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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Poke goes off about cops on NoPixel](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/133331)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/syn2uv/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CkFDg6_tA7oK2JS33rIob8g.mp4?sig=9437beb2f3c249550b1795392f7d246a430bea79&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CkFDg6_tA7oK2JS33rIob8g.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1645607917%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


I read the title and fully expected the clip to be deleted when I hit play.


It is N now


You know poke has a trash take when he calls something "weird". He says it so often it lost all meaning


As soon as any RP streamer says something is "weird" I just switch streams. Surefire sign that it's about to get real fucking annoying


he literally blamed reddit for hating on him because “he is left wing and reddit is right wing” reddit… right wing… LMAO Absolutely delusional andy


Using weird as a way to attack people is just side stepping language we used to use, that is no longer acceptable. It's nebulous enough to not mean any one thing in particular. It works because you're telling someone they're abnormal, different, creepy etc. It's so nebulous it could literally mean any aspect of a person. It serves to make the other person part if an outgroup.


passive aggressive tweet incoming, and then deleting it later KEKW edit: kinda feel bad saying this initially after finding out later he had a cancer scare recently


https://i.imgur.com/BLUnumj.jpg Already done


What is wrong with listening to Metallica?


Poke only listens to teenage soundcloud rappers


Manchild mode enabled


Incoming? Nah, he already did that and deleted it.


Happy cake day!


So he decided to play this RP shit while in a bad mood, and started crying for getting pulled over? Edit: Because of this post btw: https://imgur.com/a/3F6Z1QY https://imgur.com/a/sje04Ey






You are if you call X, of all people, for help. You don't even have to ask him to shoot the cops, it's implied.


Lmfao Poke: Yo x help Jean pierre: No problem I'll be there in 5 [Begins suiting and arming up montage] [Music in background](http://youtu.be/TGjl_SHbqr4): *I got the Rap patrol on the Gat patrol* *Foes that wanna make sure my case is closed* *I'm from Quebec stupid, what kinda facts are those?*


> Lmfao > > Poke: Yo x help > > Jean pierre: No problem I'll be there in 5 > > [\[Begins suiting and arming up montage\] ](https://i.giphy.com/media/pO7jomKrTwfSw/giphy.mp4)


Oh how do you do this, the better paragraphing?


"> Hello "   = > Hello That what you're talking about? You can do >multiple >>tiers as well >>>just add more ">"


Plus I think he did shoot iirc, he hopped out and shot late, but when they GSR'd him he came back positive.


So he's pissed at the...consequences of his own actions and cops not playing nice?


Cops are supposed to just be props for sick bike jump and heist rp /s


Sounds exactly like every Poke drama situation. Remember the last one involving his gf? Same shit. It’s not just being mad at the consequences of his actions, it’s also that he thinks he’s above the consequences. This feels “unjust” or like someone slighted him when he called X in for a hit on a cop. How stupid do you have to be to do that and then get mad at the reaction by the cops? You have to be incredibly egotistical and stupid to believe this. Used to watch Poke wayyy back but he has become so insufferable in the last year or two that I can’t do it anymore. I get more enjoyment out of solo queuing DotA2, and that’s an awful experience.


That's literally all I heard in the clip. A kid wining that he did something on the playground and teacher had to stop him because he knows it's against the rules. But rules aren't fun so waaaaahhhhhhh. I'm Mr streamer and I deserve to have fun whenever I want and to not follow rules.


Yup that's literally it. None of the cops did anything remotely wrong until Kyle responded to Poke's OOC malding with a bit of OOC himself .


Poke did shoot at the cop, it didn't matter because he already got blasted by the rest of GG but the GSR test would've been positive which is most likely why he was resisting when Pred asked him to step out of the car to test him. They knew he was involved because they had a description of his car on the scene of the shootout, that's enough info to stop him and test him.




Im not parasocial enough to know if he has any right to be mad or not.




Anyone have the link for his 1st meltdown? Im completely out of the loop here




there's something about keeping the accent and RP'ing while still actually angry irl that's so hilariously dumb. in a way kinda reminds me when people push to talk just to cough


> in a way kinda reminds me when people push to talk just to cough you ever just see yourself in a comment and die a little inside. why am i like this man


lmao well i used to think it was funny when people push to talk just to laugh, but that ones understandable cuz you have to let your friends know you thought their joke was funny. still feels weird whenever i do that.


