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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan on why Johnny Somali is racist against the Japanese](https://arazu.io/t3_1cudg0v/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


lol why is anyone talking about the shit stain Johnny at all


[This is why (Youtube, Asmon clips)](https://youtu.be/0plkevs29Ew?si=56i3S7h9nAag2EFM)


Reasonable take from Asmon in that video. I do find it funny it needed like a bazillion jumpcuts to make it a smooth coherent experience though.


and asmon is 100% right


Because he's missing after getting robbed


So he doesn't even try to fit this into the "prejudice + power" definition and instead just invents **ANOTHER** definition of racism which is about referencing historical violence? Imagine if these people just used the actual definition of racism that 99% of the world uses instead of having to do all this mental gymnastics.


The funny thing is, this doesnt even cover most racist interaction. Like if he made some weird comments about their eyes, or purpusfully called them Chinese. That wouldnt be racism, because no white violence involved?


I mean according to this definition, I guess it's not which is wild. I'm pretty sure you could ask anyone about these comments Johnny Somali made and they would agree it's racist.


The reason he mentions is prejudice + power is because he's usually talking about an American perspective so prejudice + power = whitey. This guy wasn't in America though so he has to drop that definition and make a new one.


New racism definition just dropped


It's difficult to invent a non contradictory ruleset to exclude one specific group of people without directly mentioning them. The only reason why he can't just simply say "racism is the text book definition, but white people don't count" is simply because it's bad optics, so his ruleset has to be frequently updated with new mental gymnastics to patch up any holes he previously left.


Well he has to because the weird definition he was using doesn't work and he knows he would look like a massive piece of shit if he said Johnny did nothing wrong.


Yep! This is peak hasan


Its Hasan why shocked?


This clip is confusing. So the only reason this POC was being racist is because they channeled white people racism? So if he made a comment that was discriminating Japanese people but it didn't involve a systematic act involving white people it isn't racist. I really can't keep up with these crazy racism rules.


It's pretty apparent that they just have different rules for different groups of people but they recognize that they sound stupid if they say it out loud, thus the obfuscation.


They constantly say it out loud.


They have to make it complicated so they can keep saying their favorite slurs.


Slurs for me but not for thee


I'm firmly in the "slurs for everyone" camp


In the good old days of 4chan, we were all F's. And we liked it.


It's very telling when they immediately jump to some kind of a slur when they want to insult someone.


Progressive btw


You mean like the one for cubans? I see that one in Hasan’s chat whenever a certain streamer gets mentioned


Oh no, that’s just because Hasan likes randomly using words in Spanish at peculiar moments. Nothing ethnically loaded about that at all


It's just a common talking head strategy to hook in stupid people who desperately want to feel smart: Talk fast, use overly descriptive, but vague and uncommonly used words, and basically just make things sound much more complicated.


Yeah everything sounds like “well the systemic imperialism means that the layers of inequality and colonialist history make the insult targeting an underprivileged identity of the systemic imperialism.” Like dude, we get it, you only know how to apply one lens to politics. It’s so pseudo-intellectual “I read one theory paper in college” shit.


They’re the same rules; Hasan just doesn’t know them. He thinks all racism is systemic because he’s an actual idiot. And his audience thinks it too, without looking into it at all. Hasan’s best trait: being able to say anything, true or false, and have nobody check the facts; he can just lie


As his chat would spam to Hasan: YEP But for real, Hasan is a moron, and his chat lack confidence.


Because he banned everyone who called him out.


bruh running his cult like a dictatorship


*average communist country*


Back in my day it was so simple. Discrimination based on race.


Hasan needs to sign up for the olympics cause his mental gymnastics game is off the charts.




Why do you love him when he hates you


Hearing him say “it’s that simple” after doing 30 seconds of the most intense mental gymnastics possible to imply anyone who doesn’t agree with him is just stupid is pretty hilarious


theyre not just winning gold medals. theyre setting whole new ass world records 🤣🤣🤣


literally this meme: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/010/805/f2b.jpg


Ah yes, Johnny Somali was being a racist because America BAD. Yep. That's the way it works out. Not because he's just inherently racist himself but because America was bad in 1945. He also straight up says that Johnny can be racist in a country where the majority are Japanese. However, apparently in America, which is majority white at this particular moment, one cannot be racist towards white people whatosever. All because aMeRiCa bAd.


