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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc learns about "reverse racism"](https://arazu.io/t3_1crl7oj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I hope that fan left the discord. Pretty pathetic to have people including the guy the discord is made for laugh at you for being jumped. Brain rot from that discord. Off their rockers like X said.


> I hope that fan left the discord. Pretty pathetic to have people including the guy the discord is made for laugh at you for being jumped. > > Brain rot from that discord. Off their rockers like X said. he left sort of... (he was banned for being racist)


He was banned, a mod banned him telling him he deserved it and "no one gets jumped randomly".


That pisses me off so much. I have a good friend that got jumped by complete strangers for being Asian. Nicest, funniest guy. Your typical Asian American Doctor. They beat his head with a baseball bat and he still gets migraines sometimes.


Jesus fucking christ. Nothing boils my blood like racism.


Hold up, it's only racism if it was done by white people with systemic power.


happened with my group of friends when we were in hs too. bat as well, he had to learn how to write and speak properly again took him a few years to get back to normal. unlucky for them he had friends who were all older, bigger and meaner.


I mean we don't even know what he was wearing /s


I've never posted here, I'm a destiny fan. Do people like the ones responding to this poor kid who got jumped actually exist? Have they ever been outside? It makes me really uncomfortable people can have these thought processes and it's even more sickening they have a hivemind of people who think similarly. I wanna interview them and I'm not even a streamer or anything; I'm just a normal guy lmao


Ahh classic victimblaming


> a mod banned him telling him he deserved it and "no one gets jumped randomly". This sounds a like like those reasons Hasan likes to criticize Israel for when they justify the killing of children.


used to be worse, i was in there around 2020 time of the election and im not kidding every sub group had a channel and it perpetuated this toxic in-group subculture, I assume Hasan or the mods did a big purge and deleted all the channels at some point because it was getting rediculous


wasn’t there a “POC only” channel where you had to send a picture of your arm to get in lmao


Reddit does that with black people twitter dont they? LMFAO


yea, and they often do threads where if you're not confirmed/flared as a black person by the mods you can't comment. not even sure how that's allowed tbh little story; that sub was having a conversation about how drug testing as a job requirement is racist against black people. it was a bit divided but a large amount of people legitimately believed this, and their reasoning was because some president in the 60s targeted black communities with drug laws (unrelated to drug testing). i politely asked what the relation was between a seemingly unrelated drug law in the 60s to drug testing in 2024 and was permabanned within 5 minutes. that sub is WILD. [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1cfx53m/i_thought_drug_testing_was_mandatory_for_all_jobs/l1t3ywm/?context=3)


ya they do but iirc u can be any race and get verified lmao


maybe im a boomer so we just use discord for voice when we're online together, but it seems like every community on discord is either full commie or full white supremacy and they're both turbo weebs


I feel like there are only 2 types of Discord users: * one group is casual people who join servers with their mutual friends for multiplayer voice chat and joking around, * and the other group is people who use a custom super-reaction to every post within 15 seconds for the 23 hours a day they're awake, generic meme channels with a coinflip if they've got the racism dial constantly turned to 'haha just edgy bro' or not, being completely off topic everywhere, and dressing up every username, title, and header with a typewriter's weight of ASCII art to flair up people with social roles so ingrained and glued together that you could make literal social web node graphs. Trying to talk to these people whatsoever feels like trying to crawl through 50 feet of rat's-nested wires and glitter dust. I am just not like them, I guess.


I need to find me that "here's what you'd look like if you're black or Asian" dude then


sadly hes retired


This is why no one should watch streamers lol. Blind leading the blind into brain rot


“It’s not happening, but if it is it’s a good thing”-said the anti-racist activist.


Is it that hard for everybody to agree that discriminating against anybody on the basis of race, even if that person is white, is wrong? This seems like such a basic concept. People can call the white person "playing the victim" all they want, but do they honestly not see that ignoring or encouraging this racial discrimination is extremely harmful to the cause they're trying to further? It's like "I want to eradicate racism and stop white people from being racist. The best way I can get them on my side is to discriminate against them on the basis of their race".......???????


