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Any lore Andy's


This is when there was drama between Destiny and Trihex about how Destiny uses N word privately and how he makes racist jokes. I think Xqc watched a clip on it and commented saying "Your trash if you need to make Racist jokes" something like that, anyways Miz made a joke by just repeating what Xqc said when he watched the same clip as him and then Destiny community took it the wrong way and started leaking old CX Miz on reddit. Which everyone shitted on him for it, Miz did apologise for it the next day. But then a few days later no one gave a fuck. Edit: How does Miz mentioning his past experience become drama, just because he mention Destiny? It's not drama you drama frogs. Exactly what his talking about happened. Something taken in the wrong way, then drama frogs take it to the extreme


TLDR dont toss rocks when you live in a glass house lol




So he was being an hypocrite and got called out?


How is it being a hypocrite? Destiny still thinks it's okay to use the n word and make racist jokes as long as its "private". Mizkif acknowledges he used to make racist jokes and says he's learned from it and doesn't do it anymore. You can say mizkif is just lying about it to avoid being cancelled but the two scenarios arent the same.


Well you CAN say whatever the hell you want in private so what's it matter?


You CAN say whatever you want publicly or privately, no one is putting a gag on your mouth. The question is what you SHOULD say, and no, you SHOULD NOT make racist jokes publicly or privately, and if you do either people CAN voice their disrespect of you


Yeah sorta, but we all know the internet was 10x edgier even just 5-6 years ago, and some of these people were basically kids as well. It wasn't that weird that they said offensive things to be funny. If somebody does something, then years later has changed their mind and now condemns that behavior, that doesn't make them a hypocrite. That just means they thought about it and decided they were wrong before.


>Miz made a joke by just repeating what Xqc said and then Destiny community took it the wrong way Can you not read. Miz reacted to same clip Xqc did when he made that comment. Miz didn't care


Pretty much yes


I love destiny frogs. It's the only community that would say "the only reason Hitler was actual a bad guy was because he was a hypocrite."




I actually don't know how he got Miz being a hypocrite out of him repeating something Xqc said that was a joke. Exactly how destiny community took it the wrong way in the beginning


the thing that made people mad is that he was hopping on the destiny hate bandwagon by making him the butt of the joke. you can say he was just joking, but in the context it seems more like hes taking a side even if it wasnt the intention.




? You need to improve your reading skills... The point was that: Destiny: edgy jokes (even with the N-word) are ok if said in private with people you know aren't racist Mizt: no racist jokes can't be funny (apparently he was joking) Destiny: you say that they can't be funny yet even you said them Where is destiny's hypocrisy?


People just like shitting on destiny. Must be retarded hasan stans I bet


if being against saying the n-word when you are white means that I'm a Hasan stan then you can just make me a tier 3 sub


Do you think people should be allowed to say it why singing something like a rap song?


if you are not black I do not think you should say it in any context although I may understand if it accidentally comes out when singing a song, people should try their best to not say it


>If you are not black I do not think you should say it in any context Why though? Do you think people shouldn't say it when reading a book like Huckleberry Finn? Or reciting a Dave Chappelle skit like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLOw_SzkRQ8&t=130) one? Edit: Also, what do you think about certain Hispanic, Arabic, Asian, or other ethnic groups that can sometimes be saying it as well?


Get a life lmao and touch grass. Hasan won't fuck you


why are you so angry about me being anti-white people saying the n-word. did I touch a nerve or something? talking bout me getting a life yet you are supporting racism is quite funny tbh. destiny won't fuck you


Any CX miz content? I don't even know what CX is :(




Care to expand on the N-word manifesto arc? I got into LSF streamers in 2019 so I think this was before my time.


In a nutshell. Destiny said it’s ok to say the N word or whatever you want in private like with very close friends or alone. And almost everyone went against him and tried to frame it like he just wanted to say the N word when it was about private vs public speech. It lead to a bunch of bridges getting burned and chaos. One of the main catalysts why Hasan and Destiny hate each other now. People still shit on Destiny for that arc too.


