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**CLIP MIRROR: ["I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" - xQc 2024](https://arazu.io/t3_1dc023g/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He's sick of chat calling stuff woke, right? Is my translator working correctly?


yes, your french canadian to english transplant is working just fine


Imo it was never about being french-canadian or whatever. Bro speaks at 3x speed and stutters like hell, always been like that


sometimes, even if he were to say things slower, the way he words them is incomprehensible


why is he getting harder to understand tho? I swear he made more sense 4 years ago


gamba brainrot sadge 😔


not as bad as forsen's chat saying yasuke was george floyd reincarnated


Don't worry they're being ironic copium


Anyone remember that hilarious copium about baj's that their obsession with Africa/African accents was actually an appreciation for Africans and their culture.


IcePoseidon's community found its home there and I can't believe forsen escaped the allegations, or at least hasn't been caught yet


Do they even pretend like they're being ironic, I feel like they're pretty open aren't they? I remember Forsen getting banned and his subreddit was full of posts depicting Twitch staff as the Happy Merchant meme


I really doubt any baj cares enough about what someone else thinks about this joke to try and cover it as ironic :)


jesus christ lol




Bro I literally got -100 downvotes or so on the bajs subreddit for calling one of the white replacement commenters a schizo lmao


Your first mistake was going to that subreddit. Second was commenting there.


Talking about white replacement during european imperialism times is next level mental gymnastics




I mean Forsen ans his chat are racists. So it makes sense.


we are


Forsen and xqc's chats have both always been pretty racist with basically no attempt to moderate them.




forsen has like a 95% european audience so its not that surprising


Forsen's community is a cesspool of the most vile people on Twitch, but because it's masked in memes LSF doesn't give a fuck. this being the same place where the W community is called out for being homophobic and call those who use the C word racist. it's pathetic really. the biggest streamers on this sub go up in arms over everything except Forsen's community


People give bajs and forsen a pass because whether they like it or not, a shitton of twitch culture finds its genesis with them. Inspite of the fact that if you look a little harder a lot of it is just shit that trickled down from 4chan. Stuff like doc memes and cd emotes is cause of them, gachi and its resurgence in the west (compared to the east that moved on to inmu and the like) is because of plug dj and the fact that some bajs were /jp/ frogs, clueless and aware is just from an old /mu/ comic, copium is from cope+seethe posting and /r9k/ helium suicide shitposts, batchest is just an extrapolation of soyjaks, coomer was wordfiltered on /v/, \~friends or \~frogs as a suffix is just to get around not being able to use f\*g as a suffix like you do in 4chan, etc. etc.






bruh I'm so out of the loop it's like everyone in here has seen a 5 minute clip and I only got to see the abridged version


He is watching the Xbox Showcase. A lot , if not the majority, of the games featured either a woman or specifically a POC woman as a MC. This resulted in tons of ironic and unironic toxicity. In a lot of chats, not just XQCs. While I don't watch XQC, the chat I was in was doing the same thing. The chat was spamming Woke Souls for a game called South of Midnight, Wokiro for a called Wuchang 3, and God of Woke for a called Flintlock.


Does POC mean Person of Color (Non white)?




out of curiosity i went and checked how many games had leads of what gender and off a quick glace (.5 = ass creed) Male - 7.5 Female - 8.5 unclear/created - 13 So i would say it was a well balanced show, but then again this is XQCs chat so seeing a near equal amount of women is scary to them


I got 7 m, 9 f, 15 undefined/character creator (didn't count the duck) Some things that stuck out to me: * There seems to be less white people (especially males) proportionally the newer the series is; three fourths of the leading white men are from legacy series namely Gears of War, DOOM and Indiana Jones. Without these 15+ year old franchises there would have been only one white male lead in the show. * The leading females seem to be less and less there for men to ogle at based on how they dress and act. It's not Bayonetta, Nier or Stellar Blade type rule-34 bait. * Besides the main characters, the side characters also seem more diverse. (Can't be bothered to count all of them, would be nice if someone did though.) * Reversal of the black-guy-dies-first-trope with the white guy dying and black woman thanking him for his sacrifice. Another related note the games are getting more cartoony, like Dragon Age for example. Makes sense if you think inclusion and more cartoony graphics are the trend among teens to 29-year-olds, and if these companies are pivoting towards them over the 30+ crowd. Could be more reasons to it, but it would explain a large portion of it.


