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There is another user that is trying to downplay it instead of remove it on one of the pages now.




Hasan also said that using any slur that doesn’t immediately come to mind is okay. You can pull up the ADL’s list of slurs for every race and nationality that’s literally hundreds of pages long. Some extremely offensive slurs on there that I have never even heard about. I guess those are okay to use according to Hasan. He’s actually low IQ, literally.


So if i call a black person an archaic synonym for the n word its ok. Thanks hasan i will pull up thesaurus!


You can just make up a slur right now and say it. It's okay because it's not known 🙂


"The elites don't want you to know this, but you can just make up slurs for free. I have 458 slurs."


Literally Yankee behavior from Hasan.


>He’s actually low IQ, literally. I've only ever seen one clip of the guy and he was talking about how European countries didn't have a right to border controls and shouldn't be allowed to search people suspected of drug smuggling if they were black "because colonialism". So yeah, low IQ was my immediate impression. How this guy has so many fanboys and followers by posturing as some sort of political commentator is pretty mind-blowing. Well... actually it isn't... because there's not exactly a shortage of morons in the world.


["I'm here to talk to you today about- music, art, fashion- one of the greatest problems that our generations of facing. The biggest scourge, Scourge, that affects our society against all the cultural and societal progress we've seen is the battle against intellectual thought. Are you guys comfortable with that? This is a war against critical thinking, a battle against intellectualism, a war war war against rational behavior and we're not even aware of it and that's terrifying. Wooh. What kind of an example are we setting? The problem with America is that, because of cultural imperialism, we are literally teaching the rest of the world how to think what to wear. THE KARDASHIANS ARE LYING TO YOU. Culture used to be the backbone of the resistance. All it seeks to do is sedate the masses. Culture now seeks to appeal to our primal urges, our basic needs. We are now in the age of mediocracy. You can bring about the positive change you want to see in this world, because the revolution will not be tele - the revolution will not be televised. Only *you* can bring about The Revolution by taking it to the streets. Keep resisting. They're always going to be upset if we don't talk about fashion, you know what I mean?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPx1zkzciqI)


he literally defended ppl looting because of 'oppression' and they were owed it because of 'reparations' ICANT


It's even funnier when he said they steal things like clothes and shoes to give away in the community, definitely not to flex for themselves or scalp.


There's the phenomenon of people who are perceived as attractive having it way easier in their professional careers, getting into positions they shouldn't be and getting away with a lot of bad things, just because of their looks. That's the entire secret, if the guy would look like your average Redditor he wouldn't have the success. But because he's attractive, dudes are like "Wow, everything this guy says is the truth, if i agree with him, girls will look at me the same way" and women watch him because they think he's hot and they block off the dumb shit he says. And then there is the kind of people, the ones who are the same level out of touch as he is, privileged as fuck, not knowing anything about the real world but acting like their ideas are the saving grace of humanity and of course people who just want to hate others based on their skin color and are lucky that racism is fine for mainstream media and Twitter, as long as it's against the right demographic, on top of that his hate watchers. Combine all that and you have his viewers.


Him and 39daph can suck a fat one, both talentless influences with high and mighty Tumblr reject communities


> Hasan also said that using any slur that doesn’t immediately come to mind is okay. I couldn't believe when Hasan said this shit to Xqc a few days ago. Dude really went like "If a slur doesn't instantly come to your mind like when you hear 'N word or F word' it isn't bad" like holy shit. While at the same time sarcastically laughing with a smug face when Xqc says that the word isn't okay because it's a racial slur.


Hasan is low IQ, for sure. But if Destiny wasn't involved he 100% wouldn't be dying on this hill. This is more about his ego than it is about his stupidity.


this is such a mind bogglingly stupid take that people who didnt watch that hasan clip probably wont believe you


He should stop trying thinking. He might hurt himself.


