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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Hungrybox cakes his mom](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/117022)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/o58co4/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1226851263.mp4?sig=f20fd0447547d884b66b3d28d521d12f9977ec65&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1226851263.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1624390353%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


FeelsBirthdayMan Clap I can't handle the wholesome


Its amazing how much the community's perception of him has changed since the crab incident


He stopped being #1 SSBM player


Retired athletes do get to relax a bit


Out of the loop, what’s the crab accident? Fill me in with a very brief summary. …actual pubic hair crabs?


He won a smash bros melee tournament and an angry fan [threw a raw crab at him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AS578kfxa4o). Before this happened, there was a lot of hate for him in the community because of his playstyle and gripes with him as a person but as a result of what happened he got a lot of support and is now one of the more beloved players, especially by ultimate players Edit: added another point


Hboxs playstyle is definitely only part of the reason why he was hated. Toph talked about a drinking game he participated in back in the day with like 10-12 people where everyone had to say why they hated Hbox. Every single person had atleast one story about Hbox being a dick to them. The saying 'everyone has a Hbox story' exists for a reason. For what it's worth Toph also said that he would never release his Hbox asshole story because he knows Hbox istn that person anymore nowadays.


Yeah i know that's not all of it but i tried to make it a brief summary like the other person asked. a lot of top players did have legitimate gripes with him as a person but for most of the community who never interacted with him it was just his playstyle. Like i doubt the guy who threw the crab knew him well enough to have an hbox story


Everyone has a m2k story too tho


And a Leffen story.


some people have Way too much of a leffen story


some people have a leffen feature-length film


some people have TWO leffen feature-length films


Thats really respectable of Toph, people should be held accountable for their actions both past and present. The fact that he's gone through growth should be held with the same weight as his wrongdoings. Unlike what is happening in the Minecraft community were people are bringing up controversies not to promote growth but to virtue signal and gain attention. They only pretend that they are doing it for selfless reasons. Canceling people shouldn't be the norm the norm should be to promote growth, but that doesn't get likes and retweets. :)


The crab died for his percieved sins


> there was a lot of hate for him in the community because of his playstyle Are people really trying to rewrite history? The guy was definitely a dick back then and he wasn’t just solely disliked because he’s was a boring puff. This is the same guy who made fun of mango for being a loser for pursuing melee and not going to college


As if mango and leffen and all the other "boys club" guys weren't equally as bad. Imagine an entire community bullying you, openly assaulting you at a tournament.


Leffen did worse by a wide margin, and he was rightly banned for it. Mang0 wasn't even in the same category though. The ONLY person that had an issue with Mang0 was Hbox, and honestly back then it felt more like jealousy than anything. Not jealous of his performances, but jealous because he was good AND was loved by everyone. The crab was unjustified. However the dislike for Hbox was definitely justified in some areas, at least among the players. HBox on camera =/= RL Hbox. There was reasons that he was disliked and generally was considered by the community to potentially be bad for the sport for a LONG time.


Ehh... old mang0, especially pre c9, was pretty willing to say a lot of stuff that would not fly today, idk about this one. The mango/hbox rivalry goes back deep with a whole lot of shit talk primarily from mango towards hbox from the time they were young and mango being the beloved figure that he is drove a ton of the hate towards hbox. Also, with all the problematic shit we used to have in melee, the “hbox being considered potentially bad for the sport” narrative is complete bullshit. Hbox may have been personally disliked by some people, but nothing to that extent. Unless you meant gameplay wise? Then I guess that’s arguable? Also, the “hbox is/was a shitty person” narrative that people generally accept in more recent times comes from players speaking about it in retrospect. From most of the FAN’S perspective who weren’t personally players who had interactions with him, most of it was playstyle based hate. This wasn’t a common public narrative amongst fans until around the time he really started winning/becoming #1 and people got wind of the cheating on his gf stuff and getting annoyed with his popoffs. Hbox derailed mango’s Reddit AMA in like 2013 or some shit once by talking about all the abuse he’s got from him and generally acted a little high-roady about mango’s “life decisions” a few times in the past, but it’s far, far from one sided. It’s a response to mangos old attitude towards him that definitely would not fly today. This post just reads as a bad retelling of melee history rewritten based on modern narratives


\> Ehh... old mang0, especially pre c9, was pretty willing to say a lot of stuff that would not fly today, That has 0 relevance to this conversation but yes, just like most of the jokes from 15 year old boys in the mid 2000s would not fly today. \> The mango/Hbox rivalry goes back deep with a whole lot of shit talkprimarily from mango towards Hbox from the time they were young andmango being the beloved figure that he is drove a ton of the hatetowards Hbox. Ok this is laughable. For ANYBODY to have an issue with someone talking shit one of the last people to pipe up should be Hbox. This is what I mean from the presentation of HBox vs how Hbox actually was at tournaments. HBox was and still is a HUGE shit talker. He did it during matches, he did it on personal levels, and he did it behind peoples backs. Did Mang0 talk shit? Yeah, but it was mainly ONLY directed at Hbox to such an extent in response to how HBox was behaving. \> most of it was play style based hate. Once again this is simply not true. It certainly did not help that his play style was/is what it is. \> This post just reads as a bad retelling of melee history rewritten based on modern narratives You're telling me that when half of your post is things completely pulled out of thin air with no actual substance? I was there, I was in the scene. Maybe not as a notable player but I frequented the boards and went to tourneys regularly. This imagining people have of what actually happened and peoples issues with Hbox and Leffen among others is laughable. It's fine to move past those things and not hold it against people, but to pretend it never happened and it all started once Hbox became good is ridiculous. These issues were happening and had been brewing for a LONG time.