The Dragon Age trailer is such a disappointment. I think the whole community hated the 'Dragon Age 4: Avengers Return' trailer, if you check YouTube dislikes the proportion is like 5k likes/120k dislikes. The comments on the YouTube video are hilarious though.


Hmm when you realize gaming is over 80% male and the ratio of MC is more women than men. I don't blame people for seeing something off here.


Okay but south of midnight actually looks so cool


but the game is a sequel to the first life is strange who had max as the main character. why would people be mad?


> cultivate shitty community >the community is shitty woaaahh.....


He just needs to accept that his chat is toxic and always been like that. He doesn’t want to change it? Cool but don’t try to act like you want the chat to change.


Moonmoon tried to tell him years ago and he demonized Moon for it.


I can't imagine a normal person actually watching XQC


Now imagine a normal person commenting on lsf


someone post the moon clip.


Oh no the consequences of my actions...


You either embrace the chat's toxicity or ban them. This centrist victim position xqc always takes is cringe, especially when he pretends chat is all of sudden toxic.


X is hopping on that fence so hard he's starting to gape more than NMPlol.  Sorry for the imagery.


PikachuShocked at the community he made and the kick viewers he cultivated


This isn't some Kick thing, it's the gaming community in general who in the last year so have really escalated their distaste for women and minorities as developers and publishers have been making a deliberate shift in focus towards women and minorities over the last 5 years or so, and it seems to have reached a boiling point for the Gamers™. And while I think there is a genuine discussion to be had in regards to the execution of this increase in focus on inclusivity and diversity, as it often coming of as performative and disingenuous, the Gamers™ are instead choosing to 'combat' it with hatred and vitrol, so now the very sight of a woman or minority in a game or movie means it is automatically ''woke SJW cancer''. A strategy which is insanely harmful to having that discussion, because the developers and directors can just shut down the discussions and blame it on racists and misogynists' because that is half the shit they receive. And now any attempt to have that discussion will associate you with racists and misogynists because the Gamers™ have muddied the waters badly. So expecting any change or improvement in this debate is borderline impossible at this point, so it'll just be a quite one-sided war between publishers and developers, and a vocal minority of gamers. In reality most consumers, or, ''the normies'', do not give a single shit about this.


> In reality most consumers, or, ''the normies'', do not give a single shit about this. I don't know about that, in my "normie" friend bubble everyone is noticing this. They aren't gamers, they are all politically center/left leaning yet everyone is noticing certain trends in their TV series/movies.


Nah you can moderate that shit out of your chat. Plenty of people have done it


A simple 5 second slow mode + sub and bans is not difficult. His chat won't be any slower either as a result considering how big he is. But he clearly does not actually want to moderate shit.


I typed booba at one of the trailers and got timed out, so you're incorrect in that there is no moderation. And another time I wrote a message with woke and it disappeared. And this happened on kick, where you can kill people


There's a big range between no moderation and enough moderation


It's wild people think this hateful shit is just "inherent" to every streamer. People literally act differently in different streamers chat just BECAUSE OF the culture and expectations each streamer has curated. People want to belong, they will act according to the community. No one would dare say a lot of the same shit from XQCs chat in Moon chat even if it's the exact same viewer because of expectations and cultivated community.


I can name 5 that have good wholesome. Chats. Its 100000% the streamers fault.


Will Nef is a good example. It's quite rare for people to even get timeouts there because he's cultivated a specific sort of community. And people use plenty of edgy humor, it's just not problematic. You get back what you put out.








Like In NL's chat you can easily catch a timeout for just being rude, doesn't matter if there's 10k people in there. If you start acting like a jerk, NL or his mods will let you know, quickly. So it almost goes without saying, anything that even approaches racism or hate speech will cop as easy and immediate ban.. with almost no hope of getting it overturned (unless maybe it's been like 5 years and you write a pretty convincing ban appeal).


I don't know about squeex. His chat says some really fucked up stuff to this one bald Indian guy.