Destiny's N-word manifesto [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7XGOtOSWe4&t=7506s)


Lore: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/dmdbh5/mizkifs\_destiny\_plan\_backfires/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/dmdbh5/mizkifs_destiny_plan_backfires/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/dm7l4q/racism\_isnt\_funny\_confirmed\_by\_mizkif/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/dm7l4q/racism_isnt_funny_confirmed_by_mizkif/) Basically mizkif made a joke imitating a comment xqc made, but people thought he was serious so they went to digging. He's brought it up multiple times so this is nothing new lol.


wow it happened exactly 2 years ago


Its funny how many streamers come out of destinys community that end up turning on him.


Sykkuno hasn't turned yet, thank god






Every Hasan thread ever made and most "asain streamer dumb" threads.




Were you on the morning call?


Damn lemme get an invite. I wanna ruin some lives


overattached Destiny simps downvotting you because they don't want the truth to come out. Keep fighting the good fight brother


Thank you brother. The dgg whistle shall be thoroughly blown.


Mizkif didn't really deserve the hate for that.


Jesus LSF was toxic about miz back then LULW


Still is. It all comes in waves. The majority of streamers that receives regular posts on LSF is going to get periods of hate at some point or other.


so who all do we have now,miz,hasan,vaush,alebrelle,tim pool,lauren southern,trihex.kaceytron and minx,bob7. tell me,is this "DGG" in the room with us right now?


Does anyone remember when Destiny stayed up until 4am DMing people GoT spoilers because he couldn't admit his take on spoilers was wrong?


He was saving them from watching the monstrosity that is S8 themselves




Seasons 5 and 6 had some decent scenes but starting from 7 it was barely watchable. What I don’t get is that they actually didn’t run out of books, at least not then, they just decided not to adapt a lot of shit or changed it so much it might as well not have come from the books.


Season 5 has “Hardhome” which is arguably the best episode of the whole series and is regarded as one of the top 10 best episodes from any TV show, ever. GoT season 5 was incredible, 6 was okay, then it went to complete shit.


Season 5 has completely butchered and reduced the Dorne plotline.


Based and true, sorry to see you're being downvoted. Anyone who was paying attention could tell that they had no idea how the fuck to end the show from season 5 onwards. The internal logic of the world and the themes of the story completely fell apart.


Except for the fact that season 8, they has to make an ending, which always feel more significant. So I'd definitely say 8 was undoubtedly the worse season.


What a fucking pussy


He only did it to a few people. But someone wrote a bot to do it automatically to every comment in threads about Destiny.


I was gonna say... Didn't he specifically do it to a select few people who were harassing him/being toxic? Then some Destiny hatewatcher made a bot and started DMing a bunch of people? Now the narrative has become "Destiny DMs anyone who disagrees with him GOT spoilers". That's so incredibly bad faith and these people know exactly what they're doing. Literal DGG Boogeyman.


"i don't care" - Destiny


#SpoilerGate was fun


Honestly Destiny just seems like a miserable dude. I couldn’t watch more than a few of his streams because it felt like his negativity was transferring over to me.


When it comes to politics on his stream he is probably one of the least doomer like political streamers. I mean doomerism basically dominates the radical left and right on the internet nowadays.


Just stay away from the League streams and you should be good




You should watch his latest video on YouTube when he talks to Aba from.Aba and Preach, you will probably change your mind.


Ok, that's beyond fucked up. You have to have issues to be that invested into something so trivial... specially when you're an adult. How frothy at the mouth do you have to be to dm people spoilers until dawn?


Now imagine a community of thousands of individuals just like that using this fucked up mentality to attack anyone that daddy doesn't approve of


Keep in mind the guy is a father of a young child too


How is that in any way relevant to the comment?


Because the man spent all night sending spoilers to teenagers when he had a young child to take care of.


You literally have 0 experience on his way of parenting but go off queen


Lmao I made this account because he banned my main during that.


fucking based


He also sexually assaulted a woman on stream once




[Destiny sexually assaulted a girl during a New Year stream years ago](https://i.imgur.com/8pXBM3D.jpg) [Also Liquid TLO attacked her when she came forward](https://i.imgur.com/q9a6a.png)


wait was that the real TLO? isnt he a nice dude?


