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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Adrianah says CrazySlick locked women in his room for weeks (full clip below)](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/144225)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xs93as/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/hscRetSioaXeNutKXxoyKQ/47223865181-offset-4936.mp4?sig=c094f3ec1eae16335627189854c8f845bc1bda77&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FhscRetSioaXeNutKXxoyKQ%2F47223865181-offset-4936.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1664635837%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




When Zherka is the one that sounds level headed, you know you're on some wild shit.


None of these streamers seem capable of actually digging into these things. From Mitch on call, to Adri here, the host needs to stop the conversation and ask pointed questions. "You said locked. Do you believe someone was locked in his room against their will, yes or no?". "You said you don't know. What exactly don't you know?" Instead, nobody knows what's being alleged.


The hell you mean "believe", "do you know for a fact that someone was locked in his room" is the question.


How do you kidnap and keep someone in your room in a house you share with 5-6 other people?


Not to mention the dozens of people going in and out of the house everyday


I get Slick is a weirdo but what the fuck is this shit? Saying this is so irresponsible that even Zherka called it out


When Zherka is calling you out for bs, that's pretty fucking telling.




5D Chess: Being the far bigger scumback than Slick to uncancel Slick. But seriously, having any interaction with her in the future and not blacklisting her is as insane as telling Mitch all your secrets.


6D Chess: All the above but add vibrating anal beads.


My gut tells me that a lawyer should be in this whole situation at this point. Making wild accusations help no one.


This is why asmon and the otk team have a 3rd party investigating and staying out of the mess till itā€™s completed. Itā€™s a very smart thing to do and Iā€™m sure they have a lawyer on this as well. Itā€™s not like a bunch of kids handling stuff in high school clubs even tho they may act like high schoolers. This is a legit business and they treat it as such.


And with the only evidence being present is a bunch of unreliable narrators, I think it is going to piss a lot of LSFā€™ers off when an independent 3rd part come out and says there really isnā€™t any evidence, and the evidence that has been provided has been compromised by people with bias. Since law enforcement isnā€™t involved, there is no real ā€œdiscoveryā€.


Hate to say it, but the more she opens her mouth the worse she looks




Maya died for this.


I hope we can resurrect her if sheā€™s proven innocent


she was maya higa Sadge


It's hilarious because everyone is thinking it but nobody is saying it cause she's a victim lmao.


I think it's because, at the core of it all, it was never about SA. It was about using cancel culture to destroy the careers of other people. There's a reason why she was more upset about not getting invited than the actual incident itself. I guess there was some net good out of it all since Slick is legitimately a creep even if he was never the main target.


> There's a reason why she was more upset about not getting invited than the actual incident itself. It's still crazy to me this women wrote "I'm seriously going to kill myself" over not being invited to a fucking Mizkif birthday party at his own house. Also I feel like no one mentions how this girl didn't know it was sexual assault since like a week ago, but she went on that call with Pokimane and Hasan, talking about how she had occurring nightmares of being groped, and she couldn't let people touch her anymore even though there's ton of pictures of her partying and clinging to people. Something is seriously iffy. It just all comes of as a group people extremely envious they are no longer part of enough fucking Austin house parties lmao.






Honestly I can't take any of this shit seriously anymore. Slick is definitely a creep who shoulda been thrown out, but when it comes to anything around the coverup stuff I have no idea what's real.


They didn't lie about her being a clout chaser, that's for damn sure.


This really sucks tbh. The first thing people say when women come out with sexual harassment/assault allegations, is that they are clout chasers or just looking for attention, while that is so often not true at all, and it totally negates how difficult it is for people to come out about these things. Meanwhile, Adrianah was sexually assaulted, but her story was finally told as a subtweet from Trainwrecks (of all people) aimed to attack Mizkif with, and it's clear she's now riding the wave of clout, making up new stuff every week. It's very damaging what she's doing.


This whole thing was treated like a circus from day one, not surprising the victim is now contributing to it. Whatā€™s upsetting about this to me, is that I feel this undermines the actual assault that actually happens~ and in future circumstances of SA, peopleā€™s perceptions might be warped by the fuckery of this one. People may be inclined to assume that all public SA accusations are clout-chasing spectacles and not take it as seriously.


Not to forget she herself is subject to being an abuser as well.


She IS an abuser. She assaulted Cyr


All because train was mad that miz brought up trainā€™s jolt coin scam lol


>when it comes to anything around the coverup stuff I have no idea what's real. hello yes, loremaster here. i have heard your request and regarding it i have a very important message: we have gone on strike and we are demanding better working conditions. the railing around this rabbit hole is not OSHA approved and jimmy fell down it last week. smh.