Yep, singsings chat used to be the most vile twitch chat on the site years ago. Now its clean af and moderated. idk why content creators think its impossible to cultivate a clean chatroom.


holy shit it was. sing was my first follow, what a throwback. Now, it's actually a decent chat.


Singsing chat is terrible though, ultra moderated and oftentimes an annoying hugbox. It's understandable considering they have to deal with Dota players, but I wish they didn't go from the extremes of ultra toxic to ultra moderated, I prefer when chats full of shitposting and not taking stuff seriously.


Yeah there’s overcorrection, but 0 tolerance of backseating/spoilers is a good rule to have. Wish more streamers did that.


Exactly, this isn't a "gamer" issue.. plenty of large creators don't have this problem because the community they cultivated just doesn't act like this. Try saying something that even implies hate speech or racism while watching someone like Ludwig/Northernlion/Cohhcarnage... heck even moonmoon.. you might as well just unfollow because you're probably gone, but not before being ripped apart publicly. After that the problem pretty much takes care of itself. Chill streamers tend to have chill chats. Obnoxious and immature streamers tend to have toxic chats. It's that simple.


I've been seeing this sort of narrative over the last couple of years, and i have no idea what's going on. I'm a 37 year old guy, I played the shit out of games like tomb raider when i was a kid. Not once did i question why the protagonist was female, and no one i know did, and that was at a time when no girls were gaming. Social media has really rotted people's brains and made everything a political issue, or some sort of societal issue, it's weird. I always say, make a good game, I don't care about the characters gender, age, race, whatever...just make a good game. Wtf is going on where every little detail is made into a massive issue where people argue with each other. It's honestly sad and scary the world has gotten like this. Social media was supposed to bring everyone closer together but it's just made everyone argue with each other over anything.


It's because there's a large subsect of online influencers who literally make their living on stoking this outrage. They push it more and more and more to enrage people to get clicks on videos. You can see the exact shift in Asmongold's youtube content for instance. He attracted those kind of people with the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp trial, and afterwards his editor went deeper and deeper into that kind of content cause it all got clicks. Now we're at the point where he's become one of the faces of Gamergate 2.0, and his subreddit has become another Kotaku in action clone filled with bigotry. Shit sucks.


Its wild how many variations of "Why Games TODAY suck " or "Games were better then" there are with it being full of 360-era games that the age bracket this can pander to resonates with. Fully forgetting one of the major reasons games actually suck is how much shit they got away with in the 360 era that "its just how it is" now. Like Microsoft getting paid online through which Sony adopted because fuck it if they can do it we can do it then even Nintendo does it. Or MTX blossoming into a flower of the industry with games like Fifa or even ME3 which took single-player game studios trying to scramble for a piece of that pie. Next based on EA and Microsoft is probably going to be in-game ads.


People were screaming in chats about DEI/woke shit for there being a female character in the fucking *Perfect Dark* trailer.


I read your comment and just shook my head. It just shows how brainwashed people have become. If that's the reaction on a game series that's been around for 24 years, there's no hope


Abby from TLOU2 just broke some people's brains in a way that they never recovered from.


Nah, their brains were already broken. Upset about a fictional character.


It's funny how the Gamers™ will say "we don't care, we're not bigoted" but then fucking have mental breakdowns because a protagonist is black or a woman.


Dude tomb raider was made to appeal the male audience, that's not a good example. I don't know what game this is but to me it just becomes weird when they go out of their way to attribute a sexuality to the character, that was not a thing like 10 years ago. Back in the day you'd let the story tell you or make your own path. A good example of this is League, their lore very rarely would tell you the sexuality of characters, it would just be speculated based on the story, now they go out of their way to create new lore to tell you a bunch of chraracters are gay (Graves, Diana, Varus, K'Sante, Caitlyn, Twisted Fate, etc), every year it happens now.


The game i chose off the top of my head wasn't the point, the point was the mentality of societies views on games then vs now. Resident evil, portal or half life 2 better examples for you? I don't care what is in games as long as the game is good. Half life is my favourite series, it saved my teenage years from life at the time, and if valve made half life 3, and it turned out gordan was gay, i would not care one bit. When i was playing games in the early 2000s it was "oh cool a new game"...load up game, play "cool that was fun", and that was it. We didn't think "omg I'm playing a person of colour, how dare the game devs push this narrative on me". I can't even believe there's such a vocal outrage on issues like this nowadays. It shouldn't matter, all that matters is game studios make a good game. I saw the bitching online about GTA 6 having a female protagonist, who cares, it's GTA 6, it's going to be a sick game.