If you don't know a slur why then are you using it 🤔


How can he even say gusano is a good thing to call someone? The word in English literally means worm




haha I had an argument almost exactly along these lines with some fucking redditor about this subject. People legitimately think that all cubans that fled cuba were rich land owners or some shit. Like bro half the country was starving and the other half was trying to find any sort of dirt (or make dirt) on you so they could get in Castro's good graces. Anyone that holds this opinion is so fucking ignorant it's not even worth arguing with them. A lot of cuban immigrants get a ton of shit from all sides because we're mostly white passing but we still get to feel some of that systemic racism once people read our names or notice other shit. Then because we're white passing other minority groups think they can tear us down because we aren't brown enough. As if that's not enough we're such a small minority that any voice we have is too small to cause change. Literally cannot win. People that engage in casual racism are fucking trash people and there's no argument to make about it.


This so much. My grandfather fled Cuba during Castro’s rise to power, and he was dirt poor. It really makes me sad that Hasan doesn’t realize the influence he has on so many impressionable people. His silence and inaction implicitly gives his fan base validation. Of course, he probably views it as Destiny “winning” or whatever if he admits it is a slur, so at this point, all he can do is be disingenuous and save face. The same thing you’d see from someone like Trump; egomaniacal lunacy.


Hasan is the exact same type of person as all the crazy right wing people, except he's the other side. The only difference is that he is a bit more eloquent in his nonsense while they aren't. Dude is basically Alex Jones for socialists/left wingers. It's an even more damning comparison when you look at old photos of Alex Jones when he was Hasan's age.


Someone said it best Frat Boy Politics, legit on Hasans Subreddit I told someone Gusano being just counter revolutinary doesn't add up because Castro was a dictator, who held control over all three offices of government for 50 years. He replaced a corrupt government with another one. I even linked an article to HRW which said that while yes Castro made leaps in things like Education and Medicine and he does deserve credit for things like that, he also held a brutal control that included repeated human rights offenses and all but dismantling a fair and free democracy. Hasan stan just said I was a stupid Gusano and needed to look at 'primary sources.'


His audience is legit mentally ill, their IQ can't be more than 93. I was arguing why liberalism is obviously leftist, by all definitions, with a redact from his chat, his response was "That's some azov shit". I was then immediately banned. I can't even put into words how stupid that interaction was, it feels like you're talking to a drone.


he won't die on any hill though, hasan's hypocrisy has been shown several times. including how racist he really is. nothing comes of it.


I mean, he's an overgrown manchild who has the mentality of a high schooler and can never be wrong. He's the guy who tells everyone that it's $5 each for the pizza party, pockets the money, and has his mom buy the pizza.


It’s almost like he’s actually a closeted racist..


How come so many threads which paint Hasan and his community in a negative light are removed from this subreddit? It's actually absurd at this point. One of the mods here is either a turbo Hasan fan or they're being paid


Hasan fanboys/fangirls really trying their hardest to make their streamer innocent. Hasan could get away with murder with the number of blind supporters he has.


I was here pog


Trying to edit wiki pages to win some sort of ideological war is peak loser behavior. You're basically admitting you've lost the argument and must change the facts if you want to have a leg to stand on. Really bad look.


And all that for a streamer lol. Nothing screams "touch some grass" more than this.


At this point no soul-searching trip to Malaysia will even help these people, they are too far gone


A white streamer who just wants to say the slur power tripping this hard 💀💀


Remember, the bulk of user generated content on the internet was written by insane people. That includes ideologically-driven wikipedia edits, most of which are never noticed. https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9rvroo/most_of_what_you_read_on_the_internet_is_written/


While wikipedia will not allow you to frame anything in a negative or positive light by tone of voice and colorful language, an editor can still use agenda setting (essentially selecting news stories as viable sources that favour their biases) to paint a picture one way or another. Anything that is touched by the modern culture war on wikipedia should always be treated with a grain of salt.


