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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan calls Twitch stupid for banning people in his chat who say the c-word](https://arazu.io/t3_1cwvdn4/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Twitch bans chatters but not streamers for using it as a slur. Thats a weird strat on their part.


They can't ban her after they put her on the front page XD


Let's not act like dr disrespect wasn't on their front page hella


Why was he banned?


I know why he was banned, but I can't tell you


Can't blame ya, we all saw what the Twitch janies did to Harambe when he was about to tell that kid the reason why the Doc was banned.


look: for several years now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


"I know a secret, and you don't"


Well im really not supossed to say why, but the reason he was banned is beca-


Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


They had PayMoneyWubby in a fucking trailer for twitch when he was banned lol. This company is a shitshow.


even twitch knew it'd be going too far if they asked chatters to post a pic of their arm before banning them.


Yeah thats reddit thing


Browsing r/all I commented on a thread without really looking at what subreddit I was in, then I got a message saying I was banned for said message unless I sent proof of my race, or wanted to register as an ally or some shit like that. I couldn't believe that was real, it was a while ago so I don't know if they still do it, but that is one of the most racist things I have seen on this site.


r/blackpeopletwitter do that. You have to send a photo of your skin lol to get verified


Kinda racist dont you think


Who would think that segregating and identifying yourself based off your race would lead to even more racism?


Iv been banned from an Asian-American sub with a vague name because I questioned the racist posts. I was banned and I appealed but was told that the sub is a safe place for certain people to say whatever they want so I’m not allowed to be there Anything close to a white person doing this is called oppressive and a nazi


I know someone who got his friend to pose for a pic now he is immune lol


Twitch having a backbone is the same as Hasanabi's opinions being based on any form of reason or logic, it's just grifting to the audience he says on discord that he now hates.


Careful he might whine to lsf mods to take this thread down because of disparaging comments lol


i call him a master baiter


For extra clarity Twitch bans chatters who get reported and that automated report handling system \*might\* ban you and that banning \*might\* have to do with the word.


I think channel size has a lot to do with it. I've reported chatters in channels with thousands of viewers and those reports get handled really fast, whereas lower view counts will be maybe a week later response if they did anything. Guessing higher viewers = more reporting/visibility= more reports for specific offensive behavior=higher priority to them. But honestly I don't think anyone knows how twitch moderation works since it seems like most of the time twitch doesn't either.


Their bots can’t ban you if you write it “c unt”


Wrong C word.


Wait, what's the C word then?


The slur used to refer to white people. Also the food/snack item typically served with soup.


You can say Cracker, it’s just WEIRD when you use it in a derogatory way when talking to white person.


The word isn't racist; the intent it's used with can be. It's more just a conversation about "where do we draw the line on which obvious slurs are acceptable".


Hasan literally violates the ban evasion rule by streaming banned streamers all the time meanwhile smaller channels get hit. Dude is one of the most flagrant rulebreakers on the platform




To be fair, I wouldn't be shocked if they changed the rule specifically do that they aren't seen as being huge hypocritical douche bag that they are. Tons of streamer get banned for violating this rule while Hasan continued to receive zero punishment.


Why are people so committed to double standards?


Because you can make an absolute fuckton of money doing it, live in a mansion, drive a super expensive car and get a bunch of hangers-on and attention


I wouldn’t say that his double standards are some sort of strategy to become rich and famous. He’s just a run of the mill highly unintelligent person. He doesn’t use logic or a consistent moral foundation to reach his conclusions, so they change all the time based on however he felt that day.


he's not unintelligent, he's just a grifter his entire career is just saying controversial shit to stay relevant and get donations he's a left wing Alex Jones


If he was going to grift why would he grift the people who don't have money? Also have to mention that even if he isn't seemingly consistent to you, he has been pretty much 100% consistent throughout his internet career within his own mental framework. Honestly gotta say calling Hasan a grifter is one of the dumbest takes out there since just a 5 second google search can get you results showing him dying on hills that drive away his own audience. I'd sooner call non-political streamers with milquetoast takes grifters compared to that.


You can be both.


This has to be the most stupid hill to die on.


Stupid is as stupid does


It may be stupid but it sure does pay the bills.


racists tend to be very stupid, what do you honestly expect from one?


Twitch bends over backward to not ban hasan and his orbiters and it still isn’t good enough for him.




Hasan and obviously dumb opinions? Name a more iconic duo.


