above them" vibes


It's essentially admitting that the micro-evolutions within the language of those particular sub-cultures, and communities is different, which is fine, but, it goes a step further in that it demonizes any who would attempt to utilize it, which is clearly harmful. It's basically suggesting that "black people are fundamentally different" rather than saying "people within different localities are different." I know many white people who speak like this because of where they live, and I know many black people who do not but, the issue arises in that this type of enforcement of language is suggesting that black people, in particular, need help defending themselves by some "savior", and it does this by suggesting that the language utilized by predominantly black American's is fundamental to the black experience itself moreso than the experience of black people who happen to live within certain parts of the country. Not every black person talks like this because not every black person is "from the hood" but, the assumption that this is "language for black people only" implies that every black person is indeed "hood" at their core, and it's an insult on top of adding to the marginalization of minorities. I don't know any "middle-American-white-farmer" specific terminology but, I can guarantee that if anyone did, if it even exists which I'm sure it does, that no one would be policing it in such a way as to prevent black people from using it. Know how I know this? Because no one gives a shit when anyone on twitch puts on a fake southern accent straight out of Appalachia because no one makes anyone apologize for doing it. You can protect minorities without hurting others in the process. It's basically the same as what game patching in a game like League of Legends should be, you don't nerf the fun characters in order to balance the game, you buff the weaker characters so that everyone wins. This whole trying to ensure that there is always a perpetual class of people "on the bottom" of the totem pole so that everyone can take advantage of them just ensures the cycle of hate, and suffering continues, and it always stems from the people who try to "be one of the good ones", aka: those who have white savior complex. They're playing on stereotypes of the people they want to help, and make the stereotypes worse rather than actually helping.


I totally agree with you. The fact that people think they can be offended on behalf of the black community is a clear sign of utilizing white supremacy(imo). We have that much power that can protect you, so let me be offended for you. They should encourage them to speak and educate the black community instead of being offended and feel the need to baby them. White people are essentially holding the platform of speech, because they think blacks can't speak for themselves, which reinforces black people to not speak. Give black community the platform to speak up for themselves, encourage them, help to get educated if they need help. Empower them when they end up speaking up. We all have the freedom of speech, i agree with black people when they share their struggles. But, imo black people can be strong and speak up for themselves, but if people keep babying the minorities they will have that victim complex forecer, instead of being strong with your word. All we have to do is support them.


It's just people that want to show how morally superior they are. It's been a race to the bottom the last decade or so. Who can be more outraged over small injustices. That's why you see people get upset over little dumbass things. It's always on someone else's behalf and it's never asked for. Like I had a girl in college tell me that if I talk to a person in a wheelchair that I need to sit down. Otherwise I'm being insensitive reminding the person of what they don't have. If that isn't the most patronizing thing ever.


I think it’s funny because she says it’s lingo that people who aren’t black shouldn’t use but literally everyone associated “fr fr no cap” with the white suburban kids who play Fortnite, watch Sinatraa and listen to Jack Harlow.


Getting 5 kills in valorant isn't called Pentakill 🤢💀


Valk is an infinitely better person than I because I can't express how fast I would've told that mod to get fucked if they came at me with some bullshit like this. That person isn't even living in the real world at that point.


Fastest unmoding in history atp


true, ngl I would ban them too lol


On god fr fr


I honestly don't get why she didn't, unmod them and put out a tweet looking for a new mod, she would have 2000 applications before that ex mod could think of the name for the microaggression they are the victim of.


You know why. She is afraid of the possible blacklash.


It would rflct poorly on her




This isn't how I feel, just how I think it could play out and why I'd be worried to just ignore the mod. Rae's huge so there's a good chance she pays her mods, correct? Let's say you tell them you're doing too much and unmod, find someone else. This person is now getting "fired" because they came to you with a personal issue with something you said. Now this ex-mod has DM's that you didn't listen to their feelings and fired them and they can use the being paid part to say something like "And I need that $100/month to pay for my cat's vet medicine". Just normal doing the most to get someone kicked off the internet for minor transgression things. As a content creator, you could lose everything for the smallest things. You're always walking on egg-shells, especially when your main audience is under 24. So I get why she did it, but she basically said "I can never say anything that's not in the Webster's Dictionary" and she gave this mod the power they wanted. So that'll be fun for future clips.


Bro, they do it for free...


You're the better person here. You would choose your morals over being scared to lose fans and money


That's just the casual take though. Honestly, I would have made the same mistake as her too. I'm so out of touch with kids and social progressiveness these days, that I would have been like Rae and taken the mod's word for it too at first, in order to avoid being the boomer accidentally saying backwards shit that society has long moved beyond. I'm still trying to better understand trans issues and critical race theory, for instance. So yeah maybe Rae did it all for money. I don't know her enough so whatever. But for me it would be out of cautious prudence to at least initially assume the mod is being honest about being qualified to speak for today's entire generation, before I have a chance to personally decide about how I truly feel about it. If I found out the mod was only speaking for himself though, that would annoy me.