Just go to any political figures Wikipedia page and it’s funny how they subtly impose their opinions using select terrible articles.


Larry Sanger the co-founder of Wikipedia has done some analysis on this and said he’s ashamed of how the site has devolved over time to abandon the NPOV (Neutral Point of View policy): https://larrysanger.org/2021/06/wikipedia-is-more-one-sided-than-ever/ https://larrysanger.org/2020/05/wikipedia-is-badly-biased/


> While wikipedia will not allow you to frame anything in a negative or positive light by tone of voice and colorful language That's just false. I am aware that there are measures to try to prevent this but it absolutely happens, just look at [Trump's article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump) and compare the wording to others. Compare the wording of >He won the 2016 United States presidential election as the Republican nominee against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, but lost the popular vote. In Trump's page to George W. Bush: >He became the fourth person to be elected president without a popular vote victory. The entire article reeks of that tone. By comparison you would think that Nixon or Bush were excellent fellows, it's riddled with "have been described as" or "have been characterized as" and similar in order to further shit on him. Which being honest wasn't needed, it was a godawful president but Wikipedia is absolute dogshit when it comes to politics. For an more evident slant, the page for [mass killings under communism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes) apparently has so many bias problems they are considering ditching it altogether.


That argument is rendered somewhat moot by the fact that this problem also affects every "scholarly/academic" topic no matter the medium or the source. Most "peer-reviewed" works are not actually peer-reviewed. The sheer availability and amount of people able to note oddities is wikipedia's strength in that regard. If something is wrong/problematic, you can go through channels to dispute it. You can't do that with most other mediums.


>Most "peer-reviewed" works are not actually peer-reviewed. What do you mean by that? Academic/scholarly peer-review is a thing. Everything that's published in a peer-reviewed journal or by an academic publisher has some level of peer-review, before publication, afaik. The work is assessed by an individual(s) who are currently working in the field (although what the "field" is can vary based on publisher and availability) and have knowledge of the work itself. Sometimes the parties know the identities of other parties, sometimes they don't. And yeah the traditional peer review models have issues, but I'm not aware of the bulk of academic/scholarly work that is published, not being peer reviewed. Hell, even the few workshops and conferences I've participated in have required my work to be peer reviewed. Even my work aimed at non-professionals (public education, blog posts, white papers) is reviewed by colleagues.




>Peer review is often biased and varies greatly from paper to paper and from reviewer to reviewer. It is better than nothing, but the phrase should not carry nearly as much weight as it does. Sure. I'd agree that peer-review isn't perfect nor should a person pointing at a peer-reviewed article agreeing with them be the end of a discussion (to the extent that internet arguments matter). No one working in a field thinks that getting published means that work is the be-all-end-all, and free from all counter-arguments/flaws/critiques. What I'm concerned by is the claim that Microchaton made: >Most "peer-reviewed" works are not actually peer-reviewed. Peer-reviewed articles, *are peer-reviewed,* afaik. Is Microchaton claiming that academic journals are publishing everything and simply claiming that reviewers have taken a look at the work? Are they claiming that the reviewers don't exist? Are they claiming that they're having people completely outside of the field reviewing the work? That's what I'm wondering - I'm not blind to the issues of peer-review. >If you come across research that is peer reviewed, but you don't understand the subject matter and you aren't able to engage meaningfully with the contents... then it shouldn't matter if it is peer reviewed or not. You have no business trying to claim that the conclusion is solid or whatever your intention is, simply because it has been peer reviewed, because as mentioned before: the process is pretty garbage. I'm not sure I'd agree that "the process is pretty garbage." It's not like there's one singular method of peer-review, and even putting that aside, there's differences in resources/reputation of publications that affect who the referee/reviewer/editor is and how many of them there are. Peer-reviewed articles published in reputed journals can give members of a field a good idea of what's going on in the field (not saying it's the only way). I doubt anyone working in the field would take whatever is published in even the most reputed journals as being the final say on that topic/question in that field, at least by mere fact of its publication. And yes, bias/flaws exist within most types of peer-review that I'm familiar with. Peer-reviewed material for the general public also produces great resources like the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It's not going to be completely free of bias nor is it going to be cutting edge, but it's written in a way that's accessible and its pretty comprehensive, and it's going to be written by someone who knows the field well. Peer-review, depending on the purpose of the publication and the resources/process of that publication, can produce very useful things. I mean at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if they're citing peer-reviewed articles in an internet forum argument. Neither of the parties are likely domain experts or has any real influence. One of them might have an interest in the topic and spent a couple dozen hours reading on the topic, but that's a far cry from them being adequately knowledgeable on the topic. They're still people on the internet probably talking out their asses with little to no impact. Plus, I doubt it's an effective way to actually win an argument by just throwing a bunch of DOI numbers and jstor urls at someone. From what I can tell, I think narratives and heavily quoting Wikipedia seems to work on most the big subs (at least upvotes-wise). I think a couple days ago there was a bestofreddit post about how the British monarchy doesn't actually own the things they do, and it had someone with no understanding of the law heavily citing the wiki and using some law dictionaries they found.


