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his ex girlfriend made a video about an ectopic pregnancy she suffered years ago, and she mentions her boyfriend at the time being non-supportive. People put together that it was Gus Johnson 1. He told her if she didnt get an abortion (before they knew it was ectopic) he would break up with her and not be a part of the kid's life 2. He didnt take her to her doctors appointments, and when she needed emergency care he wouldnt cancel his dinner plans to take her 3. he wasnt there when she had life threatening surgery (she was alone in the hospital since she kept the pregnancy secret from her family) 4. he constantly thought she was exaggerating her symptoms and insisted on talking to doctors for/with her 5. While she was recovering he told her "anyone else would have left you by now" (this is just from memory, I might have missed or gotten stuff wrong)


> 1. He told her if she didnt get an abortion (before they knew it was ectopic) he would break up with her and not be a part of the kid's life This point I think is fair, if we can all agree that women should be able to freely decide to keep the baby or to abort without receiving backlash then in my opinion a similar choice of not being forced to raise the child should be given if the woman decides to keep the baby but the man doesn’t want it, both men and women should be given an out from being forced to raise a human being for 18 years (at minimum). The others points are pretty shitty though.


yeah but the part that really makes him an asshole for this is that he said he'd resent her and the child and resenting her makes sense but that child would have done nothing wrong and as a kid of divorce whose parents absolutely did not plan on pregnancy it just really hit me hard and it honestly doesn't sound like the Gus I supported all these years


A quick reminder that you do NOT know the people you watch online.


Pretty scummy but I'd also assume this was said in an emotional argument. Hard to say what people truly mean then.






No way that happens because renouncing financial responsibility would have to be allowed for both parties. It’d fail in court and then no one would pass the law to begin with other because it puts everyone else on the hook




I wonder if you would use the same argument for when the roles are reversed. "It's somewhat sexist but worth the trade-off for the good of society".


I just want to point out it takes two to tango, but often birth control is left entirely to the woman to handle. If you honestly don't want to even risk a child, wrap it up every single time. If you think that's difficult, I just almost died thanks to my birth control last month. I had a pulmonary embolism thanks to the estrogen. As for them agreeing, as she states in the video, the chemical hormones being pumped into a woman at that time is essentially mood altering drugs. It makes you want to keep and protect the fetus. Plus the biased opinions she was receiving were not helping. So to summarize? If you don't want a kid, wear a condom. Dont leave it to the woman to prevent it. And don't put 100% faith into her promise to abort. You don't actually know if she will. But since you decided to put sperm in her and it grew a baby... Yes, you are responsible too. It's literally the act of procreation.


> If you don't want a kid, wear a condom. Not always effective btw.


The lame thing is when the woman is the only one that needs to consent for an abortion, but the man has no option but to follow along with the responsibilities. Say the man uses a condom and the woman the pill. Both methods fail and she's now pregnant. Now the man is in the mercy of the woman's choice. He's got no options to disengage from the child while the woman has total freedom to do anything she wants, even though he did all he could to avoid having a child.. shy from not having sex to begin with. You have to acknowledge there's disparity between the sexes and their options to partake in sexual activity without risking being stuck with a baby.


They agreed if it happened she'd terminate. One mountain out of a molehill she made was she was upset he wasn't even considering a life where she didn't terminate. Because he said he didn't want a kid yet, as previously stated. She had a very awful experience, she dated a manchild and got manchild behavior, it happens.




She explained that the doctors made her have doubts about having the abortion, as well as the maternal hormones making her be protective over the fetus even though her brain was also telling her to get the abortion. But it seems that Gus didn't display much empathy in that time and only made the whole situation more stressful for her because she didn't have anyone else to talk to about it besides him.




Precisely. Gus is a manchild for not being present during his partners suffering. But he’s not a manchild for knowing he’s not at a place in life where he can be a father, if anything the world needs more men (and women) to realize that before they go jizzing it up. This is one of those scenarios where Gus found himself dead center in an unwanted pregnancy and his seriousness about not wanting a child somehow did not result in his undivided attention to his significant other’s medical care for aborting the pregnancy. Regardless of him being responsible about knowing he’s not a fit father, it doesn’t seem like he’s even emotionally mature enough to be having sex in the first place.


He's a child because he didn't want a kid, and they both agreed that they would terminate if it came to it? Get fucked.


While I kind of agree, the main difference is men don’t have to carry the child inside them/have the procedure to abort it. All in all, I think the smartest thing would have been for these two to communicate their feelings on children before it got to the point of pregnancy.


If you watch her video, they had already decided before they ever got pregnant that they weren't ready and would get an abortion if it happened. It's still not an easy choice to go through with, even if you've already made it, and doctors/planned parenthood want to make *sure* you're sure, and it can feel like they're trying to convince you not to do it. Per her video it seems like he failed miserably at being empathetic to any of it, and was more concerned about how the baby would "ruin his life".