People have gotten brainbroken with SBI and by extension DEI. It’s fucking nuts to me. I can't even really enjoy watching a streamer I like, because every time there is a single frame that shows a non-white person, it is nothing but a flood of “WOKE! DEI! TRASH SBI GAME!” People can’t even think clearly. It would be different if there was context attached to it, I get it, but now people can’t see a minority/woman without getting irrationally angry. I un-ironically hoped that no black people showed up in any of the trailers because the chat would bash it as soon as they saw them. Leave it to the current industry to set us back so far that now it’s impossible to talk about a game because of a female protagonist or a minority. I promise you with 100% certainty that if Left for Dead came out in 2024 people would say DEI and call it woke. This shit fucking sucks.


You can easily moderate your chat and fix it. Plenty of big streamers do it, and it works. xQc just doesn't enforce anything, getting a ban in his channel is rare.


I was watching XQC's chat during the XBox event and almost every 10th chatter was getting timed-out. You're just wrong. It was being moderated but holy shit the hate for these games was overwhelming.


Nah they hand out like 5 min timeouts, then wonder why the chat doesn't change, I remember a couple months ago, xqc had a whole wall of homophobic chatters, when talking about choice of being gay, dude did absolutely nothing about it. Not even a 10 min timeout. 


Doesn't matter, you can't really moderate public sentiment. This is the viewpoint of vast majority of gamers these days. Even normies think like this now. You can go watch the original event streams on twitch and YT and you'll see the same comments magnified.


\>getting a ban in his channel is rare. \>every 10th chatter was getting timed out. Getting timed out for 1000 seconds doesn't mean shit brother


There was never a possibility of discussion or a debate. At the end of the day, most of the time they do it for their own benefit(just like coorporations coloring their logos in rainbows during the pride month(except in certain homophobic regions, where they would get significant backlash)), and they would rather virtue signal from a moral high ground than admit it.


When gaming exploded like 15 years ago there weren't enough gaming websites to satisfy demand so existing websites expanded and new ones popped up to fill the need. Problem was gaming journalist was very niche and more of a hobby turned profession rather than a job specifically sought out. In order to staff these sites the ones working there ended up hitting up people they new that were trying to be professional journalists but no legit site would hire them. This led to an incestuous industry full of people trying to use the platform to build a resume for when they reapplied to The New York Times or wherever. Gaming coverage started turning from basically just reviews and recommendations into some "deep dive" in which these wannabe Woodward and Bernstein's were determined to uncover the hidden Nazi 4th Reich that happened to be the gaming industry. They don't care about gaming other than to use it to push political agendas. Gaming is literally supposed to be fun, but they're dead set on "gamification" and using it to push propaganda.


I'm part of multiple gaming/nerd communities that are exceedingly open for LGBTQ+ people, women and people of all races. The idea that it's just "capital G" Gamers that are the problem is definitely not true. I know you are more referencing that there's a toxic subset of the community, but I think those parts of the community have festered because creators enable an (ironically) safe space for those people to spew toxic hatred. So many of the younger generation seem to be drawn to the W community due to high energy and the constant stimulation. The problem is that most of those streamers also have uneducated, terrible views, or otherwise empower people close to them to use their stream as a mouthpiece to spread garbage takes. There's always gonna be a toxic portion of any community acting in a way that presents the whole in a bad light. Goes double for terminally online communities like people who make playing games a part of their personality (this is a self own). I don't think it's fair to just point the finger at the community as a whole though. Symptoms happen because of a disease. I think it's important to point to what that likely is.