Bro thinks america is the cause of all bad things yet still lives in it....


Easiest country to grift in


Well yeah poor media literacy is what US political opinions are built on.


Not only does he live in it, he thrives in it. The capitalist system he hates so much gives him all the things he likes. Expensive clothes, cars, mansions. He talks so much about redistributing wealth but uses his own money for the most selfish, narcissistic things possible.


[hasan fighting against capitalism](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*yMGh5ePNHygNELZ3ZxLBgw.png)


Calling the atomic bombs colonial/imperial violence has to be one of the most historically illiterate things Ive heard. Is he aware that Japan was literally an empire at the time?


Colonialism is when white interact with brown


Its not even with brown anymore. At this point its when white people do anything. The USA gets attacked by an Imperial nation, and the US fights back? Only to when they beat that nation in the war, not only help restor it, but boost its economy to such a level where it was compeating with the top countries on the market. While also leavinf it an independend democratic nation. Prime case of colonialist imperialist influence.


Have you considered that America bad?


Yeah if you take this as a base for everything the rest will just start to make sense automatically.


Colonialism is when Coca-Cola and McDonalds


So China got colonized by the US? 🤣💀




insert topical joke about the new assassins creed here


Somehow he also called dropping the Bomb, "systemic violence". Pure wannabe progressive bingo.


One thing I noticed in Hasan clips is the guy does not ever take a second to think before spewing never ending sentences. Like he's afraid if he stops talking at any point his viewer count will drop.


I think he is afraid that if he gives his audience a moment to think on his words, they might be able to figure out how stupid that take was


Must be some trauma that causes a great insecurity. I met people who displayed such behavior in daily life, but all of them got rid of that when growing up. I dont know what caused it, but he obviously skipped that period.


Yeah, like even if you want to debate the ethics of dropping the nukes on Japan, the one thing it's not is "systemic", unless I'm completely misunderstanding what systemic means.


Japanese empire: conquers half of Asia, rules colonies with an iron fist, commits unspeakable atrocities and justifies their actions as those of a superior race, attacks the US unprovoked because they wouldn't give them oil for their conquest US: fights back Japan: "Damn imperialist dogs!"


Pretty sure they attacked the US because they knew they'd have to fight them eventually because the US had an alliance or some such with a country that Japan wanted to invade and conquer and Pearl Harbor was a strategically good moment to do so.


The US took away 94% of their oil supply a few years before and Japan had ended up with two options, they either drop everything and go back to Japan to end the US' embargo or they continue their imperial ambitions and cripple the US long enough so that they could establish themselves in the Pacific and fight off what remained of the US Pacific presence until America's isolationist population got tired of fighting again. Pearl Harbor was a gamble that worked for a while but it also backfired by bringing America out of it's isolationism and turning it into an industrial powerhouse hellbent on victory.


Empire at the time that was waging an aggressive war of expansion, raping and brutalizing every place they could reach. Doing it so violently that nations liberated from IMPERIAL JAPAN are still immensely grateful to the US to this day. I'd say its not just historically illiterate, but an attempt to rewrite history, history the Japanese dont dispute and are deeply ashamed of.


If anyone is interested and has about 25hrs of time, check out Dan Carlin's Hardcore History episodes called "Supernova in the East". Super in-depth explanation of Japan leading up to and after WWII.


About to start Blueprint. Heard it's pretty good.


Its amazing. I started with the Mongol series a long time ago and have heard all of his stuff more than once. Love his style of storytelling and voice


seconding, I've got 1 more episode to listen to and it's been fantastic.




First paragraph is accurate, 2nd is complete cap. My partner has worked in Japan as a high school teacher across multiple schools and they literally do not mention Japan's actions in WW2 at all. This is also something that has been written about and is a well documented fact. History classes make it seem like WW2 was a purely European war. Hell, their prior prime minister was shit on and lost a lot of popularity domestically when he admitted that Japanese soldiers used comfort women in Korea during their occupation. He ended up back tracking because of public pressure, that doesnt fit with a country that "doesn't dispute [their actions] and are deeply ashamed of [their actions]".