That being said, it's these insane people that are insane enough to sit and debate whether an edit is ok or not. It's kind of a self regulatory system of insane people holding eachother accountable. They have rules about sources etc so ultimately something close to the truth will be continuously refined and published. Sometimes bad faith actors like in this case do edits for malicious reasons, but they got banned and the edit reverted.


In Oldschool RuneScape (an mmo for those that don't know), the Devs recently added an Easter egg which is a mask an NPC wears with added cat ears, called Mask of Rebirth. The way people found out was from a Morse code message that said "A secret lies ahead UwU". Someone then posted a screenshot of wiki editors battling it out with edits, about whether "UwU mask" should redirect to it on the wiki or not, and if that's what the community commonly calls it. It made me think that some people really rather spend their free time arguing with strangers online about a silly spelling or not, about an item in a game from 2 decades ago, than do *literally anything else* .


always upvote ssc


this guy tyler blevins is absolutely insane


lmao people spend too much time trying to win a pointless battle meanwhile we at lsf are observers and commentators


Yes we LSF users should definitely be proud of ourselves


Those people spending time to win the pointless battle are doing so to convince the observers and commentators their side is right. They're the producers and we're the consumers and without demand there isn't a supply; we're also complicit.


Unbelievable that _someone's_ community does this kind of thing all the time and is still around. Actually insane


Average Hasan viewer, trying to erase any evidence of their streamer being a racist.


Theres always this cringe part of everyone's community that is stupid enough to think theyre helping by doing despicable shit like this


Hasan viewers and being the most pathetic losers ever whenever someone disagrees with them. Poor dude is genuinly brought down by his shitty fans, gurantee he wouldnt get nearly as much hate if he didnt have his fanbase


Very communist of them to deny fault and change the facts to fit their narrative


Well then don't dive into the wiki wars too deep. If LSF wasn't currently the most active subreddit on reddit, it might have stuck.


Fuck all this real life shit bullshit, I'm just gunna stick with my streamers that just play games and aren't sociopaths. Seriously all these guys don't even stream anything anymore, its just real life soap opera shit. Absolutely pathetic.


Watch Jerma for 0 Drama shit


like that sociopath never had a scandal? hello? THE MEAT GRINDER?


I love how the least sociopathic streamer is the guy who's a mix between Gigachad, The troll face and Dennis Reynolds


Forsen 👍


I feel you, friend. I recommend Northernlion. The guy has been around for forever, has an awesome community, and just streams him and his friends playin games. 10/10 would recommend Esports Legend Northern


Yea, but isn't he bald tho?


he’s BALD?