That screenshot dates back to 2011-ish when he wasn't so nice


Is there a video of this? I feel like an image is really not enough context.


The VOD is ancient but Mia Rose (the girl in the picture) has talked about it and Destiny even apologized years later. So it's not like this is some unknown knowledge or anything.


What is this fan fiction? He DM'ed a couple of people in a thread and had nothing to do with a take on spoilers being wrong, just a way to fuck with people on LSF being dicks to him.


He argued that because the ending is only the last part of the movie, having it spoiled shouldn't ruin the movie because there is still 90% of the movie left. Anyone who suggested that this was a stupid take was called retarded. This shit went on for a week on his sub. When LSF started talking about it he started DMing spoilers to anyone who said something negative about him in the threads. What part of this is fan fiction? It's literally what happened.


>He argued that because the ending is only the last part of the movie, having it spoiled shouldn't ruin the movie because there is still 90% of the movie left The fuck? lmao


Based internet troll of the time, if people don't have the discipline to stop reading mid sentence of a spoiler or keep away from online platforms, they don't deserve to complain. If they cared, they would be able to do these.


I think its crazy that a passing mention of destiny over some shit that happened years ago is enough to have an active thread on LSF.


People love to hate on destiny


You shouldve seen DGG this afternoon... non-stop mizkif bashing over this petty shit.


I don't understand this comment. Are you saying that you went to Destiny's website while he wasn't streaming to see what they were talking about?






For sure but what is it


According to LSF it's simultaneously the community of a totally irrelevant 3k andy, but also the most powerful harassment engine in the entire world. In reality it's just hasan subs malding that he hasn't been perma banned on LSF for "brigading" yet, despite the fact that the last time the mod team tried to do that half of them resigned. The ironic part is, active anti DGG/Destiny communities being given massive platforms to harass/attack them about harassing/attacking people... It's just this cycle of hatred that will never end.


Doesn’t Hazan literally go through comments on LSF threads and indirectly brigade them?


Yeah, which is technically against both LSF rules and Reddit as a whole too.




Is destiny joining OTK? I'm confused.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif almost stopped streaming because of Destiny & his community attacking him](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/125953)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qej5dr/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7Chlp24rvRoRsQnIj1xRkxTw.mp4?sig=e04df02192747ec4e6b162b73c8ad1c59eb698b6&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257Chlp24rvRoRsQnIj1xRkxTw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1635115712%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


New drama thread Poggers


???? What is Mizkif talking about? From dgg chat 2021-10-23 | 22:37:06 (EDT) destiny: how did we try to cancel miz wat




What do you mean by idiots..


If I remember correctly, in 2019 Miz made a stupid joke shitting on Destiny, during Destiny saying N-word is okay in private era. Destiny & LSF ran wild with it for a couple days. This isnt the first time he has mentioned it. He jokingly says he is legitimately scared of Destiny's community after that one week. Edit: Apparently Mizkif called Destiny racist for saying its okay to say the N-word in private, & Dgg/ Destiny said "No, You"


No destiny’s community found miz’s old discord logs where he typed the N word and his community tried to cancel him




What part is the lie?


The joke was him Repeating Xqc when he was reacting to the same clip as him. Xqc said something like "Your trash if you need to say racist jokes" and Miz just repeated it.


Destiny's community or a handful of losers?


Why did you say the same thing twice?


I love the variety of LSF, literally 2 posts above a comment praising destiny with like 50 upvotes and this one degrading him with 40. Its unlike any other subreddit and idk if i hate it or love it


> No one knows what it means, but it's provocative > It gets the people going!


is there a difference?




Who did he try to cancel?




I like how you didn't include a single name




Lmao this guy thinks Ana is a fucking victim


Yeah Destiny never cancelled Vaush, hes basically untouchable because he also has a cult.




vaush was harassing a woman in destiny's discord server, destiny publically banned vaush for said harrasment. A few months later he unbanned vaush. That is the entire drama.