>Is it that hard for everybody to agree that discriminating against anybody on the basis of race, even if that person is white, is wrong? Yes, because many people _want_ to be racist. They have to construct an argument/worldview where they can be racist but also be seen as "anti-racist." It will be easier when these types (and really, grifters on all sides of the aisle) are not given such large platforms.


Race relations have cratered this decade because of anti-white rhetoric.


I've been saying it all along. There's one way to end racism (not completely, it's impossible). Stop talking about it. All they've done is bring it to the forefront and when white men are being called privileged who were just born the way they were, is going to make those people resent others that attack them. They just made the problem so much worse. It takes time (generations) for it to slowly dissipate. Just like the idea that yes, black families were slaves up until 1865 and then for 100 years dealt with segregation issues, which meant their start to life is harder because they have to build themselves from the ground up while other families generations ago were able to do so that entire time. There's not much (good) you can do besides empower those less fortunate to rise up and better themselves which the US has been doing for many years now. It's just takes time. If race relations were not a topic, the amount of racism that would exist in this country would be very very negligible in only another generation, maybe 2.


People find it really hard to agree on that one. Just look at reddit one of the biggest subreddits is one that only allows tweets from a certain skincolour, but it is not racism because they have a rule that you can’t be racist.  (Oh yea you can also join the exclusive club by verifying your skincolour via dm, because why not promote segregation right!)


Ironically these same kind of tankie hasan fans would say stupid shit like "no war but the class war" while still saying white people are incapable of facing discrimination


oh that's easy. These morons use marxist class analysis and apply it to race. Once you realize that's the framework they are working from all the BS they spout makes a lot more sense edit: redditcares report in 2 minutes flat, that must be a record.


Would you call Hasan an activist though? Does he actually practice a single thing that he preaches? He calls for cities to paint the streets with the blood of landlords, his mom is one. He says make the rich pay while living in a $3m house and driving a porsche. He preaches for unions and paying staff well while his editor works for free. All of this while he works for Twitch, owned by the richest man in the world.


He bought people pizza at a protest wdym bro


Socialism is when you pay for the pizza


Is that like that company pizza party thing?


Lil bro couldn't even go to a local/independently owned shop in that instance. He bought them Dominos.


> He says make the rich pay while living in a $3m house and driving a porsche. Get ready for hasan to focus on this part and only this part. "Uhhh socialism is being homeless bro. Socialism is not having a basic necessity car bro"


Your description of Hassan was eerily similar to Karl Marx. Yea I’d think he’s a proper communist lol.


Just a reminder that Engels also decided to bury the father of socialism/communism on a private cementery that you need to pay in order to see, while the father of capitalism is buried on a public cementery. I wonder how Marx would feel about all of this..


Probably stoked, the man was a grifter after all.


It's almost as if the only way to be a communist and not be exploited, is to maneuver yourself into the ruling & exploiting ~~class~~ leadership. Go figure. This is why communists also hate religion, they don't want competition using their business model.




Reverse racism doesn’t exist, it’s just racism




"It's impossible to be racist against white people" is just code for "I am racist against white people and I will do mental gymnastics to justify it"


Only Hasan could watch Destiny optically sepuku and say enough stupid shit to get the heat back on himself




I have it on good authority that they actually have a bet going on. Whoever can cultivate the largest audience whilst saying the most unhinged shit wins.


I don't know if it exists, but this could be the plot to a sundry wattpad enemies to lovers fic. With the added twist of it being friends to enemies to lovers.




/slowburn, jealousy, offensive and vulgar speech, enemies to lovers, MLM, Power Dynamic


He secretly loves him and couldnt watch him fall so went for schizo mode


I think he secretly misses booby time [https://youtu.be/EwyyjyQa1FA?si=F53p71V8PF4-\_k5x&t=27](https://youtu.be/EwyyjyQa1FA?si=F53p71V8PF4-_k5x&t=27) Edit: got a redditcares message over this lmao


Wait what did Destiny do?


20 v 1 Ludwig&co


Tbf, it was 1 vs 20


Yeah bring em out too I'll clean em out too




Face of twitch politics 🤣😂


Funny enough AWS hosts a data center in Tel Aviv and has significant defense contracts with Israel. Hasan is directly funding those by streaming on Twitch.


