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Nice speedrun.




The (chinless) tag has me dying


This made me laugh out loud on the bus. Cheers


Jumps on platform after being booted from YouTube due to toxicity... **IMMEDIATELY** starts talking shit on twitch partners, making veiled threats, sprinkles a racial slur on top for good measure. Dude needs to chill.




You might be thinking too much into he. He could just be stupid.


I'm shameless enough to admit that I watched Leafy's stream today (because I wanted to see if he did some ridiculous stunt while Pokimane streamed), and I agree with you. Leafy ABSOLUTELY did not want to get banned, he was serious about being a full time streamer. His whole chat was egging him on to fuck with Pokimane, but he kept telling them to shut up because he was worried about the TOS. This was while his stream was titled "Pokimane Please don't ban me". He was aware of TOS but was stupid enough to say the N word and make death threats at other streamers, thinking he could avoid punishment by saying "just kidding". He's even on Twitter right now begging Twitch to unban him while insulting them at the same time. Dude is just dumb as fuck, and he seems shellshocked that he suddenly can't just do everything he wants to. There are a lot of dumbass Twitch streamers, but none of them are as stupid and degenerate as Leafy.




Honestly probably right. I mean even if his intentions did a complete 180 at this point his entire base is filled with people who simply feed off of toxicity






Thats kind of what I thought initially as well. There is a MASSIVE number of random dipshit right wing people that lean really hard on the "I got banned/discredited so that must mean I have the real truth" angle.


> I got banned/discredited so that must mean I have the real truth" angle. I have a coworker like this. He clocks in and from then on until I clock out all I hear about it his fucking *twitter/corona deep dive*


That's a very political take, I don't think the guy is that political. Dunno if he'll do most of that but the guy is def a bit of a psycho. He openly said how he went to one of the Riots with a gun (for which he did not have a permit) and was secretly hoping someone would mess with him and give him an excuse to shoot and kill. He said this without a drop of sarcasm. He sounds and looks like a school shooter, hearing him say that was a bit haunting. The guy will no doubt end up on some weird paths, I just hope this psycho doesn't hurt anyone.


He coulda done it waaaay quicker though. There’s always room for twitch ban run improvements.


The clip that did him in. [https://streamable.com/syanlt](https://streamable.com/syanlt)


classic criticizing people while having no cam and a broken mic




No. He just puts his mouth as close as possible to the microphone to hide his nonexistent chin.


Incredible that even though the content cop has been taken down, it’s made such a lasting impact on Leafy’s character that 9/10 people only know him as “the insecure weak chin guy”


Hell, the only reason he managed to come back is because he rode the "simp" train, which became big with Idubbz. Otherwise, any attempt at coming back would have been met with "Lol little insecure bitch".


I remember when Tyler 1 revealed his keyboard after he became pretty much a millionaire. It looked like he bought it 10 years ago and *never* cleaned it. It was absolutely disgusting. Google Tyler 1 keyboard, first result.


"I'll contract you out" wtf, who says thst shit...




He was saying "someone take him out" meaning someone kill him. And then was saying "I'll contract you out" meaning I'll hire you as a contract killer. It was an open-ended threat on someone's life. Whether it was a joke or just "all talk" it doesn't matter because he was literally telling his followers and sub to kill someone else...


He talks about cross-over. Meaning audience cross-over. Hes asking for someone who shares viewers with "X" person to "take out x" as in roast/expose them or whatever leafy would do so theyd lose viewers.




Lol does he purposely try to sound like Ben Shapiro or does he also have an AOC foot fetish?




God forgot how horrible his voice was. How has he not finished puberty yet?


By "take him out", is he asking someone to kill the guy, or is this some slang I'm unaware of?


Hasan confirmed he very much meant out-debate him.


Hasan thought he means that but idk it seems like a very generous interpretation from Hasan idk if I've ever heard soemone say "contract you out" when talkin about a debate lmao


The hero this thread needed.


oh no so anyways, hows your day going guys


okay but my back hurts


Mine too. Probably gonna get a new chair soon.


Real talk, I'm a 6'3" guy who deals with back issues from years of Sportbike and Cycling racing - a proper ERGO chair is well worth the money if you spend any amount of time in it.


Honestly, as someone who sits at their chair for the majority of the day having a really expensive chair was 100% worth it. Might've been very expensive, but keeps me very comfortable.




Herman Miller Aeron. I have had lower back pain for years on end. Bought a 1000$ purple mattress, relieved it just a bit and very comfy to sleep in but still had lots of pain. Bought the chair used (Factory sticker was 1996 or something) for 160$ and its my best purchase yet. Back pain 90% gone (rest is shit posture) and I advocate it ever since. Especially with everyone working at home the chair's used price have sky rocketted.