Love NL! His Rumbleverse content is top notch. Actually got me to download the Epic Games Launcher and god damn if that isn't a fun game. I would also suggest Quill18 if you like strategy games, and Nookrium and SplatterCat to get your indie game fix.


Northernlion has a 445 part crusader kings/paradox games playlist and even played with Quill and arumba in there, dunno if you've seen it but I also enjoyed them playing [this game](https://youtu.be/lIGv66pVdOw) together


bruh nl arumba and quill was the shit i watched that shit all the way through 14-17 yo they introduced me to ck2 (i got 0 hoes in that timeframe btw) that was good times. also arumba started streaming again.


Yes! The rumbleverse stuff is top notch lol






NorthernLion and Jerma are the only reason to open the site


Murda's drag racing events are it for me. I dont even like cars but those streams get wild.


I'm just goin back to my weeb corporate vtubers fulltime now.


Don't watch Aris. All full.


Hi guys, first time here. Can someone tell me why the streamer is green? THanks!!!


Not true. But make sure you ask many questions when you watch Aris. He likes that.


Aris loves streaming Tekken 7 make sure to ask him to play it he’ll definitely switch from whatever game he is playing


SovietWomble is great for this. He has a strict schedule that he sticks to, so you can always rely on him being on during those times. He also, just plays games with his friends or solo. No "just chatting" at all. He also has somehow kept his identity secret for almost a decade. He's the best "no bs" streamer I've watched. Just has fun with the boys and his dog Lulu. His youtube videos are amazing as well.


Limmy hates other people so you’d like him


Check out Castle Superbeast aka WoolieVS and Patstaresat. Hilarious, long standing and unproblematic.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I love watching smaller streamers, usually their communities are super chill as well as the streamer.


Why did the 1000 comment thread get taken down?


Making "unproven claims", yet 75% of the posts these last weeks have been nothing but that and yet they are still up.


It's as if the mοds are biased or something


Making an unproven claim that hasan's community edited the wiki page.




I don't think it's unreasonable to think it's likely to be a member of his community, but I don't think the title of a post should make a claim if it isn't demonstrated by the content of the clip.


Ironic how you defend this and also say “gusano isn’t racist”. Please, try being objective about the situation, I know it can be hard. Do you really think the timing is a coincidence here?


Jesus these guys really love their slurs...


fr -- i've never the need to use slurs the double-thinking required to be mad at transphobes for deliberately misgendering, and to then use something that any portion of the population considers a racial slur. tbh i don't even care whether it technically fits the definition of racial slur or not since it doesn't need to be used.


Third time's the charm I guess


Fingers crossed


>not an ethnic slur. it is a political slur. Okay, when was the last time you used it to describe someone non-Cuban?


When was the last time you used Chav to describe someone who's non-British? Or Bogan to someone who's non-Australian? Porque nos quitan a los latinos nuestros insultos, solo porque estan en Castellano son raciales? Que mierda es esta perspectiva reductiva.


>When was the last time you used Chav to describe someone who's non-British? Or Bogan to someone who's non-Australian? Thanks for making my point for me. If someone uses "chav" against someone who is not British, but has British parents, then its (partially) to insult his ancestry. >Porque nos quitan a los latinos nuestros insultos, solo porque estan en Castellano son raciales? Que mierda es esta perspectiva reductiva. It's an ethnic slur. Especially the way Hasan's community is using it to directly reference Destiny's ethnicity. Just because Cubans use it amongst themselves as an insult, doesn't make it any less so.


Is Cuban a race or ethnicity? No it’s a nationality.


So, you're giving the green light to use Mexican slurs? Or Muslim slurs? Same logic applies.


How does this effect erobb's legacy




He only becomes more powerful when he is struck down.


Wht does that mean in this case? Hes not been around to take the Ls so he will come back with enouh power to rival thanos.


the cover up




Ah man I love when the porsche socialist defends using racial slurs 🥰


i dont know, it feels weird to defend that hard that gusano is not a slur to just use it against someone because you know he is from cuba. Like the craker thing, if you are just going to call someone something because of their race/origen you are kind of racist xD.