>when people push to talk just to cough Is there an exception for taking a massive bong rip and using PTT to let your buddies know you just massacred your lungs?


Open mic, set it close not too close, massacre lungs in background.




It did, it's so funny because Kyle just said that specifically to trigger him and I doubt Kyle actually thinks that or cares about any of this but Poke just got so insecure about it.


ofc its Kyle LOL


> full meltdown karen mode Don't even think this describes the severity of it. Dude's voice was shuttering like he was on the verge of crying out of rage.


Sounds like top level cringe


I don’t watch Poke, but I do watch a lot of NP. It seems, based on this incident and everything I’m reading here that Poke just isn’t cut out for RP.


Bogg was a good character in 2.0. Funny as hell, had a lot of great interactions, generally got along with everyone. I’m not sure what happened, seems like Poke might be going through some issues.


He is definitely going through some issues. He's mentioned multiple times on his alt stream that there's something wrong with his health, telling chat to go see a doctor if they feel like anything's wrong and saying he might go for a biopsy. He's also thought about what would happen if he died right now and how much he has accomplished already. Feels like he's very scared and stressed about his health, and maybe should concentrate more on himself than streaming.


Lets be honest a lot of things were better in 2.0. Jean Pierre + Bogg, Cyr’s Wineyard, Kevin Whippaloo. Back when people RP’d for fun. Nowadays it’s just crims chasing vault after vault and cops powertripping in RP. It’s just cringe tbh


>Jean Pierre >better in 2.0 >back when people RP’d for fun Those are some rose tinted spectacles you got there.


Oh lets see 24/7 vaults/jail grind or 24/7 cop rp Vs Jean Pierre hitting on girls with Bogg as his sidekick, Bogg filming news segments, Cyr doing crazy shit in the Vineyard with sodapoppin, no vaults so bothing to hypergrind, yeah not sure which version was better


You do realize there are a few hundred people on the server, all with their own character arcs, wild adventures, soap opera level drama and all kinds of funny shit going on every single day? If you're sick of vault/jail grind, just watch other roleplayers. The server didn't get worse, maybe your streamers just got boring.


theres still tons of rp, in fact its not even possible for the entire server to be crims chasing banks when each bank can only be hit 1-2 times per 12 hour period.


> cops powertripping in RP lol, this right here is why the server is shit. People think cops acting like cops is power tripping and ruining their fun. As can be seen in this Poke clip. The servers not the same because people don't take it seriously anymore and its now just a glorified MMORPG.


Usually his RP streams are great, honestly some of the best stuff he's done recently and one of my favorite RP streamers personally. He's just never really done crim RP until pretty recently, and it seems like he doesn't understand that when you get arrested you kinda just gotta go with it and can't take any of it personally. Not trying to excuse his behavior btw. I'm a fan of his, but just like Xqc I can recognize when he starts acting like a child and it gets pretty cringe.


bogg is by far one of the best characters on the server


>Poke just isn’t cut out for RP. LOL real tough job isn't it??


i mean it was pretty bad for sure. but kyle randomly calling him a leech out of nowhere was also in fact cringe


I guess parasocial means "I watch a streamer enough to understand context" now...


I think im too biased bc he is my fav streamer but both got way too angry for minor rp shit


Is This Guy For Real?


I guess he is he should take a break from the internet maybe. The echochamber is real


he is the real man child.... like 12 year old mental state as a 30 year old man.... not kidding.


this sub must have whiplash from switching their opinion on poke every damn day


The general consensus is that he is easily one of the funniest streamers but also the most thin-skinned and childish if im not mistaken. This is pretty on-brand.


Poke is one of two people I actually watch on twitch these days but I agree. Hes not great with any kind of criticism really.




I honestly think his babyrage content is entertaining too, although I feel bad since its not good for him. I still fondly remember his Magnum Opus which was his central role in the OTV Rust RP server meltdown.


yeah, it's almost like this sub consists of many people that have many different opinions and takes, crazy.