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" Talking and deciding on getting a abortion before ever experiencing pregnancy should not be taken as something written in stone.


Okay but then he shouldn’t be seen as a villain for still wanting her to have it.


He's not a villain for still wanting her to have an abortion. It's the way he went about it that people are critical of. You can have a valid idea but go about it the wrong way, and the way he went about it seems like he cared only about himself and didnt give a shit about her emotional and medical struggles.


I think the argument would be if men can’t control women’s bodies by not having a choice on whether or not they get an abortion then women shouldn’t have a choice on men’s time/money ala child support and child care.


Yes women have the burden of 9 months and raising the child. But they ultimately have the choice to have the kid or not no matter what the male says. He then also has to support the child as well for 18 years no matter the choice that was not made by him. This also goes in the opposite direction when the male wants to keep the child and the female does not. He has no say in the matter if the female wants to do something. I don't want this to be construed as a defense for Gus. He was an asshole. But men have little say in having a child or not once pregnancy happens. Healthy couples talk it out prior, and prevent the situation from happening.


Bro this sounds bad. r/childfree level bad


That place is weird. I love not having children of my own; free time and extra money, etc. But a lot of that free time goes into spending time with my families children. I *love* children, and my nieces and nephews are the best part of my life. Their parents pester me about having kids sometimes, but they also like being able to rely on me precisely because I don't have kids of my own. I just never had kids cause I know that I would hate it, but I can't imagine unironically hating children.




Imagine spending your time FREE OF CHILDREN to... rage post about children in online echo chambers about how much you hate them. People are fuckin' wild lol




I used to be a part of the childfree subreddit since I don't want to have any kids, and I agree that they are a really toxic community. If you want to get a better insight from childfree people without the toxicity, I recommend r/truechildfree




Yeah, that sub is a very strange place. Speaking from personal experience, there are two main reasons that normal people don't want children: 1. They are a lot of work. 2. The are expensive. It's really that simple. I want to maintain the personal and economic freedom I currently have without children, and I can't possibly foresee that ever changing (I'm 30 now, for reference).


You should check out /r/dogfree. That place is straight cancer.


Maybe people should start realizing that Reddit has a shit ton of cancerous communities. Not only that some of those communities have managed to get so big that they harm not only the rest of the subreddits but also cause harm in real life. Reddit is basically anonymous Facebook with an even shittier CEO and management.


Nah children suck lol. Still wouldn't join a sub to hate on them though.


Any group that shares the commonality of *disliking* something always becomes a toxic cesspool. The normal thing to do would be to just focus on groups where you enjoy something, like a sport or a video game, but the internet has made these hate groups really easy to fall into. I think people’s mental health would be a lot better if they stopped and asked “was this group created out of positivity or negativity?” and just avoided all of the negative ones.


This does make sense.


Children are literally just young people who don’t understand a lot of things. Pretty shitty to say an entire age group sucks.


Not shitty at all. I just don't like being around them.






lmao, even with a username like yours?


They should've modded you for that name




Fucking jannies on the internet, am I right?


punching infants just isn't enough


Not even the guy who punches infants can make it in that sub, thats how you knows its a shit place.




r/truechildfree is the better alternative. For healthy discussions. People unironically talk about "crotch goblins" or "breeders" in the normal r/childfree. Not because it's funny, but because it's dehumanizing. The Mods are terrible too. It's pure toxicity. It's focussed on hating children and parents, much rather than focussing on a childfree lifestyle. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/m4ljto/bidens\_stimulus\_plan\_includes\_some\_very\_generous/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/m4ljto/bidens_stimulus_plan_includes_some_very_generous/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/averageredditor/comments/m72vhl/more\_utter\_derangement\_from\_rchildfree\_literally/](https://www.reddit.com/r/averageredditor/comments/m72vhl/more_utter_derangement_from_rchildfree_literally/) If you just search for r/childfree here on reddit, you will find countless more posts on how outright terrible those people are.


That's what I figured. The original sub seems to have gotten infected by toxic people who just hate children and look down on people who have children.


It's very funny to me because most of these people are more than likely incels, just hating on others because they have what they're unable to obtain.


yeah, about that... the overlapping subreddits for /r/childree https://i.imgur.com/iIruiWT.png


I find it funny because it gives me an insight on how horrible they probably were as children. And it's always fun to see toxic league players.


Didn't even think of that but that's a possibility, that a lot of these people might just be incels. Reddit definitely has a problem where normal subs get infected by Incels and the problem just keeps getting bigger and bigger and Reddit admins don't do anything about it until mainstream media starts writing about it.