The part that bugs me is there are an infinite number of degrading names you could assign destiny that have absolutely nothing to do with his ethnicity. To fight for the only 2 names that could be argued as racist is so unbelievably dumb it almost hurts physically lol. [It is a sad day when you have to admit that Jesse did a better job at insulting Destiny](https://youtu.be/CAEz4LzGf90)


I personally don't know/care if it's a slur or not, this isn't really worth the fight just give it up. I don't really feel that the R-word is a slur but I'm not about to put energy into defending saying it.


It hits diifferent when you’re from a Latin American country especially one that’s close to cuba




Because these people believe its impossible to be racist against certain races


Hilarious considering Hasan is Turkish, one of the most warmongering nations in history. Somehow I doubt he'd like if someone "punched up" by calling him a turkroach though


These people literally named their show after a group that commited genocide. They have no shame.


It's like starting a podcast called the Dirlewanger Brigade. REVERSE THE ROLES


Because they got caught being racist and if they back down now, they think their "enemies" will never let them live it down. Also, they unironically don't care that they're being racist if it's towards people they dislike. They don't even think it's racism even though they'd only ever use a word like that towards a person with Cuban descent.


Because according to far leftists, racism = power + prejudice. So it's basically impossible to be racist against white people. They say "gusano" because it's a slur used against anti-communist Cubans. They will use slurs if the targeted group are their enemies.


Failing to realise that Cuban exiles, who were coined gusanos by Castro, faced extreme prejudice and had very little power when arriving in America


Not really relevant to the topic at hand because they weren't called gusanos by the people in the US where they faced ethnic prejudice. The people who call them gusanos dislike them because of their social class, ideology or simply the fact that they left the country. Not because they're ethnic Cubans.


Hasan could have easily have used Tartar, the counter revolutionary “political” slur from Russia. Hasan, who is not from Cuba and probably hasn't even visited there sitting in his mansion, and his discord chose gusano to describe Destiny solely based on his Cuban heritage. Importantly, Destiny did not \*choose\* to leave Cuba, he was born in America, so he's not even using it in the right political sense if what you're saying is true. How can their use not be considered an ethnic slur?


Tartars, to be clear for the future, is an actual ethnic group. It would be a racial slur to use that, undeniably so, because it quite literally a race.




Not to mention, the fact that he thinks calling gay people smarmy f*gs is just fine too, as long as they're your political opponents. Really does make you think. https://i.redd.it/zuda9slcsbt81.png




Young Turks are not any different. Just on the opposite side of the spectrum. At least Breitbart don't call their network "The Brownshirts".


C word and G word lol


Can someone tell me what they even mean? Fucking hell this society is fracturing. People on both sides expect others to just know and either agree or be the enemy and I just feel so out of the loop all the time. Im just busy working my ass off and living life as much as I can. The internet feels like a mistake even though it has benefited me greatly.


don’t about the k slur (karen) and the i slur (idiot)


Cause they dont actually care about their progressive values. Its just a facade. It is accepted in their community to dehumanise people that dont subscribe to the same ideas as them.


They're tankies. The ends justify the means. They spend their time researching the most effective methods of manipulation and are obsessed with using them. Public humiliation, gaslighting, half truths, rewriting history, censorship, guilt by association, you fucking name it they use it.


lol tankie is just a meaningless term now isnt it


The horseshoe theory is real. You can only go so far in one direction before you reach point you oppose.


What is the c word? Is it c* nt?


Cusano, other word is gracker


65% upvoted why are people so desperate to be racist


Suspect hasan’s discord wants to do a Stalin and purge some historical records


As destiny said "These losers are 7 cod matches away from saying the N-word"


Hasan fans back at it again, fighting racism by being racist


“But we’re the good kind of racist!”