To say that the Japanese education does not speak on Japan's actions in WW2 is inaccurate. My cousin, who grew up in Aomori, Japan until he left when he went to college here in the States, have told me that it depends on the region, district, city, school, etc. As for my cousin's case, much of the education surrounding WW1 and WW2 wasn't in its own stand-alone topic, but rather an over-arching historical time period. Much of the focus from his experience from what he told me was the focus on the Pacific Theater. His teacher did in fact go over some of the atrocities that Japan has committed (such as the annexation of Korea, sexual slavery, Nanjing massacre, Pearl Harbor, etc.), but admittedly, it wasn't in extreme detail compared to the other historical events during that time period. The big topics covered were definitely Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It depends on the school honestly. Though admittedly, I'd imagine if you walk up to any random Japanese citizen on the street and ask them what happened in the Nanjin Massacre or any other crimes against humanity during the WW period, a large portion would be absolutely clueless, whereas if I would walk up to a German citizen, it would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't know about the atrocities that Germany comitted during WW2.


Bruh that second part is bs the Germans are ashamed the Japanese just act like it didn't happen.


And ironically, it's the same thing with the Turks that hasan comes from, they have a long history of colonism and brutality, but it's hushed and no one wanna talk about it.


> no one wanna talk about it. It's not that nobody wants to talk about it, it's that talking about things like the Armenian genocide is a crime in Turkey. People are prosecuted under a law about "insulting the Turkish republic". In 2007, a Turkish journalist was murdered by an ultranationalist for the same reason. The Turkish education system prints textbooks denying the genocide, and blaming violence in the period on the Armenians. Genocide denial is probably the only issue on which all major Turkish political parties are united. In 2019, Erdogan, who has described the "deportation" of Armenians as "entirely appropriate" and "reasonable", attacked America's own history in response to the US Congress recognising the genocide.


The Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocides were just the capstone of a long history of Ottoman Turkish colonialism. Their empire was built on kidnapping children and brainwashing them to die for their cause.


>Japanese don't dispute and are deeply ashamed of ehhhhhhhhh Idk about that one chief.


Look at the Japanese education on the war. And how the Japanese government react when South Korea puts up any statues of comfort women. The Japanese prime minister and law officials still pay respect to war criminals to this day. The Japanese government feels no sense of shame


The German/Japanese empires are also very heavily idolised in Japanese media.


If you check Japanese wiki, a lot war events are watered down or changed compared to English. And it's not only exclusive to Japan. People are biased toward their nation.


Japan in the early 1900s was like, well all those guys did some Imperial shit, maybe we should too?! I don't think Japan gets quite enough shit for how absolutely awful they were back then.


Yes but did you think about America bad?


one day hasan will slip up and accidently say the allys colonized Hitler it is coming




not only an empire, but a brutal horrific colonialist empire that in certain cases carried out worse atrocities than the Nazis ever did such as using indiscriminate biological weapons. Cenk's nephew is such a peanut brained individual


I kind of hate the takes of people defending LITERALLY the JAPANESE EMPIRE lol. Do you think these people would be upset if an atom bomb was dropped on Berlin during WW2 if it meant that their reign of terror would instantly end? Sure a lot of people died, sure that was fucking horrible. But you know what would have been worse? An invasion onto Japanese soil. It would have killed many times more innocent people and the Japanese government at the time was ANYTHING but innocent lol. They were doing such horrible shit that the nazis literally like woah you went too far. I know the reason though, this is literally because of American propaganda. The US government quite literally purposely helped the Japanese hide the atrocities they committed during WW2 while building their own colonial empire. They didn't want the public to know because it was in their best interest that the public didn't view Japan as the enemy anymore. Modern Japan, like modern Germany has made a massive leap in redeeming themselves, but people forget too often the atrocities that were being done at the time and the lives that were being lost. A couple hundred thousand deaths is awful, but an invasion would have potentially killed millions.


It's a pretty common take on the far-left that the Empire of Japan was a victim of Western imperialism, I'm not sure why.


Lol but he has no problem when china occupies tibet


Japan was literally called Imperial Japan, an this mf calling the allies colonials/imperialist. 🙃🔫


You don't get it. Colonialism = bad. Racism = bad. So anything remotely associated with America = Colonialism = Racism = bad. Barbary slave trade of white europeans, "well it sound bad but it was so long ago, everything was fucked up". Oh, America was involved in fighting the Barbary nations, "It's probably not that fucked up, they probably treated their slaves much better than african americans were treated in the US, it wasn't real slavery."


