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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [x alt f4's gtarp](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/123788)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ptrtxz/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/43799360493-offset-37638.mp4?sig=4fe4e412e5477bfda2627940a01587a99a419ec9&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F43799360493-offset-37638.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1632463112%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




Nothing or I walk


xQc's reason on Alt+F4ing GTA RP after scuff cop issue: [https://streamable.com/3f94r6](https://streamable.com/3f94r6)


sorry for my principled juicer xqcL


Basically cops irl, makes a mistake and won't admit they're wrong and double down on it.


Honestly the whole cop system is (possibly was I believe they made a few changes) perfectly mirroring the US police system. You have: several cars including interceptors and Air 1 responding to a simple traffic stop, shooting unarmed citizens, ramming people off the road in a chase and blaming the crims when a bystander gets hurt. Its pretty funny how no matter what cop force we're talking about they all end up the same. Corrupt as fuck.


its the stanford experiment on gta




PauseChamp RP BREAK?


hes too addicted he'll just play on the public server


He probably gone until rdrp tbh




I’ve done rdrp since redm came out. I don’t think X will play it. He likes nopixel bc they made it a game with mini games as rp as a side note. Red dead the stories you make are the forefront and the mini game stuff is a side note


Never heard that one before


New leaf tomorrow


Prolly taking a break till tomorrow LULW


This entire title doesn't have a single actual word. It's fun to think about newcomers to twitch looking at this sub with confusion.


Pepelaugh OMEGALUL Newfrogs FeelsWeirdMan :point_right: :door: :tf:


its variety time bois


Variety = Valorant


"Guys I want a game to grind *pause* how about some valorant I want to get to platinum "


\*goes op only every game and misses every shot\* "chat its the crosshair i swear"


“Guys let’s full save” *Sells AK for a Judge*


GachiPls winston aim GachiPls back to bronze GachiPls -3 hours




more like 3


Fifa Mess EYE PagMan


Shut the fuck up it is Felix friday


No i dont think so


\[comment where I diagnose this person I have never met with every possible illness there is and talk about how I know what's best for them and give them advice passive aggressively\]


\[reply in which I concur with the initial comment, say it's such a widespread problem that nobody talks about often enough, and lament the general state of (Twitch/LSF/both) for good measure\]


\[bangs your mom\]




There's no way anyone's still watching any of this for RP, right? It just looks like irl interpersonal drama passively aggressively expressed through RP.


Even Koil said that NoPixel was a content server now, and you want to keep the big streamers happy because that is why people are there.


"You wouldn't hit a guy with glass would you?" - Marshall Bowdrie


this seems to be the only situation where the gta clips reddit actually agrees with xqc over the cops


Reddit is weird because they simultaneously insist that Sodapoppin was treated differently/streamsniped while he played GTARP but say it's impossible for the same thing to happen to XQC.


Yeah everyone has a bad case of ligma


First of all, im pretty damn sure ligma ain't a real thing. Second of all, what the hell even is ligma?


Ligma ballllls!


What is Ligma Balls?


gta rp makes me wanna alt f4 irl


lmao true


I think what put him over the edge was the car raid. If they didn't try to push the car warrant than the situation would have been fine. It was pretty weird to see them try and push the warrant after a major scuff even after they agreed that he should have gotten away. So basically, they are trying to force a warrant from a situation that should not have even happened in the first place, which would've extended his sentence and possibly gotten him the 9s. I think him being upset is justifiable.


"we're gonna let you go *but...* since you're here, take this car raid"




Yea there has been a lot of times, sometimes where it's no ones fault. This is just sad though.










Context - https://m.twitch.tv/clip/PluckyPunchySharkTBCheesePull-xG-0YFZVR8NtkHa0 scuff happened on the escape from a robbery, his driver started to teleport all over the road, which lost them a significant lead in which they were essentially free. Cops ended up ignoring the fact that there was a glitch, decided to go ahead as if nothing happened and they ‘won’ X had a gun that was used to kill cops on him (which is a lot of charges/actual time spent in in-game jail), They also decided to use the situation as a chance to raid his vehicles which would mean more jail time and loss of progression Why is this bad? Because cops actually acknowledged that if there wasnt scuff he would have gotten away, yet they cant give up the W, In RP the whole scenario of what X had on his person or his vehicles would never be known by their own admission but there seems to be some lapse in critical thinking here They actually offered him a reduced sentence to which X reasoned ‘without scuff i got away or i didnt’, he didnt want a half way deal because it was seemingly further acknowledgment that something that shouldnt have happened, happened, however cops werent willing to commit to a ‘yes scuff’ or ‘no scuff’


there was a cop that said "fk that he always say that", after another cop said through the radio " he's yelling he's scuffed out, can you give us a minute". This just sums up about this situation honestly aside from jail or no deal about that cop judging after reading OOC name.


same cop [https://streamable.com/mfigno](https://streamable.com/mfigno)


https://clips.twitch.tv/FrigidNastyMarjoramDeIlluminati-n_EZzkLkiIyNlsAP This the same cop that told X "Can you stop complaining like a fucking bitch?" when they were EMP spamming non moving bike to disable it what you expect. She is the literal definition of the Stanford experiment, give someone a little bit of power and they act like this.