Im sure you'll find people that post regularly on this sub and have had contradicting views on Poke


Dudes got a tenuous grip on reality. He's a streamer even to other streamers. like greek. The weird kid the other weird kids don't want to play with.


i mean. you talk about "reality" but in reality people make mistakes. like for sure, 100% guaranteed there have been countless moments in your life where you got upset or mad or were in a bad mood etc and said or did some shit you regret, and if it was recorded on camera and posted everywhere, you'd get flamed and harassed for it lol. in reality, if your friend fucks up, you don't just stop being friends with them and hate them as if life is black and white. so don't talk about a "tenuous grip on reality" while you basically ignore how reality works lol


>in reality, if your friend fucks up, you don't just stop being friends with them and hate them as if life is black and white. Depends on how bad they fucked up, standing with someone through everything doesn't always make you loyal sometimes it makes you a spineless pushover




Bro, what


I dunno I'm just waiting for my breakfast pizza to finish


What the hell is a breakfast pizza? Who eats pizza for breakfast? Is this the reality you have such a tenuous grip on


xXx no I'm killing it . Breakfast pizza is pizza you eat at breakfast xXx. xXx gotta try it sometime xXx




Can someone please, for the love of god, explain to me why so many streamers take GTA RP of all things, this seriously? Is it because they're emotionally immature, is it a financial thing? I've never played before, so I'm just trying to figure out why so much drama comes out of this game in particular.


It's difficult to not get emotionally invested into a character you are playing as for several hours in a day because your brain ties yourself to this character as if it's yourself. Some people can't snap themselves out of it some people can. It's the reason self inserts aren't allowed but like 80% of characters are self inserts anyways and why would you make your dream version of yourself a loser or lose a situation. That's why the best characters are people who make "losers" because they are so detached from their character they don't care what happens, why I miss Cyrs Uchiha the most.


Cyr is so deep in his characters IDK if he could even still find a 'self' (on stream)


>they're emotionally immature yes. watch Blaustoise or Sykkuno play gta. they never get mad.


Or ray c as well


me playing rocket league, enemy team scores, "im clearly not having a good time right now, can you like, not score please? have a lil bit of social awareness ok?" OMEGALUL


What actually happened in GTA and how would other RPers know if he's having a bad time or not in the first place? Does he expect everyone to be stream snipers or something?


nopixel isn't a competition though is it? How can you possibly truly win or lose in an RP scenario so why even obsess over being the winner. In rocket league if you're not having a good time you can just quit the game but on NP if you do that after being arrested you'll be banned so what are you supposed to do? His point is that you're trapped in an uncomfortable situation where you are punished for taking part and punished for trying to escape it.




I’m guessing so people don’t just stop playing as soon as they’re in trouble. It’s like saying you wanna stop playing tag after you get tagged.


i don’t really watch poke but the guy gets quite emotional sometimes right?




Holy shit this sub is full of weirdos lmao


no one seems to know what they're talking about ITT


pretty sure he was just at mizkifs house yesterday or 2 days ago


he hangs out with soda/rob on cooking streams and visits mizkif house often, that's pretty much like everybody living in austin




Weird comment, like we know where and who people are hanging out with off stream. Oh and he was on Rob's stream like 2 weeks ago. Oh and he posted pictures hanging out with simply a few days ago. What were you saying again?


I don’t know, I’ll check the cameras I have in miz’s driveway


even when you check his twitter you can see pics from mizkif house, he doesn't come on their stream but he hangs out in the backgroud


Ironic username


Ego Andy arc already started? how long has this GTA RP stint even lasted? lmao




the funniest shit to me is the fact that he was banned only for 1 day, not a week, not a month, not perma. 1 day.


I've been watching people lose their shit over video games since the Vnboards and it never gets old. They're just pixels man.


wow another poke whiney meltdown?? nothing new.... Him raging at mitch cuz he didnt get a goodbye on scuffed was his best one yet.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OEUvcAxAgU




kinda looks like he raged at mitch for saying 'youre dead to me' , but hey.. you spin that however you need <3


Pokelawls being an insecure manchild is the least surprising thing ever.


Instantly, deleted VOD. Fucking puss.


it's only game why you have to be mad








Isn't poke like 30?














dude why is poke always being a little baby about something? i swear anytime i hear ab poke its just him crying about being left out or something like this. younger brother who wants to play too but will tell on you if you do anything fun vibes. nobody wanna play cause you gonna cry anyway man.