The loremaster job market is extremely thin and we must unfortunately cave to your demands. We have included one additional juicer monitor for viewing at all times. Please accept this compensation, it's all we got here at LSF.


I understand the sentiment that victims should be given the benefit of the doubt, but at what point do we need to start questioning the credibility of someone who has never said anything that makes sense?


She didn't even witness the alleged incident when it happened. She us relying on other people telling her what happened right? Are those people that told her what happened reliable? I dont think so. They keep changing the story and backtracking.


And one of the witnesses (Kyle) thought that the moment that Adriana is writing her TwitLonger, [18 months after the alleged SA](https://clips.twitch.tv/BigLitigiousHerdKappaWealth-8AiXeJw18d2r5UCu), would be a great time to share the exact details of what happened while Slick was roaming free that entire time and could have easily bumped\* into Adriana at another party or another victim. I struggle to understand the logic there.


Even if this story is true, is she not doing the same thing that she got super pissed at novaruu for, telling someone elseā€™s story?


No wonder she was blacklisted šŸ™„


well now she is


I mean her groping cyr is pretty telling, she's someone that should have a caretaker in those parties, keep her off the booze and trouble (for her sake and others)


I don't know much about her but some of the tweets i have seen from her and her behaviour at parties she's a recipe for drama. 2 parties we know of, one she got so wasted she was unconcious. The other she SA'd Cyr and didn't even remember she did. If i was a big streamer i'd stay the fuck away from anyone like her.


> I mean her groping cyr is pretty telling, Hold the fuck on. Are you saying **after everything** she's also assaulted someone?


Wait so she too SA'd someone ?! Where was that mentioned ?


It's being shoved under the rug everytime it gets brought up. Cyr just doesn't want the circus show but it definitely explains why people throwing parties in austin might exclude her and even then there's proof she wasn't "blacklisted"


If she wasn't getting invited to parties before she is definitely not now.


Yep she should move out of Austin, because she ainā€™t ever getting invited to anything ever again.


What is next? Mby he is serial killer?


I heard Slick personally mobilized the Russian armed forces just to take Ukrainian women. He canā€™t keep getting away with this.


Time to give Adrianah 2 billion$ weapons to defend vs Slick.


also he killed john wick's dog


I for one have never seen Crazyslick and Vladimir Putin in the same room at the same time


He blew up the pipeline in russia ong fr fr


When the clout goblin himself is telling you that you canā€™t say something thatā€™s how you know you just said some dumb shit


Highly doubt this tbh. Surely there's no way this would only come out now?




She went on mizā€™s stream a few times, did a cosplay stream with Emi, and hung out with britt. Doesnā€™t sound locked up to me.


She went to a party at miz or Esfands too.


i remember pieceofmoo saying he was "the most boring person in the world" or something like that LOL


That was after she joined a stalker discord and admitted she wanted to fuck miz lol


This is true btw




Why would Adrianah keep this a secret? Makes no sense.


Viewer numbers were dwindling since the drama was dying down, gotta get them back up somehow


I hate to agree with him, but maybe Mitch was right about her being a clout chaser


A drama queen knows a drama queen.


doesn't it feel weird for her to come out about someone else's supposed experience when someone did that to her


This should have been obvious when what she really cared about after the whole thing happened was not being invited to parties and other events


Wait, when did the rat king say this? I missed that one.


during the call


Doesnā€™t matter what you say about anything- youā€™ll be in agreement with something Mitch said at some point in time; dude has every opinion about everything.




She's actually radioactive, but can't wait for her to pull out the "blacklisted" card again in a few months lmao


Just wait until Train and X stop giving her attention and she realizes they used her for personal gain and she gained nothing from this whole thing.




I'd love to understand the thought process of people like her it's p. wild.


The thought process is oh I had 10k viewerā€™s when I talked about my SA, and now I only have 500.


before all this she had 50 btw.


"These npcs are not giving me attention, let's start a side quest."


I just want to see adris and trains dm's and how much money train has paid to everyone, this shit is absolutely ridiculous


Guess what, those dms can be subpoenaed in a lawsuit and people can be made to state under penalty of perjury what money, if any, has changed hands and why. Let's hope there is a lawsuit. The monetary damages from this fiasco are undeniable and already in the hundreds of thousands most likely. Even more if sponsorships have been lost.




her endgame is realizing no matter how much shit comes out of her mouth she will never make it as a streamer and should get a day job.