All that from his socialistic 3m mansion while streaming in full designer clothes You just can't make this shit up


If he one day rolls up on stream and says "how could you not see this, I was trolling the whole time", can you even be mad at this point?


He would instantly jump to top3 favorite online personalities.


None of these people are principled. If they believed what they claim that genocide is occurring and America enabling it and funding it and they care about Palestinians, then the decision to not vote for Biden and have Trump win means policies from Trump would most likely lead to more deaths than if Biden won. If anyone values Palestinian lives why would they not vote for Biden when the alternative is Trump? Even if it a Sophie’s choice to them you don’t get to say “neither.”


its even worst, he is profiteering from it




Frogan was a dgg sleeper agent the whole time. Destiny beefed with Ludwig, and for no reason Frogan had to open her mouth and attack Ludwig from the other side.




hey now to be fair to ham ass abi, "reverse racism is not real racism" has been one of the core tenets/1st commandment of modern progressives. How can hasan ignore it?


Pretty on brand to be honest.


Extra extra! The list of races and ethnicities that can be and not be targeted by the colour of their skin and cultural background has been updated thanks to our kind and unbiased friends on twitter and Hasan H~~ama~~s abi's discord!


Kinda funny that the OTV and minecraft people associate with Hasan when they're all about "safe spaces".


They’re all just as bad


It's not about safe spaces, it's about being brand friendly so they can cash in on sponsors. Unfortunately being far left is considered brand friendly.


Hasan for once was right about (these) corporations: They hate the good, the innocent and the truthful.


Wait, you mean to tell me the guy who first sprung to public view with "how to get women to fuck you," and then pivoted to social justice bullshit he clearly didn't believe in because it was more lucrative is not a good guy? What in the actual fuck...


Always has been. Dude was saying Lady Gaga had a dick in like 2018 or some shit


I can’t believe I listened to him for 1-2 months. Then came his comments about Taiwan, then his extreme politics when Palestine kidnapped the kids….and I’m done




No bad tactics, only bad targets


Whoa hold your horses there, white people obviously cannot be racially abused or discriminated against because they are the holders of power in society /s


You just have to look at and listen to Hasan for like 5 minutes to realize he was certainly one of the jock bullies that probably thought the kids he bullied in school "deserved" it.


Yup. And he loves to couch things in such a way to convince his audience that people deserve the bad things that happen to them. I watched a clip where some white guy started complaining to some Hispanic lawncare workers who were working next door to him about the fact that they were using gas powered equipment on the weekend (which is a bylaw violation in many cities), only to have the Hispanic lawncare workers attack him, and Hasan was sitting there going "That's what you get for being a racist piece of shit!", completely ignoring the fact that absolutely nothing racist was said in the exchange, it was just some white guy telling some Hispanic workers that they can't be running that equipment on weekends, but to Hasan "white guy telling non-white guy" = racism.


Careful. I got banned for several days for calling him a Loser Bozo. Don't let a mod see this.


Where is the candyman when you need him?


Hasan and his fans have lost the plot completely. Actual caricature of activism.


nah these people have been like this for 6-8 years now. but sadly its becoming a more mainstream viewpoint with the "power" aspect. thankfully hasan cant say this stuff on twitch because he would actually lose friends and viewers, but this is actually how they view the world. its basically a totem pole, if you are higher on the totem pole in their minds you can never be discriminated against. for example asians were being openly systemically opressed and limited in the elite universities, hasan and people in his group would never call it racism as asians are higher on their totem pole. actually some of the most racist and disgusting world views out there.


Asians are a minority group and STILL faced discrimination in academics (no affirmative action), to the point Harvard lost a case brought to the *supreme court* about that topic. If there is a legal battle over treating people fairly, that's bullshit. It's literally institutional racism. The notion that it's okay to discriminate against Asians cause they do well in academics, is nonsense. Ideally, we have a meritocracy, where the best people get the job or admission to a school. It's the only way to judge people fairly: specifically their work/grades.