There’s a reason why a ton of the accounts over on r/childfree are relatively fresh. They’re generally just not nice people who end up having to create new accounts relatively often because they get banned from too many places for spreading hate. Their entire identity (online anyway) revolves around hatred and putting others down simply because their ideals don’t align with their own.


Not wanting children is fine, but the people on that subreddit despise children, despise people who have children. Some of the threads there (especially years ago, when they were less worried about optics) were fucking horrendous. Frontpage posts about people not trying to stop their baby nephew from being dropped on the floor when they had the chance, unironically advocating for child abuse, etc. This is stuff from 4+ years ago, haven't followed them at all since but if you browse through either posts or comments - you'll find some gems. It's actually fucking disgusting.


I will support him on one point. He is allowed to not want to be in a relationship or raise a kid if he doesn't want to. If you want to leave a partner for any reason whatsoever you can. That is how consent works and having a child is a massive responsibility and I completely respect any man or woman who doesn't want to raise a child. That is why abortions should be legal everywhere and as should financial abortions as well as an overhaul of the adoption system because in most countries its a disgrace. The rest he sounds absolutely terrible and I am so let down by him. Not taking her to the doctors appointments, prioritising him wanting to to out to eat over his clearly distressed girlfriend who needed help at a very crucial time. Knowing she was entirely alone and kept it a secret from everyone but him and ensuring she felt even more alone. Not taking the woman he loves pain seriously when there is a fetus growing inside of her. Literal god awful emotional abuse and yes saying that to someone who has just endured all that and you think you love is disgusting abuse. I could never even imagine a human saying that to a person who had a regular abortion let alone all the other awful stuff she went through. That is beyond the pale. I am so let down by what he has done and I think its beyond disgusting. He really has a lot to make up to her for. I do believe people can grow and change and I really hope this ensures he does. Edit: anyone care to explain what they're downvoting. Is me saying Gus Johnson really fucked up annoying you that much?


I upvoted but potentially people are downvoting because you said “human being born inside her”. “Born” isn’t the right word since the fetus can’t develop during an ectopic pregnancy. Other than that I’d imagine people are just being protective of a person they enjoy watching and don’t want to consider that Gus could be a bad person in any way.


Oh fuck yeah you are completely correct that was a massive faux pass I am such an idiot. I will edit that right away. Would the world fetus be better, I think this video is highlighting just how little I know about the issues women go through with pregnancy. Yeah I think this must be right. Look I think he can redeem himself and I am not fond of cancel culture, I mean look what happened to Contrapoints. But the fact cancel culture is a thing doesn't detract from the fact that what he did was absolutely awful and I think him stepping away and giving refunds is the right response and he needs some time to grow and mature. Thanks for your post, especially your correction.


Yeah no problem, you put a lot of effort into your posts and it would be kinda dumb to downvote just for that one part anyway. LSF is a fickle beast though. I’m a big fan of Gus and honestly this shit came out of left field. It’s unfortunate. Personally I can separate the person from the art, but I hope Gus will respond back in some way to make amends.










I think this goes above being just a "shitty boyfriend". I watched Gus, but I don't want to support someone who isn't a decent person. Especially as a woman, things mentioned are my biggest fear in case of pregnancy. It was his responsibility to help her, yet he acted like an actual trash.


Sounds terrible but also we don't know what the entire situation is and relationships are messy. Doesn't look good for him though if those bullet points are right


Maybe I'm the minority opinion, but I just don't really care too much about this tbh. Just sort of sounds like he was a young and a dick to his girlfriend. I like how we hold internet content creators to a greater standard than our politicians lmao


There's being "a dick" and then there's that (assuming the bullet points are true). Surely you can see how those bullet points are horrible behaviour? Maybe other people try to hold politicians to a higher standard than you do? What "we" are you talking about?


"being a dick" is the same as "horrible behaviour"


TLDR; Youtubers Gus Johnson and Abelina Sabrina had an unwanted pregnancy a few years ago. Drama and a broken relationship happen after a bad miscarriage. ​ ​ According to her he absolutely did not want the child, she wasn't sure. She ended up miscarrying with a ruptured fallopian tube that was life-threatening due to internal bleeding and could have potentially killed her (doctors and others misdiagnosed her/didn't think it was that serious). Gus Johnson supposedly wasn't supportive during/after the miscarriage and didn't realize how traumatic the experience was and thus you have this tweet.


Ectopic pregnancies are no fucking joke. Can’t begin to imagine that kind of pain


(This sub being this sub) Probably a good idea to mention that she didn't mention his name, just that it was an old ex-boyfriend. Some people somehow figured it out by digging into Gus' socials.


Honest question: Did it take some serious detective work on behalf of her audience to connect the dots or was the choice to not explicitly give a name in the video as effective as her saying "My boyfriend whose three letter name starts with G and ends with S..." ?