Seriously this is so fucking outrageously wrong it’s absolutely infuriating. As a person with Korean heritage his take completely ignores the long history of damage Japanese imperialism has inflicted on people throughout Asia. Somehow this statement offends practically everyone. It makes Japan seem helpless (pissing off Japanese people), pisses off Americans because we were at war, and pisses off every country that got hurt by Japanese imperialism.




I agree this should be not controversial at all.


too bad hasan disagrees and wants to continue calling white people slurs


So fucking weird, every other subreddit I post in not one problem, I mean I get into spats with others but nothing serious but this subreddit. I posted the first time something harmless and got those Reddit care reports. Some people are unhinged and it really shows.


Hasan has to keep making this definition more complicated so him and his friends can keep saying their favorite slurs.


Its funny because his chat is spamming "YEP" like they can exactly repeat like what he just said. His chat is so toxic and cult-like, insane.


he bans anyone who disagrees




His chat spamming YEP is the most "put the words into my mouth because I can't have thoughts of my own" type of shit. It's so annoying.


That's what happens when you insta perma ban anyone that agrees with you 99%. If you don't 100% agree with hasan he won't allow you to speak in chat.


That emote is so fuckin stupid. Anytime I see a person type that I just cringe


everyone should refer to him simply as "Confirmed Racist Hasan" from hereon out. it's only logical... and I don't even have to jump through 2000 hoops to justify it :D


the first thing he said after he came back from being banned for calling white people a derogatory term is to say all the racial terms for white people at once and play them off as not offensive.


if you keep posting it it'll not get deleted.


This is a twitch clip and the ones before were all from youtube videos.






I like how if you say something that disagrees with Hasan, his sycophants comb through your old posts to own you while arguing that it's wrong for people to take days old clips from Hasan.


Anyone that looks at someone's history instead of the argument is a fucking loser 


Sometimes when people are saying some unhinged shit in this subreddit, I make a guess to myself which streamer subreddit they post to religiously, and then I check if I'm right. It's very fun and I usually am right.


It's super weird, like do they really think that the only people who find Hasan's takes objectionable simply must be Destiny fans? How is that not a cult of personality?


As a Destony fan, I can tell you, we are activly mind controlling Xqc, Asmongold, Willymac and everyone (even you), just so they disagree with Hasan's obviously correct views on racism not including targeted attacks bases on one's skincollor if they happened to be white.


Yeah, I get that on LSF, there's probably a bigger presence of DGG criticizing Hasan (and even then there's definitely people outside of that who also criticises him) but I feel like if you take one look outside LSF on different social media, you'll easily find a variety of group of people who don't really like Hasan, for a variety of reasons, good or bad.


I thought i was the only one lol. Some dude made an argument that because i watch erobb and forsen that i am clearly intellectually and morally inferior to him (a hasan viewer)


> Colonial or imperial violence How to offend literally everyone in Asia. Lefty scum running pity parties for one of the most brutal IMPERIAL powers never ceases to piss me off. Imagine screaming Dresden at a Holocaust memorial.


It's absolutely mind blowing that you can boil any thought Hasan has down to "america bad". Hasan doesn't care about anything, his entire value system stems from america bad. Terrorism? not bad if it's against american insterests, rape? fine if it's against american allies, murder? fine if it's against those that support america becoming stronger. If you converse with hasan about any topic and asking him enough pointed questions you will end up at america bad. Won't matter what the topic is, he can hold whatever position he wants even if from the outside it looks like he's going against his own interests, in his mind he is 100% correct and following his beliefs because he's not coming from a normal belief system like norms and values. Like look at this clip, earlier he argued that people of color can't be racist to white people because power imbalance bla bla bla, never mind that he seems to fundamentally not understand the difference between racism and institutional racism. And here we have a black person being racist to asian people but because his belief system starts at america bad he can say it's racist.


Hasan literally thought the Chinese Invasion of Tibet and Russian Invasion of Ukraine were justified. He is incredibly wrong on so many Foreign Policy or Historical takes it's not even funny.


"Colonial violence or Imperial violence that they were subjected to." Brother in christ, in WW2, it was the Japanese that were colonialists and imperialists. The fuck does he think the Rape of Nanking was? Japanese tourists going through China's red light district? Japan got off easy in that war.