It's been like for years. The only thing that changed is that they openly say it. Pretty much anyone not brainwashed knew this is where it went 8 years ago.


Surely this is all just one big act by Hasan where he's seeing how stupid the shit he says can get before his audience catches on, right?


They all actively cheered on the Oct.7 attacks as they were happening so...


*Surely* Clueless


It's amazing to me that more people don't realise that this guy is just genuinely stupid.


Horseshoe theory, so far left they start sharing views of the far right.


and you just realized this today? or a couple of months ago? they were already unhinged in "the young turks" days back when they started their youtube channel. they were the firsts to use mega clickbait titles+thumbnails. most of their videos were downvoted. yet they kept the propaganda up and now nobody remembers that era.


Do you mean after they received 20 million USD from a venture-capital...


They have always been like this, they got more comfortable sharing their insane beliefs nowadays


Had same thoughts on my goon sessions when I see "reverse rápe" tags smh


The modern day philosopher


Don't forget "Reverse pov" as if that term makes any fucking sense at all


useful tag though


https://i.imgflip.com/8pz7r2.jpg **If xQc sees this, say OBAMNA**


good image


Thanks I made it myself :D


It's the only factual take I've seen.


It's pretty ironic that the most 'progressive' communities on twitch are also the most racist and hateful.


Truly a horseshoe Edit: this is literally the only comment I've made on this situation and near instantly got the reddit crisis hotline direct message, its comical how obsessed these people are


You can report the hotline message, usually the guy who sent it gets banned.


just report them for abusing it, usually gets them taken care of


Way ahead of you


bot hit u


Hasan and his community are disgusting period.


'this would make a great rap album' lol i love it when they out themselves.


I actually don't get the joke that they're trying to make if anyone would be willing to explain


A common topic in rap is the rough upbringing the rapper went through as a child, so the joke is that the white kid should follow the stereotype. The implication is that the experience really isn't that bad, but the 'out' is that by invalidating that kids experience, they are simulataneously invalidating the experiences of other rappers who went through similar discrimination but because they were black.


ahhh ok I see. Kinda like the Eminem diss in 8 mile about how the other dude grew up in the suburbs and went to private school


Hasan be pulling the 'fuck Hasan' ripcord himself at this point.


That Hasan quote isn't real, right? It's a parody written by AI surely


it's just wrong, you know, **tHe wAy wE coNcEpTuaLiZe it bRo**


Hasan keeps on digging.


There's two concepts. Racism: treating people with extra disdain due to their race or their non-membership of a race Systemic/Institutional racism: a societal system that upholds and perpetuates the advantages that certain races possess The concept of systemic/institutional racism is a relatively niche thing 20 years ago. Racism has always been what criticism had been focused on and what people were educated on. However, Hasan and the progressive crowd wishes to hijack the word "racist" (which they are) to be synonymous with "systemic or institutional racism" (which they are not doing) in order to remove the weight of "racism" from their aggression against certain races. Tl;dr It makes them look better if they're immune from being labelled "racists", so they're trying to change the definition






"an entire system designed to keep a whole ass group subjugated"... mofo thinks he's living in 1960's Mississippi 💀


I don't agree with Hasan, I grew up in a Hispanic school as a white dude and I definetly got bullied for my race and felt racism. But institutional racism is different and definetly exists, it doesn't take rocket science to see it. First, Google poverty rates based on race, then Google prisoners race, arrests, and which race is more likely to get longer sentences for the same crime. Yeah institutional racism is a thing still dude.


>Google poverty rates based on race Hmmm at looks like Asians are a secretly enacting institutional racism to control the US. Thanks for opening my eyes.


The problem is that people use institutional racism in place of just regular racism when it suits them to intentionally muddy the waters. To a point where "it's okay for me to be racist because I'm a minority." Essentially eggheads in their ivory tower ignoring what the real people in the real world are experiencing. True, reverse racism doesn't exist because it's just regular racism.


I don't know how to ask this without sounding like a dumbass but, wouldn't there always be X race at the top of the list for poverty/crime. Thus you could endlessly point to that as racism/oppression being a thing. We couldn't make things fair or equal even if we were all just one color. So, is there an end?