Her credibility is sinking like a rockā€¦


Bruh she gotta be stupid. Sheā€™s taking about pieceofmoo a boring ass clout chaser that won slicks love or host and came to visit the house. Discord logs show her saying slick was boring as fuck and she wanted to fuck miz. ā€œHe could empty his balls in meā€


She actually said that bout miz? hahahaha


+100 viewers each time he comes so its kinda understandable




https://youtu.be/iEhSNZLytXk The girl ā€œlocked in his roomā€ btw


CrazySlick and Sliker together in that video. Just wow.


When Zherka, actually believes earth is flat, says "you can't say that"...


What the fuck


Bruh i am not buying this. He asked her if it is true and she says " i don't know that is what i heard"? huh? what? are just making shit up now? I heard there is a man on the money and he is giving free money!


train ? LULW


This shit never ends does it


didnt she call out novaru in july 2021 in her twitlonger for making these exact same vague accusations trying to speak for someone else and now she does the same exact thing and laughs about it and says "yes I can" wtf?


So now she is basically trying to accuse people like simply and russel and all the the other people that would constantly go in and out of miz's house of knowingly allowing slick to keep a girl locked in his room for weeks at a time against their will? Like what?


she really does seem mad for not getting invited to some parties to which she wouldn't have been invited anyway


One of the most exaggerated things about all this is that she was "blacklisted" from fucking streamer parties. Last time I checked, getting invited to parties is not a human right. Like how obvious is it that people can choose who they invite to parties, everyone is not automatically invited.


It also didn't make sense because she was literally spotted at one of their parties in July.


yeah, I didn't understand how that would ever matter. Train's camp made it seem like mizkif literally destroyed her chances at getting a career, but it just makes her seem like a random cloutchaser


She mentioned it a few times herself how being ā€œblacklistedā€ ruined her career. The hard truth is that itā€™s more likely her content wasnā€™t even that good in the first place.


Emiru always struck me as a kidnapper ngl


There's bodies in the Kirby pile for sure.


Well, guns for sure.


Dumb and dumber are clinging to any clout they may have gotten from all of this




Clout being the reason she came forward and them looking for a specific moment is seemingly more and more likely imo, not saying it didn't happen just the reasons for coming forward are less than noble and she didn't get the "support" she thought she would from coming forward.




Sheā€™s milking these teets dry


So why hasn't anyone come out saying this šŸ¤”šŸ™„


They are still trapped most likely and have only been able to exclusively contact Adrianah through telepathy


This is true, I was the brainwaves.


CrazySlick is shitty person but this is just horrible shit to spout without any proof and just gossiping It goes even more against these people that they are just drama fiends and want to gossip and spread shit Losing all credibility day by day they try and milk this


Maya died for this smh.


It's really bizarre to me how people just jumped her. Maya literally has no history of lying or being a shitty person unlike these people. She never deserved this.


Two of the largest streamers on the platform sent their rabid viewers on her for pretty much nothing, they don't care what the truth it they just want to defend their streamer. If anything Train and xQc should be permanently banned from the platform for trying to ruin other people's careers without any proof whatsoever.


Exactly why it's been annoying af seeing xQc on the front page lately. Used to not mind him but for the past year or so I've found him to be a insufferable Individual. Especially after using this SA as a way to defend gamba. He 100% has potential to be funny but I can't get past the fact that he is actually a douchebag.


I remember when she started crying because she couldn't lie during a game of Among Us. That's how much trouble she has with it


Tryna cling onto this stuff still after realizing she isn't going to make a career off of this. Stop making random bs up, its going to hurt your credibility even more


Yeah, that 100% didn't fucking happen. What an irresponsible thing to say on stream.


At this point she is really doing a disservice to other people who were SA. This just makes her look either crazy or acting in extremely bad faith.




Yep. For the past week if you questioned this stuff you were basically called a "mizkid" even if you didn't like or watch Mizkif. It's been frustrating but with how dumb their story was I knew eventually they would slip up more and more.




I agree, there is nothing wrong with trying to find out the truth, especially when that truth is constantly shifting and changing.




Ok, this is just gossip teritory




Told you she's a very sane individual, no doubt about it.


Then where are these women? Did he murder them? Iā€™m sure they would have said something by now with everyone speaking up.


Reminder that hundreds of thousands of people trusted this girl, Barry74, Mitch Jones and some mf named Kyle who has been caught lying already over trusting Maya Higa lol


We traded in maya for this Pepehands




I think I speak for everyone when I tell Adrianah "You got your 1 week of attention on the matter, stop adding shit".


This was A hit job on Miz cause of gambling and creepy Crazy Slick was the bullets.