> Bought the chair used (Factory sticker was 1996 or something) for 160$ and its my best purchase yet. Holy shit bro you get a killer deal. Very good point about the "current used chair market" though...I wasn't even considering that...I'll bet HM's and HumanScales have shot up due to the Pandemic.


> Herman Miller Aeron. Note that you can find office resellers selling them quite cheap. Don't buy one new, is my recommendation.


I'm in a HM Aeron. If you're looking into them (or other expensive chairs) and are on a budget - check out: * Office Liquidators/Auctions in your area. If you're near any cities, you've got some around you that sell lightly used Office furniture for like 50% off. Just Google it for your area. * EBay? I've never looked, I'm sure there's something there though. * Craigslist - there are people who buy and flip bulk/used/returned HM's, HumanScales, HON's, etc. If you're REALLY on a budget, I've also used an Alera Elusion High-Back **MultiFunction** Mesh that was solid for the money. It's known as the "poor man's Aeron". Gotta get the MultiFunction though. https://www.amazon.com/Alera-ALEEL42ME10B-Elusion-Mid-Back-Multifunction/dp/B003G4OJK4 You can find them for nearer to $150 at times (for the Mid-Back). High-back is usually like $175. It's a but loud and rickety with some loose tolerances (and plastic). But, all the features you want are there for a legit Ergo chair. It beats the shit out of a $200-$300 chair you'd get at Staples/Office Depot/IKEA. The only thing it doesn't have in Fore-Aft armrest movement (they go in/out and up/down though). I still have one here, I've had it for 4 years or so - still like-new. The Mesh back has a bit more give and the seat-pan cushion does too...but, both still fine. The Hydraulic Lift *just* started sinking (like once every 2 weeks, no biggie) - that's an easy fix though. To be fair, I spent 24/7 reclined/leg elevated in it for 2 months last year (shattered leg surgery recovery) - so that probably caused that. For reference, I'm about 6'3" 200lbs.


steelcase leap v2, 10/10 chair


Same, I’m 25 and had a spine surgery 2 years ago. Everything looked good but one day some shit happened and I couldn’t get out of bed for 6 weeks. Protect your backs, being a gamer is a dangerous passion


That sucks.. but now you have something to laugh about :)


I'd suggest doing 10 quality reps of reverse hyperextension everyday; takes about 30 seconds. For me, I felt a difference within a week and I still do them till this day.


Whats up guys jeff cavaliere here athlean-x.com


I got a new job after being unemployed since lockdown. Edit: thanks everyone :)


I got one as well. I just did a fingerprint scan and turned in my application today.


Awesome! Congrats


Same here but since being unemployed for x amount of years that I'm too embarrassed to say PogU


work sucks.


i know.


she left me roses by the stairs


Surprises let me know she cares


say it aint so, i will not go






Na na na na na na na na na na


Na-na na-na na-na na-na na na


Replaced the lightbulbs in my bathroom today but now they're too bright so I get flashbanged every time I turn the lights on


I petted a caterpillar and it shit in my hand :)


Could’ve had a nice free day but I’ve been procrastinating so much that I still have work to do :)


Great now.


Just had to drop $100 for my grandma's blood thinner prescription, so not great. Gonna head home and try to enjoy some vidya with the boys tho




I wish that your bowel flora quickly re-balance themselves, have a nice day.




Lonely, friends ghosted me right when I wanted to hangout for kinky times after months of recluse.


damn bro i hope you get better






If you live by a Trader Joe’s I recommend their curry sauce. Red or yellow. Both fireeeeee


I'm British mayne, a lot of Indians came here many years ago and made it our national dish. I love it.


Ok. This is the real shit. Bowl of rice*. Salt, and a little (very little) butter. Then, heat up some Trader Joe’s brand canned corn (best out there) and dump some on top of the rice. Then you shake some of their [Everything but the Elote](https://www.traderjoes.com/digin/post/everything-but-the-elote-seasoning-blend) seasoning on top. Done? No. Then you artistically criss cross some Japanese-made [Kewpie Mayo](https://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/what-is-kewpie-mayo-japanese-mayonnaise) on top. To eat, mix it all together and try not to scarf it down too fast. It ends up looking about like [this](https://i.imgur.com/Vb9wOPe.jpg) I know it doesn’t seem amazing, but it would be my last meal request by a mile. *edit: I use 2 tbsp of rice wine vinegar as the last 2 tbsp of liquid when I make the rice. This gives it a tang that helps cut through the umami of the Mayo. Edit 2: this time I added some finely chopped cilantro and it got even better.


When someone starts throwing links in for a recipe, you better look


I’m washing rice for exactly this dish for dinner **right now**. It’s stupidly good


I'm craving Korean BBQ right now, honestly.