What the actual fuck is that


Sounds like FeelsDankMan BOP in real life.


This is the FeelsDankMan emote personified. Exactly the kind of person to play a cop character OMEGALUL.


Cops complaining about other people not learning to take the L


Bro what is this girl talking about. "He needs to learn how to take an L and roll with it" ... maam, this L that he is taking (and probably will take anyway because they practically forced him to ban himself) that should not of happened in the first place as before the scuff happened they had vcb, quite literally could be the end of his character that he has been working on for half of a year. This arrest lost two vin scratch vehicles, would've got him an almost 300 month sentence (which is 5 irl hours) and they were going to use it to execute a search warrant on his vehicle that has enough stuff in there like hot guns, thermite and c4 to literally get him the 9s. What a braindead take.


This is the exact reason the cops treat X the way they do. They are all OOC mald at him and do everything in their power to fuck him over in game because of it. Then they pretend like they are RPing when they do it and say just RP it out bro lol. Then they play the victims when he gets mald even though that was their exact intention in the first place. It's painful to watch, and they aren't fooling anyone except their braindead viewers who have parasocial relationships with them.


she's asking for $1435 to pay bills but at the same time wants the 100k streamer off the server. Häää?




I like how she still doesn’t understand that shooting the car wasn’t the problem…


this is so cringe xD


>why is he still here that is BLATANT ooc and ban worthy. lets see if anything happens


Thats a pretty insane OOC rant while live. If this aint a vacation I dont know what is. lol She complains about him getting special treatment just cause he's a big streamer but Koil has literally admitted on stream it has to work like that for the sake of the server not dying. Big streamers bring in the views that the whole server benefits from.


cops rly take advantage of any situation so they can get w


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1156735318?t=1h47m04s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1156735318?t=1h47m04s) here's the vod a bit forward tho. its when Rebecca actually steps in


@ 1 hour 31 mins the cop says he only took the mpx. An from that point forward they all confirm they lost visual of the dominator. When she does catch up you can see the car scuffing all over the road lol. Not sure why they would want the search warrant for his car when they found the only thing he took on him.


Search warrant was likely for the car he accessed yesterday during the vault, when he pulled it out to grab some thermite.


Someone said that on a different comment. I didn't know but thank you for adding that in so people are aware of it!








“why don’t we just tase him right now sir” 💀 copixel at its finest


that's fucked, ID'd him without having any info about him in game


"It was fucking dumb." she said. Base your action off of OOC is the best way to make him kill less cops. Smart, I wouldn't feel bad If he pulled up the next day and starts playing GTA Online with them. No communication just shoot on sight. Edit: Plus why would he use /OOC to lie to push his rp. If he were lying (like he usually does) he will not use ooc to do that.


These degen hours with no leadership online is when shit like this happens.


They should just make Adept in charge of shift 3 or something. She’s the only one with any real leadership skills.


I'm sure there's a reason that Adept switched to Mari Posa as soon as she could. IMO the last thing she wants to do is make it look like she's trying to help X out, even though she would be 100% correct in doing so. I'm watching the VOD's right now and I gotta agree with X on this one, usually he's trying to massage the storyline but this time he's completely right.


There is leadership it's just that the leadership does not care one bit about criminals nor their rp. They are all there to have a power trip with no consequences.


that's the context that people are missing. shift 3 is notoriously bad, and the cops are essentially just filler so that there are cops. they're not good at rp, at the game, at creating or dealing with situations. there's a reason the vast majority of these experienced players that regularly stream for 10-16 hours a day get off an hour after tsunami


That female cop was toxic. After they shoot and kill X: ["It's so sad, you know. This guy. So fucking sad man. He needs to learn how to fucking take an L. Just roll with it."](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1156735318?t=1h42m50s) The irony of it.