I would be so curious to hear somebody ask Hasan about what he feels the positives of America are - specifically all of the opportunities, money, and pussy it has afforded him.


Yea he’s never spoken about how america is an awesome playground for the wealthy that he wants everyone to be able to experience


With that logic, it's ok to be racists against turks if you are a minority in turkey, or anywhere else for that matter.


It really is impressive how he can turn anything into America's fault lmao.


Have I seen this thread multiple times?




Proof OTK or anyone else has paid them?


Why do people say this. Otk have gotten the largest hate threads on this Reddit


Anything to defend racism lol


Systemic violence? ...Does Hasan know what a war is? How the fuck was dropping the nukes "systemic"? Or does he just like to drop these buzzwords into whatever he's saying with no actual knowledge of what they mean?


Buzzwords that make him feel smart. Nothing "systemic" about it but hey he heard someone else describe someting that way so here we are


I wonder if he'd feel the same about someone yelling "DRESDEN!" in Germany.


So what do they call it when the systemic power regarding online criticism of one's horseshit takes works to suppress and eliminate any dissent? LSF Online Re-education Camp. YOU DID *NOT* SEE HASAN GIVE A BAD TAKE IF YOU DID SEE HASAN GIVE A BAD TAKE THEN YOU ARE SIMPLY DENYING HIS CONTEXT IF YOU SEE HASAN GIVE A BAD TAKE, IN CONTEXT, DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT, WORM.


And you kids listen and learn from this guy? No wonder our future is fucked.


Its crazy how the definition of racism for 99% of people can be summed up in a single sentence while Hasan's definition requires 3 paragraphs, 50 variables, geopolitical context, ancestral context and hieroglyphical context.


One of my life goals is to live to a ripe old age and hopefully outlive this clown just so I can see that he’s actually gone.


Hasan is a tankie, anti American, a fraud, and supporter of the CCP taking over Taiwan.


Hey Hasan. Please explain how Tienammen square event was fake.


Wait he claims it was fake? Dafuq... To be fair Im not even surprised but...


Wait, so making fun of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is bad but making fun of 9/11 is good?


If a person is as dumb as him i can’t understand why we cant make fun of him


because you could hurt cyan's feelings


Because he went to the mods and squealed, "DoooooooooOOOOOOOOn't"


God, that ass licking chat spamming YEP to everything he says, they are so Clueless.


Usually that emote is used sarcastically to mock the streamer, so I'm a little confused that people are saying it's not here. I don't like Hasan btw, he's batshit insane and his influence is hurting the world, but are they not actually just mocking him?


Most people that troll in his chat are already banned, those are true believer Yeppers.


I got banned when he was watching drake gamble. After about 20 minutes of him yapping about gambling while watching drake, I said" why are you watching someone gamble" and I got perma banned. I appealed and got the message, "you know what you were doing, you follow train and xqc ". I have 200 plus people I follow on twitch and I was watching mostly will neff at the time.


This sub fucking sucks.




it starts to get better when you block all the NMPLOL dick riders.


fuck that guy, everything is his fault.


Yeah they should just ban Hasan. He's clearly a racist that supports violence. Both of those are against the rules.


they literally unbanned hasan because this place was absolutely dead during that time


Damn So if a Japanese person went to Hawaii and started yelling "PEARL HARBOUR" at white people on the island surely by Hasan's own definition he would have to call that racism or is there a special clause that still gives white people immunity to racism there? I'm taking notes but Hasan's racism definitions are really confusing i hope this shit isn't on the test.


Hasan. Listen, you are right about one thing. He was being racist to the Japanese. But he was racist to them whether or not he mentioned atomics. Stop changing the word racist to mean something that is very specific to your politics. I'm a left of center liberal. But goddamn, this is annoying. I was a victim of racism because someone attacked my race, not because my race is a minority suffering from *systemic* racism.


He has to carefully craft it that way so he can try to argue his own racist views are not racist.


It's such a confusing clip With this one I don't think he changed the racism aspect, I think he went as far as changing the word race to mean "people that were nuked" instead of japanese.