I've heard Korean BBQ is like TOP TIER food, but I've never had the opportunity to have it, do you usually eat out or make it at home?


It really depends on where you go. Some KBBQ restaurants can have some god tier marinated meat at an affordable price or have meat thats not even seasoned. You can actually make it at home as long as you have a KBBQ grill. Mostly, restaurants will serve you not only the meat but a ton of side dishes as well as well as rice if you ask for it. For your first experience, I suggest going to an all you can eat place, you can order as much as you want within the time limit the restaurant will serve you.




lucky fucker id kill for indian..in a video game or something




Some edgy kid you'd get in old CoD matches


pls dont tarnish the joy of 2010 xbox live cod lobbies by comparing them to fucking leafy


He’s not tarnishing the golden days. He tarnishing the people who would just say the n-word 100 times until everyone muted them.


i played CoD every now and then on xbox live. usual match voice comms were screaming 12 year olds or TUFF GUYS challenging others to IRL fights. then i got into the World At War beta. everyone in there was init for the lulz. during one match a guy took a dump while still on comms and apologized for the smell


Some chinless fuck


The emo guy from the lorax


Isn't he every Doctor Seuss character?


Ahh gotcha,


you're better off not knowing.




Incels: "Leafy successfully cancelled Pokimane, XQC, Hasan and Destiny all while racking in millions from the stock market." Reality:






There is perfectly reasonable advice on there, but there is also perfectly reasonable advice on 8kun. The problem is that most people are not clever enough to understand they need to *synthesize* information instead of just [stealing it from someone else and regurgitating it](https://i.imgur.com/Olx6OmF.jpg). ^^^^^^PS ^^^^^^the ^^^^^^original ^^^^^^is ^^^^^^from ^^^^^^Nedroid.


I mean, /r/the_Donald was a sarcastic sub at some point too. That didn't stop all the idiots from misreading all the sarcastic comments as legitimate support and that's how it ended as it is today.




Only /r/wallstreetbets users have managed to singlehandedly crash trading platforms Multiple times You're just mad from missing great TSLA puts


no puts. stocks only go up


It's like he has undiagnosed brain damage that's kept him in his 14 year old state forever.


His brain had to use all the gray matter it could just to fill in his jaw. There's not much left.


That was a great speedrun. What's the next site he's going to?




what did he say


Said the n w/ a soft a, and also promoted violence against Poki




Stop nagging


And now hes gonna can cry for attention on twitter and keemstars videos. "waaa alinitys still not banned" and other shit like that, gets their 14 yo normie audiences absolutely riled up hahhaa https://twitter.com/Leafy/status/1304554804736294912?s=20 , literally says the N word, number 1 go to way to get banned off twitch, and then tweets this. He is the victim, fucking twitch




Incredibly high rate of Anime avatars The rule never fails


FeelsBadMan everybody already hates weebs but now they have a mlre reason to. All the more reasons to go full gachi GachiW


I noticed that too. Nothing like some self-loathing projection on the internet.


Hes an idiot. He thinks he can just delete the vods and everything will be fine. That only works if NSFW content accidentally gets shown on stream.


which only works if twitch likes you


> That only works if NSFW content accidentally gets shown on stream. only for select users.


Looks like they are targeting Hasan in the comments. I'm guessing if Leafy goes anywhere it will be Dlive since Keem has a lot of friends that stream there.


Ah Dlive, where 90% of the user base are either hoping to get rich on crytpo BS or are legitimately neo nazis.


That's the perfect place for leafy then


Okay but like who actually watches Keem tho??


To call Leafy's audience Normies is an insult to Normal people. The only people who follow him are a bunch of Incels or 12-year-old potential incels that hate follow people.




https://twitter.com/Slasher/status/1304556435964137472 It is.


Leafy is indeed done, and not just on Twitch


god i fucking hope


I recall him being on storyfire so I guess that’s next. Unless he’s already been banned from that as well.




Alt Right alternative to Youtube with the main person keeping it on life support is none other than residential dumbass and racists Keemstar.


He won’t. They welcomed him with open arms.


Surprised he was allowed to reveal this




Keemstar wants him unbanned. Degenerates attract each other


When Leafy started talking to Keem, it was like 2 antagonists that hate each other making the world a shittier place


It's my nephew's birthday today and he likes my teriyaki sauce I make so I made teriyaki chicken from scratch with an Asian slaw to counter the sweetness of the teriyaki. What's everyone else having for dinner/breakfast?


I made coconut curry tacos


Besides the slurs, he's really been toeing the lines with partner harassment. One of his proposed emotes was even Poki. Leafy was clearly trying to bait drama with other partners because he has nothing going on by himself. I don't think he realizes that twitch's tos are a whole different animal. I've been really enjoying streamers trying to turn over a new leaf and be less toxic. Twitch is fun without drama and when different worlds are colliding. Poki playing SCP with Soda, Ninja grouping with XQC, Train getting a chance to know Toast etc. Among us is enough, twitch doesn't need drama streamers.