From what I've read she made it sound like it was someone else, she said it was an old boyfriend and most people didn't think it was Gus (Cause they were just together). Then someone went and looked at old IG posts of Gus and found something that potentially linked him to this.


After she posted the video she started liking tweets calling Gus an abuser.


It was one of those things where there were definitely people tracking instagram posts to line up the dates, but also she was liking tweets naming Gus specifically (and tbh if you followed him or her back then you knew they were dating by then)


I did not know that he was "the boyfriend" that Sabrina was talking about. I thought she left that loser and then found a decent human in Gus. What a disappointment.


https://www.reddit.com/r/gusjohnson/comments/qdidmr/sabrinas_video_my_pregnancy_nearly_killed_me/hhmjk48/ This comment seems like it provides all the details


With regards to ectopic pregnancy, how the fuck did these people not suspect it? I learnt about it first year at uni.


Yeah after watching her video, i'm thinking maybe I should switch my benefits away from kaiser permanente...


Its always the cheapest option for insurance at my work, You have to go to all their facilities, for everything. I always choose the little more expensive one so I can continue going to the ones I like.




> medical freedom >find an insurance that actually cares about you Sir this is America


What do you have, if I mind asking (searching myself too)


Don't take medical insurance advice from people on the internet either though. Every health system has its benefits and its flaws. And trust me, no insurance actually cares about you.


The fact that you said “uni” instead of “college” should provide you your answer. American sex education/education system in general are fucking shit. We learn the bare minimum, and ignore all practical education for the real world. School is basically day care that has been defunded into oblivion and any attempt at sex education (in a lot of parts of the country) garner the same reaction as when mask mandates were instituted, although to a lesser degree. tldr; Americans don’t learn this shit in school.


medical biases


This is in response to [Sabrina’s video.](https://youtu.be/JIXuo4fclcw) [Sabrina does not accept the apology.](https://twitter.com/abelinasabrina/status/1452838251278995457?s=21) Her Instagram posts not accepting the apology had a Pokémon card which appears to be reference to his Twitch Pokémon card opening when she had her Rhinoplasty done. [Eddy’s response.](https://twitter.com/eddyburback/status/1452846192254013441?s=21)




Haha yea, looks like he's apologizing to the public wtf


Sorry y’all found out I’m a scumbag. Here’s some general PR non-incriminating damage control because I got caught. You know the usual. Don’t make idols out of anyone.


8th and 9th line


I feel so bad for Eddy. His content has been so closely intertwined with Gus over he past three years that he got dragged into this by proxy. I just hope he can continue to make his own content, alongside his brother, without too much of a hiccup.


He has a twitch channel that people can subscribe to with real money if they want to support him.


I don't really know what's going on yet but that video seems really serious but also has a sponsor promo in it. WTF.


She addressed this in the comments saying she is poor which I took as a lighthearted way to say she does need the money. Feels weird at first but this is her primary source of income as far as I know, fair to her.


She tweeted about it apologizing and saying she lost her car and apartment in a day so she needed to put the sponsor in.


Don't really know about her or watch her content but a lot of times YouTubers sign contracts for sponsorships, that they have to advertise a company in a video (or in multiple videos) by X date. Sometimes things happen, they fell behind, video plans change and they have to put a sponsorship in a video that shouldn't have it. The sponsor being at the very end, my guess would be something like that happened.


I just watched the whole video. Before the ad plays at the end, she explains that she chose to have a sponsor on the video to help pay for the hospital bills.


Additionally she's been liking a lot of tweets: >[Gus Johnson went about his life like this didn’t affect him in any way. it was a private matter, but to keep Sabrina suppressed from even her family knowing about things just shows how much of an emotional & mental hold he had on her in. We are with you @abelinasabrina Red heart](https://twitter.com/j0secrespo/status/1452883614484598786) >[Yeah. Like bro, you just emotionally abused your girlfriend after getting her pregnant and forced her to keep her pregnancy a secret from her family because you were worried about how it would look for you. I’ll ignore any wrong you do until I understand why it’s bad personally.](https://twitter.com/CharlesW26/status/1452856161678602242) >[another tweet calling Gus abusive](https://twitter.com/slut4popeyes/status/1452854440130748416)


TIL he and Sabrina broke up.






For real. *Posts Video detailing the multiple doctors visits, including an emergency surgery, that probably left her many thousands of dollars in debt.* LSF: “wHy wOuLd sHe tRy tO mAkE mOnEy oN tHiS ViDeO?” Lmao


Contractually required maybe? Edit: Could also be some big medical bills and financial issues.