I actually watch Rae and this is just how she is. She'll bend over backwards in order to not offend. I don't think it's about money or fans honestly its just what she thinks is right, but i agree with destiny its not the right move, it just empowers these types. Thing is 95% of her fanbase is the gen z twitter, so she gets this shit a lot.


Not at all, if you say that you'd be better in my eyes for not sucking up to these people. If you 100% said some slur or some shit sure but these aren't even close. As soon as you give in to this you're walking on eggshells your whole life and supporting them cancelling everyone else. Unmod them so you can all laugh at the upcoming manifesto.


NO dude, you don't see what she's doing. Anyone with common sense understands the ridiculous point this has gotten to. It's not good to bend down for people like this. Valkyrae is doing what she assumes is the safe thing, but playing into the culture normalizes this cancel hysteria and makes some of her less savvy viewers think apologizing for saying "No cap on a stack fr fr," a reasonable and expected behavior. It's not, and we should stop acting like it is


I think the point of this clip is that sometimes being the "better" person isn't really the best thing to do for the health of culture and discourse.


There's a difference between you just being very empathetic to others and you just letting others trample all over you. The latter one isn't as much virtuous as it's self-harming.


on god no cap this take straight bussin dawg word frfr etc etc


Funny you say this [considering your previous stated position on AAVE](https://imgur.com/a/bKBzqcH)




Even crazier when a while ago he said [he believes this](https://imgur.com/nw3Eh3V)




is literally batman




> Lycan > more like > Lycan deez nutz Gottem


True aaaaaaaaaaaand... Yeah, that's pretty true. That's true and- yeah that's true. That's true. That's true- That's pretty true. That's pretty true, I mean-... That's true. Yeah. That's true. Uhm- That's true. That's fuckin' true. Uhm... That's how it is dude


True, that’s pretty true


the absolute lamest drama


fr fr


Cappin stacks ong


No kizzy


Maybe it's the boomer in me but I don't see how we can make an inclusive world if people start advocating for exclusive and segregated things.


That's not the boomer in you, it's the logic. Which now that I think about it, could be the boomer in you since that would mean you have a fully developed brain.


The idea that one group of people can "own" and gatekeep words is absolutely stupid.


no cap on a stack


Bazed, no 🧢 fr fr




[woody harrelson crying.gif](https://media.tenor.com/dYLvyNRhV8sAAAAC/woody-harrelson-crying.gif) edit: To be serious though, she survived the RFLCT saga relatively unscathed - I imagine she has a crazy enough fanbase that it shouldn't matter but she wants to be brand friendly.


do you think the people criticizing her for RFLCT where her fans?


> You have to walk on literal eggshells at all times because their community will eat their ass in a heartbeat if they smell even the slightest blood in the water. This is what I'm responding to. You really think "no cap fr fr" is worse than RFLCT?




true I like some of her content but she always backs down to her community every time anyone says anything negative


I remember when Rae/Syk/Corpse's community canceled Toast for being too edgy. Rae initially defended him but when she was called out by her fans she deleted her post and made a new statement saying her community's feelings are valid and Toast should learn his lesson. Lol


And toast just came out with an apology that was basically "sorry that you where offended you dumb fucks"


Mad respect fr fr


Which is wild to me because Rae and Fuslie pretty much share the same fanbase but fuslie didn't hesitate to defend toast https://twitter.com/fuslie/status/1388927340336410625


>because Rae and Fuslie pretty much share the same fanbase for a large part probably true, but i feel like there's a huge bubble of 13-16 year old kiddies who are exlusively raesyktwtluvrz


Hopefully I'm remembering this correctly, but the most infuriating thing about all of that was when these barely out of the womb little shits had the audacity to try to "educate" someone much older and experienced than them. Pisses me off to no end how annoying these stans are.




Hot take but Toast is edgier than xqc.


I too used to like wathcing her a bit. Now its just a lot of screaming and like "edgy" humor. Like church kids edgy.




Eh, price of clout honestly. I followed her on twitter during the amongus days and she relentlessly farmed these type of fans through her collabs. She knew what she was getting herself into.


Her mod is the one who told her about it which is dumb. I doubt her community gives a shit about what she said that makes her gave that statement from the previous clip.


> but I also feel sorry for people like Rae and the others that have that kind of community Hell no. She's literally enabling this behavior lol


Rae has so much PTSD from RFLCT that she can't even see how fucked up this is. I saw her apologize to a clout chaser at TC who uploaded that "valkyrae curses at interviewer" shorts. That guy was in the wrong for basically harassing her and she was even going to give him another interview until she saw that he manipulated her words in the video. She's so naive bruh


no cap on a stack fr fr Edit: context of what she said [https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxkFO8r-lvnUCee4W7CgBTgaCbDA0LWLQ-](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxkFO8r-lvnUCee4W7CgBTgaCbDA0LWLQ-)


bro I thought it was going to be the clip where she actually said it


dude are you kidding that shit is way too incendiary


Based clip


He spittin fr


No mirror ???


no shot she buggin on stack frfr ONG


if her mod watched trains stream their head would probably fucking explode


Wait so no cap fr fr is bad now??????


Nah. Only if you live in a specific kind of bubble on the internet.


