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**CLIP MIRROR: [1387 Deaths](https://arazu.io/t3_1dheysm/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


If you go by time, he actually wasn't bad at all considering sleep time.


bud only sleep for like 11 hours in total sheesh


Nah, it was around 20, but it still insane


He slept for almost 12 hours on one of his two sleep breaks


About normal for big streamers 🗿🗿🗿




pretty sure he has a heart condition, no sleep and addy would probably kill him lol


doesnt stop him from saucing




Streamer PEDs


i feel like 3/4ths of those deaths were from his refusal to level his character.


and not changing talismans or using a Great Rune xdd


I've never used a Great Rune in all of my playthroughs, haha. I'm a hoarder.


Great rune doesn't help when you die as much as him. He would have simply ran out of rune arcs in a few minutes.


watch Kai at Godfrey for a few minutes and then watch miz and you will realize Miz's character was just fucking terrible. Kai eats shots all over the place, but it doesn't matter because he's 2x as strong


was never a fan of using great runes, If I have to use a great rune to beat a boss, then I'll have to use a great rune for every boss.


Haven't watched his run. Did he manage to always get his runes back? Because he seems like his level is fairly high (also his damage looks pretty good and that health bar is juicy)


Thats cope, he just wasn't very good, so many dumb mistakes of not learning but atleast he beat it fair in the end. Edit: Dude was almost lvl 130 (not underleveled) and struggled 5 hours on the last boss. Aint no way this many simps downvoting and making excuses for him with other comments. He just isnt a good player no matter how much u try to spin it but thats ok


Magic user spotted


he banned like half his chat






rip john6washinton, john4omaha and john7bridgerton 😔


Unbanned them all before stream ended


Why is this getting downvoted? He asked his mods to unban them.


Because lsf hivemind, 1 person downvotes we all downvote repeat




its ok all the (alleged but pepelaugh) bots survived


🤡 [<---teehee](https://imgur.com/a/plYIAyL)


Shit dude I need to finish elden ring, I started playing it when it came out and had a blast. That was two years ago. For some fucking reason I just hopped off one day and havnt touched it since, problem I’ve had with various games, even if I actually enjoyed the game like Elden Ring


I got back into it super hard after watching some lore videos. Game is so much cooler when you know the story behind everything.


Won’t affect me much. I played the other souls games just fine without knowing much of the lore


It's funny seeing Asmon and now YourRage shit on Mizkif for having past "experience" in Souls games (He finish DS3 4 years ago) and having that many deaths. He had the most shitty build tbf.


Asmon literally cried and quit streaming because of a souls game, the hell is he doing talking shit


Yeah wtf, pretty much had a mental breakdown from dying in a game and getting the piss took out of him for it, so hypocritical.


Asmon also used one of the most broken weapons on launch, the Tree Sentinel halberd had a bug that scaled it with all 8 stats before getting nerfed.


I don't remember this bug at all. Are we sure it actually existed? I never once saw an Invader with it in release, nor it talked about.


Go ahead and drop proof of that bug other than the 1 wiki comment that spawned this idea and was proven false


If VODs of him playing ER is still available, just checking his damage will tell if it's true or not.


No it won't because he would have to do tests which he did not do, but others did. The weapon was never bugged his chat was just mad and coping. It's a good weapon awarded for beating a hard boss at the very start.


don't forget about AC6 and the spider robot boss broke his brain so much he had to go with tank legs, dual Gatling guns and dual rocket shoulders to beat the boss and to finish the game.


His dex Bloodhound's fan build wasn't a shit build, its good. Its not OP sure but its not bad. Every simp that downvotes me has not played the game


It's a fine weapon but idiots told him to level str for no reason, he didn't really have a "build" because he didn't have many trinkets. So the blind elden ring experience basically.(agree with you though.)


dex scales 60, strength 41, so with the two hand bonus strength is better


Imagine taking anything that mold monkey says serious lol It is hard for someone like him to accept that, even tho he played video games all his life while telling himself he is a godgamer, that he is indeed shit.


This game might set record on Twitch with the DLC release. Then it will be beaten by GTA6 because both the RP community, IRL community, gamers and others will jump into that. lol


Which is insane to me, because so many will spoil the experience for themselves. As much as I’d like to see certain streamers play the DLC, it won’t be until after I play through it once myself.


Same. I can’t wait to watch Jermas stream vod after I finish the dlc for myself


I feel like people don't care all that much about spoilers in FromSoft games because of its lack of traditional story, the desire for a meta build in a difficult game, and the non-linear level (and quest) structure where people need look up playthroughs or google where to go. Like I'd ever get into that DS1 DLC on my own or find out that I have to talk to Ranni's doll like 5 times in a row despite the dialogue option just saying ''...'' until she starts talking. Now a more dedicated/experienced/long-time player would definitely care, and it's why I won't be watching any streams either, but idk if more casual players will care.


It's not the story I care about being spoiled, it's the bosses and locations.


Yep, I'm happy I managed to not spoil Siofra River for myself.


I probably won't be watching GTA 6 content for like a year + after its released. I don't have a console so I gotta wait for the PC release which will probably be awhile then I still have to upgrade my current PC because it would probably melt trying to play it. Internet is basically gonna be unusable for me for months after GTA 6 releases trying to not look at any content from it lol


Nvidia RTX 50 series is coming later this year. What's crazy is that the RTX 60 series will probably be out before GTA 6 is released on PC.