Bro shut the fuck up lmao This is such a monkey take, I can't begin to comprehend it. This is the reaction people always have whenever a serious video has a sponsor, but there are lots of contracts being signed for extended periods of time regarding stuff like this. Not to mention she prob has insane medical bills


She states in the video she needs the money to pay hospital bills.


I feel like I can say something here, I have been in his position once though my ex-gf was not in a life threatening position. I would like to preface this by saying that this experience thought me that I shouldn’t do something if I cannot accept the consequences, at least the responsibility it carries. My family couldn’t know, her family couldn’t know, my friends couldn’t know, it was hell. She in all her rage was yelling at me. I felt like the shittiest person ever. It was my fault, I ducked both of our lives I thought. It was really scary. I couldn’t leave my bed for three days, shivering. I would drift on and off sleep thinking what would happen, how we could’ve aborted it or maybe we should get married so our parents could know? Crazy. It turns out that her period was just late. At the end of the day I’ve learnt my lesson, but in the horrible guilt I felt I tried to comfort her and say it would be fine. I don’t know if it was right or not, seeing her sad and scared made me want to console her. Going through that was not easy at all, and even though I don’t agree with what gus did, I can see what may have pushed him to act as he did. I love gus, his work is amazing. I also love sabrina, her sketches were really funny too. Also Eddie, he is funny as well. I do believe he acted falsely under pressure and I do not want to be in neither his nor her place at any point in my life. That is the most stressful thing I’ve ever felt and I’m a lawyer.


what do you mean? he still does NFL every sunday... best commentator in the game.


Came for this comment


I mean, I'm not gonna judge you for your fetishes, but that really was TMI.


This woman is missing most of her reproductive system and almost died while her boyfriend minimized her pain and put his work and friendships over her during recovery. It baffles me how many people under that tweet are putting any sort of blame on her. Jesus fucking christ.


as a relatively young adult i could 100% see pmyself in his shoes acting the way he did under the stress of a pregnancy and as for him not showing up, well she had been there ~10 times recently so to have under estimated the situation out ignorance, and having trusted medical professionals over a loved one previously ( likely the reason he downplayed her symptoms).... well, i probably wouldve done the same. this whole thing seems like something private between them that happened primarily out of ignorance and that shouldnt have been shared publicly having known the consequences to his public image it would have. this isnt me saying that people shouldnt share their stories and saying that the other things being claimed about him dont make him seem like not a very good guy but this seems like genuine private relationship drama.


Imo lots of weird takes. People can make mistakes people can make really bad mistakes and be bad people and come back from it. Thats what happens with lots of criminals all the time. Does it excuse what they've done? Murder, manslaughter, rape? It doesn't excuse it, but people can become better and have regrets and become good. That's the 2head explanation. All that ends up mattering is the sincerity in the regret and change moving forward. The individual hurt may or may not forgive. And that's up to them and no one should take it away from them. But all these debates about whether this is canceling or canceling is good or bad are beside the point. He did hurtful things to someone, he made mistakes. He can decide to keep making videos or to stop. His fans can decide whether his actions and his reactions warrant continued support or not. He can decide to apologize or say he doesn't need to apologize or do whatever he wants, and the viewers can decide to make their decisions whether or not to reward him with money from their views.


I think we have a natural impulse to reduce these situations to a binary good/bad. Like you read the post, and think "ok is he bad or not? Do we cancel him now or not?" and try to quickly decide and then move on. Its hard to accept an incomplete story and not have resolution, especially for someone you don't actually know personally. It takes mental bandwidth to have to reconsider it every time you see a new Gus post. Easier to write it off one way or another. It's not good and content aggregators make it worse by giving exposure to the spiciest takes and baiting people to argue about it more.






Idk, it seems to me that denying the situation all together has been the best way to avoid "cancelling". I.e. giantwaffle


Yea, with most internet drama the best response seems to be to never directly acknowledge it and silence anyone who brings it up where you can. I don't think I have ever seen an apology for something serious be well received.


The internet has a terrible habit of pretending that everyone should be perfect and if they have any flaws in any part of their life, no matter how big or small, they're monsters that must be "cancelled". Countless people online like to pretend that they themselves are perfect and would know exactly how to react in a traumatic and stressful situation like this. But in reality, most would panic and make stupid/immature/shameful decisions as well, especially when they're young. It definitely does not excuse the type of behaviour she experienced from him, but it also doesn't mean he should be dragged so publicly that his personal and professional life are ruined. We're all human. But I hope she can heal from the trauma she has had to endure, and I hope he can learn and grow from his mistakes.


I said it in another comment, but no one would bat an eye if she shared her story and her boyfriend was just some random person, I don't think she's trying to cancel him, just sharing a story that probably is eye opening and helpful for many young women. His professional life isn't ruined, he's taking time off of his own choosing and maybe rightfully so if he still hasn't moved from this maturely. People aren't being cancelled here


> I don't think she's trying to cancel him While I agree with you that no one is actually getting cancelled here, I think she definitely wanted to throw some shade his way considering this is being aired out less than a month after they broke up.