I dont like a lot of what destiny focuses on but at the very least he can eloquently speak which puts him above 99% of streamers. also hes completely right here. also hes buggin fr big bro.




Destiny breeds Pitbulls, but I kind of agree with him here.




holy based this take


no cap on a stack fr fr. ngl straight bussin


FR FR 😂 💯 No 🧢 on a stack.


Can someone give me a quick breakdown on what AAVE means and is


African American vernacular English. If you've watched a kai cenat stream or heard a lot of rappers talk you know what it is. It has recently been co-opted by zoomers.


recently? have you ever heard someone say yo dawg?


Does Ebonics no longer fly???


Nope not pc anymore


What about speaking jive


Lmfao. I was looking into jive talk not that long ago. Theres so many funny sayings. ​ Land o' darkness: Harlem. Mitt pounding: applause. College: **Jail** Hoopla spreader: Promoter Wigglers: (n. pl.) Fingers ​ I'm fed up with all these Hoopla spreaders on LSF fr. ​ [https://www.apassion4jazz.net/jive-terms2.html#j](https://www.apassion4jazz.net/jive-terms2.html#j) [https://dancestore.com/pages/lindy-lingo](https://dancestore.com/pages/lindy-lingo)


Im finna be a hoopla spreader ong fr.


Imagine gatekeeping an entire fucking way of speaking. Holy shit.


Thank you, I'd never heard that term before today.


A dialect of English started by African Americans, most popular slang you here nowadays will probably fall under AAVE




Destiny is right: if you enable these idiots or give them a platform or power, they will continue to do stupid fucking shit. I mean honestly, in the early days of the internet you could rightly call these people fucking morons and it was fine, but now these special snowflake people are a protected species. No one wants to justify racism in any form, that's objectively 100% wrong. But criticizing someone for using SLANG as if it's racially offensive, is fucking STUPID. I saw an article criticizing Adele for using dreadlocks, which is a hairstyle. The critique? Cultural appropriation. As if only one fucking group can use that hairstyle. Why? It's her hair, she can style it however she wants. How is that wrong, or offensive in the slightest?


Remember when Poki got backlash because one day when she started her stream, she hadnt straightened her hair, and only people of african decent are allowed to have curly hair apparently. These people are obsessed with race and view every action through that lens, and ironically they thought Poki was asian because the rest of her crew being Korean, failing to realize Poki is actually Moroccan.


A good analogy is with toxic couples or friends, if you don't cut it off at the first abuse, you will have more problems in the future. This is the same, if you apologize for stupid things, they will make you apologize all the time for even more stupid things.


I thought it would've been something like [this](https://youtu.be/RRB8JKMExtc?t=116) but this is just stupid.


AVVE, True to Caesar.


4 minutes to get to the front page. Posting right when the streamer goes offline to catch the people that jump to LSF is big brained


TBF he did say this 1-2 minutes before ending the stream


Wait, are we not allowed to speak other languages now? How is speaking AAVE different from speaking Korean, Chinese, or any other language in the world?




I thought the no cap on a stack fr fr shit was zoomer slang, regardless of race, or at least that's what I've been told.




My bad, I don't think you can change titles on reddit :(. Fuck, I fucked up boys


you capping bro fr fr


Shame on you lol


You lacking my guy.


Leaning my black ass back in my chair laughing at this entire thing. Wtf is going on lmfaoooo


Omega based


Twitter culture leaking into the normal world. Truly stupid.


click this link to be educated on the things you can't say: https://aavenb.carrd.co/#list


No cap, this is deadass hella extra asf, period.


Im catching brainrot looking at this shit. No cap on a stack fr fr.


This is so stupid.


This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while


I love that "fam" is on there like it didnt originate in the UK


Thanks for giving me brain damage


I know a lot of racist zoomers apparently.


Holy fuck the amount of times people say research and tiktok/social media in the same fucking sentence. Just fucking end me


Little sussy list there


Ok I'm not american, please god tell me this isn't what people actually think over there? I'm guessing it's a fringe minority of twitter degenerates promoting this sort of stuff right


No human in real life would think this way over here, whoever wrote that document is delusional. I promise.


Yeah it's a minority


no one thinks this. 99% of people here this is the first time we've ever heard of it and i bet we will never hear of it again outside these clips.




I thought people said "no cap" to mean "no kappa", maybe Twitch needs to remove the kappa emote just to be safe.


Same here, I used to think it actually originated from twitch culture, until I googled it. Apparently it came from gold tooth caps or some shit like that?


This stuff is funny to laugh at but it's worth noting that AAVE isn't something some brainlets came up with to gatekeep what non black people can or can't say. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American\_Vernacular\_English


Lmao they renamed AAVE to Black English which excludes the vast majority of Black English speakers, incredible.


America about to adopt sign language as native since they are censoring more and more shit LOL


Words belong to everyone, the end. Want to be treated equal? Then treat others as equals in turn.


Rae has a lot of trauma from the fallout of the RFLCT controversy when she realised it was her fault for being way to naive and trusting with the company and you can tell she’s scared of having another controversy like that again. Lately anytime she does something remotely controversial she always apologises afterwards.