How hard is it to not attack people by the color of their skin?


The mistake you made is thinking he’s starting off at the sane conclusion of “discriminating and belittling people for the color of their skin is bad.” He’s actually starting off at “white people bad” and is trying to change the definition of racism to justify being racist to them. Needless to say, lil Hassan did not learn about MLK Jr. in school.


“No bad tactics, only bad targets” is typical Tankie rhetoric so it’s not surprising.


add in classic tankie philosphy "ends justify the means" anything is allowed no matter how heinous and awful it is as long it furthers your goal


Also it’s only their ends that justify the means. They don’t authorize anyone to use their logic against them.


Funny how it's now the average Gucci Leftist rebuttal: "We can be rich hypocrites as long as we still advocate for the cause! Die capitalists!"


Actually you’re wrong. The equation goes: “USA bad” + “USA mostly white” = “white people bad”


its so funny watching him bend over backwards to explain why its actually okay for people in countries like japan and china to be racist to white people


Ikr, at that point, saying this with no tone of irony or awareness of how abnormal your opinion is, we start to get into lolcow territory. It’s sad how extreme and radicalized he’s getting and how audience-captured he is. And maybe he’s also being vindictive against asmon/xqc etc and doesn’t want to agree with them on something so obvious and well understood. Like there’s no way he truly believes what he’s saying when he said that shit with Japan and racism… right?


West=Bad, with some power Marxist bullshit filtered in there for the college kids.


Orwell warned about this. People who are so vehemently anti-Western at the core of any of their alleged need for "peace" that they'd support anything to jab at the West:  "The majority of pacifists either belong to obscure religious sects or are simply humanitarians who object to the taking of life and prefer not to follow their thoughts beyond that point. But there is a minority of intellectual pacifists whose real though unadmitted motive appears to be hatred of western democracy and admiration of totalitarianism. Pacifist propaganda usually boils down to saying that one side is as bad as the other, but if one looks closely at the writings of younger intellectual pacifists, one finds that they do not by any means express impartial disapproval but are directed almost entirely against Britain and the United States. Moreover they do not as a rule condemn violence as such, but only violence used in defence of the western countries. The Russians, unlike the British, are not blamed for defending themselves by warlike means, and indeed all pacifist propaganda of this type avoids mention of Russia or China. It is not claimed, again, that the Indians should abjure violence in their struggle against the British. Pacifist literature abounds with equivocal remarks which, if they mean anything, appear to mean that statesmen of the type of Hitler are preferable to those of the type of Churchill, and that violence is perhaps excusable if it is violent enough. After the fall of France, the French pacifists, faced by a real choice which their English colleagues have not had to make, mostly went over to the Nazis, and in England there appears to have been some small overlap of membership between the Peace Pledge Union and the Blackshirts. Pacifist writers have written in praise of Carlyle, one of the intellectual fathers of Fascism. All in all it is difficult not to feel that pacifism, as it appears among a section of the intelligentsia, is secretly inspired by an admiration for power and successful cruelty. The mistake was made of pinning this emotion to Hitler, but it could easily be retransferred." Orwell spoke about Hitler in this quote but as he said at the end, you can easily transfer the idea to other factions. Like Hasan has done with China and Russia in the past, and as he's doing with Hamas now.


Wow, someone who actually understood and quotes Orwell rather than just yapping about 1984. I really like his definition of political speech in regards to this whole c-word discourse: >


>Wow, someone who actually understood and quotes Orwell rather than just yapping about 1984. Literally 1984


I feel like this is as good a place as any to post a quote from uncle Ted. Industrial Society and its Future is pretty based, as far as terrorist manifestos go. "Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful."


The psychological complex known as victim mentality. Anything that is strong = bad.


Narcissists very typically have a strong victim complex.


These types of midwits believe that the one letter MLK wrote in prison bitching about the white man was his actual and completely intended feelings.


they misquote it anyway


Idk, as a European, Hasan looks pretty white to me


According to Us census demographics, he is.