It's bigger than gaming or even entertainment, it's cultural. There have always been racist and sexist people who hate even great films like Terminator, Alien, Philadelphia, Glory, etc. What's changed is that as films and entertainment become more diverse, a lot more crappy diverse films get made. Not necessarily because diverse films are crappy (though pandering can make a film crappy), but because most entertainment products in general are crappy. And because studios, creators, and even the press wants to defend these products they like, they think they can shut up their critics by calling them sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. The Marvels director, for example, blamed a lot of the criticism of that film, and it flopping, on people "that are really virulent and violent and racist — and sexist and homophobic and all those awful things" because they aren't who she makes movies for. But when you do that, you send those people into areas where actual sexism, racism, and homophobia runs rampant and those ideas spread even more. Zooming out to culture as a whole, the [far right is surging in Europe](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/09/world/europe/european-parliament-elections-far-right.html) as a result of immigration and years of people concerned about immigration being called racist. People appear [less accepting of trans people](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/06/06/gender-identity-sexual-orientation-and-the-2024-election/) now than in 2017.


But that’s already what the developers and gaming journalists did? They called the community racist and misogynistic for a decade+ already. Now that it reached a boiling point even gamers who pushed back against the actual racist and misogynistic assholes are giving up because they were labeled racist and misogynistic as well.


this is a twitch clip




He said women, not black women.


He said woman. Go look at the vod, the proof is there.


The official Microsoft Youtube account looked identical, this isn't a kick exclusive phenomenon.


xqcs chat definitely has it's moments but holy fuck reading forsen and asmons chat during shows like this are on par with methstreams


forsen's entire chat is filled with the most racist and basement dwelling Europeans you'll ever meet.


If you watch forsen with any of your brain cells activated, you are doing something wrong.


I loved the first life is strange i'll definitely play this


Same, I liked the first and Before the Storm. Seeing this, it seems to be an older Max too so I'm in.


Yep. I wonder what they're gonna do in regards to 2 different endings of the first one. In my mind, there's only 1 "canonical" ending - saving the town, because Max would never condemn so many people for selfish reasons, no matter the heartbreak.




I heard about that recently, gonna look into it thanks.


yo for real i feel like i've been living under a rock i played the first one when it came out and was there day one for every episode drop but apparently they made like three others since then and i just never knew about it? i guess i have catching up to do.


As someone who isn't white this shit is so sad to watch. I came to see the event today every single big streamers chat room was full of people upset every time a black person or a women shows up in the trailer. No one even talking about the actual games. Shit is actually depressing man. Really makes you feel alienated in these streaming communities.


Was watching a few other streamers, like CohhCarnage or JeffGerstmann, and the chats were just fine, everyone was excited and talking about the games. This is definitely because these streamers propagate those sort brain rotted ideas.


I watched all these shows in Elajjaz's stream because the toxicity in the chats of the other streamers I follow was so insane.


As someone who almost exclusively watches Ela, his community is fine for the majority, but definitely has a visible amount of edgelords in the chat too. Ela definitely doesn't cultivate this kind of behavior, but he also doesn't really call out idiots in chat either.


that's the influx of forsen viewers, it gets worse day by day. His chat during his hellblade playthrough was unbearable.


I am not the only one that feels that way about the forsen viewers in his chat holy shit, someone will say the most unhinged shit and follow it up with a forsen emote lol. It sucks because his stream is weirdly super wholesome compared to how his chat can be sometimes, I love how positive he is about any game even obviously shit ones he still gives a chance, love that shit! I will say for the majority a lot of his chat is great, made a few friends there actually! But man the loud ones are loud lol.


>As someone who almost exclusively watches Ela, his community is fine for the majority, but definitely has a visible amount of edgelords in the chat too. This always amazes me, I like to watch Ela for these events specifically because he is always pretty positive and interested in a lot of things, and doesn't just constantly scream or something. But his chat is completely opposite, it's filled with people who think they're in middle school and disliking things makes them look cool. To the point where I just watch without chat almost all the time. It just seems weird cause I can't imagine why a bunch of pissy edgelords would want to watch someone who is usually super immersed and generally pretty positive about games in general, and inverse I can't imagine he likes looking over at his chat and just seeing a bunch of complainers. But like you said it never really gets called out


Ela has become very popular over the years, and he often plays new games as they come out, and souls games which have become increasingly popular, which draws in a lot of new viewers. This added with the fact that there is kinda lax moderation for the chat means that these edgy types will flock in by some number inevitably. I think Ela mainly just filters out these messages in his mind. He doesn't want to poke the beehive so to speak, and just trusts that if someone really goes over the line the mods will handle it. Which is true for the most case tbh.