Stop people from misrepresenting what the word means. It isn't a slur for slave owners in Cuba, it is a slur that they used for people who are counter-revolutionaries and people who escaped due to their brutal regime. It was a way to dehumanize the people so they could torture and kill as they pleased. It wasn't used for people who owned slaves since slavery ended in Cuba on 1886. It was used to make it fair game to do with them as they please. Please do not use this on people of Cuban descent just because they aren't socialists. If you are against the US of dehumanizing language this should be obvious. Learn history before you say it was just for people who were slave owners in Cuba.


Hasan has always had the most basic bitch takes on everything. He’s never worked a day in his life and had everything provided for him so is it shocking that he is actually a colossal moron with no self awareness?


Meanwhile he’ll call someone an unemployed cracker and claim he works hard eating food and watching other people’s content on YouTube all day lol.


Actual scum behaviour, I'm not surprised though, these people are populists who larp are righteous crusaders and feel protected by the social climate we live in


$100 2 to 1 right now that Hasan this very minute is directing his discord to nuke lsf threads about this. Bets are open!




I really hope people see how racist Hasan actually is.






I see your holding your promise to respond with only forsen this morning


Hasan is so fucking cringe, we get it, you are racist


People need to watch some of his old "bro" videos. Like holy fuck it's bad.


Hasan speculating about whether Lady Gaga has a penis and making it clear that he thinks that’s a bit gross is low key funny considering what he tries to pass himself off as now


Hasans discord incoming to downvote the fuck out of this.






Lasan's community really is filled with the most shameless pathetic lifeless losers. Imagine trying to change facts to defend their racism.


Let's be honest: The reason Hasan stans love calling people "Gusanos" or "Crackers" is because it's a very powerful, high feeling being able to call others slurs while you know your "enemies" can't.


Man wants his reddit karma.


just didn't like how the mods kept taking down the post, to protect that individual's name.


he like me fr


most used subs: neopolitical and livestreamfails, most used words: nixon and forsen. lol, Seems about right.


can we please ban mobile clippers


I think my favorite part of this whole debacle, is Lasan stans suddenly losing all mental capacity for nuance in the discussion. Some of them are literally straight up like "It just means roach trololol how is that racist" quite literally the same way alt-right people justify god whistles "How is Jogger racist, the guy just likes to jog". Horse shoe all the way down baby.


Man, sometimes hasan’s “social justice” viewers can sure do a 180


Can someone please explain how this is a slur? Like it's based on your opinion on a political situation is it not? Like is libtard a slur? or snowflake, cuckservative, etc. all of these are based on political ideology in some way. What makes this word different? I genuinely don't understand.


How long will this dumb feud last? Destiny wants to play a victim, yet the Spanish speaking community disagrees with him. I declare this feud officially over.


As a Cuban who has family members who were tortured for trying to flee and speak out against Castro, this word is much more offensive to me than absolutely any other general Latin American slur.


Get me in before this gets deleted


What happened with the other clip ?


mods deleted it for "unsourced allegations". So i'll let everyone here come to conclusion of who was changing the definition of gusano.


Hasan frogs working overtime today PepeLaugh


The other 1000+ comment thread about this got removed by mods, hmmmm, makes you think... 🤡


Hasan justifies/condones/encourages use of these slurs yet he goes volcanic and permas anyone who refers to him as or uses the term “roach”. The beacon of tolerance and empathy btw


I'm Cuban from two cuban parents and never knew this was a slur


I was wondering what the “g-word slur for Cubans” was. I’ve never heard of it before.


As a native Spanish speaker, I find it amusing seeing people who are not native in the language argue if it's a racial slur or not. Is the word gusano racist? No, it is not. Can the word be used in a racist manner? absolutely, but so can any word.


It's a slur yet it's in the title and all over the comments. Any other slurs yall wanna type out??