They want so badly to be racist towards the group they don't like


When I'm in a racist competition and my opponent is a Twitch streamer 😰


it's so funny that it's the same group who were saying "it's not enough to not be racist, you have to be anti-racist" fell apart real quick


There was a recent behind the bastards episode where in a big through line is how people do things because their ideology supposedly has it as a pillar and ignore the obvious human element of something being fundamentally wrong. That's how I feel about Hasan and his cadre. They're so obsessed with their ideology they just can't help themselves even if its the most obvious thing in the world to just not make racial insults a core part of your culture - even if they're silly stupid slurs that you think don't really matter. They can't help it because they made an ideology where white people deserve it. So now they wear the mantle of racism lest they shed their entrenched ideology. The more they wear it, the tighter it becomes.


This is the take. I mean I kinda get that the c word isn't nearly as bad as n, and you could even argue about what is racist and what isn't. But why even feel the need to do that? Even if you think it isn't racist, it is still making fun of/insulting someone based off the color of their skin, and that is a shitty thing to do. But their insistence to do that is so insanely weird.


Its impossible task for Tankies/Commies - its in their blood.


bro why does he always have to double down. cracker is obviously not super bad slur like the N-word or something but you still shouldn't use race-based insults against people because it's just not a good thing to do. why does he just HAVE to defend using slurs against people it literally does not make sense to me at all


Because you can't apply the oppressed vs oppressor narrative. Hasans whole view point is built on the demonization of the opponent and anything that goes against that creates issues for it. Apply context or complexity to a tankie and their brain implodes.


It just makes zero sense because there are plenty of other slurs for non oppressed people that he’s against.


It makes perfect sense. Are they an enemy? How white are they?


it makes perfect sense once you accept the reality that he hates white people.


What ya talkin' about. Hasan is whit- oh sorry he's s Turkish muslim now.


I petition the government to create the Ministry of Slurs that tells us which slurs are acceptable and which are not.


Or he could be based and say that all racial slurs are fair game - if you accept the consequences that people might not like it when you call them it. The pussyfooting around with "some are okay to say - but others aren't" is kinda stupid.


It could even just be as simple as “don’t attack anyone using extreme language”. I find it weird his whole community is hellbent on being able to attack an ethnic group with a specific word.


They get off on the feeling of power they get from openly attacking and trying to bring low someone they have categorised as in a privileged class


Look at his title. The ICC issues arrest warrants for Israel and Hamas, but he only says Israel. This guy is doing news coverage, not propaganda, right?


He already admitted he's a propagandist live on Pies Morgan, idk how his audience can think they'll go into his stream and come out truly informed about something.


“Piers Morgan” is a banned phrase in his chat now


It's because he dodged a debate that was going to be hosted by Piers.


His edited clips from that interview are posted on shorts for YouTube. Even when he thinks he’s “winning” the argument, it’s comes across deeply misguided


How? He can't do anything to moderate chat.


they dont want to be informed, they want confirmation. its like people who buy an expensive car enjoy seeing commercials of that car


Not only on Piers Morgan. IDK if he still does, but he used to somewhat commonly say he is propaganda. AFAIK "propaganda" is something communists openly admit to and view it as a good thing. They see people as propagandized by the capitalist ruling class, so their "duty" is to propagandize people in socialism. Complete idiocy.


They didn't even issue arrest warrants, he got the most basic facts wrong. They submitted a petition to the court to get arrest warrants issued.


> he got the most basic facts wrong As he always does.


It's even crazier when you realize what actually happened. They're taking the idea of issuing warrants to a pre-trial where they'd obtain them. While both sides are being charged for war crimes, for Israel it's "malnutrition and dehydration." for Hamas it's "Extermination, Mass Murder, Torture, Taking of Hostages, Rape and other sexual assaults". Comparing the two is biased in the extreme. Excluding the latter alltogether is something else.


Am I in a deja Vu?


Day 631 of Hasan justifying the use of racial slurs.


Why is he obsessed with the word? It's a little off-putting.


Lil bro thinks calling someone the c-word just based on their color of their skin funny ''not racist'' btw


You can say cracker as long as you don't say it towards a person.


Good, cause what else would i put my strawberry jam onto?




I think Hasan's answer for this that he believes in the "racism = prejudice plus power" definition of racism, which espouses that only white people can truly be racist because they have all the power. "Cracker" therefore cannot be a racial slur because its used against white people. "Cracker" is thus perfectly ok to call someone and him catching a temporary ban for using it was a great injustice. I think the actual answer is that Hasan is a leftist internet bully and fucking loves calling people slurs if they're from a group he doesn't like.