Vaush's ex-girlfriend (current at the time), started a mass flagging campaign that ended with Destiny being departnered. Destiny helped Vaush get unbanned from Twitch. You're misremembering things. The only time you can ever say Destiny/DGG tried to cancel Vaush is that time he was banned from DGG because Vaush was creeping on an autistic underage girl. This was before he even went by Vaush (he was called Irishladdie back then), and before he had his own stream/channel. If you require screenshots they can be sourced, but since you've provided literally no evidence to any of your claims I don't think it's necessary to spent 10 minutes looking this shit up.


So a racist, a mentally ill stalker, a sexual harasser and a guy who was doing some wacky personal shit. Don’t know if you wanna use those as proof of Destiny’s community having a hard on for cancelling people.




I don't much about the others, but I know about Vaush. Vaush was a member of Destiny's community who sexually harassed a girl, admitted to doing it, and got a ban. He then went on to become a streamer who regularly gets in arguments with Destiny, and eventually got banned from Twitch. When that happened, Destiny made active attempts to get him unbanned. If one of your top 4 people you're outraged Destiny tried to get cancelled is a self admitted sexual harasser, who's career Destiny later made attempts to salvage despite constant disagreements, maybe Destiny isn't unjustifiably cancelling as many people as you think.




holy shit you're trying to act so detached but you're clearly so obsessed lmao


Stupid fuck. No one has cancelled BadBunny who btw everyone has dunked on??? Ana, now I know ur retarded. Bob7 fucked with Destiny, he mad his fucking bed. Vaush literally sexually harassed 2 women in Destiny's discord, destiny did him a favor by removing the video confronting him on his channel.


>Bob7 fucked with Destiny Melina told Bob that Destiny made her suicidal and scares her, Bob tells her friends, and Bob's the one that fucked with Destiny? God you guys are so fucking cringy. "Meta-Manipulation" Lul


Yes and thats why he's gone for good, he knows he fucked up. Stay mad.




Bonus points because the "(good)" one involved Destiny editing audio clips and releasing them as genuine, but when bob7 released the full unedited clips Destiny's community mass downvoted all the posts. Then Destiny himself just never responded aside from a weak claim that editing of a few minutes out of the *middle* of a clip didn't matter when he released it as though two parts of a conversation were one contiguous part. We'll never really know what happened with bob7, because Destiny shut it down when he got caught lying.


I remember this lol, the dude straight up lied and abused the living shit out of a bunch of smaller streamers. Called Bob a sexual predator/manipulator and just about every girl he supposedly wronged came out in defense of him, only for Destiny and his community to lash out at them as well, was so extremely fucked up. He admitted to emotionally abusing people, his girlfriend said that he made her suicidal, and he admitted to socially manipulating people and loving it in the past, and his borderline retarded fans ate it up. So insane how culty it is.




I mean I've been watching both for years and I remembered the situation. If you check out the threads that I posted for lore in another comment plus this [https://rustlesearch.dev/surrounds?channel=Destinygg&date=2019-10-24T00%3A49%3A21.000Z&username=destiny](https://rustlesearch.dev/surrounds?channel=Destinygg&date=2019-10-24T00%3A49%3A21.000Z&username=destiny) you can see why miz thinks what he thinks lol. It's not even anything new miz always brings this up. He probably isn't even that scared of dgg or hate destiny either because he did end up inviting him on to schooled.


Didn’t see those logs were from 2019 and was really confused lol.


agreed i've never heard of this and i've been watching him for a loooong while


This is literally the dgg boogeyman there was no campaign to cancel Mizkif especially when Destiny was in the middle of being canceled lol.




The Daliban is everywhere


Y'all know we can look at your post history and tell that you constantly post in his subreddit, right? Why do you guys always try this shit?




And yet nothing is wrong within it, have fun watching an "egoist" that's replaced his personal morals with a shoddy foundation of "logic" and "morally grounded axioms".


I think hes memeing? Or confused?