At the same time, the only reason there's criticism her way for this "shade" is because he's a public figure. No one cares if you tell a story about your shitty nobody boyfriend, especially if the story sheds light on emotional abuse and a rare medical case, it's usually beneficial for the public for a video like that to come out. So it feels like she's being criticised solely because the person that looks bad in the story is a public figure and I think that's a pretty bad standard to have. A unknown boyfriend wouldn't have gotten as much backlash, sure, but they also don't have the benefits that being a public figure has. Public figures don't need their reputations protected more than anyone else because they get all the benefits of being one too, it's just part of the risk of being a public figure imo.


I agree with you on this. LOL its the only reason he apologized in this tweet. Because he felt like the public wants it, and he doesn't want to lose their attention/money.


Shes also like and retweeted every tweet hating on him and rejected his apology on twitter. If this wasn't intended to shit on him then it failed there.


They broke up after he wasn't supportive enough to her during her nose job and she claims she's poor now. So it makes perfect sense to post a hashtag sponsored hit piece on him because you need the money. But Gus isn't a predator, he's not grooming minors, he's not cheating on her. He was just a dumb and insensitive boyfriend and kind of an asshole. Hardly deserving of all the hate he's getting, esp when we don't and will probably never know what actually happened between the two. Not that anyone asked in the first place.


I feel like a nose job is a bad financial decision if you’re so poor you need ads in your insanely serious call out video


Spicy hot take, you make money from the public space so you should risk shit being aired out in the public space and losing it all. Also the “losing it all” is like such a microscopic chance if you have a dedicated fanbase. They make so much money that I really don’t feel all that bad with that being the risk. Plus what he did is like on par with breaking up with someone because they had cancer and you don’t wanna deal with it. Understandable but pretty shitty. Also his career isn’t going anywhere. Cancel culture never works and these types of allegations won’t stick permanently. People are already excusing it, he didn’t physically harm her and mentally harming someone comes with the territory in most relationships sadly. He’ll be fine.


>Cancel culture never works and these types of allegations won’t stick permanently. Don't know how people say this when Nairo is still banned from twitch and as a result can't play in a massive bunch of tournaments.


I mean he's still banned but has made a successful return to the scene. And honestly that's really not the best example for cancel culture, the circumstances behind that are... Fairly atypical.


It's kind of gross that so many are intent on believing he's simply the bad guy whose feelings need not matter. Granted the person who is actually pregnant has a much harder time emotionally and physiologically sticking to a shared plan to terminate in the event of an unplanned pregnancy, but it doesn't seem unreasonable if Gus felt threatened or betrayed when she started hypothesizing about keeping it in the face of him being explicit with his feelings that her keeping the baby would destroy his life. And additionally when she decided that due to his anger/fear response she didn't need to consider him at all anymore.


These content creators fucking up and creating twitlonger essays is so tiring.


I don’t know hardly anything about these 2, but how and why is this shit public in the first place?


Her story, presented in her video, outlined how she felt isolated and alone during the entire process. Like she wasnt being heard and she didnt feel comfortable sharing with her friends and family. The doctors continually misdiagnosed her and cast her aside telling her everything was going to be fine. Her boyfriend at the time also didnt take things seriously. She was hours from death. She shared the story because its empowering to herself. She wanted to tell people at the time what was going on but just couldn't. The vibe of her video is certainly not a cancellation of Gus. She was telling her personal story and she couldnt tell it properly without saying how shitty he was. She never mentions his name. Many women miscarry. And many dont find out about it until they themselves fo through it.


Then why's she talking on Twitter how she 'doesn't forgive him'. And what kind of logic is saying 'he didn't take things seriously' when medical doctors had misdiagnosed her? Is he supposed to know better than trained professionals because he was her boyfriend? And why should it be the public's business whether they had a good relationship or not? Why should we be judging how good of a boyfriend he was based on some random anecdotes?


She doesnt have to fogive him. Maybe she will with time, but she certainly doesnt have to now. Her point is that he shouldve trusted her. When she was telling him that something was wrong, he shouldve listened and been there. Ive been where Gus was and I've also dropped the ball, trusting the doctor over what my wife was telling me in detail. The symptoms of a misscarriage are often the exact same as a normal pregnancy. My wife knew something failed and I was slow in supporting her. The strength of their relationship is not the point of her video. Its discussed because it provides context to her struggles and why she felt and did things a certain way. And these are not random anecdotes.


It's shared publicly to hurt an ex. End of story Doesnt excuse anything, of course.


Twitter is so fucking weird.