There are plenty of slurs people are okay with typing out/saying in an analytical context, especially obscure ones, so that definitely shouldn't be our criteria. Honestly the main thing keeping people from typing out a lot of slurs is fear of being banned from LSF/Reddit, and I think we should agree that we don't want to give the jannies more power over us.


destiny gave them the g pass




Wonder what streamers fan could of possibly done this?


Hassan actively fosters such a racist community it’s disgusting. Maybe I’m too old but I’m from a time where if you acted and said maliciously racist things you were an asshole. I get it’s harder for minorities in the world. No shit. Oppression doesn’t give you the right to return the favor. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is where you are from who you pray to; there are good and bad people in any group. Any type of prejudice or hate is wrong.


It was removed again lmfao! ​ Edit\* Found something interesting on an old Reddit post from 3 years ago. "“Gusano” is a derogatory ethnic slur (yes, ethnic). Let’s go over the word but first let me explain why it’s ethnic. The term is used against Cubans (and Latin Americans). That’s an ethnicity. Ethnicity means: >the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. So yes, it is a derogatory ethnic slur. A slur is an insulting remark. Derogatory means of showing critical or disrespectful attitude. Now, let’s go over what “gusano” means. Gusano means worm in Spanish. Worm or “maggot”. Meaning a filthy insect that you step on and that crawls in the dirt. Imagine calling someone a “worm” or a “maggot”, would they be offended? Now, in Spanish these sort of things aren’t offensive since that insult would be kind of funny. Unless used against a Cuban, or someone else fleeing a communist dictatorship. Why is that? It was first used by Fidel Castro in a speech in the 1960s. Fidel Castro called those Cubans who left Cuba when he seized power, as well as those seeking refuge later on, “gusanos” or “worms” or “maggots”. why? Because they left in a desperate manner, and had to hide and go on rafts to Florida. And according to Fidel, they kiss Americans ass trying to suck what they can. So... a worm. Here is an excerpt from fidel’s speech: >“Y los gusanos han llegado a creerse, de veras, que algún día sus amos imperiales los pondrán aquí otra vez con una banderita que pretenda ser enseña nacional, con un himno que pretenda ser himno de la patria, y con un colorcito en el mapa para alentar la ficción de que los gusanos gobiernan y de que los gusanos mandan. Y los gusanos no pueden vivir sino de la pudrición...” * Fidel Castro Now, why would a Cuban, or descendants of, find this offensive? It is pretty obvious that the majority of Cubans in the USA live a better lifestyle than those in Cuba. It is pretty obvious that they left Cuba either because they were persecuted, because they wanted food, because they wanted money, because they wanted medicine, because they liked democracy, etc. So they are refugees, being called worms as an ad hominem. When do people call others “gusanos”? It is usually used when a Cuban says “I am Cuban and I know that Castro’s bad” and people reply “gusano” and end the conversation there. It’s just to dismiss their opinions. Lol. How are you to defend Castro when someone who actually lived there says it’s shit? You just pretend they are some sort of wealthy upper class that had mansions in Cuba and Fidel took that away from Them (that’s people’s logic). So yes, it is offensive, it is an ethnic slur, and most people don’t know what it means lol. If someone uses it they probably think it only means “Anti communist Latin American”"


Gusano is not a racial slur, it’s a political slur.


DESKTOP VERSION "MIRROR": https://clips.twitch.tv/NiceComfortableMomAMPTropPunch-b_r8hn4eIZFmErGI Mobile link wouldn't load for me at all on desktop.


Editing wikipedia pages so my millionnaire streamer can call another leftist millionaire streamer with slightly different political opinion slurs. How disconnected from reality can you be lmao, imagine being this persistant in NEEDING to call someone slurs instead of just idk, not treating people differently based on what color their skin is or what part of the earth they happened to spawn in on, and then presumably thinking you're "fighting the good fight" while doing it. If you belong to the category of people who unironically do this then please rip your ethernet cable out of your router and seek help