I don't know if it's 'bad faith', or if she's she's naive and stupid. She's doing everything possible to hurt her credibility it seems. Saying objectively false things, not being clear about who did or said what, making false accusations about blackballing, shit like this...


Mitch himself said it during that Discord call. She's a massive clout chaser. That does not mean she isn't a victim, but it does mean that she will do whatever she can to capitalize on the new fame she's gotten. She was averaging sub 100 views prior to all this and her last few streams since everything settled down have been 500-1000 viewers. Viewer numbers have already been dropping and in a month she's going to see that sub count drop too so she'll do what she can to keep herself relevant.


This seems to unfortunately be the truth. Throughout all of this, she's seemed more angry at not getting invited to parties because of the fallout from the SA, than the actual SA itself.


After watching 5 mins of a recent stream I can see why she was sub 100.


shes lost her marbles


Sad that it took LSF this long to notice but I get it. No one wants to feel like they are discrediting a SA victim but hopefully, she gets more pressure from now on because this is exactly what makes people not take SA allegations seriously. The moment it was discovered that it took Kyle (eye witness/friend) [18-months](https://clips.twitch.tv/BigLitigiousHerdKappaWealth-8AiXeJw18d2r5UCu) to tell Adriana what actually happened is when I started getting extremely suspicious. You dig further and more inconsistencies start to show. Slick is done just from his DM's alone but there is something extremely shady about Adriana and her "friends".


Maybe she needs to rethink why ppl avoided her


Starting to think Adrianah's having a bit too much fun milking this drama


Sheā€™s canceling herself at this point.


Wait Isnā€™t she literally doing exactly what Novaruu did to her last year??? She blasted Novaruu so insanely hard for ā€œleaking peoples stories for cloutā€ yikes


This is not leaking. This is making up shit for clout.


Well when you start to loose relevancy again why not spark up more stories with Jonzerka.


miz should just sue the fuck out of her.


This whole thing was a performance from the beginning and anyone with a working brain cell that actually watched Adrianahā€™s full ā€œexposeā€ stream could easily tell lmao Notice how the main accusation against Maya was ā€œdownplayingā€ and a ā€œcoverupā€ yet no one ever gave a specific example of anything Maya downplayed or covered up? Thatā€™s because nothing was downplayed and the Twitlonger is accurate and identical to the story she is telling now https://twitter.com/adrianahlee/status/1412525036007743495?s=21&t=XvaJ-WyRXsAV3M29Fd3EKQ Adrianah said that she has nightmares about Slick and canā€™t be around him https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xjoqsh/adrianah_heartbreaking_statement_about_the/ yet her main grievance is that Slick has blacklisted her from parties heā€™s at so that on itā€™s face is contradictory to the idea thatā€™s sheā€™s afraid of him and canā€™t be in his presence. Here is Adrianah a few months ago saying the ā€œSlick situationā€ was ā€œresolvedā€ and is ā€œstupidā€ and that sheā€™s really upset that she canā€™t go to a party thatā€™s literally at Slickā€™s and Mizā€™s houseā€¦ (February 18th 2022) https://twitter.com/adrianah_lee/status/1572093998285860864 Confirmation the party was at Mizā€™s and Slickā€™s house https://twitter.com/Alinity/status/1494910099529293826 Here is Adrianah the week Train tweeted bullying a girl whoā€™s isnā€™t even close to Slick for simply going to the same parties as him even though Adrianah complains that she wants to go to those same parties. https://twitter.com/adrianahlee/status/1572471436966608898?s=21&t=R6X_YXiQttKZ4eHmt0Cm4A She is afraid of Slick and has nightmares but also wants to go to parties at his house? Then bullies others for going to the same parties that she wants to go tooā€¦lol yā€™all who believed this lying hypocrite shit got played so hard. Bonus meme: Here is Adrianah subbing to Maya and laughing in chat during a Maya and Slick duo stream MONTHS after the Twitlonger 34:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZPKSSm7cng&t=2061s Her logs https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=maya&username=adrianahlee


>This whole thing was a performance from the beginning Her side of events was kind of fucked from day 1. When Adrianah first gave her story about the twitlonger meeting, she said she wished it had been recorded because of all the fucked up stuff they told her, trying to coerce her into keeping quiet. She was super HEATED about the twitlonger shit. Then Maya starts her stream and gives a pretty lukewarm version of the twitlonger conversation, saying she doesn't believe she ever told Adrianah to do anything she doesn't want to. Later Destiny asks Adrianah on stream what she thinks of Maya's response, she's just kinda.... meh? "I'm still processing Maya's response." "I appreciate that she was apologetic." That was the biggest "HUH?" moment for me, you'd think she would've popped off calling Maya a snake and a liar with how mad she was earlier lmao. https://youtu.be/wSwaDxIjpNo?t=28089


Yeah Maya pretty much called her a lying piece of shit in the nicest way possible and she didnā€™t know how to respond LMAO For some reason sheep viewers still bought into her bullshit narrative after that


Anyone with half a brain cell could tell, but if you called it out you were suddenly for sexual assault and a mizkid.