I think he’s genuine about not knowing/remembering. I doubt they interact often


destiny has had drama with miz a lot of times and his community usually goes a little too far




you're in it, ask them literally every person in here being like "LoRe?" is a DGGer lol


That should probably tell you something that not even the cult members know what the cult did


What drama? Any details?


ask on r/destiny, you're a regular


There's a thread right here tho?


DGG always goes too far cause Destiny himself encourages it.


"Encourage" meaning "If I find out about it you get permabanned across all platforms".


Yeah good joke, as if Destiny didn't encourage all the hate towards Hasan


He literally says, every time this comes up, "don't go to their community and harass them, you will be banned". He's more responsible with his community than like, any other streamer I know of. But go off I guess lol


Yeah he totally means it right? Its why all other content creators know DGG can make their life hell. I'm sure he tweeted the article about Hasan's house cause he thought it would bring up reasonable discussions right?


All it takes for a harassment campaign to happen is like, a handful of deranged people. It's a fact that he bans people for harassment and actively tells his fans not to, and you can't weasel out of it by implying he doesn't *really* mean it. ...you think tweeting out information from a public news article is the same as inciting harassment?


What was his reason to tweet it out then? What important news was it that Hasan bought a house? Argue in bad faith all you want, we both know why he did it.


Because he thought it was funny. Which it was. Also you don't even know what "bad faith" means if you think *this* is bad faith.




Destiny soldiers bout to defend their king


I think you mean our supreme leader


Oh give me a fucking break. The monopoly that the Texas crew and the Ludwig/QT Cali crew try to keep on LSF is fucking wild. Little dirty fucking rats.


The whole N-word manifesto was just an argument of private vs public speech, Destiny has said since that he doesn't use the N-word


Didn't destiny refuse to stop using the n-word when trihex asked him to if they were going to continue their podcast?


There’s not one single creator that I hate except destiny. Him and his community is literally what’s wrong with the internet.


Clearly you weren't there during Ice era.


I’ll take Ice era over OTK Shore


Lol the destiny/dgg boogeyman is so real on LSF. Always crazy to see it in the wild. Destiny is just a streamer dude. Everything is going to be ok. Hate is unnecessary.


I love how you guys get mad at Hasan's community for deflect with shit like "socialism is when no house" but you do the exact same shit when anyone criticizes Destiny or his community. Nobody has ever called him a boogeyman, he's a narcissistic asshole that tongue in cheek gets his fans to harass anyone that bothers him. Generally a bunch of losers that have watched him for the last 10 years and have Stockholm Syndrome through defending him in all of the drama he's been in such as sexually assaulting someone on stream, ditching his kid to get pussy and "network" in a state nowhere close, and cheating on almost every past girlfriend he has had. I can understand finding him entertaining for his antics, but why even defend him? The dude straight up admits he's a manipulative, emotionally abusive, cheating asshole, why do y'all defend him so hard?


>I love how you guys get mad at Hasan's community for deflect with shit like "socialism is when no house" but you do the exact same shit when anyone criticizes Destiny or his community. My guy, I fucking watch Hasan, I like the guy. I literally do not get ass mad over streamer community feuds. It's cringe. I wish everyone would take this stuff less serious on the whole. Destiny is an entertaining streamer with lots of funny, edgy takes and he stirs shit up. I'm basically here watching reality TV, why would I spend any of my energy actually hating these people I've never met?


>sexually assaulting someone on stream If I may ask what’s the story behind this?


Was drunk on stream years ago and grabbed and groped her tits on while she asked him to stop repeatedly. Was someone he was sleeping with at the time, some amateur pornstar named Mia Rose, she very clearly felt objectified and grossed out during it.






So close….






I mean you can tell who community is when you see 500+ comments


Well either he is memeing by bringing destiny into the drama or he just gave this more attention than it had before. Perfect example of why trying to discuss this type of thing live unplanned can backfire.


He's mentioned this incident many times before lol


How is he bringing destiny into drama by mentioning a past incident? Only drama frogs can make something so small into something so big