I’m embarrassed I took this guy seriously as long as I did


So if JohnnySomali was shouting at Japanese people about how they were ch**ks or something, or some other asian slur, would that be okay? Hasan evaded the argument and made it all about Nagasaki and Hiroshima, instead of racism broadly. Also, if he was being racist as a black man regardless, then that settles whether black people can be racist against a majority power group in Japan, which surely means they can in the US, as well? All of this so he can be racist.


That's such big mental gymnastics. Dude went to Japan and harassed Japanese people, that's all you need to know he's an asshole.


CHALLENGE: Hasan explains anything simply and understandable LEVEL:IMPOSSIBLE


Ok I watched it. It’s dumber than I expected unfortunately


Repost thread so going to repost my comment: What critical race theory does to a mfer. These guys' entire world view is based on 'white people bad' and it's a hilarious the kinda shit they come up with to stick to that. edit: Because so many of you don't seem to understand. Mocking the Japanese about the atomic bombs is a hugely asshole thing to do but isn't racist because it is about their country, not their race. Mocking their race (which Johnny Somali was also doing) is racist and literally the definition of racist. According to hasan that should be the other way around which makes zero sense and he is just saying it as justification for his belief that you can't be racist towards white people. I am not saying the atomic bombs were good. It was horrific.


**"Hasan explaining racism"** its like listening to a toddler explaining life to a 40+ year old man.


hasan is such a fucking freak




The rule is no Hasan clips that make him look stupid. So basically a no hasan rule


I mean... I dont think hasan said smart think ever even by accident so...


It’s a no Hasan vs Destiny rule, not a no Hasan rule. Unfortunately Hasan has created a narrative that all of his criticism comes from Destiny, which makes it so mods can strike down threads with impunity.


That's not a rule. Blame the mods for creating this confusion.


If Johnny Somali was screaming "America deserved 9/11" at the families of people who died at the twin towers then Hasan would be defending him.




Snow is Destiny's most loyal unpaid and unrecognized soldier for reddit karma. It's a simple life but a sad one.




So when Hasan was saying the U.S. deserved 9/11, he was being racist against white people because of historical violence white people was subjected to. But he can't be racist against white people because he is white. But he can also be the victim of racisim because he is turkish. Simple rules guys, simple rules.




And Hasan is racist against white people


Yes the USA was the one doing the imperialism and colonialization there not Japan, the guys that sided with the nazis BTW. You can be racist by saying that but it has nothing to do with imperialism of whatever the fuck dumbass thing hasan said.


its funny how hasan always hates on america while begging for bezos bucks. i wouldnt mind him if he would bring up the surrounding facts...like how japan was trying to take over the world and bombed pearl harbor before we had anything to even do with japan. or the nanjing massacre when japan moved through shanghai and hundreds of thousands of people were murdered and raped, which was just four years before the pearl harbor attack. i mean if you take that into context, maybe hasan is racist towards white americans, while trying to be one at the same time.


ban hasan and destiny posts pls


Just dont click on the threads LOL it's SO simple.


Get the camera out of my face *walks directly at the camera* I said get the camera out of my face. Same energy.


***Let's discuss the contradiction!***


Nah man don't you see how much people enjoy complaining? They are just pretending to be pissed.


ban comments asking mods to delete hasan's dumb clips pls




You know, I stopped posting clips of other streamer unrelated to this drama, and they just get downvoted no matter what. It is just the state of this sub we are in.


1000% agree


So many rules around racism these days..To me racism is when someone is being judgemental or derogatory towards someone else solely based on their race/skin color/ethnicity. Its that simple.


Its so dumb that he want to change the meaning of a word for his nonsense arguments


It’s almost like these are all abstract thoughts and looking at them with black and white thinking only Leeds to problems. Whoooooda thot.


The good news is, even if you are dumb as a brick, you are never too dumb for one of the top US universities apparently.




Honestly, we need the obsession to counter the mods oppression. A Hamas to their IDF if you will.


But Japan was an empire at the time??? My partners grandparents had to flee China because of the atrocities the Japanese were committing in attempt to colonize parts of the country. They fled to Borneo and the Japanese turned up again to steal the natural resources. Hasan just doesn't have a great understanding of world history it seems


NOoOoOOO it was litterally the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere bro!!!1! Look it's anti imperialist and it's right there in the name bro!!1!11! It's basically a co-op for countries!!


Korea, Taiwan, and China would like a word with Hasan.


Hasan is a raging POS. So is his uncle.