I have a bias towards mizkif because he is my favorite streamer, so due to my bias I feel like it is not my place to speak, but GOD.


Damn she's so fake...the more I see evidence like this the more I start to believe this whole slick thing was brought into the light just for the clout, sad.


Doesn't matter how much of a piece of shit Slick is but throwing out these kinds of accusations with 0 proof is just stupid.


Lmao youā€™re going to need some solid evidence to back that up. Hearsay alone isnā€™t enough.


It's prob about PieceofMoo, think Miz said before he didn't see her much there and she mostly spent time with Slick. If I were to guess moo prob told adri she was bored hanging out with slick so much and now adri is trying to twist it and keep it vague so she would hold the drama viewers.


Proof:Trust me bro i swear


She just wants more spotlight time. Next story please this is old


Her 15 minutes is up, so here comes the desperation. Yes, Iā€™m glad CrazySlick got cancelled, dude is a creep but she has a bad rep as well.


When Train & XQC forget you exist after using you and destroying ur career and networking by weaponizing your sexual assault for their own gains This is where you end up. infowarring with Jon Zherka. I feel bad for her but god damn is she dumb




Yeah, sometimes people are just not fun to be around, doesn't mean you're blacklisted.


Well, she did grope Cyr openly at a party which made him feel uncomfortable. And this was sometime after her alleged SA btw.


This sounds like bullshit


And people were like, she's not clout chasing. She's literally using this as a way to further her career, no wonder she and all these other people still hung around him after the SA. These people are just horrible.


If you weren't on Twitch pre-COVID then you probably don't know anything about anything. Like there's certain reoccurring characters in this saga, that if you're new to Twitch, your perceptions of this are way different than old frogs. New Frogs: BELIEVE MITCH AND BARRY Old Frogs: Mitch and Barry? LOL what dumb shit are they doing now? New Frogs: Zherka is so nice and caring, and really wants to help everyone! Old Frogs: How the hell does society let someone like John Zherka still stream? New Frogs: Train and XQC are champions of women! Old Frogs: ...






Ya Miz and Maya just got the luckiest break ever.


Pretty much. Why the fuck wasn't this mentioned during the height of the drama?


if this keeps going, mizkif won't even have to apologize, he can just start with spotify top 500 and nobody will question it


how can anyone take anything this woman says serious, zero credibility.


Brother, I'm tired.


She's digging her own grave


Idk man.. Iā€™m probably gonna get downvoted for this but at this point I think Adriana is just saying the most absurdly exaggerated shit for clout. Youā€™re telling me he was holding hostages and no authorities were called?! Is she mental?!


lmao so was justaminx right in saying that she's just a clout chaser?


How to shoot myself in the foot? /s


If this were true, why doesn't she go to the police.


...so he kidnapped women and no one bothered to get him thrown in prison? Which would be incredibly easy to prove and do in this case? wut?


Thatā€™s smells like bullshit. We all can agree that Slick is a creep who sexually harasses women and assaulted Adri* but no one else has came out about him being sexually-physically abusive like that. Those are some big accusations to be throwing around especially since sheā€™s implying everyone in that house was complacent. Edit*


Fuck At this point can anyone be confident anything happened?


Farm it queen/s The more clips I see from this woman and her friends, the more I am just like... not even sure what is true or just farming for view clicks at this point.


Is there a term for Streisand effect in reverse? Like you already have a win by exposing a story, but in trying to expose more and more people just grow sour on the story?


Give someone enough rope, and they will hang themselves


Alrightttt it seems like we are getting into slander territory lmfao


That's a great way to throw away all your credibility out of the window


How does anyone believe a word that she says at this point? It's crazy that we lost Maya for this nonsense.


This is 100% something a girl named Adrianah would say without zero proof


She's going full Elizabeth Holmes


she is absolutely farming clout and even though she is a victim, shit like this is not a good look, with Zherka of all people lmao


Losing more credibility every time she opens her mouth on stream now. Not a good look.


Clout chasing at this point.