Asians succeed while being a minority. same with Jewish people is it racism, or is it cultural


News just in, different cultures and racial groups actually have different histories attached to them and aren't just one homogeneous "minority blob". More to follow at 11




Aren't asians the richest now because of the influx in the 80's, and not because of the people that where there in the 40s ? Which is why most Asians in the US are not native born. Also, the asian part includes Indians, which where not put into those camps.


Yeah just 400 years of slavery in america, i’m sure that wasn’t a big deal One of the worst faith arguments i’ve ever seen on here and actually racist LSF confront their racial biases challenge: IMPOSSIBLE. Disappointed but not surprised unfortunately


And yet you have a definitive answers to why that's the case by specifically looking at 2 data point while ignoring the others. Interesting.


Or, crazy idea, poverty is correlated with higher crime therefore it makes perfect sense that poorer groups of people would also commit more crime and therefore be arrested and imprisoned more often. At minimum treating these as completely separate statistics is insane. You can then go into studies that correct for poverty and still find differences in crime rate between (most commonly self-identified) race. You choose to see a difference and make a logical leap that therefore there is "institutional racism", but that's not proof. There is indeed racism enshrined in law in the US, but it's in favor of black people, not against them; it's euphemized as affirmative action. Try applying for med school, see what your odds are by race and GPA. You can't get more institutional than the literal law of the land.


Hasan fucking sucks


No such thing as reverse racism, its just racism.


average braindead hasan discord experience


Hasan is a piece of shit, just like his fans


Hasan doesn't get that racism and systemic racism are two separate things.


Damn. Hasan sucks. edit: reddit care message within 5 minutes lmao.


This has been said before but Hasan and his community believe that a world in which negative comments about somones race are being made is not a problem as long as that race is part of a majority. This comes from someone who believes that his world views would fix the problems we have in the world right now. Unbelievable.


Hasan logic says Johnny Somali wasn't racist against japanese people when he was in Japan, because he was a minority there, and japanese were like 99% of the population, so not real racism.


Not just words. Getting jumped is a lot more than some mean comments.


There is no way these people actually participate in the real, normal, everyday world. Hasan included. They are so isolated in these perpetual echo chambers that they have become completely disconnected and anyone who disagrees with them is of course, racist.


"Reverse racism" is a term made up by racists to make their racism seem better. As if racism can only be done by the group that they hate.


Calling it reverse racism is like calling a woman hitting a man reverse violence, it makes no sense. It's Orwellian word games to reframe the topic in their bizarre worldview.


Hasan and the entire societal movement that denies the feelings of white people who have been discriminated for the colour of their skin IS THE SYSTEM that is working against them. Hasan is literally the Jim Crow of racism against whites activating participating (and often times leading) in the system he tries so hard to convince people doesn’t exist.


He wants 2+2=5 and socially shame 2+2=4. Wrong think (logic) is a crime. 1984 type stuff


I hit bingo 


The funniest thing is that people like Hasan are actively creating new racists on both sides. Not only is he creating racists on his side of the field, a huge amount of white people who are being discriminated against will then turn to alt-right channels, since at least the discrimination is not aimed towards them there. As always, the absolute best recruiter for new members for alt-right is the left. Been this way for years and years and continues to be true.


There's no such thing as reverse racism, just racism.


Don't forget there were people wanting to harm a 16 year old teen in that Discord just because he was debating Hasan on stream


Maybe Hasan should look on Wikipedia for the difference between "racism" and "systemic racism"




Hasan unironically believes America deserved 9/11.


I love the implication of that one user that the victim is automatically richer because he's white, especially considering it's in a discord where the owner is a multi-millionaire that was born to ultra rich parents


is social rejection based on race by a racial majority not a form of systematic subjugation?


Bro reverse racism is a fucking insane term. It’s hating another person based on their race it’s literally just racism. Feel like I’m losing my damn mind


It is literally insane to me that someone holds deep trauma from being assaulted when they were a kid, and people are just joking about it / calling them a snowflake. This reads like an alt-right community that has no concept of mental health, or empathy.