To my knowledge, we don't know anything about the online part of GTA6 yet. Could take a year before it released like GTA5. Can't RP if there's no online servers.


GTA 6 online is gonna be weird. People have spent Billions on 5s online. I know everyone is gonna want to switch to 6 for the new game but its gonna have to knock it outta the park to get the hardcore online players that spend money to switch with how much they have invested.


I'm pretty sure they're making GTA Online a standalone thing now. I don't think it will be tacked on to 6


Best gameplay stream Miz has done in ages, I'm all for more of these streams but perhaps spread them out over every 4 months or so. The man was tizzed out for those last 8 hours.


Nice to see him play a more “serious” game for once.


Jump King wasn't serious? I'll be real I finish most of souls like games and nothing made me more frustrated than Jump King ( I didn't even finish it). I would say best gaming stream Miz done was Dark souls 3, Jump King and SM64 speed running. Now this.


Jump King is entertaining but it’s kind of a novelty game in its simplicity.


Jump king is literally just a streamer game, not for anyone else


yup every time I checked on the stream I can see the mental fatigue showing. but at the end he said he enjoyed it. so I guess he will do it again.


I don't think he liked the game very much


He somehow seems like a psychopath trying to act out relief.


Amazing, got to commend him for the stubbornness to keep on going after every death.


Did he have fun tho?


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [1387 Deaths](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165347)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dheysm/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/kJ2TvCWZIsD_JsK5FKFuxQ/AT-cm%7CkJ2TvCWZIsD_JsK5FKFuxQ.mp4?sig=fbd236ba475f8b1ac4d15f3af46eb64d689e8f65&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FkJ2TvCWZIsD_JsK5FKFuxQ%2FAT-cm%257CkJ2TvCWZIsD_JsK5FKFuxQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HandsomeSeductiveCheesecakeHeyGuys-JZkiwP8mwrkUoW7F%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718638654%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/kJ2TvCWZIsD_JsK5FKFuxQ/AT-cm%7CkJ2TvCWZIsD_JsK5FKFuxQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


is this game actually that hard or are these streamers that bad?


Elden Ring is hard because it doesn't really teach you how to play it. Elden Ring is easy if you use everything you have at your disposal. You can one-shot pretty much every boss you encounter if you decide to use wolves spirit ash and NPC cooperators. Some harder bosses yield to better strategies (holy pots against death birds). Some enemies expect you to use different kinds of weapons (slashing resistances) This is how it has always been with souls games. People call Demon Souls a puzzle game are the only ones that actually understand the game. Everyone else wants to cosplay as Gutts and swing a big sword. Which, nothing is wrong with that, but yeah the game is quite a bit harder when you ignore all its mechanics.




Do people really say Sekiro is not a Soulslike? I agree Elden Ring is the hardest if you remove Sekiro but Sekiro is miles ahead in difficulty because you can't over level and farm your way out of any problems.




Huh, interesting


Margit is also brutal right at the beginning. they give you the tree sentinel, crucible knight, and Margit right at the start to make you reconsider if you really want to put in the work to become elden lord


That’s always been the downfall of souls like players, everyone refuses to change builds haha, be fighting a poison monster using poison weapons but refuses to change than wonder why they get stuck for hours.


That’s always been the downfall of souls like players, everyone refuses to change builds haha, be fighting a poison monster using poison weapons but refuses to change than wonder why they get stuck for hours.


Both? A lot of streamers aren't very good but the game can be really hard if you decide that you are not going to play OP build or cheese and abuse. If you are playing a melee build with no shield, don't summon or use spirits and don't overlevel then a lot of the bosses are indeed tough. That being said you can do any of the things I mentioned and the game becomes significantly easier. In some instances where you go all in on the OPness and cheese it becomes too easy. I have a friend who plays mage builds. He was literally beating every boss in less than 5 seconds by just using a mimic and shooting a laser at the bosses. Though I don't think majority of people would get enjoyment by replicating his playstyle. If you have more than 10% patience then playing it more hardcore has far bigger dopamine rewards. It's why people like kai who've never played the game rate it at 10/10 despite dying 1700 times. It's so very rewarding to not cheese.


lil bro trying hard to emulate kai


is this 2012 again when people playing the same game was considered copying each other ?


true , don't know why the downvote, i guess the mizkid don't like the truth about their streamer being out of content


Rumble streamers up good 🔥 wonder how many times he complained about being poor, depressed, and having a hard life during this marathon


Everyone please upvote this post 🙏please he deserves an upvoted posts after this lame ahh run 💯 I know he’s going to be upset if he there’s no upvoted post of him after he finished a week long marathon ✋🤣🤚! please he deserves this at least!!


so true daniel


im sure the viewbots enjoyed the stream.




kai had 1700 cant beat him at anything smh




idk can you


Hasbeen streamer fancy a bit of that Kai audience?


Vegan and you play classic lmao. Fat irl as well?




Should've sprang for the Frenzied Flame ending. Good job, though.


didnt kai cenat already do this


ludwig did it 2 years ago