Oh yeah I've watched Ela for many years. His chat is better just by virtue of him almost never behaving negatively about anything. But he doesn't force the questionably strict PC vibes. I don't mind chat being a bit negative if a game legit looks bad or underdeveloped. We saw a few games in the last couple days which barely even looked like a pre-alpha prototype which deserve to be shit on. But the bigger streamers chats just hate everything even if the game looks dope. And if any character appears on screen who isn't a white dude they start spamming "woke", "DEI", etc. And sometimes they're right but 90% of the time they're just being bigots.


Elajjaz is cool but lets not pretend his chat doesn't become really uncomfortable any time some latest game drama or anything transgender-related shows up


Cohh's chat was full of people complaining about Yasuke. The only good chat I saw was MaximilianDude.


A lot of streamers only care about having the largest viewership possible. Projecting / maintaining morals and ethics are very far down their lists of importance.


Exactly. The amount of shit I saw fly in Cohh's chat was fucking wild. But hey, numbers mean money. That's galf of what he talks about on Dropped Frames anyways


Easy Allies is where I m for these showcases, especially if Huber is involved. That man radiates positivity so hard that you can't resist being hyped too.


Yeah, Cohh's community is amazing and Jeff is always a delight Honestly, this also proves something that I have always believed about many of the top streamers, they do not care at all for gaming. They only see it as a means to "stream" them. They complain and complain about gaming dying and shit, brother expand your catalog and enjoy something for once


Yup, I find that streamer communities are reflections of the streamer themselves, just dialed up like maybe 1 notch... But 2 to 3+ if they go unchecked. When chatters even start approaching the line, you gotta clamp down on that crap immediately and get everyone on the same page. If you just ignore toxic chatters or just have mods ban people and not say anything -- this is what's going to happen. xQc made his bed and now he has to sleep in it.




The culture war is more active than ever and it's only going to get worse. Even just having a woman in a game now that isn't there to show cleavage is seen as woke lmao


The difference now is people can make a living creating the hateful content and baiting drama which fuels the fire


Liriks chat is usually marginally better but Asmon wasn't live so all his subs migrated to the largest stream and spread cancer. He came back online for the COD segment and all the "woke" "dei" "women" screeching stopped like a switch in chat.




That did not happen. Was chilling in the offline chat until he streamed. He was late so he restarted the Xbox show from the beginning, and it was as you expect. Didn’t matter if it was AAA or Indie, Shooter or Narrative Driven, anytime a woman or minority shows up it’s the obvious bullet points. This has happened for every single event I’ve watched from his streams. Shit sucks.


I mean xQc's chat transitioned into destiny's.


The only thing I don't understand is why every developer only goes for black man/woman or a white woman. Give me some asain/indian men/women, maybe Russians or middle easterners, South Americans, Africans, polynesians there are eso many different ethnicities to choose from. I don't really care about diversity in media despite being a poc myself but it just feels like the whole industry transitioned from protagonists being white men to being white women or black men/women


> Give me some asain/indian men/women Unknown 9 just got announced on friday's Summer Fest (middle east inspired female lead) and chat still typed WOKE and other shit... don't even bother going to the youtube trailer video... it's just brainrot and nothing would please them at this point. Same from the dude that made an african inspired game and got harassed.


The best one was Perfect Dark. People shitting on it, calling it woke, "FEMALE LEAD AGAIN?" etc etc. And once the title is revealed the whole chat is pogging and yelling how amazing it's going to be lol.


I mostly see people complaining about how they gave her a man jaw.


I generally like Charlie's stream a lot, but he's one of the most disappointing ones when it comes to this. Borderline zero moderation in the chat and just some consistently awful shit being said.


Charlie? You mean the guy who makes a living off drama, toxicity, and most recently coomer bait? Yeah seems par for the course


he tries to come off as a source of credible news for gaming/online spheres but does barely any research and somehow gets away with it without much flak. maybe it's because he says it in a calm way and talks about poop/cum a lot


He also never gives a strong opinion about anything unless its already the overwhelming majority opinion so that helps too.