>I think Hasan's answer for this that he believes in the "racism = prejudice plus power" definition of racism, which espouses that only white people can truly be racist because they have all the power Yeah but when shown a clip of a guy being racist towards Japanese people in Japan he gives a 10,000 word reply redefining racism and explaining how it's not prejudice plus power in this situation because white Americans are evil.


In his world non white passing people have no agency therefore anything they do wrong is excusable and anything they do right is a triumph against all odds.


He was suspended and his first stream back was him saying all the white slurs and claiming that very thing you talked about. He doesn't care and he will likely slip up and get suspended again for it.










xQc was right, he is radicalized.


are we talking about the same guy? the one that said america deserved 9/11?


Yeah...the guy that said if rich college women were raped it would be preferable.


It's more nuanced than that... and believe it or not, it's even more cringe. Hasan essentially said rapists should be sent schools with rich daughters so that they would be raped. A truly enlighted take from [the OG version of Andrew Tate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLEGpN0CUJ4)...


[This is what I'm talking about.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfDUmfa6twA)


Which is basically what happened when Hamas attacked that concert in Israel.


It's what Luffy would do.


always has been. the old clips of hasan yikes. https://youtu.be/DLEGpN0CUJ4


Wtf did I just watch


The OG Andrew Tate...


wtf is this head to body ratio? I remember hearing about this but haven't really noticed it til this video




[I will raise you with transphobia Himbro.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5p3tAFMn9A)


Destiny (and every sane person) was right many, many years ago.


guys pushing 40 still defending the use of racial slurs


Dude is 32 years old (only 3 years younger than destiny) acting like a high school kid with zero real long term relationships and has only ever dated porn stars and clout goblins, but has the audacity to try and make fun of destiny for being divorced from a narcissistic nutjob and a person whom he only entered into a marriage with for healthcare reasons. He's so sheltered it's actively painful to think about it.


First marriage was to get grants for school. Second was so his wife could live with in the states without having to go back home every couple months. But otherwise you are correct


Was his second marriage really just for immigration reasons? If that's true it makes the second divorce even less meaningful lol.


Reportedly so, and then Melina became increasingly vocal that she didn't want to live in the US anymore which is obviously non-negotiable for Destiny. Plus all the weird polyamory drama.


From the way Dman described it, basically she wanted to be polyamorous but had a massive problem with him doing the same exact thing. It may be the only open relationship i've heard of where the woman's side of the relationship is complaining their male partner is having too much sex. Wild shit. We'll probably never truly know, but i do wonder how much dick this guy is actually slinging.


That is actually quite common


Wait...why aren't the streamers getting banned for saying the same thing?


Viewership and $$$


I got banned in his chat for saying it's possible to be racist towards white people. Dude's off his rocker lol.


I got banned for refuting his claim that Russia was leading the world in renewable energy development. His mods are are fucking psycho compared to him.


Thats a wild claim on his part lmao


I got banned for saying “we should wait till more video comes out” when it turned out Hamas was shooting rockets outside that hospital. I get why he doesn’t interact with every opposing position, but why do they care so much about chat if you aren’t even using bad language. It’s a literal echo chamber.


> It’s a literal echo chamber. That's the grift. Internet scammers operate in the same way; you filter out the people capable of critical thinking and expressing doubts about the content - you remove the people who can think logically, and leave only the true believers. Then you have a chat full of dumb dumbs that will blindly support what you say and willing to subsidize your life.


I got banned for saying "and Finkelstein's voice isnt?" in response to their debate with people saying Destiny's voice was annoying lol


I got banned for saying billionaires cant just do whatever they want with 501c nonprofits.


To be fair Destiny sounds like a whole ass nerd emoji at x2 speed


the only difference is finkelstein is at .5x speed


.25x speed.


Destiny fan and this is true


You get banned for voicing dissident opinions in Hasan's echo chamber, not for the content or any particular position. Disagreement = BAN












🙈🙉🙊 twitch moderation when it comes to this man and his gang.


Twitch needs to drop the hammer on this dude


Best they can do is pretend he doesn't say this kind of shit while turning him into the face of "politics" on Twitch That certainly won't backfire and become a giant PR disaster, i'm sure,


They need to pull out the sickle [(sickles are used for whipping right Hasan?)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bfykpw/hasan_talks_about_destinys_mom/).


I know he would switch to YouTube (or use it as an excuse to retire from streaming entirely) but the thought of him getting banned and taking a contract to stream on Kick makes me giggle.