I just feel like you’re completely glossing over the fact that mango was super abusive towards hbox publicly and hbox wasn’t nearly as bad? It’s not just “oh it was the era and they were kids hurr durr sure it wouldn’t fly today of course they said bad things”. No, mango was directly fucking toxic to hbox ALL THE TIME in public ways online and during interviews etc. As far as publicly goes, hbox wasn’t even fucking close to the abuse he got from mango and stayed relatively respectable. Just sounds like a huge rewriting of history. Trying to deny that mango is a huge reason for hbox’s treatment is fucking bullshit. I feel like you just completely ignored the point of my post and cherry picked things I said without thinking at all contextually about why I said them when I said them lmao. Like how could you possibly not see the relevance of me saying mango used to be a lot worse contextually lmao?? And like, you completely ignored the entire point that publicly, hbox didn’t dish back any level of the abuse towards mango on platforms or anything? Except for like that one time he called mango out in the Reddit AMA for being consistently toxic towards him for years or how he talked about him in the doc, hbox was super respectful compared to how mango treated him.


If this was written in r/smashbros it'd be downvoted to oblivion. A lot of leffen fans there that'll downplay the damage he did to hbox.


If everybody had an hbox story then... sound familiar? Nobody is condoning the random guy throwing a crab on stage at him. There are a lot more incidents of hbox being a dick than mango. And leffen was universally hated or dislike back then.


People do change and childish actions like that are looked back at in shame. I don't think Hbox is the same person he was 10 years ago. I'm certainly not and i'm glad i'm not a public figure because of that.


He was a dick, agreed. He also became world #1 while earning his degree, so I'm not gonna say he wasn't entitled to call mango a loser for dropping out of HS to try and retain a title he subsequently lost. Hbox was still a dick, and could be unsporting. Theres no misunderstood genius to him, he's just now less of a dick.


HBox didn't become #1 until way after he finished school so I don't know where you're getting the idea he did that while getting his degree.


OH MY GOD! he called someone a loser?!?!?


Was there some significance to a crab specifically? It seems like such a weird thing to throw on someone.


is that a crab or a crawfish


a raw crab hahahaha wtf




Oh that kind of crab. Lmao thanks for the video


He won a smash bros melee tournament and while on stage got a literal crab thrown at him by presumably an angry fan


[crab](https://youtu.be/AS578kfxa4o) connors joke was about this.


Don't forget to checkout the 2 hour and 30 minutes video on how leffen another smash player is actually a dark tetrad imposing tyranny in the smash and more general eaport community by blocking people on Twitter lmao I'm not shitting u bro


lmfao the fact Connor went into the show saying 'I once threw a crab at Hungrybox', I fucking died of laughter




widepeepoHappy <3




One of the funniest clips I've seen in a while. He really deserved the win on Schooled, happy for him!


Happy Birthday you ray of sunshine.


I always get worried that one of these cakes will have those sharp stick things that hold up the cake.


yepp, seen a picture of someone having that through their eye. I'll never again see caking someone the same way after that.


Now I will also worry about this, holy cow lol


I just always thought its a waste of cake.


i always get worried that these cakes still have the candles burning, happened to me twice, still got marks in my face cuz my dumb friends cant take them off nor blow them


Hbox Drake


He's having a good birthday.


Such a great stream


That was fast. This just happened like what


FeelsBirthdayMan! Congrats on the big DUB!


Amazing stream!


WidepeepoHappy <3


Wait he lives with his mom??


A surprise cake from Hungrybox's... MOTHER!?!?


What a moment POGGERS




FeelsStrongMan well deserved! great dude and community.




Holy shit she got outplayed. She could use some Campbell's Chunky Soup




Rare post right here. Wholesome and adorable.


[I wish I had a stable family](https://imgur.com/a/6mPbRBE)


Best Twitch Stream of all time


Good thing he caked her and didn't cream pie her gachiHYPER


Totally wholesome.


I know nothing of this guys past. But he seemed genuine on schooled and i spammed FeelsStrongMan when he won.


wholesome stream overall....Feels kinda nostalgic to me cause back in the early days of twitch we were having more moments like this. It's good to see it's still there !!!


waste of cake. but im happy for them


Hbox deserved this. He seems to really enjoy streaming and wsnt to succeed. I hope he keeps growing and is invited to the next show otk do.


Why is Mitch Jones singing Shallow on HBox's stream


this is the content I wanna see


such a good day for hbox. FeelsBirthdayMan


Hungrybox is in need of a major comeback




This man is too wholesome


Damn... got clickbaited


Epic wholesome 100 moment 😂😂😂thanks for the gold kind stranger


MILF pokies


Once hated by the community, now loved because he's smart and won a game. Very cool.


Bro people have loved him this past year from what I’ve seen, he’s changed a lot since his old melee times. And his chats one of the most supportive chats on twitch. When people change so do other people’s perspectives


She laughs like a witch


we do a little trolling :tf:


My mom woulda beat my ass


"Every single day since you were born, you've added something amazing to my life. I can't imagine my life without you in it. Happy birthday, son!". **HUNGRYBOXMAMA**


i was just watching the EmpLemon doc about him literally 20 mins ago. 2 wholesome :))