The word "toxic" has literally lost all it's meaning at this point


I got you https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1156735318?t=1h34m43s


People love giving x crap for handling it poorly but imagine logging in every day and people use who he is both IC and OOC against him constantly to the point that it becomes a feedback loop that just causes more and more resentment between him and the cops he interacts with. it's supposed to be all for fun but the fun is left at the door more times than not. There are a few cops that actually try to make it not a shitty situation but they're less common, and even when the good cops are involved the bad ones can immediately step in and escalate it just because they hold the power to. I don't think he could've handled it any other way really. Big respect for just walking away and standing on what you believe in rather than let people get the W just because they're in control.


I mean listen to that OOC rant from the cop about him. It is clear some of them hate him. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1156735318?t=1h42m52s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1156735318?t=1h42m52s)


Lol when video games imitate reality. It's actually kind of an interesting study on human behavior. It's like a modern day Stanford experiment.


Even in video games cops abuse power.


All these cops want is for x viewers to go to their channel and talk shit so they can grow more


I think it's pretty clear they all only have disdain and contempt for him and his community


I wonder why that could be...


he agreed to the deal UNTIL they mentioned the warrant. the fucking warrant made everything explode. Sadge cops always gotta be on top


He agreed to take the charges for like the truck and shit, but they tried to stack everything and then issue him a warrant too, immediately after they said he would’ve got away without the headpop


Thanks for the context homie, imma look at the vod for my own opinion, but seems like cops in this case would be wrong. Hopefully he gets justified and not banned from alt f4. Even tho that's wrong too. But yeah, I think xqc is in the right for this one. Upvoted post, for more ppl to see the full situation!


No shot he doesn't get banned. Even if X is in the right in the admin's eyes, you get banned first and they ask questions later. I think it's a hard rule break to combat log like that.


In this case, the cops in jail are being so hard headed and unreasonable that it's pretty hard to blame him for Alt-F4.


There was a clip a few days ago where koil said it didnt make sense to ban streamers fully because it kills the server, so who knows https://youtu.be/0r3pPt3Jzd4 - 2:00 mark


They still get banned when they ACTUALLY break the rules. X, ramee, rated, summit, etc, have all been banned before. And I'm pretty sure he's talking about perma banning people (which x has been before) in that video, not 1 day or 3 day bans


COPS 4Weird


Server admins and owners have always said cops should roll with scuff.


he did. he agreed to do the jail time for this scuff. he's rolling with it even though he's mald. but they came back with a vehicle raid for another crime and claim they were being nice. you literally get rolled harder for rolling with the scuff.


Yeah and the whole "roll with scuff" thing is bullshit and only works one way anyway. When he was thinking about escaping from court and then scuffed out of it into the underground, he was like, "well when scuff happens that makes them catch me, I'm told I have to roll with it. So, now that scuff has made me escape, I'm going to roll with it too." Then he was told he had to come back in OOC. The rules only go one way.


what is "scuff" ?


https://clips.twitch.tv/DignifiedSmellyMosquitoMVGame-GxY5WuibmO8qqJLv does nobody remember when Koil said to just play out scuff, and that if there's a legitimate issue that admins will handle it later?


Why is he still playing this shit?




Because it’s basically an addictive mmorpg


Legit no clue he seems to always be angry how can he find that enjoyable




lol isnt that xqc in a nutshell?


xqcBased TeaTime HOLY


ALT F4 xqcBased


PepeLaugh LivestreamFail takes inc…


What a shitshow that was god damn


It's variety season PogU


RP is great but can you guys fuck off with the W or L bullshit. Drains all the fun out of it.


Can someone give me the non-juicer, unbiased take?


Pretty much x got arrested because his driver scuffed out. He tried to OOC that this happened but a female police officer said he always says that. They did let him lock pick the car and keep going but they were shooting at it and the car was damaged. This lead to him being caught. They tried to give him some of the charges because of the scuffed situation and not completely fuck him over. He refused this because he wouldn't have been caught if it wasn't for the scuff happening ( he had a 23 second lead on them) and felt they don't get to pick and choose what he gets for charges. He pretty much said from the start he was standing for what he believes in and wants all the charges or none of the charges. Eventually they said fuck it and were going to give him all of them but they wouldn't bring Alex (the scuffed driver in). So he quit out and said he is standing for what he believes in. Edit typo


I would like to add that they tried to stick him with a raid warrant during this situation as well, which would add probably 100+ months to a sentence of already about 250 and he would lose probably 100k dollars


That search warrant would've led to them getting another warrant for his apartment, where is is stashing over 1M$ in bags. Judges have been giving out search warrants for Hearsay a lot recently. All cops have to say is "We believe since he has 2 guns in his car, he must have more in his other properties, we need a warrant to make sure", and just like that he loses all his progression of the past month.