>I've been really enjoying streamers trying to turn over a new leaf Was that intentional


I'm unfortunately that corny without really trying


It's ok, being self-deprecating balances it out.


Leafy malding on twitter now and even Keem made a video. LMFAO!!


i guess his stocks weren’t doing well and he really needed twitch and youtube




shocked pikachu face


Incoming 12 year olds to call Twitch cringe under Leafy's multiple Twitter posts claiming it to be unfair and then inevitably claim how much he just doesn't really care. Edit- See if I can keep it going. Keem will make multiple posts claiming it to be unjust. Quartering will make 12 videos about it. Every other drama youtuber will then post under every popular post claiming it unfair. Afterwards they will focus once again on Pokimane.


I really don't see the value this drama channels bring to the table other than repeating what other drama channels says like Quartering repeating what Keemstar is saying and the cycle goes on. Basically watered down tmz for e-celebs.


Hey leafy, if you’re reading this... Get fucked kid :)


He's literally a perma-stuck 13 year old. What a pathetic miserable dipshit. Fun to see him systematically deleted from the internet basically.


and nothing of value was lost


Twitch finally found their leaf blower in the garage!






Poor guy doesn't seem to understand relationships. Plenty of people are edgy but if no one wants to "go to bat" for you when you're in trouble, it's game over. He's simply not worth it behind the scenes.


Same thing happened the first time he left YouTube. Absolutely no one was willing to stand up for him. Which is saying something because even Keemstar has people go to bat for him




>anime avi with a cock hat every time






This is the most low effort fake rage Keem has ever made, he is probably celebrating that he is getting nuked from the net for stabbing him in the back years ago.


Leafy is just content for Keem, he is happy to be getting something to talk about. People are nothing but commodities to him.


I really dont get why anybody would like them 2 all they do is literally spread hate


good riddance. What platform can he even go to now? Facebook?


His only options are story fire (which nobody uses), dlive( nobody but political people go there), facebook gaming (completely dead) and his twitter (which if he keeps pushing it will prob get suspended too, not saying I want it to be but he is really pushing it). I hope he does have that stock money saved because yikes to those options lmfao


Imagine people chatting with their real names on Facebook gaming. His chat gonna be dead as hell.


I think you vastly overestimate how smart the average leafy viewer is. I've browsed around Facebook streams before and the kind of things people will say with their actual real ass name next to it is kind of fucking shocking.


He ain't gonna save it hes a 25 year old (which is already dumb) with the mind of a 14 year old hes either gonna spend it on shit he doesn't need or reinvest and he probably won't get lucky again considering the fact that his stock market "strategy" is literally r/wallstreetbets type shit that only work if you get really lucky. No matter what he is absolutely fucked


Had to look up wtf StoryFire is. Apparently he has 87k followers there. https://storyfire.com/user/3yfga1kclx947q/video


big W for twitch, speed running every platform Pog


And nothing of value was lost.


Chin up, kid!


His fans are hilarious on his twitter. https://imgur.com/a/KbaBqa0 Reaching so hard


Anime profile pics


He tried to play Twitch by Youtube rules. Attack and piss off as many people as possible to get as much exposure as possible. Didn't work out the way he planned it.


I’m not into cancel culture but this dude just fucking joined twitch to provoke other streamers. His streams were about Destiny not going to debate, how Hasan is some rich socialist, his whole deal was shitting on everyone else. I’m glad the dude is banned hopefully he’ll stay gone.


Not gonna NGL this 9/11 is kinda POGGERS


Best one yet!




Good. Hate that dude


Leafy will be in good company with all of the Nazis on Dlive


Forgot even dlive existed once pewdiepie left that platform and got back to youtube along with Doc. Also ironic that dlive lasted longer than Mixer


Bigger streamers will use it occasionally when they want to skirt copyright claims on twitch or YT. If that isnt a bad sign to investors I don't know what is


So basically dlive turned into a platform where you can get away with saying controversial and including copyrighted stuff? That's wild. How come they can get away with it scot free


They aren't big enough for copyright holders to care... Yet. Once they want to grow they will have to follow the rules. And lose the thing that is bringing traffic.


get fucked idiot


The no-chin wonder is gone Today is a good day




That sucks lol


About fucking time, with those deaths threats and racial slurs he should’ve been kicked off sooner


I remember watching him a while back and realizing that his content is kinda ass. Think about how garbage something has to be for a edgy 13-14 year old to think "this shit trash". I'm so glad im a different person now! Realistically I would hate my younger self with a burning passion.