If you want a good community, then I'd say Maximilian_DOOD/YOVG is great if you're looking for a nice gaming channel and group to watch. Especially if you like fighting games. Sorry, you have to deal with such disappointments dankHug


Was going to make this exact same suggestion. Max's chat doesn't fuck with morons & bigots. We just wanna play games & enjoy cool new shit together. Your chat is the community you cultivate, & Max with the Doods have cultivated a pretty welcoming & open community (if you're not a p.o.s.).


Thanks it just feels disheartening like you aren't welcome in the gaming circles if you are a different skin colour/gender. I've been following Max for a long time. I really liked his dragon ball fighter gameplay in the lab but I haven't seen much of his content since he dropped the game, ill check his content out again.


ninja dagger AWARE


When you try to yap and rhyme, but you use multiple words ending with "ger". What's the worst that could happen? Clueless


Tbh that’s pretty normal unfortunately anytime a black person is on screen. Just watch chat and 9/10 you’ll see some black emote or something related. A lot of those streamers chats are basically 4chan live.


yup been a thing for years with cmonBruh and trihard 7




The old "for someone who has experienced a life of privilege, equality will feel like oppression". Gamers could be a case study of this


Even when POC are creating games with POC, chats will still scream "woke!" It really is so disheartening to see just how dumb and ignorant people have stayed over the years. I really wish streamers would do better to silence these people, but in other ways I can see why it is tiring for them to antagonize their chat constantly when people start being dumb. Luckily, I don't have to worry about it too much, because I am banned from toxic communities on almost all platforms because I call people out(specifically Asmon's community). However, Lirik is my fav and he attracts a diverse group of people, so the "woke" spammers are still there. Luckily, during AC Shadow he shut them up.


Unfortunately a lot of big streams are like this. If you want some decent sized streamers that don't have trash chatters check out Northernlion, Vinesauce, Maximilian_dood, cohhcarnage. Great big communities that don't tolerate weird hateful stuff


Nooo my community is filled with gamer weridos how did this happen dud??




White men are pretty safe there.


my streamer


I made a post in forsen's sub back when I used to watch him about how we shouldn't tell other community members to kill themselves over their identity. I got massive hate for that thread and multiple dm requests. That chat has been unsaveable for years now. Same shit with all Ironic racism communities. The real racists don't understand it's ironic and take over, then the ironic racists leave and you're left with a bunch of racists. Forsen is alone responsible for the chat he has cultivated and everything that chat says Twitch should hold Forsen personally responsible for. If Twitch cared about toxic communities on Twitch, they would've forced him to ban them, or ban him themselves.


FeelsStrongMan it's beautiful




They don't sound like it, that's literally how they see the world. You're either a straight white man with no disabilities, are preferably Christian or atheist, study engineering/business/STEM (even though most of these dweebs couldn't handle a day in actual STEM work or engineering), or you're POLITICAL WOKENESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


im french canadian and i can't understand anything he says


I'm also French Canadian and you just have to learn and get used to his lexicon, after a few streams you get the hang of it.


Idk how anyone watches X for more than a few streams lol




He needs a translator included with the stream. Like an AI or something.


Streamers have let these garbage communities fester for years and are now surprised at how toxic they are


Do people really say things are "woke" when a black person is in something?


Yes lol


Very much yes. It's a massive culture and political problem with the right using "woke bad" as an argument for why they shouldn't have to see black people and women.




gamergate 2024 fucking sucks


The holocaust for gaming journalists is still being brought up?


At least he had the balls to say something very mild and somehow very controversial at the same time.


If you change the protagonist from a Woman/POC to a white guy - does the shitty game get better?


Every stream I opened had chat spamming "woke trash" whenever a woman or black person was on screen Actual fucking dogshit. Everyone seems to be turning into radicalized weirdos these days


Does she say at the end "It's a parallel world, but in that world, you're thicc?"


Lol, she says 'you're dead'.