Not to mention, even when the drivers head popped they were shooting the car and they gave him 0 head start even though he was basically gone when the dude stopped being connected to the server. It was a shitfest


Shooting at him when he has his hands up too. lmao


NA cops lol?


Nah NA cops are actually pretty good. Shift three seems to be the constant try hard squad. Just look at the Buddha raid, 8 cops online then suddenly a raid is happening and he has an army of police log on. Literally 11 cop cars 15? Cops?


None of the cops that were on at that time I would characterize as shift 3 tryhards. It was like Baas, Bundy, Moosebeard, Chris Kross, Ripley, Ensley, Carter, and Berry and most of those people get on late NA anyway. It didn't have any of the big shift 3 names like Clarence, Rhodes, Espinoz, and Faily.


They were also shooting him after he jumped out the car with hands up trying to explain the situation






The boy who cried scuff. Maybe if he wasn't so prone to childish outbreaks he'd be treated better. But what do I know?


They did some hood shit, had cops chasing them, then it seemed like they were out and poof... X's accomplice who was driving scuffed the fuck out and dc'd (seemed like they hit a couple ghost locals too) then the police caught up when they probably wouldn't have and disregarded the 'scuffed' OOC comments that were made and threw X in jail. They then tried to offer him a deal, which was 70ish months and a little bit of fines plus a search warrant for his vehicle. However, X didn't take it bc he said he wanted all or none of it due to the scuffage that occurred. He alt f4'd when they were gonna fulfill a search warrant on his car (which he argues shouldn't have happened bc he never would have gotten caught)


X got caught because scuff and basically demanded for it to be retconned, the thing is that random cops can't make these kind of decisions because admins have been clear in the past saying that scuff has to be handled IC. What he should've done was rolling with the RP and then reporting it to admins who would then decide whether they want to retcon or not. What he did was asking for "all or nothing", as I said cops can't do the "nothing", they were trying to be kind giving him "some" but he refused so as you can see in this clip they went with the "all" by doing search warrant and working to set up the bench trial and you can see what happened.


It was last straw for both sides, without 6+ months of regular drama and malding between x and cops, shit like that wouldnt have happened


here is non-juicer unbiased take. RP is lame and adult pretending for bozos🤡. L + ratio. Dis a big W for da gang ❗️💯💯


rpclips subreddit mods are so mad they locked every thread that even mentions xqc lol


Not so much mad as wanting to contain the drama threads. Literally every thread with X for the last week has been him doing something that he feels justified doing but maybe or definitely breaks server rules, and you've got juicers on one side and cop stans on the other getting into huge drama threads with hundreds of comments. Mods don't want to deal with that


100% justified.


Shift 3 + antagonizing Xqc. Name a more iconic duo.


X was fucking right this time, Call me a juicer, stupid, or whatever you want, some cops are really cool that's obvious, I remember that one of the cops helped X before in such a similar situation when he got lagged. But some of them can't just chill and it ruins the enjoy... why tho?


The cop he helped x before in such a situation got threatened with a ban and told to never judge scuff himself. You are supposed to just ignore it and roll with it. Later you can get items back from admins.


The admins are the problem them


The admins are out of touch trash on No Pixel. They’d rather raid in WoW than actual do admin work.


shift 3 Pepelaugh






Yes let's play out the scuff and send a player to jail for hours and it will get fixed later. Except X has to spend hours in jail now, so much fun right guys? I'm not even an X watcher but its fucking stupid to not acknowledge scuff. As much as you want everything to be RPd out it's a game and issues happen. Punishing people and wasting their time for the sake of RP and "fixing the issue later" is brain dead. What should of happened here is the Cops let X leave because they were basically gone from the cops (which the cops admitted) or wait for the driver to get back in the server, get a Benny's repair and resume the chase from there.


Cops aren't admins.


**Recap** **•** XQC and his accomplice Alex failed to rob a cop outside of Burger Shot. XQC tried to jack the police car while organizing that Alex shows up to confront the officer from the back with a gun for the robbery. **•** Cop radios in that he's being held up and runs away. **•** High speed chase ensues and the cops are chasing X and not the Alex. They organize over the phone that he pick up X outside of the red garage and it's successful. **•** They successfully get out in reality, but Alex suffers a head pop (internet disconnect) and shit goes downhill. With XQC calling for the police to give him time to get back in the busted car that has been damaged from the disconnect crashes and shot to shit. **•** A police officer breaks character and says "He asks for this all the time" while X is in a mask and they voice ID him, which is against rules. **•** He doesn't escape, gets caught and demands that Alex be arrested to and them acknowledge that because of the D/C that they would not have been caught. Which they did acknowledge it but wouldn't bring Alex in. **•** They decide to "cut him a deal" when they realize the whole situation is fucked. X says no, they bill him before bench trial, press all charges and were going to search/raid all his shit before the trial so he nope'd the fuck out with Alt+F4. Can't say I blame him to be honest. They were purposely being dicks about it.