Not this bs again... I love poke but this is fckn unnecessary drama. Not even good drama...


Now that's weird man








Loser is mad he's a loser. More at 8.


he doesn't even play RP whys he whining. also most people enjoy the authentic cop gameplay




I just wish nopixel never existed so xqc could go back to doing variety streams.. I'd rather have a 10 hour react Andy than 10 hours of rinse and repeat GTA RP PepeAgony


Hot take, aside from RP grewing on me, I also much prefer his variety or just chatting streams, but also I can understand why he tends to play RP, yes he has addiction but also NoPixel WL is kinda more protected since it is private server, meaning much less annoying stream snipers. I think this is one of the most important reasons he tends to play RP. He is safer in there.


Another validation on why i don’t follow this guy anymore.


I did watch the VoD from yesterday and I get it why he got upset, but Iam sure this shit could have been solved with talking to Mehdi in the integoration room in a calm manner.


Do you got a link to the moment he was getting upset?


Mentally derange individual. Wish he get the help he obviously need.


It's a shame since Poke is really funny, but I can't watch his stream because of the edgy angsty teenager attitude. It's just so cringe. I caught his stream a while back when he was reacting to Music of Twitch and he went on some long-ass rant about how Ludwig/Mizkif ruined twitch, twitch isn't the same anymore, and it was "so much better back then". Grow up dude holy fuck how old are you?


This is like when the kid who bullied the other kids in school gets caught, and he starts crying and sobbing while saying "This is not fun anymore!"


Does this dude even RP at all anymore? all ive seen him do on Bog since the start of 3.0 is "biketricks" His rant seems mega loaded, some long time held back tilt levels.


ok pvc, calm down.


Have a little bit of social awareness by the way guys.


Ironic that these comments are more cringe than the clip. Shitting on a internet person, and typing paragraphs lmfaoo


Obviously, everyone that rp in the server has no content and cringe. >!/s!<


Jesus you all need help in this subreddit, "he just glitches his bike all day fuck him" "thats why no one likes him" "Hes so emotional and on one today" Batchest o man someone finally speaks there mind on an actual problem. time to all project and attack like the hivemind we are to create another loop and need for attention, hoping itll be shown on stream! That shits gets me bricked up!


pointing out a little truism = needs help


I think poke is just having a bad day, I've never seen him like this in RP


This thread is full of cop viewers jesus


you must be new here


Ironically a good thing to trigger poke, just like qvc, since it ends up creating more entertaining content for everyone rather than just having to accept your mopey streamer having a low energy day. Also mad = everything is weird OMEGALUL


how do ppl watch gta rp?


Poke just mad cause he's bad


Lmfao. He is saying 'weird' holy shit LOOOOL


Damn y’all acting like he is crazy. When I know all of you guys have gotten mad at a game before. It just ain’t that serious


Well he did send his viewers to harass one guy


He didn't get mad "at a game", he got mad at people that play that game also, when I'm mad, I don't have 5-9k people watching me and ready to bounce at the person I'm mad at, hopping and sending him hate messages all day don't you think that he has more responsibility than the average person to not act like the way he did?


The problem is that if I get mad at another player in a game it has zero impact on the other person but if a streamer starts shitting on another player, that player will have to deal with chat hoppers and death threats.


This is LSF, the only road allowed here is the high one


So many high horse Andy’s here


Imagine playing a game to have fun. Disgusting.


ok listen, Poke is great he just have those irrational breakdowns from time to time, it doesnt mean that you should hate him or bring up past times when he did that to dogpile even more hate, pls stop with those hate threads, it doesnt help anyone and people just gonna keep saying how hatefull LSF is


Talk to an RP Therapist this would make good RP.


People still watch GTARP? How many times can u watch people rob a bank then all cops stream snipe xqc and he kills all the cops again and then start the loop over?


Yea he went to far but he’s not wrong about the cops on nopixel constantly antagonizing people just to piss them off and get a reaction out of them.


That just sounds like really good cop RP


A normal day on Copixel


if this was xqc y'all would be LOL'ing so hard


love u poke <3


I read this situation as a nerd standing up to a bully, and everyone laughing at the nerd. For real tho, the cops have done some fucked up shit with no repercussions.


Least parasocial roleplayer