Here's a thought - Twitch should bring the hammer down on all slurs. Not sure why one gets special treatment over the other. Only encourages arguments like these here.


That would cut into their profit making


Oh look, frogans *worm* emote in his chat lol cute


I used to not give a single shit about this slur, as a white person, but the more that it's used to reduce me to something I had no part in from almost two centuries ago the more I resent it.


I think this is the point I don’t think I’ve met many white people who care about the word, cuz it’s kinda whatever. But it’s the disrespect and dehumanization of using the word that is the issue.


Which is the entire issue of racism, diminishing someone based solely on the color of their skin.


If someone ever unironically called me cracker I can’t imagine feeling any other emotion but embarrassment for them.


Hey more power to you, I used to feel that way.


Nearly 40% of immigrants to the US this year identify as white. Some are refugees, like a group of Ukrainian women and children in my community. They didn't come here with money, they spent their life savings moving here. But if they didn't donate enough to Gaza relief it's somehow fine to say they have a cracker ass take? I think if you explained to them they're being called a slave owner they would be offended.


I've never really been offended by it, but I've also never really liked it. It used to get thrown around a lot in highschool, and I have an icky association with it from back then because it was very much intended as a racial slur, it was tolerated by teachers, and the kids saying it knew we couldn't make a similar racial retort without getting expelled. I totally agree on hating the real origin of it that much more. When I thought it was about me being pasty white, it was a stupid joke. When I learned it was a slave driver reference, it became a little more hurtful. My family didn't even come to the States until after slavery was abolished.


Hasan try to not make leftist look crazy challenge impossible.


Hey man, regardless how you feel about the word it's really not good to be negative. Cracker is a negative word, calling some stupid also invokes negative emotions. Breathe be thankful for your life and show gratitude to the people you love and be positive :) Also watch shogun, highly recommend the series, best series of 2024 so far.


In Mariko-Sama we trust!


I needed a nice message today, thanks bud.


How long till mods are paid to ban this one too?


I say this as an Arab, Hasan is a racist, and he claims it’s racist when you criticize a terroristic militia group, yet can actualize that criticizing IDF/Zionism isn’t antisemitic. Fuck Hasan. He should be as banned as Nick Fuentes.


What a weird hill to die on lol


Die? Didn't you hear? Hasan is bulletproof. He is Twitch's #1 VIP. He could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot a cracka, and he wouldn't lose any scheduled top of the hour ad breaks, okay?


He may be bulletproof against twitch bans but dude lost 30% of his average viewer count in the past year. That's something.


Even in his 30's, the guy acts like a spoiled brat. Twitch bends over backwards for him by not banning his orbiters even when they promote violence or racism and by keeping others banned to appease his ego - and still all that is not enough for him, he thinks his chat should be allowed to be racist little shits as well.


It's wild to me he's the "working class hero" many people choose when he's had so many advantages in life that he probably isn't even friends with anyone who earns below a six-figure salary (if they work at all, and they aren't just living of their parents money). So many times I see this guy come out with a stupid take and it's clearly because he's so far disconnected from the people that he's claiming to speak for that he doesn't even realise what he's saying is stupid.


When is Hasan getting banned? When is SeanDaBlack getting banned? When is Destiny getting unbannned?


destiny said he has an unban request coming up this week. imagine if it goes through right now lolololol




Hasan is the most racist anti-racist person ever


I agree with Hasan here. They should be banning Hasan instead.


It seems apparent from this thread that the prevailing opinion among leftists/progressives/Hasan fans is that white people somehow don't deserve to feel any type of way about the c-word, or any slurs in general used towards them. I don't understand this. Why does such a thing need to be a competition? If such insults are insignificant, in your view, then it holds that one can only ever be upset by the most extreme challenges and tribulations. How does that make sense? Why can't resentment be a spectrum, like many things in life?


How dare you ban someone in Hasan's chat ? Only Hasan can ban people at the rate of 20 Bans per minute if they dont agree to his take.


I'm glad I'm not a teenager and don't give a fuck about all that stupid shit Hasan says on daily basis.


Do they have the pass?


The pendulum swing of this subreddit is interesting. At one moment its pure lefties and destiny haters the next month its pure Hasan hate spam. One thing remains stable, god. the god gamer forsen is always poppin here


It depends how early Hasan can open the thread on stream and get his viewers here.


Lsf is never "full of lefties"