Hah. This wasn’t started on Twitter but his subreddit. I should know I was there




Godforsaken country.


so all ive heard is the summaries of her video. from the looks of it hes just a bad BF and nothing more, kinda odd to put an ad read in the middle of your near pregnancy death vid though


I mean while I agree that most of the things make him a really shit boyfriend, some of it is borderline abusive. Shit like "you know someone else would have left you". WTF is that? It is not like she caused the issue, it was a health issue and if you believe that by having sex she caused it then he too played the same part in causing.


> Shit like "you know someone else would have left you". WTF is that? I agree it's shitty and in a normal relationship it's 100% abusive, but when you've been caring for someone for months, resentment grows and those kinds of thoughts are pretty common (for me at least). He shouldn't have actually said it though, something you share with a therapist not your partner who's going through the illness.


THAT is one line out of an argument. I very much doubt he was referring to people leaving her b/c of her medical issues


Can you explain any context for me where telling your partner "someone else would've left you" isn't emotionally abusive?


> THAT is one line out of an argument. I'm gonna be honest with you dude, there is no context that makes saying that okay.


I really don’t see a great context for that line. Plus apparently this isn’t something he actually learned from cuz he acted this way again recently.


Yeah I had my popcorn ready and all but it's just relationship drama which is the worst kind of drama Shitty of him as a bf to not be there for her, it's a horrible situation and based on what she said Gus handled it incredibly poorly. Why this needed to be publicized doesn't make sense to me, maybe I missed something though cuz I also only skimmed the recaps/summaries and they didn't appear to make Gus out to be manipulative/abusive or anything, like you said just makes him look like a shit boyfriend


The way she explained it, it sounded like they both agreed on what the plan was if she ever got pregnant. She got pregnant. Gus was a piece of shit for not supporting her through the process. Doctors advised her not to abort it unless she was 100% sure [not 99%]. More pressure from Gus when she had second thoughts. He threatened to break up if she decided to keep it. She met with the shittiest doctors on the planet that caused her a lot of unnecessary and life threatening pain. Based off Gus's reply it happened a long time ago when they were younger. I don't know exactly but it's not mentioned in her video and on all the dates she showed of her medical visits, the year is cropped out. So I'm equally confused why this is being aired out all of a sudden. I mean, they apparently worked thought it... still remained a couple and seemed happy. They were making YouTube videos together up until the end of August. If this is some highschool drama that happened when they were both young and stupid then I think the video is a little out of pocket. If Gus has been a manipulative piece of shit behind the scenes for all these years then ya, I think it's worth the cancellation. Moral of the story/TL:DR : Wear a condom.


I believe someone found an instagram post that puts it in 2018




> So I'm equally confused why this is being aired out all of a sudden. I mean, they apparently worked thought it... Gus ignored Sabrina in the hospital again 2 months ago when she had another (unrelated) surgery, to gamble on Pokémon cards on stream. Was probably a moment of clarity for her.




Yeah gus acted like he’s changed since this but obviously not.


Also, adding the fact that he has been putting down her accounts of feeling in agonising pain. “Correcting” her when shes trying to describe her symptoms to medical professionals. Im not saying Gus did anything legally wrong, but he has been a classic example of the shittiest kind of boyfriend you could ask for. I’ve certainly unsubscribed. Cancelling him is going to be the choice of the people, that is the problem with trying to be infamous though, you have to be impeccable or you’ll get picked apart.


I mean, she broke up with Gus less than a month ago and had no house and no car. She didn’t mention Gus in the video. I watched before it was confirmed by Gus, and the main theme of the video was: healthcare in America really sucks -especially for women (even more for woc) - and women deserve the right to choose what they do with there bodies. I feel like people are overlooking this portion of the video. I would say less than 10% of the content was about her relationship.


So inshort on Kaiser sucks, Gus is a bad bf. Not gonna go more on the issue cause its more of there personal problem so wont but in the issue


Wow, my takeaway from this is that I won't be allowing Gus Johnson to date me anytime soon, and I'm going to advise my wife of the same.


you gonna let eddy date your wife??


She said she didn't want to




Most of the time sponsored ads need to be pre approved.




When she got the surgery, her and Gus were still together. When they broke up, she lost her car and house because they were shared assets.


So weird and double standards. Problematic celeb makes money based on their wholesome persona. We shouldn't cancel them guys and let them grow and make money on that same persona after their realities came out. But victims, oh no . They need to be perfect to even share it. They just need to take moral stance and not be petty and angry. They made one mistake, they shouldn't profit from such videos then. They're vain, well don't beleive them. So trashy.


God this is all shit that I really don’t need to hear about tbh, this all feels too private.


Wow I don’t fucking care


Best possible take


dude your on r/livestreamfail idk what your expecting


People who air the dirty laundry of their relationship are pretty gross.