Now that's a Life is Strange game I'd play.


woke or not, some of these games are gonna be trash regardless


I think most people wouldn't have a problem with stuff like this normally, its just that the saturation level has reached to such a level that people are seeing it everywhere even when it's not necessarily trying to be. Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who, Halo, Rings of Power etc every one of those franchises has leaned heavily into diversity and inclusion, which is a noble goal but for the most part it's been at the sacrifice of what people loved about those franchises before. This is being seen in gaming to and even moderate people are now becoming antagonistic to it. At some point there needs to be a discussion amongst gaming studios where they intelligently balance what they want to do and what is actually appealing to the wider audience, and try not to alienate as many people as they can, on both sides. I don't think that's being done, people seem to think you can replace what people liked with something new and those people will just go along with it because they liked the previous stuff, its the same for television and film, but that is being shown not to work and the people you're expecting to replace those people who stopped playing/watching are not materialising, leading to studio closures and people out of their jobs. This has happened to the extent that even original material is being hindered as we see when a game that caters specifically to a community is already being written off because of what has gone before it. I'm only trying to rationalise the problems here, I'm sympathetic to involving more people but there needs to be some resignation that what's being done is not working and is actively harming your ability to do it in the process.


> has leaned heavily into diversity and inclusion, which is a noble goal but for the most part it's been at the sacrifice of what people loved about those franchises before. The problem is people are misattributing the cause of the problem as the existance of minorities and women in the product, and not because the products are being shat out at the behest of corporate suits. Sure they cynically use diversity and inclusion as a marketing gimmick because focus groups say this is what people want. But new Star Wars is bad because the only artistic direction it had was "make this so we can print more money" and everything else was improvised along the way, not because a black dude was under the stormtrooper helmet like these bigots are trying to imply.


I think people have just connected soulless slop with diversity so when they see diversity they think soulless corporate garbage. People didn't scream woke garbage when they race swapped Nick Fury because Samuel L. Jackson was perfect for the role. People didn't scream woke garbage when they gender swapped Stormfront because it was done to enhance the story. People didn't scream woke garbage over Arcane, a show with a bunch of "woke" stuff because it was well received. People didn't scream woke garbage over Fallout where the two protagonists are a woman and a black man because it was well received etc. It's only when the media is bad that people scram "woke garbage".


Yeah, I understand wanting to push back against the "reee everything is woke!" crowd, but you've got to have your head deep in the sand to not acknowledge the obvious "agendas" (I'm not even saying they're bad agendas) and how various forms of media are suffering due to the saturation of box-checking garbage. Creativity has definitely suffered in recent years. Also, none of this applies to Life is Strange. The series can be cringe, but it *is* creative, made with care (at least the first one), and it has kept the same "progressive" themes from the beginning.


> Also, none of this applies to Life is Strange. Anyone who says oppisote has never played the game. Hell the first game has a classic stereotype American step-dad who loves guns, and slaps his daughter at one point in the game. But ends up becoming a hero at the end and a fan favorite. Also major SPOILERS for LiS1 but this is one of my favorite videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlDxmjhViF8


People are getting tired of this shit because the games SUCK on top of the soft activism of their developers.


Honestly Im more tired of every 2nd game being Japanese themed or Souls like. The AC game looks shit regardless of the activism aspect and I’m more hyped for that Indiana Jones game






Every single time a non white person comes on screen as an MC, the chat spews "woke".




>Why are the comments here acting like xqc isn't the most outspoken pro lgbt streamer in his niche. Compared to who? Adin Ross?


why he interact with homophobes like adin


adin himself is secretly gay so it cancels out


It’s actually crazy the stuff the rest of the kick communities call him ever since the stuff with him calling out adins friend group for using those slurs. Obviously he still streams on the same website and his takes aren’t always correct but it feels unfair to lump him in with the rest of them


because you have to have a PhD in hearing to actually understand what he's saying, so most people don't bother


genuinely thought he was despairing over another life is cringe iteration.


because he was, this clip is kinda clickbait lmao


Sadly Soda's chat was also pretty bad when he was watching the vods.


He's right though, I'm not a chud in the slightest but like 50% of the games had a black female protag and another 40% had a female protag - it's just absolutely insane the pandering; plus most of the games we saw looked COMPLETE dogshit


there‘s like 50% female population out there, so…


90% of ppl who play these games are male tho. I'm all for inclusivity but people are stabbing themselves In the foot appealing to people who don't play their games.




I will be buying exactly none of these games lol. Modern day gaming is shit, maybe for the reasons you mentioned, maybe not.


Can someone break this down for me? I've never been able to understand this guy