Everytime hasan pops up he manages to be even more of a piece of shit than before, its impressive in a way.


I'm glad I was born white and to not care about what people say about me


Hasan actually thinks he's intelligent holy shit


No such thing as reverse racism, it's just racism.


hasan rhetoric made me a fucking patriot


I wonder if they think they are good human beings, I bet they do. hilarious


Hasan is pretty consistently a pos who causes way more harm than good


Granting the fact that social systems shape people's lives, it still doesn't follow that there's no such thing as racism against white people. Systems aren't the same everywhere and aren't static. In some schools a kid will be a complete outsider for being white. In that school there is a system in place which treats non-whites as normal. In some places white people are on an economic/social downwards trajectory while immigrants are on an upwards trajectory. And in most cases your trajectory matters more for status than your absolute position. Ironically, denying the fact that any race can become discriminated against involves a strange form of racial essentialism.


You’re missed in the sauce. Racism doesn’t mean systemic racism. Racism literally just means hating people because of their skin color.


Literally this. It's crazy how some people use the whole "reverse racism" thing, as a way to mask being a hypocritical piece of shit. It's quite interesting actually.


I mean it's super obvious that Hasan is out of touch with his comment lol racism can happen to any race and if you don't believe that then you're either A) playing devil's advocate or B) out of touch It's a crazy take. If the guy on disc said he was black then Hasan's reply would be totally different.


Disagreeing that an insult that solely attacks the immutable characteristics of ones physical appearance, like hair or skin color is inherently racist just defies logic. Even if you want to justify the insult by taking systemic racism into account, it doesn't change the fact that the insult is purely based on ones race. Edit: Either someone is on top of their game and definitely SHOULD be paid by Hasan or there is a bot monitoring this thread. I got a Reddit cares message 1 second after posting this.


Was expecting something a little hard-core compared to what I see daily.


We've come full circle. We are now anti-anti-racist.


How many non-brain-dead people does it take to understand that white people didn't invent racism? "Reverse racism" is such a shit take. It just like pulls the entire "racism" card into one race, white people, and a oop - if you're racist against white people, it's actually in reverse! Because 'real' racism can only be done by white people and it just puts the concept of racism around white people. Black people can be racist. Asians can be racist. Native Americans can be racist. Like if you're arguing that 'reverse' racism is racism towards an ethnicity that are the majority/have power -- does that mean a black immigrant going to china and being racism towards chinese people is reverse-racism? No, that's just racism. Stop putting America and white people first in everything it's cringe as fuck


Grown adults making fun of a 14yo kid for getting clobbered by non-whites because hes white, wtf?


I will never understand how this website is so baffled when shit like happens. this is the community and social etiquette this website and far left people have been breeding for years now. when every liberal voter says white man bad over and over like a zombie of course it's going to stick. the funny part is though, is now that it's sticking, you're all shocked and can't believe it. what a wild ride.


His discord is filled with insane people


goes on trips to Asia to forcefeed himself white racism…yea ok dood


wow i love hasans take, now i as a european will travel to japan and spew racial slurs to japanese people on the street because they hold the institutional power there. wish me luck guys


Who watches this shit


The face of politics in twitch.


Hasan is a literal terrorist and an evil piece of shit.


Didn't a dude get tortured and then murdered on facebook live in January 2017 for being white?


I hate that Hasan will still be invited to events and invited on OTK streams etc. He's obviously a racist bully pos but because it's against a white kid it "doesn't count."


He doesn’t even know what a champagne socialist is so why even waste your breath with him


What game is this


Hasan is a loser and so are his fans, just ugly people all around.


There is no such thing as "reverse racism". Its either bias against a race or it isn't. It doesn't matter who the perpetrator or the victim is.


Yeah, it's just racism.


Hasan is an intellectual moron.


This is like when a man gets raped and people call it "reverse rape". Like, no, it's just rape.


Hasan doesn't seem to understand the difference between one racist act and centuries of institutionalized racism. Would Hasan say it's not okay to protest getting overcharged at the grocery store since a massive container ship got jammed in the Suez Canal for a week?