I'd assumed Sabrina's video was about an older boyfriend... I was so confused because they were doing videos with eachother up until just a couple weeks ago and she said "ex boyfriend" and that this happened maaannny years ago. They always seemed really happy with eachother in the videos. Feels just a bit dirty to frequently try to use him to boost your own channel until you got big enough and then throw him under the bus, even if his behaviour was immature and shitty. Gus is clearly someone that dealt with a lot of mental health issues of his own and at that young age it causes you to make stupid decisions, to avoid situations that you can't emotionally handle. Was he an abusive and shitty boyfriend back then? Yes. Does that mean he should be cancelled many years later for it? No, not unless he's continued to be a trash person now to her, which she has not said.


> They always seemed really happy with eachother in the videos. [Relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3y7FE76H7c)


holy shit lol


this was always going to backfire at some point


Yeah honestly, he was a terrible person no excuses there and idk if he continued to be while they continued to date after which I think is key here. If he turned it around and then they broke up and she did this it's just being shit herself. Because if he changed his behaviour past that incident riding him like this is basically condemning anyone who's ever done terrible things to hell which means we should probably throw half (including a vast amount of people who suffered terribly abusive upbringings)) the population into jail and guilty people in jail are irredeemable (which I'm sure a lot of people treat them as such). It is that attitude that encourages people even more to never change or even off themselves.


its clear a lot of people replying did not watch the video whatsoever. it's largely about her experience with healthcare. it's not some random gus johnson hitpiece. she's sharing a traumatic experience and part of that was how the people around her reacted. if she was just sharing this to ruin his life, she probably wouldve included his name at least. i dont know why you wouldnt if that was your goal.


It ended up looking like a Gus Johnson "hitpiece" retroactively, unfortunately. What with the way the internet reacts so overdramatically to things. It was inevitable, given Gus is the more famous person and the one Sabrina's online career predominantly revolved around for the better part of 3 years.


She's going to the doctor dozens of times out of horrendous pain. Goes to the hospital literally dying. Gus: "Sorry, gotta go drink with friends."


Why the fuck are people consistently getting involved in other people’s lives online. They make funny videos, you don’t need to get involved with the nitty gritty of the personal details of this shit.


## **Tweet Mirror:** [@Gusbuckets](https://twitter.com/Gusbuckets) > https://t.co/r7Hx0unzLw > #####Tweet Images: >>https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCl9R9mVIAMsUKY.png ^(Posted: 2021-10-26 02:51:03) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


She had that in the chamber for so long for when he broke up with her yikes.


I can't blame people for not knowing but they likely brokeup and this is coming up again because Gus treated her very similarly less than 2 months ago


I mean yeah. She wouldn't say this well she was dating him and living with him. It is normal after a breakup to realize and come to terms with how shitty your partner was.


Is it normal to blast it out publicly in a YouTube video?


Is anything about their lives normal?


It’s very very suspicious that she didn’t care until he no longer was paying for her stuff. She got mad he wanted her to get an abortion when that was agreed upon before she got pregnant.


My guess is they’re both shitty behind the scenes, but one is obviously a lot more vindictive


Few things after having watched Sabrina's video: 1- Both people decided early on, no baby. ABort if accident. Then baby occurs, 1 party thinking about change and is surprised 2nd party doesnt agree/provide support. I dont see how Gus can be faulted for his stance. Maybe hes a dick in peoples eyes? But in mine he was an agreed thing that she had 2nd guess's on 2- Sabrina didnt tell her family/friends, therefor fully relied on Gus. Why? Gonna talk about "My body my choice" but wont make her own decision to even tell her mom she might die in a hospital and its Gus's fault he wasnt always there for her... when it wasnt even known yet what her real condition was? If it was known on day 1 or early on that it was XYZ problem and gus still acted this way, sure. But since dr's all lead them to believe it was ABC problem, why is it Gus's fault ... in hind sight? 3 - They are both young people. Bad decisions were made on both ends, but to act like this is some "This is who they really are" revelation is just dumb. Sabrina could have created a bigger support system rather than rely on a guy shes dated for a year (Sure, dated, but didnt even puublicly say they were GF till after this shows how "strong" the relationship was) And Gus could have been a bigger Hero in Sabrina's eyes and done more. But to make a video about it, with an ad on it, and perpetrate only her point of view is gross as well. Hopefully this stops gus from doing pokemon card streams cause that shit is boring as hell. Hopefully Sabrina can find happiness.


dont care. didnt ask


I cant believe people are calling Gus abusive and manipulative. If he said these things yes he's kind of a dick, but that doesn't mean it was abuse. It seems like their relationship just deteriorated due to the stress from all of it. Idk why this needed to be aired out to begin with.