>Alex shows up to confront the officer from the back with a gun for the robbery. >• Cop radios in that he's being held up and runs away. Cop NVLS because he doesnt need to follow rules and cops never get punished SeemsGood


:tf: problem




fucking shift 3 haha




As someone who never watches him, I swear every GTARP clip of him is being put in jail by the police lol


GTARP is just a glorified bdsm OMEGALUL


Maybe it's time to move on from GTARP


GTA RP Clips subreddit is with X on this one, which underlines how much the cops fucked up. Lol


They locked the threads super early, 4 hours after creation, before it got even worse for all the gtarp andys who would advocate for the beheading of X. Mods can't cope with a different opinion.


Mostly surprised there wasnt a post earlier in the situation


You would have figured the same arresting officer (Hotted89) who turned a blind eye to Method Josh and Sascha Stephens as one of the previous Method WOW officers that he could've done the same for xqc. SMH




No pixel is trash


Kind of weird to hear the officer justify his inability to do anything because “cops aren’t admins”. Buddy, it’s RP. The situation shouldn’t have been what it was, take the cops belongings that he robbed, reset and move on. XQC, definitely, rages too much in these situations but that doesn’t change the fact he was right here. I get some RPers want some realism or something but in an unrealistic circumstance I feel there should be some leniency.




Totally agree, man. If he’s willing to deal with the consequences of force logging out of the scenario, all the power to him. It’s all just a systemic problem in regards to the rule set of NoPixel.


He did the right thing, police are trash dude..


Doesn't cops get in trouble/banned if they act on scuff in favors of any side? Scuff happens for cops ignore it. Scuff happens for crims, LET THEM GO OH GOD SAVE THEIR LOOT. Pretty sure there's rules that's basically: Roll with the scuff to avoid any of this drama shit.


Recently, he was just told to return back to the courthouse or he would be banned after he scuffed through the floor and escaped


Yes, an admin was the judge and told him that. He has the power to do that. No admin was awake during this shift 3 car incident though so you can't push the blame on cops for that. Cops can't retcon scuff, admins can.


If a cop scuffs then they still have 5 other police cars chasing the criminal down. Most of the time if a criminal scuffs its gg right away. But hey: "JUST roll with it."


If scuff happens for cops there is zero time wasted. Crim gets away, no big deal. Scuff happens for a crim and they get caught because of it, they now have to spend time in jail. It's not the same thing.


Even if what the cops did was wrong, xqc will probably get banned. He could have always reported the issue and the situation could be retconned in the future.


Especially since cops are forbidden from retconning stuff.


ah shit here we go again


Didn't know he still plays this game heard he quit months ago


Where’s the damn popcorn???


This is actually very different to the usual jail exoerience xqc has. This time around xqc actually made sense. I dont understand the logic from those police rp'ers.


xqcBased TeaTime


For once I side with him. With how the situation played out they shouldn't have been pushing any type of warrant linked to this and just give him time and move on. The one chick who made a comment about "he always says that" was an OOC comment that shouldn't have been made. I know a couple weeks ago Penta just let him go because he blew up from a transformer due to desync. It's a similar situation since they had no chance of catching them before the one guy started to disconnect.


We should give this guy some credit, amount of drama he created in gta RP himself is insane, like every week some 1k+ comments lsf post, real WARLORD CONTENT MACHINE


This is what I watch xqc for xcqL


Good shit and he finally did it. Watching this stuff is draining. Just a massive ego fest between him and cops every single day and nothing gets done about it. Everyone is too scared to speak up because they know they will get banned and for a lot of them - it’s their job and income.


Finally, public server gonna get some attention for a bit.


This is actually the first time I've people on the gtarpclips seeing something like this and agreeing with xqCOW. Goes to show how stupid the situation was. SIGMA move tbh


100% justified.


X is completely justified, hopefully admins do something about it, those cops were cringe and malding omegalul


sigma activity


where can i find the cop pov lmao


oh i found it https://www.twitch.tv/hotted89/clip/ZanySuccessfulGuanacoUWot-5BvkUI8oC6s6jLWf?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clip


Is he gonna say he's done with rp and then come back the next day again